If. s, - ' ,, , -BfisBBE" "" SS ,BBi sBBassaaaaas ai Who will Get The Doll? To It girl nokMag the largrtt jjn-' ul rwnwiat, HI glvo. ii gtatlifal Doll. He It ha a Wlaxlow. will give roaaiia Hk every ), a rnrrrimtj "MM SSBonnt of Mrrn" "' Vmi mm' " ttV for yourself or gift tketn lu fctrvrr Toys ! BCTOR'S Mr Good Goods ntfMetn Trick. aaaaUrd In putting green Us M kit mulo lu Indue l Ml ifcatUi fur liar l Ml Mess ry to InJuro you la Hjwn) Into the Oun Store aW. FRET, TNK TAXIIiMlMlNr. L G. Greeley HralWg and Tlsatag ltlBg plsnt of all de- Uauillat Knalae. tad VfittltallBa-a mm Mr. Corslre and Skylight WMfet aUfcUTM FAUJt, OHNUOff. MMMMIMMMl.MIH LIME for laic by T. W. STEPHENS ' IMSMSSM WMIMIIMM FOR SALE 1 - "tPKOVKO FA KM of J mile Southwest nni, ran, win mii M l part. Tama. ? tha balanet Is 4t ""I MTMHU. Aaalru t A. EMMlTr ! iMhatOftMR MMIM BICYCLES For in nn.j.1 i at, n "iriw"uw WOW! gfj Sun Store. Tent, and ffiLa fu "" of oportincr Goods THI GUN KTAVK j b "wbi h D7 WMd a Cord awajii I Wood &FAUOHT Who The Toys ! Visit our Toy Department on second floor. All are Invited to see the Toys and Dolls HECTOR'S Successor to Boston Store STENOGRAPHERS' NOTES. rfMlly InlalllalW Onlr I Iht On Wh Wl Tham. "Mr "Integraiitier na lalm III and denlr." mU a wrll liviwn lm.lnr man lh other dy, 'and a I had ilk-. taled bow lniria nt klirr l tilm wfcltli I wanit.1 rlllt'ii al mnv I l-W kit Uolrtk In a lrlicgrnitilf lintl iHllun and ailinl for a man In Iran lal IIn liulr. Jiiittr nf lilf un'tl" lull lufnrninl tin I mi iiMllrr aoar gtwj au rtrft a atriuicratilirr aur t It raniHt trail lln np vt a MllKa-a" "Tata l a roimiioii nuniUlntif ini-n wbo know nutliliia nf trucrjli)r nil ba natrr aluillnl II." mM a alinrt Ma4 rtnr rrcntly. -II U irui. aowfraf, thai mi atriximticr rati ar. cwratalr tranaUIr annllirr'a imlra. Tnl dnr aimir atrntigr. lull II mu.t m rtNwnilirtal !' lrnira'hr l lr no MtHlM a irrfprl arlritfr. In fart. It a nioal Imnrrfrcl, ami llirn- lasiral ruow for linirnriiHnl, Tli'irfm trrr Inlrtllcrnt rr"ii wlm almllra atrnocrapUr afl-r !" r iliruiieh Hi" rudlltirlita i.f ll l-slna In Imprme II fa hla rn war. Int'nla wont len anil rMraclpm bimI r Inner ir alirra Ibtav Ih lia Imtnnl, A a rraillt crr alanograplirr" tmlra nrr ianii rd lx Ul own Inillt IdiulHr. a mj.t.rr 10 annlhrr.Ttnd tlirrrforr. with tbr n. crptloii nf wimU init comnionlr nl. 11 wmiM l ImiMwallilr In trad anollf Va imlea acfuratrlr.-Nw Vork llrr aid. Lift of lh rttd Our. Arrrrdlna I" nn M llarll." Irerlal. B ml ilrrr iiiIkIiI llr for 'JU jrar. nn ar for ! nnd nu . trw for nmr. I lilllrlwil rflillltlra. Nond.l). Knwrlrr. Iiuiiilniljrnr-'M ilivr wmild l illlllrull In DimI. rrnin lwrntr-np lii llilrlj-nM jiMr apiMrrnlly mr l nlx'Ul I lie runei nf llwlr raUlrncr. Inndon Counliy llcntlrinau. THE PRIMEMINISTER. A Paralin tvMltn flMRontlkl r Till Inillth OMclal. Ho IuIIK a tlir anvrrrlgll lillliarlf ir aklnl al tht luifllnu or !' inl.lmt lUprr waa uu olivlmia nrirll' for Blv liif anr uwniliw f M piiiiili'iio- nvrr lh ollnra. Hut from I In1 ai-tvaalim.nf Uo liuuan nf lliiniitrr llir klnK iciikiiI to lak utrt In Uu ilvlllN'rntloua of llu lablntt. II baa tirrii aalit. Imlrrd. Ijr n iwaJtrii alBlraiiiuii llitt. "ll tl,t(l'1' fill cicrpllmi In Uu- H ' ''"W UU Mo anvrrrlgll lu Uu prrai'lit t a tMrftluf or llw lablm-t all" l"'"- TUr eliMimi'. Hkr an iimuy l"'r ,"m, HkHlloN whlrh Imw lirrn liilnMliinil Into lliv llrlllnu itiiiNillutlnii. wna tho ......i. .. .. i.nr..iv iiiiiiii'iiiiil clivuiii' tuner. prg I. mnW ' ,l''1,k """ Kugllab laiignugi'. ii whbvitoiij ..--laaa for a inoimrcli to la' pnariit at I ir iHMltnn of bl coiiiH'llnra wlion lie did not iiiulrralnnd I bo language m wktch Ibelr iWlbonHlona wore wrUtl .u .... ui..... Hid Mit'iirfuil IVII tllUM MfKeaaarllr and liablluallr "l'" J,, tho caliwol II iHauio niuiii .- ... ...i...'i. .l..,i.l.l l rlinatill W HI aboHkt iiroalda ut the mwllnga mnl rtiwrt Ita Ueclaloiia to tbe king. Tbua tho acceaaloii of n foreigner wlw -ould Mt cinTerae In Kgllo "," tkf moat uioweiitoua " p MiMlllUlloii. Tbe act of 'uJ,l had' given Kogland a foreign 0ti; tbt raenco of to"' Hh fava Bnglaud n prime " rrani "MaaMrB t'olltknl and Ulograpn tni," kf Wr mwnctr Wglfolt. will Get Auto? To Hie hoy holding Hie. largcat amount of nuii mi will give a HamlMiiiiK Am. ..me you will lm lrni.l nf ami lone a dig iilr rnjiylng yourM-lf mill iUymati-, t'otipon In la glten with rrry mIp, mi k- huay. Vu rune na kimmI a ilianro a anyone. Toys ! HECTOR'S For Good Good! EYE OF THE CAMERA. Th Lanatr It Lh th Mr It Within Cartaln Limit. Oftrn Itir -jrr of tlir rainrra will do rlplwr ilucninrnli ur wlikti tlie writing Lad I-tii aulaitanlUllr oblllrraU-d lr aer. ur a wrllrr In Van Nnrdrii'e Magailnr. I hair aiicrcaafullr copied with Ihr ranirra the Utlcrtr fd'l ! locraph of a rlaaamate or forty rear prrrloua. Changra lu th plguirnt or the akin. n.ull..rhMi l.r llm . aonar with dlttlnrliir on th arii!llc plalr, and II la MM luai anipia wamioa " "I" priMtrtilng iIIh-bmi tiaa lirru Ihcrebr glrrn. The ramtra lakr plcturra of ub Jorl which raunol ho uiudr to apin-ar on thr Kround Kln and of Ihow which I hr ryp of man ha lu-vrr wfli. The human rye ran iwiielrate apace no fartlwr In an hour than In a alnslc tlialaiil. Vrt the rre of tbe camrra will chip Into the ly for hour, look lug ilrrix-r and aorklng more with each Mi-ond that paaar. Throuch Ihla nlirlhute of the rani rra a Krrot rhart or the heaven I now U'lnir madr. lu thl work dlllnirulah rd aatrtiooturra and iholocrnihpr lliroiiKlhiut tho world are ro-rrntlng. Yet not one In a hundred of the atara alrendr plaluly pktiirnt by them ra errr ami by llw unaided ere of act rnllil. . A Verbal aeetmtr. Hverr calllug ha It technical vocab ulary. nn.1 iIkum who are familiar with II nre often lurprlanl and Irritated at thr itllflrult other wople have In un drnlaudliig It. A writer In the New York World Irll or nn old boraeman In Maliio who had run over n man and wn lielug ailltl for damage. The rourt naked tho ilcffinlnnt If be wa driving rnat, lie auiwerrd. "I w going n wcc." The ronrt then wilJ. "Now. kindly tell tbe gentlemen or the Jury Jual how fait ou wr 0 Inc." Well." aald the defendant. "I reckon I wm golug a clip." "Well, will you tell tho Jury bow fail n clip ur '"Well. Ha going a dllc." -Now, will yon tell tho Jury bow faat adllelar , , "Well, a dlte'a a dlte. Anybody know whnt it illte la." Th Faaelnallon f Corn Cutting. Corn cutting nlwaya ha a faaelna lion ror me. I like to aeo tbe farmer grip the toll atalka with a atout band and. ilerily holdlug Ibeiii. clip Iben with ii iukk airoko of a knife. Around .i... i... ...ii.. whim it I mtbered ha iwlil a Bllmmer sialic and turk tbt ruilH tlgblly under. II la n nay an, for ii I lt may lack Just Ibe Inch that bold the buudle. Tlie fiirmer'a work devlop quick Judgment ni well aa drriueaa of baud, and ao ll I a good acbool, for II makea tho bnilna aud the hand work logetncr. juo wy wu follow wllb a fork abonld be abla to lift tbr bundlo and build a atook Ikat will realat Hie wlud. Wlieii Hie buik era ioiih overy ear Blwuld have beta kept well up from ibe ground and the talk an well ventilated that tbera la uo aroell of mlhlew.-IB. I'. IVwll lu Oiillnf Magailno. "It would bo a good Idea It brataa could bo gone over and renorated sw If that wero oaalbk aama braltn woukf have to be reuovate wKk vacuum cleauor.'' - BaUlwort Aaaart-Jin. LOVEJFOR TITLE1 Tbt Way lh Avtragt Otrman urgtr Ltnitb'tn Hit Namt. The uvrrago (Jermnii tmrgher'a loro of IIIIm I a Bource of never r tilling fun lo llw real of the tJerman iopaln. Hon nnd of ronlliiunl ridicule lo Hie real of Hmi world. Any one raring to are bw far tome (iroplr of llw falber laud will go In till illrrctlon need only 'lime n look at n Imlel rrgliler nt a u miner retort, lit will Bee added lo the liaino of I Ik- guial Ihr tnnt rurloui ronibtutllont of Bitirllatlont drawn (ogrthcr to form a I II If. Ho will, for Inilance. And: A "Trrhnlacbeil l'riilnllfi-urraoxle-lBl'nairrliir" (a In blilrnl provincial flro Inaurance Inaiwi'lori. A "tlrhrlinrn Kiprdleremtrn Kekre Inr lin SlliilalrrlnuiderOirmlllrlirti Ar lirllrn" (meaning a atarlal aort nf arc. rotary at Ibe mlnlalry of public work!. A-lo conllnue In Kngiiaii at will aa poaalhle-'Vaahlor irrldenl of the Hoyal Kanii railway," a "royal rail road aulawcretary." The ladle are not brlfrr. 'Trail Verwlllwrlolirnilrurrcnnlnillriirln" I iiillr uaual nnd inean "Mr. Wlflnwod r!tiMrtni Colloolnr." Thru Ihrro are llw "Mr. Hrcrrlary and Cnhulalor" jud "Mr. Wbtowotl (Jenrral Agent." riie Imt of all. bnwrvrr, I a tllle which a lady rnterrd In the rrglatrr of a hotrl nt which I recently alayrd. II rrtd. "Mr. I'rlaon Warder and Chlb drrn."-l,all Mall llaaeltt. TAMINO A IIRD. Tttthlnf a Ftatbtrtd tt It Trott Vtu It N OHfUiilt. ( No creature I more jralou or wtial. live than a bird. It I eay, buwerrr. to win the brBrt of a.lnvwl any bint, and that without ttarvlng hint or mak ing him thluk lie baa inaatrrrd yom Dimply talk lo blm a good deal. riarr hla rage near yon on yonr drik or work table, and retain hla rbolrrat dainty lo give In him wllb your own flngrra. It blm know that lie ran never hare that particular thing enlra be lake It from yon. and be wjtl toon learn, If yon are patient aud do not dlaconccrt him by tiling your eyr Umn blm. Aflcr thl be will more readily tik.. ll from your III, and then when you let him out nf hi rage, aflrr Ibe Drat eiclteinent I over, be will mine to yon, raprclally If you have a call lo wbkb you have arcuatouird him. and accept tbe dainty from you while free. Aa toon t be become retlly con v lured Hut you will not hurt blm or try to catch blm or Interfere lu nny way with hla liberty he will glvt way lo bl boandlea curtotlty aliout you. lie will pull your balr, pick at yonr eye and give you aa much of bla com pany a you delre.-New York I'ret. A Lttt Otsartunity. The father of tbt late Bcuolt Coo tant Oiuelln. tbe great French actor. wa a baker, and young Coquelln waa brought up lo the trade. At thirteen, a writer lu I Figaro taya, be roanl fealed an IrreaWtlble Inclination toward tbr atage. au Inclination which bl fa ther itradfaatly trore to r?preaa. "Don't devote ao much lime lo Ihote drama." hi father naed lo any. "Vou have learned a good trade, tbe builuru I ruiiulug well, aud you ahall be my ucceor." . number or year arter tmtant bad madt hla way luto general favor bit father, who took prMe lu bl boy'a uccraa. but could never imlte get over the feeling that C'onitant abould have been a baker, wa congratulated Uon bl aon'a rtulneure. "I remember." aakl tbe old man. "that Conatant wb a good baker, lit would nave gone far In Ibe trade." Itwlna Ua th Ltckt. Would It I eaay lo blow up and de stroy a lock canal by tbe inallcloua uat of dynamite or other blgb etploalvt? Tho quettlon baa been delisted much In connection with tho I'anama canal. Too Knglueerlug New rail attention to tbe fact that an nttempt made lu IU0O to wreck tbe Wcllatid canal lu thl way produced urprUlugly small reaulla. After two woeka' examination tbe two men concerned awlcctcd lock 2t. and each lowered a aatcbel con taining dynamite aud a futa to tbt water behind Ibe gale at each end of tbo lock, ttotti cbnrgea were oiploded, but Ibe dynamite failed to carry away tbo galea. Although tbo exptoalvet blew n bolo about a fool lu dlaineltr through each gale und looaeued tbt bluges. Ibe gate remained lu wltlon, holding back tbe water. In tha Regular Kttabllthmtnt. "Yes," Mkl tbe freab youug lleuten ant, "tho army ha fallen on evfl daya." Tbo toiibUtlcalcd captain merely gaied. "Why," tbt F. Y. U went on. "look at tho uaiuea ou this roll-l'rlvute Ku trance. Coriwral ruuUhmrnt, Major Domo, (ienrral llouework. What kind of a"- llut Just then the '8, 0. ahlod a-a-wvll, a ginger alt bottle nt Ibo fleeing oHViidcr.-Mpplncott'e. nBlaliMd. "You aay the defendant pulled the plaintiff balr. Now, bow could the dtfendant, who la an nuuaually abort matt, reuvh tho plalntir hair, tho plaintiff being fully lU fett.talir "Why, you see, your honor, 'tht plaintiff wit butting him nt tht tlstt." .-Cleveliiud 1'luln Dealer, Ivldtntly a ,Ctnntltttuo, "Blfgglns la n couuolaaaur In cigars." "Ht must be, Olberwtat bt wight who au occasional mistake and lira away n good out,"-Washington Mar. A uoldonttt la half tbt batllt-Oart. MADE MATTERS WORSE. Htr Ifftrt It Cerrtel Hr Error About Charltt and Mary Ltmb. C'harle f.alnl( I lie beloted Klla of Hie vMy: wrote Imlh irnKeille and rnmrdle, hut wax out n ucrcful playwright. When hU fnrro "Mr. II." wa proiluerd nt Hie Dniry Ijiu the ater II railed conapkuouily, and the genial author, who wn In Ibe audi ence, lilniawir Joined with companion able ,vlgr In hlaalrig It. It la. Indeed, nn airy trifle, loo alight lu leslure for the profeaalonnl itage, hut It ha proved a charming play for amnlrur. Al n recent performance by n college dramatic oi lety n little dialogue look place between two ladle In the nudlenee which would certainly bale delighted Mtuli hlinnelf could he hare beard It. "'Mr. II., n farce In two acta by Chariot I j mb," read one of them from her program. "Do you know, I had quite forgotten that Lamb ws a dramatic author." "Oh. my dear." eicUltned her neigh bor, wllb a superior ainllc, "of course be wait Surely you mu.t remember that he and hi stater collaborated wltb Hbakespeare." "Collaborated wltb BbakeapeareT eiclalmed tbe Drat speaker, atartled out of ber polllenea. "Illdlculou! What could have put auch an Idea Ob. yon most be thinking of Ibe Tales From Nbakrapeare,' by Charles and Mary Lamb." There was mtrlb In ber voice, and Ibe superior person, flushing, perceived Ibat orerbnsty ''cramming" for tbe oc casion bad led ber Into error. She tried lo retrieve herself. "I did not mean collaborated wllb blm, of course," she explained loftily. "That waa merely a allp of Ibe tongue. I meant translated blm." - Youth's Companion. AN ESKIMO CHURCH. Tbt Sealskin twtatbea Plntlly Want It tht Dta. Tbe mbnlonsry sent lo tbe Mates for a magic lament and tbe necessary slides. Thirteen months later Ibey reached blm. Everything lu Ilafflu Land dates from tbst ever memorable magic lan tern exhibition. From 300 inllee around the expectant Eskimos cstne In behind Ibelr dog teams to participate In tbe woudrrful eveuL Tbe aealikln church wa Oiled to overflowing. Tbt ipecta tors were packed as closely a sardines In a tin. Tbt tcent of iperm oil and blubber and awrat soaked furs min gled In tbe air. Although tbe ther mometer outside registered 40 degree below aero, the perspiration Kured In streams down tbe fsces of tbe enthusi astic audience. And when Ibe strag gling list of arctic explorers who hart touched at Cnsaberlaud Bound hart lone since been forgotten tbe recol lection of Ibat magic lantern show will linger In Ibo tnlnda of Ibe Eskimo froa Mela Incognita toCockbarn Land. But a few nlgbta later a Bad fate befell Ibe sealskin church. It waa eaten up by a park of hungry Eskimo dogs. Three aarage creatures, starred almost to death, made a raid on tbt cdlflce during a blinding tnowatorm. Managing to get on top or lue roor. Ibey soon lore bolea In Ibe seaUklu covering, and. In apltc of tbe exertions of tbe missionary and bis entire con gregation, they actually ran away with tbe greater -torllon of tbe froten nkln. which, at a safe distance, they pro ceeded to dcvour-Kverybody'a Macs tine. Llnatring Suptrttltltn. "W,lll a lucky gentlewoman give an unlucky one a tiny mascot lo bring luekF runs an advertisement In au Englltu paper. Ilert was a poor aoul -for If there 1 a creature on tbe fact or Ibe earth whose fate calls for pity It hi a gentlewoman wbo Is down keeping In ber poverty some of Ibat anperstltlon or fallb, whatever It may be called, which I tbe only thing that keepa mliforune from crushing ibo sufferer. If only she could get the right charm she might Induce fate to look kindly on ber! IVopIo call Ibis a practical age. but evidence of su perstition ronllnuo to appear. A law suit not long ago revealed Ibe fact that an astrologer kepi a motorcar and bad a floe' house, etc.. all of which catat ont or tbe proceed of a aodlaral mag- ,,m' Aa fatmalllltd. Having given bl order twenty mln ntea before and seeing no Indications that his dinner waa ready, tbt man with Iht spars whiskers beckoned to a waiter. "My friend," bo aakl. "perbapa I have made n mistake, la thl a pay aa you enter restaurant!" "No, sir, responded tbt young man In tbt white apron, yawning. 'This bt a dinner cooked while yon wait res taurant." Thereupon be resumed bit dreamy, contempbttlvo attitude, and tht man with tbt sparse wblskera waited some more.-Chlcago Tribune. A Reply tt Oladtttnt. ' "Qladstontvhnd no great scientific knowledge." said an English writer, and at a dinner, when Faraday de scribed an Important, ntw tclenthtc discovery, tht premier ahowed Indiffer ence. " 'After all,' bt aald, hiding a yawn behind hla hand, 'what ust will It tvtr htr " 'Why,! aald Faraday, thert'a tvery probability, air. Ibat soma day you'll bt aWt to tag It.' " A Turn Dtwa. Snagfty-Beg rdon, wUter; r a stranger la dote irts. Farmtr H rtw-Well. 1 duaao of anybody that want to alt teuualnted with v. 1 frns away.KBotton Trantcrlpt TIIK HOW ton oKocmtr, A little stort with tht best la tho urocary lino clean, ntw, fresh, and price reasonable. Ont trial will convince you that It la tht place to trade. 7-1 otf CITY WAKRANTH Thuro Is money on hsnd to redeem th following warrants: 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2036 2036 2037 203S 2039 2040 2041 1SS 2042 2042 2044 204C 204 2047 2048 171 1927 2049 20S0 2061 20(2 2063 20C4 2065 2068 2057 20S8 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2066 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2073 2073 2074 207S 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2043 2084 208S 2066 2087 2088 . Interest to cease from October 31 1909. J. W. SIEMENS, City Treasurer FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICK Not lea Is hereby given that Martha Frances Wills, administratrix of tht estate of Jamea Calvta Slgler, de ceased, having on July 17, 1907, filed her final report In aald matter. and on tbt 21st of October, 1909, filed her supplementary Anal report and account la said matter, with the clerk of tbo county court of Klamath county, Oregon, tho aald court did, by order made and entered on tho 21st day of October, 1909, appoint Satur day, November 20th, 1909, at tht hour of 10 o'clock In tbt forenoon. at the courthouse of said county and state In Klamath Falls. Oregon, as 'tho tlmo and place ror tbo 'bearing of said settlement of said accounts and estate. MARTHA FRANCES WILLS. 10-22-1 1-1 9 Administratrix. SSMMSMMSSSMSSSSSMSMMMMSMSMSIMSSMMSSSS MSSSMMMSsMs SSSSS MSSSMMSSSSMSSt; ttSMSSMMMMMMSSMSMSSMSMSMSMSSMSSMS You Can't on-priceg for Good Furniture Why Not Get The Best ? T)OLBEER, st THE rURNF THE gt)SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSMSSSSfMSMsSMMMSSMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MMSSSSSSSSSSSSSMSSSSMSMSSSSSSSSSM MSSSSMMMISSSS China and Don't jos waat tense t llatea, Tsnthlera, Jartnnkret, Coolers, Frccacr things saefsi iaad table? We carry tads hessUfsl Chin as the ssstsVussI i Is alals aad gold risnates. Bee oar citcatrrt tatalay. Tat) X largett atock la Use dly aatl at aack low ntieta. I GEO. R- HORN SSSSSSISISS1tSStSIStl9ISSSSSSSSSSSIS LAND ON THE LAND IN KLAMATH LAND lOMC CaVOiCe H0as00Jtfa Locatloai 1 a Watrict that will Moa Iuto TTMnaora tttiOsU IT IS TOUR CHANGE See Captain O. C. : FRANK HtAWmTK . Fifth ttroot, awrtljjte tiSjifawlfilm, i 'ft""" Every Man and Woman That appreciates a complttt-at-every-point Jewelry store can find much to admtro hero. Lately wo'vo boon adding to our atock hero and there. fltrengthenlnK It filling It out In spots that seemed In need It. Put In a lot of new watches and nulto a few rings of various kind. Increaard tho showing of the smaller goods all along tho lino which rounds out our stock nicer than over. In whnt am YOU Interested? lie. ur you'll And It here. llo sure It will reflect the signs of tha highest quality. He snro It will bo priced fairly. H. J. WINTEM Ora-tKsM and tutt ijlts.Tit' ornciAsi IOSJ8UrraUl,Ort. MSSMSMtttM6i GntU-t-Bfeed PibUc Land Script The C. D. Towers Co.. Molea City, Mont., agents ror tho Northtra Padte .Land Script will select for yon aay vacant , non - mineral govtraaatst land. Write tbem for particulars. WANTED TIMBER LAND. SsU-eyiJng fad -s-Pcrt-i HAUUt ft sVULLS OtaVe Is GOOli DRY WOOD FsM Price At ranch. SS. t: Deliv ered SS and . Down-hill haul all tht way. KUMLVri! KTAHLK8. 1 PtMMse Ml E. COMPHER, Owner. Beat Us JTORNITUIE MAN SISMMtSSSSMMIMS Glassware! skt Dttmer Wart, Warn tf Oftseats, C astir Beta, ' and omansental for yonr Applegate About It t " tv V- I . 1 r.J M J Z'-t7. Wkf ;