n in- .W C M . W. RYAN " . I Mtita Pel aid. Jici.m.th f-hv, nm : t Our AdvtrtiMra Oct Th Bct lUMtor ' 4 d Best Dally. v! e t.LflinniJMiiitftfiri1 tT-g- wthYkah. No. 1,004 KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1009. PmcbSCcnts Ik SENATORS ARRIVE i ifiuilSMTI.V TO WORK TO OKT TIIK r'ACTM A PIBIIC MEETING Heir AH OmiplalntB ' fhnrgra aad K"Iim tinsel Tki1 Making Then fid staining at o'clock Ike sen iM sWinHlre v" Irrigation arrived M if'' l'a,n AMer 'l I h 1-ake.ldo ma tney la In Upper lake ami down I Ik tower lake several mile, eMrtln( the itllrlira ami land. I.attr tfcif rttarfted ' Hie likeable, where tatf k4 dinner, Ihenro going to the MCftkottH-, whrte liter "'I I'Wl'llt astiltf elih lit director of the Wafer IVia' aMorUllnn. At 1 o'clock Ihe senator repaired Ik mvrttiiniM, ahem a public Mtlu Md tor the purpose, at gated k) Homlur Tartar. of affording Ik Isadnwarr. In make known lu Ik tawMltlr any charge ur rom Haiti Ikey bad l make In rioting kit riarki Senator Carter said! "II will fall In you In pay the last ktflklag fur lhr vrrlasaallaN of thla Istd. The government Bipeds you kt say, d I do nl Ihlnk that )uu StfOti lo do olhi-rwlae." M tkt rsllcd upon lh secretary sf lesSBtorUHnn in frail the snswer ts Ik question, submitted by I ho SMllfr 1 1, ih association, k'ul. avals r the (juration and answer I srvptred by the kMorlatlont Itlon I la lh aillalliia rjtr. UaMtloa law aatlafariorr. and If not. n waai rr)rl thouitl It lie aaa4dt Aaawtr I If fairly lnlnviiriM.t .. --... .n.v fw i. f ID ine Heereiarv dniina a fralMt vrartlral. And no iirlvaln Utd (kould U aaked lu aubarrlb tar tkstk until Riven a doBnlta ul- H n for Irrliatlnn, A w under bMd kVttloo uf Iho aatd act. Iho "yw i mentioned In Haxtrtw ?,,,r,,,,',,l,J rnterailon and main. ide nix li ah and it ahnuld nol b mim ": ai i dona by ihi U. H. M. H. to rhar.r and iha roat de JWd nam roMplailoa of protect, "n rt dlatlartljr aa la Her. Ik thargra ahall ba deter S7 '" lw of rvtriralmi lo the tJOMullon fund Ihe eatlmated coal Maatructlc;." Qimllnn :,Are )our local lawa wjralni thai appropriation and mo Si i" '.Vr ,r,lB Muractory la :Zi,,,', f"nn n' r H25 w b!f "" notcraiiient or t!a ik ,,,,e WrrprlMj and If " wnat aniemlmonu are rqulredT Aatwf r 3. a far aa aacertalaabl ia BrfMat law la Mtlafactorr. If . . u , .. , , , .. . M4ntaad Hertlon of Ike rc-1 cn- Hualor .Sewlanda of .Nerada tUHtloa act. (ho rallmated roat of I Ami Henator Huthrrlaml of Colorado natrnrllon ahuuld he announced ,., ., ... . . 4 coatldrre.1 an official mniiinrrMvr0 "'' l,'r "1",'l,,', '" ""1 "' Ml II... ...........1 ., .1 . ; i-M-yiu uiiin hid inini ln a ntn imiir .miaiairiory tlllPStloll ,ll llm mliiili,!. i, .!.... or the law dy it,.. termination aervlto TV '.."'' "V" " "'" '" urn Hit. llbjecllima, mill what reim-dy , uro po.mIT ' Answer 3. A In llm nrtl iIum, nr "Nil," (lur oliJMtl ,i llm main, ar lln-... it hn orii-n bfvii unMlUUrlorx Mini tirifnlr. n. llm fad will aliow. WIh-ii llm nm ur ny khi m.do ami lamlliolilrt. wrrn urgiil In alaii up lli.lr Inniln, offlrlnU iHliil llllil(l)r llm Hmlr illiniti. liownl n mat of IIH.Rll prr (. nixl aMiiml thai hn ntKiapt ro.t miiiiIiI not ciirKil izo.oo an tr ami It dm with lliU iitiilnritninlliiit llml w pIkii tii mir Intuit Hoimt )rnr Utrr other ratlniato wnrn nmii, when It waa aniioiiiiiKl Hint Dm tout would not ho Im than ju. UU an "."". " " u """ '""''I. ' tliarehuliler will l. tomirllr. In y IhU adilrd &u mt lent. Thl irrim UUjlltt. aiut we nili'iunl)' iropt asalnti.lt. A on rvuint)' in mrt unMlliracturr romiloiia, ,. nmrm (ClUlllNUItl M Vtgf II) PAVOH IUIMI ihhii: c Ifenatiir Jnnrt of Waililngton, whi-n Intrrtlewnl thla nunn, tlatiil that lhr ronimltlee (aiilttit Ihe $10,000,. 000 ImhuI UaiiP. ami that It aa llmlr wlah In ham aa liiurh iiioiii') aa m. alble aiirorlM for llm itnjprla now nnilrr iepoiuienl In order ' lh) Itilfttit he rmlrtn at Iho rarll. eat iHtulbln lime. Up furtl,iT atateil that Iho Klamath prorct riiiarnl latrnrahlx with olher (orernment tiro Jwta, ami that the Inmt , far iliw Veoir aeeninl In he altlnx elrellent reaulla. IHIINT.U.I. ttlMi: OaliiK to dllfeirnt rraaona aeterat of the aenatora whu are on Ihe rum mlttee on Irrlaallou were unable in t iirrwnl at Ihrlr lilt In Klamath Kalll, Henator larler rtf Montana, rwalrman of ihe rnnrmtin'Henalur Warren of W)otnliiK and Senator Joiira of Waahlnaton, howerrr, are here, Menatilr Chamberlain, who waa unable lo tome on account of Ihe rrlt Iral rondlllou of hla mollirr'a hrallh, Im .nifH(..i i.h- i.l. ...i. n i ,-,,-., . ., if ! m-m -! , , the trip, and Senator Newlamla will In all (itotialillll)- join them again In Han r'ranrlarn Thuradajr. Other room her of the mrt)' tlirltule Mr. Voabera;, leneral pnatrncrr aai'tit for the Southern I'aclflc; II, W, Hmllh, offlcUl reporter fur the committee, and 8. J, Murph)-, aeraeant-at-armi of Ihe rout. llllllee. Tho rrrlamallon aerlre laHMrlal renreaeuleil by K. II, Newell, onn of ' the illriHtora, and A. I. Daila, Ihe chief engineer of Iho rcc Imitation acr vice, wltoae headiuarler are at WaahliiKton. Call and hear Iho November Kdlton record at Muller'. The Best "Buy" in America For the mm who seeks clothes talies Is ItelR-BIoch taart Overcoats Bint Craveietts They have style and character that tank then second to none. i All yon need to do Is to try them on look them over and If yon need a coat we can gnesa the rest. K K K STOP (Don't forget "Dnchess" Timers art guru- tee;, liclielye agency at UU store.) CHAMBERLAIN IS NOT HERE c.i.m:o to nit: iiKimiitK ok iiih AUy.U MOTIIKII HAD COUNIEO MUCH ON VISIT KiH'tiil Kullf In M-kr 11m. Trlt Ullli HiiinIk Coliimlllrx I'mIII lallnl In MImImii H ii a tor ChainlM'rlatn'a mother, I who la a 'J rra olil, la very aerlniialy III rt her hiiino In Nalrhei, Mla nndj" auffident number of aharca ihe arnalor waa ralleil lo her !1. 1 represented to ronatltuto a quorum, alle Iwn wiHika no, and mi waa mi- t"-' rcaolullnna pruvldlna for tho In whin in be with lh. aenato rnmmltl'-o rreaao of the rapltal atock and the on their villi here, lutirlt na lni'imr valuo of lliu aharca weru Intro- wltliH, It A. t'aplea, prlrato aecrelary lu Komlnr Chamberlain, when lutjf- viewed by a reprewntntlve of IhU pa per thla.mornltiR', aald In part; Henator Chamberlain wa very nniloua In ho with iho aenato com- inlllre on Irrlixailon on thla trip, and rapcrlally during their vlall In Klam ath r'n 1 1 a. He a Very aniloiia lo Itavo Ihe project here puahed lo aa early a rompltlltlon na Nialbe, Ho want til avoid aa much aa oailhle all the Irla) In order that the actUcra may get water on their land at tho earlleat ImmiIIiKi lime. He alan want and will lualit that theiteiartment of Irri gation (uriilati a written atatentent of the iiprliao ur mat of thla project wh and on what tho money haa been apent, tr.--ln order that the tettlera ma) hate a voire In tho mat ter and know whether the money la vetted ha been economically admin latent! or not, becatiae nn Iho fact of Ihe coal of the project depend the mat of the water er acre to the farmer and rancher." m:w i'Ktiiikh at tiik huh to- XKIIIT The program lo bo ahown at Iho Irl tonight I probably -ono of tho rinrat ever ahown In Klamath Kail. Kvery picture I of the highest qual ity and Interesting from ltt lo fin ish. Kirepllonally good I Iho II lo- graph film, "The Indian Hunner." Thla la Sine uf Ihe finest picture that that popular company ha ever made. violin and piano music to- ulaiht. Tim Womnn'a Oulld of tho Kplsco pal church will hold a ieclal meet ing nl which lllthop I'addock will bo prestnt tomorrow. Afternoon at 3 o'clock, ut Iho homo of Mr. Ocorito I). Ilnldwln. ONE DEMAND 'DEFEATED I.MIIKAHK OK I'AII VAIK UV KTOCK IN IIKKKATKII UGLY CHARGES ARC . MADE .Uh-iM Thai lUllot. Win- Juwlni to Mrrl llm Drwlrra of TIwmc Inlrrrwlwil. When Iho aecretarx rexirled to Iho moetlnit In tho afternoon that there lucid. In accordance with tho pro gram of the opponent of tho wlshe of Ihe government a motion wa mado to segregate,th rntolutlon. the vote thereon to be taken separately. This was done, with tho following reiujl: In favor of Increasing tho capital leck: Yes, 5,C8; no, 3,37. The vote on thla question by those holding slock In otrew of the original cap italisation waa a follews: Yes, .8, 31S; no, :,2i:. ' In favor of Increaalng tho par valuo of the ahare from ISO to $30 tho voto Moed: Ye. s7.0I: no, 7.8!5. Tho voto of those holding Block In nice of the original 100, 000 wa aa follew: Yea, 3..II7: bo, 3,157. In Iho counting of the vote on tho last proportion, which on the face of lliu return waa defeated, some seri ous charge havo been made, and they ma) be a matter of Investigation. It wa the overwhelming sentiment of those present that both proposition be passed, and It I alleged that when an effort waa mado by those In favor of tho Increase of tho capital atock and tho par value or tho share to havo representative present at the counting of ttuvballota the door were locked and admlsilon denied them. Thut tho matter I not going to be dropped Is, Indicated by tho state ment made on tho streets today, and It I Ktslblo that a canvass of the vote will be demanded and tho en tiro vote rccheckcd.. If thla plan I followed It wilt bo aoveral week be fore tho actual result will be ascer tained, aa It will bo necessary to communicate with rveryuM who wa present and voted. W. I. Ilhoad und W. C. Oalton of Merrill are In tho city today. Oct our carpets, ruga, curtain. otc, cleaned by Mongold'a vacuum cleaner: rate reasonable. bbbibibBl''' jkr JW ( WORD FROM BALLINGER UK rUYM THAT UK MIM, VOUAtW TIIK l,A- HE MAKES NO THREATS iYIII He OuveriH-d Knllrely by Ihe lw ami Cotitflllona m Oue. Wm of lacrram WOIII) 1-nOM HAM.INOKR .. . - Tho Insincerity of the head of the Water L'acra association, J.- (I. Stev enson, and the vice president of the nuMK-latlon, John Irwin, I shown In the following communication that havo passed between the gentleman and Mesir's. Ilopson, Newell and Hai ti user. It Is evident on Iho face of It that If It dared be done these gen tlemen would endeavor (o so Influ ence the stockholder n to prevent tho plain compliance with the by law of tho association. It will bn firfind out when It Is too Into that Mr. Hnlllngcr Is not going around with a stuffed club seeking an op- portunlty to use It on the head of Mr. Newell. It will ba found that he will support that gentleman whenever ho la right, and do It Just aa effectually as ho ha overruled him when ho found him to be wrong. . Mr. Halllnger'a telegram plainly state that he "will do what the law and condition dictate," The taw I very plain on tho question of the In creasing of the capital stock and the par value of the shares, and It will be found that 8tevcnon and hla sup-' porter have gone a atep'too far la Hie manner In which they Juggled the voto of ycaterday on tho Increase of Ike par value. The letter and telegram folows Klamath Kails. Ore., Oct. 26. Io9. Hon. Itlrhard Halllngcr, Secretary of Interior, Washington. U. C. Dear lfcr: Mr. K. a. Ilopson, su pervising engineer or tho Pacific di vision U. 8. It. 8.. Portland. Ore.. during hi visit to tho Klamath proj ect In tho latter part of July. 1909. Informed tho board of director of tho Klamath Water Uaera association, through a committee appointed by snld association for tho purpose of meeting Mr. Ilopson rclatlvo to mat ter pertaining to the Klamath proj ect, that If the capital atock of the Klamath Water User association wa not Increased from It present capltallxatlon of $1,000,000 to $6. 00,000, and It par value likewise Increased from $30.00 to $30.00, that tho appropriation for tht coming jcar. which ho. said was a tentative ono. depending entirely upon tho ac tion of tho (tockholder of ald asso ciation relative to Increasing the capi tal tocK or wild association, a well aa tho par valuo, would be diverted elsewhere, and that tho Klamath project would lose Its appropriation lor miu. nnu tnai tno operation would bo at a standstill. Mr. Ilopson Insisted very strongly that tho board of director at once call a meeting of me stocKnoider for tho purposo of voting to Incrcaso the capltal'and par valuo of tho aharea. Before calling tho stockholder together, the board asked that It might have the esti mates of cost per acre of what Is called Ihe Upper Klamath project, nnd which I under the Clear Lake dam. tho tamo now being under con struction, and which ho assured us we could have In froju two to throe month, but before leaving Insisted that wo call a stockholder' meeting, stating that It would bo Imposslblo to get tho estimate of cost on tho Up per project, and It would lako about six month for said estimate to be ready for our consideration. Wo called the meeting of tho stock- holders far October 33d. and there not being a majority of tho stock ub scrlbed within tho ono hundred thou sand present Iho snmo being the amount for which our association I Incorporated Iho mooting adjourned until November 8th, at which tlnto another ifteeling will be hold. Before tho meeting of October 33d wo had no definite Information to submit to Iho stockholder as to diversion of fund In caso voto unfavorable. In view of which fact we forwardod Mr. Hopson a telegram of which the fol lowing la a cepy: "Klamath ran, uct. o. ibo. Mr, K. O. Hopson, Reclamation, Port- . land, ore., uecg mag. Wlll 1910 annronrlatlou for Klam ath project be dlvetted'ln case of ad vene vote to increase capital biockt Will auch appropriation be diverted la eaae of adverse vote to Increase par value of snares or stock Answer 'ye' or 'no' to each. (Wgued) J. O. 8THYBN80N, Pr)., AMWRT B. KLDBR, Sec." The following reply was received from Mr. Hopson under dale Port land, Ore., October 20, 1909; "Advise Htcvonton, Water Users as sociation, Immediately, I recommend diversion of 1910 appropriation to an other project If capltallxatlon not In creased, both In number of share and par value. (Hlgned) HOPHON." After receipt of the above telegram from Mr. Hoon, we then forwarded the following telegram to Mr. Newell and received an answer thereto, a given belew: "Klamath Pall. Oct. 21. 1909. P. II. Newell, Director U. 8. It. 8., Washington, D. C. Ilopson wired u that hn recom mended diversion of fund from Klamnlh project unless capital and par vnluo of share of atock be In creased.' Will the anuronrlatlon be diverted If shareholders vote unfavor- ably7 Wire 'Ye' or 'So' Immediate ly. (Signed) J. O. STEVENSON. Prealdcnt." " Washington. D. C, Oct. 22. 1909. Pre. Klamath Water Users' Anocla tlon, J. G. Stevenson, Klamath Fall, Ore. Failure to Increase rapltal stock and par value ofrsharc would be breach of specific terms of contract water users with association and con tract of association with United State. Hopson' recommendation to divert fund a far aa possible In case of uch failure will be approved. (Signed) NBWEMi. Director." We, therefore, submit to you the same question which weave sub mitted to Mr. Hopson and to Mr. Newell, and want a direct reply from you. not under the ilgnature of Mr. Newell, but binder your own algna ture. Wo would ask that, If possible, you forward u telegram to Inquiry, to that we may submit It to the stock holders at tho meeting to bo held November Stb, and any further ex planation you may have we would be glad to receive by correspondence. Your very truly. JOHN IRWIN, Vlce-Pres. Reply of Secretary Dalliager by telegram wa as follews: "Answering yours Oct 31th. will not make either promise or threat re-sx.-ctlng diversion of fnads to In fluence action of your association. Co operation of land owners desired to secure best results. I will do what the law and conditions dictate. BALLINGER. Secretary." XOTICK . .Check No. 1S4, Issued by the Great Northern Box company and payable to the Southern PaMflc company, baa been lott In tranilt. Tho check was drawn for $310.31, and signed by Chas. McCowan for the box company. The public I warned not to cash the check. Wanted to buy from owner, on easy term. 130 acres of land, with SO acres under the ditch: wild or Im Im peoved: must be good, deep soft. Ad dress J. II. O., Herald-Office. A program at the Iris that can't be beat, Including' violin and piano music. Don't mis "The lldlaa Runner." tht finest of Bograph film, at the Irl tonight. We have fruit and vegetable for sulo that you cannot get from the farmer here at this time of tho year. Hot chocolate, coffee, tea and hot oup. East End Kandjr Kitchen. Our Guarantee with these: Wheat we aajr ajaaraatee we aseaa last what wa aajr. If yw are not Ballasted jroar geeawjr wktl he rcf de at stare wMhowt fariay or tiurettesj. Now that la the gaaraatee we sdvc Any Household Retard hearbag Red Star lahst DOtat 8HIKLDbe! la positively gaaraateed ta give entire aatd ahsslats saUafactioa. That'a fair, laa't UT ROMS CMAM r Star Drug Store incj CM$MI$MMMIM PIONEERS' BANQUET 3M TIM RKCALLKD AT LAW XIGHTH MKKTIXCi OVER A HCJWRCD MCMfJOtS 4anise at the tmrm XsHwhrr tat OM ftrtllrra Who Were Ptt-seat aad Hlsjwed thr RoH Nothing lacked to make the social jvent or the Klamath Baata Ploassr ioclcty a thorough saeceas. Prwl lent Steams called the athetiaa ts order In the courtroom aad aakad all eligible to membership to cess for ward to the desk of the secretary aad tlgn the roll. Thl required the great er part of aa hour, aa tally 110 of the men and womea who have for the past twenty years or mora enjoyed the blessing of this country slgBad the roster. President O. A. Stearas delivered a brief address of welcome, waiefe was heartily applauded, as It strongly expressed the sentiments of the pio neer aad their families. This waa followed by several saaatenl aambers. Tho Pioneer double msle qaartet waa heartily applauded and i naadad t aa eacore. The ktdlea' tjuartet gave a mut leal, number that added ta the catertalaaeat, hat aa mil the yaeaj sole aad eacore by Mrs. Da J. Sana wait waa the erowalag trreat la tha musical Ilae. The ploaeer poem by Ca avals) O. C. Applegate waa heartily aaalaadad. H recalled to the salads at the sMeat settlers the stirring daya wham Ufa waa freely gtvea aa the eaex af ear preseat cbrtllaatloa aad dewlaasasat. Followlag the musical aad Uterary numbers at the courthouse the gath ering adjourned to Red Men's hall, where a banquet waa served by the Pioneer ladles, assisted by the Native Daughters of Klamath Baal a. Sev eral after dinner speeches"were made by tho oldest settlers. Several hours were spjat In coaversatioa aad la (Suing remlnlsceacea of the daya "when we were boys." The gather ing was repreaeatatlve of the eatlra Klamath couatry, aad all preeeat were enthused with the bright pros pect ahead of the orgaalaaUea that haa been fouaded to perpetuate aad keep sacred the memorise of tho teat ago. Don't wear oat your back, broom and carpets when you caa gat tho work done so quickly, theroagaly aad. cheaply by Mongold'a vacuum eteaaer. fOl CHAM ; r) nave gv "f VC .-if rviVl IMIMIIMIII Ml J t -fc 1 "J J l"J V'1 - I Vi , '. . rMi :xmv"i MM i-t . MP; wvv, Vji f I a. , i , ""W - w I'ti '. N ' tV l