t . r Lit,' IL tj L f p f v ,r 'ST f ' ' 1 Sk l He tattling efato. " ! Kkinailt Fail' Feiat J 'Bl Bert Dally. " . . The Bc-tt Keg. . r I "" iHYKA.No.itooa KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1909. Peics 5 Cents S LnnnV RAILROAD ACTIVITY (gpox nWTIM'W TO IIOI.O CWHOFTMKIlTAIiK MI 01 RECCNI RAMtOADS , Urtnn Meadfral Mllra t'neVr Oastr''"" and KlklylUi UOn Are lYnJcrteal Tea following dispatch from Mm to the Journal gives eoms Itv lindltf informs) Ion concerning Iha uUtatt situation In Oregunt. it Juno 10, l0, IsT.ls WllM tt are railroad have been placed la oaaratloe In Orrgon according lu )g imeillfl by IWcretary llmrn O. Oasesll of the iiale railroad eoromls tM, T Knurr are taken from I he Mitt! rrprl n( ir railroad dolag Utltnt In Ihlt alafp. Aside from UI Iker are ihiw under ronatruc Ilea la tbli ttate tM.jS additional tMaaad ts.JI mil' are projected, hair a rcamnably certain Ibat Iha rraerd road will be completed H1 Ik nil few ar, railoalai 1 a Hit of the rallruada thai have been plared In operation la Oraata alarr June 30, Itei: Camilla and A I tea Hirer railway MM;, Comllla lo (llrnwood, II Km; lalrm. Kill. City aad Western rtHesr, Halla lu West aalew, 14 atUm; CallfurnU railway rompaay, Waal to Klamath Pall. M.e Mllra; Kralta Tr(ilon rompaay. Swift rVklai plsnl lo Columbia tloagh, I rail; Orrgon Klrctrlc Hallway cow May, Garden I lorua lu Forest Urnva, ll.lt mil, Orrgon Hallway aad Karltailna company, Klgla lo Joseph. t rallra; llnialllla Central Railroad wenwar, I'rndlttnu lo Pilot Hack. II (0 mil, Cortland Hallway, Light ltd I'owrr rorupaey, lltaaloaa, It II mllra. following U a Hit or railroad now ttdtr roBitrurilon, a part 'or torn or U roadi now exratlag: Ortgnn Trunk line, aoulb from Iba ftoaik of (ho IK-Khulra rltar (a froilaultly) UO mllaa; Oragoa Kaat ra Hallway rompaay, Nalron lo XUautb manhM, Ul mllaa i Daa tkttat Itallrnad company, Uaacbalaa lo Rdrjiond,l3t mllaa; Nartbwaat ra Railway rompaay, poiat on O. H. .V. eomrany'a Una naar Huntington lo Uwltion, Idaho, ISO milt, about MO of whlrh ar la Oraen: Pacific Rllay and Navigation compaay. IlllUborn to Tillamook, l, mllra; fctmion lo Wlllabum. 10.3 mllra; Facile and Kaaiara Hallway aompaay, flHUaawaS "sawer c Kagla I'olnl to Hull., Talli, :u lull.-,, Humplvr Vallwy Hallway iotiiiniiy, Auilln to Pralrlo CHy, :j mlio., (),. gon Hallway and NaIkIIoii lompa. ny, bolt Una from lit John to Wim,. lawn, T mil"", ami Urn Vallny . road rotnpany, from 'ri WiMnlljiirn to WiMHttmrri, lo roniiMl with Hn Orrgnn Klncirlr, ,7 riilU-a Tboiigb no rnlliagn liaa l.r.ti rotn irw on tlin Nalron branch, known at I ho Orrgon Kaaturn railway, ! clearing ol llm right of way, grndlrig. ronatrurtlon of lrrai, ruhcrla ami tunnrla la In progrna on mora than lavenly iiiIIm of the road ho Hiini. Icr Vallry railroad boica to ioniirln Ita intention from AuatlnMo I'ralrlo City by January I, 1910. Mom than 31 mllra of Iha I'adflr Hallway and Navigation company'a railroad, th l.yll road, building from IIHUImuo lo TlllamiMik, la In arlbr opnratlnii, The train ar bring run dally from lllll bciru to le)ond lluilon, Thn Orrgon WV.irrn Hallway rom pany baa projrctrd a linn from Drain to Marthfleld, a dManro of 73 31 mllra, whlrh U rirrtiM lo lx Com. plrlad within I ho nrit few )rar Tha Orrgon Hallway and Narlg. lion rniny baa propouM a braiirh from VMHllawn lo Trouldalo, J mllra In vtlrnt, and I ho Handon and IHirt Orford railroad ritrrta to rotf nct IboM two point with trl In a abort limn. IUITIHT MKHVU'IM .The mrrllnga at thu HaplUt rburrli Wrrn well atltnded yrdrrday. Mr. Hlrdatw prrarbed lhrr Vrry attong ermona. In Ibr morning ho prracbed on Iba "Condition of a Hurmaful Matlval," In whlrh ha abownl ibat Ood wa rrady to gltu to the rhurcb and rommunlty a glorloua r'lal If we would onli meet I ho condition, whlrh wrrv faith, prayrr. IIII'Ik atudy, ronfrwlon, ronx-craUon and rarnrat ctfort. In Ibr aflrrnooti ho prrarbrd a ipeclal vrmon to wninrn. Thn or- mon lu Ibo rtrnlng waa on "Wh I am a Christian" Ho Katr flo rn. winti r'lrat, It brlp mo to got rid of lln; rcnnd, It enaMr mo to nmkr Iha moal of lli)'tf; third, It glvra lno audi proof In Ita fator that I am com cllH to ark now lodge II claim; fourth, It aallaOra I ho. longing of my aoul; filth. It giro mo hope for the future. Thl cvrnlng Ibe arrmon will l on "Who Ar Wlae." Mr. Oamble will ling a aolo and Mr. Htcalon will play the violin. Thn public I cor dially Invllrd to attend thro moot ing. On Turtday evening thero will bo a apactal aervlco for tha pioneer. All friend of lh pioneer art Invited to coma. The Best "Buy" in America For Ike mm wko Mtki clothta vtlMt It gtcli-Block ataart Overcoat! iRd CraveMtte Tkey kave atyle and character tkat ink then aecond to none. All you need to do la to try tke onlook tkca over-aid If you need a coat we can guana tke reat. K K K STORE (Don't foiMIncaxeM"Troneeri aregnaran tied, bdwlvaatnattlatoatort.) I'lllMIIIAM AT TIIK HUM Owing to tho ihnngu In Iho train time llm Irla will not change, picture tonight, hut Ihv program to ba abown U of m optional merit, "Tim Mill, of the tloda" and "The I'rnnka," lllograpb fllma, aro tho beat over ahown In Klnmntb Kolla. I'artid on Their Honeymoon," an IMIton nim whlrh lerlaln lo ploaao iK-rniuo i itoplii certain entertain ing aH-rla of rhllilliotxl In an entirely original way Thu children go through n mnrrlagi) ceremony for fun, but whrn II I over tho couple, aged about X, take Iho iiiattvr anrloualy and atari un n honeymoon In a rart drawn by a goat, they dlaapprar In thn wilder rir, hut aro aoughl out and aoundly apnnked by thrlr uiaapvrated moth era, To thu youngitera Ihv atory'a rtidliig It not o amualng aa It I to the nudlvnce lie Wouldn'l (lo Under a Udder." an IMIton romedy baaed on the old uporllllri (lint bad luck I banded out lo Iho unforlunatv Individual who drlluornlel), or rnrilouly walka un der a ladder. Hut In thl picture Bam la cured of hla auporatllloii by having It ahown him that bad luck aometltnra come to the man who avoid walking H ml or a ladder "The Utile IMoctlve," a very pleating alory. In whlrh a little girl fi hrr father from dlagrarr. 'Tho Kan," a beautiful hand-rolorrd accnlc plrture. Hprclal piano and violin mualc to night. KhKltUtS AT MKKI'IKW At thu city election over In Lake view Hid following officer were elect ed. Maor. Harry Hallvy: recorder, W. II. Hnlder; Irraaurcr, A. Iklber; rouncllnirn, V, I.. Knelling, J, II. Auti n, J. H. Hloan and I). O Wilcox. The different rjhllill potatoes of unuauat altr. pumpklna, beeta and wondrrful aheavM of grain In thu oihltilt btilldlriK rerlalnl) look fine, and nre about aa ginxl a proof of the itullllra of the toll In Klamath coun ty na could bo found. Thotu who are In charge of tho building aro over ready for mi) rxhlblla that ma) bo tint In nnd, aa It I their Intention to change the exhibit periodically, no one need Iv afraid that there Will not lnj room for hi tegutable and fruit. i Tho mure exhibit arnt In the happier tlk.i tiinnnff.illlnlll will he. Thv billboard that aro being erect ed nt the corner of Sixth and Main Mreet look well and hldo a barren vacant lot. I'crhap It would be Juat na well If billboard Should be erod ed elauwhero'ln Iho lly. WATER USERS IN SESSION ( ONKilttaHINO gt'KMTIO.H Or I.H. CHRANK Or VMHTMt MAY flGHf OVER ONE POINT Will Oi.iKH-Tlncrraae of I'ar Val InrHratlooa Tcdni lo Altrad aare of (fmnrmm. Tha adjourned moellng of the atockholdera or Iha Klamath Water I'vora' aaaoctatlon waa called lo order thl afternoon In tha Houtton opera houaa and Ike attendance waa about the aame aa (he laat meeting, with tho addition of much larger number or proxies. Praaldent Bterenaon wa In the chair, arid ttrd the purpose or Ibe meeting, after which the calling of the roll waa commenced. Thl waa completed at 3 o'clock, when a recea or ono hour waa taken to permit the ecrutary to check up tbo roll and are If n (ufflclent number of abare were represented to make a quorum. , When the meeting waa again called to order Iho president staled that the aerrulary wa unable to make a re port, rrqulrlng about another hour to complete hi labor. Accordingly a rrcrs waa taken until f o'clock. HI nre tho laat meeting or the Block- holder a great deal or mlaslouary work haa bean done, and If there I ufflclent atock represented lo make a quorum It la practically certain that the vole to Increase tba capital atock will be virtually unanimous. On tbo qucatlon or Increasing the par value or the stock there may be a fight. The original opponent of the Increase ot capital stock favor that change now. In order to make the or ganltatlon a legal one. On tho In crease of tho par valuo they reel that they can make a fight and In part de feat Ibe wishes or tho government, at the same lime retaining tho -legality or the Water Users' association. Tbo grounds for opposition aro baaed on tho allegation thai atockholdera who Jiave not paid their dura aro not en titled to n vote on the queatlon of In creasing tho par value. It la a prob lem that no ono couldiolvo aa to why they would be entitled to vote to In creaso tho capital atock and not to be able to vote.lo Increase tba par valuo of the share. It I very doubtful whether thla half a loaf would be satisfactory to the government. If thero la a major ity of tho stock presented, and only ono proposition Indorsed, It I aafo to mJ& nmtrwr iiyfcfjL rmi f KaassssssssssssV jVJ' 9DF H ry Jrff luuw .mil m IVftum1 WikMM ItnaasisasP V&Srasf-P WW m aflsl anNaaBH aPanunnnX sar ar ssVVfVVV ' JsWaBaaBafX BSSSW rlliBBBSSSSSSSSsPB'B' aTaaW I .-jassssss7sWWaH aBpjr il y that tho government will consider It a casu or deception, and will turn down thv attempt to go hair way. Tbo outcome or tho meeting today will bo watched with a grant deal or Interest by every 'property owner. In tho city. Ita aurceaa means the cer tain completion or the project with Hie utmoat speed; IJs failure to meet tho withe of tho government can only result In Iha dlrenlon or a great ilciil or thu money set ruldo for next yenr and tho delaying of the work for an Indefinite period. AT TIIK OPKKA HOl'HK "The Leopard Queen" when still a small girl waa cast on a desert coast with her father after the ship on which they were went down on ibo rocks, but she was such a little queen and made friend with the leopard nnd other beasts, that when she wa finally rescued and brought back to elvillxatlon she was the hit or the sea son at tho Paris Hippodrome. "Tho Mexican Sweetheart." a Illo- graph film, are typical In their care less love of the plrlt or ancient Spain. Her attitude to the outside world I Iho aame as that or the semuoui, dark-eyed maid contented, reckless or nil save tho love or the Mexican vaqucro. ,t "The Peach Uaskel Hat" la Im mense, nnd under It the Utile tot Is bid, while the parents lead In a vain search for the gypsies whom they bv Have have stolen the child. "Dust In III Kyo" from a carpet vigorously shaken by a cute little mold causes ono young man no cad or worry and bis friends Iota of fan at hla expense. "Tho Cyclist's Horn" la an all-pow- orful affair, which with a toot clenra nil obstacles gates, fences and peo ple from his way. "Retaliation" Is a clever drama which teaches us to rcect tho aged; Honor Th Father and Thy Mother. rXKCTIUO MKI-KRH Patron desiring to use electric mutcrs may now place their orders M oui oftUe a we will have a atock en hand In a very row daa, either tn rent nt 35 cent per monitor to sell at coat. K. F. L1UHT ft WATER CO. RAMSEY'S KXPRESS If you want your atuC moved and moved quick, get Ramsby'a Kxpreaa to do It. Office at Sixth and Klamath. Phone 133. Sunday, the day of rest, a number or the leading cltliena wero out hunt Ing, crawling vigorously over the hill In aearcb of tho wary quail or down In tho awampa and niarshc nosing around after ducka and geese, and, or rourso, Oiore aro now rower quail and water fowl than thero wero late Sat urday evening. Now that tho rumor ot Teddy' death baa been denied, Johnson and Jeffrie have algned article, and Taft la noarlng tho end ot hla tour of the xontlnent, It might be Just aa well to mention that this Is a glorloua coun try, with the brightest future pros pects. Thoso who have not met the board of equalisation and attended to the atieasmont on their property ahould do ao. The board will bo In session until the ISth of thla month. Mr, and Mrs. Luclen Applegate are In from t,helr'8wan Lake ranch to at tend the masting ot the Water Users' asoclatioa thla afternoon. W. H. Hadlay, tha Merrill rancher, la in tha city to attend the mealing ot the Water Users' negotiation. Judge Nokad kas been conlnad to ( ITY KKKVITIKM. T. 0. Wilson of Monanza la In the It) iMa evening. Tho Hamakar cottage I rapidly ap proaching completion. Mrs Otferfjcln will return to tho lioim-f tend It: J'r-o v.lley tomorrow. Apples, pears, orange, grape plmnpple and every kind or dried or preserved fruit at the Mnnjmli Mer cantile company. High school strike at Cleveland, Ohio. Hoys Inalat on dictating tho hours for recitations and noon lunch. All quiet, however, among the kinder gartens. Just arrived, tbe hand-made Chip pewa boots for men: none better. Also the best high tops for the boys. Women's felt shoes and slippers. If you want something good we bave got It. Klamath's Exclusive Shoe Store. Sunday II. Rabbe or the Home Realty company went bunting with somo friend. Mr. Rabbca killed tbo quail Irmlt and several ducks, but Wagner got the record goose. Tho agricultural specimens In tho Cxhlblt building are being added to olruost dally, and the remarkable feature of tbe display Is tbat It "shows" somo old-timers or tbe coun ty as much as It doea visitor to Khmatb. Cyrua W. Walker, who I? hero for tbo purpose ot orgaalxlezg gi anger la tbo county, aald today that thlt city bad tke brightest proapvtli of al most any city he bad Ttaltrd In tba state. Tbe depot, be aald, proved that tha railroad company lateaded :o saaawj oaa of thelt.caiet ahlpnlac -MMavaV The receat dispatch from Van couver, Wash., relative to tha lilac of Incorporation papers ot tbe Hill road and deslgnatlag their terminal point "at or near Klamath Falls, Ore." haa had the effect of putting a broad smile on tbe faces of the real eatate people. Several partlea own ing business lota aro seriously study ing the matter of building. It Is an Indication ot certain growth for tha future that will give encouragement to all lines of business. The Pioneer Society of Klamath Dasln will meet tonight In the court house, where a charming entertain ment will be given after tha buslneaa meeting. Later there will be a banquet at Red eaf n'a hall. Capt. O. C. Apple- V.Uo aald today that in tha nw; fu ture the society expected 'to erect a building of their own which would be a clubhouse for the member and a historical museum wherein would bo collected curio and relic of tha old il.iy. MMIMMMMMMMMMMHMMIMIHMMMMIMMM Our Guarantee with these: Wtsesi wa aa etarnntee we are not eetlaSed yen aneewjr wEI or tjaeaUoM. Now that la taw geauantee wa give. Any HonaefaoM Raanedkr kMriac BHltfiLD label Is poaHlrely gnaraateew to give entire and abaalnta satfafactlaai. Thafa lair, Isn't HT 5- ROSE C1AM Star Drug Store t -t "Thev .. ... .au a t4dli-t iti "' y--i " TAFT MAY REVISE POLICY r.HAVK QCKHTIOXM MOT t'XPIX IHMKII Dl'HIXG VACATION THE PARAMOUNT ISSUE DARK The Admlalstralloat'a Hecommten4a How to the Cnmhtgj Coagtua HaPMMM HafCVsW The followlag special from Waak Ington to the Oregonlaa gives tba following Interesting detail of aa tlonal affair: Tbe return of President Taft to Washington next Wedaesday la ex pected to put an and to tha policy of delay which has dominated tha Taft administration since tba paaaaga of the tariff bill last August. Since tha departure of tbe praaldent aad alasoat bis entire cabinet from Washington many matters of great Importaaca have been postponed for settlement pending their return. At present nobody In Waablagtoa pretends to know what tha Taft ad ministration experts to ask for paaa aga at tha con-lag coagrass. Tha meet ing ot that body la only a atontk off aad yet tha paramount laane of th administration la not yet apparent. The state department present tha moat chaotic condition of any of tba executive departments, na n reeaK of tke policy .of delay. Changes In tke diplomatic corps at Landon. Park nnd Pekln are on tba table, aad tba new fnt: aa Latin Anxwtoe,ht reans aro yet lo ba pat an n worklag In tke absence of BacreUry Kagla tba department of commerce anal In bor la administered by Solicitor Earl, who la acting eeeratary alnea Orsseby X cHarg, the naateUat aaeratnry, re algaad. Tba customs dlvialoa of tbe treasury department, which admlals- tera tha aaw tarlE law, la belag an pervlsed by Charles D. Hillea, assist ant secretary ot the treasury, in ad dition td hla regular dalles, which aro la tbemaelvea oaerona. It la uaderatood hero that this hlatua of public activity on tha part of higher oSkbxta of tha administra tion haa not bean wHkoat reealt. Practically all of them, from tha praa ldent down, have beea giving cleae atudy daring summer moaths to de partmental affairs with a view to oat lining a deialte administration policy la each. F. P. White, local agant of tha Big Basin Lumber company, haa beea III for the past several daya. t ! aneaa Jew what we any. K yaw be refnndew nt eM withoa narkiy Ke4 Star label or DtatE FOl CHAP1 -'A HA It" ' I ' m 14 Y - f'. "II f1 ( i tr-j.vt'. w - a" w -wr-'-n -- a - ' ,-,...- II IMMIIII I MMI W Vj M AXZ ;J? jVa-- , s. ,nx .O r.a r t -.' Ma fcome by lllaaaa the put fa ya.