The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 06, 1909, Image 1

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    r '- ,
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Our AdvtrtlMrs Get
The Beat Rttults.
J "SlBtit Dally, , J
foUHTHVKAB. NO. 1,002
Puck 5 Cents
1 11
mix t mammoth wam:
neun: iiMit. TMIH KALI.
fcUaaW and ,V" t'"M""'' W '" ""
jjpW t llrfr Will t"l
Tns large HluMBf Tank
a-----) e
TM ttrttfilc liupunanre nt KUiif
ilk fill ki tcn iccogulied by the
mittr' Oil cumpnn). and orders
tif kta luurt (Kim It Hah i ran. ohm to wake Klamath I'alla Hi it
Uir fat.r. In uiJor provide
far lilt tiilorM a lt of land liaa
Uri Kcarrd fiom Hi" lint .tprliia
nrr, lied along ,h" wunty
laJ,paM(h llt Hi onii Im erected
I infoM, I" h mlilpMrd Iwfurp
li io 81m. Till warrlwiuo
In t capacity lor twlna lo.onu
fi!'n rf iJMillnr and An iiml
latent o( kcrniene oil.
i l4Jltluo Ihrti ate lit Imi elected
to nammoth tiurugn tanks, liailna
t nrHr In the nelarfilmrhond of
.KM laltum, In ! iimi for stor
Itl ell. Hutli olhrr lmirtnrnirtil
ire la r made In tiiakn Hilt rlly
I VufUl ai Hie mpply pnlnl of Oil
rrt corporation,
Tatt tali rlly It u bernine Hip
trl tlitrltnillng point of Ihla great
It'iaf tojpliv I si rcrialti n li Hin
Ix-atlag km of tnsnth of the Minn.
1 fill (9n,l'1') TliU corporation
Ui awr (one Inln any rRy for Oir
mrpm of making It n llairlbullux
Hal tain II -.. ItioruilKhlr falilll-
Urelth id coiulltliina, unit IK nine
lit Wr Uilkale that lluv have had
mI lifntmillim aa asaiirr them
lUt Klamath 1'alla ll l.ato ample
fatllltlra for Hi distribution of Ha
llmlmlvl, m aliit; In Hut moriiliiK,
"lltxl In llin linl. ' Iiimii MkiiiIiU.
nihil' lllljnli
Mm, II. I' HhiiiIxiII ik III Hiu
kvhiiIiik. "O, Hltliiu IliiUtitinr. ' li
Hpi'nblliK of Hiu lutlir Imly llio
Tlinr.:iliu of l.'uri'ltH Hnliii;, Ark.
Kinct'full)' M). "Air. IIuiiiMI liui
I Ml nlt" of tiril yiiIiiiiiii nml mi
r)lim MiMvr, nml lur' ..rltii ham.
uiirn uml miiiIiiiI of lnr vnlcu tiukiiii
lr narniillliK Mil.) Iilcli IiiiIm i-'iunll)
n nnmlrnl mi it pN-uilne n. Iht ink
iillli Mf, (lalulx-ll ,iia no iimniiur.
Unit wlilln ulincliic. Imt linllrlt- nml
klhitliit itiiiiilnnln li.t tf Kliu It an
tmlM am) mi (hi hi Hi Nuttli, Knul.
Iloulli mot VVI, mill lnr nil.i i-i.
inrlrira lull- Imixlil Iiit In limilll)'
ailjiul liiTK'lf In kiihIIIIiiiii nml nrn.
Umnli of fCM. llrail
ilai itailjr at " 30. Hnmlar. nt
loiso , in.
(1irllUn Hflriitf ttnirili
ClirUttnll Ktlcnrn rrlrn will Imt
hold In (lie arlor of llin lUMwIu
nillillhK Hittttlay moriiliiK nl II
o'rliKk All mo roritlally Itnllnl.
TtlP Irtwm for HiU iu--t lllR ill U
"Ail in ami Tallrti Man "
lUptM lliurtli
Hiilnlay tkliixi) at 10 a. in.
I'rrarhliiK at 1 1 a. In.. "Tim (,'iin..
Hon of a rlurrniful lral,"
A m ailcrmiin In oiurii at 3'3o
P. tu.
II, V I' t. hi d-30. U.I.T Tl.
Hrritinn al 3U "VV'li) ll a Clill
linn, nml Hum In lloroino n fltr l
i:aiini'lt.llr mn-iliiic i'Vi) iwiiIiib
ilurlliK Hip 'k at 30, All ato nr
Daily lnvllr.1.
M, M. III.CIlSUi:,
MVKT3i AT Till: (ilCltCIUM
lertin bo liclil In (he tsrvral
(attkM uf Klamath rVIU Hunday nt
Caw k. K. (Iiunlt
latbaih nVhnol rntiii.tly- nl 10 a, in.
'. W, A. lAvnanl, ii)iliUrmlint.
PmiMaK at II a. m, and 7:30
. MomlnK Ihvinc, "Why Jcaua
i lU lUnlli.l
Kpoflh Irkiii'. 0:30 n. in.. Ilor
.NtliOB IraiJor,
TkKrlnii m .Kln on Hiiiv, mid
room, win l0 ,, illl(or)c
4 irm.
tt. M. C. X.iiiiimuII, ni'wly olvclod
Monday tiiernllii: Hie Klamatli
jnJ ami TrnnMirlalli)ii mmtiany
Mil atari llirlr rock rrualirr mid mIII
fill In llirlr irnrk and Imo frrt of
hn, tlrorl on rlllii'r aldn of tlio track
llh rruahrit hm-K, and an do OMny
Willi mint of llin Hind and MnliT,
Mayor Handrraon aald Hint lliu rlly
mIII do nolliliiR on llio altifla Jiul
now. na ll;o Intention la In m llio
atriH-t a kkiii na tin- aMi-r lcin In
rninilod. "
Mo.vmni mi:ik'.ntii.: hmiiiw
riii'iiniiii'iml IJruntti of Ttila Klrtn.
tlilili Wn. m Homll I'rull Hlaiiil,
I'nur. Aihrrllalnit Vnlun
A Iciiao Maa aUlii'd today litwv'li
Hiu Monarch Mi'rrnntllu roniiany and
I.. Juiulin, iiivcrlnK n iirlod of ftvi)
)ioia, for I lie IiIk Mum room nt Hiu
i or hit ot Main and KUth atri-t'la and
Hiu atom room farlnit on Hltth aircct.
TIick. two riMim mIII kIvu llio Moli
nrrh ioininny llio I'arKial floor apnea
In llin rlly, and la IndlratUo of llio
lapld Ki'i III of n firm thai alartcd
Villi n Irw liaiki-la of (mil n lltlln
Ulrr a )i'iir BKii. No liinri ptif iioiu
t'lial di'TrliiiiiH'til haa marked Hie
proKri'ta of any othrr firm In lhi
ilati. nnd di'iiionnlrntt'ii moru ('ffrrt
oally tliun nti)thltiR elao tin' fart that
Klamath I'ulla la ratddly iiitkIiik Into
It ptarn biihiiir tin filll-fli-dcnl rltlca
of Oii-Kon.
Tin' Mmiarih pli)Kca to lini llio
lltiml lcim In llin lat mIicii It iiiuitm
Into IK iii'm- hoiiiK. Th aaiut' pro
KMmIvp aplrll Hint haa draRKiM It
Horn I In- trull ktmid Vrltxl to Hie
II rm dulni: thf Krealot volume of
hiulniiia In II line In the rounty la
KhIiir lo foire II litn Hie ranka of Hie
lariteil mrrrniillln hoiiaea III Smith
rril OrrKiin. Already hut) It vcom
menretl In rearh nut nftor the gicul
'nliiuiK of trade that hna for Kara
Iicmi milliK lo other rltlca, and Hie
tiri-rtlenea of It Murk haa liroURlit
In thl rlly Ihoiitand tif dollar till
) that Mould olherMltn have roii
to Mi'dford. Ahland, I'rluorllle.
lketloM, Hhanlkn and other point.
In It neM' hoiiiu the Monarch mIII
rnrr) the anme ctiniplele lino of Rrt
(rle and alatdea, toRelhtr with fWh,
pniillry and Rame, nnd alo nil farm
priHlurta uatially found In iiMo-d:ito
Ktorc. II I nln prnH)ed to ndd a
ini'.it inaiki't, nnd audi other lines iij
Mill eiiutilii Hie hoiuoMlfii In purclinio
wllhlii Ita wall uve)lhliiK.iieceawiry
l or the preparation of n meal.
No one other nnenry haa plnyed
On (Kcoiiiil of Hie re-ln ulr- llio'jiiiirli nn Impnrlnnt pnrl In the Rroih
a.... .!,.., titr ill., irnln mIII mil nr. ol Hit firm na Im the nan In wlilrh
tT.,t1ltl .. ..,... .." -- . -
rlt- In Ihla city until 10 o'clock In I hey hvo put printer' Ink. They
...i.. .n... i..,.i.,.. 1 1 i.. iiaa'iiuiui na an eioiiiiilo of what ndver
inv Meiniia ,,v I-....... ..-..... .
been ttiniiRv-l to U.05 p. ait., thl luliiR will do. opeclnlly when It la
icheduld remnlnllii: In foir uiilll I rcked up hy tho qnnllty of tho Kood
iinrmnl IrntOc rondlthiii on the miiln iidverllid. When aellliiK nolhlnn
mnl. Mil fruit and wgclablM It wn. no
ui'iiiimmon occiirrcncti for llii'tii to u
I'lilf a no of till paper In call the
iillcntloii of llio honMikeeper of tho
rlly lo tho fact that they woru In
Jiiulnea. Only ono rcault could fol
low audi uiolliod that of plarlti.t
I Im Monarch In tho front rank of tho
limine Inatlt utlona of th city. ,
I J a me Catitral and hi aon have
nrr-ntly returned from a trip IhrniKli
Central Ore(ou. Mr, Cunlral rvporlvd
llnl there wa cnnaldnrahlo activity
nlonic llin prnptfeod railroad lint
HitouRh tho northern pari of Ihla
lo.tiity. There la a camp of auney
nri, ctiiplnyed by tho Orcitoa Trunk
tnllioad, nt Heaver nmrah nnd anolh
it nl Odell, where one of tlm lUirl
mft.i crew I nltn worklnc. Tho crnwa
me riinnlnK their line parallel and
vu.'klnR In harmony with each other.
Il nlan alaled that Chaa.4 Oravea
hna laid out a townallo on lib ranch
nl Odell, nnd that Bd Kouk, formerly
of Holland, haa begun tho erection ol
a building which will be uaad na a
utoio when It la romplctnl. Iloth the
Oti'snn Trunk and IlarrThinn urrp
run HiroiiRh Mr, Graves ranch, which
la i Hunted nt the Junction of the pro
Mixd road over tho mountain fiom
The newllched Manor lloiiae" la
a apooky place whero the chalra and
lablea do all aorta of funny btunla.
"Tho l.lltte Una) body" gela lain the
taliorntory and Juat ralaca particular
Cnln livforo the owner Ret hlmout
of there.
"I'omiiey'a Dream" T a horrible
nlRhtuiare, and after It he promt to
try and bo better.
"The Sacrifice" la a noble, Inaplrlna;
drama, baaed on the theory that
'Rrcatcr love thnn thl hath no man.
Hint n man Iny down hi life for hi
An liiRenlnna old ronjtirvr with n
Mate om hi wand bring before u
"Tho Different Hulera of the World."
They nre Intereatlni; ruler, too.
Wood-KloatliiR at Morvan" la
ahown In n beautiful aerlea of photo
of tho Rrcnt wood.
After tho ahow Ihero will be a
danco and tho llaldwln orcheatra will
play concert aclcctlon.
I'atroua dcalrlni to uae elevlrla
riuteri may now place their ordon
nt' our offloo a wo will have a stock
on hand In a very few da) a, either to
rout nt 30 cents per month or to sell
nt roat.
v nSfsH
lA ill
Vol nlH
3 11 I4IH
The Best "Buy"
in America
For the man who teeki clothes ?1mi li
Steln-BIoch Smart Overcoatund CraveietU
They have style and character that tank
them second to none.
All you need to do Is to try them on look
them over and If you need a coat we can
guess the rest.
tvH r Aut "Duchess" Trousers art fuara
teed. Exclusive adency at this store.) -
1 "a j6r ffMM Sat
IB mi it
Han Miiml
afBlSfi, W aUr JaVafalUaH
BUUU'ilH't'jV Jr iH-iBjwaaaBajj
Baal 'iLfafafafaTafafaBV '
H-Hii Measurra An H-ifi lo
llflrriil nl Hie Ciimlni; MiimIimi
of f'otiirrrw
In a recent special dispatch to the
Orvgonlan Harry J. Ilrown Rives the
It will be up to consreas to deter
mine next winter whether or not
iMinda ahall bo laaued by the Rovern
mi nt lo rslao 110,000,000 or more to
batten tho complotlon of Federal Ir-
U (gallon project now under way. It
ha iM-cnme evident that without some
inch astlatanco work on many of tho
projects wilt draR along IndeBnltcly.
Ticro la only f 1 0,000,000 available,
pnil there It Immediate demand' for
fju.000.000, Uuleaa some method (a
provided for IncreaalnR llio amount to
he expended next season the work of
the reclamation service will be serl
c:is!y crippled, and many settlers now
reldluR on unfinished projects will
Im. subjected to more nr leas hard
When Secretary Dalllnger was In
mm Vane attending the Irrigation eon-
grew. Senator Uorah discussed with
him the adylaablllty of n bond iMiie
to raise 110,090,000, or aa much
nio'o as might be deemed ncceaiiiry.
The secretary did not commit him-
H1 then, and since his return frrru
.iluikano has not been willing to make
nn) public statement with regard to
he proposition. But It Is known that
he appreciates the Importance of nut;,
rie'itlng the reclamation fund In
onie practical manner, for he reallioi
.he desirability of hastening the com
pletion of the unfinished project, nnd
It I aaaumed that If consresa rail
iikiii him for hla views he will cur-
I'liilly Indorse any proper leglalalion
to Ihla end.
Whether or not there shall he a
bond Issue la purely a congressional
qi. ration. Ileyond pointing out the
ciiudltlon ot tho reclamation work.
and the urgent need for more money.
It U not tho function of the secretaiy
of the Interior to act.
If congress Is unwilling to author,
lie a bond Issue In order to ralso ad
dltlonal'dinds with which to hasten
the completion of government Irriga
tion,, projects now under way, there
nro other means of raising revenue
which may prove less objectionable.
I'o'cmoil among them Is to ndopt a
1 1 ait leal system ot leasing the public
crnilng lands of tho West. Such n
rkform not only would benefit the
reclamation fund, Into which tho
eriuiug foes would bo turned, but it
would bring about numerous chani;?
of iollcy and practice for which there
I h rapidly growing demand.
It Is roughly estimated that thero
me 250,000,000 acres ot public gnu-
ing land In the West, which today
yields no revenue, Presuming that
this estimate Is too great, and that
only 1,000,000 acres ot grating land
could bo leased under government
supervision, If that land could bo
leased to stockmen at an avert go cost
of 10 cents per acre per annum, the
yield to tho reclamation fund would
bo $10,000,000 more than It now re
ceives from tho aalo of public land
Practical Western wen who ht've
discussed the leasing problem with
government offlclalt during tho putt
summer report that sentiment In
favor of,tn change haa developed
rapidly la the past year, especially
among the mailer atock tatn. Others
not Interested la atock raising, but
West, are favoring It became It
mean nn Increased population for
tho rango state. A vast range oc
cupied by a alngle rattle baron I no-v
destitute of acttlcr. That aamo coun
try placed under admlnlatratlon.
jcaacd at a reasonable rental for a
term of years, and In moderate arcaa.
will Invito settlement and afford pro
tection to tho amall atockmen.
Moat of the Western atates are now
clamoring for settlers; yet their great
est areas now destitute of homes
nro those given over to the livestock
Induatry. Only recently vast areas In
tho grating slates have been set apart
for entry under the dry farming act,
under which 320-acre homesteads
may be taken.
Hy building up comunltlea In this
country and controlling the range
under a leasing system, the advocates
of this advanced Idea see ahead great
development for tho states wheroln
dry farm posslbllltls are found. East
orn Oregon and Washington, many
(arts of Idaho, much ot Montana,
Wyoming and Colorado and Northern
Nevada, Arltona and New Mexico
would be developed by auch a s)
tern, and In like manner tho stales
now most In need of money for Irri
gation would recelro the necessary
funds from grating fee.
' Whether or not a leasing law will
be passed at the coming season de
pends largely upon the amount of ef
fort put, forth to teenro Its passage.
It Is part of the Administration's
conservation program, jus( aa It waa
a part ot the Roosevelt program. Bat
President Roosevelt could not Induce
congress lo pass a leasing law, any
more than he could secure other mod
ifications In the public land laws tknt
have become obsolete. Perhaps Pres
ident Taft, with bri persuasive force,
backed by a changing sentiment In
the West, will be nble lo accomplish
what his predecessor failed to attain.
If he succeeds tho entire West will
ItiMtor linns-nerd to Hare Been Hurl
ed for Pawsjosw of Proanscfaag
Tesaporary Panic hi Htorka
(Special) The state department m la"
receipt of advices from Nairobi,
Africa, denying the statement that
ex-President Theodore Roosevelt bad
been killed while hunting In the wild
of Africa. When the rumor Irtt be
came public tho entire city waa
thrown Into turmoil, and the state
department and newspaper onloM
were besieged wltb Inquirer aaxIoiM
to learn If there were any truth In
;he report. The dispatch from Africa
atates that tbe members of the party
are enjoying the best of health and
meeting with great success In their
search for game.
NEW YORK, Nov. . Special)
Denial ot tbe report that ex-Pretldont
Roosevelt had been killed la the wilds
of Africa baa been Received here wltk
delight by everyone. It m believe
that the report originated among cer
tain stock gambler, who believed
that It would have a temporary de
moralising effect on the atock aanr
ket, but in thM they ware mistaken.
na there was no material change la
tho price of stocks.
P. T. Illgglnt and Frank McCor-
mack of Klamath Palls and John T.
Getty of Minneapolis, wltb others,
have' Incorporated and will put up a
sawmill five miles cast of town on
tho Bwan Lake road. Tbe mill's ca
pacity will be 25.000 feet. Mr. Illg-
glna. wa one of the Incorporator of
tho old Long Lake mill. He haa
rented his farm, one mllo east 'of
town, to O. Webb.
If you want your atunT moved and
moved quick, get Ramsby'a Express
to do It. Office at Sixth and Klamath.
Phone 133.
One ot the traveling men who oc
casloaallyv visits this city, and ha
traveled considerably In the different
states, said this morning while speak
ing of the general attractiveness of-
the ceuntry:
"In my opinion It will bo but n few
years before some ten thousand peo
ple will be pasting through thl city t
very year on their way to visit
Crater lake and tbe lava bed. I
have seen Niagara and the Grand caa
yon. But I believe that Crater lake I
absolutely ualque. There are other
falls and other canyon, but there la
nowhere on thl old earth another
crater lake. The lava bed, too, are
worth coming a long waya to nee, aad
before a great many year there will
be people coming from every part ot
tho globe to see the wonderful scenic
beauties ot thl little valley."
aa)))a)ga)f ggM
Our Guarantee
with these:
Wheat we nay guarantee e naetut Jnst what we any. If yew
are mot, aa wheal jroar naoney wtu he rerauaOea at once wHhew parley
or qweeUon. Now that la the guarantee we give.
Any Household Rentedy beaHnc Red Star label or DOta.
; 8HIKLD label I positively guaranteed to give entire nnd absolute
That' fair, Isn't M?
Star Drug Store
"They Hro If
--, J".il
.." LT
J a
W.S, 5
B , J,.U
interested In the upbuilding of the
- , .,-..-., ,- ,
v u