The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 05, 1909, Image 1

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' M
brnitia llrfalo.
' i. i
i--,.i, l-nlla' First
I ; Tnd D J .
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
Fougril Ykaii. No. 1,001
Price 5 Cents
jwnt-UM ' i.NnmHMi.tTiox
ICMHMAlll) $3,000,000
. (..utrnii- ln IMtrlHg iai
gVrfcOlitillMK I" Ci'MlllIHe
, Uliil. r.
At VisniMMr, WmIi., " "" '
ages of Nu'tmbrr J1, tlit Oregon
TrMk rsll-sy nM articles or Incur
tors'-., prut Ming (or a railway
rM'Ht "" ",B Hxkm. Port
U4aa' Hrattl railroad nppotllti
Olilo to a ilnl hi Klamath) Falls.
, irtldn makes I lie usual spccl
ratios rofircriilrig I"' acquirement
tt H.-U nf ) I'ppfallon. construe
Ik of btlJjr rlf Thrl artl'lit
(irttritrihii from the point near
Olikf Ik railroad will run up (he
ful.nM.ltrr In Hi" Infinite rltcr
it. is th IHtchuip. tuitirly lo
KUsuth K It Trip nrorMiratliin It
lor ,?OO.0fto, dltldrd Iniit ib.tinu
tUtr. vf IIOU rarh, Th Inptrpor
Woo kit A I- Miller ami K. W.
Talis o( Yanmutrir, Th truslirw
ittMi F Ultima, Jsrkaon Smith,
Jtatt II. Km. A l Mlllrr anil tleo,
TkU It tlir Hill miI now building
1)1 lit Ikuhtttr futljnn. Itkf. Wirt
mil tmill wnlraris (or ihn (rail
Iciof tk tUhi i way ii p lb ran
tnatft lr( b l'..rll llmlhvr. who
rt la than il llm grading above
W4r. Trip work or grading will
rrcUbl continue thrrn all winter.
sl It the ri'tliir: part-nf dm (rack
ll U UM. TM. riMit U i.m. nf the
tilt, thirl. r,r. make Klamath
Wit U central iIiIiIiik point ror
Mirthem California uml Hmitlurii
nml (Vnltnl Oregon, llil illy will
then hu on llm mniii , ,,( HII ))f
On' print Ipa) MlliitmU mi llm I'miIIIi
TIiiimi who lmti ttvlt llm Iiiuiilllul
tlcit into Mug ereiM i) i, hiiii.
urn Par Mr i .Hiitiuny I. hum thnt llil.
lllllo tlly hat n wmnlerfiil future
Niiwhi'tu llwi.n 1'i.rtUiKl nml Ho
rmtlpniii tan there l Inuinl n ,t..M,
Hi iiial In nnliltrtiuiK. uli ni,.
KPticral ip.-iu., ami llil. olnnn
irni- dial I In- llnirliimn iin ,...
(wiiil iihiii llm (Htm,, ni ,, ,11), ,,,)
Irllrnd luakltiK II mi i.( tl,,. ,lln,
thliilnK iiU of I tn n)al.'iii . nil
hrll llm Hill tiimt kuI. mih ,,.,p
III Ihi ihi (Hiarr lliat ami alnp llm
ifjvfl(i.iiii ni ni mir nniirrlul rn.
triuirat 4inl tialuiMl uriialli
'. T.
J.imr. J, Still. Ilif ItallriMiil Maiinali',
Mnkr NMt li al L'lit'iiuiroa nml
ImuiU H.iullicrti Orrif.Ht.
If )ou vatil )niir null luntr.l ami
immtl ijulrk, Kri llanitlt)') i:iirt
lu llil II. Oltlrr al Willi ami Klatnalli.
I'tume III.
I'alrnna OclriiiK In rlmirle
nitrrt tnar no ilart ilirlr nril.'ri
al mil nlTtip at lll liap a tiwi,
rl t.aii.l In a tui In !). rlllicr lu
rvt.i'nl 3- rniU r imuilti nr In nil
al rl.
Mox::it MMii.Tt u:i:n.Mi
C T. )llr rvtiirmtl latt nlKhi
front HlllliiKa, Mont., w lie re liu at-
l.'iiili.l ttiv ilr larmliiK rnnKrrtt, alii
liHik an nf Klamath tountv
.nliutt Mr. Olhvr iial.l lilt nn
i'IIkiiw ami inllctu-d tliu vilillilt uu ami alont Id nalurnlly liaa n
lu-n urtin' nf natUfaclInn In liavlnit
Int'ii urn-..fiil in wlnnlnic pralM for
KUinnlti kmiiiI) iroctirt In tiirli
ki"n riiniii'lltlnu.
Tlic I'llillilti lliu.o from
all Mstlona nf llin W'.-ot anil MMilln
tlatra. ami vtrn Altx-rla, Cnnatla,
aliuwnl Hi llli twinl)-thrrj ilulo-
satra ami an cilillilt fintn ovit tlii
Tim prim for !! Inat tlaln n
hllill, a Irtaullfiil Kill allrrr ciii. wat
Dral awarilrtl In Or.'iton tijr tlir Jintftca
nf ptlill.lli, nml Ihn award wii en
Al tlifniiirlliiniM. Morula) rnlnr. jp,', "" "", n,l"",' ,MH,k toT lwo
Nn'riulH-r till, al 7 3") n'rliN-k. t...,'urt Th ilrirKnilnn frnm Colo-
'railn, wlio vihlhllt rlulirarrtl
I'lnncr rt.Mrl) nf Klamalh lla.ln
III han a lnuln-M iiikHiir ami inn.
ram, fiiltm.i-,1 lir a Imnnnrt In llcl
ituct from tnnre than a iloion roiin
Ii., in ail ii a li:oroua irnttt. Tim
Men', ball All mriiibri, nf Hilt .,..''l M-cnUMeratlon, In Ihflr
flely ami alt rlUllijn til iM-roinr In.lil.
bora arc Imltnl,
IVill'l fllfRrt Hip ilato'1 Mrar nut )our Ixirk, briKim
ami rarpa xlicn )ou rnn (it Ihn
wnik ilnnp xi otilckl), Hinrnuxhly ami
thraily lif Mnncolil't vaniuin clranrr.
a Reminder!
Thit Store, M uiual. wiU be
Santa Cltui Heidqutrtert for
Dolls Toys
Xmas Goods
We will giTt vaiaabk prtMlitMi awaf
thit year. Itt IKtr A4crtlicncnti
la, AgPMrjr Mti.Hl4Kh Heurt ClulhM hhU ''Uuihita" Tmuwra
favnr Oirgnn at rr(irrcnttl only
t.y I, ton iMtumlt nf exhlblli wnt b)
ln rn ii nt I it Klamath ami Crinik.
Tin roiiiinlttot" nf JmlKt.mlravnril
to ilar.' (ho allvcr rup to llm credit of
Hip .xMlilt nf hlitlirnt qiialll), whlln
thn roiiKrrra il.fliloil that urea and
iiiaiitl(y ihoiild ri'cclr.i thi rcronnl
Hon Had other roiinll.t In OrrKnn
arnt I'ltilbllt to the nutiib.T and qnan
III) In iiial Cnlnradi) I ho Klamath
pihlblt would rlly havo bn th
wlnnliiK on tu rnplurt' tht prlio fur
1 tin governor of Montana wat nc.
tnl, nml took an nrtlnt part lu thr
rnnKrrai, ilidlvprlni: n flno odd ret t of
wi'lroino In thu 800 di'lvgatit and
3,000 .llora In alvndanro, Dotplto
llm ntrtnrllout of Ihi' Klka' rnnvun
Hon In itroKritt. thp amtaloni of I ho
lit) I'armlim rotiKri'ta drew audi Im.
iiuiiMi nowila thai atandlnie rHim
n nbtulnt'd with illfflcully,
Tho tiKitt mudt'rn badge for n ri
riitluii (iiiniiiltti-o wat algulflcant of
I ho Ri'iu'rn! tidill tvrovalllnit amoiiR
Hik Hilling' cllUt'lia, bt'lnK "Atk Me;
I'm a llooator."
Tim I'xhlbltlon of -farming Ituple
inciilH nml umrhliu'ry wut a rtrtla
Hon nf iirogrvmi Indiid. 'There woro
uihlbllliiini of plowing rnn) harrow
lug, together with Inttrurtlvo talk on
inurvli.K nioUturo lu tho toll, uml
nil thu other Intent telen title aurl
rullurnl methoda. Modern Idean In
dcroratlon had mi aliuoat endloaa
aioi In orlety. Ouo of tho most
iinlqiit foal u ret was the forming of
letter of tlgnt lr,nin corn buttons.
Car of rotn worn tawed Into short
lengilit nml nulled tlirouglV tin caps
inuklin; u lino docorntho eltoct,
A Molilalia nmn had houso bnll
nf pnlutoes from "Potato 11)11" farm,
Kioni Colorado camo a carload of rd
niipli-s of different varieties tho
i olest , reddest kinds.
Kiir-nway Valettlne sont a dclo-
gate, u Itniimatilan named Aronsohn
who came on missionary work to
show tho dry farmers of the Occident
what dry farming la the Orient was
like. Ho showed them with lantern
slides, tho rockiest, driest, moat for
lorn and hopeless tracts of land, ami
then produced samples ot wild wheat
and bnrloy slides, showing great lelii
of It growing on such land. This wild
wh.ul nnd barley I highly sutccpt).
bio lu cultivation, and It receiving
much attention at urenent to atccr
lit lit Its vnluo In thU country on dry
ranch e.
l'vrbapa the most notable K-akvr
at the congress was James J, Hill, lit)
spent much lime among the eshlbltt.
ttuilylng and comparing them cloudy,
uml when l.o made his speech to
congress he declared (hat bu had
never set such tall grain as t!.il
grown lu Kouthern Oregon.
Why, If you have teen what I
have seen down In that exhibition hall
thn tallest grain I ever saw lu my
life you would believe what Houtb-
em Oregon ran produce," be said, re
fenlng to the Klamath exhibit, coi..
Mining the tallest sheaf of grain tit
tho congress. Mr. Hill vltlted lift
Klamath exhibit a number of time,
escorting visitors whom lie partlrti
In'.y detlred to show wnat our conn
try ronld produce.
Mr. Hill gave f 1, 000, In print at
the congress, slid over his railroad
system all exhibits, some of thrni ear-
In many
charges on cnnectlng Uses. The In
duttrlal exhibit of the Great Northern
railroad was placed In an annex to
the congress, and embraced products
from a number of states through
which tho railroad operates.
Mr. Oliver promised to attend the
next year's session of the lry Farm
Ing congress In Spokane, and bring a
carload of Klamath exhibit, which he
can easily do.
ran leave Ihidr names sml thu fee of
II for men, SO cents for women and
six month-' duet, CO centt. In advance
with J. 0. Hwnn, county school atijwr
Intendent. ,
To lie a charter memlter dot away
with Ihc InltUtcrr ceremonies, per
sons only being obligated, and this
can be done subsequently If not pres
ent when tho grange Is organised.
KiluMa!ln of liar I'nriio' d Hie
I'rliiclplrs ot Tills Wrll'Known
load lots, wero hauled fn-e.
.... i .
rases he paid freight and
latt night a masterly sermon wns
preached, lo which three resiiondcd
for confettlnn and baptism.
Mr. Wlrti's solo, "The Ninety and
Nine," was much appreciated and thu
Illustrations thrown on tho screen by
Ktangcllst Holmes were exceptionally
clear, and being very aprpoprlalc,
served to add much to thu effective
ness of the song. Tho meetings will
rlote Sunday night.
Tho ladles' Aid and Chrlttlan
Women's board of missions wero or
ganlted Thursday afternoon.
On Saturday night a lantern pro
gram of a mixed nature wll bo given,
which will bo a colectlon of the
world's famous paintings, which has
been selected with much care and ex
Mnse. On Monday night "Tho Pat-
slon I'lay" will bu given.
At tho preliminary hearing ot the
case of thn State . Harry lngrah,am
tho rate was dismissed, Tho com
plaining witness in his own testimony
stated that before any guns were
shown ho had assaulted the defondant
with a dangerous weapon and, though
a great many witnesses weco called,
tho state's attorney failed to make a
case against tho defendant. It Is
rumored, however, that some of tbo
most valuable tostlmony was not
available at the time, and the case
will probably conio up for trial again
In a few days. If such Is the case the
noit trial should bo Interesting.
It seems remarkable that two men
cannot live across tho road front one
nnothor without resorting to gun
plays and tho law to settle their du
After tho 15th ot the present
month I Will be prepared to furnish
pure milk to the people of Klamath
Kails. My cows aro young, healthy
nnd welj (ed an(1 ,ho mllk ' handled
In a cleanly and unitary manner. Our
aim shall be to give satisfaction.
Telephone 883,
Under tho direction of the ttntn
master and tbo executive, committee
nf thn Oregon State Orapsi. fitnlc
t put) Cyrus II. Walker has com- to
M.'imath county to organln toir.e
Crr.r.ges, ctmlng at the earneit re
quest of prominent cltlicns.
I)eiuty Waltier during the month
of September and a part of October
organized four granges In Coos coun
ty, one being at llandon "by the sea,"
thu most westerly grange In the
United States.
Ho hopes to do even better In this
county, putting In at least live
granges, thus entitling the county to
two sets of delegates to the state
grange, which meets at Oregon City
Tuesday, May 10, 1910.
A set of delegates consists of a hus
band and wife. They aro allowed 10
cents er mile traveling expenses and
II ier 'day each during the session,
which next year will likely lake four
days, as oScers are to be elected.
The cardinal principles of the
grange are co-operation, education
nnd sociability. The grange Is a
farmers' organisation, hence the. last
tamed often finds Its highest success
In tho rural communities.
Young people over 14 years of age
ran become memners.
Literary programs are a leading
feature In grange meetings, and In
these the young people receive a
most helpful training. Women are
admitted on an equal footing with
nun: In fact, they aro ghvn an ad
vantage, for of tho thirteen offices
nil can be filled with women, while
there arc four that men aro not per
mitted to fill. The grange more and
more U looked up to as thu exponent
of tho tanners' opinions, hence public
men nro asking when Important
measures come before the cople.
What aro tho granges going to do
about It?"
The Linn County Council Patrons
of Husbandry, composed ot delegates
from Linn's fifteen granges and sonio
In Uenton county, at its last May ses
sion pasted a resolution favoring a
uniform stato rato of 3 cents por
mllu on all railroad lines In Oregon.
This was carried up to and endorsed
by tho state grange.
Some ot tho lines that will bo af
fected by this measure, should It be
come a law, Is the C. E. from New
port to Albany and then eastward to
near tho summit of the Cascade
mountains; tho S. 1. lino twenty-six
miles from Marshneld to Myrtle Point
In Coos county, und a portion ot tho
S. P. from Weed to Klamath Falls.
Tho pressure brought through the
granges In tho several counties most
affected might secure tho proposed re
Klamath county will find It greatly
to her advantage to have strong
grange organisations, and getting
Into touch with those elsewhere In
Kastern Oregon nnd particularly the
many In tho Willamette valley, secure
most helpful legislation.
A canvas Ii now being made to or
ganise n grange In Klamath Falls,
starting with not less than thirty
members, n general rule oMae state
grange executive committee.
Persons desiring to become mem
bers of the local grange nnd who may
not bo soen by the organising deputy,
"She Would lie an Actress," but
hubby has rather strong objections
and decides to break up the show on
tho eight ot her debnt.
"Ills Little Girl" Is In reality IS
years old, and this fact alono ratio's
good deal of fuss.
"The Different Rulers of the
World" are conjured up by a clever
magician and shown In some rather
amusing pose.
"Wood-Floating at Morvan" Is an
Interesting and Instructive film, show
ing life In the woods, glorious In their
regal splendor.
"The Little Hut) -Body" Is a mis
chievous youngster who gets Into
grandfather's laboratory and has an
Interesting time.
''The Haunted Manor House" Is a
spooky sort of place, where all sorts
of queer things happen 'to the chairs
and furniture.
K. II.
W. C. Dalton ot the Carr ranch has
certainly got one of the best watches
out. Last fall he lost It la the Seld
while plowing, and this fall found It
again while he was harvesting his
crop. Twice since the watch was lost
the Held has been Irrigated and n
horse hss stepped on the case.vyet
W. C. Davenport, tho watch expert In
Heltkemper's jewelry store, told Mr.
Dalton that thewatch could be re
paired and would keep time as well
as It ever did. The watch Is a 17
Jewel Hamilton.
Klamath County Una Hip Greatest
Kami- of Any Clly M Ihc
K. D. Dubois of Portland, who left
on the morning train for his home,
stated yesterday thatthongh be knew
Washington from A lo Z. andbsd
traveled extensively through other
parts of tho Union, be had never seen
a country with such bright prospesti
or so promising a future.
Mr. DuBols Is a wealthy miner, one
of the few who can tell a mine from a
hole In the ground, nnd own a very
valuable placer mine about fifty miles
out from Dawson City. Every season
for the past eight or -Too years hu
has lived 'in Alaska, making his win
ter headquarters In Portland. He
had heard n number of his friend.
speak of this country, nnd decided,
he would come down nnd see for himself.
He was greatly Impressed, and
though he has left for his homo, he
III return In three weeks to close
the several deals he has made while
here. He reiterated several lime
that when the main line of the South
ern Pact Ac Is completed twngh this
city there will be greater ayortnaJ-
tles here -thnar In any ether
the country he has as yet
While here Mr. DuBols waa the
guest of the Home Realty compear.
The W. C. T. U. met at the home
(if Mrs. Boyd, vice president, Mrs.
(Irlgsby presiding, since Mrs. Price
resigned. Mrs. O. A. Stearns was
elected treasurer In place of Mrs. Wil
son, resigned. They will meet at the
home ot Mrs. W. P. McMillan next
Wednesday,. November 10th, at 3
o'clock. The Loyal Temperance
Legion will meet at tho lecture room
of the Methodist church nest Sunday
at 3 o'clock.
For sale, cheap, piano, kitchen cab
inet, chiffonier and other household
good. Inquire at Public Library or
Stllt'o store.
Beat hot tomaiee at tho Cast End
Kaadr Kitchen.
The following letter explains Itself:
"Portland, Ore., Nov. 3.
"Monarch Mercantile Co., Klamath
Falls, Ore.:
"Dear Sirs We are very sorry to
Inform you that we -were unable to
ship your Ssh order today. Owing
to a washout on the 8. P. the express
company will not receive acy Ssh
south of Ashland, Ore. Now we will
hold your order on Sle nnd ship as
soon as the road Is open. Your
Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Joaaa or
Portland left on the stage this mora
Ing for Lakevlew, where they expect
to make their home In the future.
Mr. Johns Is n prominent lawyer, and
will become a partner of L. F. Conn
of that city.
Our Guarantee
with these:
Wheat we say gnaraatee we Mean Jnat what .we say. If votj
are not satisSM your money wHI be refunded nt once wtthewt parley
or question. Now that Is the gwaraatce we give.
Any HonseboM Remedy bearing n Red Star label or DOCK
SHIELD label la positively gsuraateed to give entire nnd absolate
That's fair,' -n't It?
Star Drod Store
"They Hive It"
. .