"7 Vf X . V f? 1 i'j; J 71 f tor nine Jlefato. ?); Klamath Falto' jflnt J and Bent Dally. J 'Our AdvcrdMrt Osrt Tb Beet Ramlm. J5 :i ni't-" "-' - fourth Vkak. No. 1,000 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1909. Price 5 Cents She IAD CASE IP NEXTMONTH . .... ft... I1UIIIII Jbl klllMKMH 1 ''"" " iiti:u iki: iio.im ium: CEMMKI3HSDAUSr.l 4ir Ph-lil) of Time for ItrnlMNlnK Mots ,rl Nprliuj If lavlshm . I'Mtnntl'Ir. M c "I' it nionlli . Idlixl; till miti'ly It'" time for a tilng In Iho Crater laVe road isr I drawing "r. this '' Hewnibrt lb Mine t'' date ' ',,r " "'"' : trfute I ho iiireiut murl t( III" Lir. If noiMns aria In lb mean ii in iirrtit tlio MiornrH r the art ftnm Uklm up lln raw on thnl t the atguiuriila will Imj made Ml it Utile Thin lll nfTiiril ample op- ilunliy lr Hi" riiiut in Milliliter inillor mi'l lender lla opinion In no lo permit (if lliu (iiHinifliiriiititH dil In I In' aptlng, protliled Oml lililim ! In laor iif the uiinlrur- La uf the road III no pil wllli Id" tilperstltluua rnlrr tnulnil again! I ho liearlug ItBjC lirM on the dale Cmllialed - i IJlh ll U In be Iiiixm1 Hint It II I'taiK a lucky number In Ihl lii- )B(f, (Mil lliat when I tin decltloii ll njcl tin n ll Mill Iki along III" i nil llor uf iniiKrm niul xrnil(. I( I he irpl)illi'lll of I hit gnat tural rrwniMM of the nlMln. The bunitWr of vMlnra In Crater I Ihll )rat aggregating t,S i ladlrallte of what II will l0 when ! itMnrtl In lh" limrUli of the lM by inrana n a highway giving if atrraa. mmtx Iht Idl llmca it numlx-r will tltlt ll annually for uril few year, the number en I BaaaTBV Fit-Quality Style Tin. Tliriv Hlrrr) NVvi-m In Mrn'a liulliia ,nt I'liilgnl juu lay I lie Steln-Bloch Label in Every Coat IOanCW h i'a 'CmW WN ILOO VMM. Wear "DUCHESS," the guaranteed kind K.K.K. STORE Klu.lvt. Atimry HiliilUorh atauirt Mnutly Imtin.liiK u n,., rnlll f ln urmii natural wihhIit In tpri'iul lliiourthoiiT I In- Hindi Whit,, ( IrilB tlllll III" KH'tltfat ImliKlll froill IhU IliuiiPii.K Irani m l. t minimi In Klamath (i. unly. Minimi , ,). iilnl ilutt olliVr i llli uf tin, mull,, (atlknlnil) I'ntllimil, h ,c miII) lii'ili'tltl',1 mImi 1hi "lico.iaiillln iki" a ,, ,1(1)1 (IK iiuml linvn iiiniln fulkn llilnk o ClilUlimia, for K V llllli'lli, tut hut nn nn jilwia of nun ftiriilliini Inr UlifUltiina iiiiMnU ('nun, In now Ull rl n Kill lifiiti, nil n ir. Ilvl chulra nml ladlia ami wrlllim iliaka nml Ixxikratri mill nml ull I In, tilnr llinR4 llial rim ian'1 go wrmiK on for a lumxtil, U mii; for llivtu'a nil limn o outer K'Mxl nt ,. tar H"o ami lh) ntu itnltiK might) fan lliem itaya, .IT TMKOITIIt IIUIHK ' lliintnl III 1 1." Cml" ami nnally btoilgtit lu'dnif I Im liar ol jiiallrn lIltiMIBll lliu tlTnrU Of lh" Irli'tnl of Itin limn I liajl liliiriti-rnl, la III" Jutt nit of a tliug ' A l'a)ln llnilm-ia" la liulll up i n In-ggar nml liU nroniiljfn ln-n llir Inllrr ilili- In ilnitiginli 4th on" wtm makm a ilunatlon. "Tim ItlKht In Ulxir" Ix-louga lo tiwry man, ami In nn irriiit ilramn j llm tl of tin man hn iltra lilt rlglit la ahtin. "Hlii Wo ii lil li nn Arlir.." allrr H-AilluB 0 UmiV on li grlltli. ml of Urn Iari, Imi liutib) nhjrrti ami llirmigli lilrki'f) iiu out. "Ilia t.lnta Oltl." whom hit Rt-U a fflrml In lakt rati, of anil for trhoni Ihl' fllrlitl til) til), rlr, tiitna out In Im prcll)' anil IK ami writ, )nu aliouM u lur )onirlf IKin'l vi tar out J emr hack, broom and rarxrt whrn )on ran got Hip work itonn in iiulckly, thoroughly ami clii-aiity y MongoM'a tacuum rlinncr. Are Your Trousers Insured??! Clolliwi and "Iterhwa" Trouacw ANOTHER ROAD FOR KLAMATH llllri TIMK IT MTAIITM KltOM Kt'lllIUA, VM ' AND IS BEING BUILT BY HAL Will ftilUw lb Klamath Hlrrr lo TliU t'Hy anil Tfttii lllkr IMtl Kr IiUImi. illipnlch from Kuroka, Cal., aayg that Ocorga llvndrraon, the w kiniwii Kurckn railroad man, will al lint n I'M iini'iliig of thn city council rpply for a railroad franrhlaa Ihrougli llilf illy, Hi) hm lnlirrrit tho dlf fcrrnt toiinrllmrn on tlm matter and ll ,iMka llko rrrythlag la rlvar all dig for tin. road, Yhat Ihfl" aio hlg InliTrala ho tilmi Mr. Hi-mliTKiii la oTldcnl from Iho Inrl that I hi' gfnllrmnn want It ll;iulalrd that crry hlddor for thn fr.mrhUn ahnll iut iii a forfeit of li'.'ouo, At mar aa ran u Icnriiwl tho Hen i'iTWMi toad la In ho liullt up the riwut aloiig tin, Klamath r lur, to Klamath Kalla, Ihenrueaat Into Idaho, If I n,i lio, teaching Hlnla on tho in.nl jrhern many adanlagruiia run i clliiiia wlili other road can bo Itfiile. Tin re la a trontf belief that Mr. LVnletMiii I bring barked by tho Mill Intireala, and ll I aim ald that the roMaol road will bo able very a1I) 1 1) iiiakn a Junction with the Wfttm Pacific. In order lo tvach tho Klamath from thla city It would be nrrcaaary lo tun nel lh llald mountain rldgo between liiiUood rreik and thn Klamath rlr e , II la al4 Hint I lie routo na been iirti')i'd for M'ternl )em, The toad will oien up a aal cr illnry rich In undeveloped nipper d poall, tntuahli. timber holding atid u ftrllle nKrlruttiirnl aecllon. It la n welt known fact that fur man) )iar Mr. Hill ha had In Ilia puiMMlun aiirve) for a ntad down Iho Klamntb rlter, but It la doubtful If ho will oxer UK' thuin. Il ob Jerihu Milnt I iindoiibiedly Ban KiunrlMii, nnd while ho would open up n (iiuntr) of wonderful reaourcva, II Ii not likely that ho will thua early In the Kami) begin the construction of briiurliea that inn na enilly bo con- trm hil after lu reachea hli goal. Klamallt Kail will welcome a road from Kuieka, but It U not ykely that It will bo inlled upon tu ogtend the glad linnd lo thU now arrival In tho fluid for mnny mooiu tu come. ININ'T MIIUtKT TIIK I'llll.MIKX AT TIIANKWilVINfl Tho great atnto of Oregon U grow- lug In population each )tur, and aa In other alate, tho need ol Iho Char llnblu liutltutlona aro greater. Among Ihcto U'tlio Ho) a" and'Ulrla' Aid o- ilely, wliuav vhellvrlnB anna reach out nml help tho needy tittle folk. It him now nearly C00 dependent ililldren under Hi caro placed out In fnmll) liomu In all purl of tho alato, nml more are coming In ovory day. Thn ictvlvliiK homo of. tho aocloty U luxul lo II itiuoat caiuuljy alxty on nana was a uauy averagu mo pan. your, Tho voclcty ha found It nee. enaiiry to vulargo IU proaent Quarter and luiw) built a wing to tho original bulldliiK containing IS room 'at a coat or nearly 7,Q00. Two thouiand of IhU amount waa appropriated by tho atulo and tho balance made up by Voluntary contributions from philan thropic pebplo of the city of Port land. Out thla building haa to be f urnlahod. ao the wants of the laatlfl tloa are greater than ever this year, Tho four dormitories, containing ten bed each, the managomeflt hop will bo furnlahcd by the county court, tho iul of furnishing each dormitory be ing II7S. Already Waaco rounty ha furnUhed one and Yanthlll county another, but there are atlll two empty; alao lh foltowlng roem: reception, IIIOJ aaeraibly, $100; dining, $60; reaaHsg, 40, and four Inglo room at f each. Huperln tetident Uardner Mya that any iieraon who would aee it to furalih one of Ihcao rooma aa a memorial to aome Jeimilcd friend or relative wllfre (tire Ike full credit, ana an Inacrlp llon atatlag the donor aa4 object will ho iillaely' laecrlee aa a tablet In kuch.room, Thaae who wlh lo aa- Ut by a aaaalhteontrihwUoa will re- celvo the gratitude of the "manage ment. Healdca the above, bcafdlng, gro- cerlea, canned good of all kind, frul and vegetablea will he very ac ceptable aa heretofore, and during Tnankklrlag week wIM he carried fren by both the raHread compaay, Well Karco Riureae coaVnany aad ateamboati running late) Portland. The children of the public achoola will remember that their annual gift aro looked forward lo bjr,all the chil dren of the "home." All package hould be plainly Marked! "llo)a aad Ulrli' Aid Society, Portland. Ore." SCHOOL BOARD i MEETS DAILY I'ltKPAItl.XJ tK KKHCTMIX OK XKW HtllJUXa WHl SBON AOVEM11SC BONOS Will Avoid the lHfaHa That KagvH the CHy Ikada aad IMayed Mrwrrr Nyalraa. Thtt-ubool board I .holding dally eaalona, going over and dfacuaaing plana for the now actaeathouac. Proflt Ing by tho eiperieace-ot the city In tho matter of tho bond laiue, the membcra uf tho board are going to take time by the forelock and adver tlao tho bond for aalo at an early date, hedged by Such condition aa will prevent the holding up of the project through tho working of a elm- liar acheme to that which deprived tho city of Ita aewer ayitem for a year. Charmed with tho beauty of the view from the new site, the board propoaca tb erect an artlatlc building that will bo architecturally perfect. Tho fund at their dlapoaal are ample to provldo foe the erection of a build ing that will bo an ornament to tho city and a aourco of prldo 19 the achool diatrlct. No dcclilon haa aa yet been reached aa to Iho material out of which It la to be constructed nor the it)lo of architecture to bo fol lowed, alt Ihcao mailer being sub ject of dlacuMlon nt tho dally oca alon of the board, it I agreed among tho membcra that tome particular style of architecture will be followed, nnd In tho selection of plana thla will no doubt play an Important part In the design and plana that ahall be accepted, "" IH'HK, CI.KAN MIMi V After tho ISth of the present month I will be prepared to furulsh pure milk to the people of Klamath Kails. My cowa aro oung, healthy and well fed, and the milk la handled In a cleanly and aanltary manner. Our aim shall be to give aatlafactlon. Telephone 833. JA8. W. STRAW. v RAMsMY'S aUPMaM . 1 If you want your stul staved and Moved quick, let tUauby's Bsarees to do tt. OMm at tilth aad Klasuth, Phoaa IIS. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE VUmiSU HKKHIOXM OK INHTITITK I'llOVK OK llinil VAI-IK ADDRESS BY J. T. BUTCHCJC Prof. AleVrmam Haya Wr Arc Coming In lU-oanl Work Krum an Ar llMk fHanaiml. Wednesday afternoon saw the close if tho Teachers' lastltute, after a de lightful three daya' session. Wcdaesday morning, after lhe W - tisual opening exercise,' Superinten dent Swan addreaaed a few remark I to the teachers, among other thfbgs recommending that teachers from outlying districts request their boards lo grant them an eitra day to return home, thus allowing them to attend the full session of the Institute, lie alao-rccommended systems for keep ing records of school libraries and thowed toaio report card whlok he iiiggested for use In the public rhools. Mr. Dunbar alao gave some nplanatlon of the grading system used In tho city schools aa suggestion for amalter dlitrlcls. Gyre's II. Walker of the State Grangers association waa then Intro duced- and made a few pleasing re marks. Mr. Walker haa the honor of having been the Brst white child born In Oregon, his narenta having been members of.-rhe Whitman mlssloa. The Brst regular addreaa of the morning waa delivered by Mr. John T. Butcher, principal of the Coaaty High School. ,Mr. Butcher's address was atrong and forceful as himself. Ills theme was "The Influences and Kffcct of Work Upon the Human Character." He defined the purpose of the public school "to line up a system of stlmulae which will cause the pupil to act along the line of his highest development": tho d,uty of the teacher "to hold the child to the most appropriate response of which he is cable',' and he expressed it bis opinion that "good, honest. hard, conscientious work Is at the foundation xot the formation, as well at the reformation, of all character. which I tho fruitage of the more abundant life." Mr. Alderman. In commenting on the speech, suggests the tlniu may be coming when we will learn toJook nt work from aa artistic standpoint and find our greatesrpleattare In the work wo do. The Child We Teach" waa the title of the splendid talk which followed. Prof. Alderman gave credit for too most of his talk to a little Wo- which he held In jilt hand, "Youth; lta Edu cation, Regimen and Hygiene," by K. 8taaley Hall. Mr. Alderman said, In part; "We deal with two things the book and tho child. Kormerly we emphasised the three Rs; now we emphasise the three Ha Head, Heart and Haud." 1 Tho forenoon session was closed with a forceful and enthualastlcdls- cusslon of Iho Institute and ta le a. tons by Superintendent R. II. Dunbar of the city schools. "We will get out of this Institute," says Mr. Dunbar, what' wo put into practice." He ad vanced the thought that We can got tho moat out of our bos and girls by encouragement; that few thlnga are deliberately planned by our pupils, but that they act largely through sug gestion, lie emphasised the Import ance of making the pupils responsible for the preservation of the achool property, and also the good which springs from a broad sympathy , be tween the school and tho home, sug seatlaslhat It Is a part of tho teach er'a duty to become acquainted with the parents of their pupil. Mr. I'anek opened the afternoon sesalon with his final lesson In calis thenics, gfrliiK thn theory of ya temlc play In tho lower grades. Kx-County Superintendent J. O. Wight gave a good address on tho "Personal Influence of tho Teacher" and It was well appreciated by all. After recess Prof. Alderman gave a "Three Talks In One," simply con densing three subjects wnicn wo would have enjoyed had the time per mitted, nnd closed the regular session with a beautiful lesson In literature. Superintendent Swan then called for reports from some committees which had been appointed earlier la the sessioa. The committee on local Institutes recommended the division of tho w county Into threo sections, the center of each being Boaaasa, Klamath Falls and Merrill, and recommended that two or three local Institutes be held In each during the year. The committee on debating and declamation awoke aa enthusiastic discussion of tho "achool fair" Idea which will probably bear frnlt during the coming year. The committee on resolutions re ported as follows, their report being adopted, and the Institute adjeurned: "Be It Resolved, by us, the teach ers bf Klamath county. In Institute assembled, that we voice our appre ciation of the excellent service ren dered us by onr Institute Instructors during the past three daya. "There. Be It Rteeltod that we extend our thaaka to oar worthy stale superintendent, 3. H. Acker man; our county tuperiaUadeat. J. a. Swan; Srofeeeera Alderman aad Kcssler, aad all the other Instructors ho have so ably aided in maniac this Institute a splendid success. "Be It farther Resolved, that we extend to the officers aad teacher of the Klamath Falls schools our thaaka for the hearty welcome accorded ua and the uso of their school buildings. "We wish also to extend our thaaka to the pulpit and press of Klamath Kails for thelnterest exhibited toward uur work. "Be It Also Resolved, that It Is the sense or the teachers 01 Klamath rounty that the great stato of Ore gon should provide ajbtsml tralalag for lta teachers. "Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the record of this lastltute aad that copies be forwarded to the sev eral papers of the county. FRED PETERSON. ."CHA8 E. MULKEY. ''NET R. DREW." Best hot toaaateo at the East Bad Kaadr Kltehei. Our Guarantee I with these: Wbeai wo Bay gmaraatee are are not aatlaSed yonr,noacy waU or qaeetioa. Now that la tho ajaaranlee wo sjlve. Any Honachold Reatady Maria- Red Star label or DOUs SHIELD label la ?eaMe!y Banraatecd to give entire aad absolaU saUafactien. That's fair, Isn't RT IQil CK1AM FOK CHAFJ Star Drug Store "They MIMIMtllsMMIIIMIMMIMIIMIMIal14 TO OPEN NEW ADDITION HOT MPIIIXflM MUX PI.ACK MORK PROPKRTV OX MARKET OPPOSITE RAILROAD DEPOT Will Ones) a Street Throng It That WIS, Hnortrn Distance to the KaHroad. The Hot Springs compaay for the past several daya have had a force of men at work tearlag down the feaee surrounding the laad west of the rail road tracks aad opposite the deaot. Thla addition haa keen platted aad a street la to be opened through tt to the depot, according to pteaa hereto- fore made. Thla will BtatetlaHy shorten the dlataace between the etav ter of the city aad the depot, aad prove of considerable beaedt aad convenience to the community. A large number of lota have al ready been sold In the addlUea, aad It la expected that duriag the nest few weeks most of them will be sold. They were placed on sale la Ban Frtaitota yesterday, where there la a big de mand for property la thla cHy. Aside from removing the feaee ao other Improvements will be stade thla year, full develoaateat of the tract being deterred unUl serlag. At that time a wide thoroughfare wtH ho built aad macadamised, aad wtH un doubtedly prove aa attractive high way for taoae goiag to aad retarateg from the depot. -MAmtatH 1041 A. r. Baaaetl of Merrill aroacaSt to the city yesterday aeoto potatoes that are woadera for alao aad smsoth aeee. Some of them have been placed on display la the exhlbHtea booth. Oae freak potato looks a good deal like a duck, but It will have to bo passed upoa by tho coagrtejaUea of knockers before aa appropriate name can be chooea for k. Some of tho po tatoes rawed by Mr. Buaaell weigh over seven pounds. They were growa on Stake! mouatala. aad furnish an other demonstration; of what can be, doae here when proper esTorta are pat forth. Furniture for aale, lacludlag drop head Stager for fltf la good eoadi lloa. Iaqulre Mm. leeteld. ' la Moat Hutchison house. Piae etreet. Apples, peart, oraaace. grapes, plui-applea aad every klad of dried or pitaerved fruit at the Moaanh Mer coiitile compaay. ateaa Jaet what wo say. II rat be refaaded at asm wMhoat pattty i 1 Have IP V. LiX ,- ; '5t Vf ; .91 l , - T 1 Vi r , ' tM Sl "iJg ' il . rf' 'Ji H s. 1 f'- H 'l AVW-V ;r. !?a ;W 'l i mr y R. v' H t -,H--r. i. - f , 'j K.' Z' M . jn? i'S 1'