r "z "V- . -.? fttmina rfalii. Klnmith FahV Pint ntid Best Dally. AAAAA, Our AdvwtlMn 0 The BMt KmuMs. jjjitiiTifi -ir-rr- r,7 Fouiuii YKAif. No. WW KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1909. Puci 6 Cents n yJhe fl LLI' NEW WHEAT FOR KLAMATH tsl H AIIO (JIIIIUH TO I'Klt. n.rini.V NiHt iMiiiuiH ON UKY ALKALI USD Mi.) Prtun n Hosimt Wraith for llir Ho llsnchrrs of KImiimIIi County, On the ranch of Thomas Crwas, io iuil- soulh r Dorri, was IrM n riprrliiiriil till slimmer hlrti nu) tr.iili In making Ihs KUnmUi niuiitry nnttd throughout Hio tiiunlf) a U Hie state of Kansa. Tin iiviltiinit was with Iho reWtig of tarl llu.ilnii wheat, Mr. Cross in. ruled tiiinu iwl frnlil Kansas and umnl n nimll amount of II fur the imiHM of .it I ii it If II would grow t-rlr. Tin' li-iull aatonlshnd not Dill) Mr I'm. Inn ptrr)nn thai hat mh Ike I'tixluit Tim RPrnd wan fully lft llm alio of lln Kahaaa grain, anJ nriii. in m..' all of lli flnr. , itilllf tif the HiimIaii arllrlv, The area planted ha nut Imi-ii learned, but the amount of wheat harvested ta rImiiiI 1,000 pounds. TIip lain) on which the sed waa I'laolnl was alkali, anil It waa thiKJKht lu li Iimi attongty ImpreR MM villi It to ho of iinirh ii m fur iIik talatne of any rroi. Hsgebruah would nut grow there, ami ,lt waa llh soma uilaglvlngs that Mr. Cro.a decided In miw thn whrst lharv. The trtulta however, have proved Jtiat Ihe toll It admirably adapted fur the mrxNP Hanilra of Ilia wheal were sent'tii California millers for Iho purpose, of curing thrlr oilnlon aa in Ha valim si a nT'al Their cijr ill it not con Fit Quality Style The Three Hi em Necca-lllra hi Mrn'i (Inlhra .n l'litlHl o jr ll"' Stcln-Bloch Label in Every Coat bdl 'LJKBPBBTti iit II oo 0 Crate1 aVittra. MA vn-Law.an'w . v vwwir Wear "DUCHESS," the guaranteed kind K.K.K. STORE KlttaV0 A.icjf Mete.Mw)i MrwH Clothe unci "imrhiW Truacw tain llm dialled liifiitinnlliiii, H In IllK almply mi lliiiilr ua In how Hindi of It till')- liiulil piouiro Humpies Irnvn him aent In gotnriiiiiiwil iigrl. uilliirnl lollegi-a Mini thn i .-.nil of thu nnitl)ala la nwnlltd with Itileteal. A curloml of ih ami Int. Ini'ii liliiiil lulu lliu liiitin tnlh') rm planting thla full, nml It thn aunt auu um la lncl Midi n n ,a a hurveat. iil It lili-niia thai lutnl In thla Vldnll) w Imi iiimln in piodim. iinjia ilmt will In lug ifturiia far In.) nml llm drtunia of aii)tmc. ' O II Ualea, inanugtr of Hit. Light an I W'uli'l iiitiipnii), na In )ia )esterda) nml lil In llirm urtin.l aittliia of Urn iil ntii) llm wheal Btown from ll He nlui IhiiiikIiI Imck a Mliii of iiminioiil wheat kmioii h Mr Cio ami thla la otuMhlnl larxer limn llm ni from whlih ll waa Kiown, 11m Bniiij.lt aeak lor Ihi inat'he ami ihou what limy he oiiflet when Ihla mIIoii la fully i)i'VeiiK)i, Thn whe.it Rtown Ii)' Mr Croaa waa on ilr) laml ll la inulileiimllrnl xli.il llm tratill woiilil he on In ml that waa Irrigated It la welt known thai Irrl RUllon lu. n I. litlrnrjr In aoflin thn wheal, hut to what etlciit Ihla will he trim with llm ItiiaalAll hard reuialua to l ilitertilllliM Ii)- eilxrllilinla. II l iartlrnlarl) adaifd to ill) farm. Ing and um) it(ne to lm one of the Rreel hlecalliKa that the ill)' intirlc era of Ihla muni r)' hate eer had, tiiii.u to fi:iini.i: iwki.k Halt Aaklalid, llm Doirla Hoede, ho ramo llifn (own )c.ltit)' even ing and alailid lllim Ihmiio lo the lalHirria at the lallroad lauipa, waa arrratril by the ilrputy alierllf, linlRed In. Jail and Jhla nioinlnt; nrralRniM hefnre Jti.llre of the I'mre Miller. He idem! riiIII)1 and waa ulen aenlenro of Ihlil)- da) In jail and a fine of :&i, III ilefniitl of ia)liuut of the film he will lay In Jail an additional i:S tla, f ' Are Your Trainers Insured? TEACHERS' INSTITUTE IMUIIXriNU TAI.KH IIVTIIOKt-i. HOIIH UtK I.NNI'IIIATIOM CIIIZESS ATIENO AT NrGHI 'I'lin-nU antl (lilldreii MmhiIU lh (IihnI Cliuina, Kaya lnif. Aider- OMM in an Aildnaa. Thu Ttachfrt' lnl Utile conllntu-a lo ftirnlah heaiillful iIiourIiI and In ailrntlon ai 'ttdl aa iraitUal aiiK umlliina. TueMUy Aflrmmm Hraalon Thu aeaaloii nl thn iilhllc mIiooI hiilldlliK Tueaday aflurtioou ojiened with thu uaiinl etvrclaea, after which Mr I'niiek cave aomu tUnmnatiatlon work In rullalhrnlia. HlualratliiR rar lima fiindniiitnlal eirrrlaei deacrlhed III tho lillli.eoKrnidtrd coil(r4 which had hecn ircloilil) dlallllililid. Ho any Hint thu regular rallathcnlc trills ahould not bo KlH'ii In gradea hrlow llm fourth, hut that motion gamea nnd ekerrlaei ahould ho ante atlliiled. Hi) Klwa Ihreu tiarta to erery roinmaiid, U: the eiplanntory art, llm nue, thu couiiuand, Mr. l'atiek allowed ciccllunt aclfcoln mand mid rimhI tralnlnK ahllllj-. I'rof, Iteaalrr followed with an ei IhmIHoii of I hit N. K, A. and Ha work, lie eialnrd that tho National Kdu- ratlori4t natoclatiun, of which ho la ou of thu hoaid of director, con- alula of ninii) (iriaona Inlrrcalrd In the fdurntlounl niotement collvgu irealdent na well aa coiiunoir' Khool learhera. lu the rounx. of tho lecturo hu ex lireaatM It ua hi opinion that I'rcal- I ill I Klllol, ei.prealdent of Harard uulterall), will ln known In tho fu lure aa otic of tho icrmteal educatora whom tho world hna ever produtvd. Ho Introduced ua to many of the great ediirallonnl chuructcr of to da) In tho roiirnu of hla remlnlacvnt leiltw of hla connection with thu work, Uv an) Hint tho next iiimI- Ing nut) he lu lit lu Salt Kranclaco, and ilium Hint lu that caao aa many of the Oregon tearhera aa oaalhlo ahould ho preavnt. A ahort rerea wna granted, after whlih Iho leachera met In department work. The high arhoot aertlon, ImI hy Mr. Aldermnn, dlacuaaed "Thu High Hchool Co ii mo of Study," and Ihla waa followed by n domonatratlon lemon In "HeglniiliiK Uermnn" by W. J, nitgerald. The public kcIiooI Hoctlon llatoued to u model rending leaaon preaonted by Hrofeaaor llvwler, a continuation of work ghon In tho morning; and nn ablu dliicuaaloii of aivvlllng by Mr. I'rul II. I'etoraou, principal of Uo .iimitt high achool, ' Tho primary aectlon dUcuisod "Naluro Bludy" and "Ulrda." Tueaday KtruluK KeaaloM Tho evening aeaalon at tho high mhool auditorium waa largely at- tended by clllioiu of tho town aa well iih by tho tcaciiera, and tho program miw entertaining and good, Tho High School orchoatra ren dered noma good aoloctlom, after which I'rof. Alderman delivered oa peclully to tho pnrenta ot achool chil dren, un nddreiu full ot humor, na thoa and poraonal oxporlonco. Ilia subject waa "Chumi, Chumni, Lumpi. Loop and Spooki." By mieaaa of many llluitratlona from hla own ob servation ho enforced the thought that Iho Ideal rotation between par ent! nnd chlldron la that of chums. Ho ronalderod It a mistake (or par onta to over-Indulge and sacrlftee for tholr children, but feela that they ahould win their ' armpaHictle help and to-iiporallon, Mr. Oaniblu rondercd a aoto which wna highly appreciated hy Iho audi ence. I'rof. Kuaslcr then addrcaaed Hie naaembly on "The Kuw Kducatlon." Ho aliowiil how the changed condi tions nro deinandrng higher training In all linen. He predicts Iho lime when thoro will be (no class distinc tion baaed on higher learning, but everyone In his own department of work will be made efficient by careful training and preparation. The time ha already arrived, he says, when the engineer In understood to have completed harder technical course than the II. A. The lime Is coming when every young wan or woman must know Irat of all what he wants and then prepare for It on a scientific baals. Trarhrre hi Attrwdssirr' The list of teachers In attendance at Ihe Institute aro aa follows:. Klamath Kails Kdna Adams, lies- a ale II, Applcgato, Annie K. Applegate, John T. Ilutchcr, W, A. Iloudlnot. Donna llcll,i It. II. Dunbar, Irene Daum, Net It. Drew, Utanchc Koater. rTorrnro Koater. W. K. Katight, Cora (Irimih, Agnes llannan, C. A. How ard, Mrs. A. La Prarle, Mlaa M. U man. Netllo Mclallre, Mrs. Kdlth Newton, Grace Nlckerson, A. K. I'an uk, J. U. Swan, Helen WakeBcld. Mrs. Wallenhurg. K. II. Ilurnham. Werden: Ucl Dus; sey, Pokegama; Xella Buaaey, Mabel Campbell, Keno; Kile Callahan, dale: Minnie K. Chapman, Klltabeth E. Cameron, Merrill; Clyde C. Craig. Odnsa; Jcsale II. Ktdred, Denanta: llcatora Krencb, Crytai-W. J. Pica-- geratd. Dlst. No, SO; Ida Grimes, Olene; Sadie Gordon, Worden; Decs UxMeley, Kt. Klamath; Mrs; M. E. Lambert, Grace Lytic, Ilonania; Veda Mulkey. C. K. Mulkey, Kt. Klamath: liuby Nichols. Klla Nichols, Alice M. I'ool, Klilo Pitney. Lorella; Cora K. Phllllpi, Illy; Mrs. Nellie Parish, Mer rill; Amy Puckett, Pokegama; Kred II, Peterson, llonanta; K. W. IloU- erts, Merrill; Agnes Stevenson, Lone Pine; J. G. Wight, llltdcbrand; Gall Welch, 8prlng Lake; Geneva Wllkor- son, White Ijiko; Lulu Wllkerson, Pokegama; Kalhrn Wells. Dairy; Gvorgo Whytv, Wampus. vllOIi.1111111 VIHITH -ORTUND llarriman ltewnmtatlve Hays Thai Oregon Will Get Her Htunv ot New KNtrrprisee. William II. Ilolahlrd. generally known a the sjicclat representative of the executive department of tho llarriman railroad system, arrived In Portland yesterday from Bouthorn Oregon, where he has been ou rail road business, tho nature of which he refused to explain. Ho Is staying at tho Portland hotel, nnd will Icavo In a few day a for Now York. Ills home la In l.os Angeles. It is goncrally known that during tho llfo of tho lato E. II. llarriman, Mr. Ilolahlrd was his most ooniden- Hal business assoctalo. When Harrl- man wanted to know the value of a road and Its worth as an Investment or as a part of Iho great Harrlnaan system, Mr. Holablrd was tho nan de tailed to Investigate and submit a dotalled report to tho great railroad speculator. Whon Interviewed last night, Mr. Holablrd admitted that he Is still em ployed In the samo class ot work for tho llarriman lines, but refused to divulge hla errand to Oregon When risked It there Is any new railroad en terprises planned, ot which he had In formation, Mr. Holablrd said that he would not bo permitted to tell ot such a thing It auch wore the case. "I can aay thla much." aald Mr, Holablrd. "I have unbounded consV denct In Oregon and her resources, und It will only ha ft matter ot time n mil Oregon seta what la due her." HENEY IS DEFEATED MAX KHANCIHCO GltAKT VIUMK L'tTOIt m7tH H'ATKIIMM) TOM L. JOHNSON LOSES 0111 Tninmany Karr ftaynor, lint Lose Ihe Krai of Ticket McCarthy Klertrd 1st 'Krlero. HAN KIIANCISCO, Nov. I. Spe cial unofficial returns from all pre cincts Indicate the defeat of Ifenoy for district attorney by a majority over 1,000, There Is Joy In tho ranks )f those who have been accused of (rafting, for they feel certain that In Ihe defiat of llstfiey their worst ene my I shorn of bis power to do them barm' McCarthy Is elected by a safe, majority. It Is rumored today that Honey will contest Iho election. Ills defeat la a bitter dose for him to twallow, and it Is confidently pre llcted that he will not give up with out a light In Iho courts. When asked If he contemplated contest proceed ings ho refused to commit himself 'Ither way. CLEVELAND. Ohio, Nov. . (Spe rial) Tom L. Johnson has gone down lo defeat after one of the hard it fought campaigns In the history of the city. He rs accepting his down fall philosophically. NEW YOftK CITY. Nov. 4. (Spe cial) Tammany has won a barren victory In Ihe election or Gayaor as mayor of the city. The entire fusion ticket, with Ihe exception of mayor, has been elected, and this robs Tam many of the richest prlxo of all the Hoard of Estimates, which will ex pend during tho nest four years about one billion dollars. Even In Ihe election of Gaynor It has won a doubtful llctory, for no one expects the erratic Judge to continue to wear Ihe collar of Tammany. There la great Jubilation In the city over Ihe election of tho fusion ticket, and con lervathc all over tho city are sing ing the praises ot W. It. Hearst for Iho sacrifice he mado In becoming n candidate, for It is recognised that It be had remained out ot the fight the entire Tammany 'ticket would havo been elected. Downian W. Dennis, representing the Hankers' Life Association of Dee Moines, la., said this merning: "Klamath Kails Is tho finest little city I have visited In four years. To me It seems that It has tho greatest future of any town of its site on the coast. People on tho outside are all looking this way and the railroads are al ready headed for Klamath county." KI.KCTHIC METERS Patrons desiring lo use electric neters may now place their ordon at out office, as wo will have a stork on hand In a very few days, either to rout at 25 cents per month or to sell nt cost. K. F. LIQHT ft WATER CO. CITY COUNSEL MEETS Thore was a special meeting ot tho city council last night, called to pass on tho ordinance Introduced for the rc-advertWIng of the bouda for tho sewer system. The ordinance waa read and a vote taken, passing the ordinance unani mously, and tomorrow the bonds will be advertised In the weekly papers. RAMMrs aWTftswM It you want your stut moved aad moved aulek, got Ramsby's Bxprsoo to do It; 0es at Kith and Klamath. Phono Its. KCIIOOL HOAHD l.HPXTH NKW WIIOOI, HITK School Director Sanderson, Foun tain and Obcnchaln thla afternoon visited the site chosen for the election of the new school building. They were surprised with the beauty of the surroundings and were unanimous In their belief that It Is the most sight ly location In all the city. Speaking or It, Mr. Sanderson aald: "The voters made no mistake In the selection of tho site on the west side of tho river, as It Is one of Ihe most sightly locations I have ever seen. With a structure commensur ate with the site and Importance of the city erected there, It will be one of Ihe best estlmoolals of the prog ress and enterprise of our citlsens that one can receive. It can easily be seen from every train entering and leaving Klamath Kails, and will no doubt have a very beneficial effect when this city Is on the msln line." Work will begin at once grading the site and an engineer will within tho next few days stake out the loca tion of tho new structure. Gus Shrocder and Bert Gowdy re turned to their homes at Summer Lake this morning with two six-horse wagons loaded with supplies pur chased st the local stores. Hon . George T. Baldwin returned last evening from San Kraadseo. where he has been for the past few weeks on business. AT THE OPERA HOVSE "A Case of Lumbago" canses on young man a great deal ot Inconven ience and the girls at the dance he at tends a great deal of amusement. "Holding Up the Wedding" In or der that the groom may drink In full the health of the bride with his cronies. Is rather tough on the bride. 'Sweet-Toothed Dogs" sre a nui sance any way, and when they In list on following you all over town they are even worse. v "The Right to Labor" belongs to every man. and one workman who has a family to support showed hla good sense when he refused to go out with Ihe strikers, but rather pre ferred stay and work for his liv ing. "Hunted to the End" by the friend of the man he had murdered in a duel and anally brought before the court snd sentenced, should be the lot ot every man who goes out ot his way looking for trouble. "A Paying Business" is built up by a beggar, supposedly blind, but la reality too laxy to work, and his ac complice, wheh they pilftndto photo graph every "bno who donated any money. " Our Guarantee with these: Wheat we say gaaraatee wo aweaa jast what wa say. M yea are sot salts! yosjr money wll he refaadrd at awes wkkawl parley or qaestiea. Now that la Use gsjaraate we sjrre. Any Household sUssidy tearing a Red! ItW label or Mil SHIELD label Is BsaeUvety gwaraateesl to sjlve entire aad snsolals sattefectlos,. That's fair, Isa't Mr . OH CRIAM Star Drug Store t "They I MIIMHIIIIMIMMM IHHIHM1 WERE NOT HILL'S MEN THOME SEEN ON KEAMKH TRACT OOVF.ltXMK.XT MEX ONE PARTY INACCOiNIED fOR Wen Kaasgrd h Rsmalag Mawvrys Arrow Horns Vista HIH tVasi Friday. Rumors were flying thick and fast this morning to Ihe efect that Hill's surveyors were In town locating a line for the Oregon Trank through this city. The eassces are, however, that there Is no foundation to the suspicions, for all of Ihe surveyors have been sccounted for, with tho exception of one crew of six men seea last Friday oa what Is knows aa Ruena Vista hill. The party sross Ing most Interest was the one seea Ssturdsy oa Ihe Reames tract at 0e southern ead of Lake Ewaaaa. These, however, proved to be employes ot the reclamation service making a top ographical survey la connecting with the drainage of the marsh lands. . The crew seea la Us Bseaa VIsU addition cams dowa Ihe west slaw of the lake aad crossed over Um hill, heading for Klamath rmUs. There were sis In the party two viewers aad tour others engaged la ruaalsc the survey. They refused to .stats who they were, where they eaase from, or where they were sjatas;, Ia aalry at ths Sonthera PasMe hwasV qsartsrs bresght ths lafsrmatlaa that aoae of their surveyors were at work la that neighborhood last week, aad the rectamatloa service famished ths same ststemeat. - It Is known thai a party ot six sar- reyors left ths aula crew of Hill sur veyors now located at ths Klamsth Marsh and started south. Nothlac has since been heard ot them, aad It Is possible that they are engaged la running a preliminary aarvey dowa the west sids of the lake to ascertain If a feasible routs can be secured. The generally accepted theory has been that the Oregon Trank woald come down the sast aids ot ths take, cross ing at tho head ot Link river aad come dowa Coager aveaae. Don't wear eat yonr hsek, broom and carpets wksa yea caa get tho work doae so sjalckly, theroaghly aad cheaply hy MoageM'a racanm cleaner. Furniture for sale. Including drop head Singer for J0; la good condi tion. Inquire Mrs. Bcoheld, la Mont Hutchison house, Pins street. FOR CHAFJ - HiTe It" A 4 - .tm Wr rf.n v 'fw-m rjmi .Mr'.- 1 'SXf ' - S 41