The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 02, 1909, Image 1

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. KUmth FsllV First
nd Dot Dally.
Our Advcrttoan Oat
Ths Btx KmhIm.
.in rnr -"1
JfT. .,.,..,-,..
Fourth Yea. No. W8
Pbici 5 Cents
rwMiT to J. v. iioi'nton
IkrdlaaNie Intruder..! fur Hr-adirr-
llalag Hewer IhMMK and Ntrtrt
llrsde OrdlMNi t-Msarft
There legutar Meeting u( I tie
city fuuncll Ut night. The meeting
called tu order by Ihe mayor.
Hrirrsl till mialtiil Hid til)' rrt
rr44, Including tho of the transfer
nmipsnlr fur hauling lumber, All
lilllt anil Mlsrles due were ordered
tlil. allli I In rirepllun of one from
lie I.UM ami Water company (or
for I'laclnc a alve In Iho Imi at lti
corscr uf Hrni and Main elrveta.
Comtlliuiii t'aalrl wa aikrd to look
Itlo Ihlt ktiit irNiit at the licit meet
A trillion frum J. V. Houston rm
lr4, s.klne fur xrnilMlon to Imng
.tin ctoi from tho Opera Houso to
tU Mtrrmiiin IiiiIpI. Aa Ihe algn
soald be of great vain to the rlt at
a HiM, end an oinafurnt aa well, lb
tttlt grahled,
A petition fur a sidewalk running
aorta fumi Main street along the wt-st
i14 of Klghlh at reel to Wuablngtoa
u ir-rred to the street committee
lu look lalo Iho matlrr aat report's I
taa Hi it meeting as to whether It
it tun vtitk uf thox acrn the
ilitt attempting to fun Ihe prop
till onr tu liullil a HMrmitr
Mealk r not.
Tn rrpoit tf the health committed
ei Ih Ankrny rasa! anil the reeolu
lion thrirln for tho abandonment of
Iho canal ti n loial waterway, hi,,
A liiiillnii to h Zumwnit nt n
salary of pt.r milium nnd in pny
him at the rale of u p,.r j,.,i fr
ntluiil ai.nln rendered, n uwa,.,.
An ordinance luairiiuliiK Ittmrdir
(unlit to renihrillm for ,,u foe
tint bond to lm liaiied in aid In (lie
MliMrillllon of the illy tw,.f ,)U(M
lr. paa-. mi u flril rcadliiK. 'Il.u
otdlnaiir-j t.iiialttrr.'.l na an eiuer
Henry oiillnaimi hailiiK to iln nt, ,
publlr healtli, therrforo tho ioiiikII
olel lo liiit araln loulxht fol Hie
wionil riaillnx Tim only iIihiik
made In the rralhK uf Ihlt , ,
that paurd ieu llm hololi wc flrrt
adveitliiil a tho nililllloli of tho
ord " not inoie than" to that Hi)
hill now lead that the rale of Inlir.
rat on Iho Ixmdi (hall tin not iiiiko
than C per rent.
Ttio ti-.'t Kiado onlliianru HiIiik
Iho Rrade on I tin different lttli
within the rlt) limit a trad and
adopted an read, A into tn adjourn
until tonight wa llin, (akin
h'ntertnliilng anil liialrurtlfe liprtnrr
lljr I lie Head of Oregim HjratrM
of I'Hldlr Hrlioola.
Hatuiday nlsht at the home of
MIm Annra Marplo the I.' I. of H. I.
Kate a llliliie HallimeVn party. Tho
rrrepllnn lomiultlrv, itl.gilln'il hi
ghoita and lintoMlin, e earh Kueil
aa he arrltetl Ihniiich dark duniceom
and ravern lo a iH-aiillful apartment
Illuminated h all wnti and roinll
Hunt of Jark-o'.lantrrm. Nlro HiIiiki
lo eat. and l millfiil. h-lMi to make
Ihe affair moit urrrMful, and earh
nd every Khott and Kohlln and Rueit
enjoyed hervelf tn thev titmoit.
The rreth)terlan Ijullm' Aid nwl.
ety la prepared to do all kind) of
plain aewlnx. Comfort tlrd or
Mr. Harry Cadrn. Mr, (leo. T. Pratt.
The Threi. Hlern .'rraalllra In Mrn'a (liHlira An- I'leihjeil you Uf
Stcln-Bloch Label
in Every Coat
BWi)KnBaBl a.
'Eiam M n
Wear "DUCHESS," the
guaranteed kind
Agenry aHaavMoafc tauft ClolHea mmI "IHirheaa" Trouacra
The afternoon alon of tho Inall-
lulu yeiterday wa fully aa Inter
eitltiK a Iho morning aeaalon.
On reaMi'tithllng two aplrlted aonga
rro ling, and Iho rollcall ahowed 3N
U-nchera lo ho tireaent.
Mr. A. It, Knodnll, atato luiierln
letideiit of the Antl-KaliMin U-ague,
Kaio an vnthiialaitlc little talk eg
I'ti'nliiK nppreclallon for tho Reed
whlrh llm lemieranri! morcmrnl haa
derived from Ihe careful Instruction
which la lieltiK given In tho public
achmili a lo the harmful effect a of
alrohollc ktluiulanU and nnrcotlci
Mr. A. I'. I'nnvk of the County
High rVhool then gave the first of
hit aerlei of talk on callathenlr. He
emphnaliett the lmMirtanco of phyal
ral a well a mental training. Tho
general altitude and poalure In tho
arhoolroom U unnatural, and Ihe aim
of rallalhrulra la to correct reaultlng
eWla. Tho ejcrclaea ahould bo rare
fully graded and adapted to the need
of the pupil, so that they might be
fdoTelnped In strength, attention and
execution of command.
Mimeographed rople of aerloa
of rallatheiilc eivrrlse were dlalrlb-
ii ted among tho teacher, to bo used
throughout the county In this work.
Mr. Arkoruian then talked upon
Home Kdurallonal Standard," and
expanded upon Ihe three II which
are to lm iIovcokmI In the pupil, vli:
Itlghl. Iteect, llemnllilllty. He
m)n the tenriicr win nnu u naru 10
ralao tho standard above that main
tallied In Iho average homo, hut that
It I tho teacher' task to Inculcate,
IhfMt ijualltlea In his pupil and that
It I tntly more Important than the
mere Imparling of Information.
After a ahort recoa tho depart
merit work was taken up and tho
High School and public school sec
tion meeting In different room,
round-table talk were conducted In
tho rcupcrtlvo departments by Profs.
HoMlcr mul Alderman, tho former on
'Manual Training" and the latter on
During the day the District School
Hoard convention met In tho olBce.
(A full report Is given elsewhere.)
Kvenliig Heaaloa
A largo number of teachers and clt
liens were privileged to hear the ex
cedent and entertaining addreaa by
State Superintendent Ackcrman In the
High School auditorium last night.
After omo musical elections by .the
High 'School orchestra and a vocal
solo by Mr. Don J. Zumwalt, Super
intendent Swan Introduced the speak
er, who said, In part, at follew:
"The thing which Impresses me
most ou my return to your beautiful
vulley U li marvelous Uovclopmcnt
and growth, .specially la this true
of thin city. And while this Is ton
condition wo find everywhere In tho
state, Klamath county has certainly
tonic In for moro than a (air division.
No othor city of tho population of
Klamath Kails In the state haa public-
school facilities superior to those
wo find here, And no other county
high school In the state haa a build
ing and equipment equal to this. Oth
or aro going lo have In the near fu
ture because we have iold then what
you aro doing over here, va4 have
thus been using your name profanely
to this extont. Never nave the peo
ple of Oregon been Interested In edu
cation a now. This was manifested
recently In the alx months bill which
passed both house of the legislature
with but one dissenting vote, and
which I second In Importance to no
achool legislation which ha been
liAMTipaased In twelvo year. Moreover,
Iho people have responded ttioerfully
and without protest to II new re
quirement. However, the country
tchool has not kept pace with the city
school In advancement andja closer
lupurvlilun of tho country school I
Iho next great problem beforejthu peo
pto of the itate. It I well) for the
people to remember that neither Ihe
successes or the failures of the youth
of the state Is due to the school en
tirely. The school gets the child, at
best, only six hours n day for a small
part of the year, while the home, lb
pre, the church and the street have
him under their Influence tb other
and greater part. The present la
dustrlal revolution due to Invention
of machinery mean the growth of an
Industrial training. This brings
with It a few demands uton the
achool. First among the I the de
mand that tho young may j'et the
(tower and the Inclination to earn an
honest living. Life and the ability to
sustain it come before cnlture. The
Inefficiency of the poor la often pit
iful, while sometimes laxlness 1 sim
ply consciousness of Incapacity.
"Tho second demand Is that they
acquire aufflclent Intelligence lo un
derstand the position and duties of a of a free state. This Is sec
ond In tho order of nature. .After
one's duty lo himself comes l duty
lo bis fcllowman. Love of country
and pride of cltltenshlp cannot be
taught from a text-book, but the
school that I not Inspired with this
spirit la not worthy of n free people.
"The third great demand I that
tho youth bo taught self-restraint.
This Is necessary that men may live
together In peace. There are really
but. two forms of government the
democracy and the oligarchy, and all
human experience haa demonatrated
that tho few can never be trusted to
rule long wisely. Order and peace
depend upon the average wisdom and
morality of the nation. Hence the
self-restraint of tho minority become
of transcendent Importance. Tho
Reign of Terror In France ahows Ihe
dangers which mar come from tho
latent barbarism In the Ignorant.
Then, self-restraint I a great lesson
In fair play, so Important In a coun
try like our. Kvcry teacher should
remember that he I a missionary of
civilisation, and so should Insist on
thoughtfulness, moderation, fairness
and Justice.
"The fourth demand I an ambition
to do tho bctk work both In kind nnd
degree of which one I capable. It
I a great advantage to know ono's
capacity. We end men preaching
who ought to be plowing, and there
are farmers who ought to be preach
er. A cltlsea ought to bo trained to
find hi own capacity, to know what
he can do nnd thon prepare to do that
thing well One should put. nil his
effort Into his work. It Is effort,
not results, which counts. It la our
bualnesa to do our best and God'
business to look-after the results. At
Trafalgar Nelson said: 'England ex
pects ovory man to do hi duty.' Thl
I tho spirit which should animate
every school.
The Ifth demand Is , that our
youth acquire n good character. This
Is the foundation for nil the others.
The world la demanding men who
can be trusted all the time. After
all, It la not lack of knowledge, but
lack of sturdy character which makes
men fall when the test come. Ore
gon la the state of opportunity and
groat things are going to be dons
here la the future, how great no
man can foretell, nnd It Is to the
trusted cltleen the greatest
will eoaae. The wealth of a couatry
FJertlosi Hill Take Place as Hoot
a George Haldwla Krlarai
fo Ihe City.
No steps have been taken to elect
new officers for tbo First National
Dank, thl action having been de
ferred on account of the absence
from the city of George T. Baldwin,
who I one of the director of the In
stitution. It I understood that the
new head of the bank will be L. F.
Wlllllt. who has practically taken
up Ihe dutlea of that office already.
He I Ihe only new blood to enter Ihe
bank, all of Ihe other stockholders
hsving been Identified with It since
the relinquishment of control by 0.
W. White. There will be no cbsnge
In any of the other officers of the In
stitution, W. A. Deliell remaining as
L. F. Wllllte I one of the old
resident of the county, who need
no Introduction to the' people of
Klamath. He haa a reputation for
Integrity that Is known In every
household In the county, nnd his
well known coneervatless nnd hasti
ness probity quallnee him for the
responsible position to which he Is
sure to be elected. He has been hon
ored by the people of the county nnd
city by election to offices within their
gift and has ever proved worthy of
Ihe trust reposed In him.
quarrel between Ihe parties prevlon
ly, Ogden complaining that Ingraham
stayed up too late and made loo much
nolso gottlng lo bed.
This morning Ingraham and hi
son went over to move a stove In one
of the buildings, Ogden objected,
and a fist fight ensued In which the
Ogdons got the worst of St. They
both ran to the house and got their
guns. Tho father apparently was
unable to get the shell Into bis, but
the son fired, shooting at Ogden as
he wss entering the cabin. lie missed
tbo first shot, but the second went
through Ogden's wrist.
Ogden Immediately came to town,
filed a complaint and the Sheriff has
gone to bring Harry Ingraham In.
Ogden's wrist tuubeen attended lo
by the doctor.
(CeeriaMWt Third IHuse.)
Tonight at 8:16 the following pro
gram will be rendered In the High
School auditerium:
Music .............. High School orchestra
Address ............L. R. Alderman
Vocal Solo ......................Mr. Gamble
Addreaa, "Tbo New Education"....
....E. D. Resaler
Tho public I cordially Invited to
Patrons desiring to use electric
meter may now place their ordcr-i
nt out office as we will have a stork
on hsnd In a very few days, either to
rent at 25 cents per month or to sell
at tost.
If you want your stuff moved nnd
moved quick, get Ramsby's Express
to do It. Office at Blxth and Klamath.
Phone 113.
College Park, Md. Mrs. Van' De
man, wife of Captain Ralph C. Van
Deman, Tweaty-lrst Infsntry, U. S.
A., occupied the passenger's seat be
side Wilbur Wright when he ascend
ed In the government aeroplane here.
For four minutes she experienced the
sensation of soaring In the air, some
times aa high as sixty feet above the
This morning, early, Harry Ingra
ham ahot Charles Ogden through the
wrist aa the result of an argument
between them. It appears that James
Ingraham, father of the man who
did the shooting, haa n contract for
clearing the sagebrush ot tkelaad
out nt Maaey's old camp, nnd that
the Qreeks he haa employed there are
leaping tn the old eabtns owned by
Ogden. There hu been soaie sort ot
Miss Helen Harris ot the county
clerk's office returned Isst night from
San Francisco, where she went for
Portola week.
Edward T. Merrill thl morning
Bled suit for divorce ngalnst his wife,
Amends F. Merrill. J. C. Rutealc 1
attorney for plaintiff.
Don't wear oat your back, broom
and carpets when yon can get the
work done so quickly, thoroughly nnd
cheaply by Moagold's vacuum cleaner.
Furniture for sale. Including drop
head Sieger for 110; In good condi
tion. Inquire Mrs. Bceneld, In
Mont Hutchison house, Pine street.
Charles DeLap Jr. drove over to
Bly -Saturday and browgwt home Miss
QrlffUh, who ts teaching school there.
Before night It was rumored that
Charley was to be married, but be
says, "Worse luck, no!"
Dr. 8wedenbnrg of Ashland, as-
slated by Dr. Hamilton, this morning
operated on Mrs. Nell Hamilton for
appendicitis. At last reports the pa
tient was doing well. Mia Mabel
Short, daughter of Robert 8hort, was
also operated on and Is doing nicely.
If Ike AddMieas Ceeaw la Tk fHasH
Have Use Manse AaHanlage New
Kajey rd Rf the CK jr.
Mayor Sanderson, In response to
the wishes of the residents of the ad
ditions that are to vote on the ques
tion of the extension of the cHy limits.
hss sent to The Herald the following
signed statement relative to the atti
tude of the city admlaletrntlon to
wards those localities. In dlscnssiac
Ihe nutter the mayor said:
"This statement may be considered
only n pretUslaary. There will no
doabt arise many questions not cov
ered by It, nnd some of these nsn
lloned may need farther explanation.
I ahall at all times fed glad to reply
to nny questions that may arise nnd
do everything In my power to rsmeve
any doubts that may arise. I feel
that the city is going Into this matter
on n strictly bnslnsss stust, as are. I
presume, the additions. Under sue
elreumstaaeea sack tonaltlsne wtH be
asked for and granted an wlM be die-
by eeamuse sesaw aad Jesslee.
The cHy nnd addKlstas wtU as nek
for or expect nnytklng else."
Following to the mayor's state
Editor Evening Herald:
In reply to varies Inquiries aa tn
what outside additions might aspect
should they vote thotasslroa n part of
KUmath Falls, I have this to any:
It appears from nn artten In the
Herald or October list that the bant
ing question with the people In the
Dr. Swedenburg and wife of Ash-1 territory proposed to bo aaaexed Is
land and Miss Arno. who has been In "protection from stock running at
charge of the hospital there, arrived ,-arge. ana wnat taey migat expect
on Moaday evening. The Doctor Is
hero for the duck hunting, bis wife
Is visiting friend, aad Miss Arno Is
nursing n case for Dr. Swedenburg
at Klamath hospital.
The meetlaga nt the Christian
church will contlnus through this
week. The membership of tke church
continues to grow. On Wednesday
evening ot this week Rev. Holmes
will preach his sermon entitled
"Christian Baptism." This sermoa
will be Illustrated by chart aad by
tereoptlcon pictures. People of
Klamath Falls cannot afford to miss
thsse evangelistic meetings. Every
one welcome.
In that regard In the event they
should become n part of the eRy.
That question can be easily dis
posed of by reference to ordinance)
No. 31, entitled "An Ordlaaaee to
Prevent Stock Running at Large-"
And ussurlng the territory proposed
to be annexed that shonld the terri
tory become n part ot tho etty of
Klamath Falls, the terms nnd pro
visions ot that ordlaaaee will extend
lo and be enforced there aa It now Is
In the present city limits.
So far aa lights and water aro
factor la the growth, development nnd
prosperity of n city, the territory pre
Our Guarantee
with these:
Whoa wo say gwarnntee ere mean Jtatt what wo ear. M
are not antleSei year aneaey wsU 1 i-eftuv. at
or qneetlea. Kow that to the taaraatee wo gdve.
Any Hoasehoei lUatedf bearing a .Heel Bear label or DOS 1
SHIELD label In peeMvelr tmaranteed! to fire ssUke nsvi
i that Mr, InVt Mt
Star Drug Store
"They 'Hkm IT
-x '& 'It ''" "-""i-i
i w v. 5 -la-' f i-r'iW-'