The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 01, 1909, Image 1

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Dei Q.lW
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11'f "
ft Klamath .Falta'lttret.
and Itat Daily.
Oat ai. 19 Oct.
... - w - "V ,..$)
.'mi 'J 1 "'" 7n-"i-T
Fourth Yrah, No. out
1 .. . nw' '
. 3 ... J.
itv i,iH w'im. iiavi: iikuulau
yY Outsider QiinlU of Mrwrr
llmul. Alikt-Np I'atuil, Kli-.
lun of" Cllr IJmrle, Kir.
The regular meeting of llm city
tiitintll will lib held this evening and
Indication are Hint many matters of
tUl')fflporlnnre will claim Mm a(
uwi ' 'hj Members,
tiVv lUi'tlun Of what It to tie doutt
'villi lit? aewer bond will undoubted
ly be considered, the mayor I par-
'i, tlnilarly auilou to hare thl matter
tattled permanently tad at early a
title aa poaslbl. Aa It now aland,
i city hold tho offer of Morris
. icll U f COO lea (lian llielr lr(
.it) (pot llAt If the boude nr
i wilt a Uglier premium unco, the
might in e worth again, and It I
ilnutilful If they "III accept I lie of
frr. Tli la will rraull In vlttefily re
Jtxtlng all of ttio bid a and nccoaallaU
lea ru-adverilelnv
The llbl and water question ought
lo come In for Iho atteullnn of th
tmradl, lor It ha boon rooting now
fur a couple of meetings and lhat it
longer Iban Dial Infant baa boon at-
V I"t4 la ale ',"""- ". "trtt-
r lie now ordinance regulating ibo
tiles lo b charged fur nervlca will
b Introduced or not remains lo l
aeon, It ha ,,,,, i ,,.
aratlou for Mjinu Hum. nn,i i.i ....
In almiM) for aiibiiilaalun for co.
alderallun of tho council.
It U at tlila mooting that tliu writ-
len report of thu rouuuittru on health
and amillAtlun on tho Ankuny canal
abould bo mbliiltted to tlio council.
and Iho city will Dion bo in 0a.
Hon lo Ull Uncle Ham wbat It duslro
duiio will, llila (lAiilculnr nuisance.
Then, thero la Ilia matter of Iho ex
tension uf tho rlly lliulta, atreot Im-
provimicnta and moral ollmr maltcra
tbal linro boon nfcltrliiR moru or Ima
allimtlon for Ibo nat aorvrnl nioulba.
Tha will no duutt bo up for dlacua-
alon Ihla owning. Tbo procram la an
Intort-atliiK one, and ouxbt to mako
tlio meeting tltla ttonlng ono of rnoro
Iban ordinary lniiurtanro lo Ibo cltl.
ltlV Ittrri.KIt IMIIX UV.tV
,Mil Itrriilra I, lIHM .,,r-
lati H'lillr Ilia Hit. Arc
In hiut Cotidlllon.
10 Cent a Button
11.00 Rip
w iwafyaw.,,yip
LWMaaHhZVv ViBiiBVab Jr
m aaV laalHaillM
Hnnday morning no little ciclto-
ineiit waa earned when Hoy llutltr
lii'mn.! up mluliig. Ittitlrr liaa bn
Mii,durtlng,an oyator and lainaln par
lor In Iho Central cafe, and wbnn bo
I'turd tbat bo wa loilng.'iWIdcd to
lutvo hla bllla and Ibo country atltr
be bad collected all tbo uionoy be
oiuld. Ho not only neglected to pay
llir rent duo, bill failed lo pay bla
hired help, and U Iheic are a nuui
ber of iNirtona ratber analoua lo incol
hlin. again and act I to their account!
Duller drilled In hero abont a
miialti ago and arranged with J. V.
Ili.ualof(jjrenl1or. t,ho ConJrM
air, aim m nan proTiouaiy lonaeu
Imr for Mr. lloaalon. ho bad lltllt
Imuble. Oror In lkevlcw, llutler
had tried Iho rettaurant bualnvai.
flrat behind Whorlon'a aaloon, and
atlrrward on Ibo at reel bo put up m
land wblcb bo named tbo "lllttc
lnt4)." A neither of Iho venlum
er aucceaaful, bo decided lo try
Ihla clly, and though bo I
hlintelf, thero arc other rather torr?
ho ereratartcd In.
It had been hla habit lo got up
about cloven o'clock and open the ri
taurant and o It wa quit eaiy for
lil in lo gut away on Iho morning train
and hare no ono mla hint until about
noon. Thl ho did, RhorlK llarno
t'huued lo hold him, but-loo lato; ho
bad already pawed Wood, and waa
well on hi way.
luit now tho grocers and atorc
keeper aro buay finding tho gnawer
to lhat old riddle. "Who'a whatt"
"Winning a Prince." . Tbo king
or Cordonla promlae to giro tho
band of lit daughter lo whoorer will
kill Ibo evil aplrlt, a liorrlblo monitor
haunting tbo mountain adjacant to
hi country. Two men declare thorn
noire aa aiplranta to the honor, one
a warrior bold and tho other a poet,
iho latter the favorite of the prlnooe.
The poet befriend a aorcoror, and, la
rewarded with a magic arrow,, with
which ho ran kill lh lia( t
"Mla Blmiwon'a Altractlroaoa."
Mla Blinpton ha a nerrou contrac
tion of lb face lhat make her wile
al ixtry man he moot. Aildo from
being very annoying to tho' lady, It
cauae icrlout compllcatloatrglvlai
rUe to a great deal of merriment.
"A Itoyal Outcaat" 1 a (pleadld
drama from llm Vllagraph compaay,
"IJborly for an Hour," and "The
Judgo'g Whlikora" are two more good
picture to add Interest to Iho pro
gram. View anil an llluitraled
IVoreanMnc uf tki Vint Mrwaloa of
fat Tendwra iaUto Haairrl
The annual ieelon of the' Teach-
or' Ittftltute of Klamath rail met
thl morning In itm Klghth grade
room of tho nablU achool for tho
three 4aya aeaaltm.
Thoao who art familiar with tbat
claaalc drama, "Kaal tynno," will on--
Joy Imruenaely the Dim "Id Aalra,"
which I Raat Lyntio cunverted Into
a alien! drama.
"Tho Dramatltt'a Dream" I rudely
Shattered whoa he learn the play he
thought would make him wealthy haa
boon rejected.
'Saved From Conviction" br ih-
circumstantial evldoaca haa been
woven arouad him, la the lot of moire
than one Innocent person.
The Evil That Man Do" afttlmo
wrecks not only their own live, but!
tbo lire of tbolr moot casual acqualn.
lance. A strong aim ahow tho now-
er of our Individual Influence on our
Thf r wort prevent the etato u-
IHriBtoudeat, J, Kj Ackermaa, Prof
I R. Alderman of, the V. otOi, and
Prai.vN. H. "'--' of o. a. r im.
tide moat of Ul teacher of the
pvnty and city, And one friend
fnra the. town aad'eounty at largo
8uporlntedeat.Bwn called tbo
cOMlon to o'clock and attir
a ahort Invocatlsai bv liev. Rm ii.
Vut. and (wo aoag cnterol lute
hoanlly by the laietlulo. aa orgAcUa
tl'in waa iwfoctW'
A abort addresser BuprlnUi:dnl
waa followed by a pleatn; ad
diet of welcome frin Kev. Mr. Foe
o( draco M. B. Church: given la hi
usual vein of quiet humor and wholo-
Londoo, Kng. Mr. Chapln, a
leader of the sugragottc, caused an
early morning .thrill at tbo Bcrmon-
deily by-elccllon when she amaahed a
bottlo of carbolic acid on a ballot-box.
Her Intention was to born the bal
lot In the box as a protest against the
exclusion of women. W,bat sha ac
complished was tbo burning of sev
eral olcctlon officials and tbo assur
anco of her arrcxt. Mla Chrystobel
Pankhurst, In aa Interview later, de
plored the Injuring of the official.
but vohomently asserted that It waa
the government 'that drove women to
ucb acts.,
Tuesday morning the Central cafe,
with Mour. Baaacr and Donnelly aa
proprietors, will reopen as a first
class short order house. The proprie
tors havo had a long experience as
chefs and restaurant manager, both
having at different times conducted
the Central cafe for Mr. Houston.
I.. J. Morser Is still la the real I
slate business and can be reached
by phone 30S In regard to Terminal
Clly loU. Please call at P. L. Poua
taln'a office for the present.
Now York. All Information re
garding tbo legal separation wblcb
Mrs. John Jacob Astor Is reported to
bo getting from her buabaad L bofag
carefully withheld from the public,
though It was stated that Referee C.
II. Young would soon be able to sab-
mlt his report to the court. In tbo
caao or alimony. If granted, Colonel
Astor will mako a division of hla
property for tho benefit of Mrs. Ator.
Bo far a can bo learned, Mrs. Astor
haa given no testimony before the
Oct your carpets, rags, corula.
etc., cleaBed by Moageld'a vacuum
cleaner; ratfh reasonable.
an ar-a as-a ..-. . .VJW", . ' wii-sai;; .m
1ST NATIONAL umi novmnm to KLik;
Have your car stored aad repaired
at tbo Baldwla Motor aad Seaaly
company. Pfaoae S1.
The Saturday Erealag peat re
marks that, amoag hla other Jobs,
Presldeat Taft is president at tho
American Red Cross aad the Ceiam-
bla iBstltailoa for Ue Deaf and
-lj.r ".. . i
a4mi-sBakB -" -,i y ' 4
if cmkmm; : ; 1
t , -a
m "V r1 "'' '1
WMlBBalsmwajajsjwUsjM i
aAfitt- win iittlm'iri m i ; . ' -'2
.- 'i .
iym.iism .' i
Call ap 64 for electrical wUlag.
Phone SOS for mUk aad cream.
Beat hot teaussa at Ue Bast Bad
Kaady Kitehea.
We keep the best cofee aad tea.
The Monarch Mercaatlle Co.
Call aad hear the Oetoher Bdleoa
records at Mailer's.
his tlmo' aad sarglss to
TrmMt -m.mA ..Z. -JTL-.1 --
-- ."w mjtmm awH, aa.i
tlea thai haa saWira a
ever ataa aa tsjsaawsM af tju
Is raaaared that tl saattal atsjaj
!... . ' .1-yi'r
ibo jtb ttbsx ww m ieabiad
a ahatt tit; hat Mr,
fasoal to
pel at whoa
f 'V:
Don't wear out your back, broom
and carpets when you caa get the
work done so quickly, thoroughly aad
cheaply by Moagold'a vacuum deaaer.
TsaaBB AajAajkmAksm-Ti . BBaasSdsWsaUa)
T" BWf"WI 99lTrwftVMIVvl
f OtialMv aaal BsVla. auM.
Jr Bafjiajriaaj aaBaatat
MlHV adaaaaal ia sJoU-
fm M-Bt ik fa) sJasMrt
.' V..V-
. . ?Vtf ' ' -
1 ll-SsVBaBBl..BBawySBSB.'Bl-a
. '; Q1URK
Cleorgo Cook, a tourist guide from
Klamath Hot Springs, was brought
boforo Police Judge Uavllt this
morning charged with being drank.
He waa arrested yesterday avealng
ohortly after coming Into the city. It
seem that Cook waa cold after hi
long ride, aad walked aa If he bad
been Imbibing too freely. Night
Watchman Towntead suspected him
of being Intoxicated. He proceeded
to arrest Cook, who, not recognising
the policeman aa an officer, wad a
sllgbi resistance.
Cook demanded a jury trial thl
morning aad the case was put ol un
til tea o'clock tomorrow morning.
Cook feels (hat he wag unjustly at
tacked, aad la datermlasd to Sght the
matter to a anlsa. Ha says he was
beat ovar the head without provoca
tion la addition to Mas arrested, oa
a oaarge of which ha la aot guilty.
H. M. Manning la attoraey (or the de-
feadaat, aad tat trial la the moralag
aremkiea to ha aa jaterestlagoae.
Tho meetings of tho Christian Sci
ence church will contlnuo tbt wook.
Intirqat Jncrcases and Itov. Holme
continues to preach Interesting and
forceful sermon. On Lord' Day 7G
attended the Bible achool, la spite of
the Inclement weather. At the close
of the moralag service pledge wro
laka for the running expeate of the
church for tha comlag year, la tea
mlautes this had been provided for.
Lord's Day evening Rar. Holmes did
aot preach the aermoa oa "Cbiisllaa
Ilaptlsm," aa he had announced. It
will be glvea Wedatsday ovealng of
this wook. tho tier-
eoptlcoa will ha used to axplala tha
scriptures. Bveryoao la lavlted to
thtaa tervleea.
Mr. Ackermaa gave a goopne-
UauU4oaitil aiaajuUaaata.
lag maajr-simple Improvements In
public aehools. Inthe course of the
addreaa he paid a compliment to the
completes of eoulDment In tho
Eighth grado room of tho Klamath
Fall publla achool. Mr. Ackermaa
tnurbed upon cleaBllaesa, tldlacss,
ruliable decoration, temporlpg of
light and ventilation.
'Ho emphasixed the thought tbat
the school should be aa adjunct ol
Iho bomo, and at least equal to It In
cleanliness aad moral tone.
After a short recess. Prof. Alder
man gave a splendid uplift to the
J. V. aad' hi brother. J. A., Hous
ton aro reading the articles la the
wiiu gooo. aeai or laterest, aa ther
were. both resident of thla hWterle
mining camp in IU moot glorious
New York. Robert Lavett waa to
day elected presMeat of tha aeaUMra
Pacific aad William Mahl vlce-pr
dent. Lovett waa already proaMeat
of Ue Ualoa Padae.
See Baldwla Motor1 aad atonal
compaay for heatlag. Paaaa HI.
Apples, pears, saaea, rtaaaprtaa.
Monarch Mereaatlla Oa.
SUv, Stake! aied a aalt fer'tha rZ
covery of meaey jattarday eveaias;
days. The author of the articlea was w,8It g j M- wjft
born there at the time or tk im'n.. - .. . "
,. . . ,imaau . n. atuis h attoraey far taa
big rash, later atteaded Staaford ptsJntiB. I
'I am aot pnWadW'ssaaaai
a what wa la4MUTto'a'atsVaf
i have aavwrad an
wRh taa First Malltaai sad'wtM
devote all U mrttaM'ten
of tha rirat Trwst aad
thaa that wo eaatt sadsavarta
oar laaUtatlaa aa at taa
of tha eaaat."
"Taa aoMar af
caaUaaad. sjsac taa
eaasarvattra hWuiai'lMf'
lied M aad'taa Ktaaaatk
. ....- . ... .,, , .
" -..I.,-.-... fwm,.
win moot artta taa Ml rival
gsMBBjBaassjssBSBsa I.BBMWafJUgJBjaja . aBaT...Mam
Taara wBIia aa
taaaa t,
' " i .-"'! "J
aa Ftrtt Mitiiail i '
airtiaaV"wtsiaV ' J
r...-.,, .. -j--1 ; ,a
teaaaasaatt N'MS
j: ;'.. .. u 41 iaJfa
University and reported for a while
on tho San Francisco Chronicle'.
Uachers la his address oa "Craft
It's alea wtaUtr now. aad aaw it
tha tlma (a brlaa; la year, amsralla
aad hava H savartd. I hava a taa
atw atatk af asvara.
Mrs. Emtllae OoaMla Paakhurat.
a militant suf ragette from Iasadoa, la
In New York and la deaouadag Bag-
llih prlsoa authorltlea who are ford-
bly feedlag tho fool womea who are
trying to starve thtmsolvea la Jail
nrobahlv hellavlnai thla liu
make (hem martyrs; aad that tidr
deatha will be but tha dgaal for taa
glorious murrectloa of . womaa'a
suSrage. SaU Mrs. Paakhurati
"Forcible feedlag la horrible aad li
human, audi doae to rob tha vktlia
of bar dignity aad make her eCorta
la behalf af.tha causs rtdtculaua. It
la also vary lajurloua." But, Mrs.
Paakhurat, Isa't sUrvaUoa InJurleuaT
Sacramtato Baa. f
Bibles," or tbo standards maintalaed
hy tha teaching craft. The code In
cluded: (r) Social service. (S) Sym
pathy, (a) ' Sincerity. (4) PalU la
pupil aad self. (5) "Wa do aot
kiock." He aays "Wa mast convince
the public that our work la tha work
of aa expert.'
The session dosed' with aa address
by Prof. Reader oa "Tha New Teach
er." He say the new teacher la mm.
lag, aad haa como. Four point were
emphasised: (1) The teaehar ts com
ing to he recognised at his true worth
la tha community. i lis b to be
palsaa adequate salary. (S) The aew
isacatr is a specialist la his grade.
(4) The aew teacher la a tralaed
Try a Urge, famous K z California
Umale with sauce at tha East Bad
Ksndy Kitchen.
Harbin,' Manchuria. The
of Prlnco Ito was Identified aa IacKaa
Angen, a former editor of a aewsea-
por at Seoul. He artid he waa oa af
an orgaaltatloa of iweafy Koreaaa
who had taken aa oath to kill the
Japanese statesman. The assaatla
used dumdum bullets poisoned with
Freak Khuaatk eouaty eomb hoaaw
you will ha sura to like H. The
Monarch Mercaatlle Co.
Tho Oregoalaa remarks Uat Ue
big Ulk of Jim JeaTrle aad Jack
Johnson Indicates Uat adther of
them would make aa Ideal polar-explorer.
This la taa
aait aWa1-sB
Hot chocolate, ceffoo, tea aad hat
MBB. Bast Bad Kaady KHaaaa.
Try Baldwla Motor and Supply
company for plumbing aad tlaalag.
Phono 691.
Patrons dssfrlag to use electric
meters may now place thdr order
at our office a we will have a stock
aa bead in a very few days, dther to
rent at 16 coats per meath or to sell
t coat. . ..
Louis Hill, preddont of the dreat
Northern railroad, haa beea lost la
the moBBtalna. agela, the second tlma
wlthla a few monUa. Thla kind of
advertising would be great for Ueat
rlcal stars, 'but la the ease of Mr.
Hill Ita advantages "are aot dear. He
should wear a boll whoa he gets oB
the right trail. Oregoalaa.
For sale, eeear-Six reaUar-hat-
toaaed dlalag-rooa eaalra. laaalre
at reaideaea of C. B. Wordaa.
If you waat your atatt moved aad
moved quick, get Raassby'a 'Bxarasa
to do it. Ottea at Sixth aad KiamaU.
Fhoao IIS.
I have aoma uausual baraalaa la
houses aad lota la tows.
Oood road a 'are awed lavsatmtata.
All suava expeaaed latdllaaatly la taa
couatlsa of Qfeioa aa Ue reaaa wHI
laeraaaa land aad at har Talata taara
thaa UaaeaVef the rade aBdtaefe
will aa eomrart and aea'vsaiaa.aaea
af aMvaavaat aad listMaaa aartas 'la
hortalaafe. harsMa.aa'Taaiatoslaa
A aew auK for the raeavary of mon
ey was filed at thoreouaty dork's of
Saa ihla, atteraooa. Jaka Cox w.
Harry Xlaaey aad A Xlaaty. H, V.
rvseeee h attoraey far plalaUI.
, lae rresaytenaa Laalea' Aid tod-
lety ia prepared to de all klada at
hlaawtat. CteANlaa: var
astiaa. -.
uiacinnau, Ohio, College womea
are better equipped to serve la the
homo aad for the uplift of, humaalty.
according to the consensus of oplaioa
shown la the discussions of the aa
aual convention of tbe.AssoeiaUea at
Collegiate Alumhao la aessloa here.
-12. .'.-
of Ma ataik fa taa Mast
this etty'daoa C
of hla lataraata la Ua First
A. - I 1 ,
to Mr. Stemeas aad, smsiiaiis. ahaat
two aiaatha ago. WssawmUsaM1'iVtf4t.
- aaiTaT aaavai aai
e weeks. The First Natlceml waav
reoacalaed-ae.'a vaiaaala
aeeklac Ua eaatret, hat
preferred aa tara R atar to
.-.1a-. . . .J
uussu ibsa
by taa BTamath Oeaaty j
Taata will ae a
' . i i " -
taa- laaMaUaa;wialai-i
V. whoa a, aew, I
eleeted toBMOa alaaa'i
Bar thai MilcaumW Ti1 wi' 'a
Aside'frem taa deetlea oi
. ... - . .. ' - -i.
" " "i reeaaijr aa, mile
"e.. taa dlreeterate
kaat taa aajae.
Clff7fi 3stl .
Mrs. A. T. Uagdlaad.aklldrea at
Klamath Falla arrived la Ue eRy Sat
area aad are visMlag wlU Mr. aad
Mrs. R, I. Wlgara. atoaaaaa'Balle.
Ua. -7
. ModfoH. Ore. Taa east at D. W.
Haaetva. the BV.ta.Vrd..
W -M ;taiaji up Bfort taa ledara)
touri Haad waa airaak hv a aaaar
J Wkam are sap
Our Guarantee
with these:
,-. ,ryi'
ci. -. ir
1 h " 1
or qaiailaa. Now taat la tka
Aajr Meaasssaati Metaai
BHUCLD label la yaaHltily
f .Thau's taar, isat MT
"n if&tMZi
Mnxaal aaaT'"'' aaaTt aa ash m
; "i- .'A
' v
Mra. .law Oadea, Mr. Qx t. Pratt.
trai. aad a!. hMW jr'laVw
wiifcH a a'ria?' - - "" .U
wtr lawiM taa tratav ., r-1
MM ' .-5'i,i..; .. 'v?' P'. rf.V.