The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 27, 1909, Image 1

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Oct. .96
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Klamath Falla' Flrat
and Btat Dally.
. .. a. a a. a. a a a .
Foubtii Yrar. No. 913
be mm
9 awl'
W fllMirthifi AM' K
Tht Bt IUmIM. f )i
mo ami iKMiit F.urroitv
tmor .llu Ka Tlml mm Immrnw
Ware! Will Hr Hull! llrrr
In Man Wheat
The Industrial development nf
KUnuth rail ha been receiving the
atlrntlun ol several repllalUt during
Hut pl Iwu weeks, anil while every
effort ha been made lo keep the tuel.
irrqulrl It ha leaked out that befor
many mare weeks mim li)' titer villi
b located In thl rlly a mammoth
uth ami deur lailury and big waie.
huutv. Who the men are- mat nie
wn null mi liiuiimitii nercnRii ilmcil
In riilllvntlon tlil iar mull nllvr tln
'llll WITH lllltfl(l, WIIK ,.
wn Hint ttiw wlici. 1 rrop itliim.
ri'Arhf.l ovir n inlllliin l.unln.1., nml In
nnliT In cm., (or It Biflii)i,Ki lurll.
Illm wr ntiii,r)r nncniiry.
AIhiiiI u mikIi huh llnrrniiiftilo
im)i wfi In Hut itiurkut fur Klnni
Nlli comity ulu at, uml i prlr.i
urTwrfil nail rrnl nml n Imlf. A imiii
llicy ilrui-i on) m pHcc or
IipM (-ll If n ci-iiU n Iiiititlritl, Imt
lliiliinlliiti'lx raUH nlion llio aRt-nt
of llio tUcrnim nto Inirri'il reTiitiiH
the nmrkii, It U a lack of vrnrt
tinmen that haa kept otlirr iwjpra mil
of the roiuily, aii'l'tliU lart rrarliliiK
llin rnt of lapllalliil mhhi lirmulil
Ilium lir (or Hie imrixmi u railim
for (In' ilniianit,
i:iii.i:ii'n mm him: at uoiu;
Wnlnlni TniUKli In ll I'laittl llr
lib' t'l'UllIf HlMll.
Hcort' ul linllaii arrho firry ilay
I In buy tliflr rail ami winter iippllc,
I anil (liy an kkh riuioiiicm ink
Illm torn kcrirri nlwai thcrii with
lack ol thew fnlr.rprlM II ia iH-rn'""' "'l' "I'm l'"1)- lilln to
itt.i.ll.l lo Irarti liut tho nrKotla.."' """" "-r '!.
Iliiim havn irnRirMl far rnniuh In
warrant tlm talrinnt that hotli rn
IrrcrlM- wilt (hi a rrallly bWorw lonx.
The ah ami door farlnty l Uit
imtfome of tho rolln inrlut.
rurnt In Ihn nrar rtititrc o( lhi UiiiIht
Intrrnii In thl roiinty It will (h
una of lh lariMt on lh nat. anil Im
a mtJrn a oy ran mak It. lu
Imallon I atlll la I ha lUik, hut rumor
ha It that It will b tin lo the nll
rtiaaly road, and ha wrvtM hy a apui
fitim tha Boulhera I'aclRr.
Th arrctioa of a lart wairhouM.
will not Ui ao much of a auiprlae, a
It U lb natural oulroMa of I ho great
rUtvloniitl of ihn farmlna arctlon
thlt trar. Ktw rrallM4 that thfri
ctK&vrx gawtL'jt
10 CenU a Button
$1.00 a Rip
f ay am y aaiHi'i-
WtaU MWalH 4yMafc,
u Uay ara mil fit,
nia&totlcaM kwaafe
At llouml I'ralrlr. lour IiiIImi mil
ol Kriio HirlnR. on Ihr. county load.
J. I. IMIt' iiiaihlua U UirlnK for nr-
lrln watiT Tlil work la IifIiir
watrhrd with Intuf cl hy all the
rancher from lh reservation to VI.
aim alley yis-k ami from tin HpraRiio
rhrr to llonama. It I Mr. IMIrr'a
Intention in nlarr tiotiRh lir.ldo Hip
roiinty road for lh rontenlenm of
llio.o who pat.
Ttilrty-ftvo thuuund hrad of liovp
arr aumicVlBitlhprandriaTwiw
nrcary lo ilrlvo them to HpraRiio
rlrr, Kiine twenty mile, to water uv
ery two or three da)i, wherra If they
could find water Ihn rattle, hore and
aheei, which would ranRu there roilld
find water, loo.
O. tl. Ilaldwln U In chnrRo of the
horlnR, They are at promt down
about SOU reel. With their prevent
farllllle they ran boru 1.500 feel,
bulf they tall lo find water at Hint
depth they will K 1.S0O reel diepcr.
The drill aluno welch 2,100 HiumU,
and a forty horeHiwer eiiRlne la do-
InR the work, one ran ImaRlnn the
IMiwrr and ltenth of tho ninrhlne.
It I abMilulrly nereMary, If thl
country la lo tirow a ll ahoiild, Hint
thiiMi who lle here lionld work lo
Rvlhvr for tho RimnI of all. Mr. Kdlor,
who rank n tho third InrRctt iheep
owner on the roatt, ha ahown Hint
ha la wIIIIiir to do hi part. Vail hem
rnt, of counv, ho will derive from
thl work, hut flume who run lock In
that neighborhood will aluo ho bene
fited, at they know ihvmaelvra.
The l'rehyterlnn iJidlca' Aid oc.
ety I prepnreil to do nil kind of
plain aewltiR. Comfort lied or
Mr. Harry Cndon, Mr. Oeo. T. I'rntl,
li. A. Atherton. who had hi tinner
nmihed Momlny, U iIoIiik nicely.
John Urltl U now employed n u
elerk ol tho K. K. K. flturo. .
" i "
Chun. lAiwIa li now able lo walk
around, and oxpeel to be out of doom
A now-ault for tho recovory of
money wan filed lit. tho county elerk'a
offlro loday. K. K.,Kltch va. Daniel
Vn Mrlmmer. Tho. Drake, attorney
for tdalittlir.
H. B. Henry, civil enln6r, goea lo
s-ort Klamath In tha momlu to com.
Plata hla aurvoylnj contract of land
or tha reaarvallon.
liUlrict Haitrrintrndent Mf Here to
. Make Arrangement fur Kalraare
Hot Hprlnii Aihllllou May lnrorin'-
ale In Onler lo el Ithl of Hie
HIiHk Xulanrr
Muor Hnnderon I enRaged lu pro
purliiR Hi" atatement that ho will
Utn on Ihn matter of the extenlon
of the city limit, nml will have Ic
ready for publication In a few da.
In ll he I Rolne to lay beforo the peo
ple living In tho adjoining addition
Jut what tha city propow to do In
return for tho benefit to ha derived
from the eiteimlon of the municipal
hoondarle. He I coins; over the or
dlnnnre nml alo tho rorrexindencd
Hint tin been hnd with tlm Hot
HprlnR rompnny, nml every detail or
Ihn iMun under dlculon "III ho
Rone Into exhnuillvely.
The mayor U niiilou to eo the city
enlarRril ihirliig hi ndmlrrltrallni,
and- will do nil wlihln hi iowcr to
meet the drmaiid ot the realdenl of
llio addition. He recognlie thnt
Ihey aro entitled to lertaln conce
(Ion, and It I for tho purpote of en
llRhteiiliig them a In how far the
rlly can ro that the tatement I being
The mldcnta of tho Hot 8prlng
addition nre particularly nnxlou to
kre omethlng ilono that will rid them
of tho atock nulance. -If tha vote In
raWW WmlTnto-wlli)"''rttr,,U
oKlnt auch a move, then It la not un
likely that tho proierty embraced In
that addition may lie
Into a rlly,
wilt be In a ultlon lo rcRtitnto tho
matter or tock, lrvt llRhta and oth
er municipal problem In u .manner
Hint will prove aatUfartory to thoie
lntereled. Thla'atep, however, will
bo taken oniy a n lnt renort.
A. II. May of flan Kraaclaco, an per
Inlondent of tho flrat dlatrlet, Palfic
coaxt dlvlalon of tho Waatern Unloa
Telegraph company, arrived l.t tha
city lat ovcnlng. He la here for the
ptirpoixi ot onlng necotlallona for
tho entrance of the W'attern Union
Into thl city. He haltta confermic
with Mayor Sandcraeai and tome
member of the council today, and
made formal requeat for permlaalon
for the placing of polaaa the atrceti
of tha city. ProUblf. at the next
mooting of the council) an ordinance
will bo Introduced graaiilag tha pet
mllon dealred.
"We hope to be la thte city by the
drat of December." ald Mr. May.
"Our men are now placing pole be
tween Weed and Qraaa Lake, and aro
being cloaely followed by the wire
men. It ha not bae fully decided
Jut what we will do about an office
nor where It WllJ be located.
mattera being 'for future Vie-
lermlnatlon. We wilt; however, lmvs
nn omcwniptowB anal will probably
tiavo two men employed here. Tho
xervlco we propoea Iwuguratlng will
be tho Very beat at oar dhipoMl, and
we feel that thla etty will havo uo
cauae to complain about tha treat
ment It will receive from tha West
ern Union."
Mr. May ejpecUito leave In the
morning for Baa Prmaclaeo, hut wtl!
return again la abwut Ihrea waakJ.
when final arrangamaata wffl wa aawi
for tho opening of tha
Dallaa lUmliar AmfL aata
came lato thla oflca and wanted ua
to Jack up a brother editor because
ho had aald aomcthlng about the
Incorporated roroaald man which ho didn't like.
If auch I done, then It TllBl klnd , i,uineM nuke, u hot
thl nmtlnual trying to net an editor
to pull jour cheitnuta out of the tiro
or say tomelhlng abSut aomeono elie
Hint you are afraid to ay )ourelf.
We nro not dolnR that kind ot bull
lie. We have trouble enough of
our owu, without aiiumlng other ieo
plo' there are worrlea cnougi Hi a
ptlnt ahop lo drive a man to drink.
If you do not llko what the other fel
low aayi, go to him about It. Do not
como to ua. If you do not llko what
we ay, ro to him, too.
lilt of Advice From Mlaaourl Along
the Samo Line Don't go Into a newa
inier offlco and ak tha editor to
roat. lomebody. You don't know how
It look oFyou wouldn't do It. Her'
n parallel caie;. You atcp up to a
friend and ay; "Dill, 1 with you'd
go over there and glvo that fellow a
Reed ' eumlng for me. I'm a Itttlo
afraid to do It tnjaelt," Lamar Democrat.
Now I the lime to buy your winter
lea at reduced price. The Toggery
Wo nuoto from Kverybodv . who
clipped the loliowlng for the luncftt
ot Ih.ue who doubt tho power o the
yrerr; "Owing to the overcrow del
condition of our column, n number
of hlrtha and death worn unavoid
ably postponed thl week."
The linker City Herald I making a
An lit for Reed mountain water and
the Salem Capital Journal wnuti to
know who any editor wunt hard
8omo Idea ot what the railroad ha
meant to Klumntli Kalli I gained
when one Mop to consider tho num
ber of rancher and farmer from
I'oUley nml Silver Uko, who aro buy
ing their aupplle hero now Instead of,
a foimorly front Shunlko and then
Imullng thorn through Mndra. nbnd,
Holland, about 200 mile. Now that
wo havo one railroad and anolhor
headed thl way, It la Imponlblo to
catlmnto tho rapid growth In popula
tion and duvolopuuiu ot natural re
vuurcea that may bo expected In tho
iioxt few year. Buroly, we live In a
uood land at tho right time,
H aeoma that California had to
chooio an Oregon girl to repreaont
tho at ate n tho Queeu of' Portola.
Llko Alexander, wo aro reaching out
for other worlda to conquer.
Tle Little Fellow What la a dry
He With tha Urge Experience
Ono where they don't mm much water.
George Uuffum, who ha been In
town visiting for the paat few day,
left thl morning for Keno Spring.
. (.
Everybody I getting an auto of
aomo type, and oven tha editor la con
aumed with a raging fever for a amell
wagou. l4tkevlow Examiner.
Notice la hereby given that
the Herald wM praaecale to the
fall limit ot Ihe law MfOM
caught ateaMMf coadea of taw 0
Herald frow mbarribm. Daw
hc the paat week aaaay coan
plakala have roMie to thla oMce,
and atepa havo been taken to
catch Ikoae guilty of Uw theft a.
If there la any owe who eawaet
at erd to pay for Ua pap aa4
wUl ao a4vlae thlTaaVa, a copf
wM ha fnUahe4 free.
Contract Will He tX TMa Winter. No
aa lo Let Contractor Prepare,
for Work hi DnH Heaaon
Plaaa for tha aew school that la to
be erected on tha Weat Side are now
under consideration, and a mcetli.a; of
tho school board will be held during
the next few daya for tha par pose of
outlining a program governing the
action lo ha taken. Notkla baa Men
done relative to tho dlepoial of ae
boada that worn voted for tha. pur
pose, and thla will be the Irst Ihinir
that will receive the attention of the
No attempt I to be mad lo (reel
tbr. school thla year, but plana will be
prepared and apeclfleatlons -submitted
for bid and the contract awarded
during the winter In order to let the
aucceaaful contractor prepare for the
erection ot the building just aa aoon
aa possible afteribe winter Is over.
It la tha Intention of thi board lo
have a structure that will be a aoarce
ot pride to the cily and the aab.'ect of
admiration of new comer. Tho rite
elected la ono of Ua moat rightly In
tha city, and ana be anally viewed
from tha railroad. Thla will be aa ha.
portaat awttar whoa thto la a ataita
Mao city, for It will aacara tho atten
tion of thaaaanla of traralora paaalag
through.'wanhev ahcthm or'afri
Ooeller no meeting of tha board baa
been held, and not until tha meinbera
get together oflcially will un'hlag
of a definite character be agreed "n.
Only sis daya more of the great
aale at The Toggery.
You abould try some of Helas'a
bulk aweet and sour plcklea at tha
Moaarch Mercantile company.
If. L. Chandler aad his daaghtar.
El ma. drove la from Lakeview last
nlgh(, ad left thla morning on iha
train for Medford, where Mies Etna U
to enter the Catholic achooL
Tha loweat pricoa aver known, at
Tha Tottery aale.
D. M. OrUith of amcte Kldpyi aad
hla brother, W. A. Ormtth of Roan
oke, Va., aro la towa. Thof had aot
aaah otkar tor aaarly thirty
yaara aatM tht TlaK of W. A. Oruth
Tho Ladle' Aid of the Presbyterian
church will give a social Thursday
orenlng, October 28th, at the borne ot
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hogue, on Sixth
street. Every member and friend of
tho church and congregation la In
vited to be preaent and enjoy a aoclal
evening. A musical program baa
been arranged and refreshments will
bo served. No charge.
"TewTexlco, the Uaad of Bun
hjne." "The Little Drummer of 1TJS" la a
touching drama.
"Tho Cobbler and tho Millionaire"
Is one ot the hlgh-clasa pictarea al
ways seen at the Iris, and "The Mea
tage," beautiful scenery, faithfully
rendered by, good photography and
Ideal acttlng for thla Olograph pic
ture, which tells the story ot a "woman
who almost fell and waa only aaved
by the Interposition ot her little child.
Few dry eyes are aeen aa tha woman
Helena to her child Instead of her
lovor, who would lead her astray.
"A Simple Home Dinner, Far From
he Madding Crowd" will conclude tha
Tho Irta theater haa bought a new
piano from Gillette, the furniture
Stated convention at 7:80 Thursday
night. Conferring rank oMCnlgat. A
large attendance ia dealred.
A waU-kDowayouag lady,' reeidlag
la Klamath Falta, will auk bar la
Itlal amateur pertemaaee la tha aar
pontine daaca tonight. Ta beauty ot
the daaca will bo kalgktaaad by aar
oral wonderful elaetrteal ataota.
"Tballya Heart." a tat of aaalaat
Qreeco, Is a beautiful hand-colored
film alone worth the price of admis
sion. It tells In beautiful pictures ot
tho love of a man and a maid, which
withstands the stress and strife of all
the years.
Did you ever try to cure a cold In
the chest with "A Mustard Piaster"!
If you havo you will appreciate the
agonized efforts of one young man aa
he attempta to lessen the feverish
heat caused by one of those old-faab-
loaed remedies.
"Much Ado About Nothing," when
wlfey dear lads another woman's pic
ture In her hnsbaad's overcoat pocket.
"The Violin Maker of Cremona" In a
motion picture classic. Natural and
sincere aro the actors, tho story la
absorbingly Interesting, telling that
aver-new tale of the love of a man
aad a maid.
"Oft I
h a
: 4
" '
-.v. jitepta..
Luclea Apptognto w la towa from
hla ranch at Swan lake. "Every year,"
he aaya, "I believe more la tha glori
ous prospects of thla country, aad ex
pect to aee targe dairies, creameries
and cheese factories hero within tha
next few years.
Carl Grubb, a nephew ot Mrs.
Luclen Applegate, baa left for hla
home at Hornbrook, Cat. He la rid
ing hla aaddle horse over.- From there
ha will probably go to Imperial Val
ley, Cal., where hla couala, Elmer Ap
plegate, baa charge erthe experimen
tal farm, 175 acrea.
Tho county clerk aad hla deputies
have Issued 17 huatlag llcoaaea and
one Ashing license In tha paat two
daya to sportsmen from dlfereat
parte ot the county,
Mrs. J. F. Taylor left thla morning
for San Francisco, where aha will visit
friends. Before returning home she
will stop In Northern California for n
few weeks. v
The TrtsaasJat of the OnVf at Mswrn
Co. Caawea Can. to Caa
nWuTsVnr JI?W afflvV ,",
r &
K rt
:. .m
. ?.j
U..W Simhi. a4 lk Jl. mm- '
9 , . Vi?'l
ell art atlll ptaaMag over the atwtr - il
hnaj mmILw taTmm .h. '. fc A t
tiro of Morris Co. of Portland aatat
bore bo waa laatraetad to trtm tfeotr' ;
original oCer about Mat. Thai abaago
of front did aot suit tho aHyfathara,-
laaMlMy of rt-tfortlataa;.
the boada waa than dlaeaaisd. Mo
aj4law u fwfttA. Ilu. !!! Mail V
. , ... ..ffj.
flavift been submitted to CHy Atlor-
thla It rendered the council wrH da-. :,
clde what to do. :,' 4 'X
Tha caplUlwta on the eataldo artrf" ,;'!''
aa Ignorant aa a colored gallaaaa It .
Africa aa to tho else aad divstap X
meat of thl city, aad thla waa tWv 1
. . . jrtt rll
ilri W Ik ..... I.. ------ - karll "i '.
- -, .w ...r.. ..,. ww -.- yl
Mm ntlMM. w. - . - ... . rl, , -.: M
. . ,-. v.: .A- 1
Morna at co. jt w aa-to saw taat M ..
tha boada art re-advsrtlaad that short i,'. i
sill ka Iku - - -' - -' ' '
Um mayor and omboU wM aot bt
priaedMt tboy raaatrad kktwbiir'atiV
that tRhor of tht twwatawnmttwtam
' - .v
aa to prataat tht
.. -C . l - . .'
work on tht i
tlmo, aad they hart.
when tho boada aro agala aoM, tho
aale will atkk, aad the city will got
themeaey. All of thto can be worked
out la sugicleat tlmt to admit of ad-'
vertjalng for bMa for tho system aad ,
I tha awarding of tha contract to aa tt I
permit of work commencing whoa tae
eeesoa opaaa next apriag.
. One of tho rtebeet atrlkta trtr
made la Weatora Orogta waa aaadt la
tko North Falrvlew mine. BoaVmla
district, a few daya ago. Tat trt lt
fabuloualy rich, aad tht ledce la tvo.1
feet wide. About two feet of tht
ledge la free milling era, aad th,rieh
atuff ia a atrlager ruaalag along tho"
hanging wall. Tht lad waa atado ot,'
Ua surface, only 200 feH batow tht! ,
mala tuaael. Bohemia will get tt at
a great camp.
Our Guarantee
with these:
. Whew wt anjr gmwwatoo wa aaana Jaai what wa any. a"t.
aro aot aatlshed yoar money wW bt refdtd at tact wrWhott partly
or qneetioa. Now that la tht gwaraatoe wt give.
Any MoaaohaM Reanady baarlng a Raw Star label or BOUI
SHIELD label la peetUvety gaaraatecd tt ajtvt tatlrt sal
aatl fact tea.
That'a fair, han't H?
on ctiAii rot
1 fj IV I
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BBBttawaBWaaaBntnafxaBaBBa 7 laK "
tmmmSaAaPnmaw. '; 'rV -
ZK:naaatrnnEnTr i n? - nam
Star Draft Sitffl
,-tV wtri'wiial
""aF tsj. 'ft 'J.'"r"'
J... '
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f. in
t'ltf! Sla" :V .f'M
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