The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 25, 1909, Image 1

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    , , -,.. npf mih
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Klamath FalU Flnit
i gnl Beit Dtlly.
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Fouutii Ykak. No. 901
d 1 111'
Male Mali rlnlrmlrel Arkr-mom tt'lll,l..ntill.l rmrl..i.ry llml hn m,
llr llrh .li Hifcm I'mm.
.r. Ill lit InlrtDMIni
Tbc KUtimili Cuunty AnHiiNl litl
lu IH ruiitrixi In KUmalh l'IU
NonJir. TmnUy find Wmlm-aday uf'Uw iiiiIiik Inr U immth. mIiimiI
B,il rrk, Niivrmlwr ll, Jil ml 3i,
On Munily irhtMil ImmihI riirii
llun l iImi Ih ralUnl. The dy
ilosi lll l Md l ' KUwttthi
Kulli imtllr wiiMil IiuIIiIIbk an4 ih
rirnlnt tpilm will lio lirlil In I (if
HUh HfliiHil liullilln The lunllillp, ' In H" ll-nilnro of liUli
.,( Klimnlli rniihly haw horn a ro. tIhm.Ii of mini- limn IS') r cm,
uuilon of Mnic II allnmiH hy lh ' fnttillmnn In Mm t)xt of Hip
Itarhrr ami of bln of liUlt lulrf "' '" '""' "n ilouhM. llip
,it inj (aIuc. Tho iMoiiram irp- n.iniUory iiluraihm law him ahlMt
tri fur lM ytar pwiulwa an rqa. iiln ircularlly of allrmlanrr
I; lnltfllt) w-olon. jUiilll Hip arvrmen ililly allrnctnticc- It
llrrrlofwr Mr- Atkrrman, UI'?4 IT " ' pnrollincnl, ppry
lairUlen.lrnt. Iia tUllp.1 tho MiMn.i''," "" ' ' !,'' '
ly hot tmra In two yrart; now, owlns
lo ih romlnit of th rallrnail wn am
(14 o announcv that ho ha mnapnl
4 lo prrtrtit acaln thla jrvar, al
though haln hrtn her teat )trar.
II llt Ixi rpat un MOMlay, when
he III ilrllrer wttral a44r
the Irarhrn and Ike Mheel oHtvrt.Jtry iiiuni)'. Ilatlna follownl ihU
ail ltluro In lh hlh Kkoel audi cutnn tlnr nterlac uixjn hit ilullra
lurlum In Ihv evenlM. Mr. Atkjrhphaa atqwlfrd Ta-rtoap'arwalnfanfp
"awa'a okJ " toauiitlitg m writ with mh! n thoniimh knowlcUi. of
kAovn In Hn Wi-t that h U rate) vwty M'tlnii of Otntmi. and lima
at um of tlm hrit ImtllUl Ixlurrra khiii tho nn-dn of the rhooW, Hurh
na Iho Tarltlc mail, Durlnrt ll"v at iintlrln,; Im plnml Hip m-IhhiIh
yrar hn Im Ix-rn railed lo ak Ikw it ((kihi In a nlllon iiml to lhn-
fp Uritp rdurailonal KallivilnR at In mi) otlii-r ntulo In Hip I'nlnn,
fell Ukp City. Is Anirlra. fan Another nVr c-rmoil la Mr. C.
IVanrlu-o ami Heallle. Ilarlns mi II. Ililrr, imw luially insnu-,) In
much In da Ith the hulldlnit of our ImllillliK up a ilepailtiient of Indua
rdurailonal yiem, and brvn wi Inns trial pilar;()By In Hip Orcm Aitrl
lmltntly ronnertetl with arhiml nillnral nillpnc. TIip a-trlrulltirnl
! Mr. Dreiser:
Yoi tut lotklitf
hm ITYU Mtr thM
woih, III Inlkk ni.. tiftul)r mhc -
Hnimtliiliiiili'iH Aiki'tnmii hu tn I
Al lliu hind of I lie rliiiula of Oii-iiiiiiTImmi lit 11 killing ilemmiil In our
for cloven )em, Hla mlinliilntrnlliiii loiiiiiiiin actioul fur imiri practical
lin been ilinrmli-tlnit by lim.l. pro-
Krioaltit Muik, iiiitiiiImi ability mill
KOoil lMilnna JmlKlilfill Hit tiu. ,n.
.iif,. hmiI nlilcl In -..'iiilng nun ),
in-Krilv It'KlnUiliiii nlung iIhhi
Hum, nml iimWr hi a nitiiiliilalratliiu
ll.n .iIhhiI )tciii t (hiKOii linn
lratil nlli'hllon In nil puru i. (In.
tfullril HIrIc, Among lli vnliiatilo
law on- lit uiillinrlilriK
uniform iiiiiitc o( timl), h in
).lclil n( tut hooka, rUlitli liiii.ti. ..
amlliallou, Hip kthool Hlimry law,
' ,,r ilUHlM, U piinhllnic fur
UIm l llm mIiimiI nxtn mut llm
" riWIhlw tilnti ithi-il..
Ti. rtilu r. Tim iiiiihImt of
fr )-r Mxli rliiHi. hat Imn-mnl
' ti- U iniirt. llun rtfiy. mi In-
r) of ll m-ki txxiki and tlil It
brliiK aiMnl lo rarh rar; ami an
cllrnl iytvm of (rhool ailinlnUtra
Hon h Urfix hulll up.
llr Arkrrman I makln-t hi an
mm I mur of Hip tat. anil will iek
for clotket that FIT tktt i
ott clolhet. Oinare
ui':) lm. jnovi'ii ll-lt Jimll)' H.
Inr by llin irtii(lrnl wnrk ll tin dono
'r llic'iltuntl'iiii of It aliidonla,
iiliiuilluii nml mitnn lu.luntrlal train
Intt, Tim lollfKO I again coming i
lhi riunl nml meeting IliU ilvinaml by
i'ilillhliiK n ili'purtiiii.'tit for train
Jkl!tm(-lVrfhiA la iv19n9Kv-r,9999jk ii 7 b9Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!
Jm$QM Sti aii99999H
Inx Hochim alontt thl tlnv Mr Ilea
jlrr bi't;nn hi work In Itila atatp at
city iiKrlnivndnl of Kukouo. After
Qltlni: that with mirccaa hu wn railed
In n rhnlr In Hip Monmotiili Hluto nor
nml, t'ini Hip avtretlun of It prt'-'
lilrnt. Mr. Campbell. a prrlilcnt of
tho ktnte unhrralty. I'nif. Helrr
n wli'dcil In lake ll.u (Multlon of
uipulili'nt of i lie noruinl. When tho'
itormnl wn fornil to rloo by lliu un
foitunalu cIosIiik of Hip normiiM of
the atnlo by Hu l;ut IcKUIatnro. Mr,
llpnalrr M'lectod In till the now
choir nrntt't! In tho Oregon AkHcuI
liiml rollae. Mr. Itiiler U n very
cholnil- limn, nnd ono well arqunlnt
.il Willi Hip woik of kchooU In every
Tho Ihlid upeaker (Hiireil la I'rof.
I.. II. Alderman of Hip alntu unlver
illy, Mr. Alderman U n young mail,
horn nml etturated lu the atoto of Ore
gon. Ill rlio lo a toaltlon amnng
Ihu lending otlurutora ol tho atate haa
neon rapid. Hu woa edncnted In tho
tlnlveraiiy of Oiegon. After gradu
ation ho dovoted hlnmclt to learlilng
and held aovcrnl poaltlona lu tho
itnte. He wn elortiil lo the county
tupurliitcndunry of Yamhill county.
Al thu expiration of hi luriu ho waa
called to tho city. Mupcrlutcndvury of
Kugone. Ill adtulnlatrntlon of tho
achoola wa ao aucrcsaful'that the at
lonllon of the nulhorltlea of tho mil
voralty wna ntirarted, and ho waa tou
durvd n chnlr In tho unlvoralty, Hn
haa hnil cliurgo of the correapojid.
onco work of tho unlvoralty, nnd U
innklng Hint work of much vnluo. Mr.
Audormun aimtnlii a reputation of
being on of tM Mt Uilltuu
alruclora In tho atate.
Tho vUltlng Inatructora will bu
aided by our local teachora. While
tho toachcra onjoy the aid they got
from the oiitildo Inatructora. we have
In tho couuty talent for aa laatltute
of our own. If neceaaary, eaio the
aid by the local teachera will not bo
lacking' In Intoroatand valuei
Tho tuutlo will bo Ih charge of
Prof, eaorgo Ai Wlrti. the"lo dl
rootor of tno Kiawata tom moot,
. .- ... - .. ..- . . .-.
Ob Monday avealag Mra. Sumwalt
haa Bieaty eoaaeaie io rewier 0Mrway acroaiue marah.
if In r clinrmlna toloa, mid thu Klatn
ntli Ciinniy IIIkIi'HtIkmiI urchcolrN
will furiiluli iiiIhIc diirliiK Hip ltitl
On Tumiluy i'VcuIiik I'rofii. Alder
in nn nml Kriwlirr will Ivctiiru. Tim
public In Invited tit nllcrnl all of tho
ifMloni, tint aro oarncttly utkhI to
ntlftul thu cvi.'nlnir Ipcturc, aa thry
nro of general educational InUrcat.
rareuta, wheu poaalblv, ahould at
tend, for tho problem of the teach
era are also tho problem of the par
ent, nnd wo nro ull luterMted In tho
A very pretty marriage waa aol
0HinUed')etvrday evening at 8
o'clock at tho rcaldcnro of Mr. and
Mm. W, II. Todd near Merrill, the
occasion being tho wedding of their
daughter, Voutn Pearl Todd, and D.
E, Johnaon, Jlov. L.'M.' Anderaon of
thla city officiating. Tho marriage
waa a qulot one, nono but meubera
of the famlllea. of the contracting
partlea except tho clergyman and Mrv
and Mra. J, II, llohha being .preaont
at the ceremony. Tho frlonda of the
newly married couple extend congrat
ulation and beat wlahee. Merrill
If you want your atuR moved gad
moved quick, got Ramaby'a Bxnreaa
to do U. OMce at Sixth and Klamath,
Phone JJS,.
. The Adawa dredger la rapidly enU
. aaf j.wai iiwim m imrxv iv ia
Im Ilk d.a.Ma.1 w.m .1. lab. L Iba
high laa the north boa4ary of
- .. - .
Rhlpplagtoa, aad will aooa he halt
HHHIIIIIm "'H'TaliiiiiiiW
99999mV99BL ' V b9b9Sbbb99999KI
maki.xo iiai'ii rnoaRKm
Train KirrlrJ lo Khm Vp IB Urf
chnlra hjr Jmmr.
The completion of the Deacbute-J
railway Into Madraa by neit Juno la
the preaent how of the Harridan con
atructlon forcea, and the prediction
la made In the oHcee of the company
that train will be running regularly
to that point by tho middle of the
comlnjc aummer.
The promlae U not definitely made,
aa u n looked for obaUclea are fre
quently onconntered In railroad work,
but progreaa to far haa been ao aatto
faciorr that inch a time limit for the
completion of that portloa of the
road la now Indicated.
The completion of the remaining
thirty mllee of the railroad to Red
mono, aa now projected, will
II epa
later in the year. If theae aopeg are
fulfilled the original time flseaV for
completion of the railroad through
the Deachutee canyon will hare heea
abortened from eight moatha to one
year. Aa prevloualy ontllaed the
work waa to require nearly two
The company haa been raahlag coe
atructlon thla fall, however, and now
haa a force of 2,300 men la the Bold.
In addition, lve ateam ahoveu and
SO0 teama are workiag.
Preparatloaa are being made to aa
a ateam ahorel la the coaatracUea of
the SOO-foot tnaael at Horaeahee
kaMft. Th ekaraeter al tk rMm
Inary work akowa that c aaevel may
be aeetj to advaatag. aad la ajar
belag take w IhatVawm to
hla werlTat: the eeatk portal. Whew
tk akovel la la operation the taaael
will go akead at the rate of thirty to
forty feet a day.
Beyond Madraa there la asm keavy
viaduct work to he done, aad thla can
be accomplished to beat advantage
after rail transportation I given, to
that point.
Near the mouth of the canyoa If
teen mllea of grade have been prac
tically completed. The grade, how-
aver, haa not all been coanected up.
owing to the heavy work In getting
over tho Moody dam. The entire Scld
la covered with construction crews to
aad beyond Madras, with the excep
tion of onepolnt of conflict with tk
Oregon Trunk line.
"The Curao of Cocaine" enn be de
scribed In no better way than, to use
that familiar phrase, aa a sermon
without words. Vital aad grlpplag,
you will alt tease and motionless aa
you watch the wife carelessly wreck
her life and her home by the whim
sical Indulgence of her craving for
Itather amualag aad clever la the
Sim "Under Suspicion," wklck akowa
how foolish a man who donbta hla
wife's Bdellty really Is.
"The Policeman In Action" la up
roariously funny after he haa pur
chased bla electric boots.
A very, very excellent Rlagrapk
aim, mcludlng two of the neatest aad
most fascinating little comedlee ever
ahovrn In this town.
New lluetrated songs aad some
more clever muolo by Mrs. Jarrett.
Lite Is too short to take It too seri
ously, so coma aad kav a gene laugh
with tke crowd at Ik Irlay tonight.
They are fuaay, real tunny, ami be
slilos thla we have heautltul views
of th New York vPlr Depaxtmeat.
SctctlklBg, latoreatlag for verybedy
la Ibk Kegraai: " '
" "Mi Jwwa'Levera."
'HI Wrto VleUera." '
"lapcrtlaf astoad,",'
"Mr. .Bttiuaaky,"
dRi eweafteTWfJHI ,, W9j aav(BTlw9af 9TVeRpaVBn
lluatrated i
aeM aaa vtowk.
Business la booming on the Upper
lake water front, the saw mill, box
factory, two big dredger, the ateam
ahovel and construction trains make
It a busy place.
Fire steamers make regular trip
on the lake.
Captain Wlckatrom wltk the Ragle
la In the wood business.
The Hooligan Is towing for the mill
The Matnma Is la the Wood river
The Hornet la dolag promlecaon
The Wlaema raae to varloae aetata
oa the lake wltk paw age ra aa4
Aaotker of tkoae vast tale res
raged for two mllea aleag MeCor
mack's shore a few eights agw. It
waa a magallceat spectacle, Ugktlag
up this part of the lake aad making
tke aky lurid wltk Ita glare.
New konaea la Ralppiagtea are
aotkiag new any mere; they halld
them ao fast mttshraoma are of slew
growth la compartaea.
More new well are helag bored at
Mlppiagtoa. We are told tk aver
age depth" to good water la about 7
The big dredger Klamath Qtt,
havlag Salah-i her work at tk rail
way landtag, waa towed to RaUl
saak plat by th etaamar Hraet m
latardar alteraeea.
Tk ataaaaer Wlaaaaa kwgit a
large leg raft far Mr akraa. yaalir
day. Tk taaja ar from amMa hay.
k4 at taarn tow C k.
A curious pheaemeaa kaa reeaaUy
been observed la th Lower Klamath
lake about fonror lve mile aonth
west of Merrill, la Btsklyou couaty,
Cal. There are several place where
the water la the lake boll up la a
sort of, geyser aom three feet la
height and four or lve feet In diam
eter. They were Brat aeea a couple
of weeka ago by the children of P.
Hartmaa, who pans th locality twice
each day on their way to school In
Merrill. , The matter waa meatlea.
la school, and last Suaday Mr. aad
Mrs. Wa. A. Wlleo. Mtaa Campbell.
one of the teachera of the Merrill
school, aad Will WUeoa drove over
to tk lak la a earring to see the
geysers. Mr. W. A. Wltse Informs
us that he saw three geysers eat la
the lake some kalf mile away, of tk
appearance described above. It w
reported that there Is a larger oae
that sometimes bolls up high aa a
maa'a head aad with a rear Ilka a
train of cars croaatag a bridge. Mer
rill Record.
Our Guarantee
with these:
When w aay aasaads aaeaa jaet what we aay. at ftm, ,, rJ!'--11
orqaeetlee. New tkat la tke
An " -"
RM1BLD lakfl la aaahUvely
-It amir, laat MT
Stflr DnicJ Strr ill
a . . r
i. t t ft
Tfcerw w Me a laaraw QaaawHy of
fewlft Over This
BBBtaTataTaaBaTaB-aBBSKaf -maf -
tVawTvaVWWJ" V4nWajBtT
Reperts frem tk Merrill asairy
are to the eVeet tkat tar haa bn
eoasldsrahle drop la tk ptie f
alfalfa, da to tk fact tkat raaeksva
reaHs tkat Uey kav heea kllat
It to high to warraat rtttaaaM fsjad
lag'tkelr stock kr tkle year. Aa a
remK ef tk ekaagw la thear atUtad
a great deal ef kay ekaagel aaaal
last week, and ladleaMea an tkat
ack Br will b parehaaed tMa
week. NtwHhstoadtag th Maty
hnylagg R leeks aa If tkr la atstagr
to he a great deal f atfatfa toft ever.
tk isasaa farat spsasd the
arte dawnaded wa aaek tkat tkeaa
aada ef feead ef cattle were eMfsmi
eat to ttawl
remilalag to b fed wttt net a
eieat tea p the amaaat ef
Tam year kaa ken a .
wMsa) to aaft sjaaeaalB, ver vffsa Maajp
ef ' aaBTskm'tkast R1 t .aaft
.- ,- -
I ajkM saja asaaa. " ,.r';'-J
paid waa H aaafl .
W. C. OaMea. aajsrlalsadiat ef
tkeCarrUadaadUviatiik nmiaay
ef Tale Lake, deNvetwi to J. 0. Mat
ekell f Oaklaaa aheet, tM head ef
GBwJwfJV 9J9J9J9J HWaew IMb9 W9J9J9j
Miller Lag Bases tkrajh Laav
gell valley wkk tke Ktk dewv at
beef aad ateck cattle, wklek tkey per
chased last aprtoc f tk lleryfeN
Land aad Cattle wataaay f Lake-
view, cemprislag ever l.eaa kead.
Tkey will a skipped frem Mt. Ke
broa oa the JsHh. it wHl feqalre
forty can to haadle tke eeaslgamsat.
Ales Pltaaatrlek ef tk ef
kad three drevea ef ;i.l kead
Merrill to he ahleeed to amkersaeld
WaK W9jen)s
Jack Kartea breaght ever 7t kead
ef beef cattle frem the rarvala a
few day age. aad .tkey are aew'ee
dUfereat alfalfa letd In tk TMaHy,
of Lest river,
Tk alfalfa raisers la tke hferriH
nsctloa kav cat a let ef kay. wRhta
tk last tea days.
Jala, tk Jaatt crowd aad aear
th bargains at Tk Toggery aale.
amataawe-sit. ; ; r M?
Kiaaiay kaarlac a Rei Mar label er aNKS ' ! -, a .j'-;.'-.'v;.
rrmaraateee to give llie aadV aasetoto ; 'jVJ
liBakBwr i-I." .; v-iAr- ?rf .' S'' - .
T9eaaaasaM99 7 V f V' .jS
taaiwaj Alt A i. .- .. '7 .- "Ml
VTT".Ti. - r - A.TTT. - S'jX1'.' v t
. 'i
I tt
( .
. L.4
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Hi it? j'pf jy My C Ci'9 1 ai mm