rfysswq: 6Lt. a ,ito ' 4'Ji . ,i& if . I . . i fT .- W '" ,w-t . . 'r V ' m .m to of ttniina Hrfato. ill ice Kitmalli FH' Mt Our Advcrtkcrs OtC The BMt lUtuhs. Ik IpoURTM YKAU. N). IKK) KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1909. iNDOWNERS ACT WISELY 'tit tllAt lll.Tit ..mill I ,. I...... ... .1 i " M.-KHI imfi. nm,i iiiiiuiMiiiil matter before Ilia ii m in i.i on Mm.,..b..r Mb. minor l.oiinir). , Mr Campbell, always " "'" """ niinill wit lilimil mi ii u I . . -.. . ,, ,, ,, ,,, uiinr. allow iii np- ..... -...,.,. ,,, , niMMIiilliili l nun PKC6CENTS 1.MS -l. It. H Ihiilth. WIii-ii Mr Hinlil, Jwna ualteil n. In tho trulli uf id,. r. Llll HISl'l' rol.MlU' .Ulll,'liiiir Im until- Vlit i:ill.V "Them It Mhaolulnly nnllitim ( n The illriior hin.i lu'tii no iiiw-uiik '' ,",,n "' tt'HiiK p"opl inn fllCIS CMV AM) COINIY. tailed the ili.lon A4 III the .Kal 'lit I ln ailjllllllir.l IiimIIiik. Imt I ilu I, ivMHbilfii lr llu Humor llwi "ot li"lM then. i KiiMimU tr IMirrto lrtkl ll .Mi-Wlii lilt Ir 1'i.lhl I lmu mil looked the (ViMii II.-Mi Id ,m. w, matter lit, lint tt ilu mi , iii rtllf that govern other U.II01 III Kiitrril Him liinlltiK nl )ttetday linn Ii U iii) hcllrf itmi ii.,n , (, lin ilniitil a In Ilia li-Knlllx nf the llliotlhK III NuU llltirf Mli" i.rir.i.ii'uiiM, LVotblif Ihet '' '"f'li"-"! In Oil Ltd It ttl ' he had uc Ii l(uo4 tlrft In Hie iiiltlliru mill leal. liltirdi of lli" lir and rotinty aa ' L ..-..It t.i t.iiUi.ldk'a Iiihi lliii pi"'" " ' ' """,ri.i:i:iMi-i:((iioitriiuss ... . li...i.i... ..f .Iim it'.i. lf tCUtm.uii..-, ..!.' Mmfl i i' aMocUlluiii Hail there bevn ! ri licllon crrx'iit iiimi.M lollial IWtp'll) Hhrfl(T John Hthallork in. iftili of Ih. i.t4l tM-k lit Hi" liirnxl lait ttlje til liom hla hunt fur fporlo luff It mi ilonlil what- the lirsn whiiananllrd and robin-.! hi tut that there xnulil liatn Xwvn JC'I"" Vlamlrlinre Tlinrlay nlctii tin til lautt In lm. Ii.r It on til lm t.r-n iiun far ni iitli. ami i iMulir4 In uiuln Ui'l"K . Iliai lin llilntii tin. nina miiii roiillftl(in i I tin Klainalti ii. iar rioM-. Into California. t tlirrr t until mth limn Km Iriinl ri- ! mi iinr roitn.l IkirtU lm liaa ilrrnffili kal ln runiptlr.t hiiIi. ticAril ol ll.rin llm untx uo la al Tier rr raati)' ho attrmtnl h I'tlffcMin ft rrlrriiiM'a ('amp Nu I. lla( hn ro iIiihi In Ilia III. hl lo nrjrora rainn iliin In Kcl Nt l It (tart, but lmn liir)' at. ilfln at aUml 9 u'rliKk tw-puiy flilBfJ ttat It ulalr. tw further. tt,,all,r atual tnt) nilnuli-a !. . .. . ... I. ................ . lUllotu aal aa Iiiii- llio mr.(. ninii, inn a nnablo to nml anr ( of lh itrioah.la nf r(a trclinl-'""',rr '","' "' llirm. anil llpirr I dry iiiiim ia tnriiiM bark Into I lie hllla ami triowil ttm ni Tim ahrr Ifft nl MiHlnr ami Hltkl)nn rimntlra anil llnlr ilriulira arc walclilnk fur llirm arrota Km tlrir. imiluilini of ili. in ,u winilow. Th n-nl ralnlii nun nr In n Icttur oa. tl'i'i IIihii mi) lo idem- Dm nlnrlci 'if llu iniinl)- In lliu lruni;.T wlllilii ll.i- inl a. ii ml (In. ll.iKiloiniirnl utti l-.ii. Ima nlwa)a Imi-ii In Hut U-nil do. 1 1 II ln-al lo lot I tin iiiilaliltt world l-'iyt' lml miiiIiI l,o ilonu lt!i ICInin. nil. ioiiiiI) land NMIVM'i: ,T Till: ClltllCIIKfl. Krlti kill Im iitid In tia amreral rlmtrlira uf Klnmalli Kail Hunday a flillnwa ' lirlllii Hi It-iii (liunli Clillillaii Krlinro avrvlrt-a will Im tn I.I In Hi- parlor of lint lialdwla liulldlni: Hunday moriiliiic at 11 o'llnrk. All am ronllnllr Invllr.l. 7tic liMiin for ilila nu.-lltia will ln I'l-inatlon Aflrr D"P!'i II. F.WHITE EXPLAINS MVM ItKAKONH KOIt TIIK (Jf.K.lT UKI.AV ix Ai.urrrikfi iasm SO UAIE SET fOR WISH (lalm lli llaa Imvh Mmpljr ()irral liiK I'liilrr lla rrorUfcma vt tlr I jim (Jotmilng HI Work The Herald la In rcwdpt of thn fo. .lowlnar letter from IU. i Hiram K. (IiiimIi of Kairrtl Hraii Maaa dally at T:30. Humla)i. 10 30 a in. at nlllNi. tUmid tl,rlr tntv and aup. oiipj ((. mnl Inn familns Hip In- vtu, Tt artrwlty for tin. n-cuiln of rt-ilra JM not dawn on Iho aiipMii. n of Ike tor ira.c until ttiry m that Ur. nut a anfflrlnit iiunit.rr of iw'aol.lm .fnl to ) tlia iooJmrnt lo llio li).Ura, Wlmn It Mil iucii u ralle.1 lo order on I S'oifmtwr iik. ii I. .- ... ii.. I . ..., ,, v. VM. .., immi !rM' M. tU Clinrtli. It'-Riilar inernlni: and cvrnliie rrT lria Mill t. romlnrtr.1 by Iho now pal lor. Ilr II IV.-w, , I). ri.i:vi:u .ni:tiTisi,vj hiiilmi: Klamalti arr.iMHl 't.iMU)' lUa XlHl'itiiri' Itaniti on IH.pla). A notnl Hlndow itliplay la lo Ix- hi.. .. .... i pi mrrr iu uv a aumrlrut mini. .Mn t il... k'lim.ili tidirl.uininiii f of lUrra lrpit-apnlv.1 to mako a'nmii.ali' iifllrn A romidrtn inlnla. jiofmn for ihn tranaarilnn nf li.i..tK. ,nnrh, all iimlrr irilRatlnn, auch l. L . ... , Jit IllH u.' prvil Mlln.'.. iii (tllllll... county. Ii atinxn, Hlth ranrh honao. ItaU sdnmaiu tn Iho rltcfl that Ifio urn. Kaidrn. dllrln and flrld of Uril cf .tlriftora had nirt and ili-rld. Krnln Juat now lirlitalloii la thn rn-li)trrUn 1iur.li 10 a. in, lllblo arhiMil, Cotnr and he inndo vrrlroniK. Clnaaoa for all aT II a, in , regular iimrnlnK aervlrr. rondiirlMl by lliv lli-v. Cihi. T. Pratt. fi.3u p, m V. T. 8. C. K. pra)rr iiiM-llnc. AMI ti.ii )ounK x-opln are Mwvlalljr utgiil In nllcinl thla nir.t ItlK 7.30 p, in., regular errnlnK aerv- lr, Theru will bo aporlnl liiuale liolli iiuirnlnK aud eionlnx. & h o --; tUHUl.lliunli -Kumta)' kcliiMil al 10 n. in. Miirnlnn antlro at 1 1 a. m, II Y. I'. tt. at :30 p. in. KtrnlnK nertlro nl 7:30 p. in. Hot lllt-daoo will rondurt I In' rv. In Sunday (liil.llnu ( liunli llllile i lata Inula at 10 o'clork, Huhjert S il li ib y etrnlliK, "Tho Hln- Im ('liilat " The putillr U lnlfrd In nil erlrei. AT Till.' lltIK ! Mr. Dreuer: i You InAbl.J A. .lik.a IfIT ha ve STYLI better thaa moat clothei. Oura ire STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES - K. K. K. STORE Hoae of tteln-Dlocli taut Clothei "The llnnil of Ju.tlro." Thla Ii a atrciiK picture of u hlKh uraiuallc liinlli)', nml ono thnt ha made a plinliiK liiiprvloii whenvvor khown. "I.'na) Jnl" nml "In Hot Water" are two fplrndld romedlei, nml up In the iiimlnrd of the hlKo-da flliiu nln)K vliowit nl tho III thvater. "Tptred b) Kodak," Thin pic turo imikea nu i-aprclnl uppcul to lu ctillilren, but cn,unot fnll to Intureat I lio rhltdrcu of n IjirKr gnnvth also. Tho hurolmi of tho little drama la ti.)i-ur-olit Alma, nml In n trle' of rhnriiiliiK ari-m-a nro told Iho ndvon. turea thnt hofoll her ami her prlto I hi n y, JS'eiuo, Sunday iiIkIiI lliero will bo tome new picture nl llio operu homo, uud Iho IIiiIiImIii nrvhealru will piny ev- eral concert etcrtlon, "Tho Violin Mnkor of Cronionn," n wonderful film by llio llliir.rnph company, will plraao everyone. A clover vaudevlllo act will nlao bo Included In tho proRram. HHt nlithl Ituv. Ilolmo Knvn hla uminl vIboioiih uddroaa nl tho Chris tian rhurrli, Ho ulway aucceeda In conduction I tin aervlcoa ao they arc InloroiiiluK nnd Initructlvo. All bla address mv ItluitrAted by chart. Sunday morning Ihe lllblo achool ineeta at 1 0 o'clock. 1'rcachlng aerv Icca In collection, Hla atibjoct Sunday evening will bo "Tho Slnlota Chrlit," Tho public la Invited to all.aorvlcoa. Wo havo all tho different kind of vogotablea now; whlto and blua cab bage aweet potatooa, carrot and quah. Kino crlip celery, too, The Monarch Mercantile conpany. While, who I rngaged la allotting the Indian land In tho Klamath rraerra I Inn: i Klamath Agency, Oct. SI. I0. Kdltor of Kvcnlng Herald: Dear Hlr Home time ago an article apKared In thn Klanttth Kali lie piilillcan, making some acrcro com- inent on the work of Ihe allotting c-nl on the K la mark rracrvatlon. and In your laaue of Oetobcr 3lt )ou makn Minm itateinenla! that are ml- leading. ' I ileslro only thai )our reader may iv thn ltuatlon, and I am auro that l( thl I cen no one will charge mo with dela)lng Iho work. The lal paragraph of Ihe act of May N, ivoc, require ihe secretary of the Interior to'bare an absolutely ruirect lilalory of the family relation hip of tho Indiana allolled." The purpoao or thta waa I hat the Inheritance might at once be deter mined of any deceaaed allottee. For llil purpoee a large fanlly history and a quantity or blaaka were fur nlahed. .This history rrqiy-e4 taegraad father und grandmother, the uncle and aunt, a well aa the father and mother, brother and alalera and chil dren of each bllottev. It I required that Ihe dato of each marriage and of each tlltorrv lie given, and the dale of each birth nnd death. Thl had lo be done for aaok lay dlan already allotted a well a for thote that I should allot. You can readily lea thai this would bo qulto u taak for 1,600 whlto peo ple, and Iho lnk was much greater fur that number of Indian people. Thl ha been tho task which has occupied much of my time. II waa alto found that quite a num ber of tho old allotment were Irreg ularly deacrlbed, I. e they were de- rrlbed by mete and bound to give tho Indian Just tho land ho wanted, without regnrd to legal subdivisions. Tho general land office bad refused to lim iho patent for tho dearrlp lion a given, and 1 was directed lo correct theso allotment. Thoio Ir regular decrlptlon were on Modoc I'otn', along Williamson rhur and toward old For'. Klamuth, wtii-u nil tho land was nolii'ly allotted, and whore tli") allotment were qulto gen erally Impiovcd. Aa you ctn see, lo arraugo ihete allotmouts so as to give each Indian Iho aamo amount of laud and n near ly a poslblo tho svno land, end )et make tho allotment a legal subdivi sion, waa not an easy task. ment obtained and a letter written eiplalnlng tho reason and showing how It wa to Iho material adrantago Ui grant the eiebangu. I have mado 391 allotment, and It mint bo remembered that theso al lotment were not together, but were cam-rod far and wide over a large rc nation, so that to make these al lotment was slow work, and required a great deal of traveling. Another matter which account for the delay unierhat I that applicants for allotment must be placed on tho agency roll. The superintendent has entire charge of that. Many or these applicants did not get their cases de cided until recently. The cases of nine which were decided favorably did not reach me until September I Nth. None of the Modoc who are per mitted by the act of May S, 10, to return to thl reservation and get al lotments havo a yet been allotted I understand that there are some C of these. Juat how many will comply with the law so as to get allotment here Is uncertain. Anotner mailer wmen will cause still further delay Is the completion of surve)s on the reservation. Thero aro ome eren such piece. One Is the remainder of the big marsh. There wa also the platting of fraction along the boundary of the reservation and along the Wil liamson river. These were ordered by the general land office last April. In some of these unsurveyed portions, allotment to In dian have been made. These can not be described and patented, until Ihe surveys have been approved and recorded. I sympathise fully with the desire of the people of Klamath Kail for the completltlon of the allot ment and the opening of the reeer- vctlou. but the allotment must b; completed. There I no one wh. de Uret thai to be done ipecdlly more ihr.n I no one who will tuffer more by any postponement of that cud linn I. I havo other Interest which Iiva Imperatively demand my fllnn- lljn. IVclIng that your reader have a right to these facts I have gor.i Into them somewhat fully. Sincerely oun. HIRAM K. WIIITi: then removed and prizes awarded Mrs. K. M. White, Mrs. (leo. Hum and Mrs. C. C. Hoguo lied for first prUe, and Geo. Chaataln and C. C. Hoguo for tho booby prlw. Mr. and Mrs. Hogue were then pre sented with some beautiful cut glass In honor of their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary, after which they received the congratulations and good wishes of those present. This wa a great surprise to Mr. and Mr Hogue, who fully appreciated the esteem and friendship of the givers. Pleasant conversation and game followed, and there being a celebrat ed fortuno teller present many availed themselves of the opportunity to learn what the future held for them. After partaking of dellclon re- tresbment, the guest departed for heir homes, voting Committee No. 1 of the A. N. W. club perfert enter- tancrs, 0LDTIMERS' REUNION JII-.TIXO f R.t) ix COlKTHOt St: THIH MOftMIXO A PERMANENT ORGANIZATION lli.rtr-Klve Xaaars Are laarrilatl oa Ihe Roll of the Orgaatatioi Object of Ihe ffcHety. HACK TO OM) KLAMATH John llrlll, Aflc- VUhtec ataar Other rUeea. Retarsw to Klaaaath Fall to Way. VAl'OKVILLK TONIGHT In each case the consent of the In dian must be obtained to any change und ho must sign n relinquishment to any portion, however small, taken from the allotmcut a first mado. The caso 'waa much complicated by tho fact that aeveral of tho allottee were dead, ao that relinquishments had to bo obtained from tho heirs, with affi davits that thoy wore the legal heir. I havo corrected 110 of these old al lotment. Then at tho outset 1 waa Instructed to grant exchanges to any allottee whenever' it abould appear to the "material advantage" to change hla allotment, and I have mated aom S change. In each caae the lieu land must be surveyed, a relinquish- The pictures are One, and will in clude a new blograph drama, "The Son's Iteturn," after Ore year and rinds his parents getting turned out of their home. This is a strong and thrilling drama. "The Phantom Sirens" those who havo delved into the legends of an cient mythology know them attempt to lure sailor onto tho rock, there leading them In fruitless pursuit. "Tho Rulora of tho World" are shown In a lerlea or Intlmato pose and one gain a clear Idea of the mon arch who hold away In the oldNworld. "Flossie' New Peach-Basket Hat" leads a stronuous II fo before It finally adorns Klosslo's fair head. In "Curing a Jealous Husband" a very lively series or fights take place. Ho Is Jealous because the postman rpoke to hi wlfo when delivering the morning mail. Little Marlon will present a clover laudevllle sketch, Including the latest ong and some clever dancing. WKIIIIINtl AN.MVKHHAHV When tho A. N. W. club, with their husband and Invited guest, rang'the doorbell at the home of Mr, and Mr. Robert Watteaburg last evening they were met by ghostly and witch-like figure, who by motion directed them uoafalre. There they arrayed them- selvea la akeeta and maaka and aooa a Bhoatly procession filed down the atalra and Into the pleasant parlor, whore half aa hour waa apeat la try lag to discover the Identity of the noeted figure. The John Drift, who for several years so acceptably filled the position of man ager for Schaltock ft. Daggett, and who at the time or the transfer of the buslnes to Shlve Bros. A Co., west east, returned to thl city last even ing. There are few men in the city who are ao popular aa Mr. Biitt. aad ni noat of friend will be glad to learn that he has returned, especially when they know that he cornea to tay. Dariag kit abeeace he ha visited naay plaeee, iad returaa ao Uoroagh ly convinced that there la no place that haa the future to It that Klam ath Fall haa. Throughout the mid dle Want there la n great nnreet. ev eryone being dealroaa of coming to the Pacific coast. In hla old home neighborhood In Minnesota upward of 300 people left there thla lummer for the coast, and three-fourths of thoso remaining hope to follow some time In the future. It Is to thl great tide of emigra tion that the Pacific coast owea Ita great growth in population In the peat three year, and I Indicative or what the future has In store for this part or the West. "When I left here." said Mr. Brltt. "I really felt that there were many place with brighter future than Klamath county. I was wrong, and ao will anyone else he wrong It he leave here with the Idea of finding n city or county with brighter prospect than he leave behind. My advice to those here 1 to forget about the other place and get In and make Klamath county what It Is sure to be the best section on all the Pacific coait." A meeting of the Klamath C Mint rioaeer waa held thla aornlng at the courthouse. Thirty-five Member were rrt-aeat nnd signed their naawn nnd paid due. The by-law and conetka- vlon aa drafted by the committee ap- ptlrted at the meetlag held last apilng on Railroad Day were adopted. Tho folowlag officer .r elected: ) A. Stearn. president: O. (;. Apple gate, vie president: Mr. Emma B Copawell, secretary aad treasurer. Before adjournment JCoieaiber Ith w.is selected aa the neit meeting day. The Pioneers' association date Kuk aa far aa the late tall n' imp, though the first meeting wa-i held thin r'-t-r on Railroad Day. Then the so ciety waa partly organise I, commit Ues were nppolntM. nnd today the organisation waa completed. The organisation has for Ita object the collection of all historical records, books, pictures nnd relics that are la nay way connected with thehlstery aad growth of Klamath eoanty. All the old-Uasers In the scanty should Join the society. lUUghalaM are worthy of their scalene aappert, aad the nodal henefita they wHl re ceive are worth wall. They will he able to meet these who. wHh them; ' first mad aad settled this eoanty. KIDXAPKD Aa Mia Ira Poi waa learlag the operabouae after the ahow Thnrs- Ci) evening she waa forcibly ttten from her escort and hurried aw). Wonder and aurpttse filled her mind. until ahe reached the home of Miss Edna Houston. There she waa sol emnly Initiated Into the mysteries of that celebrated society, the C. I. of S. I. only that, aad nothing more. H.UMBV8 aUPIUMS It you want your atu moved aad moved quick, get Ramsey's aUpioca to do it. Office at Sixth aad Klamath. Phone US. C. A. Bunting nnd W. P. Rhonda of Merrill were rgn )nU at the Lakeid Friday night. Our Guarantee with these: , When we jr gaaraatee we aseaa Jaat what we any. U ye ara not Mtiafcd yor aow wW l nfaa or question. Now that la the gaaraatee we give. Any HoaaetioM Keateay hearing a Real Mar label or DUCK SHIELD label Is positively gaaraatee! to give entire aa4 nhastato Muawcitoa. That's fair, Ua't UT 1011 CHAM fOR CHAP! Star Drug Store I "They Hare It -x 'A m"t 9 : ' :?J mm: v j. , 8