The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 20, 1909, Image 1

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Oct 1 ify?
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Klamath Fall' Pint
and Btal Dally.
r rtt i" niir r irt, i
Fourth Year. No. 0B7
IterugnlHuM u lit Fact TImI KUii
Hi Mil I It tlty of Dolliiy
Allreria (wpttal. .
Haa thn Ion Nil In the rralty mar
krt of Hit rltjr been simply the quiet.
dim lhl precedes a torru? rWveral
nf the real estate firms of the ill)
Kni to think mi, and ar preparing
fur a movement of prirty that ia'to
lm greater than any ever eiperlewed
In the rlljr'a history, Evident that
thrlr preparation am well lakrn arc I
to ha loiinil on every hand, ami im
lurprltn need Imi manlfrtrl If city
and county proper!)' I caught with a
On of the principal agenclr rant.
In thU change U Ihe work that It
Mr done by thi Hoi Spring com
pany. ThU corporation la preparing
to nd Ihtiutanila of dollara In OB f ,,, tomr dnm
ertltlt Klamath I'allt. Much of ., r.r flMurrd , Mf, ,hj ,n.
thla money will, of roure. b ipeal In ', lfom ,, , nhih d
eiploitln thrlr property, bnt a Rirai rMr r ,,,, lo thjjjj.
teal of It will lit lo a general arfter.
tltlna of the rlty anil Ita rraourrvt.
The valuw of auth a campaign cannot
t-e ettlmatnt la dollara ami cent, but
It la rertala In be pro4urllte nf great
Another factor that may enter th
Held la C. W. Eberllea of the llnter
prlae tract. No oac hat greater faith
In the .future of tbU city than Mr,
Kberllae, aa4 he haa under tontldrr
They Entered the
At etktr rttj-o-wtr dotkit la Aaniln enld
Ut tkt burlcr of Loadoa Twa
Steln-Bloch Smart Clothes j
' Uamm el UtAlMJUacb laMTt GtoUlCI
nllnii tunny niprovriuinl Hint will
bo of n( licticfll mil mil)' In tlm prop,
ft I) lui U Inteii-ited lit, Inil rtlxi In
IIih illy it) Willi,
Tin' ihlnl (tini U ilm aakeultiK
)! Nllllllt Ol lllU real I'll (III) llll'll them
s.'lvra, I'nr Ihu pad two years lln-y
have been In n lethargy Home of
thiin havn nwnktlit-il to the rati that
It U Hull- turn to iiiiitn, unit tin-)- aro
gulling riaily to tin o Tim others
will itilillmin In their mntv or Inocu-
out ilriuotuilu or hang arimiiil Itio
'edge grabbing what ilin run filch
fimn tht-lr enlirprlilng (omltor,
tin Hi kii .if rehabilitation ttial In
Jiut appearing above tlm horlion of
Inarllvltr I tin wide-awake, honeat, ru.
lerprUIng ilratrr wilt trap a harvest,
emerging Hum tin. field with well
filled dank artounti Klamath I'atla
It tirghlin throughout thn roait at
lb City of l-tln, anil capital It
irking Investment that will return
kihhI prontn II It thlt rapllal that
will form thn li'Vc-imtn fur the rntlro
mutniiiriit that hat for Ita rod the
liulMInc iii of the tefonit flty of
Ciiiilrt rhanRc of procram at thn
Irlt theatrr tonlitht, the fraturn pic
tutt- t.rfnr "A Hot Time at Atlantic
"Hrenet from Vetilre," aliowlna thla
Ix-aullful rlty In all It tplemlor.
"Th I'oor Kid," an extretnrl)' good
and Interesting drama, and aeteral
other good and Interettlng Biorton
k. tie v. mmiK
Itegular ttalrd convention tonight
at 7:3U, conferring rank of eiutre.
v ji77i!
llrtumr uf NIlMk .(ii'll' lliroUAli
omi the County l(tg Htilimmla
In Han Kranclacu Market
The mnvAwont of atock thla year
haa been one. of the largeat In tha
hlttury of I ho county. All of the beef
cattle are In from the eattern rangea
and thn atockmen are picking up the
odd emit preparatory to the final
clean up.
Thn following bunchv of cattle aro
now on thn road between lakoiew
and Merrill, which about cloaca tha
acaaon'a drive, with the eireptloo Of
a few acatlerlng Ieta:
The Kdton-Koulke company of Oa-
idle will have about COO head at the
Morton ranch tomorrow, which were
purrhatcd of acrcral different par-
tie In the. jkclcw country.
Kwanaton k Bon n-celved about
400 head of the ttteele awamp cattlo
at Merrill.
l)Ula Oerber haa '00 head on the
road to Merrill, which he purcbaaed
of llloomlngcanip llroa., Kin toy A. Hon,
Tom tlarretl, U. IJoyd. Jim Andvraon
and uthera of Illy.
H. 8. Mitchell haa aeveral hundred
head at the Horton ranch, bound for
(laielle, which he purchased of K.
Obrachaln of Illy.
W. W. Smith of Illy told recently
3, COO hiad of mixed aheep to Tom
(larrell and other at 3.S0 each.
John Wella, the well-known mule
and horae ratavr of Illy, sold to par
tlit from Madlton, Yolo county, Cat.,
CC head of Alio 2-) car-old mulea at
II 05 a head.
Miller & l.l x of Ban Kraucltco were
the heatUtt bti)era of cattlo during
thn aeatoii, Thvy liavo already
boiiKlit. IncludlnR many atock cattle,
orvr 11,000 head.
KiUon-Koiitko company haw pur
chated about 1,000 head of lulled
cattle, which wvrv taken lo Oaiolle.
The Miller ft l.ui atock were all
ahlpped to their Inrgu holdlnga at
l.4i llanoa, on the Ran Joaquin river.
Thai all thv world lovea a lover la
a trite old aalng, and )outh nlwa)o
rharnta ua all. "Hweet and Twenty"
U altogether thn awecteal and moat
charming nimedy film over ahown In
Klamath r'nllt. It deplcla In a acrloa
of very delightful plrturea the quar
rels of a arhoolboy and hla awvet
heart, when ahe bellevca that he la In
love with her alaler, who la a young
coquette, and not with her. They
quarrel you have heard how the
courae of true love runa and ho de
cide to end It all when ahe refuaea
to apeak to hint. Dome very exrelleat
acting la done by the white-eyed girl
and har alaler.
"Tha Old Army Cheat la an Inter
esting and clever story showing the
memorlea brought back to the old
veteran' by tho contonta of hla old
"The Lost Invitation" la a vary
amusing comedy revolving round a
masquerade ball.
If you want your, atuK moved and
moved qulelv. get Ramsby'a Bxpreaa
to do It. Office at Sixth and Klamath.
Phono 113.
Mr, and Mrs. H. Tubba of Yreka
fak In tniaVM vlaslilnar larllh lln V B
.. . -..., - .
Boy,d for a few daya. Mrs. Tubba la
Mra, noyd'a eUrier,
Ono of llio most ynluabli' plext of
advertising for this county that has
uiado Us appearances In tlm papvra of
the Kail wai published In the Hunday
idltlon of the lluffalo Kiprcas. It la
from the pen of William Wagner, and
ti'lU of tho wonders of bird Ufa In
Klamath county; apodal attention be
ing paid In the life, habits and pecu
iliirltlcs of the pelican, Arcompan)
lug the article are a number of photo
Krwphi, depleting the pelican In l't
native heath, and Ihese occupy half of
(ho front page.
This Is only one of many such Aril
clem that Mr. Wagner baa funi'
In the Kastern preaa. and they have
dune mucB lo spread tho fame ol thlt.
county throughout a lection whi-ro
pti'VatU the Impression that the ex
treme West Is a place of unlii.we-il
Ir.g dcvaolatloa, where life Is Invrotrc
and where only tha wild and wooly Is
In Viilcncv,
noAitn op hk.i.tii coxikmxh rr
am a rrnuo NUHAXCK
jNdgr Drake frga V CUf fo Herttre
All the Water night
Mkc that old aad Irreprcaalble
ahoat of old. tho .akeay caaal will
aot down. At tho last meeting of the
council It bobbed up serenely aad
held the boards for a lengthy discus
Ion. The board of health made a
report that It was unsanitary and a
menace to the health of the communi
ty, and should be disposed of. Inas
much as the report was only verbal,
whereaa It ahuuld havo been In writ
In, no action was taken until all
legal technicalities wero compiled
with. Accordingly the board of healtn
was Initructed to prepare Its report
In writing nnd submit It for the Infor
mation and consideration of tho
The general Impression prevailed
that Ihe ranal ahuuld be filled within
the cly limits. What effect thla will
haVu on the water rights now exist
unt remains to be aeon. If the city
Oil In the portion of the ranal with
In the city limits It will Interfere
with the proposed power plant of the
government, und this may bring up
some Interesting developments. Cer
tain It Is that something will ho done
this winter to forever dispose of this
At tho meeting Monday night City
Attorney Drake, expressed himself aa
favoring the city acquiring alt the
water rights It could In the Ankeny
canal, even If thla Involved tho ex
pense of lalng a pipe and filling the
ditch. Ho coutended that the rlghta
would bo Immensely valuable within
a few years, and the city owed It to
posterity lo garner all such aaseta for
the benefit of tho community.
Mayor Sanderson quite agreed with
Mr. Drako. but stated that he bad
worked untiringly to that end. Inaa the negotiations had to go to
Washington, whero conditions were
not understood, he waa unable to
make any headway. If bo could con
clude negotiations with Ihe local rep
resentatives of the government he
would have no difficulty. The hope
of securing wator rlghta, however, haa
not been abandoned, and when the
report of the board of health la paased
on tp Washington there may be a stir
ring of dry bones that will produce
aoma beneficial reaults.
Al Decker of th Klamath Hot
Spring ram Into town Tuaaday.
OCTOBER 20, 1909.
ASKE $90,000.00 DAMAGES
t'onalrartloav of lUllruaut Acroaa the
Mlralla Ihr Caaae Wlopped Xav
Igatloai nf Ixrwrr fAke
When the Southern Pad Be threw
Ita track acrosa tho straits oaa Son-
day laat April It started something
that li going lo have Its ending In a
ault In the Federal Circuit Court of
this state. It haa alwayd been con
tended that the Lower-Klamath lake.
particularly that portion f It known
locally aa the "strait," waa naviga
ble. True It Is that prior to the con
struction of the railroad the steamer
Klamath and other boats piled Ita
placid waters. It Is the'stoppage nf
this traffic that started the ault, a re
port of which appeared In the Port-
Ihr.d Telegram of Monday. It Is a
Aaklng Ihe court to award 11.0,000
damage ultimately, and an Injunc
tion restraining a branch Ifarrlraau
railway line from obstructing, naviga
tion on Klamath lake, the steamboat
line operating oa those waters this
morning died a complaint In the Fed
era! Circuit Court In the complaint
It la set forth by the Injured concern,
known aa the Klamath Lake Navlga-'
lion company, that It haa been opers4
aag ihe steamboat oa Klamath river,
ft rait and Lower lake for aoma time.
When th California Northeastern
Katlway company began building Ita
track to Klamath Falls, a line of pil
ing was driven acroaa the wateta
known as the strait, twelve miles
from the state boundary line, wholly
obstructing the channel of the atam-
boat i that had been wont to ply along
that course. C. W. Fulton appear as
attorney for the steamboat company,
while W. D. Kenton has accepted serv
ice on behalf of the railway line. Aa
the obstruction was placed April Ith
of this year. It is not a very recent
piece of work. The court will act
upon the request for Injunction when
It convenes again, and after deciding
whether or not Immediate, relief l
necessary, will proceed to determine
the general case uHn Its merit.
Round trip excursion fares to City
of Mexico will be on sale at tbe South
ern Pacific station October 2(th for
9l.:o, ticket limited to return De
cember SO. 190. Stopovers will be
allowed on going portion beyond El
Paso, returning stopovers will be al
lowed any place en route. A number
of Interesting side trips are permit
ted; tho particulars can ba-had from
agent. Sleeper reservations can be
made from this place covering the en
tire trip.
, ' F. M. THOMPSON, Agent.
Ono of (he largest crop yields from
non-irrigated land reported this year
comes from the Brookslde ranch,
where a big field of oata produced 60
bushels to the acre. The crop waa
harvested 80 daya from the date "on
which th seed waa sown, and demon
strates the facta that thla climate la
particularly well adapted for the
rapid maturing of crops.
A latter waa received today from
Rev. J. W. Price, formerly pastor ot
the Methodist church of thla city,
atatiag that he aad hi family were
comfortably located la their new
horn la Yamhill, Or. He atatee that
he has had his daughter, Mary, to
Portland, whero after a roniultatlon
of several of tho best iiirKcont of the
city they adrlt.-d him that thi treat
ment she had been recclvlQg from Dr,
Graves of thli city wai the one bc-t
suited to her troubles. The verdlrt of
thesn physlclana Is a well-deserved
tribute to Dr. Graves, who Is recog
nltcd as one of the best ostcopathi
of the state. Since coming to this city
he has met with flattering success,
and the widening circle of bis field
of practice demonstrate that he baa
a future here that will be filled with
K. R. Ralston, a rancher from San
Jo, ia In town looking around for
some good Investments. Mr. Rabbe
of Ihe -Iff me Realty company took
him for a drive this morning, aad
Mr. flalston aays that he like th
country Immensely, He likes the
climate, the lake, (he hunting and
the town, and says that this Is about
as fine a farming country as he haa
ever seen.
At the Christian church Tuesday
evening Rev. Holmes gave a strong
address on the conversion of the Ethi
opian Eunoch. Each evening this
week his subject will be concerning
Apostolic conversions. Th subject
are announced on the bulletin board
In front of the courthouse. All serv
ice are evangelistic. Th public will
be made to feel at horn at all tli
Wm. Hylaad. Bea. Crathers, caafcA
ler Bute hank. Soverjr, tfanaa. aad
Oliver Miller and wife of WhIUtor,
Cal.. left on th train thla moralag.
!Tky have been vtattlag for ewvwral
aya with Mr. Evaas of th city
Bakery. Oliver Miller la a rtlr4
trait grower aad aa old friend of Mr.
Yesterday evening a good deal of
amusement waa caused when Lock
wood, the Upper lake blacksmith, bet
John Short 50 cents that he waa hla
brother, Tom. Twelve or fifteen per
sons were called In before one waa
found who could say postlvely that
John was not Tom. v
Several cltltens are complaining
because the light ordered for Sixth
street on the hill by the 'city council
several weeka ago is not yet Installed.
It gets dark early now, and aa the
road Is rough and steep up that way
It Is very Inconvenient for those who
live on the hill.'
Fruit Is alwss welcome. We keep
the very best. Fresh, ripe plneapptea,
perfectly delicious. Try some. You're
ture lo like it. The Monarch Mercan
tile company.
Our Guarantee
with these:
Whew we any gaaranlae we
are not aatlaBed year money will
or eoestloM. Now that la the gwaraatee we gtre.
Any HoaaehoM Remedy heoriag a Red Star label or WEB
SHIELD label la positively guaranteed to give entire aad ahaalwle I
Ttsat'a ftUr, Ua't Mr
Star Drug Store
A ' . ..J' . . .
Our rtiiMiiM a tl
. ,
; The Mat Kaamn.
Puce 5 Cents
If Tronblr Is Started tho CM WW
Be oa Hand With Its Fall Wiafw
of Pivgnavclty.
Mayer Sanderson ia seriously con
(niplatlag th framlag of that old
tlm.) motto, "Make Haste Slowly."
lad hanging It where h and rrjr
sember of th council may as It.
Another sign h thlnka of framing
Is aa adaptatloa from a popular aeag
"Two and Two Mako Four Some
times." ThU will be for th beaeSt
of th banker of th city. Thee an
all due to the mix op over th bond
At th last meeting of th city
council a letter waa read from Keaa A
Co. of Chicago, laformlag th Hy
that they had received hack their
check aad were holding H.anhjaet t
the will of th eky; that thy latn4
ed to hold th city to Ua centra, and
did not propoaa to h namaaoaled la
that miaaer r word to that wt.
Thla formidable threat did nt
cause cold chill to ehaa aaeh oUav
up and dawn th apiaal ealaaM af
the mayor aad hla eaaM. far taay
ar ataadlag th thirty dajrt
aotlcs) that they arvd a.
Kaaa, aad whH thy did not i
ananas1 aBaaijkJsanasi (nadhsW aBaMBfaBanmnnJ
aajaa waanajanjafawj, ( -aawBjTawsaajBwnn
catad that If aayea waa lshia far
troahl h vmM haw to go any
farther -haa tha eMy eonadl.
.Ia th maanttm th riirsaialatlw
of Morrhl It Co. of Pertlaad ha gath
ered togwther duplicates of all th
proceedlag loading ap to th paaaag
of th ordlnaaco far tho head lean
and (aken them (o hla prlnclpala for
the purpose of paaelag them befor
the acratlaltlag case of tha legal'
wiseacre of th Irm. If everythlag
Is foaad to be ahlpahap the hwit will
be accepted by Morris It Co. and Keaa
A Co. can go to well, Chicago.
which, around th city hall, is aboat
the worst place either hsr or here
after that any person or thlag can
be consigned to.
Elmer Apptegate expects to go
down to Imperial valley Sunday to
take charge of the large experimental
farm now conducted'on tho oae-tlm
desert. Luclea Applegate, hla father,
will not go south until (be Brat of th
aneaa. Joss wttat w any. H fata 4
be reloaded at oaee vrithaot nartey J
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