r a. $be Our Avtrtkcrt Oct Tht Bttt Racultt. Klanufli KaMV Writ ami Hcsl DUy. Fourth Ybak. No. WW KLAMATH PALLS. ONtkrON, MONDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1MW. Price 6 Cknti fuming Hefalo. REMAINS OF BOY FOUND TMK lil-iUTKAHAM'K OP YOl'.NU JArKM I ti.KAHKH II MSCOVtKLU NEAR I HE rORI Ijd paring a Storm Three. Years Ago JtirkH 1 1 Pound In Swat) Xrsr tVurth of July tlnninasi Coroner Wtltlock received word tkM Kornluic from 0, C, Jackson of Fort Klamath. adUlng him that he rj4louttJ kal '", believed to be the rtsulst of hl son. who disappeared treat home tut three year ago. Notlltl remained but the bones and fee thrrJi of tlothlng. They were tossd Is 'samp adjoining the i"orth of July KmuDiti. located near ly to miles fmra the Purl. Tonal Jackson left hit home In the titili: U Lrlnf In snnp ciiws. Ho iu guar but a short time whan Ma sbstore a at noteil ami search matin, lit an no here In bp found, anil not. attWUnJIm the fart that tho entire cosmaalty injured tho country fur dj. so trart of him was discovered. At Ik? tlrue he iUapiearrd one or lie worst storms In the history of tho coattry raitac, The following cl(bt the Irniperatiire dropped to lero, at J tho lorm Increased In ttrlty. It suppowd that after Irailec bum be became confused, aid oelns lu tbc Minding anow h loat Idea of direction ami wandered Mill be fell cibaiutrd at Hip point hers bli stippvd remains wro fosad yesterday. Mr, Jirkum aa advised to make a Ihoronth elimination, anil If h were able to Identity (ho clothing a Ikat brlneginK In his son to make fall report lo the coroner, anj no In quest would be hrM, f TJ'.tt IIKItV I.NHTITITK Arrn-mrnl hatu been romplct' Floyd If. Urandenhurg and Helen mI by Hjprrlntrnilrnt Hwan for tho , Xumwalt were married Hunday noon aafttul trarhera' Inttltule. Tho lntl)by Counly Judge J. II. (Irlffllh at the tute alll be hrM at Klamath Kalla home nf the bridegroom' mother hi Nourabrr I. 2 ami 3 Tho day aee-Mhl city. Tho bride and groom are ilou tn tp held in iho city echoot Itolh bomealeader from Hand llollow, bnlldlax aad thn etrnlng ii-nlon will .Ihclr ranches adjoining. I tllllWtMM There is no Hanan awaawawa p. i MkixK Hi ' BaKPV awaeMHaaaaaVATATATB Ml ' awjffwffwfj awawawaspawjawawaw jr i Awl when Walk-Overt go t hoc troublei go off If you want good, raHaMe odern footwear cotM to M an, Wilk-Otcr a4 Mat Tan Hm a 4 "Tou can't batter the iMtt K. K. K. STORE KlaMath Falia Oreneet Vatat CMvtr hp held In thu high school tiitllilluit, Tlio Instructor chosen are Huperln IrmlPiit Ackerman, Prof, K. D. Itesa ter of the. Oregon Agricultural co. logl, formerly president of Monmouth normal, ami Prof. I II. AUerman o th Unhvraltr f Orpon. Tho out ildo Instructor will bnaaalitnl hy hx-al tpachrr. Tho pruarani prH lrMt Rlvva promUo of a iron lie attlulP. On Monita)-, Norrmbvr Ut, tho achool ufflrvra' tttnvrntlon will Iip liclil. Mr. 8 wan la aomtltm out card urglim tho arhool offlu-ra to atlond. Thr I a iruvltlon for an allow anew of f: from tho goneral fund for a rvirrntatW from rath dlalrlrt, Tho achitola of (ho ronntjr am now all aupiillnl with leachor. aad aro Minnlni aatUfactorlljr. Thrro l khM Intorrat. and Klamath rounty np not U. aabamrd of hor choov It a maltrr for prldo that thv rountr achiMil nhlblt took a tnrVal at Iho Brattle Kalr. Whvn tlip hrada of Iho xhoola and tho rounty aitpcrln tondont took Iho matter of an on hlblt up. they fplt that IhirP ahmttd b aimcthlnn at Iho fair from tho rounty, nnd tnaimuch aa thrrp iplnct lu b no motpnipnl to have any other dUplay, they dxrldrd lo placp a rounty xhoot exhibit therr. Tho dlaplay wni colli-rtrd rather hur rlodly and waa nnthlna; out of the or dlaary arhool work. TO ITV 0 MMK1I Kotiad trip ciruralon fan lo City of Motlru will bo on aalo at Iho Aiutli. orn Pacific station October 3lh for IM.ZO. ticket limited to return l)v cember it, 10. HtoKirera will Im allowed on Rolni portion beyond Kl I'aau, rvlnrnlnc atoporrrn will bo al lowed any place ea route. A auajber of Intereatlni aide trip are permit- ted: tho particulars ran be had from agent. Weeper mcrvatlona can be made from Ihla place covering the en tire trip. M. TIIOMI1IOS, Agent. HIUMlKMll'lUt-Xl'MWAl.T HHHIIHIt Hurt in a Shoe fi I'ltKMIIIKKT TArT AMI I'HMIDK.NT IIIAX MKKT llmtka l,rerlent by IIimi Ameri can Holl and VUlllHg Metloi. Prealdent Taft of the United Mlalet nnd I'realdetit I'orfjrlo Mat of Me- Iro met and viclmngvd eipreaalout of KiiihI will Halurday, while the banda and raniiuna of the two great repub lic Joined their echoce acroaa the lllo Uraude. I'reililcnt Dial waa met at the American approach lo tho Interna tional bridge by Hecretary of War Dlcklaaon, Urlgadler Oeneral Meyer and Governor Campbell of Teiaa. After being welcomed to the coun try by rWcrvtary Dickinson, Dial waa welcomed In tho name of the state of Teiaa by Governor Campbell, and to the city of Kl 1'aao by Ihe ma) or. The Infantry waa drawn up about the huu4 where the meeting of Ihe presidents took place, and when Oen eral Dial arrived came lo salute. Captain Archibald llutt. Iho mili tary aide of I'realdenl Taft, emerged from Iho hotite a the brilliant en tourage arrived at Iho block, and es corted President Dlai from hla car riage to the presence of the president of Ihe United Hlatea. I'rvsldent Taft grasped President Dlas'a hand warmly, told him how glad ,he waa to welcome him In Ihe name of Ihe people of the United Klates, and t'lpreeied the hope thai Itiu cordial relations that had eslsled (or so many years between tho two great republics of the western hemi sphere would continue for ages lo come. President Dlai, who speaks Kngllsh ltd fluenc) and accuracy, replied In Ihe name happy vein. Half an hour later, or shortly be fore noon, President Taft emerged from his temporary residence, crossed the International bridge, and waa re ceded In his turn by President Din. As Ihe Mellcan chief had left hla soldiers on tils sldo of Ihe river When I'e came visiting In the United Htntea, i President Taft dropied his mili tary escort at Ihe bridge approach, end rodo over Iho lllo (Irandu ne rompanled only by hla military tilde, Captain llutt. The ceremonies In Juares were practically Identical with those In Kl Piuo eicept that Instead of recelvllitf th official respects nf Oeneral Dill, Mr Taft paid his own. NL'NIIAV MC'IMNII. OKOANIXKIt Tho Hunday school at Ihe Christian church was organised Hunday morn ing, with 7 present. The ofHrers elected were: Mr. Ilutcher superin tendent, Mary Bhort secretary, Har riett (Iregory treasurer and organist. At 3 o'clock the organisation of Ihe church was perfected, with a charier membership of 13, with another (o be baptised, whoso confession waa taken at the morning service. Mr. Greg ory and Mr. Wlrti were elected aa Idera and Meaara Kllloll, Kucker, Dunbar nnd Hutcher as directors of the church. In tho evening BvaagelUt Holmes gave a strong address to a crowded house on "The Plea of the Disciples." Services will continue throughout tho week. Kmyone la promised a cor dial welcome. , KAMNHY'M KXPMMNM If you want your stun moved an4 moved quick, get Ramsey's Kxpreas to do It. Ofgce at Hlith aad Klamath. Phone 123. irtsuoosi la fad, Ibsro li none batter than tho Moaareh coftao at II eents a oeund. It will mne lha moot dm crlmlaatlag. WANTBD To timber falters. Aa ply to 0. B. R. a. Moor. WILL OPPOSE BOND ISSUE KANTKHN tsKNATOKH AMD COX- UHNNaMKX AOAIXHT IT if i CANNON IS CMCr OiSTACtE If llw W'rsA Ueis Ihe 9l,,fl llowd Isswe It WMI Me Oally After lUmiwosM Klgtit. Notwlthsuiadlsg tho fart that the proposed IseMi of bonds for 110,000, 000, lo be Med la completing the reclamation projects now under con struction, wfH have Ihs support of President Ttft and the senate com mittee on Ihlgatlon, It Is going lo have n strennous time In passing con gress. The following dispatch from Washlngloniladtrales that eastern senators aaaroagrcssmpn are already manifesting position lo Ihe plan: PresldentTafts' prnpasal that con gress shall Mlhorlte Iho luuanre of ItO.ooo.oooUorth uf bonds In order lo raise additional funds with which t romplelet government Irrigation projects In course of construction In the West his already met with un usual rrlllrteM In Ihe Kasl, and II Is dally becoming more apparent lhatj me legislation wnen propose! nest When winter III ho. vigorously opposed In both senate and house of representa tive, f A number of Inauenltal Kastern newspapers have rrlllclied Ihe pro posed bond Issue as unnecessary and Inadvisable. ' These papers refect Ihe sentiments of many Kastern men In both braaehaa of congress men who have never' ((Pea In sympathy with tho policy of reclaiming the Western deeerls by government aid, and at Ihe proper lime these men will lino up against whatever bond legislation may be presented. C'aMDo) Will lrul Opposition, Hpeaker Cannon unquestionably will appose Iho bond proposition. He was one of Iho most determined oppo nents of Iho reclamation bill when It was before Iho house and, but for Iho powerful counter-Influence of President lloosevell, would have hilled thst measure, notwithstanding at that time he had not yet become speaker, from that day lo this Mr. Cannon has been opposed to any legis lation which would lend to perfect Iho national reclamation law, and al ways he has been successful. Mr, Cannon, aa chairman of the appropriations committee, when he was fighting the Irrigation law, pre dicted lhat the lime would come when congress would be asked lo make direct appropriations for con structing Irrigation projects, and ho declared his purpose lo Igbt nil such legislation. The bond Issue, It Is true, Is not In any sense a drain upon,lhe federal treasury, for It Is proposed to redeem ths' bonds out of tho recla mation fund. Nevertheless, Mr. Can non will enter objection, aad hla op position will carry much weight. Narrow Kast em Views. I.lsedyup behind tha speaker will bo that strong Eastern elsmsnt that haa never understood or nvver be lieved In the Irrigation policy of tho government, Among them aro men a ho bellevo the government should havo left tht? reclamation work to the states; those who believe private en terprlasa alone should have ttadrt- takea the reclamation of tho dossil, and those who lake tho narrow view that Iho government should not eatsr upon a policy which will beneflt only one section of tho country. Before tho Kastern pssslmlati o objectors can ho wen over or a auM dent number of them to make the briNM issue a possibility, a campaign of education must be carried on at both ends uf llin capltol, and Ihesu men must ho made lo understand that (rucllral Imilness mothods rail for Iho Immediate use of more money limn Is available In Ihe reclamation fund act at Ihe present time. A4 lletort Vrum Weal, If Ihe sectional line Is drawn, West- rn senators and represenlalltes rubably will make uae of tho fact thai Iho tariff bill passed at Ihe roornt session waa a measure manifestly til r.iealer benefit to Ihe Kast than lo Ha Wsl that Ihe West waa com lulled to bow to tho demands of Iho Kasl before that measure could be passed. Having made lhat concession to the Ksst Iho West will demaad a return favor on this Irrigation bond bill. That argument, even such lead ers aa Henatora Aldrlch, Hals and Crane cannot overlook, for those men were deeply Indebted In WeeSern sen ators for their votes on Ihe tariff bill, and those same Western ' senators will, without eicepllon, tie demanding Kaslrrn support of the bond-Issue bill. HOTrX AtlHIVAM At Ihe l.lvermore Hundsy C. II, llrown, Nam pa, Idaho; Geo, Cramp- ton, Chicage: A. P. I.lpp, marysvllle; K. II. Prldrsus, Hacramento; C. C. Crlslnou. Halt Mho City; Clyde Can- flnfd. Han rVanclsro; II, K. O'llrlen, Pertland: W. Whitney, tmrrls; Wm. Klocknw, Han Kranrlsce: Miss M. C. George. Champaign, III.; U. 8. Chll- ilrrs, Medferd: Ham Carlisle, (Irant'a Pass. Hunday at tho l.lvermore W. U Welsh, Dairy; W. P. Hedge aad daughter, Dairy: W. & llswley, Halem: J. H. Klder, Carl Ewlng aad tawreace rttigerald and ay Hillings, Ukevlew: W. D. Harding. Baa Vraa- clsccirJ. P.'Tssteman. Ashland: Oh. l-ambert, llonanu; K. K. Llavllle, P. V. Ingram, T. C. Johnston, Port land; C. A. Hunting, Merrill: John 8. Hhook, llonania; A. W. Clothier, Portland ; K. C. llnberts, Yreka; II. J. Havldge, l.rarle; K. Hllvers, Kd. Wig- glno. Dairy; A. A. Ilavli, Klsmath Marsh: Guy Ingram, l-akevlewj A. P. Cross, Ihi Angeles; Gilbert llrown, M. K. Hhartel and wife, II. li.- An- drowa, Jess llodvys. At tho American Hunday James J. Cassery, Odessa; O. W. Jones, C. C. Itlce, V. Johnston, Fort Klamath: O. MrNamara, Nelson Carnshaa, Port Huron, Mich.: C. Harris. J. W. Pul ton, Ukevlew; K. P. Ilrlllon, l.oa Angeles; Wm. Glder, Lorells; W. Liberty, Port Klamath; G. A. .Gentry, Modoc Peint: Pred Hnead, 8am Car lisle, (Irant'a Pass. AT TMK IKK Truo to Ills Plrst Msster," n beau tiful story showing the unfailing and steadfast affection of a dog for hla blind master and Ihe way he saved him. "Tho Man la Iho Moon," n hand- colored film, aad one that doea not fall to make a laugh. 'Taking Ilia Photograph" li an other amusing picture. "Mother (loose," along with other good ones. Two Illustrated songs aad a eel of scenic views at the Iris tonight. NKW MVITB tlLKII Wm. Wagaer vs. W. W. Maiten, suit for Ihe recovery of money, II. M, Manalag, attorney for plalatlff. MAILNOAU ACTIVITY The work of laying the track of tho ladustrlal spur from the main llao to the Upper lake, which will be about a mile aad a half leag, was started Ihla meralag-' Tho grading waa completed wet week. Of the Uae surveyed from Weed to Balom, about lie mHea at track yet remains lo be built, from here to Natron. The line Is completely sur veyed. The contrsct from Natron aouth was lot to Ihe Utah Construc tion company of Halt l.ake about two months ago, and the work of grading la going on from both ends. In about fourteen months Klamath Palls may espect to bo on Ihe main lino. The freight depot hero haa been finished, and In about two months more Ihe passonger depot will be com pleted. Those who are In a position to know say lhat It will be the Boost of Its site on the Southern Pacific lines. CIIAXUK AT OPKKA HOl'HK "The llurglar'a Mistake" Is a de lightful blograph Sim. Little used be said of Ihe eicellent quality of tb blograph Aim, for the people of Klam ath Palls are too familiar with them. The acting of the blograph playera Is Incomparable, and alt lhat It la neces sary to say of "The llurglar'a Mis take" Is thst It la n delightful blo graph. "When Ihe Plag Palis" Is a story of the War of Independence, wherein n girl, by quick thought nnd action, saves her lover from a lerrlblo death. An Interesting drama, "Between !.ove and Honor," and an amusing dramatic comedy, "Your Turn, Mar quis," complete an altogether pleas ing entertainment. A new Illustrated song and new music. Pl'IXMAN CAN A Mt'CCKNM The special Pullman car which was attached to the regular trala la ac commodate those who wished to sl iced Ihe Portola Peetlval at Baa Praadsco left Buaday morning with creryeeat take. Among those who had reserved sections were hfajor Worden, II. B. Oatea. Mrs. Hall, Clarke, Mcllattaa, Martin, Melhase. Hcltkemper, llarser, Judge llaldwln, Miss Henley, Miss Harris snd Mr. Thompson. HOAK! MKKTH. The board of equalisation, com posed of ihe county Judge, the county clerk and the assessor, met this mora Ing la Judge Qrlfflth's oface. They will be In session for a month, aad all those desirous of fladlag out aaythlag concerning the taiee oa their proper ly should appear before the board, They meet every morning. HAI4IWIN OMCHMBTHA Music for all occasions. Ed Nich olson, manager. Phoae 116 or Mrs. Margaret llrlggs, phoae IS. Our Guarmtee with these: Wkcw, we eag we er) not eatloBei yeaw or question. New that la eke) nUW HWwas"HTsaBJs) eNe"rewhrBrgT estaWBsTesrJgjJ SHIELD label la rmtUrely smroj.tcaB to gtre aatUesrtloei. That's fair, Isn't K? Star Drug Store "They HBe It" ektmio)tIBaaBBBMaaiBBMMMMlMMM HAWLEY MEETS DIRECTORS I.KAIIMH OP TIIK NKKIM OP TUP. KLAMATH PIMMKCT OODtTf 11 AMMJT IOND ISSUE And Looks With Pewr cm the Propo sition to AnsrsMl the Keclav waUoa Act A meeting between Conenxmoau llawley and Directors Stevenson, Ir win. IMion, Hunting, Welch nnd Ady snd Attorney Smith of the Water Users' assoclatloa was held last even ing, when Ristters pertaining to nf (sirs of Importance to ths Klamath Project were gone Into. Mr. llawley told the gentlemen of his fears rela tive lo any attempt lo amend the rec lamation act, and eipressed his doubt as to ihe probability of the passage of the bill authorising the Issuance of Ihe 110,000,000 la bonds. He assured them, however, that he would do everything In his power lo secure for this project vttti favorable consider atlon. Preliminary plana were laid for the entertainment of the senate commit tee on Irrigation, which will he her on the sib of neit month. Delude arrangements will be concluded at a meeting of the directors to be hold neat Prlday. It Is proposed to ar range for nutomobllee to take the senators out Into the country aad show them what Irrlgatloa baa done for Klamath couaty. MIUM school Noram Tfce hoys of the High School met Ibis evealag aad dlirnssid rarta malters, and awo decided to have a literary society. The Preshmea chorus class met this morning, nnd showsd much Im provement In the work assigned. The science department of the High School haa secured about s speclmoas of ores, which will 'be placed la the laborary. They hope to get show case, that auch spoclmeas may be displayed more fully. The management of tho Search lecture, after looklag over their re ceipts, Bad that they have come out a few dollars ahead. J. C. Turner this afternoon pur chased from Percy Bcholl the caady storo next to the American hotel. Turner will take ckarge la tke morn ing, and ssll of the stock, after which he will open up a Bret-class barber shop there. HI I Jwat trim say. If ys at label or DUCK f Is) awe' eawnjSBdr - - i l I