o T" t &. te'M. K J' V $nitf& i . .m, nvt n t - . uie ' ))- ttettiftd rfaI5. .v ewwwwewvwww ww w y, i t Klamath PsnV Pint J and Bent Dally. J Our AdvtrtlMn kt ! 1' i TIM MM 'ry WW, FouiiTM Ykak. No. 08 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1909. PmcisciMTi 1 i -it She ,jaB ' ' AllLai ETTER FROM CHAMBERLAIN I "TT 1:1.1 ni.tMiiKit of ommkik i: OV (iiMMITTKrH MIMING ,ILL HE MERE NOVEMBER 9 kirp Hhimlil H" Taken l" Pnnlde Nuluhle ICiilertnlnroeiil for tilt) Visitors The followlnic letter has been re- Mud Irnnl Senator Chnmherlaln by IIik Chamber of Coiumerrej "Portland, Ore., Oct. 9. k'tmuilier of Commerce, Klamath Pall Ore.: "(lnitlcmt'ii Tho nnl riimnilt Lo or irrigation, which Heiialnr hionm. II. Carter of Montana U llinlrman. mul of which I mil n iiikiic l.r, U nrhcdilled to tench Klsliinth rail at 7 o'clock n, m.. Thursday, sfutriiitirr 9lh, atndlng iIm ilny In lour rliy. nil urn einiiiiniiiK uie Lrlntii mlniiintliiri project through- Imt I h atnte nml territories wwen l .oo l.ont completed or In couriHi or Millillni:, Tim rommltliM) U mil Ink int tmln n( iroMiM'il iiiojrclu or pr- Jtru (hIIiIiiiicJ for liy nny romiiiunll) m iIid nicMarll)' mint rtrt ho net 'it iihiii l.y IIik rtH-lmiintlon Imrvnu of Hid Iiiirrlnr ili'imrtment. 'It iniil ici tun irronall)' nml ilii riiiniiiltt- If n tmu'tlnK rn lm nr raiiKnl for whi'ro w rnn ln-nr th lalniiKiili of ttio Mttlr.r or farmer llvlnit or ownlnic roKrrty iituhr tit KUinalli Miijwl. I hnvti tlm honor in remain, your very alnrerely. "IIKO, K. CIIAMHKItl.AIN." Thl I.iIiik up tho ijticallon of what form of viilortalniuont ahall Im. .rr- ,mrrnl, (r o,c nt wi-k. Mr, vl.lril for thn commlllro. Dotihtli wn, whoo parrnla nlao rrMo In mint of tho llmo will m occillilc.l In Ai,Bm( hrro ht ha Imiii for u hrarliiK any latcnla that may 1 Hmn, ,,a,j, rettirnnl with Iiit hna- ir.-.vnliMl for llm contlilcrnllon of lliv ll(,,, while nwny thi-y vlltiil M11J. loiiimllli'u hy Ihl) illrrctora of tlm'fr,, nm ol,r ,,nr, f t, Houc Walnr t?ir' naaoclatlun ami tho rlvrr rountry. laml owner, hut wlmii thl U niucluil id tiitiiithlnK ahoulil ho dona to ahow I In- tl.lior that lh Klamath project uwt he a good hoit. At Hid nicetltiR of tho atorkholikm, lo lm held In thl rliy ono week from Klny, ntnplo funiU ahoulil ho appro. ieflflOtMM!. Every Week is at this Store .. Saturday Surprise Sale Clilhlrcn'a It.Ofl Hear Bkln Com. 8ATIIUIMY ONLY '. ('hlldron'N M.GO Urea ConU, HATUHDAY ONLY L'hlldron'a 5.60 Drcaa CoaU, ' "' HATUHDAY ONLY; -.... . Chlldrott'a $7,00 l)rc C'oitt. HATUHDAY ONLY l.mllcV 17,00 Droait ConU, V HATUHDAY ONLY I.nillo' 1 1;, 00 Druaa ConU, HATUHDAY ONLY : : LndlKH 114.00 Droaa CoaU, HATUHDAY ONLY " MonV U5.00 Bulti, nlco kaaortmoiit of pattern, HATUHDAY ONLY .'. Men' $12, $i4.eo and $16 OvercoaU, HATUHDAY ONLY .'. '. Mmi'h Kino Wool Fleeced Underwear, Ilogular $3,60, t HATURDAY ONLY WMrh thl apart fir Bew and K. K. K. STORE Klmatti ralli' GrcatMt Valve Otur printed lo ilitfrny lint expeiiae council oil with tint priiiivr oiilortnlnmiuit of Hi" vlllor. TIio Klntiiiilli priijeit U looking for ninny favoni from tho kov. eminent, ntiil no iimltiT liow much (In IiiihI owner IhiIIkvii I hit)' urn mi tilled tn, Hid iiiNli'nt wny to secure in tention In In aim IIdi iiiiiiniliiKi) on Irrigation Hint tho people here nm Kind tln)' mine. ni:v hi'iih filkd i:, (i, WlUon vii, A. Kinney nnd AiIh Kin nny, milt for recovery of iiiotiiy. II. W. Kui'iM", nttorney for inlntirf. Mr nml Mm Lucius Api'legato nnd their dntiKhter, Kviilyu, drove In from 'tlm ranch at Hwnn lkii ihl morning. M,M Kly will " for Hun Diego la . siu. .!. u.l..... .1... .lll .1-1 ' "" -' "" ' meini. i.ni'r in win return to Lo AliKnlmt, wlmrii aim will Ihtoiiiu oni of tlm InatriMlora In Hid Kl I in ore kiIiimiI of iiiu.tr. Thl liulltiitlon U linn of tlm loailura nn tin riiant, nml Hid intrrtlon of MUa A)li'Knti na onii of It tcnrliiT la n IiIkIi IrllnHi- to hit nlilllly na n miialrlnn, Tin ('oiiM-rvn tory of Mualc which Mlaa ApplrKntc loiiiliirlnl In thla rliy Init cnr with audi ii'iimrkalilir anrrcaa, will not In tsiHtiii Ihl ncnmn II V Kri In riT'ltt of n initio from I lio ri-KlttiT of thn Ijikc rw laml oitln, mlvUInc him tint tlm intilrnl InmiRiirnlcil hy II. K. V.'ll Mm naliim tlu entry of II. J. Wlntim (or (In' liomi-atr-ail In Ilif HW'i of -or. Hon 32, townahlp to mnnh, riiiiK'J ' uiki, linn hiTii iIocIiIimI In fnnr of Mr. WlUon, final id'cUlon In tlm limit! I tivIiiB Ucn renilcri'il hy the accrothry of the Interior. W. II. JViIdm of thu KIuiUi U 'him rvlurned Ihl niornlim from Ah- Un,Jt hirii hr lm hon vUltlim hi fKI.KHV. L'KI.KIIV. t'KI.KHV l"reh, crlap celery, tomiitiHa, awwt potatoe ami Iota of other ilellclou entahle will ho found at tho Monarch Morranllle rompany. a Bargain Week :; Here is the third : $2.85 X $;j.(M) $3.85 $4.85 $4.85 $8.5 -$9.25 -$10.00 $9.85 , $1.05 dl rmtt ItargalM hokI wk BUSINESS MEN AND SENATORS I'OI.TI.AM) MAKK8 DKMANKH ON OltMiO.N'M HHNATOKH WANT DEEP CHANNEL TO SEA InijMirlnnt (.'onfrrttiir t Wlilrli I'lana Art Mlil for n llnniionlou" " WorltliiR IUaU. Tlm iiiori lniMirlant confvrcncu over hi'ld hetween tho comeroaloni''. ileli-Kntlon of thl atato and tlm com mcrrlnl InteroaU of I'ortlnnd dla rueil IIm need of OrKn for two hoiira today In tho uaibmhly room of tlm Chnmher of Coiiiinorri'. Kenatora iliiiriii nml Chamhvrlnln wire prea nil n wero ahout flfl'eou of the "j!s Kft Itimlticn nun of Portland, nnd when tho aeaalon wa over tho Con r.rilonnl ileleKnllon had pledged ItMcIf to Mtrutri icry effort to injure moro mid hlKKer appropriation for Ori'Kou thnn hnvo ever hiin grnnted hy coiiKrea heretofore. Among thn hlg project thnt were taken up mid Intrusted to the vigil mint of Ore two lenntor wero tho Im provement of the mouth of tho Co liimhln nnd the channel from Port land to tho en the freo canal and lorka nt Oregon City: tho Celllo cnnal and tho Improu-monl of Coo hay. While Senator llourno nnd Cham herlalu felt that It would bo more difficult than ever to get big illce of pork out of the hnrrol" in the fu ture hecauio of tho Inevitable "eco nomic era" which wa dawning In rX1"" -i-UeJ" lwOj .ojicnly and em iihallrnlly pledged their unwavering aupporl to thcao projeeta to tho fol lowing extent, which meet the need of the atato a the Chamber of Com merce incmbvra aee them: $15,000, 000 for- forty feet of water nt the mouth of tho river and a thirty-foot channel from Portland to tho aea: WJOO.OOO for the completion of the Celllo canal; $2,700,600 for the Im provement of Coon hay and $466,000 for the freo canal nnd lock at Ore gon City. Out of the $450,000 for tho latter project tho atato of Oregon tin already authorized an appropria tion of $300,000. leaving only $156,- 000 to ho (urnlihcd by tho govern ment No freer or frnnkor cxprelon of opinion, often to tho point of per- Konnlltlun, has over been exchanged hy Portland buslncM men and their tervnnu In congress than took place nt thin canfetence. The himlneM men attted the cn- atom whnt they wero doing for Ore gon In Washington, and what atnnd they would take In tho future on definite project In which the Interests of tho entire state went Involved. The uonntorK, with enunl unreatrnlnf; In formed tho Chamber of Commorco trustees that the latter havo not sup plied thn congressional delegation with thu apeclflc dnta required In a great many Instances, and that tho delegation was continuously hamp ered because of this neglect ou tho pnrt of tho local commercial Inter ests. Tho sonators Insisted that In tho futuro all communications from ofllclnl sources ho forwarded to Wash ington In quadruplicate a copy to each of tho sonators uud to each of tho representatives so that tho dele gation could art on nil theso proposi tions as a unit. Incidents wero repeatedly noted where tho congressmen wore at the mercy of comnilltoes because they lacked detailed, accurate, complete and official datu of subjects Involving appropriations for local projects. The senators wero Informed that in the futuro they would be bountifully sun piled with all tho data needed. Phone S03 for milk aad cream. CITY HIIKVITf KM : Mr. and Mrs, Chas, W Kberleln re turned from Han Francisco on tho livening train Thursday. - Oct your carpet, rugs, curtains, etc., i.kantil hy Mongold's pneumatic (leaner; rales reasonable, 1 A Unm from tho Martin ranch wt w lii town this morning wlthn Ion a of grain for tho flour mill.. A act of furniture for a five-room cotlago, Including piano, for sale. In quire Home Realty company. ' Colonel llolnblrd arrived in town Thursday evening and expects to go up to Pelican bay In tho morning. K. O. Wilson's threshing chlii rnsK-d through town this noon on Hi wny lo tho Van Valkchburg ranch. Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Reams left for Hnn Francisco this morning as a visit to attend the Portola carnival, tlon. Wnt. Btreubol camo In this forenoon from his ranch at Swan Lake. He la li Ing moanured for an artlSclal limb and Is In the best of health. ! Middle-aged carpenter would like to work by the day or contract; would build cottago'and take land In part pament. Apply to American Caf-i. Captain J. C. Kutenlc of the Farm ers' Implement company, left this morning for McDowell on a'.buslncss trip. Ho expects to return this even ing. Don't wear out your back, broom and carpets when you ca get tho work done so quickly, thorouifcly and cheaply hy Mongold'a pneumatic cleaner. Mr. Sugarman Is receiving letters dally commending his efforts la adver tising this county and the excellent manner In which, he con-Jcte. the fair at the Portland Store. It's nlco weather now, and now Is tho time to bring In your umbrella and have It covered. I have a line new stock of covers. McHattan. .'ohn Ratcllff. who has been fun lug for Frank Dloomlngcamp of the I ong lko Lumber company, was in town this morning on hi way tn Mcr- I ill, where he will enter the schoolh. W. D. Duko of tho "70" ranch, Chas. Johnson of the Lakcvlcw bank nnd Mr. aud Mrs. J. F. Hansen, left this morning In an automobllo for lkovlow. They havo been In town on business for tho past few days. Mr. Hansen Is president of tho Hall Con struction company, which Is doing somo big Irrigation work In that sec- Tho Herald Is In receipt of a com munlratlon signed "Cltlxen." This paper requires the name of all con tributors to Its columns, not for pub lication unless tho writer desires It, but as a matter of protection as well ns showing tho good will and inten tions of tho writer. If "Cltlxen" will furnish his name tho artlrlo will bo published. "uas" THEATER SIXTH ST., NEAR MAIN The Hattt-qMlppt- Motto Plctarc TkMtcr la loatoYtra OtM DOORS OPEN AT Ttaw ADMISSION 19 CENTS Today'- Program "Wonder of Nature.' "Winter Sports la Canada." "Charity Begins at Home." VA Mother's Sorrow." Two Illustrated Songs. 4tSvf etets44 ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY HKNATOIt UOtKXK WILL HKKK KK-KLKCTIO.N TO HKXATK PROUD 10 REPRESENT STATE Feels Tlsst Hln Absence From HUte Itest Henrrs Hie Interests of Ills Constituent Senator Dourne formally announced his candidacy for re-election to tho United States senate Wednesday. It happened at the meeting between the two Oregon senators and the repre sentatives of the business Interests of Portland. It was In the course of somo remarks that the senator said: "Thero Is a constantly growing sentiment In favor o'f Oregon In tho Kniit. One of the greatest financiers In the United Btntea, among others. Informed me that capital is looking this why more than ever. Tho pre vailing opinion I that Oregon pre sents more undeveloped natural re sources thnn any other state or terri tory In the Union. I am proud to be the servant of such a state, and I And that my acquaintance In Washington Is of more benefit to Oregon than any thing I can do right here on the scene. I have been harshly criticised In many quarters for this, for not spending more llmo here. I may be eliminated for pursuing such a course, but I shall be a candidate for tho United States senatorshlp again. If I live." AT THK OPKRA HOl'SK A thrilling romance of the Civil War. "A Wartlmo Sweetheart," tells of tho sacrifices made by a girl for the sako of a young Union ocer to whom she lsa betrothed. He had been falsetyaccused of treachery. A delightful colored-film drama tells of tho "Tragic Kndlng of Shrove Tuesday." Tunlsan customs are Interestingly shown in a pictorial series, where the native potters and basket weavers are seen at work. A very amusing and delightful com edy, " IJor rowed Clothes," tells of a joung artist who takes the clothes of hh sitter and attends a dinner. You may Imagine what occurs when he returns a little hilarious and the own er of the suit bo is wearing pounces upon him. "Tho Truer Love" Is a drama which ranks among tho best of the motion pictures. It tells tho story -of puppy lovo and thct ruer love which follows. Orchestral music tonight and after tho performance tho regular Friday night dance. KIM.M) to Maa Francisco and Return. Ticket will be on sale at tho Cali fornia Northeastern depot October 15, 16 aud 17 from this city to San Francisco nnd return for $18.80, on account ot the Portola Festival. The return portion will bo good until Oc tober 31. If those desiring to go will notify Agent Thompson and deposit $3.50 ho will, provided there I a sufficient number ot excursionists, secure a Pullman sleeper, thus affording Pull man accommodations from this city to San Francisco. To do this eighteen passengers are necessary. - AT THE IIUS "Wonder ot Nature" This is one most beautiful fllms over produced, showing the scenle wonders ot the United States. It will take the audi onco through the magnllcent Yellow stone park; through the Twin Falls country ot Idaho and other Interest- O ing and wonderful scenery la Amer- ollcat. We have secured this picture by special request, and know that it will not fall to please all who see It. "Winter Sports In Canada" Is an other beautiful and Interesting scenic picture, showing the pleasures and pastimes of those who live In the far North. "Charity Begins at Home" and "A Mother's Sorrow" are two more pleas ing films. Two Illustrated songs will finish this especially attractive program at the Iris tonight. The same program will be rendered tomorrow night. TKMPLK OF JIHT1CK Having opened an office for the practice of law over the Crlaler Stilts building, opposite the Americas hotel, I will collect for each muslneaa roan In the city one bad bill or place same In Judgment, and will procure for tho first lady and the Irst gen tleman applying therefor, with a su- clcnt cause, a divorce. The above services will be without any charge except Incidental expenses. This offer Is good for thirty days. H. W. KEE8EE. Klamath Falls, Ore., Oct. 14, 190. HIGH SCHOOL XOTE8 Thls morning In the assembly room Dr. Search gave us a very Interesting talk on the subject of boys and girls staying In school until they have a good education. The lecture last night was atteaded by a large crowd, and every one ap preciated the Interesting and Instruc tive manner In which Dr. Search told us of Vesuvius and sunny Italy. THKV KNOW Winter is coming oa, and everyone Is anxious to be well clothed. Some hoboes are loo-lag oat for the av as is shows walM aalrs nf snelm shoes are stolen from one of the cases received yesterday by the Portland Store. WALL-WOOD W. H. Wall, the contractor of Keao, and Miss Nellie Wood of Laagerl valley, were married Thursday even Ipg at 7 o'clock at the Masten house. Dr. Q. H. Feese of Grace M. E. church officiated. HALDWIX ORCHESTRA Music for all occasions. Ed Kick elson, manager. Phone 835 or Mrs. Margaret Brlggs. phone 15. r t We Invite you to call Friday aad inspect onr ash and oysters, direct from the deep blue sea. Free deliv ery anywhere la the city. The Mon arch Mercantile company, phone 1051 THE VERY BEST New Klamath county comb hoaey, the finest in the market. 'We have It. Monarch Mercantile company. I Our Guarantee with these: When we say gaaraateo we are not satkaed year money will or qaestlon. Now that lo the smaraatee we give. Any Household Remedy hearing SHIELD label la positively fuMf- to give ere and aattsfactioa. 'That's lair, b-'t MT Roti cumm Star Drug MThty I MMIIMMlIH,H$IMIIIIIIi MUCH LAND INVOLVED CHKWAl'CAN BASIN BaKOMM A COVETED PKUUC RAILROAD ADVENT IS CAUSE The PiffJ W1H Me FoTCernere-, and Use Oregon State as4 Bear- Is lavctrt- Charles M. Sala, staff corresaod- ent of the Portland Journal, writes the following Interesting latter (rant Paisley: With the seeming certainty that Jim Hill lataads to hnlld a railroad lato Central Oregon, there has seen precipitated s contest (or the nta slon of IS.ses acres ot land la the Chawancaa baal'a that may rival the famous case in Warner valley ba the settlers asd the swamp company. It la a four-cornered Ight, aad tha parties Involved are tha Portland Ir rigation company, the Oregon state land board, certain residents of Lake county aad J. B. Haggln's Caewaaeaa Land aad Cattle company. And If the matter goes Into the eaarta, which seems Inevitable, It may re fleet upon the adm InletraUo i of Oar ernor cnamaeruia aaa rrawaent Roosevelt. Tne Immediate Incentive (or writ ing this aceoaat lo tho report la tho Salem papers that tho Pertlaa- Irrl- ' gaUoa company throagh Ma ntvaUoatw C. K. Ball, aad Attorney lawyer had a. .... . :e apas-uoa to too mm for a. at Onto wKata which' o Irrigation works for tho Caewaaeaa Carey act project. Tho reaaaas given la tao report ap the "Portland Irrigation com pa ay for' askiag tho extension of time wore "to settle tho rights tt that company and the Chewaucaa Land aad Cattle com pany of California. The California company has purchased several thou sand acres of land la this district, and aow claims the right for the whole Sow ot the Chewaucaa river to water Ita stock aad Irrigate Its laadt." This Information is indelnlte and unsatisfactory. Haggia has owned the .1.000 acres of the Chewaaeaa asai-sa for naay years. It waa parehaea in ;he early days uader the swamr act for 1 aa acre, aad along with tho Hyran aad Silver lake marshM lo a part ot the raage. Instead of claim ing all tho low o( the ChewaMcaa e river, Haggle baa (or yeans Page.) Jaot what we ear. . M ftmlV herefaaddat a Red Star label or BUB icmcBkn , '? . A .k ' ' $ Have IrT fc .J t Z'i sanL tfa Tt " a,rr" (gwoBaVr Qrwtm at .. Jr. ' " s" I 1 Jy-i.1 '& .-! wi l "ri fe l K '.- i. V -'' . .i v 4 ,ViJ stl l J h i -W .