"W-- yV.J 'Vt a "' ., ' '.9 ' i i tfi' X- I 1 fc. H -1, I si TX ' It- SH LANDS St-FEICENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. uri? fftrvvfiri urpATn OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY KLAMATITS GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. PHONE 303 :KASY TERMS ". 11 lMiitl Dally, Kicept Sunday, by - HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor K SUIM8CIIIPTION Dally, by mall, one year Dally, by raall. ill months. . Dally,) fey mall, thrco month Dally, fey mall, ono month Dally, dollvcrod by carrier, ono week . . KATES: i ! .15.00 . s.so YOUNQ DUCKS. KLAMATH FALLS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1909. PURVEYORS TO ROYALTY. Thlr Th. Werl fl aoawal. When lllngclna senior on thai nlou f lil annual party obliging lint Constitute Ona of th bis guest with "'TU l.oe That Makes tight of Lend, me worm uo i.nnuti. .mujut u tli American In Undon. on hU Brat "am Hlogglni aelred the opj-ortuitlty visit o lunl marvelous city. It atruck o retire for n few uHuutrf lhlud the by the number of algna over ahopa Japanese revii with his aires half trlth the rnral nnim minted thereon amoketi cigar, and announcing thttt tlie inidctinan I a purveyor to their majmsth. Yet. ''! inilniit iiiImMIup. Mniiter Uloir i i gins was observed by one of the com pauy to Ik? looking far from wall. U I face had taken on the hue or pur, 'ami bit eye stood out like small bat 'per. "Good gracious. Willi! Whafa tbe matter V cried Mr. niogglns lu alarm. I-.- ...V ,.V - , ,...... . , ..! aa. amtpalgn. with tlie ncvomiwuylng i "- 'V " i.V, V .i In. J i.i n.. 1 lllle shook bit bead. wiira. uT .;. j-!""' ""'" " ( , .i.. .i.i. ......Ik. 41141 f m-W. MM... When I he matter 1st sifted, the number In not mi large. Officially, according to the tondon Newa. there are about S!uu tradesmen In l.ondon who held the royal warrant and are entitled to ue the royal anna rural warrant baa to be received. signed and sealed In due ferm: other W lie. If a tradeatnau style bluiaelf a purveyor to a member of the royal family without this format permission. fee I guilty of an offense which la paBlahable by a line imt etceedlng CM. Moreover, he la liable to a alml lar One If he uaea arm no nearly re sembling the royal arm as to lend jieople to bellere that he l carrying on felt business under the nuthorlty of royally, rieveral liistnnre tmve occur red of tbe enforcement of tbeae pcnal tles. Tbe warranta are eihlblled In tbe abop window, bended by the royal anna and bearing tbe signature of tbe lord rhamlN-rlaln. Hie comptroller of tbe royal hnu-eboM. the lre.iurer of tlie latter, or ot tbe mauler of the hme. etc., atvonllug to the rirvutu ataacea. N W4 ?. "We'4 bare no oM maJd If we took leaaoa from tbe anclentlltaby lonlana. a aplnater uld. "In HAbylon nutuar rled women were aradHl t the atat areerdlnc to 4 heir !. Fur a tautl fit yeana wire tlie mate demanded a targe number of goW plnea. :i leas dealrable wife coat a x inn Iter nuinbor of gold plei-ea. nnd lliU tiiimey a all paid out again aa rewardu to I hone who married elderly, unatirartlveglrta Tbua It tint a fortune to marry beau ty, but If you mnrrietl ugllneiu a for tune came to yeu: hence all waa hap plneni In Ha by Ion. and old maid were unkuov.n " fully. "If It true wbnl father a lcen ulnglng nbout. I I re-reckon I'm lu lover Iwndon Kxpresa. Thay Htv No Inttlnctivo Imaulta to Enter tho Wattr. It baa lunieil out. under the arnrch Ing experimentation or recent yeara, that ninth that we nnvo aupnoaett to be tnnlluct In nnlmalt la not Inatlnct at all r'or example, the young duck proica to bare no Inttlnctlve Impulao to enter the water, doea not revognlxe the element by night nnd la. In ahort. In prtvUely the name altuatlou as a 1.15 chick until, by happy chance, It geta 60.ua lega nei. ei ii-jjm uunnvr, uou 10 the lift of the water on the body at once atari up the awluunlng reaction, and away aalla the duckling, aa chick eua and children do not. The chick, on tta part, baa a dellulto tnottnet to peek at any aumll object that cntchea Ita eye. That ttikca caro of Ita feeding. Hut the chirk baa no corresponding luillmt to drink and nould die or thirst In-fore It would recogntxe nuier by k Is tit alone. Drink ing It hna to lenrn for lleclf by ieck luc nt dewdrop or atwta or light on the nurfiice or tbe water or partlclca at the bottom of lli cup. Kren the hen. contrary to general belief, provca to hnxe no tnxtluctlte fear of the wa ter for her o(Tprln. A ben Hint baa rnivtl n few linn da of duck nnd neon them lake to the water bcvoiuc highly dWlrv-uMil nhen a uKetiiciit batch of chlckeua do not awlm. In fact, bena have Nen reportril under thcie clr cumitnm-eti in lend their chlcka to the waleralde and pub them In. Mc Clure'a Mncaxlae. Aatrenemleal. Rome curloui and Interesting agro nomical phenomena arc recorded lu the old Chinese nunaU which go Kick to a great antiquity. In tS7 H. C a night la meutlonetl without clouda nud without atara. Thfa may ierliapa re fer to n total eclipse of the aun, but If no tlie eclipse la not mentioned In tbcCblneee Hat of eclliMea. In tbe year 141 11. C It la Mated that the cuu and moon appeared of a deep red color dur ing five day, a phenomenon wblcb caused great terror among tbe peo ple, lu 74 It. C It la related that u atar aa larse aa tbe moon appeared ami wn followed lu Its motion by rev era! atara of ordinary alxe. Tbla probably refers to au unuaually large bolide, or Arc ball. In 33 B. C. a rail of meteoric atone la recorded. NESTS IN GULF WEED. Ttia Audience. The- Actor ta terrible boret-Awfnlly bad arrnngementa at Jayvllle. Played "Hamlet' there laat week. Homebody snouted "Klrer and H took twenty rolnutea for tbe audience to get oat ilia Vlrtlm-1 aoae tbe poor beggar waa lame what? Ztalout. eoiintry convert, full of xeal. In his rirat iimyer meeting remarka of fered hlniwf for service. - am ready to d nnythlng the Oird aka of me." itnld I'e "no long na ll'a botioralile." Helping the Town lljr banking )our money In a Lank lu your own commiM Itjr yon IncrenM tlie rotiiniunlty'a Kwer to do baalnea. If Mibatnntbl farmer wont to borrow money there la store to loan tbein. If you Uink yorr money an ay from home it la loaned to other farmera, merchant and maimfacturera. Hep your home people. Money hidden at home help rUrt-d In a hank It 1 put to work In nay that help all. no one. The First National Bank i of Klamath Falli La Sayings Account r A, la a Kood liank to imt yonr money In fe and reliable. ! la a rain) day fund, a life liiHurauce policy, a akk beneMt, .a fnwrral benent, and an old age niihIihi. Ttiere la no forfeit lire eta e In the aauwbook, and It la under the owner'a control at H lime. It will tide him ovrr alckiicaa: It will care for hla (ainHy when' lie wuat got U will aee liim through old ace, and hwy him when he die. It la a aimple bualnea proposition. aUfki Mrlff kB H up, and, like annala the deaert. It ,WM yaly fetal 'a be journey Ifuv la Up Umm ta etn an account with tbe t Jc lint Trnit and Savings Bank j . rooding Place el the Flying Flih In tht Sargaaao Sea. lu the mUtille of the north Allantle Ihere In tin area of couipiiriitlivly till water nliuo.it iiUjl to toiitliiviital Kuruie lu extent uud more ot loa coveretl wltb floating M-anevd. It Mua known na the Alar Ue tuirguci.i to Co lumbia und the c.irly tuvlgtitors and U tbe Sargasso ia of uiuderu gvog rap tier. The Hunting aeawecit waa formerly auppoacd to Iiju- gruwu near the lla bauia nud KlorMa aborea und to have drifted to Ita preaeut oKltloii. It la now. bo ever, known to grow nud proagate Itaelf where It la found, lu It are found globular iuaim ot weed containing tluli eggs nnd known aa tlab ncata. Inveatlgatloua show that tbe floating weed of the tiargaaao m-u la the choaeu breeillng place of apeclea of (lying tlah. Tbe egga found lu tbe m-Ma were at tributed to certaiu apeclea of tlsb found real Ing on them, but careful examina tion of tbe egga abowa that they really belong to flying dab. Aparcntly. boweter. the flying Oab do not make the neat themnelvea. Each end of tbe egg of thexe flab l furnished wl(b buncbe of very long fltameutary teudrlla. and by means of tbeae tbe finely divided branched of tbe Sargasaum weed bate been cuugbl together In globular maaaes Tbe egga may be aalJ to bare made tbelr owo nest Iwndon field. ipj9aenn no ""J - pa i j flM.HU to Man Kram-laco anil Iteturn, , Ticket a will bu on aalo nt tho Call fomln Northewatern depot October i:, It! nnd 17 from thla city to Han KrnnvUco nnd return for $1 S.SO. on nccount of tho I'ortola Kcallvnl. The return portion will bo good until Oc tober 31. If thoao (leaking to go will notify Agent Thumpaon nnd ilepoalt fS.&O ho will, provided thvrt la n aufllclout number of vxcuralontatR, aecuro n I'ullmnn aleeper, thua affording Pull man uccotumodntluiia from thla city to San Kiunclaco. To do thla eighteen pitHM'tiKcta nro nweaanry. WATKIl AND I.UiHT NOTK'K Owing to tt chnugo In condltlnna, wo nro now prepared to rr. I i!' on rtrueal of nny Intending titer of '.:t(cr or llrbl, tap water inalita nud lutkc el-orlc (nnnectloua fm mi. H-rxIco mi my of our exlstiu t mum. cure. I'.I.AMATIl KAI.I.S WA'fn.t .W't) I.IOIIT COMPANY. Itmartk nd X Ulamarck bad au Intense averalon to IX but a veneration for the num ber 3. Ilia reasoua for bla pre dilection were that be served three maatcra; be waa reaponalble for nod fought In three great wars; be algurd three treatle of peace: be arranged tbe meetlug of three emperors; be es tablished tbe triple alliance; In the Kranco-I'ruaalau war three bomea were killed under him: be bad three uamea (Dlaiuarck. Scboenbausen nnd l-ouen-burgi; be acquired three title (couul. prince, duke): tbe ancient arm of bla family are leaf of clover und three oak learra. Hla family motto. "In trlnltate robur" ('Ktrmgtb In trin ity"), was Hurely In Itaelf ufllclent to give a leaning In Ibis particular direc tion. So closely were his feellnga aa aociatrd wltb the triple number that tbe earleaturlata represented btm wltb three hairs on bin bead, lie bad three children. A "Mite." Tbe difficulties experienced by our forefather In trying to reckon money In rery small proportions npienr In the various values glveu to u Mmlte" lu tbe sixteenth uud seventeenth cen tury book of commercial arithmetic. Tbe original "mite" seems to have been n third of Flemish penny, but tbe use of the word fur tbe widow's coin of tbe New Testament made Its regular Uuglisb meaning half a far thing, nud some old people may re member applying the name to tbe short lived nineteenth century coins of that value. In those old arithmetic books "mite" stands for various val ue hot represented by actual coins, but obviously used In reckoning. A work of 1700 makes It one-twelfth of a penny, two sixteenth century hooka ooe-tlxtb of a farthing, and In 1074 Jeake'a arithmetic made It na little a one sixty-fourth of a peuny.-Lon-don Cbronkle. HOME REALTY GO. Watch thla Mpare for "Itcnl" MN'AItt 130 per acre; ICO acres, 4 miles from city; all In sago brush; perfect seil: cleared adjolnng land sells for $75 per aero. 30 per ncre ICO acres, 55 under ditch: fenced: well; roll the very best: level: S miles from cltr. 11.700 I 4 miles from city Ideal chicken much; It acres; S-room huuae: u-ry good; big barn; 3 "ken houses. Umber Claims; Homesteads flier, Main HI. I'hone Nil 'THE RED FRONT" WWW-a" sjii , saw WWl ttllDICU TO SHOW t'At'NK ma, j.i In tlio County Court u( (hit County of Klamath, Htuto of Oregon, In the Matter uf the (luardlaitaliln of K ' . . Daisy llcsalo Hlater, n Minor, WANT ADS. HKI.I'.WANTKD. .VANTKD Hand Ironera. Apply at Klamath Falls Steam Laundry. COOK'VVANTKD At tho Davenport cafe; must bu sober and steady; no other need apply. .VANTKD Girl fur telephone op erator; ono with experience In the work preferred. Apply 'at Klamath Kails office. KOIt :,Al.i: Mlacelbiueoua. KOlt SAI.K Toledo runge, almost new. Inquire two doors north of Methodist church. FOH-8ALK Several pieces of furnl lure. Including atove. Hvo Mr. W. 8. Wiley. FOIl BALK On Account TMoaVTng tho city, all of my household goods will bo offered for aalo. Apply nny tlmu after 10 n. ni. at tho former resi lience of O. I.. Carter, located on 8th st ono block north of Ankcuy ditch. W. M. Ilandall. Now, on this 5th day of September, I SOU. thla Coutt having tend urn conaldered tho petition heretofore filed und now presetted x herein by. Augual llueslng, gunrdlun of the u ton nnd etlntu of Daisy IUnslo Hl.itcr. ii minor, pra)lug fot uit unlcr for Ihn sale of certain teul eatnto belonglui to anld ward, nud It appearing there from that said real estate aliould i seld: It Is hereby ordered That tho next of klu of said ward, or minor, and 'all persons lutorojted In the anld estate, appear before this Court on tho 3d day of November, I90, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the coutt room of thla Court, nt Klamath CaiU, Klamath County, Oregon, then and thero to show cause. If any they have, why au order ahuutd not bo granted fur thu tuilu of audi rent citato, de scribed In said petition, to-wlt: An undivided ouo-clKuth Interest as heir at inw- of Tliomaa Slater, deceased, lu nnd to tho Northweat quarter ot the Northeast uuartcr uf Section 30, Townihtp S3 south of Itnngo 10 west, Willamette Meridian, In Dougtaa count)', Oregon. And It Is further ordered that serv Ice of thla order be made by publica tion thereof for the period of three weeks beginning with the 5th 'day of October. I'J09, In thu Kvcnlng Her ald, n dally newspaper of general cir culation, published nt Ktamnlh Falls, Oregon, Dated this Cth day of October. 1909. J. II. (IlilFFITH. 10-5-10-:C County Judge. vmwmmrmmr s) Goodrich's Casli Slore C. P. GOODRICH, Proprietor Dealer in Dry Oood.t, Clothliu:. Shoes, Miit.t, Cnrpcts, Ruk4, Willi I'lipcr and Orocerles Flue Table (tall, AO ihiuiiiIs for , ,,.,. t , , ,7(1 Halt, iine-lialf ground, per tint , , , , , , , DM,00 Munp Noap, ItMl bars for , , , , N.AO t'oltiH, iter imiiiiiiI ,,,.,,,.,,,,,. , , IHc to ,40 Ten, per miuiiiI , , , , , .,.,,,.,,..,, I0 to Nlar Tubal to, irr plug ,.. .,.,,, Iloracsltoe Tolmcco, ier plug ,,, SHar Head ToImmio, Hr plug , , . . , , . , , . , , llbe, H-r Niuml (, llb anil lleana per miuihI .He nud Columbia Oat Flakes, plere fo ilibiaiuicr In, mi h Mt bage , . , , SA Violet IMta, package , IA Violet I'anrake Hour IA Hulled Oats, In bulk, Id pounds fur . . . , , 1,00 Dried I'rtincs, no Miunds for . . , . . . 1.00 Sugar, prr sack ,.,,,,,, , , H,7B .SO .IA .1.1 .1.1 til .07 Highest Prico Paid for Ml tics find Products eoassa kkkdnk,lsSskkkki r!- rW W IT-HF-'" I H ' S- P ' WWW i i i LIME !i For Sale by T. W. STEPHENS "- 44' CITY TRANSFER CO. AM, KINDM OF IIAt'MMJ WOOD FOR SALE Boiler & Shipley CAM. I'D THK Ot!. HTOIU I'llOMK AM DFMVKKFD TO ANV PAIIT OF Til K t'lTV AND Ut'lTKII MKK sa4 Have You Had Any Trouble With Your Heater? No, of course not. If yon have one of oir "CHEERTOstS" WITH CAST LINING That don't have to be replaced every seaaon. They burn for yeara wlthoat repairs. We alao have a flae line of median, and cheap heater at price which are right ROBERTS & HANKS, SSR" iMMtMtMMWMMMHKHHtHttHmMIIMMIMl ffWt-r , vv'Hvvi)MIN MIHCKIiLANKOl'M. LOST Suit of union underwear wrapped In Portland Store paper. Findor pleaso return to Star Drug Store and rccclvo reward. LOST White bulldog named Ilulger. Finder return to Dennett stables and receive reward. That Mean Trick..... the man plaed In putting groon goggles on his mulo to Inducu til m to cat shavings for hayjla not necessary to Induro you to oo jour way Into the Oun Btoro Jo Ond G. W. FRET, THK TAXIDKIIMIKT. WOOD FOR SALE Seasoned Fine, 4 ft. $5.00 Seasoned Pine, 10 In. fO.OO Dellverrd In any part of tlie rily. Orders Attended to Promptly. Allen a Merrill Humphrey Ilesldenco, West ilaptlat Church or Phone Adl, Don J cmwalt, I'lesiiieot Abttractintl ;mp, rua. aiM rrlnii, Ur. K M. Deas, 'lce-l'rr.aanrs4 Klamath County Abstract Go Surveyors and Irrigation Englieera HskT E Wmuuar, Secretary Klamath Falls, Oregon . i 4i Ballngkrckt't Rttort. When Dolliigbroko, wbo waa at All-la-Cbapelle daring I be treaty or pear at that place, at wblcb time hi at tainder wua not removed, waa uaked by aa Impertinent Frenchman whether be came there In any public character, but lordship aus wired: "Not at all. I cam like a French minister, wltb do character at all." I'i'ltNIHIIKD room for rent., Apply lioodrlch Cash Store. FUIINI8HBD KOOMS at the Oregon House. FOIl 11ENT H-room lodging house, centrally located. Inquire of Frank Ward. THK Southern I'aclflc lias now on aalo round trip ticket to Seattle, good, for sixty daya, with privilege of stopover at any point en route for 128,76. The final limit on thoso tickets expires October 811. WOOD SAWING byJ.F.DAf Formerly J. h. Fielder. C. H. WlilltenrMgr. Ilpme 16-1NCH I SLAB Wood $3.75 i a cord, delivered to any I pari 01 city ACKLEY BROS. Fhoac451 n. 1 ixmtmm.wmaMmuEZjnmtK I.Greeley I K, Heating and Tinning I TwarsoMs II D. V. KUYKENDAU Attorney at Law ; Klamath Falla, Oragan Dr. Amos C. Gravea A. a). O. JD8TEOIMTII. Klamath Falls, Ore. Postofflco Dldg., Second aud Mala Bin. Phone 1031. --i7"- rMTri tTTiMn r iftfn1 'irtuiil'i' E.G. liumbliig, I'umplng plant of nil de scriptions, OoHolino Engine. Heating und Ventilating a spe cialty,, Cornlco and Skylight work. KliAMATH FAI.M, OIIKOON. SanMMMMB.igatWai.-, CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters fee rvsd la Any Style BICYCLES BBSBBM For an up-to-dato wheel get a Rambler, on salo at The Gun Store. Tents and Guns for sale or for rent. We carry a full line of Sporting Goods THE GUN STORE I'hone--HciMcnce MS, OfBc IHI Or. J. E. Taylor, niVNK'IAN ASH MimCJKON. I'oatoKW ftulldac. DR. C. F. MASON DeatUt American Hank aad Trust Co.'s HI. IP. H. MURPHT j. a. CMAuana rboMsas oapimA. hi Wi NTKvvri'iUL raaawvaw I Ikusiu Proojug f OaUar IVII ana Oravel Rwlag MAHTIO WALKS rMM)SS FWlf DeigiM f fUoSag With Baldwla Hardware Co. I i Four Foot Dry Slab Wood $3.50 a Cord HUTCHINS a F AUGHT MMIIIIIIIIMMlim FOR SALS aaasiasaaasaw WELL IMPROVID VAHM I 400 acr, l alia Soutbwtat of Klamath Fall. Will Mil ft whole tr Is part. Tr part dowa, tat halaa la ; frr4 payaagta, AsUr R. A. IMMITT t i ! ii omm. i I J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. J I '"" riiiiMitiift y w '-j.vfK.