yv-i m .s&rv 'L';- "? y -V vfh- ,nf ii . t-i , -.? Gi ;;. : u- -,!- A. c: iffi.v l m r- ., j. t : w? Jf to S.jUiSi ?' .. ,s4 'PT "J i 4 ' : Uke fefato. -w - '-. .TjBB' Klamath Fall' Pint and Beit Daily. '-M. Tht Rm - '- -"Wj '. V m T. Fourth Ykaii. No. 081 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1909 PMCBSCIMtJ tftonifta . GENT WHITE IS HUSTLING l.Mrr.MUNT of iniiian landm WILMOON UK FIMHIIKII ,Y flMSH W0KKINM0N1II i-hIuk of Reservation Will Mean ITImt TlioNMNih of HoiiH-aeehera Will Conn lleio In Krglslor (Word come from thu reservation ( tho Itcv. Mr. White. Ihu allotliig Dill, who haa In hand Iho allotment I thu land In the ludlatiN, In getting ch h move uti llmt Iho lliuu for Iho iplotlun of hU task In almost In iht. Not lo exceed two month ro will be required to nnlili th irk, with the probability Hint ho III got through In about n month. lo opening or inn reservation will Iho greatest event In tho hdtory or county. Wherever n reservation boon opened to aetllemont It haa ryw been followed by nn Influx of nifseekers who swarmed over thn mtry nnd bought uvr tldiitc they lid got hold of. Many who will come lu register will -havo In mind tho hialiiliiK iiprmanontly mid purchaa property If thoy aru not lucky lugh lu draw a rlnlm. II will mran It every quarter actlon of land In reservation available for agrlcul- will u In cultivation within two kit, and Iho ioiulatlon of th roun- rLtheraforu lako a ureal Jump bin Iho ntxt twelvemonth. ftie places fur registration will kably be Med ford and Klamath lU. If Iho record of Iho other la equalled It will mean that 1,000 people will neuter for a Im, fully half of whom will coror to city. to tho data when Iho recervatlon lo opened only a guess can bo ao. Certain It Is, however, that It not occurtintll lato In Iho spring next year or early iiimmor. A ity will havo lo bo mado with tho tlana and an act of congress pns vldlng for Iho opening of tho re. itlon and the disposition of tho kd accruing from tho aalo of iho Congressman llawloy and Hen llourno and Chnmhorlaln will all of their lufliionco to haaton day when llicao negotiation will completed and tho law put In force, If thoy arc auccoMful In carrying their iwut nf the program next timer muy sec actual aottlvmcnl Run. la toon as tho dato la announced, vevor'lmmodlato atepa ahould be lukon to hnvo Iho railroad companion mjII ticket Iho rntit for which ahould by Iho snmo nn to Medford, Undur present condition colonist ticket tiro good only lo Wood, mid In no iao throughout tho Mlddln Went and tho Hast can n ticket direct lo Klunmth Knlla tm purtlinNd, Iho agonta In forming Iho purchaser that tho mil road I not yet comploled lo thin city. It may bo mutinied tlmt by tho lima tho reservation In thrown open rnll ron (I ngotitN In tho Knit will hnvo learned that Klamath I-n 1 1 h In on Iho rnllroad nmp, Tho next Mop should ho lo gel Iho colonUt rnlo to apply to thl city. PRICE OF FEED IS TOO HIGH HTOCKMKN IIKCLARK TIIKV VAS MrT FHKII IIKIIH fnrmcra aro playing the aamo game. Tho prlco axked may bo too hlli, hut there la alwaya a mlddlo ground mi T.'ilch Iho farmer and tho dtorl: mint v'orally land, f havo quite n lot of nlfalfn on hand) nnd I am not itfmltl but that ihvrd will bo atock i.'IioiikIi como along to eat It." RECEIPTS INCREASE LOW ENOUGH, SAYS FARMER llMiirlier llilnk Iho Complaint la Only (lie .IniiumI lllillf of lite Nlorkinen. WOIIK TO UK Ill'HIIKI ON OKkno.N TltUNK iohn V. Hlevcna IIHltfNa From tlm Kkt Iteady lo Crowd Opcrallona FOHTOFFTCK l'IU)VX TIIK KAMI) GltOWTII OF TIIK CITV IS THE BEST BAR0MEIE If tho alulomunl of tho Cattlemen of tho iountry aro true, and every In dication given them mibMnntlatlon. I hen within a very nliort tlino tho fnniH'm of tho county nn' going to imk IhetiiNolvoH, "What mo wo going to do with our nlfalfn?" Thla In duo to tho, fact that tho cattlemen cannot nJToTd to pay tho prlco do mniided'.oYfeed- 17 nnd 17. CO In more thnii thvy.ifnn stand, and a a result they havd'boen shipping their other feeding ground. yell posted on condi tions, lu dlsfjisslng Iho fix Into which Iho fnrmern nro drifting, snld: "Tho farmers of tho country do not realize It, hut they will find out bo- John Y, Btoveni, president of tho Oregon Trnnk, haa returned from a throo weoka' visit to Cklcago and Now MKW YllMH AT OI'KIU lllitMr: "Mexican lllll," a stirring W-aiorn Inimn, nnd n delightful comedy, "Hiring n Olrl." will bo thu first nt traction tonight. "Tho llurglar'a Coin" shown a gum hler, who nfter losing all his money slenls from a beggar, then wins. Ho ator finds tho beggar wna dend, and la overromo with remorse. "The r'ountnlii of Youth" I n do IlKhtful comedy, full of stirprllnu sit uation. 'Tor Her Rweelhenrl'a Hake," a ulrl turn delectlvo, hlrt out to her undo a nn offlco hoy, and wins. A beautiful trick picture, "I'rlncees Nlrntlne." sIkiWh mint nf lln. nninl. ho Nmok(raney play on a confirmed !"" in"'1 And what Is more, they will Iture of money will mako possible, cnttlo ""i'ly i A limn prerly foio many weeks pas by that they. have, about two-thlnln of their croplploymont of laborers s)Bd the expend- York with tho tonewoai assurance that hi company will Imnedlately com plete tho construction of Its road Into Cent nil Oregon. OthaV than to mnko thla announcement MrStovens would not divulge Iho plana'; of tho Oregon Trunk ns to tho likely extension Into California, with Ban Francisco a the ultlmnto terminus, or tho building or lateral line across th state, partic ularly a branch which would reach and Kervo long-ncglctcd Coo IJay and surrounding territory. "I have only lo say,' said Mr. Stev ens yesterday, "that, tho Oregon Trunk will proceed with tho comple tion of Its projected Vood Into Cen tral Oregon Just as ratldly as tho cm Klamath Falls Haa Hccarrd More Than Ita fthare of lite laamlgra- lion to the l'aclc Coast- jiuoker. I havo It on hand next spring, for tho A now Illustrated song tonight, nnd, roMaon that thero will bo no slock ots or new and Interesting music. hero to feed It to. They llltlo realize Tho picture will start nt N o'clock ,,mt Hioro has been more stock ship oulchl. Iped out so far this year than were shipped out all of last year; that COMMIT I'KOf.ltAM AT TIIK HUM thero Is no stock enough loft In tho country to eat one-third of Iho alfalfa drama; I now In thu alack, and thn ronaf. quenco Is that tho farmers who aro The Turning I'olnt." "Stripping n Forest," accnlc; "Hold lag up Iho Wedding," comedy; "Caso holding their alfalfa for tho prlco ItOMl IIUVKIIN ItKI'HKHK.NTATIVK KXI'KCTFJI IIFItK TOMOIIT A VAtllJ.kHlallu.. tl... ft. a I. I u iiiiaviiiainu hi inn uiuiainRi house of Morris & Co. or I'ortland, tho firm whlmh hnsa gtred to tnko tho sower bond or this city, Is ex pected to nrrlvo hero thla evening, when iho final steps will ho taken to tnako tho transfer. If ho get hero thla evening a special mooting of tho council will bo called for tomorrow night. As to tho final destination or our road, I havo nothing to say. Wo havo started out to build a rallrond Into Central Oregon, and that la what we proposo to do. "v havo awards contracta for tho construction work'aa far south as Madras, and camps, h been organ laed for tha mBtorsvef-,oee. la borers, who will bo put to work Just ns rapidly as thoy can bo found. It Is truo that wo hnvo a number of sur veying crews In tho field south of Madras. It Is our purpose to build our railroad 'to n point In Interior SO miles south or ..wauius. u ims noi ueen acciaed that may bo true, but they must remember Hend will bo that objective point, al Ihnt tho coming or tho rnllroad has though one of tho surve)s extends to changed tho cntlru cattle business of Jhnt town. Tho various surveys which tho county. Tho belter Is held by! hnvo been mndo will bo considered Iho farmer that this coming of the j thoroughly as to the practicability of railroad warranta higher price, but 'the routes proposed, and their feasl- or Lumbago." comedy; "Hwu-i.Toolh ,,lu). r ,low ,,. w, ot ablo R1." comedy; "Much Ado Aboui', .ii..... .. , , n Nothing." comedy; "Tho Mustard j reallzo that tho farmera do not I'laster." cemedy: "Tho Tomboy." ...I .uviiuiu an; ui hi sinivuivnia, nnu Climeilv: "Klrklu Marv." r.imn.lv. Bong, "l.ovo Mo and Mlnu"; Scenic Views, "Tho (Jnrden or thn doils." Mary." comedy; .jy U ,ho ,,niWCI. (llt lhey havo Oregon at least nd tho World la heard tho samo story tor yeara. That Mndros. It has n I havo left all negative and films with Pr. Whlto. Order duplicates at Star Drug Store. MltS HUI.8E. they will find out that In thla they aro mistaken." A prominent farmer of tho Merrill (cuntry, whon told or Iho statements mado by thla Kontleman, laughed: "That Is tho aamo old story. It waa Iho aamo thing last )car, but thoy rnmo through Just thn same. I do not luamo tho atockmon, Thoy are In the business to mako money, nnd naturally want to mako all thoy cnu. Mio lower thoy can got their nlfnllu for tho more (hoy mako. Now tho hlllty with reference to possible ex tensions in tho future. Wo mean busi ness and tho work contemplated will bo pushed to nn early corapeltlon. Oregonlan. IIAI.lil. OUCIIKHTIU Music for all occasions. Ed Nich olson, mnnager. Phono 8SS or Mrs. Margaret Ilrlggs, phone IS. Up-to-date tailored sulta la all the leading ahadce at Stllta DryOood Co 9.19S.64 7,004 8.26S 2,198 I ssssaW ITr bI sVSttaMBssaaVV The Steln-Bloch label standi for "55 years of knowlntt how" Fall ana Winter Models In endless assortment of Scotch mixtures; all the new colors ::::::: Steln-Bloch clothes are the better kind. Tou read about them In The Saturday Evening Post K. K. K. STORE TUB FAIKOirABLI CLOTHU SHOP BBBBBBBBBBBBsKf ' iBBsWttf Tho best evidence or tho phenom enal growth that haa been made by thla city during the year ending Octo bor 1st Is the great Increase In postal receipts for that period. While every city and town In tho state laa shown substantial gains, few hive i equaled tho record or Klamath Falls, which would Indicate that this city Is getting more than Its sharo or the Ira migration that Is changing the map or the Pacific coast. Following Is a statement of the cash receipts, number of money or ders Issued and Icttera and packages registered for the period Indicated: Receipts ending September 30, 1908 I7.686.H Kerolpta ending September Vf 1 SF Uf Money order Issued Sep tember 30, 1908 . .... Money order Issued Sep tember 30, 1909 Letters registered Septem ber 30,1908 Letter registered Septem ber 30, 1909 3,004 Postal receipts Is the best bar oroct"crbf the rise and fall of a com munity. Few here realize that dur ing the past year the growth of the city has been great .enough to effect such a marked change In the amount of business passing through tho local office. This is the more re markable In that this Increase has been mado during a period when the growth of tho city was apparently at .1 standstill. Following tho arrival or tho railroad everyone expected a boom that property would change hands with great frequency and that Inflated values would be the order of the day. Dut these hopes met with disappointment a disappointment that was keenly felt In some quarters. Thore haa been no boom, and property values have not been Infected with unhealthy Inflation. Tho Increase la? population has been steady, so much o that to tho casual observer It was hardly noticeable. Nevertheless great change have taken place throughout the city. Much or the vacant property haa been covered with neat bunga lows and the demand for rooms and houses has been so far ahead of the supply as to cnuso tho charging of flinty pile" for mere shacks. Whllo the expected boom did not make Its uppoarance, ror which every 'no hns reason to reel thankful. jKlamuth Falls la growing. At the present rate of Increase tho prophe sied population ror 1915 will full faj ahort or the mark, j undoubtedly bo sufficient to recom pense them for tho outlay, tho great est good will undoubtedly come to the city and county at large, for It Is more than likely that n majority or those Investing will not confine them selves entirely to the property owned by theso corporations It Is an opportunity ror tho boomer to net In hi good work. There should be no knocking. Klamath Falls Is Kolng lo grow, but the speed or that development depends more upon tho people here than on any other agency. Thla Is particularly true or the real estate men. Heretofore thoro has been a great deal of knocking done by alamo members or this fraternity, with the result that many substantial Investors have been driven from the city. A real estate man who cannot speak a good word for the other fel low's property la not a bnalnesa man, and ought not to be In the realty bualness. Every homeseeker or In vestor who remains here brings five others, and It' Is certain that If the real estate man loses out on one he will sell to some or tho other five. It Is as much the business of the real estate man to refute the Ilea that are told about this county and city and Individual property as It Is to soil realty, and It Is only tho man who Is )lg enough and broad enough to real lzo this truth that will make a suc cess of his chosen profession. GREAT IS THE CHANGE WOMIF.IIFUL TRANSFORMATION TIIHOIGIIOIT TIIK RASIlf NEW UNO IN CULTIVATION Preparation firing Mado to Increase Ihr Crop Area and Next Year Will Her lively Time TIIK HKA17TH OFFICER IXSPKCT8 PUBLIC SCHOOL not GKTTlNa IlKADY FOR Hl'HINKHH The Hot Springs and the Klamath Development compaulesv nro. gettlug ready for an r.'l7irtlsln? caMpnlsu tlml will surpass tnett Ing ot It kind "cr undertaken b,' . corporation :u the atate. President Johnson and his assistant, W? 8. Worden, have been busy for the past several months ma turing plana for thla work, and all the details of the campaign are Bearing completion, These companies are de termined to make things hiim, tad the fruits of 'tho effort will be the bringing to thla' country hundreds of people who would othorwlse sot have come. Whlle-the beaelts accrulag to the men who spend the money will Dr. Hamilton the city health officer, Inspected the children at the public school this morning. He found the conditions there excellent This In spection Is not on account of aay dis ease being present among the chll- dren, but as a precaution . Dr. Ham ilton wlshea this fact to be thoroughly understood by the parents of the scjcol children it la a precaution against the spread of disease, nnd not lecause there Is any sickness umenu the pupils. These luepectlona will bu uiHde every month or every two weeks .is seems expedient In the morning Pr Hamilton will inspect the tv.o public school rooms In the hlgh school. Except when notified by the county court the health officer does not in spect the high school, as It is a county Institution. W. D. Cruthers of Severy. Kas., arrived here yesterday to look over the country. He makes about the twentieth resldont of Greenwood county to come here, all of those pre ceding him having purchased land hero. Money company. to Load Hall-Shepard The experimental atage has passed In tho Klamath Basin. Lands that only a few years alnco were con sidered absolutely worthless evta with water available have thla season been made to produce abundant crop. Driving through the valley from thla city to Merrill one cannot help bat be Impressed with tho possibilities) of this section. On one side of a faaet la a desolate looking piece of grouad covered with a scattering of sage brush, while on the other Is tho green alfalfa field and the golden grain stubble. These changes have bee brought about In tho few years since farming haa been mado ono of the In dustries of this section. They only foreshadow what the future is sure to bring. During the past year thervhaa been a considerable Increase la the acreage under cultivation. On every hand caa be seen the homes of recent settlers. Everywhere there is evidence of de velopment. While the season for clear- lag additional land la not yet at haaef still farmers are getting ready to la. crease their cultivated areas. Neat year the acreage la grain and alfalfn wmw iiss.iywiiwsasa, sal BBB.aaaamKl.ae under the government canal will be made to produce la order to make the ' land pay the water tax. Numsroae small contracts are being let for clear ing tracts. Among the farmers Im- provement is the order of the day. The abundant crops Just harvested have had a atlmulatlnc effect. The possibilities of the Klamath Baaln nro everywhere In evidence. With thla condition prevailing farm lands are coming Into their own. Prospec tive purchasers are coming la larger numbers and tho Indications are that thero will be a lively movement la Klamath county real estate la the next year. K. OF P. NOTICK Rsgular stated convention at 7:39 Wednesday night. Confering Rsnlre rank. Visiting Knights especially Invited. Call and hear the October Bdlaoa records at Muller's. 1 Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions a Whoa maa says, let aae tx yew watch or let aae mUstt yew house, yoee get to beUeve hJaa. caaaMe cat stela a geea Js be., fore row have him do U. Tnit rraatmahlc. When we ask yea to let m mat ap yemr iweecttoUesw R la i that yea ehosM be toM howpeMe we are ef ofetas; M, How that every aweaMletlea; we haaalc la MM to the How we teat every article la saw store before ptoslac M an i aad that aeaw hart taMTMajUy gaallfifd itistmailH la sHunid to handle yew preseriatlesi la amy way. We have eatabllasMi oaw ability to Ml yew ertotlM M Mva aeo. taeatoi kere fw tve rears and MUa , S Let WW: ,A Star Drug Store nuf'Ban.m:-$&T ir .; t i- .j. r ? . jv l J V - i y! & ' 4 i yPi-MU " '.V. f1J' mi'., l'.VS; yjFi&r fX' i!f r .-j m; .nV tMiipimiMMiiitt iiniMMK v fc 4