hJ,W? Sj u! 1 1 ' 'I ri " " i r v ....P'V i. A. !,M' T.f'. ' y. &TM' . j;arT ,t .,&, j -, Mr . .." .- eftilfc V e d 0 di '' &''M;. , i r . ..... r.-Jj-'-.'Mv "i . . .'.:... i i.v'T-.-'r.f ' ji"rt.i.' Klamath FsllV First t and Bttt Dslly. nn i niiniiiiiMi rata - '.v. Tht BmC JUw-.x-t''.:- """"" w w M ."'i' V V XH I', n , , V KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1909. pk-i cwii, Fourth Ycar. No. 980 "T, mt h LaW RRESTED FOR GAMBLING OLIt'E IIAII OATCIIK8 A l)T OK INNOCENT NOLO I'l.AYKIIH LO TOR PLAYING POKIR liey Allege II I a Ciim of llhukmall Complainant Until OhI fur lAkrvlew, Tongues weru wagging IliU morn IK, tolling till) IIHWH of tlu arrest of a lumber of business in t'li charged with tmbllnr. ntiU n great deal of otlu-r Ircuiiistanllal detail. Hut Investlgn- Ion sifted tho tliliiK down to I ho unit where there was nothing to tho lory. Hattmiay night llireo men, A. Hamilton, Frank llultan and ono mini Hveman, wore- engaged In a slel'llltlo gamn In Iho Caudal. This I lliu only part of tho tor)' ou which II agree, llatnlllon rlnlnni that ho t something over II, and com- third lo tho iHilIrr In order to not cn: Hevman and lluhaii nllegu that Irlml to hold them ii i for 20, krt-atenlng that If ihny did not pay llil he would "iucal," The mnney ii not paid and Hamilton wont to Id police, The pollro wnt lo tho plarn and nested everyone ongsKcd In card lying, Including several who wirn Igagcd In a gamu of nolo, Hremsn Id lluban were held and tho real rned loose. I Hamilton, who had engaged pass- on tho l.ahevlw stage, decided It ho had better got out, and ac- llngly did so. Ila wan apprehend- I at llonania and brought back n a Inoss, being confined In tho city Jail aafo keeping. Tho rase ramo up lore Justice of the I'earo Miller at D'clock, tho county being represent- by District Attorney Kuykcndall. rhe three men were bound over to tslt tho action of the grand jury. il wan filed at IQO caih or SC0 rely, In default of which they were fined In the city Jail, KXTKNII HttltLINOTON INTO HAN FHANCIWXl rgnn Tniak May Connect With II In Northern California. Han Kranclaco dltpatch given tho Mowing Informatien: Jreat Interest la being taken In ilneaa circle In the announcement Thomaa II. Walker, a mllllonnlro nberman from Minnesota, that i-s J. Hill la planning lo extend I K. K. K. k ( . it -H aKaPsVBBBBBBnBBBBBBBafdV' &, jbbwBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVv'' V 9gaaBBBBBal SaaVHSHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal 1 'ixlixlK (ho llurllngton from Chyenno or soma point on tho Denver lino to Han Fran cisco. As Walker has enormous timber holdings In northeastern California, mid Im inceiitly bought tho place called Mountain Maajlows, near Cop pervale, Lassen county, IncludlnK thn Kredouln pass, probably tho only available Entrance (o tho Hncrrimento valley from tho north, for n new line, his statvmunts are given much cred ence, H Orkuowu that ho Is n closo friend of Hill, that ho has been asso ciated with hi mln many business venturea. "I had a talk with Mr. Hill some lime ago, and ho told mo that ho did not consider Hint tho linn from tho north to Him Krnnclsco would bo a great advantage, taken by Itself, but that his mind was rather to extend thn llurllngton to Han Francisco, com ing through tho northern part of tho state and tho Hacramento valley. "When the time conies the hurling ton will be eitended to llio roast. The Oregon Trunk line will bo built to a connection with this through lino In the northeastern part of California. This will give n not her lino lo the north, and a morn direct route to ensternWnshlnRtnii, northern Idaho and Montana. It Is also likely that another feeder will be built south IhroiiKh the Han Joaquin valley. "Hut tho most liiitKirtnnt part of thn whole plan Is tho eitenslon of tho llurllnglon to the coast, which has been so long talked of. This will give a direct outlet for the limber In tho northern part of tho slate lo tho central and eastern part of tho coun try, where the market Is." He aald, however, that his purchase of the pass did not mean, that he hadJ cornered the situation. He aald what he wants Is railroads to carry oat his timber, and ho would not Interfere with any line desiring to build through tho pass. TAI.KINO TIIHOrcill Til Kill HAT Congress llkl Not Make Check I'mler One IMIar Illegal- Dispatches from Washington con triplet tho published reports that congress had made lllegul tho Issu ance of checks under f 1. Tho comp troller of the treasury declares that no such law waa enacted. Tho reports apparently sprang from n mistaken interpretation of an act regulating thn Issuance of clearing house catcs In time of flnanclnl 'panlc Tho most complcto stock of phono graphs and records you will find at Muller'a. If you're from Missouri well, you know tho rest. Sp I MM Rubber Mackinaw, Corduroy, Blanket-lined. Leather, ' Slickers, Wool & Rubber, Cravenette Coats and Rubbers of Irery Description. STORE CHAS. LEWIS IS INJURED MIADKD I.UMIIKIt WAOON I'AHNKH OVKIt IIIH HODV TWO RIBS ARE BROKEN Oilier Internal InJaHes Are Hustalard The I'rosprrla for llecovrrjr Are Very Height What may prove to bo a fatal ac cident occurred at tho, corner of Hec ond street and Klamath avenue ave nue this morn I nc, when Chns. luwU was thrown from tho top of a load of lumber, falling In such n manner that the rear wheel passed across his body. ThA accident was duo to tho shifting of tho lumber. Hellevlng that thn roud was level enough to dls lenso with tho necessity of binding the load, lowls failed to take this precaution. Striking a chuck hoto the top boards skidded so as, to hit Hie horses, scaring tiiem, nnd they boiled, Tho sudden lurch threw Lewis from the wnenn, his serious In jury following. Dr. White was summoned nnd found that two ribs were broken and that other InternSl Injuries were sus tained. How serious tho latter future developments will have to determine. Ho was removed to bis home, and las! reports are lo tho effect that no serious symptoms have so far de veloped. "AI.AHKA" YVIIKAT PAIIJi Itrmarkable VleMa Promlartl I hi No Materialise on Visit "Alaska" wheat, originated by Ab raham Adams, haa been proven a failure by Idaho farmers, who have demonstrated that tho remarkable yield clnlmed Is not borne out u' tests, ,, To test tho yield and, compare It with other varieties V. A. Whltted, near Jullaetlc, Idaho, planted an ex act acre In Ave varieties, Including "Alaska." This latter wheat grown under favorablo conditions, yielded 27 H bushels an aero. Hedcllff, an Inferior wheat, yielded 33 bushels an acre.. Illucstcm yielded exactly the sane as "Alaaka," these two cereals iweet avcrago of the avsMH Seed company. organized to market the whcjl. Is forbidden tho use of the United States nulla, and express companies refuse to accept tho cerenl for shipment un- express charges are prepaid. cOOV nUVH TIIK WOltltKV ItKSIHKNCK (hw Of the Finest Homes In the CHjr Passes Info the llanda'or . Fort Klaanalh Man. J. W. McCoy haa purchased from Major C. H. Wordcn "Seven Qables." tho beautiful resldcnco on jlwauna llolgths, and will tako possession No vombor lat. Tho consideration, It la understood, was closo to $5,000, and Ih u fair Indication of tho groat In crease In Hie value of residence prop erty that haa taken place In this city during the past three years. It la the Intention of Major Wor- den to erect a concrete block real dance at the, corner of Juniper and High streets, one of the sightly loca tions of the city. H, H. Henderson, who for the past moral months haa beta eagaged la transferring the Klamath Quaaa from Lake Kwauna to the 4 Upper lake, leaves In the morning for Oaklaad with his craw aad outfit, having suc cessfully completed hi contract., , ;.JOBBBBBBBBBBKBiaaKaBBW- BANQUET TO HAWLEY n CONaitKMMMAX HOYAM.V KNTKK- TAINKO HATUrtDAV KVKNINO U PLEDGE w ASSISTANCE rv Will Ho All He Cam' ti Open llearnra- lion and HrhmboMt the Ih-ep- tiling of fri4 Klrrr. f It was an enthMaatlc gathering thatjgreeted CongMasman llawle at tho courthouse tsMarday evonlng.N when hr addressadthew on what ti had done and whftt'ke propoaea to do In rongreaa. He rfferred lo the ri-c- lamutlon servlco WMl Uio qveatlons agltatlag the rnlasti al the land own ers, to tho opealaglof ho reservation nhii ilerenlng oi Wood river, u.l of which were envrrwf In the Intcrvlcv ptibllihcd In BaNriWs Herald. At tho LakeddcjlBn at 10 o'clock he was the guest w a banquet given hy the cltlxens of ttlamath Falls. II? referred happily toitke growthof the city, to cordiality of the welcoma ao orded him and hiaTslncero apprciln- linn tl the hoaorjtoaferred on him ! li resldeata hre. Toasts a ore rcniMjuded to try W.JA. Delzell, Julgr. Ilaldwln, Mr. Van Winkle, Postmattcr ct Albany, and ethers. Tho cvcnlni; affair waa a most Mjoyablo one. Mr. Haw lay lefttar Lakevlow Sun- - t. Iny morning, anal will visit Silver Lake. Paisley and other parta of Lake county, exjxMtlBg tol return here next Htturday. J . .. ,. . ..ya..Wii.r.i. M3CTURK Ht'lUHCTH Tho great Inspirational lecture on travel and Iho larger life will bo de livered at tho high school auditorium hi tho evenings of Thursday, Friday and Saturday by Dr. Search. Tho flrt of Ihr aeries, "Vesuvius and Bunny Italy," ii a. superbly Illustrated lec ture. Over 100 beautiful colored vlewn will bo shown. Nothing in scenic photography and exquisite col oring finer in tho world. Every view Is Iho work of an Italian artist. On Friday evening tho lecturo aub JeA Is "Of All tho World the City of Orcatest Interest." It is a world sur vey of exceeding value. What la the most Interesting city? The lecturer attempts to decide the case and Is undertaking a hard queatlon. Ills, however, Is tho Judgment of a trav eler who haa seen tho world. You may travol with hlnrr On Saturday evening he will take his audleuco to "Glorious Guttural Florence." This is a lecture of great beauty and literary Inspiration. Flor ence Is tho city of flowers and Tuscan beauty. It is tho Lily of the Arao. No other city oyer produced or con tained such a. galaxy of great men. This lecturo makes a fitting climax of the sorles. Any lecture la well worth an admission fee of SO cents. Tho teachers have guaranteed the lecturer a certain sun, and decided that to mako tho admission for tho three only 60 cents, believing that a large number of people will want to hear the lectures, and that enough will attend to mako the teachers safe. They expect at least 350 tlcketa to be sold. It thla lecture la attended as they anticipate, they will attempt to arrange for a kcture course. Judge aad Maa. George Noland ntt thla momlagjm their ante tor Lake view, where the Judge goea to hold a' special and regular term 'of court. The regular term eoavcaea next Mon day. Mrs. J. G. Turaer waa taken to her hem. lua'day evealag. She haa beea at th,a kaapUal saverat wMks, auffer- lag from typaaU-paeioaaala, but ta row maea Impwaf ia heaith, , , WEST. SIDE IS SELECTED HKCIHIVK VOTK t'AHT FOR LOcA TIOX OF NKW HCHOOIi 151 VOTES WERE POLLED MHritiri'jiaint inirmii vMtiiiciiiri No Ill-Felling I'rrarat To Harry KrrcHon. Tlie biggest vote ever cast In a school election In this city waa polled Saturday afternoon, when 1S1 vqtes turned out out to decide the question of the location of tho now achool building. The west side waa on by a substantial najorlt tho vote standing 8 for.( against, and It will be on the hated by tho Moore Bros. Ihatthe magnificent new structure will be erected. The Interest manifested, surprised everyone, even though It was admit ted that thereTwould bo a big voto out. Tho best of good fellowship pre vailed, and tho result Is accepted as being the best thing to bo done. Those who were opposed to the loca tion of tho school on tho west side, preferring that It be placed In tho northeast part of tho city, are ad their Ideas did not prevail, for they now, realise that It will only hasten the day when a new school will be erected la that section, a4 ta a loca tion thai WW. t that tUae; better serve the purpose than II ballt new. rae .gTowUj (gf the, cjty4 jajsiaaJd, that another year will aee aa great a demand for another school as there is for the ono to be erected on the west side. V Now that the matter of a site haa been decided upon, the school board will push with all possible vigor he srcctlon of the building, la order to relievo at as early a date as possible tho crowded condition of tho present ichool building. Nearly 100 pupils are now crowded Into outside rooms and In tho basement, and this one fact alone shows tho great need for the new building. WILLIAM PITTH RETURNS Mr. aad Mrs. William Pitta turned from the hot sprlaga about 50 mile, dram E Mr. Pitts haa been jral weeka for t health. Ho returns feeling much ter, tho healing waters of theae aotod lprlngs having benefitted him greatly. Owing to the fact that'he haa aot fully recoveredaia health, aad la therefore unablo to actively, eagai business. Mr. Pitta haa dcld closo his real estate cJHce for tka present, and will try and take easy until next spring. HlflH SCHOOL NOTES ThoFreshman chorus clasa met this morning as usual, and practiced from the new books. Mr. Butcher and Mr. Wlrti dis cussed with the boys the question of having a boya' gle club, and It waa, decided to meet again nnd arrange for tho tlmo of practice. Saturday night tho girls that were Interested In a girls' literary society net at tho homo oi Mlsa Myrtle Car let and elected the different offtcern of the society. v TONIGHT AT THE OPERA HOVHC A splendid Sim. "The Tragedy of Meudon," shovi the wreck if three Uvea caused by the Jealousy of a woman for her new daughter-la-law, whom ahe Imaglaes- haa usurpedvher placa In bar aoa'a aftectioaa. "Tka Alcoholic Doctor" la a llai that'taachas a leaaoa of vltay Impart 9UB IKewa- JBBBBBM?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUlNmae.kla to us all, showing tho effect of drink upon a doctor and tho criminal things ho does whllo under Its Influence "Mexican 111117 Is a stirring tale of love and adventure In that West wo all love so well. A very amusing comedy full of laughable situations Is entitled "lllr lag aQIrl," which aeems to bo a Her- emleaa taak. crowdad house last night vigor oval applauded the beautiful film showing "Washington Under 'the American Flag," and the splendid s lections played by the orchestra. HIHPOHKH OF HTOCK OK ELECTRICAL FIXTURE) Light and Water Cewtawajr WIN No Longer Kaajage ta lasUMatloa Work. Following on the plan of retrench ment adopted by the Light and Water company, It has sold to Ilaldwln Baldwin Its entire stock of electrical fixtures, and in the future all elee- trlal work will be done by the purch asing Arm. The charge has been re peatedly made that the Light and Water company was over charging for the work done, but It Is stated that all Installation work has been done at cost. AT THE IRIS "Itomance of a 8tranded Actress," a good story and ono that will not fall to pleasc- " "A Woman's Way," a strong drama. "McOinty'a Sudden Rise" and "The Missionary and the Maid," two com edies hard to beat. ' "The Adventures of Fllae." and "ftrg,mojm by-Oarreaaeatdsnte',? rerT'pleaalng Rims! "Views of the Portland Rose Car nival and the noted actreseaof the world. If you were aot there last night be sure and go tonight. A CORRECTION In reporting the Issuance of an In junction Saturday in the case of Shook vs. Taylor, the Herald erred la stating that the defendant. Mr. Tay lor; had to glvo an undertaking la the aum of 11,000. The article ahould have stated that It waa Mr. Shook who waa directed 11.400 bond. to furaieh the Court Reporter R. M. Richardson laaaaaralg for Lakeview. Dur- place: oa the Her- . zm ' or by Charlee Bald- wla Mr. Baldwin la a young. man vjha haa been a realdeat of the city for aome time. Any courtesies shown will be appreciated by the Her- t Us Fill him. aMUv. awBrPCv' j!m life T W' - s.sbbV , W s Your Prescriptions When a maa saya, let aa. u y keajsei you've got ta hilar. Man fere yoa have Mas K. Tkata Warn wo aak yarn ta let aa pat that yea shaald a. taM how Mow that every amecrtetioR wa Mew wa teat every artMe la ear aadl that aaae bat a Ihorangmly sjaaltisd pfcansmiml la aMsfpd to amadaa year areactatiea la aayway. We hare rtabMsliedl ear aallMy to H year taWgaiBsmaV fuu- lnjlatsaBl aWamVAsak gtAaa"mmiaak sasakamaaa i BmVelBJBj aaRPH MKWfJajPaji VJalvv IW aaTWw JWS I mmps tvsvy iTSaW a IaHwaSM Star Drug St IIIIIIHIIIHIIIHimHHHIM HECTOR IN; JACOBS OUT FORMAL TRANHFKR OF THE MOR TON HTOIIK TAKKfl PLACE AN ENTIRE CHANGE rlANNU Mr. Hector Contemplates MaajT Ita' provrments and Innovations -, 'Oar Price" His Metts) The Boston Store formally lato the hands of O. M. Hector hut' week, announcement of the ehaaga having been withheld for baaliMaa . reasons until today. Elsewhere Mr. Hector haa a statement to maketka ' the readers of the Herald that wlM laterest them. Several weeka ago the aaaoaaee- a ment was made that the Bostoa Store ; bad been purchased by Mr. Hetter, L but there had been ao maay caaapai made la business circle, about that time that the public Immediate' came to the conclusion that It waa . simply a new buslaeaa-gettlag propo sition aad paid little attacltoaf to the matter. Thla belief gained perma- nencr when. Instead of Mr. Hi having full charge, Mr. Jaei remalaed at the helm. There waa reasoa for thla, .aad that rsaaoei aot removed until teat week, wkaa' foraaal transfer maa made. la t - ft.. ft.., a. .A. - IBB oi wui m pwvrmwwm m w ar un. .tJ. L.. '',-'" 'L-SaJ" iaeeaMfJuU II "The aaaoui ckaaad the Bostoa Store 'waa ' far raaaoaa la wktah.taa.faklstj little, lAfereei. bat aaw thai, R , formally passed lato; my' iismiaslsa I hop. to make it each aa laatkutlea r aa will merit the eoaldeaea of tail people of the esuaty. I will learr nothing uadea. to plae.- It la. tka froat rank, aad auk. R the leader ta IU line la 8outhera Oregoa. I wiM rua It oa the 'one price' aad 'moaey " back plan, aad hope thereby to merit a liberal ahare of th. patroaag. ot the people of the county." Sine coming here Mr. Hector kaa proven himself to be of the "strictly square" order, and la rapidly galalag .. a wide circle of frienda. la buaiaeaa circle, be la recognised as a prograa- slve, energetic buaiaoa. maa, waa ; doe. Just aa he agrees, aad the growth of his buaiaeaa will act be looked upon with disfavor evea by a com petitors. j Maay chaageaare contemplated by i' Mr. Hector, all Caving ia view tka era- atloa' of a buslaeaa aloag aWdara llaes, aad It Is a safe predletlea thai '" . . ...... he wlll.be accorded a cordial i by the people of the city aad aaaaty." watebi ar let m. pa lat afdkdasaajaad)Jaba aft year preacrtaUaa.lt la aatatal capable we are at datag R. y kaaaaa la Mledl ta atoce balers aaaaaaa It aa Wr . th i t i Z" '- rV-'X, r .'.n -l"i".-. 'V "c;. 'X V 4 1 Hi 1,' . IS ' a. ', i -; v' V'j tetar -r 'W &X ; pasr R7. , - .um y r it 4f ''' ..;(', . 5' il . n jy: .ft'.'. . 'hi..- MMIIVMIIMMIMta1MMMMMMMIMMIMf jS , V 1 nfr-.r