The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 09, 1909, Image 1

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Klimath Full' Pint
and Beit Daily.
The :Ba 'Kailg.A '?& 1
v v vSM "iflfcwr ? .'
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Iff aft.
-rr "rtrr t.
Fourth Yeah. No. 071)
Ha IHvrralhYU liilert-nla of Agrliut
Inrr, Timber unit pleasure He.
oris Make II Famous
John K. Phillip, it tiiillloimiiv
:',lntng man of (Ioiiht. In,, linn
h" ii paying IiIm M-rilon a vMil, nml
II nigh hero liic ii rtlmrt lime, the
i olblllllca or th.i Hit ii lnie made
iikiuiK imprevwi i ii iiim, u
liioiiKlit out In .ui luieilew, In which
. Mated;
"Colonel Alllnon of your city for (lie
ul nix li;i been writing liu
Ihoul thin .roiinlry, mid ntMlng oiu
if II poiilbllltlen, inn ny no,
liter looking nroiiiu! n lUll... that I
ran not prepared to grnnp evon from
kin oilliultlr lotion nti) thing like a
lull conception of tin wotulttrful poo
tfbllltlen here, I doubt If I mn urn-
rn now to nay how much I win lin-
Irenaetl with thU rounlry. However.
will sy that (hit agricultural n-c
Ion hero U lunch vn.ii-r I linn I Inul
my Idea of, and (ha noil cannot bo
l-nt. Nowlietu In mix new country
avo I seen such cropn nml nnrh fn(
Drum, nheep anil radio frenh from
In range. There In no rounlry (hat
know of (hat han inch a diversified
kmblnatlon of agriculture, Umber.
ck range and health and nloanuro
orla aa Ihla han, Combined with
no advantagea run havo an ahun
Inl aupply of puro waler for dome
purpose, unlimited water for Ir
allnn, and vant natural water
Iwer. Another ntrlkliic feature In
at (hesn poealbllltlrn an connected
liether with vlshty or nlnoly nillra
navlKable rlvorn and lakm. I vrry
urh doubt lfrnmny of your cltlivnn,
o arn arcuitomi'd to thi-no conill.
Inn, apprvrlato what II incann (o
In ncctlon In the way of anilitlng, In
dovlnpiiwnt of thin country,
klch la niro to romo. Natum han
no morn for you than any country
havo tvtr con."
Ikmh;mm awahdku
I llajr ConnHiiuHl In jKdNlna; tlw IMn.
play at the IVmlaMd Nlorr.
H. HlniiKh, II. K. I ln din and J,
McCoy wito eiiKK'd all day In
irdlnn; llio prcmlunia to ho pnld by
V rorllnnil Hloru for tlio hnnt vx
lilblt of Klamath county prodmu,
imd urv dennrvliiK of thu Ihniikn of
tho pulillc for thu onlorprlHo thny illn
piny In no ihiKjrfiilly kIvIiik Ihulr tlmo.
I'liv tnnk of noli-clltiK thu wlnnvrn wim
no nmnll unit, for (hu illnplny wnn fur
mrKur innn unyoiio rxpoctitd, mid
would unvn iiono credit to a county
fnlr. In tnkliiK thin nti-p Mr. Huiinr
iiiii n linn provuti nicnln liU unturprlnu
and bin dunlri to nc tlml proper roc-
oitlilllou In iict'odod to tho nlonxurn
who urn ilolnit no in urh lo rim kit
Klaiiinih counly (ho Kreat attraction
for tho lioiueiifker and hoiiivhulldur,
KollowliiK In n lint of thu awurda
l'arnlp-.Mrn. Ilenln firnt, no
nnmu nerond, llunry Jannun third.
I'olnl.. tllain, Hi-ldon OkIu; Ac
mi', Hnldon OkIu; Karly VermoiK. Hoi
don OkI flrnt, I.. It. ).n, aurondj
Kiuly iiimn., c. T. eilvfr: CVnlonnlnl.
J. II. nml, K. I.. ArnmtroiiK nee
einl: llornei K'Iiik, K. Armntrenic:
Ijitu toe, Heldon Oicle: Day llrenk,
Heldoii ()ej Karly Ohio, J. , .w
l.'iirly HunMll, j, . m.,.. Hurbank.
H'ldiiii Oalw,
i arrou Oihearl. N. H. Merrill
nml. Mm. Ilenln m-rond, Henry Jan
non third: Yellow Oativnr, Henry Jnn
nen flrnt, N, 8. Merrill necondj Whlto,
. It, DeUp; Hair Ixinic, tlwi,
Ornl, Henry Jniuon necoml.
Itnill.ln- Hlnrk Chlnenu, 8-ldon
OkIu flrnt. Mrn. Ilrnln necoml. ll...
Hill third: While Chlneno Winter.
Mn. Ilenln; KtuttKart, (leo. Hill: Pur
ptu Top. Kyan A llutler.
Ilulabagaa ami TurnliM Hula
baxan, (leo. Hill firm, Koldon 0Kle nee
ond. Walter Kolnom Ihlrd: Whlto
Turnip;. Ityan llutler flrnt, C. It. nwond. Ham I'adjcott third;
riirple. It) tin A llutler flrnt, Seldon
OkIo nccond, T. M. Harrla third: Or
anno Jolly Turnip. C. T. Oliver.
lleeln HMf HtiRar, Kloyd McMII
Ian flrnt, J, M. Hoi men neennd; HiiKar,
Oeo. Hill; Table .0. T. Ollter flrnt.
Mrn. Ileatn necond. W. II. Clark third:
Bloc, F. M. Harrla flmt, N. a. Merrll
necond. J. M. Dolmen third.
Canned Kmll Italian I'rune, Mrn.
O. A. Hlearnn; llunicarlan Prune. Mrn.
O. A. 8tenrnn; IIInK Cherrlen. Mrn. O.
A. Hlenrnn; llartlol Penrn. .Mm. O. A.
Hlearnn; lltarkborrlt-n. Mrn. o. A.
MUrrlUneoun Krull Qulnco, V. U,
ArmntronK! Illackbcrry, O.A.Htcarnn;
niack Walnut. Mm. J. W. Hamakar;
lluttor Nut. Mm. J. W. Hamakar.
l-m Winter .SVIIIm. p. I.. Arm
MreiiB: FleinUli lU-ouilin, h .. Arm
ntniim: Vermont lleauty, F. I.. Arm
nlrong; Idaho, Mm. Huuinker; Dart
leti, W. T. Klllott flmt. II. 8. Urltnby
necend: Klcfur, W. T. Klllott.
Prune Italian, W. T. Klllott;
I 1111)10 () t
Wool & Rubber.
Rubbers of
i' "
(lormnn, W. T. Klllott; cluntor of
priinen, Mrn. Ilenln,
Priinea anil Plnnm HunKarln'i, W,
O. Hlearnn; Petit, O. A. Htuarnn;
Olunl, W. I.. Armntronic; (Jarnot, F.
I., ArmntronK.
(JmiM-n Whlto, F. U. Armntfoiig
I'urplu, F. I.. ArmntronK,
Peai hen Yellow, F. L. ArmntronK.'
Mulr, I.. It, DeUp,
Applea Parmnn, I). W. Andumon;
Twenty-Ouncu Pippin, Mm. Amanda
HniiMkiir; (Irnvenilcln. I.. It. Dul.ap;
Wittlthy, W. ,T. Klllott; Ilaldwln, 1..
It. I)i Up; KIiik. I.. It. HoUp; North
urn H;iy, F. I.. Arm-rtronK! Klnmntl'
Pippin, v, I.. AniHireuK: Itnmbo,
I). W. Andemon flmt, Mm. Ilcaln, nec
ond; Hlrnwberry Pippin, Harry Itlch
nrdnon flmt, F. I.. ArmntronK necond;
lien Dnvln. W. J, Klllott flrnt, Knter
prlne Itanch necend: Pall Pippin, Mm.
Itoy Hamakar flrnt; Knturprlne Itanch
u-nmil: Jonathan, F. I.. ArmntrenK:
Mlnnourl Pippin. F. I.. ArinnlronK!
Olorla Mundny, K. U, ArmntronK;
Klntiinll Hweel, F. I.. ArmntronK;
Woir Klvur. P. I.. ArmntronK flrnt, I..
It. DeUp necond; Home lleauty, F.
I.. Armnlrenc: (lrrnlnia Mn iiu.
two platen, both eiVellent, not nnmed,
W. T. Klllott.
(ralMidr Trnnnpnrcnt, I). W.
Andemoni Hllierlnn. I). W. Andemon.
Onloiin Hllver Hkln, Henry Jan-
nun firm, N. 8. Merrill necond,-I. W.
Andemon third; Yellow Uanrem. L.
It. flmt, N. 8. Merrill necond.
Henry Jannen third; Ited We them-
Held, Fred Nlelnchelm flmt. .M, 8. Mor
rill necond. Henry Jannen third:
Prlietnker, Fred Nlotacholm; Qarllck,
Henry Jannen.
Httati Oreen Hubbard, C. It. Dc-
lap flrnt, Henry Jannun necond; Cold-
en Hubbard, C. It. DeUp flml, Henry
Jannen necond; Hummer, Seldon OkIo
firm, N. 8. Merrill necond; Ilonton.
SeTdon ORle: Sweet Potato, Mm.
Ilealn; Mammoth, N, 8. Merrill.
Pumnkln Yellow Plo, Honry Jan-
fcun; llurHen Mammont. Albert Hop
U I tin Pierce
lleann Kentucky Wonder, no
natun flmt, F. I.. ArmntronK aecend:
Olont Polo Wa, F. L. ArmntrynK:
Oolden Podded Carmine, F. I.. Arm
.Mlnrrllaneoun Vegetable Sweet
Corn. Seldon OkIu; Cucuuibem, Sol
Jon OkIu; Watermelon. T. F. Iloagn;
Celery. Harry Webber flmt. Henry
Jannen aecond.
llutler Klamath Falla Creamery
MlncelUneoMa Ilarley, It. K. But
ion; Outa, It. K. Sutton; Sunflower.
O. A. Slvarna flml, Seldon OrIo nec-
ond; Toniatotn, F. I.. ArmntronK Ind,
W. T. Klllott aecond, Honry Jonicn
third; Cabbage, Mm. Ilealn flmt, C. It.
l) aecond.
In JiuIkIiik tho uxhlblta tho commit
too baaed their declalon on tho around
that tho nrllclo entered wan In compe
tition with the bent In the country. Aa
a renult nomo necond prlien were
awarded where only ono entry wan
made. TIiIh wnn duo lo tho fact that
while tho exhibit wan tho beat on din
play, It would not havo boon tho beat
f crtcrf? In competition with pro
ducta elMwhoro.
. i
Will l.ouk After llm iHterentn of lite
IjmiiI Ownera ami Work for Karly
0h'oIuk of lltnerrallon
Hon. W. C. Ha-loy. coiiKreMman
for tho Flrnt dUlr.'ctJ'arrlrcd In tho
city tan! livening, r.nd Van met at tho
train My Cnpt. J. W.'Slcmenn and a
number of other leading Itepubllcann
nnd a rerujitlon committee from the
local lodge of Woodncn. Ho wan
encorted to tho dom reitaurant.
where he waa enterUlacd by hla fel
low lodcemen. t
One of the great nuVprUes to Mr.
Ilnwley In the great growth of the
city nlnco bin lant'vlilt here. Com
meriting on It ho nald:
"I hnvo heard a great deal about
Klamath Falla, and often In the eaat
havo had Inquiries about thin coun
try, but I waa not. prepared for the
chango that haa taken place nlnco my
last vlilt horn, Ono of the agreeable
chanKcn In tho railroad. Tho ntago
ride waa a drawback to tho develop
ment of the country, aid the beat
proof of that la the great atrldea
that have been made her In tho put
two yearn.
"The great aurprlae to -Inc. how
tary of tho Intcr'or nlll make pio
vlnlon for tho prj:.:l.'on of nettle
who will be unail.i n, meet tho pn
mentnd uo tot ho pnvcrnment.
"Another amendment that I will
punh with all possible vigor In tho
opening of tho Klamath reservation
and Iho deepening of Wood river. To
my mind theso aro two matters abso
lutely necessary to the rapid develop
ment of the northern part of the
county, and tho people hero may bo
assured that I will do all I can to
bring about nn early and favorablo
decision In these matters,;
Mr. Ilnwley will speak at tho court
houno thin evening, when he will dis
cuss matters of Interest to the peoplo
In thine ounty. At 10 o'clock he will
be entertained at a hanntmi ...
lakoslde Inn.
be, "Oldcon and Ills Band." For tho
evening service, "We Know." There
will bo gospel services each evening
of tho week thereafter, except Saturday.
ChrtntfM HcJeace Chairrfe -.
Christian Science services will be
held In the parlor of the Baldwin
building Sunday morning at 11
(o'clock.' All are cordially Invited.
Chnrcli of Sacred fleart
Mass dally at 7:30. Sundays, at
10:30 a. m. '
ssssmm' Jti
Pi-uci 6 Cmti
Tho plat of Terminal City will be
filed for record tomorrow, and the
property haa boon placed with L. J.
Morsor for sale,
If you wish to tako advantage of
tho, Introductory prices Mr. Moraer
win no pieaaoa to show you the prop
erty. Tho price of all Iota remaining
unsold will bo doubled November
16, 1909. J. O. PIBRCE.
Cbaataln, Langelt ft Co, will keep
tholr atore open evenlnga until fur
ther notlco.
The most complete itock of phono
graphs and recorda you will lad at
Muller'i. It you're from Missouri-
well, you know the reet,
erywhore I see evidences of develop
ment and tho. Investment of money.
Tho barren hills are being covered
with beautiful homes and your busi
ness etreeta aro taking on a metro
politan air through the erection of
modern mercantllo structures. I am
more convinced than ever that this
city city will grow to be ono of the
chief trado centers of the state, and
tho next few yearn will nee gcratcr
changen than havo ever been dreamed
of. It gives mo connldcrablo satisfac
tion to seo thin great, undeveloped
ncctlon of our state forging ahead so
rapidly, for it furnishes a good ex-
amplo or what the future holds In
xtoro for Oregon. Oregon Is ono of
the most-talkcd-of states throughout
tho Kast. The peoplo back there arc
Intensely Interested In everything
pertaining to the Pacific coast, but
moro particularly In tho develooment
of our6wn state, and tho emigration
lo Oregon during tho next flro years
will ecllpso anything of tho kind In
Iho history of tho coast."
Relative to tho reclamation project
and other matters of loeni inir.
Mr. Ilnwley said:
"I am deeply Interested In tho
proposcltlon to amond the reclama
tion act. This may bo undertaken nt
tho next session of congress. It goes
without saying that I will do every
thing In my power to secure for thin
section of thee onntry every favora
blo consideration. However, I look
with a great deal of suspicion on any-
tampering with tho reclamation act.
Tnero Is considerable opposition to
the entire reclamation' nnnm' n.
the part of many eastern congress
men, and It an amending la under
taken It- will' result In a strenuous
effort to either destroy It entirely or
to bring about a diversion of a por
tion of the funda far eaatorn ami
southern enterpmles. Therein Ilea
danger, and It Is something that all
western congressmen loon on with
upprehunilon. I am heartily In favcr
r making flmt payments of the sol
tlora merely nominal, and I can as
sure the people here that they need
have uo apprehension about the sa
verity of the government. If a.
amendment providing tor this change
I'll the payment la paved, the aecro
Oilier IniprovcM'iiu to fie IruiMgnral
el at an Kerljr Dale.
J. W. Dyer.' superintendent of the
Shanla division; 8. II. Barry, chief
(raveling agent; K. C. Morrison,' resi
dent engineer, and W. J. Mclncry ar
rived In tho city Friday night. The
party left again in tho morning.
D. B. Campbell reports the town
of Midland In a very flourishing con
dition these dayn. Information was
received rrora Superintendent Dyer,
while here last night that his com
pany will at once commonco the con
struction of a depot at Midland, and
will also put In an Industrial track at
that point. Arrangements are also
under way for tho construction of a
hotel there. Mr. Campbell reoortn
Jndgo N'oland granted a temporary
Injunction in the 8hook vs. Taylor
case today, wherein tho defendant
waj temporarily enjoined from dis
posing of the hogs and cattle, allow
ing stock to run In the orchard; also
giving Shook access to the weigh
scales and enjoining the defendant
from removing is; of Sbook's be
longings from the house on the ranch.
Tho court also required the defend
ant to furnish an undertaking In the
sum of f 1,000 in this matter.
The court also Issued a temporary
injunction In the case of Branden
burg vs. Reed, In which tho defend
ant Is riulrcd to furnish an under
taking ror $1,000.
The foregoing cases will be tried
out wuen Judge Noland returns from
Lakevlow. for which oolnt he Imih
next Monday to hold the regular (era
of court. . i i
on couftiHousE atoms
Pmdsrts Xow nn IMnplay In fks4i
HoMsea Are to He Preserve!
-' In This Beets)
Tho Chamber of Commerce will
construct Immediately a display
booth for Klamath county, proa seta
la the courthouse yard on Main street ,
between the Public Library and the
courthouse. Permission haa k
granted by the County Court for tho
erection of this building. The true
tiire will be of the hmutn.
13X18 feet, with a three-foot eataav
Ion roof and a four-foot waik.arewsi
It. All four aides are to be a-tanm
ever, !?Jhe-groth..ot elji.---rJih-5J,to -Abaer-Wossls-liowaw-nmHr
two loU at that place; also two lots
to William Barks.
"They Would Elope." An extreme
ly funny farce comedy, showing how
a young couple, misconstruing tho at
titude of papa, participate In one of
the most strenuous elopements !o be
married, while the folks at home.
having read tho note left behind, are
preparing to give them a royal wel
"Jones' Burglar." Our friend, re
turning late from tho club, finds a
burglar trying to effect an entrance
Into his house. Jones helps the bur
glar In and then holda him up, posing
as a hero sarlng himself from Mrs.
Jones' Ire.
"A Ocorgla Wedding." A Dim that
does not fall to amuse.
"Tho Artist's Revenge." A drama
that Is well acted.
"Tho Kind-Hearted Tough." A
good story and shown In a pleasing
"Tho InUlblo Thief." A laugha
ble comedy.
"Only a dream." A magic picture
nnd a sure cure; n good comedy.
Till- Is a program woll worth ee
lug. Como and brlnz your friends.
Sorvlces will be held In tho several
churches of Klamath Falls Sunday aa
UapUat Church
Blblo atudy classes meet at 10 a. m.
Our school haa grown from A0 to
85 In number In the pant two months
If you and your children are attend'
Ing somo other school wo want you to
tay there; It you ate not, we will be
very glad to have you In our school.
Regular morning service at 11 a.m.
Iu the absence of -Rev. Bledsoe,
Rev. J. B. Qrtlith, our former pastor,
will preach both morning and even
ing. v
Baptist Young Peoples Union
meets at 6:30 p. m.
A beautiful scenic aeries, ahowlng
the un setting behind the hllk.vOanl
'" icr ana ine DOSIS m me Erst
Dim tonight.
Two very amusing comedy skits.
"Book-Taught Hypnotism" and "A
Determined Wooer," rank with the
Every school child and. In fact.
every American Interested In the
Father of his country, should see the
film "Washington." It la a short,
concise biography of thefl rst presi
dent, and showa-la several hoauti.
ful pictures the leading events of the
Wnr of Independence.
A unlquo and beautifully colored
film, "Amazons of Different Periods."
hows tho evolution of the Amazon
from the time of Jean d'Arc to tho
present time.
i ne earners Revenge," aa amus
ing comedy, shows the vengeance of a
barber upon the long-haired musician
whom he finds embracing hla wife.
He changea the musician so that hla
wife does not know him. "
panels so tbar the display can bo
readily seen. The balldlag will east
I3S0, and contract for the ereetlea
of the same has been let to. James
Cunningham; who, by the way, 'Li tho
only curpeater la town that Is a mem-
ber of the Chamber of Commerce.
VThln balldlag when completed, wHl
be used exclusively for Klamath
county products. The Chamber et
Commerce la rtry anxious to aoeoro
for this building the displays that
are now on exhibition In several
stores hero. They also desire tho eo
I ."V r
LVX3&&Jjmxr ir otc
i-l.. i.i .;?.. r: ...:. .-.
.rc .. nytm taw Boota aospaesV
with samples et ear predoeta, no thor
caa ho shown to the beat, aovaarto-w.
and at a place where they oaa bo seen
jy all. A man will be ant la ekarae
of the exhibition booth. o that tho
oxhlblU can be receive J at any ttaao
when offered. .
C. W. Lewis. K. ft. Quirk and Matt
Serk of Merrill aro registered at the
Word was received by Health OnV
cer Hamilton this mnrslaa- fr.
Eagle Ridge stating that F. B. Roso-
crans was seriously III on Bear Island,
where Mr. Rosecraua haa been' resid
ing for some time past. - '
Judge Griffith la making arraago
menta today to dispatch Commodore
Nosier at ono to Boar Island, and
If necessary Mr. Rosecraas wUl bo
brought to the city for treatment.
judge Noland report a yield of a
little over 600 bushels of barley from
6i acres on the Altamoat ranch.
based on actual measuremeat of tho
Chrlotkui Church
Everyone will be welcome to'hear
Rev. J. B. Holmea In tho saw rihri-
tlan church Sunday at 11 a. m.. Hla
ubject for the morning service will
J Let Us Fill
Your Prescriptions
'When a man says, let aw Ox-roar waU or let use aalat
boose, ytm've got to believe haa capable of doing a gee JoiTlno "f
fOMt ma bin hla Mn 1 MM.- .: ,
- -. w n, Mmmtm iransoaaatf.
Waea we ask ye. to let aa W ap -rear areacriaUeas K la aaeanl
that yoa ahoaM be toM hew capsbie we an of olat ft.
How that every BtvecrlaUon we haaose la BUeel to Iho letter.
How we teat every article la oar store before ptaetaa M sn otook
- . awM aw a UMrsaaaly aalMoi rhnnaaiht la
to haaoao year twooerlaUoa la aay way.
.We have oatoblteheol oar ability to all year arotorlai
la having booa loeateel hero for are res, mm am.
sore every year.
Let aa BU years-
Star Drug
J a- BBBTraaasu
f .Z :
' -i
. ' J" iw VI
fWvV r
. SB
- i
' i
v' .
M iMj