The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 08, 1909, Image 1

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licnina BefnUk,
Our Advtrtifin Otf
Tht Bmc KawaHa.
Klamath Fall' First
and Best Daily.
- '."""if
SSI'- ".
Fourth Yeak. No. 078
Prici 5 Cnrri t
.,. u .
'' III!
1'iinU llif Htorlcs if lullntail Con.
II lit Hon t'netaggernleil Hemly
to Work fur Ihl Oil jr.
H. O, Joltntun, president of tliu Hoi
Hptlng lompnny, hna returned from
a trip lu Prlnevllle, where ho went
(or tho purpose of seeing for himself
what waa rrally being done In rail-,
road clrclrn. In speaking of what ho
learned Mr. Johnson stated! j
"I have been anally Interfiled In
thu railroad new Hint hat been ap
pearing In tho Herald, and I waa mix
louu to aw whether all of the Infor
matlon furnished by I tin Herald and
secured from other tonne waa really
iinrxaggvrated, I am satisfied that
nothing haa hecn overdrawn, In the
north everything U lively and tho con.
triicllon work of tlm Hotithern Pn
cine and Oregon Trunk la being
pushed with all possible vigor. Tlm
ttsult of thli activity la going to make
a Krrat change. In Iho map of IhU
mole, and not many yeara will elapse
beforn the barren wastes of Intcrlor
Orcgon will he dolled with thriving
town and prospermia larniura.
"Thla ureal development will surely
aCrct tho future of Klamath Fall,
mid If thla cllj will grasp Ita oppor
tutilty and fight for lla rlghta It will
wean that a city greater than any
thing conceived by the moat anri
goino pcraon will aprlng up and bo
tiilntrpM of the vaat country to thu
east And north.
"Klamath Kalla la a city of destiny.
It will grow, but thu rapidity of that
growth will depend moro upon tho
prettnt residents here than on nn
one, thing. Kvcry man, woman and
ihlid vhoiild fill up on optimum uud
bHiiiiu a booster. Money ahould Ini
ralwd m advcrtlto 'he town and coun
ty and nothing ahould bo left umton
to irupl, out overy knocker that nilnlit
wunt to ply hla unworthy vocation.
Vhvre li no room for auch horn, it
resource are, unlimited, and Ita fu
ture tho brlghteat of any place on the
Pacific coaat. My company aland i
ready at all llmea to aid In every wny
Odda and enda In men' ago all-wool undorweur.
Itegular.fl to II.7S valua. 8ATUIIDAV ONLY ...
Mea'a heavy fleeced winter underwear,
Itcgular 76c valuim, 8ATUKDAY ONLY
Ijidlea' Manklntoih coata, val tea up to ti.
Mcn'a II.25 horaohldo glove, '
$2. CO wool blanket.
Wo aro going to glvu away a lot of mon'a overcoat at..
MOTIIKRB Wo will mako you a great aavlng on Hoy Rchool Hulta
Saturday, tone etyloe and pattern,
fl.ari full all bedtpreada.
Men'a IM0 Walkover Ojforda,
The (trat tra laea MMklaa a tflJM parrliaae will be fHmrated with a
kaaaaoiwe plecn of china.
You're the loaer l( you doa't watch
K. K. K.
possible to advance (liu development
of Klamath Fall and Klamath coun
ty, and It can alwnya bo counted on In
Jolnlnx In any move that will win fur
till auction nil of tliu good thing to
which It In entitled,"
MllirriNO OK T1IK
I Wort to ll Made to Krrrl
llMlldlng on C'oHrtlioHM OroNnd
Tim regular milling of Iho Cham
ber of CiimtiHTco wan held In tho
courthouse lait evening, and waa well
attended. Tliu most linportnnt mat
tor securing tho attention of tliu meet
Ini! wna Iho piuilng of tlm resolution
urging thi early opening of tliu Ktam-
nth Imllan reservation,
A toiiiiiiunlcatlon wit riad from
tlm Portland Chamber of Commune
riHiitlltig Iho local orgaulratlon In
ak llio O,, It, A N to chango the Icav-
Inrt time, of train No. 15, an that It
would reach Weed In time to makn
coiineillotii with the California and
Nnrtheaatern to thla city. Tlm rcaolu.
Hon wai tiimiilmotuly adopted.
A rointnltti) of threu waa aptiolnled
with Initriictlona lo aecuro, If pmnl
hie, permlmilon to erect un exhibit
bulldlnK on tho coiirthoiiso groundit,
wherein coubt be placed exhibit of
grain, gran), veKetable mid fruit
grown In Klnmnth county, Tlm cot
of thu l met tiro mimt not excti-d
C. T, Oliver aked tho chamber to
aid him In gathering a collection of
dry land product for exhibition at
the dry farming emigre, lo Im held
In Hilling, Mont., and to approprlato
iiifflclrnt fund In defray the rxpotuo
thereof. Caah prlie aggregating
f 1,000 h' beon offered, and It la
cvrtaln If an exhibit wcro aent thai
till county would accurn practically
all of the money. Thu chamber, how.
over, felt that It did not have tho
fund at Ita dUpoial, and declined to
extend the aailatancu naked for.
A. I.. Darrow of Sacramento, pre
Idont of tho KntorprlM company, ad
dreM1 tho chamber, and filled thou
prexeut with cnthtulnim with the elo
iuent tiinuiior In which ho painted tho
fiituro of Klamnth Kail. Ilo urged
ciHoperntlon, and utatcd Mhnt If thu
peoplu hero aland together thut tho
day lu not far dlxtant when Klamath
Fall will bo thu aecond city In Oro-
Mra. II, N. Krcoman of Alturaa la
reglatercd at tho l.lvcrmorc.
,.4Sc each
,M 95c J
,)i prlw
theae Saturday aalea.
Will Abldti by IN-cUlow of Voter ami
L'rgi Kveryowe Having Vote
lo Oct Out and IW It.
IMIlor Herald!
J mt a lino for a "final aay." I
urn not rolng ti rufer to Wut Kldor'a
mtlcl'r It mak moro vote agaliut
tho locating of thu achool on the
Moore alto than It over will for It. In
order that youi reader may know It,
I want lo tnto that I live In the wct
oud of thn city; practically everything
I own I located there: and the plac
ing of the chool In that aectlon would
benefit mo pcraonally. Hut I feel
that Iho bct Intercut of the commun
ity are greater than my own ieronal
gain and am therefore opposed lo thu
proiMxdtlnn. It I vlmply n rjucitlon
of fiituro duvulopnfont. It wn good
forealght that placed the achool wlicre
It I now lecated: It will bo thu aamo
good furealKht t tint a hould comel thu
location of tho ttrticturu In tho north
cant taction of thu city. It u be
big, broad-minded, unaclfUh and fair
In thl matter. U-t u build for
the future. That I what wo are here
for, and If wo do not do thl then -we
1 ill In our duty. Iet na havo a greater
Klamath Kail and get It by following
a policy aa far removed from provin
cialism aa It I pOMlbto to place It.
If the argtitnenta of the advocate of
the wcat aide prove to bo true, then
lot ua build a achool there next year.
I will heartily faor It then, but not
now, ir. aa they claim, the west aide
will grow, onu year will not bo long
pawing, and tbey can then havo what
they aro entitled to.
No matter where tho achool la lo
cated, I will bo aatUflvd, and you will
never hear a word of complaint out
of mo, Thla la tho Inat tlmo tho peo
plu of tho city will havo nn opportun
ity to be appealed to In tbla matter. I
urge every ncraon having a vote to
get out and caal It tomorrow no
matter whether you favor my aldo or
the other. Tako Intercat In thla mat
ter and do not let It bo decided by a
low votca. Go and vote, and bring
your neighbor with you, and once for
nil aottlo thla matter.
Tho funeral of Matt Mlnnls will bo
held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock
from tho chapel of tho Whltlock un
dertaking rooms. Matt waa a pupil
of the public school last year, and
waa ono of tho mint popular boya at
tending the Institution. Ills death
has cast n gloom over hla former asso
ciates and It waa out of deference to a
dealro expressed by many that the
funeral will be held tomorrow after
noon In order to afford thorn an op
portunity of paying their last tribute
of lovo and osteom to their young
playmato. Ills popularity waa not
confined to the children of tho city.
Among tho oldur rcaldonta ho had a
hot of frlonda, who loved him for
hla kind and gentlo character, and
they will attond tho laat rltea and
mlnglo their sorrow with the grlof
that Alia tho hoarta of hla mother and
grandparonta. Interment will bo In
the city cemetery.
V. L. Purdy la over from Merrill,
and ia still singing the praises of that
fait Ho rectloa of the county. '
Andrew R. Jackaoa la down from
Fort Klamath tor the purpose of ae
curing some new Ideas along the
boordlag line.
Itev. T. II. FMM, D. t)., who haa
beon aaalgned to tfeo Motliodlut church
of this city, arrived In tho city lat
evening and will yrcach hi flrat aer-
mon In that church next Hunday. Mr.
Fecao I aman or.wldo experience In
church work, and( come well equip
ped for hla now charge.
Ho haa been a resident of Portland
for aomo time, and hna for thn pail
ton month bom la temporary tharge
of Iho Mothodlel church at Coqullle,
tho paator of which wa absent on
account of lllnesa,1
Corvallla waa thw last placu whoro
ho waa permanently located, and hi
atay there waa INed with unusual
auccesa. ?J
He la auro to racelve a cordial we-
como from tho iMmbera of hi new
The concert gfrcn by thoa high
achool orchestra, finder the auspices
of the Portland Mere, at that popular
emporium last night, waa one of the
ucccsftful events ef tho year. Under
tho direction of Professor Wertz the
orchestra haa male wonderful prog
ress, and tho conaty Institution la to
bo congratulated on having auch a
modern mnalcal aggregation.
All evening th room of the Port
land Store waa crowded with visitor
and Mr. Stigarman and hla corps of
asalstanta were buy making their
guests comfortable. Tho growth and
development of tho Portland Store
waa tho subject t)t much favorable
comment, and the enterprise and
progress of Its Mlal proprietor was
cordially Indorsed. Not the least of
Iho subjects of surprise waa tho ex
hibit of frulta and vegetables gathered
by Mr. Sugarnran, and It waa quite
evident that there la a largo number
of people In Klamath Falls who are
Ignorant of tho resources of their own
county. Tho general sentiment seemed
lo favor the preservation of tho dis
play, for its value Is too great to per
mit of Its loss to tho city and county.
Thomas Calloway, who haa been a
resident of this city for some time,
died suddenly this morning, death be
ing due to paralyala of the teart, au-
porlnduced by pneumonia, from which
ho was recovering. Mr. Calloway re
turned a few days ago from Dorrls,
where ho had been III with pnou
monlu. Ho was still suffering from
tho effects of tho disease, but felt that
he was sufficiently strong to remain
out of bed, contrary to the advice of
1 la physician. This morning ho aroao,
stating that ho waa fooling One, and
waa proving It by dancing around the
room. Tho exertion waa too much
for the weakened condition of hi
heart and ho sank to the floor, dying
In about twenty minutes.
Arrangements for the funeral have
been deferred, awaiting instructions
from tho mother ot'thedoceaacd.
Mlsa Ksslo O. Crance and Archie
Henllne woro married at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Crlsaler last
evening. Mra. Henllne la tho daugh
ter of Mr. Crance, formerly ongagod
In tho general merchandise buslneaa
In thla city. Mr. Henllne la ono of the
promising young men of the city. Ho
Is filled with tho energy and push that
make progressive buslneaa men, nnd
hla future Is certainly very promising.
He la at present employed In the
Cloodrlch Cash Store, MrM. and Mra.
Henllne will, make their residence In
thla city.
The moat complete stock of phono
graphs and reeorde yon will Sad at
Muller'a, If you're tram Mlaaewrt-
well, you know lha rent.
Moore Mock Cornea Nearer Hrrvlag
I lie I'mMIc CoturnlrHcr Than
Any Location Proposed.
Kdltor Herald:
Taxpayer, In your Issue of Wednes
day, takes a fall out of Mr. flrelten
iteln, and Incidentally whip the en
tire west side and everything wot of
Mason and Dixon lino over flrelten-
stcln'a shoulder over tho location
donated to 'the school board by the
Mooro brothers.
HI chargo that Ilrcltcnstcln Is
actuated aolcly through aclflsh mo
tives In advocating a west aldo loca
tion Is wholly Irrelevant and imma
terial to tho Usue; likewise tho senti
mentality ho wecve Into hi vltrollc
urtlrlo about mothers nnd their darl
ing. He says, "I appeal to tho moth
er whose little darlings will be
forced to travel through aumhlno and
storm, and nk them It they want to
400 tho achool whcrO It will cause
your children tho greatest hardship."
Does ho havo reference to tho mothers
of the little darlings living within, six
blocks of the present school house
and cast of Fifth atreet? It must
certainly be. aa tho mother of llttlo
darlings living on the west side and
up by the old flour mill and on Con-
er avenue and California a venae who
have seen their little darlings travel
for year after year from a mile to a
mllo and a third through sunshine
and storm to the present school boue
would hardly appreciate auch an ap
Taxpayer says the new school house
should bo located where It will acrve
the greatest number of children, and
that location Is tho northeast section
of the city. Now everyone who stops
to think knows that his proposed lo
cation would put tho new school
house within about six blocks of the
1 resent school house. Of course there
Is no selfishness In advocating a loca
tion that would shorten the distance
by onc-hnlf to thoso patrons living at
present whhln six block of the.pres-
ont school and leaving the west side,
Conger avonue and California avenue
to pursue their dally travel of a mile
and" a quarter or a mllo and a third,
ua the case may be, to and from
Tho present school building will
furnish ample accommodation tor all
children living within eight blocks,
northerly, easterly and southerly, and
for flvo blocks westerly, which would
make Fifth street tho dividing line,
or nearly so, with the new achool lo
cated on tho west side. That being
the enso, why ahould any one resid
ing wHhln alx or aoven blocka of the
present school and east of Fifth street
object to a west side location for tho
new achool house except they be actu
ated sololy by selfish motives? They
cyrlalnly are In no wlso affected, since
the prosont achool building la all that
could bo desired In loruMon, comfort
and beauty of appearance. It they reside within six blocks nf io
prevent achool aro determined to de
feat the west aide location on tho
r.round that they are entitled to two
i..hool houses within seven blocka of
one another (and that la what Tax
payer'a contention mc4n'4, ft It moans
anything) regardleaa of the need and
lights of every child living outalile
holr Immediate hortion, then I re
spectfully, submit their oppoaltlon
vreura the badge of pure aeiashntwa on
Ha faee,
Please remember, those of you liv
ing within six blocks of tho present
school, that It would not bo really
Justice between man and man to voto
tho now location at a point within
so von block of tho present school
(and that Is what your voto would
mean tomorrow It you vote against
tho west slda) leaving tho children of
tho west side and Intervening and
adjacent territory to contlnuo their
tramp of over a mllo to get to school
Reflect a little, follow citizens, beforo
you cast your ballot.
Tomorrow afternoon at the public
school building will bo held the elec
tion for tho purpose of affording the
pcoplo of the (Oool district an op
portunity of voting on whether the
new school building shall bo erected
on tho tract of land offered by Moore
tiro., and located on the west aide of
the river.
Under the law governing auch mat
ters the meeting will be called to or
der, the notices providing for the elec
tion will bo read and a motion made
governing the length of time to be oc
cupied In the voting. Tho general
sentiment aeema to be that ample
time to voto should bo afforded every
one Interested In tho matter, and It Is
quite likely that tho polls will remain
open until C o'clock. It thla la the
time agreed upon It will remove any
cause for fault-finding, - no matter
what the decision will be.
Tho question of locating the build
ing seems to have stirred up consid
erable discussion and the Indications
are that the vote will be quite heavy.
Whatever the result Is, no Ill-feeling
should remain. The tlase la net far
distant when another school will be
needed, and then both sections of the
city can be accommodated. As It la
now each aectlon haa ita merlta and
drawbacks, and these will be cared
for as the growth of the city war
The plat of Terminal City will be
filed for record tomorrow, and the
property haa been placed with L. J.
Morser for sale.
If you wish to take advantage et
the Introductory prices Mr. Morser
will be pleased to ghow you the prop
erty. The prlco of all lota, remaining
unsold will be doubled November
15, 1909. J. Q. PIERCE.
Chastaln, Langell 4k Co. will keep
their atore open ovenlngs until fur
ther notice.
! Let Us Fill
Your Prescriptions
When a man says, let use is. year wales or let mo pneat
bobbc, jres've get to bselevehJea easahle mt 4eana; a ajesd) jt
fere yes save slan cm R. Thau nseeaiasle.
When we aak yes to let sa set
that yon asesM he teld sew
How that every BceecrtoUes
How we test every article is oar
asd that sese hst s'tseewsajsly
to handle yesr pwscrintles Is any
We save eatabllascd esr ability
is havlsg bees Mealed sere lev
scare evecy year
Let se M:
Star Drug $$
sUVI-Wcm ,nssms4lmff ft
llaalla Kvrr Htoed aa a Barrier ts
the Rapid Development of North '
era Part of the Cosnty
Tho regular meeting .of the Cham
ber of Commerce was heldjast even
ing and the question of hastening the
allotlng of tho landa In the Klamath
Indian reservation was discussed.
This matter was first taken up by the
Evening Herald, and aa a result of the
expose by this paper the Rev Mr.
White haa taken unto himself a apirtt
of haate that haa aarprleed everyone
around the Klamath reservation. It
la tho flrat time alnce he haa under
taken the work that he has evinced
any desire to bring It-to a conclusion.
The matter has been laid before the
congressional delegation nnd the de
partment of Indian affairs by the Her
aid, and assurances have been gives
that tho opening of the reservation
III be brought about with all
slblo speed, "consistent with the
Interests of the department aad 'the'
safeguarding of the rights of the In
diana Interested." f ?
The resolution passed mat evtahsc.
Cody of which follows, mar hava the
effect of keeping the matter fresh In ' V
the mlada of the department and the t
congressional delegation, bath - v
which hare bet sadJy' aaajeeita
thalaterests ot thhTpart of their'
'Whereas, the duvelcpmeat of
Oregon nnd California la. general and
of Klamath county In particular In
retarded by the Klamath ladles res
ervation remaining closed to settle
ment, aad the flaal allotment pt the
landa to members ot the ladles tribes
entitled to such allotments having
been long In progress, It Is under-
stood that tho preliminaries to' open
ing the reservation mny soon be Sa
Ished; therefore, be It resolved that
the Klamath Chamber ot Commerce
urge upon the secretary ot the Inter
ior and commissioner ot Indian at
fairs the Importance of early en4nc
ot this territory, coatalnlsc MM
square mllea and embradag tarts
arena of agriculture, timber and gras
lag landa, to settlement, aad retnast
the earnest nnd active eo-oicrattos
ot members ot the Oregon dcUgatlca
(Continued cm
s jrosr arcccrlsllcsa it la
esfssw we am ef cleenf at.
we hande la flUed ts' MM
store before adaeasg it Is ateefc
sallies' nsarsmimt to
way. " " "-""
to as) yam
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