The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 29, 1909, Image 1

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5 -1 ! 1,.
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nth Palls First
.,- . . . . s&?te 'jwra
Best Daily.
'a'' . . . ' .v,:vl . 'S-t
UUP AaWamMB UbWi: ' 'W'T1
T ""iM'llw t J. 7. ,
r sfJb'W
IniHiT ynr rr rv.Ta
fKAR. No. 0 7
lis IIi'Iiih Made in Primo
Lk on THln lke Oullrl.
arh Will lie IIourIiI
I'Atctl. project engineer lit
lit Ion nervier, In mi Inter-
Ivlew Dili morning, Rtnlml
lit) regard lo llm prtgre
on (In) Clear l.nko ilum
Irk on I In Clear mVv dam
Ling very favorably. We
Ll ramp nl tho t)kes, At
tlmo wo havn Iweniy.fnur
layout twenty itH'ii nl work
r-n wreksjhopu to i able
Im (orro n,t Hint point, We
krlttR Iho situ of tho large
i ; 11. ami from present
tlir work on the. Clenr
will he completed mine
k ember.
Iho work on lb Tolu Ijtke
I service I getting In ihne
tiers Ihcrr. Wt have hid
Ir 33-foot I :lmriinHiwir
knnrb, to lw used on work
on with Iho Tutn Ijiko out
Hit probably lo Delivered
lime In October,
ird to Hi purchase of
till' properly on Connor
tpower purposes, thn state-
the Herald by Mr. Wiley
out covers the matter, or
lawful an option, which
abject to lh approval of
It lea at Washington. II
Iky Idea, thoiiRh, (or notnu
I tail the location of a rov-
Iwwer plant on Link river
ally la connection with
program, lienr thu op-
te roadltlon on tln Uper
an atata that It la my opin
ion llii-rn U II heller fixllMK existing
between llm In ml owner mill llm gov
ernment Until there ,IIIN Vi.r M.,..
Tin' IntiiU In tln Upper ptujeit nro of'
exceptional iiKrliiiltnriil viiliu. nml
wild thn completion or thin system,
Hint section will iImiiMIi-m do capable
of wonderful development, with IIh
unusual fertile mill,"
Thu ono liiiil itumhllriK block In
thn wny jif Hi n economical construe
lion or thn tlppt-r projitt U thu vnal
Ninonnt or iinmilimrlliiMl lumU, lyliiK
inimtly within tin. Iliokiiinn nml ltal
ton trnttit. ir llii-no Innda wi'in mill
nrrlhril tin Yronoinlrnl Inula of run
t ruction won I.I bo nt onro titali.
IUIiimI, Tlio moot (miiltilii wny to
olvn thU innllr wonlil I mi liy ili
foriimtlnn or a notnllnl Uiiiki'II Vnl
Icy Ihivvlopini'iit umuK-liitlon, wtiomi
piirpiMn wonlil tin to Inkf mrr tliinii
tuiiiln. Tim hoIIh In tlif Imctn In
or "unnmiitl niirlMiltiiriil vultio," im
Intel hy Mr. Patch, which Juntlfln.
thflr purthmi'. With Ihn foriimllon
if it itfvi'lopnii'iil ntnorlnllnti lo lukn
over thc lamU thin illlTlciilt prnhli'in
wonlil In- unlri'il, ami iho roti or run
ilriictlon i'iiinlk'il.
If Ho, Till. Htnl.' Would Ik- Kntlllcd
to Adilllloiuil lrmlH-r In Iiwcr
IIoum .Mran Xrw HUtrlrt
to tarxi ii KiaMATii vn:r:x
The ilrr.lci' Klanmlli Qiipvii or the
Houllii'rii I'arinc company ha com
plrti'd lu Jotirniy over I lie monntalni
to tho Upper laki, nml tomorrow will
rwWv.. u chrUh'iiliiK In Hint hody
or water, pri'pnrntory to tln Ioiik
li-Kii or work In itori' for It on Ihli
uml or thr Natron hraiich, Tin1
lantirhltiK will takn plncv on thu Up
per Inkn nllrr dlniu'r. Cnpluln Tot
Inn ot thv ilt-nmrr Wlnema hai kind
ly volunteered lo take I lie public out
to m Ihli alTalr, free or clntrRe. Take
ynnr lunch Iwth yon.
If ou want your picnic lunch ba
krt full of delictum thlnica, atop at
thn Monarch and Ret Halnmo aaiiMRe
n fine Imported ioiiwiko Tllla
iimik lull rrenm clni'i, Helm
nlcklei and relUhei and a doten other
imkI thlnRi lo compute your lunch.
Jan, l.lmlMiy nl l.aiiKoll vulley
pained thv city today with 160 head
or Hock, which Im hrouRht from thv
ApleRNtv country.
Peer of aU $3.00 Hats
'"' See the Fall Stylei
iV' aiNm. mum. wa
OreRoii iindoiihtidly will Rain a
third repreeutallvii In coiiRreia in a
uitill or imt yenrV I'edernl reiiiui.
It In conieiuilhely tiitlmiiivil
tlui cnumerittlon will crntlt Iho ululu
with u populntloii of at leiut fl.'U.OOO.
On tlm hind or iipportloniuent by
which llm lower hoiuu wai deter-
mined, OreKoii would eailly Ruin nn
other repreientatlve. Kven ir the
IiimIi ot iipiHirtlonmeni I Incrcaied,
a II prolmbly will be following Iho
nkliiR of Ihu ceniui, thl mate Ii
renMimihly cerlnln or IncreailiiR Ha
memheriiilp In thu national houiu or
reprmenlntlvci to I lie extent or an
other member.
According to the rvniui or 1900
llm population of the itatv waa 413,
r3C. The haili ot apitortlonlnR the
iiiemberihlp of thu houiu of rcprc
lenlallve via one to 194,18: of pop
ulation, which Raw OreRon two rep
reionlatlvei. When the 1910 cemui
hai been completed, Iho baila of rep
reieiitntlon In the lower houiu In all
probability will bo Increaaed to one
rcpieienlnllve for every 2:3,000, and
poitlhly 150,000 population, liven
on a bntli ot oue. reprvaentatlvo to
every .'50.000 of population or major
fraction. Ou-Ron would still bo en
titled to another repreaentatlvo K
Ihu new enumeration rcachei 650,
000, which la comldercd a practical
Hhoulil thu itato Rain Ihla In
creanetl repreivntntlon In conurcii,
.Multnomah county would undoubted
ly conttltulu Iho new dlnttlct Promi
nent politicians In that city contend
that Multnomah county, with the
poftnlhle addition or Columbia nnd
Clnliop coiirtilva, would form the
natural territory ror a third conRrci
ilonnl district. Theso three counties
easily represent one-third of the pop
ulation of thn slate, and consequently
would bo entitled to that proportion
of the slates representation In the
hoimn of representatives. It Is or
Kited that under such an arrange
ment thu present bounds ot the first
and second dlstrlctn 'could remain
practically Intact.
This division ot Iho state. It Is con
tended, would elve nil. sections the
most equltablo representation that
could be devised. Tho Willamette
valley nnd Southern Oregon would
have Iholr conRressptan. Eastern
Oregon also could have Its represen
tative, whllo Multnomah and the two
adjacent counties auggostod could
supply the third. Thla arrangement
would .have the further effect ot put
ting an end to the fight between
Kastcrn Oregon and Multnomah
county which recura every two yeara
In Iho election of a repreaentatlvo
from the second congressional dis
"In tho federal census of 1000,
Fortland waa given a population ot
90,416," said Seneca 0., Beach, cens
us supervisor, yesterday, "and I am
satlsfled thla city now hai at least
two and one-bait tinea that aumber,
Thla would give Portland a popula
tion of about 135,000, which I raaard
as a conservative estimate and which
I believe will be proved by the can
ua which will be takea iwt Arl.
"The pouplatioa of Portlaa la ad
mitted to be about oas-thlr of that
of tat entire state. Oa this basts.
of tho counties outside or Multnomah
will show a population of 487,000,
Th oho riRii res' should give tho state,
limn, n total population of 705,000,
which may bo a llttlo high. It Is on
this IiunIm and for theso reasons I am
firmly convinced that the atate'a pop
ulation according to tho census .which
has been ordered taken next year will
surely reach 050,000." t
Salem board or trade and alwaya has
been one of the most active of the
younger members of tho Republican
party. Orcgonlan.
InauRurale Campaign to Iters Ore
Ron From llcromlng TolaNjr Dry,
r'lrst, In tho Held aRalnat?tha Pro
hlblilunUts, who aro plaaalng to
make OrcRoRn dry next year, are the
hotel koHT. Tho hotel keepers of
OreRon have an association !ow, and
throiiRh this organisation Jhey are
determined lo put up the, ight of
their lives aRslnst the campaign to
mnko OreRon dry. Thu Ufa of the
hotel, business In tho state' depends
on thu specess of the hotel awa, they
contend, and for this reason they will
leave no stono unturned to bleep Ore
gon wet. '$
There -Is no afllllatlon, of even a
worklna agreement or understanding
between the Oregon hotel ken and
thu liquor dealers or the brewers. la
this flght the hotel men aro'eMduct
Ing their own campaign, Independent
of tho liquor Interests and everyone
olsc. V,
II was during the spring caatpaiga
that tho hotel mta of Portland. foua4
It necessary to band together',tp op
pose tho measures "intended Usatake
Portland dry aa a bone. TlM-hotel
men fought tho McKenna sjieasure
ind the Qotheaburg pUa, sajassras
dUmetrlcally opposite, but each ma
terially affecting the buslnesa of the
hotels. The oxperfeace hotel men
calncd In the municipal campaign In
Jvfcatlng the two liquor measures
has given them confidence In their
fight against prohibition. They have
Jlscovcred that they can get the ear
jf tho people, and that a plain, busi
ness-like argument will do more than
hysterical statements.
Tuesday a meeting ot the execu
tive committee of the Oregon Hotel
Men's association waa held, and ar
rangements mado for tho campaign.
rhu hotel men will make an assess?
ment and will provldo themselves
srlth sufficient funds to meet all tha
eqnlremonts. The chief expense will
bo the publication and distribution
if literature. As there are hotel men
In every town In the state, the asso-
:latlon has an organization which
:an reach vvqry point of tho compass,
md In this way the literature can be
llstrlbuted wherover there are
Tho hotel men aro making their
iwn battle tor their own cause, and
lo not Interest themselves la the af
fairs of tho liquor people. Tha hotel
nen arguo that a hotel Is a tempo
rary home, and that a guest ot a
hotel Is entitled to be provided with
drink as well aa food, Just aa a man
can bo accommodated la his own
home. It Oregon Is made dry In
1010 the hotel men predict that the
travel from the Rest will atop, tour
ists will avoid Oregon aad home-
eekers will seek elsewhere to estab
lish themselves. All of this will crip
ple the hotel buslataa aad will force
many to the wall.
Memos of Candidate May licit
With CosgrrsakMul Assembly.
May He Warm Contest
W. Lsybosrs Was Pssstaf Dirt
Whew Fatal Mot Was fired.
iKkWDB nucrr
If you waat something really laa
get a link ot that Imported Salame
sausage at tha Maaarck Mereaatlla
Co, Pheao 1011. 4
Dr. a r. Paraoas, optometrist of
Crawtordaville. Ore., arrived la tha
elty thla jaaralac, aa rout to Laka
vlsw. Tha stoeUr to ataklas tha aaua-
try la hto rard saaehla aat aawa
through fraai Madtard aa tha Baa
laataaroad. He taafaa.Uaiamfr. tar
Representatives Hawley and Bills
may be renominated and re-elected
to congress next year, but with the
primaries nearly twelve months dis
tant the uncertainties aro considera
ble. Tho return to Oregon of these
two congressmen with their activity
la looking after their political fences
has served to arouse large Interest
la the congressional situstlon. One
thing Is assured, Republican 'candi
dates for congress will be selected by
the Republicans through an assembly
which will bo held Is each of the two
congressional districts. It Is believed
this plan will simplify the selection
of these candidates.
Some opposition to Hawley has
developed la the First district, where
several caaaiaatea nave eitber ap
peared or have beea suggested for the
oflce. It would not be surprising It
two or three of the aspiring ones con
lest with Hawley for the nomination
at tha haada of the assembly aad later
la tha primaries. la that event, the
opoattloa betas divided. Hawley
probably will win out, aa he did la
bis Bret campalga whoa ha defeated
WaJtar.U.Tseao, with. aaV. Hastes.
formerly of Illllsboro and bow a red
dent of this city, the -third man In
the race.
8. F. Mulkey, prosecuting attorney
of the First Judicial district, waa, tho
first candidate to announce hla candi
dacy ror this nomination In tho First
district. Mulkey Is counting on con
ilderablo support from Southern Ore
gon, as well aa from tho western part
of the district, wbero ha has a large
Although he haa not mado a
formal announcement of the fact, It
Is understood that W. K. Newell of
Washington county will also be a
candidate for this nomination. Newell
la a prominent fruit grower of West
ern Oregon, and has served two
terms aa state representative from
Washington county.
Those who would retire Hawley,
however, are Inclined to believe that
the" candidate who would entertain
any hope of accomplishing bis defeat
must come from Marlon county,
llawley's home county. On this point
the opposition to Hawley arguea that
nay candidate who could defeat tha
present representative In his owa
stronghold could easily land the
party nomination. On the other baad,
Ith a candidate from some other
county In the district pitted agalaat
him, It Is figured that the support
which Hawley would receive agalaat
any outside candidate In hla owa
county, which would make him aa
asy winner.
Among the names most promlneat-
ly mentioned la this connection Ir
that of George F. Rodger, a former
stato representative from tlartoa
county, aad who la row servlac hto
second term aa mayor, of Salem. Radt
gers la reeogalsed throughout the
dtotrlet aa wall aa tha atata aa aeapa-
bla aad sueeeasf ul bualaass awa, da
esaeutlva oaleer at ability aad 'a Jta
publleaa tt Baqaeettoaed sUadiaav;
la htarlea eouaty Uerav'alaa'Jta
sonw UOk that 0..L. MJary; blether
at FTOBOintlBf Attarae J. lCa1
laV aafja tta''raaB?anTafJan 5 lamaMafsnWVlal
fay ' aasV aafw s ejas?aieraBSSBfwais-ajpa SBSwassfsgaaaj sss
sTaaVVaBaVV aanfa .VjSjjftaJ ' Ateiwfaft
D'uv bh i m m m
' .- :BBvBi maB mr t m- BPtJT-asiBsaBBWt . - ??asavaBaBvaBaBra
la. ii-. 'a-ss . .. -MMMimMmmimmmmmmm
w ,;;, iBBBBanapfBBW'mBBBBBBB n.m''m''JW!mmmmr k t'mfwmxWBMm
M. -s (,,V ;-i;-aV; -'A .WmTWm)MlmWt-yummmmmumu . W.
jariw:-,, -1 h- t .iw'.T aaV .bjjbbbbbbi ww bbbbbbs. faaraBsav bubb . !
aBBBSBW XXX .?, .-;W;.Trp-T3EAT5 ' v'SS
t.W7..-tnrjK.i. i a "7iI. ,ffc..M7r .'"" r-i,(. r'"" A . ..a. JPt . .' t ..hB.u.
Further details of the events leaT-
Ing up to the death of If. W. Lay-
bourn, who met with a tragic death
Sunday afternoon near Lakevlew,
when he waa ahot by Emll Lafourc,
wero received here yesterday after
noon. The dead man came to this
city last February, and engaged la
landscape gardening. Later ho waa
Joined by bis son, and together tbey
were employed la this city until the
1 1th of this month, when the father
went to Lakevlew, where he was em
ployed by W. H. Mason, who has a
contract for the construction of a
part of the Irrigating canal that la
being built by the Oregon Valley
Land company.
Mr. Laybourn waa naturally In
dustrious and ambitious, aad when
Sunday came be secured a gold paa
and went out Into the hills near
Lakevlew on a prospecting trip. At
the time be was shot he waa en
gaged la panning some dirt. Belag
stopped over aad hla. body swaylag
with the work la band would aatur
aliy produce.aa elect so unusual that
It would easily lead to such a feb
take aa was made. The ahot waa
red from a dbtaaee of akoat lie
yards, aad death mast have beea a
Bsost lastaataaeoaa, for Mr. Ley
bourn waa dead whoa youag Leteure
raacaed him.. Lafamro .went
ately to Mason's camp, where'he
cured a conveyance and drove to
Lakevlew, where he surrendered to
the sheriff. He waa frantic with grief
Xmetoes Hare Already
aBBWBTffj) eneM AsvOVarm AVYVVy
WIH tto LsBMriet
With Ue cloetag ot alaoteaa ee;,
trarta by tho, Lakeside, sompaay fac
land la the LakesMe traei, laoaiad
near Merrill, with tha WebosBlaa iielwV
cotton who passed Ureaga .?, i-t'.;'
. ., .!. . ., ''. -1
unit, tan wwiamw aauisiueiicts. '
Klamath eouaty has tnarted. It la
expected that fatly ferry oat, at
sixty who eaau bete wlH aettto
tnU tract. Tha 'avuraga ameuatsf
Inad Ukea by eaek iadlvtdaal wl" ha
about fifty acres, am! tha priee pet
acre to In the ne'.ghHurheed of1 4f.
The beaeSt to thla eouatymadt swav
s'bte by thla coleaiiaHon movom iat
cannot bo computed In dollars aad
cents, as It to Just r. starter.
The land purchased by tha Be-
hemlaas to all aader Irrtgatlen, aad
with these thrifty people la eeatret
of It., doubtless la tha aear future It
will be oae of the "show" places at
thla eouaty. With the eemlac at
these people aad tha other ooUbIib;'
tlaa movsmsato whleh are atartad tat
thla dlraettoa or wilt start la aha aear
future, the Boneless ad, a. targn and
prespsroaa populattoa Is thla
tofanaed. To J. Fraak Adaaaitoelaa).:':-:
.- ..l.'iiR
W ' J. li" .1
-.- "
when he reached the sheriff's office,
and It was some time before aa in
telligent account ot the affair could
be secured from him.
During his residence in this city
thu deceased boro an excellent repu
tation. Ho was of a quiet, unob
trusive disposition, and made friends
wherever he went. His son. who to
heartbroken over the tragic death ot
hla father, haa tha sympathy of tho
community, for he Is a young man
of splendid habits. The arlfe-ot the
deceased haa beea aotlled. and no
disposition will be mado of the re
mains until Instructions are received
from her. but the. probabilities are
that they will be sent to Oakland for
tho credit ot
fW aJHrs abeWaaeT It a
auch men would develop la thla eeaa-
try tha tlmo would aet bo far off
when the word "Klamath" would be
heard oa all sides lastead ot "Regno
river" aad tha "Willamette valley,"
as It to now.
flrollers and fryers tor plcaie or
Sunday dinner at Monarch Mercantile
Co, Phone 1051.
The election ot members of' tha
Boomer staff waa continued today.
Bach class la the High Seaeel
chose a member to serve oa the boom
er staff and these reprtieatatlvea
will meota nd decide upon the posi
tions to be occupied by the different
The roproocatatlvea heaea were:
Sealor. Oka Swlaglo; Jaalor, Jaek
Edwards; Sophomore, Allen White;
Froshmaa, Hardla Carter. ,
Lost Between Ue StllU dry goods
store and the Presbyterian eharoh.
a pair ot eye-glasses. Fiader pie
retura to the Stilts Dry Oooda at
v ' :
Your Prescriptions
saya. let saa au yesr watch or tot aM.pslat
ye,ve amt U beliwraMaaoaIstostahsgaa
fore re have hian ds H. Tsata roaasBBble,
Wheal wa ask yea to let tta boa a yosr ataoariftliaa It fa i
that jreoi ahoaJd ha teat haw eaaahla wa are of otoaaa; M,
Maw that every srssartoUBs wo luusdaa la aaosd M) aha.
la aHaojad
. f J i
w. Tl
How wo last evoty artlelo Is sow
aad lam aase mat tsnreagbl
i la.aay way,
We haw
an Im viae bees
eawaMaw ta tH yasw
. " . , .v
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