The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 28, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath 1W First
mul Beit Dally.
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kiRt) Ykah. No. IWl
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Pwc 5 ClrL X
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i ..-vm .,
jpllllliN'r .l HII'MIMATir.
RraVrtl" mm III I IHel nirvMrr
a Intruded In Irllrr III IU.
Ilngi-i Value t'lMrliol
Umilllitf ! Hull l.aktt dlapalrh
totill (( mvrral long roiifeiemen
L .ill... L.....ii... lltltil
BB tllli-l nil.-".". ...
lEurnl Tall railaril In tin laaiio.1 n
fitment In which II U derlartd Hial
r i ' llmti ilurltiK llm Hal.
pr-l'lucliul introviry hn the
lUrnl Intended I" frltiMt 11)1.1.1
(tot, mul In which Mr, Tnft tnkei
or fiirwnnl aland limn cut In
gr of Uk llooaevrll Mirlr fur
(iinwtvkllon of natural ri-mirr rj.
n pfMldellt Indicate ttmi what
objdonn In lhi way of nclnlinlim
rnuil be ilunn within tin1 law,
llsnmiunre hi Intention nf np.
IH tu runerpM (r Mich rotinriim
ttoil rnntilltiK Irglalntlou m will
the ItooneVelt IhiIIcIp on Hip
fit puaalbtii tinaU.
(Ilti- Oul Tnfl Ullrr
I'lntliot. bfnri leaving Halt
Mt fur Waahlngtun, ln iMiied a
urnt In wlilrh ho nmkea imbllr
linn of Prlilnl' Tnfl' letter.
n tu the chlf forrntrr nl Hip
Ike Utter In Horrclaiy lUllltiger
dlttntrd. Th prraldiml aald tin
Mr. I'lnchnt would nut find tea.
hi the llalllngrr Irtlrr fur re-
rilill nt resign," .Wclure Mr.
Dt, unit In niliU Hint hn U koIiir
itliiuo lo krvr Hip government
; Hip Mlilu llllf h hn I'Llml
i lAt, ronolUillDB with thp lnlr-
brllwu III vqualltX of ipMirtilli-
til tho ltooivilt iiotlrlu. mul I
p lo ftUml (or them m hiiic n
k tii utrciiKtti to vtonil for bid-
, I'lnrhol'ii Utoinpiil w (nitwit
lo tln iirmlilcnt liifi)in it wim nlvdn
out Tim in-iin.fH kliitcini'iit v,n
IK fllllllMH:
l'ri-"lirnt Vnliim I'liiilml
In lnw of imlillilml llftim Unit tho
li'tlnr of llm iui-kIiIpiii to Hi'rrulnry
lliillltilior n to hu iiiiinlilpri'il In
Rilltin ii)' n rnltrilliiii mi I'llirhol, Hip
irimlilinl lining liuthiirlii'il llm nli.
Ili.illiui n( tlm felluwIiiK:
'Thnt nl Hiii Hiiip hu wrnlp Hip lit
lor lo Hiartnry llulllnuir hr it I no
wrotit n liiur lo Mr. I'lmhut, imklni;
him lo lii'llntu Hint tliu coiicliuloim
.liiUil (In Kin v..rp not Intctftis'. In
nny ny lo nllirt on him; Hint Hie
inlilctil iIiiiiiihI Mr I'lru liot'n run
llniintifu In llm pulillc mirvlru of Hip
minimi vnlim; t lint hu 'Tlnl to
i-onllliiit. llm tillrli-n n lo tliu rontur.
VhIIuii uf i on i iti, Inrluillnt; Hip
rrclii mul Ion of nrhl IiiihU mul iirmT
vntlon of our fort-ill nml Hip itopr
runlilrtloim In nulict to Hip iihu of
nuil Innilii nml Muter powir lli, ni
u a llm tiiiiriivpiiipnt of our wntitr
uni, nml to ink iiiiiri'ii for mirh
ronnriiiiilory nml Pimtilltm Icgliilnlliiii
n would put tlnmu pnllrlcii on tin
flrniput lumU: nnil Hint hu unhl iIppiii
It n Krrnt liix If, In rpppft to Hip
mnltiTii In wlilrh Mr I'lnrliot hml
hii'li roiiorniil, Hip ii il tit I tilxt rut Ion
hoiihl hn ilunli'il ihu lu'tipflt of lil
V ,. DpIkII -Miff nml 0. V
WhltP nml ulfv rpliirncil to tliu rlt
Hiimla)' urnlnic. N'M lo nlment thi')'
vlnltpit Hip fair at H.nltlc ami nUo
llpllliiKhmn, W'nuh., wIipiii Mr. DpUpII
hn ,t klttpr,
Mr. Itolipll, In Mi-nklnK oil Hip
rrop on Hip oiittjili'. ntntiit:
"Klnmnth riiunty h Kt It over
II of tttoni. an far nf I could m,
whrn it coiiip lo rropM. I nw Innd
hi'twcptt Spnttlo mid llollliiRlinm
whlilt I not n whit hotter than mini,
nml, iimii ImiulrltiK n In Hid vnluu
ti'li ti told It hai ii-IIInK for 5U0
nn nrrp."
Int --llrlwivn thv Htlltn dry RiKidi
tiifu mid tho rmuylvrlnn rlmrch,
n nnlr of i'e-nlnc. r'lnilur ptrnno
rrtutn to Hiii HtlltM Dry tlinidit com
II. w. Miiontx kii.i,i-:ii NMII
Vn n ltluVnt of Thl. Cltjr and V
on III Wnjr lo lkrvlrw In
Henri Ii of Kuiploynii-nt
Tho ulirrlffn ofllcu rt-rolvrd word
our tho plump lail nlcht from
vli'w to Ihu pffi'it Hint n mini hy Hip
niitiiu of II. V. Iilioiirn, fonnurlj nl
tlila ilty, had tn-on shut near Hot
pl.'Kii hy nrrldi'iil. It U reported tlnit
tliU KPtilk'inmi laid down njoiic'li!'
of tliu innd lo rent, and n hunter jn
paiiMiiK took him for a coyote In tho
hruah mid nliot hint. Hu hni n mm
llvlnic In-rp, and hU lfo i nt ur;m.-ii:
In l.o AiiKeli'H.
Thu mm, who In IIvInk at Mrr.
llinln'M on tho went nldo of the river,
In not yet In pdmckiiIoii of thu detulM
ol thu nrcldonl, and thu detnllM Hiiik
far received nrp very menitcr.
III, M. MacKreKor, trnvellnK iafMn
iter MRPtit of Ihe Union I'nclflc Hall'
rond rompnny, In In tho city. Mr. Mr.
OreKor accompanied from Han Fran-
rliiru tho ilelpitatlon of llohemlan rol
onlita who aro now eiamlnlntc the
Ukenldo tract at Merrill. Mr. Mac
Kregor autoa that there will bo quite
a movement woitward among tho Do-
lirmlan colanlita thli yenr. SUty
Ihreo of Hipm) colnnUta will leavo Chi
ragoon tho 11th prnx., bound forthli
M-ctlon, and later on there
eighty or ninety more atari. Mr,
MarKrcRor, who U acquainted with
tho liuhlta of them) people, mono or
le, atulr- In regard to them: "They
ii ro n very thrifty, honeit clau of
people, and flTat-clam farmer. Moil
of thmo colonliU havo moro or le
capital. They havo fold their land
In thu Kant, and nro now looking tor
location where they ran rlnvet
their money nnd get moro land than
they havo had heretofore They
coiiio front all aocttona of the United
Htntm, but aro operating under one
main rolonUntlon company. The
group that will leavo Chicago on tho
lllh romo tnoitly front llllnol. and
twenty-five of tho colonUt now hero
canto front Oklahoma." Mr. Mno
gregnr will remain hero until tho re
turn of tho colonial front Merrill,' In
in endeavor to ccuro their return
paaango for hi line. Tho car they ur
rlved In U being held here for them.
hlo will ho given the atructure by tho
high water of tho BanHam.
"Twohy llro. of the Deachutea val
ley fame, havo been awarded the con
tract for tho grading of the road from
thl rlty to Crabtree, aad will have a
force of men at work within the next
wock. Mon aad team are already
being engaged In thl vicinity for tho
work. Tho grading of the roadbed
will begin from the Crabtree end of
tho road, o that the road can be
unr-d for getting the material on the
ground, Tho bridge work will be
taken In from tho Lebanon end, and
tho lino of road and grade made from
Ihu prewnt end to the river for con
voying tho bridge ateel to the alte.
Thl will requlro the Immediate con
atructlon of about a half mile of
track through the city to the river. It
I eipetted that the grading will be
completed from Crabtree to the river
here by the time the bridge la com
pleted, t
"Accommodation have already
been tecured In thl city for tho
bridge crew and engineer, and tho
grading gang will find camp along
Iho rottto of tho work, with provUloni
taken In from both end of tho road,
tabanon will bo the chief market
K. Sugarman of the Portland 8ro
reclved a telegram laat evening
from Portland advWag him that ha
had won the 1200 coateated for by
him and three atorea In Portland The
condition o'fthe contest were that
each of tho four tores. would deposit
ir0. the aggregate sum to go to the
one selling the greatest amount of
mcrchandUo between tho boar of
0:30 and 9:30 laat Saturday night.
Tho telegram aanouadag.MKMwtar
man' uccea atated that he had won
by I43.6D.
To Iho caiual observer this might
teem to bo of Utile Importance, but
to tho person who takes aotlco of
event that go to Indicate the condi
tion of the section In which he live
tho winning of this prise by Mr.
Sugarman show that Klamath Pall
I right In the front rank as a busi
ness community. It proves, that tho
drawing power of printers' Ink Is as
it rone In Klamath Palls as It Is la
Portland, and that there Is no auch
thing as 'dull times" If there Is life
enough In the merchant to go after
thu business. Mr. Bvgarmaa got the
'jualnet because he went after It and
backed up hi advcrtUlngwlth real
value. Tho Herald la glad of hla suc
cess for moro reasons than one, par
ticularly tho one that demonstrates
that "It pays Jo advortise." .
Hfegtoauer If oey of the OpIaJoa That
Work oa the SS Miles WHI Be
Completed Wlt-la a Tear
Mr. II. P. Hoey, construction en
gineer of the Southern Pacific, an
rived In this city Sunday evonlng,
after having taken a trip of Inspec
tion, overland from here to llaxel
Dell, which Is the present northern
terminus of the Natron branch. Mr.
Hoey reports that the work on tlft
northern end of this line Is progress
Inr very rapidly, and that practically
tho entire distance of 35 mite If
covered itow by sub-contractors un
der tho Utah Construction company,
"."here are between COO and 700 men
nt work, and many more are coming
In. In order to hasten the work steam
shovels are being taken down, loaded
on wagons and hauled out on the line
for a distance of ten or fifteen miles.
Mr. Hoey expects that the work of
construction oa this 3G miles will be
completed within a year. The Utah
Construction company, which haa this
contract oa the northern end of the
Natron branch, Is composed of mea
pf vast experience In thai Haa of
work. They had the contract for con-
vtrnctlng the Western Pacific from
Utah Into Orovllle, Cal., moat of
which waa sub-let by them. The sub
contractors oa tho Western- PaeU c
followed this company Into Oregon,
with their men, which makes an eM
clent working force, with the good
results before mentioned.
In speaking of the progress being
made on this end of. the line, Mr.
Hoey stated: "The work oa this ead
of the line is being delayed some-
baa made her one of the popular
matrons of the city. The program
last evening was most entertaining,
and waa thoroughly enjoyed by those
who bad the good fortune to be present.
Following Is the pregram:
Vocal solo Mrs. Chlldera
Piano solo "Last Hope"..Qottschalk
Mr.'H. D. Mills
Vocal duet "Beautiful Moonlight"
Mrs.W.O.Huson and Mrs.B.P.Morgan
Violin solo "Ave Maria" Opunod
Mrs. Margaret Brlggs
Vocal solo "Staccato Folka"..Mulder
Mrs. Morgan
Zither and violin duet
Mrs. Brlggs and Mr. Oldt
Mlaa Orace Nlckerson
Vocal duet "Love Mvlae" (Daagh-
ter of Jalrus).
Mrs. Quy Chlldera aad Mrs. Morgan
Vocal solo "Waiting". Millard
Mrs. Morgan
Violin obllgato
Mrs. Brlggs
Suwannee River
To Give Free Lectare to Ladle Oaty
At the Hot Hpriag Bath.
OLD mmn BARunrcomc to
Bte Gather!-. (
Next Month, at Which
Cnmaalam tohl
Vhat on acount of securing right of
way through the reservation and oth
er government matters. Aa boob aa
these things are straightened out we
will go right ahead. Tho steel for
the bridge over the canal la now ar
riving, and aa soon aa that atructure
hi 'completed we will be la better
ibape to push this work, for we will
have direct connection with the Up
per lake with the temporary trestle
which Is now being used over the
esplanade In the Hot 8prlnga addi
tion." Mr. Hoey is laid up at the present
time with an attack of rheumatism.
Oa Wednesday, September 21th,
from 2 o'clock to 4, Al. W. Pape,
American champion oarsasaa aad re
tired amateur champion swlmmi
will give a free lecture to ladles oaly
at tho Hot Springs bath-
Mr. Papa, haa woa aeveaty-three
championship trophlen la rowing.
swlmmlag. raaalag. etc., aad la
classed aa oao of America's foremost
athletes, havlag eompeted la aad woa
the aatloaal eham'ptoao-lp la rowmc
at Philadelphia, lies, Lake Qaigaa-
gamoad, Worcester, Maae., lilt, St
Loala fair, MM-Wlator falraad the
Portland fair.
Mr. Papa la a Mead of Mayor 8aa
dersoB, aad haa agreed to give this
lecture oa swlmmlag, showing the
different strokes, the position of the
body la the water, floatlag, dlvlag.
swimming under water, etc.
This will ha a great opnortua
ity for the ladles of Klamath Falls to
leara from Mr. Papa's experieaee of
thla wonderful art.
Mr. Pape laavea Klamath Falls
Thursday morning for Ban Fraacleeo,
Ha la the repreeeatatlve of tho Para
fine Paint compaay of that city.
Illghl of Way Granlr- Tlirwagh In-b-attiMi
for lload lo This Clly.
A dlapatch from lbanon, Ore.,
ronlnlns tho following news of Inter
est to the people of tho Klamath
ceuntry: '
"Tho city council t.t nn adjourned
meeting lat night granted tho Ore
gon nnd California Railroad company
n right of way and franchise to all
tho slreots necoary for It to make
Iho run through tho city to connect
with tho Crabtree end of tho Wood-burn-Natron
Una of the road. The
rights of way have been secured for
tho entire cut-off from this city to
Crabtree, and tha bridge engineers
Pr oTaU $3.W Hats
r.i-tt.t :. . -' 4 - "
'-:- ftlai -rll -tff-.M
MtrUaW "rr---
are now la Lebanon to commence tha
work next Monday, oa a steel bridge
over tha.SaatUm at thla ajty,
(The eagtaeers hava fouad excel
leat footlaga for tho bridge. Oa oaa
aide at tha rl vat tha bedrock la at the
tn of tha arena oa a raek baak,
aad aa taa other Kfe oaly iwaa m
to hedreek,e hfldga mea ara high
Only throe moro nights remain In
which votes may bo cast In the baby
contest. Tho winner will ne.aeciaea
In theso Inst few days, and those
who 'havo a special favorite should
make It a point to bo present and vote
for their chosen baby. No. 24. atlll
retains Iho lead, with No. S and No.
J 9 following In the order named.
A story of the Civil War, "Mine at
Last," telling of the love of a pretty
girl and a gallant Union oAeer, will
bo the first mm on tho program to
night. An amusing farce, "Weary Bones
Seeks Rest and Chats It." makes the
most morose laugh.
A thrilling drama telling of a farm-
er'a daughter aad her adveaturea la
a atraage city la ahtwa la "a OeaaU-r
Qlrl'a Peril." T-eaawylatereetlas
blograna aim, "Tho Maaaase," which
la aura to oatertaU the moat eritlaal.
New Mttata aad "Baby Marioa" la
character apoaiaUy. "Take me oat to
tha hall save."
Oa last Thursday waa commeaced
the erection of a temporary church
building by the Christina people or
Disciples of Christ of this city. Tha
building will be so constructed that It
may be used for a church untli auch
time aa they may build a permanent
structure. . The temporary bu'lldlag
wilt be 40x40. aad Is arranged inspe-
clallyto accommodate the public dur
ing a series of evangelistic meetings
to be held In October. Rev. 3. B.
Holmes, tho famous evangelist, has
been engaged. . Special music aad
special evaagellatlc sermons will ha
relied npoa to bring tho Oocpel lo
tha people. ,
B. Carpenter aad wife left Satur
day morning for the Qroha ranch oa
a visit. Mr. Carpeator la traveling
auditor for the WelU-Fargo compaay,
and aa la hla custom every year, la
UklBg hla vacation la thla couaty.
Ho la a brother-la-law of Dr. Wm.
Details of tho eampalga tor state
wide prohibition, which will bo wsigU
In Oregoa aeat year hy tho Antt-Sn-
loot leagae. will he arraagid at tho
annual meeting of that art laatlea
In Portland, Tneaday, OctoWu- C.
Among tte tmpertaat enestleoa to
be decided at that meeting U the ere-J
posed publication of a dally aawaea
per nader the anspieea of tho leagae
la Its tght oa tha ramshops. la ad
dition to the election of officers, a aew
board of trustees aad aa executive,
committee will also be aamed.
"Not a day haa paaaed alaeo wo
rst aaaouaced oar Intention of ear
rylag Oregoa for prohJMtloa at tho
110 electloa that we have aet re
ceived, substantial eaeonragsmsat
from different asetleaa of tho atate."
said J. R- Kaodell. snperinteadeat of
the Aatl-Saloea leagae- "la oar ef
forts to drive the aaleoaa oat of tho
auto K haa beea. decided to atafoao
a eoaaUtaUoaal ameadaseat provld
lag for state prohlMtloB. From tho
eacoarageaMat we have rseelved wo
are more thaa coaSdeat that we wiU
be aaeeeaatal la oar agat.
"Vletery for tho temperaaee fereee
.vrU.H, large, meaoare toktho
llaaor asea theeuelvee. They always
havo opposed all lagt-atlaa looklas
to the recatatloa of the Ue,aer traffte
aad today ttese same foreoa are do
ing everythlac la their power to die
count the local optica law aa K la
halag enforced la a majority of tho
eoaaUea of the state.
Lisjaer DcateraAeeaafd.
"We have positive proof that. large
dealera la latoxieeata ia MaHaomah
coaaty have for aosse Ume beea ship
ping quaatltlee of llor late leeal
optioB territory for tho slagte
of ma-lag K appear that thereia j
aa much dmnkeaneaa to tho dry
tleo aader local opUoa aa there waa
under the old order of Ulaga. We are
ako la poaesssloa of tafermatlea to
tho effect ttat theae dealera are ot
oaly aupplylag Ue Usjaor, hat ta
many laataaeea hava aeat ageata lata
counties where local optlea prevaUa
for tho purpose of aasletlag la Ho die-
: Your Prescriptions
A farewell muakale waa rtvea UH
avealag at the Baldwla hy Mrs. B, P,
Morgau. who eineets to leave this rlty
and return to Callforala. MrMorr,
gaa haa beea a.reaUent hore,.,ler
abeat three years, aad ettea haa ae
heart la
i .. tt - '-- really iae
JaMak aC .tiai lorteiialaato l frl - -Jy re
rJJTl VJvJZrZV Let her eg-rato,,ler ms;
Whea a mea aaya, 1st aae ta ywar
hoaae, yeave get to believe his
fore re have hla to It. Thato
Whea we ask yew to let aa pat a
aa let aw
of Mac BO J M- ,-
. - J-'W
that re elMmlt ho toM how eaaahlo aro aw of atoc . ."
Hew that every asssiisjllia wo haatto la MM to Iha toMw.;
Haw wo tool eeeer artlili ta oo ateee hodssw'-i Hak'
s at k Basl ah ia Mtot.te amawaw
. ww mm t - 4 ".- r , 1 - J
te xwaa aweoarlatto-to aaf war, . . i-.-j
We haw essahe eea ahU-r to iH' yr imoasfafMsa
' r 1 --- m... ;a-i aaa-m-MB " aaaata-h aaafJ
w v ,. ,r- V i l 4, 1 t . "1 .
in awer ieae - . ' '4 V &)$2$rtS&
-atWliswo i , . ,JrT 'uHiiC
Ml " --s eaW-k.! t- 'Jm& .. sT"--
St&r Dftitf
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ly aatlaM wHh the eeadltiea lor a
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If a'lllTTIl'Ti I V""mm ""-
hrMM aM7aa HMea thMlrea.
Q.rhoae IM1.
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i -irni-rinriTfs-TTff f"" V "W J i sn-m."