The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 27, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath Falls' Pint
and Bent Daily.
: f jKh
AtMi AAmmLmm flLtgeV;
Tb M xm.
Tiiiiii) Ykaii. No. IMMi
av '
ta ,y j-Tsjgi
mjt .J.J
(EXZSbssssC -;. I
.ysw- j
. .-
.iutiv.i. i.vriii:rii:i,it
O aaiiM
Will II KImmImI Xnrtli nmt Soiilli,
Otto llmm Ii of It If HlMll Itllll-I.
Ink Till. til).
Ilartlniun railroad lnn In Hit
Ihu-huli' laimm rco'lwil muitlier
iinjiilnllim I'luw Hiitunlity by llm ill-
rlilim in im' rmiiiiiinini'r in mi' Ki'U
rrl Umt omen lit WnaliliiKtnu, lefti
Inic n rlRtil of n Irani lile In tin
Houll.iru Ktti'iialun nilNn). ThU
it llniHiii4tli)' xlili h W. W Cut
ton, neiiernl uuu'l (nr llattliiinu In
UtraU bete, lulinllliil In iinitl IiikI
Un purchased b) liU iriiln n n
gssranteo nt mniip tiiuli In ttn I )
thutr rAHVun. Still Inlrri'al fuel)
r&ariti'd I hn llnrrlinan people nlth
laving urKitnlml itu company In the
8r( Inalnnti'. niul th tulnic l( limb.
ttriul alt rival In llm r it ti )on
The nillrle of lnriiMirallon fur
ta Houlheril Kitrtialnti provided mi
unp trnltli' terminal, It n rlrarl)
hlrmtnl tu vcurtt mil)' n Mrtlnn nf
the Drsrhute canyon, a It neither
Irarlicd I In Columbia mi Hip liiittli
nnr any good tramr renter of Central
Ori'iton un lliu south, Whoetcr ur
ganUrd (tin rmupMiy, It I naacrtrd,
roiilil havu liml mi oilier iurci limn
holding up mm or lliu other of llm
two IiIk rival rmirrrim Hint wpip then
surveying n i thi rnnyoti.
A tin Hmitnvrti Kitfimlnii ur
Try flttptt I It to thnan nf I lip Ischium
ltallay company, nml went In run
Did wltli iIiiimi of llm OrrKim Trunk,
tho Infrrriirv ns Itilitiittlulcl)' ilrnwn
Hut llm fniKliK'litnry ronil wn
liacknl liy llnrrlniAii Intertsl. Cer
lain alli'Ki'il cunmrtlnii nf lln Incur
irntors with llnrrlinan tunn'rn
strengthened I Iip conclusion, until Hip
nlinrncys fur tlm Oregon Trunk npen
ly charged tint Houlhern Kitelialnna
The Peer of aU $3.00 Hats
See the Fall Styles
n being n Hurt liiu.n Piiirrinlnp. nml
"ihk mi mum R'KHIIimii' inuai'
fur liluikliiK liny iltiil Hup tlmt Mnrnl
III 0lHI... Un. ,. ,,.H ,)., ,,
I'lillnn Unl.-.l In otii t Unit IiIk .
Willi I....I 1..
I'liiD liml lioiiKlit Hik Kuullmrn IMiii
mum llli tlm iiirion nr IiiIiIiik in.
VlllllliKti uf wliali'V.-r II hi IMkhl Iip
IimiiiiI In llii'lr work.
TIik Ki'liiinl limit nlllii' ili'iMiin
uatiiltu llm lit iiititcnlluu Hint tlm
HoutliiJin IMi'imlniot Inm u iT,.
iiiiiIp Ptlhliiuv WIipii lu iip0lt ntlnti
n lllcil lur llulil of wity ni.uiMJUir
I'tnini HI Ininla, Hip olllct hiu iioapi
In nrrptit It In i;oin falili. Aldr Mr.
Cotton mliiilitPil In unlit tlmt tlm
mm i minim a owniilli) III ttU ommlviiMiir took miutlipr pm
if Hip Hiiilttirru I:Mi'I(iii
.Minn: iitt'ir
II. W. To it m up Iruiii Kpiiii tu.
iln nml Mat PililMtltiK In hla (rliinl
i nunpli' of lil aiin irui. II in n
IiipI Hip liiuat aki'itlinl Hint tliem
uiual Iip aoinilliliiK MrotiK III llm tin
ur Unit fruit rnniiot lip rnlai-il luri'.
fur tlm niii- pttillilti-it liy Mr Tihmt
lintp mi utirrlor nnywlii-rp. TIiipp
yrma aku Mr. Tower ael ntmut 300
Irrea. M lilt It lllllllileil niii'il, prnrliea,
lieiita, plniiia, nnliula nmt oilier
fruit Then' nip fifty tntlellea uf
Hip illrferent nrle. Ma Intrn
Hon tu keep n tnipfiil rrruril uf ulml
enrli iirli'ty ttupa, liml nflrr. lltrra nr
lour )'iu liuikp aeterllima uf tliuap nro tiitt mlapleil tu till tllmnlp
llu reulliea tlmt Iip lm miinii tlmt
lll lint itu Mt'll Iipip. luil liinauiurh
,1 un imp linn eter kuiiv lulu Hip Hint,
ler t tmroilfC lil' Iip ilerlileil In Illlike
till) experiment liluiat-lf Ilia work
Hill lie lunillmlilit lu lliu muni)', fill
It will itll for all Hiiiu tmt wlint
tnrlet)' of fruit trii-a aliuiitil Ui net
TIip reaiill uf lila lalmrH mi far lime
alirptlaeil ti I tit Kieully. Up liml ciinfl.
ilenrii Hint tin utiulil imi'l Kit p.irllnl
ailnea lit lenal. tint laat )rnr Hip
) Mil un Inrgp, rmmlilprliiK Hio iikp
of llu' nnlinril, nml till aeuami Hip
tri-p nn mi hint liy Imtuii Hint It n
tiprt'KMiry In prop tlirm up. When tip
tut narerlnlne.l Hip nrlelleti uf fruit
lie.t mlnplpil tit III ptirpuaii lit' III-
' toml In ml nut iilmut tun lures, nml
I lien l.nmllu til urrlmril In u mk-ntllli:
milliner. It turn leon liU nxperleino
wliern hit Iiiih live.) heforn tlmt
NlniiilKlm; In n iiPtPMxnry iik furtldmi'
Hon, nml hi- Intend to curry on ex
periment .tlnni: (IiIm linn tliirlnic Hid
nt)l few yinr. llu will Kindly fur
ulali hik It lururiiintlmi n hu inn tu
tlniMi lnti-ri'teil, nml will front time
In Hmi) furnUli Hid pnper with re
pint hlirtwliu; llio iPNiilt ur Ills ex
perlmenl. TO TIIK ITHMCi
When wn nnnonnieit Hint vm liml
iilril Into im iiKreenient with lliux
nllivr uualiiPK liiiiiaeit In rori'.iinl In
oltlle: n prlie of S00, lu fio tu Ihu
hoi lp ilelni: Ihu moat hiialncnn lloin
" I.t tu !:30 Kiituntny evenlni:, wo
iliil rl with the full hellcf (hu: Hip
KliilllKlon wit have (alnbllalloi! foi
fair iIpiiIIiik would IhIiik In u ti:n
il'iiii tiualiipai to Initiro our u limine
ihu I'lom-y. Wu nru kIii'I In ntuiuuiicc
Hint our hupc were not inlaplnced.
Wu hno nut n )i-t wpIvciI n rcpurt
from I'nrtlnml, hut wo nro qulto con
ndent Hint iiumi uf Hit) other hnro
iiinlpil Hip rwonl wit catnhllshed
here. ThU I pnrtlculnrfy cratlfy.
UiK to in, for It proe to n Hint our
urTort uf the pnat three nml omvhnlf
year tu tin Jnat a wo nRroti In our
adterlUIni; to (i tu tint peoplo uf
Hit ilty and county full nltio fur
etery penny apent with im nml tu avll
KoimI nt prlre Hint uru real bar
Rnln hnvu nut bii'ii In vnln. Wo
real I in Hint our hualnea pxlttcncv In
till rmninuiiliy ileiend entirely ut
un our reliability ami upon Hio qual
ity of Hip Reed wo nell, nml wo have
neer lol rIkIiI of tba fact that the
people here run not bo fooled. In the
future, n In Ihu pnat, wo ahall con
tinue to ilu tnialiieas iiIiiiik thu name
lint'. If you a ro not antlafled, you
Kvt your liiouey back without one
word uf toniplulnt from u. Kvery
nrtlile that lenc our atnro carries
with It our Ritarnntep, am) you may
purilinao from u with the full n
iiirnnro Hint every article I Just a
rcprencntcd ami Hint If you wlh In
you run brliiR It bark nml net your
Wo are nt it lu tu find word tu
udeijuntcly exirten our feellnK ol
Kriitltmle fur the cordial mipport you
have Riven nml the ronlldenco you re-
pou In ti. Wo will let our future
nrlloti kIiow Hint wo fully npprixlate
It. Keep your eyo mi ii nml uur ail
voi 111 iik, and wntcl tho I'nrtlnml
Stoio Kruw, and you will flml Hint
)iui w.llUnl.wnyB nave inonoy nml Rot
full nluu for your cimh when you do
your huyltiK nt
K. BuRuriniin, Proprietor.
TonlRht nil coupon taken In a
vote lu tho baby contest wilt count
ten Instead of one, n before. No.
It I now nhend by 47 vote; then No.
3, uml No. 20 third.
Au exceptionally strong story, woll
nctod, with Mr. Krnuso, ono of
Franco' leading tragedians, In the
principal role, Is told, In.'Tho Ilock-
onliiKi" whoro a husbaud lu a cntnlop-
He, fit visits a terrific vengoanco on
hfk erring wlfo and her awoetheart.
Th9 wreck of ovo'rythlng he meets,
caused by his terrible sneeilng as
portrayed In a very laughable fllm,
"Tho Strenuous Bneoio," would bring
a chucklo to the lips ot the most
"Mlue at Last," a delightful com
edy telling of the love of the girl at
homo and a gallant Union oflcer.
"Weary lionet" seeks rest and gets
It, show the anuilm adventures of
si trsmD In search of sleep. Two
other equally Interesting lima will' be
shewn aad a new Illustrated song and
. ' " " ' ' " ' ' ii " ' -- ! .-a-a-M-a-ai - .-ISFV, . ,1 ,
AltltlVtt IN C1TV
Iti'liri'M-iilnlhi-M of n Club. WIkhnl
Object I to Kind Home In the
Went fur It Member.
Tho tide has turned for Klamath
county, nml unlea aomo unforaeon
nbatnclo nrlea tu provent, tho future
will nee tho Rrealcat laOus of homo
Keekera tu thl county that hu ever
been experienced by any county In tho
tnte. - Haturday nlithti there arrived
hero alxty Ilohemlana, WaklnR a total
uf HcU'nly-flvo that havo como here
diirlnR tho pnat month. Anyono who
reuchea tho conclualoa that they nro
not a thrifty, up-to-dale, progTClve
itRRreRntlnn will change their mind If
they hato occasion to moot any of
them. They nro practical farmers.
They -have adopted modern methods
In finding homes In tho West, and
overy niovo that haa been made savors
of the practices folowed by large
corporatlona seeking to enter upon a
policy of expansion.
Sonio years ago there was organ
lied In this country a club of Bohem
ian, tho object of which was to And
n suitable location foe, colony of the
members. Kvery stopjtakea
fully considered omtVtno move was
made until It had the fullest Investi
gation. When tho time wot reached
when It was deemed advisable to seek
land In tho West a committee was ap
pointed to visit various sections. This
committee examined land In Mexico,
Cotorntlo, Washington and Oregon.
When tho committee, camo to this
county It visited, among other lands,
the takctldi) tract. Tho conditions,
terms of sale and other requirements
seemed tu fit to a nicety what was de
ll red by the colony and nn option was
taken on tho land. A report was
made, three places being submitted
for the consideration ot tho club
Kiinnn, Idaho, Mncdoel and Klamath
county. Ono tho strength ot tho first
report many como of their own voli
tion, but the sixty arriving last week
really constltuto a committee of final
InvcitlRntlon, and on their report will
lepeml whether tho entlro member
thlp of tho club, which numbers 198,
will como here.
Kunnn, Idaho, hus practically been
itrlckon from the list; Macdool hat
3ome followers. What will bo tho de
cision ns to Klamath depends upon
the Investigation now In progress.
The members of tho .party left for
tho Utkesldo tract this morning.
Another party of sixty Is expected
tp arrive hero about tho 10th of next
month, and tho Indications nro that
tho entire membership of tho club
will hnvo visited this county before
the first of tho year. It the commit
tee now hero reports favorably It
will mean that within the next year
thoro will bo C00famllles located In
this county. Of tho seventy-Bvo mem
bers now hero about sixty of them
are married men
J it speaking of the club, Its pur
poses and tho character of the men
seoklng homes, A. .J Dalaun, chair
man ot the committee) said:
"Our club was organised for the
purpose ot fading hornet In the Wee-,
(or the members. .Only Bohemians
can belong to It. We will, ot course,
be glad to have Americans or any
other nationality for our neighbor.
We are not going to Uolate oursetven.
AU we want la to he In a eemmunlty
nf law-aWtlog etttotM. Nothing lees
will aatlafy nt. We nroat te
a HrUet the tewa'li
tnko an active, Intelligent part In Its
urTitirr. Our people nro progroMlvo,
up-'.ti-ilato farmers, and will provo n
w.luuhlo nddltlun to tho population nf
any county. Wo will pny our bills
umj they nil laws, and so conduct our
selves ns to merit tho esteem nmi con
fidence of our fellow citizens. That
M tho standard on which w-3 seek
homes among you, and futun; events
ulll go to show that every principle
tv 111 be lived up to."
(From October Farm Journal T
Tho following method will appeal
to overy farmer as the easiest, quick
est and least expensive plan for stor
ing nil kinds of fruit and vegetables,
from a potato to a pumpkin: ,
Arrango tho fruit or vegetables In
a long row, as high and wldo as would
seem advisable. Spread a llttlo hay
ovor them and set up fodder on each
sldo to the desired thickness say
three or four feet. This affords ex
cellent protection from ordinary cold;
and In tho case of pumpkin, turnip,
or cabbage storage, or any other arti
cle fed to stock, you tiavo tho means
at hand with which to form a most
deslrablo balanced ration as you feed
out tho corn and fodder. This meth
od will prove especially valuable to
renters and others who are compelled
to movo early In tho spring, when It
would bo extremely unhandy to chop
through the frozen ground and "flsh
out" fruit or vegetables from the old
fashioned holo or pit.
Hon. Singer Hermann, formerly
congressman from thts district, and
ono ot the many Orcgonlans caught
In tho timber Indictment net of Fran
cis J. Ilency, was In Medford this
week attending tho Elks' celebration,
and when questioned as to whether
ho would again become a candidate
for congress, said:
"Peoplo have been so kind as to
suggest my becoming a candidate, but
It Is too early to discuss such an
event. I And that I bavo many friends
In all parts ot the country, despite the
cloud that has been cast upon my rep
utation. But the sun Is coming out
ot tho clouds, and my persecution
nearlng an end; then It will be time
onough to talk politics. Meanwhile I
am delighted to greet old friends
again and I find thorn Maunch and
On and after November 1st all per-
tons registering a letter In the United
Statea mall will have to pay for the
tervlce 10 cents. Beginning with th
same date tho United 8tates will as
sume a maximum liability for regis
tered matter of 150, Instead of 125.
Ordors to this effect have been re
ceived. Announcement had been
made earlier of tho proposed change,
but the first official notification has
Just been sent. The change will In
volve no nddttlonal work In the office,
except to explain to patrons who have
not yet been acquainted with registry
rates proposed.
The Iris was crowded again last
night, but' as that Is the usual condi
tion ot affairs at this popular little
playhouse It la hardly worth mention
ing. There was an exceptionally Ine
lot of lima run, nnd the audience en
Joyed them thoroughly. Perhaps the
most Interesting, because ot its hle
torlc associations.1 was the sconce la
Andersonvlllc orison during the civil
war, and the 'escape from It ot Ivw
Untoa btIsm." Another tUeVthat
rest of tho household by turning all
tho clocks In the house back an hour.
Tho samo films will bo run tonight.
Ilcsldes thcro Is the othor Monday
night attraction which will Interest
many of tho patrons of this house.
Tho following were the winners ot
tho prizes given away by the Portland
Storo Saturday evening:
A. It. Itenner, 12. .'t0 hat.
O. A. Harris, 11.50 cash.
A. C. Hatcher, $1.25. cash.
Bob Sloane, f 1.00 cash.
II. Curbertton, 11.00 cash.
K. O. Rudd, 110.00 trunk.
W. 8. Shepherd, 15.00 umbrella.
R. E. Wattonburg, box Holeproof
Rev. J. W. Price delivered hla fare
well sermon at the Methodist church
last evening, the services being at
tended by members of the various
churches of tho cities. Mr. Price ex
pects to leave Wednesday morning
for Yamhill, where ho will be located.
He will be accompanied by his family.
(From October Farm Journal)
Select a dry place In the patch, pall
up the cabbages and stand closely to
gether, heads down. Cover with soil
from live to ten Inches, thinly at trst
so they will not heat, covering only
onough to prevent freezing aa the sea
son advances. The burying beds may
be ma'de from four to six feet wide.
After looking over all the now fan
dangled rubber boots aad shoes that
are represented aa rubber, we lad
there Is" more good "pure gum and
better service In the Ooodyear stock
that Is bandied by the Klamath Shoe
Store than any. The same store ban
dies your money's worth In leather
shoes. Klamath Exclusive Shoe Store,
Wilson building.
If you want your picnic lunch bas
ket full ot delicious things, stop nt
the Monarch and getBalame sausage
a One Imported ' sausage Tilla
mook full cream cheese, Helna
pickles and relishes and a docen other
good things to complete your lunch
Didn't I tell you so! Of course. It's
going to rain, so don't put off getting
that umbrella covered any longer.
New stock ot 'em
At McHatUaV.
Mrs. Smith, did you aead to
Portland for your boy's suit?" No. I
didn't. Just went to Goodrich's Cash
Store; and you ought to see the over
coats,' too."
Let Us Fill
i .
Your Prescriptions
When a man says, lot me tx ycew watdi so lei mo natal yeaw-.
hoose, you've got to believe Man oaaohee el een aood Joh hoj
fore yew have tdm do It. ThaU reasonable. "Z ;
When we ask yen to let no pot op yeaw prsaninelsciB H h nlnmii
.. ......... w. ..u a. VI. . -M 41J'4 i
lam ywat Ulirn , aavw laeaaaa m tm " " , , ,-A
Mew that every
How Wo teat every article ta oaw
to handle yong pusuhjllist taaaf way.
Wo have eetasMsstt ear aMttty ta m
ta hnvtag hooa taealcd hero lor
Let nc 1st yocwa-
ivi' - -
1 UffK
Tt t""
nlfi J. -7'
',- ..
Was company Owaeel hy Use Kwftt
The latest railroad project Uwnrds
this city Is the PaelSe and aatirn.q
from Medford. Ivor alas the Moo
aid. announced that Hill prsfssid Is)
extend the Oregon Trnak to thta eKy,"
many of the towns la Sontbeni 9n-"
goa have been easting envlona eswa
on this city, aad leave nothing nn
done that will give the imprsasian
that they are on the Klamath Fnlhr
visiting list.
The following from the Medferd'
Mall U Interesting:
"The Paclfle nnd Ksstsrn railroad
has ordered sis new switches et .
standard gang type. No. , fiwfJTa
Seattle firm nnd thty will sweaJte
"Tho work will progress new a
fast aa possible aad Porter Been, are ;
looklag tor every available nun. i
" The PadSe and asterw.'t aaM
Chief Engineer Oerbj. 'wiU be rtsshec
fast aa possible to Butte FaHa.
There It will probably branch la tv
dlrectloas. Oae branch will tw u
toward Mouat Pitt, branefttag .then
again, ono to Crater lake, tho othor
westward. The othor will braaeh no .
to'Klamatrinhe nml tbero wntm
feeders north nnd aonth.
" Tbe.BsVln line wUl ate nt Batto
Falls for the present and not go nay
further for a while. Thta wW ton
all the rich forests la those aeetlana
and means that a great resource will
be turned Into money.'
"Several people are akeptleaJ, about
the Pacitc add Baatera. beUg a iwt;
vate line, aad many throw, , if end
hlata out that it la n Hill road and..'
laugh at the Idea that K will not go
to tho coast.
" 'Why.' said ono gentleman, B. P.
Mustek ot Crescent CHy, "people In
my section are sure It la eonUag there.
You eee, Mr. Hotehkbw. who la one of ""
the largest timber owners In Northern
California.' waa up to tho ooatoroneo
moetlag held at the edseo et the Pa
cllc and Eastern aad they believe this -road
Is coming there, aa Hetehklos' .
vlr hes to send his lumber oast direct
ly, taateaa ot 10 awa trntimsuj i,
boat and then east by trala.' "
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