mwh iiummmwn ,u m.eawm eyen NMMHtMMMfM t . t(-w '!TrH "4LVJ B3ftr.,'r"? wame .h "'Ti t. l. "r,i& .1 t.. - -.. ? .' A1,. - kMk Klamath FIU Pint and Bent Dally. ,i irniii"'CT""'r"' Tiiiitl) YEAll. No. 908 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1909. ' ''WfcX.."''!' , nisaB aaUSr- $8mM " " ''7aaGV. W9k ' '444M4)44i . TIM B4MHlltV 'Wki-. I ) PBfCB 5 CMK T$li pfttitm MS AFTER HER HOMESTEAD OVi:NMK.Vr fONTIXTM IIXTIIV Ol' MUM. J. M. WlfJHT CUIMS NON-RESIOINCl AmMmiiI t'nlliil MUI- HUlrltl ,L iiirm-jr lli-rn I'mni I'urilaiiil in trn-iil tile liotrmiiiriil. TIip tratllnoity In the tmo u( On t'KllnJ rllatia , Jeaalu M. All'lerauli, to Jcaaln M, Wight, U Im'Iiik taken In M ill)' tiufnm II, M. Illrlmrilwiii, u aiiflal vtmuhicr. Waller II. Kr ssa. allil Unltnl Hlnti-a District Alton"') ( Portland, Omn U reprw ratine: llm United Hlalea Mini IIik tin frfliUnt Is ti'prrwllllil by lliuoll A stoop Tlir toll liivtilvi-n lint cancel, lag "I Ihv fomnltHMit patent lnued la Mr Atiilnrxin (or n lioiiieiti-ad kith prou-d up on by lirr III I In1 fill of l03, liwnlr.1 In .lloti :r tinitil' 3H Willi li. rattrn 1 1 '4 rik. WllUtiii'tlx meridian, iirnr Hairy. Orr, In itili county, Hip eiivrrniiii'lil serka In iniiri-l U paienl u lh Riitiint) that Mr Win hi, alum her nmrrlaicn In I sum lis mil resided rontlniiiiutly nn the had. Tim following wltneaar har mi tit been railed by the giitrrrnmrnt' litut Itiirrk, Unit's HtPtil, William lliliMnn unit (),' (I. Anderson, "The km; lll be toncluiliit Monday. NKIIVirK AT TIIK CIIVKCIIKM. ...... Ntf miH IM'.IIVitflVIIM lurches of Klamath Fall Huoday an Wle: rtliylrrUn Church 10 00 Sunday school, Clasat-i fur Itll ami nil Invited. II oo Mornlna worship. (.30 ChrUtlan Kndentor prayer netting. Jl30 Evening worship. Ilev. (Iiii, T. I'rnlt liaa effected an ichauitn of pulpit with Ilev. ! M. Anderson of Merrill, ami Ilev. Andrr- on will preach In Ihl rtmrcli In the, unrnlim Tin. I'wiilni! a..rUn l n iiiiIiiii Mrli In thn m i: ilmrili Al I ln I loan of Ilio InorillliK or lil it iikh'IIhk of lint loiiKrixutlon, HKiilnrl) inlloil, ttlll ,.i lii-M for llm I'lltliomi of rnllliiK it iimlnr for tliU rlinnli 'lliln ilmiili lum not lnul h ri'Kiilnil) Intliillul iiminr fur a imin. Irr of )uim 'Km iiim(iin 1,,'fiHit IliU luiflliiK U In tin r lln') Rlmll u, ninl liiainll it imnior 'Ill-Minn Hil.-im- I'liiinli . f'lilUllnii Hili'iiro services will bo li-ld In llm Munloili liiilldliiK, Hun- lay at It a m Hnl.Jut of It-cturv, lli-alli) " lirMUn I hiirih Tin- Clirlillnii ur l)lrldn cliurrli Ml lni''S llii-lr r Ktil ir n-nrlrra In flu Ui'llinilUI rlnitrli on l.ord'a Day nf rrrioon n( 3 o'rlork. A rnrdlnl liiirl nllim U I'lU'iidul In nil Hint iIi to itti'tid IliU kvrtlri'. AGREEMENT IS IN SIGHT ro.vniovKiiHV m-rrwiiK.v i.kjiit ). AMI CUV MIAIIH KN'II REDlCriON IN RATESGRANIC0 ami oiinriitii tlio wirnoaA $22 carti pur iiiiiiiiiii. I CO liyilrnnta nt $22 each per iiiiiiiiiii i. $1,320.00 If tliln wcro dona ,tlwi city wouH ppy: Kor old 10 (Intercut). $ OOft.dO SUDDEN DEATH OF C.E. SMITH Now CO ..,.. 1,32(1,00 IiikIiiIIiiIIoii or Milrri, !Ut IVr Vnt lliilurlloii of Had' for Hlrn-I l.littiU mill Xfir llyilrniiln. Uplltt ( liurili 10 no Hiiiidn) irliool 11 no I'muliliiK liy llm piuli.r lnlijirl. Tin' Itilli'tir'a lliillmji" lulijit. ' I'roKrum of I l.n Klnitdolii." (, 30 Voiiiik puiji' ini-i'tliK Tlnri' lll lie no irlir In tin IVi'lilliK M M III.KIiSOi:, pnttor. liurili of Sm nil llratl- )lau dull) nt 7 30 Hiitidaja, n1 i0.30 a, 111, .lair- MilliiilUl rpUriipul liurrli 10:00 Hiiuda) irliool, Clatic for ill bki-h. I'arnita and rlilldn-ti cor- dlally Invllnl, iloft-MliliiliiK woralilp. 8nlJti:l KrliiM'a Knuu llm Confi-n-nru," C:30 Kpaoith laKiiu. Bnlijv-ct. 'r'allli raralil liy Ki-ar." U-adt-i Una I Intel Hnmmi-ri. . ;:30-Mr. 1'ilro will bUu a faro vi'll nitdrt-ta. All old frlonila cordial ly Invlti-it. H-il. nKnln dUlipttin, B'c cncli, n flu IW-al ih-I Haiurday afti'rnoon Try o Juk of our prcpari'd "A Yin .Ikit It" You will 11 111 olln'r. Monarch Mr-rcanlllo Co. PS Laakaw jflL BavS ludlcatlotiM uro that tlio lotii! ilrnuti-out tontrovi-ray bctwi-un tlio cll nml thu Unlit mid WbIit ioiii- tuiii) In uiuriiiK mi 1 ml. A imiIiI iik-iiIiik Ill-Id lnul evi-nliiK for tin' iitiriiomi of nrforitlnK'I'ri'iildi'nt II. V (inti-a nn opportunity to pri-nvnl lila ulili' of tin' riimi and niililnll n proponltlon from IiIk rompaii). He prnitlrnlly lonri-ded i- i-r tiling nuked for li) Hit' rlty and mndo :m ili'liiiuidii, llm rrmill tii-ltiK Hint tint IiktIIiik wiii moat linnuonloiia. On tlio qucaHon of rnti-a for IIkIiI. Mr (nti-a ntnti-d ilmt hla rompaii) would miiki' n re Itiillou of 30 pi-r cint on nil aln-ot IlKlita to Ikcoiiiu I'ffi-cllto at oncu. Wlu-ri' mi dcalri'd, nu-ti-ra would liu Intlulltd for hualtii-aa and rcaldcnco IIrIiIn, n I en per cent reduction of Hip ni-lcr rnle lieretoforo In elteet lielni; Hindi'. It la Mr. (late' belief that ilth tliv Inatallatlon of tnetera and lu line of tnntulum lampa, thu rate iroponed will rmult prnrtlrally In a eduction of CO per cent In the ratea now beliiK charged. KoIIowIiik la a (mutuary of the .iriipiialtlon NUlniiltted on the h)drattl qticatleu: I'reaent cundltlena: .Vow In uae on old contract... 10 Vim lu line ordered alnce. old con- trnit 12 Total "- Coat of original 10, Intereat on bond a er )ear $ COO. 00 Coal of 12 additional at rate of $34 each per )cnr 109.08 Total - $1,009.08 The l.lRht und Water company pro potca; To lay Cinch main alonu Klamath aeimo from Main utreet on Pa) no al ii') to Klamath iiveinie, thenco along Kliimnth aveniio to Kleu-nth atreet, themu nloim Kleentli atn-et to Main ilrevl. Ami from Klamath avenue atoms Sixth Mrret to Ouk atreet; re Vilrlnu C.0C2 feet of pipe and 1C hy Jranla. Coat would be: 5.0C2 feel C-ln. main Inlil ami reuily for use. $1 ft...$r,008.00 10 ilmihlo hilrht. $75 oa . 1,200.00 Total $6,202.00 We are entitled te: S per cent (or Inveatnient. s I per cent (or deterioration. 13 per rent luveatmcut per annum 1.4 S por cent laxca on oue-half $3,131) , Total i $1,920.00 Or, the city would pay: for old 10 j $ COO.OP Klamath nvcniio.ld C40.00 Now In 11 to 12 ' 409.08 Total $1,649.08 Aa above, 70 hdrnntt (or $1,920.00 FATTY DI-XK.VKItATIO.V OK TIIK IIKAIIT WAH TIIK CAM'HK WAS RETURNING. FROM HUNT llrmiard Wa llalldlnit Inapector for tin- Houllieni rarifl.' Company. Itematni Hcnt to Oakland. DlrTercntu for 32 hydrantt $ 270.92 1 Any additional hydrantt, whero innlna are laid, at $21 per annum each, contract for flvo year from date. of (ontract. If h)drnnti placed on Klamath ave niio between l'ano alley 'and Ccntor aln-et, the atrett muat be brouajht to Krnde, and atreet alio opined to Kleveiith ttrect. -On the matter of ttrect lighting; Mr. (Inlet tubmltted the following compnratlvo data, which embraces thu new propotltlon to the city: S7 IC-candle power nnd 29 25-cnndlo power now In uao ..2,117c.p. Cott per month at uc c.p. ....$ 105.85 New proveul: 1IC 20-c.p. Ilghtt 2,320 c.p. Coat per month at rate of 3 He ter c.p $ 81.20 Or $24.65 lett than present-and 203 c.p. more light. If uae: 87 20-c.p. and 29 3! -c.p. then tho UC Ilghtt would be 2,668 c.p. and coat per month at rate of 3 He por c.p., $93.38, and 551 moro c.p. Any additional llgfcfVto be at tho Miiiu rate, 3 He por c.p., but none of less than 20 c.p. Tungtten lampt to be used until better are Invented. I'ri-Hcnt i) item of lighting to bo on rate of 3 He per c.p. or $74 per month until new a) item It Installed. Con tract for flo can. Wo bcllovo that 20 c.p. Tungsten will light Main street bolter than tho 25 c.p. now In uae. No ttrect light shall be over two blocks from the nearest light. New ordinances covering all of thoHo changes woro tubmltted and are low- In the hands of Attorney Drake, who will probably have them ready for submission at the next meeting of tho council. lailY MACCAIIKKH KNTKRTA1N While returning (rom a hunting trip C. K. Smith, Inspector of build ings (or the Southern Pacific rail road, was overtaken by death near Midland about noon yesterday. Ills body was discovered by James and II, C. Ilakcr, who were on their way to thlt city. Ono of tho men remained to guard tho body whllo the other went to Midland to notify the author ities. Word was sent to Coroner Whltlock, who ieft at once for the scene. Ileforo ho reached there, how over, tho body was placed on board the regular passenger train and brought to this city. A postmortem examination was held today, the result showing that death was due to fatty degeneration, with hypertrophy of the heart. No Inquest was deemed necessary. Coroner Whltlock received a tele gram this morning (rom a brother of the deceased, directing him to pre pare the remains (or shipment to Oakland, which will be dpne and tbc body sent there Monday morning. Mr. Smith was one of the oldest employees ot the Southern Pacific, and was highly tsttsmed y his aa lierlors and fellow employees. He is survived by his wife and daughter, who reside In Oakland, Col. Coroner Whltlock states that the removal of the body to this city prior to his arrival was contrary to law, but that under tho circumstances no no tice will be taken of the act of those responsible for the sending of the re mains. Had any mystery been con nected with the death ot Mr. Smith this act might Have resulted In fur ther complicating matters. e Peer of all $3.00 Hats Set the Fall Stylet M - 'jmmiJSRCttflL imrM.mmummm m -fc,. $h Tolnl !8' Wo will contract to lay this pipe, erect hydrants nnd oporato same "for $40 nnnuul hydrant rental, or 16 hy drunts at $40 each, $540. Our loss, as proposed. $205.37, Or. every 310 feet of plpo out out wo will out out one hydrant; or, If only t4 by rants are placed on 4,4(1 feet ot pipe, the charge per annum will be $560. This, then, would furnish: On old contract i . Since ordered Klamath avenue i Total ,...... We further propew: ta wMt m Klamath aveaue 11 To keeathoee wr la. la To eeet aew oa araetat atalaa ToUl vi Tho lidy Maccabees gavo n u-iy iiiccesafnt entertainment last right. consisting of a program, supper nnd lance, tiy courtesy of the Pocahcnta. their lodge meeting was adjourned at an early hour and the hall glvon ewr to tho Udy Maccabees, which was duly acknowledged by a rising vote of thanks by tho latter, who at tho same time Included within their apprecla tlon Iho assistance ot tboso ou the program and Mr. Crlslcr and Miss Vera Crlslcr, who supplied the music (or dancing. Tho program consisted of a beauti ful solo by Mrs. E. P. Morgan, with an obllgato by Mrs. Drlggs; a piano solo by Mrs. Clendennlng and a duet iiv Mrs. K. P. Morgan and Mrs. P. O. Iluson, all of which was enjoyed Im mensely by those present. Baskets were then sold to tho highest bidder by Mr. Huttman. who waa ably as slated in hla duty as auctioneer by Mrs. Husoa. The evening closed with a pleasant dance. dents of his old home havo their eyes turned towards the Pacific Coast, and next spring will see a large number of people frpm that neighborhood 'In Klamath county. Didn't Itctl you so! Of course, It's going to rain, so don't put off getting that umbrella covered any longer, Now stock ot 'em At McHatUnV. Copt. Qeorgo U. Beach and wife of Savannah. Ga., arrived In the city last evening for a visit of a few days with ex-Mayor John Stilts. When Mr, Stilts was a guest of the Captain last spring he told such big flsh stories that ho thought he would drop oS and see for himself how great was the exaggeration, but he has already come to tho conclusion that If the fish grow In proportion to the country, that he will And they are bigger than anything around Savannah. The program at tho Iris tomorrow night is a completo change of pic tures. The leading feature Is "The Escape from Andcrtonvllle," a true story of the 'civil war, which Is one of those war-time stories that' are ever dear to the American heart. Many of us have listened to such tales from the llpt of fathers or brothers, and failed to rcallto or grasp the full tense of what those days were to the men who went through them wearing cliher the blue or the gray. "Before the Matt," Is a drama of sea lite foil of thrilling situations, and Is a par ticularly fine story. "The Bugle Call" Is another story full of interest, while a fine reproduction of tho scenic beauty of Berlin's parks is another set of pictures that will not fall to be appreciated by lovers of naturo ca ressed by the hand ot -art. ,"TUe Truant, or How Willie Fixed Ills Dad" will amuse the youngsters, and some ot the oldsters who will be re minded of some of the pranks of their own schooldays. Save the coupons from your tickets until next Monday night, when the lady's gold watch is to be given away. TAFTWILLBE THERE, TOO PIXCHOT AND BALUfftWft Of ratiDmi PAJtW CHANCE TO "SIT ON THE LID" AV $.: When the Dtsaajtto They WmI Dave to OaM tbetJi ' M' ." " 1 fi' , "Why, Mrs, Smith, did you aenif to Portland tor your aoy'g euitt" No, 1 didn't. Jut went to Qoodrlch'i Cash Store; and you ought to tee the over coats, too." Chickens broilera aud fryers at the'Moaaret, , " , , Bretton aa4 fryate far ataata er Sunday 4twM Maaafak MareootHe Co, Faeae !. ? CITY nilKYfTIKa Manuel Vlcrra, Chas. Flackus, C, C. Pearson, John Welch, D. Ander ton and Jacob Rueck were among thoto who were In tho city today from conna valley. Shoes for chlldi en Scuffcrs; made sa tho famous Educator last. The best shoo In tho market for good wear. At Qoodrlch Cash 8tore. If ou want something really fine 4et a link ot that Imported Balanto Musago at the Monarch Mercantile Co. Phone 1051. C. C. Oliver has sold to tho Hlbbert brothers ot Swan Lake valley an Aultman-Taylor thresher and sep arator. This makes two engines and four separators sold by Mr. Oliver this year, and Is Indicative ot the great development that Is taking place throughout the county. "Where did you get that hat?" "Why at Qoodrlch's. ot course. Where olso could one get those nobby styles?" Chas. Flackus, W. L. Welch and C. C. Pearson of Dairy, Ore., are in the city today. They are attending aa witnesses in the case ot the United Slates vi. Jessie Wight. li. J. Bauman returned lost even ing from Boonvllle, Mo., where he had been ou a visit with relatives. It had been twenty-three years sfnee he visited his old home. Ha returns to Klamath county illed with the belief that there ta no other section ot the country ulte aa toot aa tan. ho states that KwouM aot eaaia aaa eouaty In Oretoa.for ail or atnaoun, and leeks baek oa the heat at taat ssMtVaa wtta'lear wt iremWIat. 1M alfaartee; reel- Remember the voting In the baby contest closes the first ot October and that these last few days will decide who are to win the beautiful prises. The touching atory of a young fisher girl Is told In a beautiful dra matic series, "A Child ot the Sen." , Two very laughable comedies, "$5,000 Reward" and "The Omni bus Taxlcab," supply some real hu mor. A thrilling romance ot love and ad venture, "Won in the Desert," tells of a )oung girl kidnaped and held for $20,000 ransom by an Arab ahlek, but rescued by a dashing young naval officer. Then a new Illustrated song, new music and two other films equal ly Interesting. A Los Angeles dispatch, Mvtoea that Chief Forester Oiferd Maekat has left Los Angeles for Salt Lain. where ho met the presidential party; Plnchot's going to Salt Lain at tae time President Taft and Secretary of the Interior Bellinger are expected there Is aa 'accldeat, but It is ee pected that an Importaat'eontereaee 111 be held relating to the attitude ot- the administration toward the vea atlous question of method la the ana serration of the natural resources ef the country. "I had bought my ticket for SaH Lake before I learned that the nrea- lent and hla party were to arrive there at the same time that I aaall arrive." explained Mr. Piachot. "but I shaft probably aee the president" "No, I cannot talk about tho as called Balllager-Plnchot controversy.- I know nothing oatclally about the question, and so can say aothlag." Piachot, however, was enthusiastic over the developmeat ot eeatlsseat (or the Roosevelt eoaaervaUem Men,. la the west. .. m &. . M ft.. - - "avsrjwnaf I nmvw saswstt aswt7. fjjc. "there Is a strong f eellag that the re-'" sources ot the country ought to be long to the whole people. I thtak ' thU sentiment Is gensral all over the country. "I have found conditions oa tho Pacific coast forest reserves better than at any time I have visited them. There are fewer complalata and less , v .. friction between the users ot the aa- tlonsl forests and the UmtaJstra- tors of them. I am confident that the v "! forest service aad the people are tat ting to understand each other better every day aad that all misunderstand ings will rapidly disappear." On the train with Finehet went John Hays Hammond, the aoted mm- Ing engineer and presldeat of the aa- tlonal league ot .RepabMeaa eiaka. Hammond will Joia the Taft party at - Salt Lake. " ' v 7 The' chief forester Is wearing his Mk right hand In a bondage as Ue reeuk ', ot an encounter with a bit stingray. . while he waa flthlag at Saa Clement i (CeaUaaet am ) i. 1 Your Prescriptions adjSgafl 9"f ' Let Us Pill Jl. IM-. .tu. 'Vl.JC aaatt -w yT'a V r let use patat itee41eb- ! t to When a man says, let sue tx year watdi bouse, you've sot to bettere Mm capsMa ot f ere yoa have Mat ate U. Thata reasoaaMe. Whea we ask ro to let em put a raw that oa sImuM hs toM kaw eamsklevre an' of dMi at,- " .' How that every prsajerlptiea we taaaa Is tHed to Oh leesM.! Mow wa tow etretw artiele la sew atoJe hanlsea plaahag to'tatak $9 Mis i y it tajawujair. We have ntshllthed saw aMity to SH lii havlas bee IseatoS hNre for i ..j i; .. .iffi.fc.JK It r m''T-r' W SMI si sHasf JM . .".. .. - -.t..aT.v-. .; awf?,v. Drug 5S24 i v. ' WBL-Um 4 Wl&SBBWsJSFK ':?.. ' - wst-su'Vhv tat llMliillllMIH ' it, ij AiS?.- i.t ' - Vt r J: Yf1! lll- -V&HI !M: V irt "TiA-l mw ,:? '?': " fA ji VI U & Jl si -! I, i Jl r M 1?! t - ?;? 4 J ' . - il t - j V J- ? (!," 4 ' '&e?f'ts: -? :tVl li ' .jC ' 2i3fla v. : v IF .K v . . ' ii & NL lVW J,W ,K. - I ' v i -.'V. i. A . - -A ' s5ivV tti iTy