'-(-' rr- j,s.ri. :2l'2,y Hurt.. "Ni-t'l nVfl! L.-& 1 fc&r. ip i pJ'V T?, ' 1"" Si?; J ricH, v 1 ma r V v v E T A ft!" fefaliV - ; rKUmnthFilli'Writ . . am Beit Dslly. J ? mf - 'fe Vbt pfiiitin ?SSBBB bey l-t ER IwwoYw. No. 907 TAFT DEFENDS COMPROMISE lyUlMHMMi IIV COMlilKMH HtotT FOIIM Of I.VCOMK TAX lllSPtAKON CONSFRVAIION Was I'inIIxx11! ' Crnnll llir l'rr. Orel ' Hr a further t'linfrr run Willi llalllngrr. ArKrnl Drnver dleialch fumdlng lie rrldnllal t ir. makr llw fn. M toiiinirni Miking III' way kllll further lo llm ast, 'n-l.lpii Tsfl arrived In Dili i rKr and In lh auditorium, wlmrn n jtsr nil William J. Ilryan ni hum. ald liU opponent In iIip prrl cattl! rare, h (ami n rrnwil of tWwinU dial In Ita holiy welrornr tti conllnunii vhthuilaani trcAlled io( tlio rrnr of llin convention fmMrtit Tad, awllrhlng from hi. ssrscwr Id dlcuss Hit conservation ol MUrsI resource, tonight took iii ft corporation l and defended It nt MsJmI Ilia proposition In Iniw.i a etmt Iridium lai, which do alit MHrt I Ik ry (o pa the ten! whet! la mrpoiMlnn lai was ilevltrd an a taMprnmU, Tim pmldent .tunnel) rd, however, lhal Inn Hate ratify la ihmimh Inronm lai amendment lo Ifcr ronttllutlnn In order to make tech a tat available In llnir of neces sity. BaHlngrr I'iMMra foe CuefrrrNrr. Mr. Tall waa Joined hero today by Sprrrtary of IImi Interior llalllngrr. h -Mr in accoiur-any him on a iari of llm lrli through llin far North mi. II la thought the pretldrnl dnln a furthrr conference with Mr. milliiK.tr, wIiimu conduct of tint In lrlnr department ho recently uphold la a Ions letter. before making a final Moltlon of tho illcy of the admin Ulrallun aa lu ihn rnmervallon of tauiurrr. Mr, Tafi probably will not laku up Ibat dibject until ho reaches Hall Lake City, where hn aptnU Frlda) nl Haturday, or hn may wait until ho arrives at Hpukanv, Waih., wlmrr t tho Irrigation conarra tho Hal-UtiKor-l'lachot Mmtroveray had Itr Drl public airing. Thn iraldn( lonlaht doclartxl thai (umiimhi on Hpronai rmr.) MI)MMHItMI)IMMMIMMMMIMWHIHMM Saturday PRIGES GOOD . .Onchair m cTorjr WM'a Urraa Orrrcoala In th alurr. UHiK IIKHK Mm'a l to 4.50 Walkour 0fonU nil day HalurUajr, 90.7S. i BLANKIT BARGAINt :: IWartloN t Marjralllo Mllla 0.1b, all.whllo, 18.4 alaoi ro alar Ml all day Haturday. . . HaaM yMt, IW lPi rotilar SSJMi all (toy Haturday Half'ireel Waaketa, laro '"'i rrgtilar M ialtwday Mart wlra heavy iaaael dOHbWktaat(i ahkrtai mm Ur arke fBJWl all day Sat urday ' v e KKSTOP ! HAMATB JAUT OMATWT VA101 m i Minn: i:viii:mi; lv.H.f lu,,. till, win r,.ii k.ii tin- MU.nurl ,Mn, Oim nf llm ruiivliyttiK. f-xlillillH of llm tuliiK of Klamalli llualii Ininl inn lm rni at (I lli'iki.iii.r Jr ' Ji-wrlry ''i" I' Im of ilirio iirlcllrn of liiMnt.).-. Iiurl.nuk, lliitly Ho... mid Hlllf llfYl Krown oil III plum nil mlli'. from till, rlt) Mt lli.ikiniiT a lit nop will nvrrauo morn tliun too n ka to On. mi Tin-no potnloi-a with raUnt ti ilr) fntmliiK Of tlm :,00 npplii l !. pUntH In.i tliiK all ntv iIhIiik flu,., with n Iom of not morn tht.li in .i-r nut, Hhlrh u dm. to ililay In Ki-ltliiK dm l(.,., t,p Kriiiind afn-r tlmy wrto no-lviil from llm mimrry Tim tarlvtliii plantcl arn IIkiI XiIiiIii.Ii ami Whiter llannim Itli :oo TraiiiBri'tit i mli Mpili lrr- on llm otili'r !.! of llm trnrt Till, fall llm .nilto (mil w in. mir. rtmri.lt .1 with n iIoiiMk rim of pop. tat on llm noiilh ninl mt, ntul lliri-o ro on tlm north ntul wmi Tin- art Itllnlnli'il to nrrvn Ihn iliilllili iiir. mi... of wlnillirrnk .mi) to nmki in rnrloiliiK wall uIhiiiI tlm orrhnnt to retain llm warm nlr In tlm trad lioulil miuiilKlnK mit liiiotim inn. nt) In IiIeimiiiiIiii: linn- Mr. 1 1 ! t - 'kitiix.r l itiil)lni; nrltiitinr iihiIiihU !n lilt furmliiK oiH-rntlomi, ami tlm rt ult. In ohtaln. will ntiitoiili'ctly piovi' nil Itir'tilhn to Imliirn ollmri to litakr tlmllar rmlmwir An iiiifotlimatn nrrlilriil orrurrril In lllllo tlri'ln Maillxm In.t nlKlit, n in 1 1 1 ti C III a frnituriil arm Wlillo .HilInK down tho liannliti-r ol tlm ttnp that ko don li i) tlm nldn of the jiki'ldp Inn, it.i- In.t Iht hold and foil out. with n-tiilti an alHivi. I lor Wither la vmplird na a dniwttlr at llm likpalde Inn. Tlm Cortland Hlom l after tho ):00 prlli lielliK nffired hy three imrrhaiita of I'orttnnd nnd "the H I In lid Store." H. U Irenlilre. rlerk nf tho I'lnn Unite .rliool dlMrlrt, l In the rlly today. lie reiHirU that tlm font met for llm erection of llm new arliixil lilllldlliK haa Imtii let In Mewra. I). K. Ilurrell and ,V. Marchnnd of thU city for llm aiim of I,IS!.85. Thn new M-hiMil ImlldlliK will I'c honied hy the Walurman-Waterhiiry a) atom of hot lr. Mr. Ironlilio atnto lhal It I tho Intention of tho director of hU ill. Irlrt lo have n modern hulldliiK In uvory reapoct, Specials ALL DAY- DLANKR BAKCAINS KLAMATH IS UNKNOWN OIIMHiX IM'Olt.MATION lll'IIKAV MIXtHUXT ,H TO MIC.tTIO.N GO BY SIAGE fROM AGER HulfiiiilV lliii'M'iiiiiihi. Clitljr One Willi NeeilM-il In lie l'tiil on the final KlaitMtli IU.Iii Olio of the Helmut kectloim In the itiite, llm (i no offerlliK moru oiMjr tiuiltlea to Ihu liiiiiienetker than any other part of Ort'Ki'ti, ami unu abuui hIiiiIi thvro uru moru lniiilrleu than an) other purl of tho Mate, la hu ivimt known ut tlm Oregon ulate iiilldliiK nt the S.uttlo fair. That mitlon In the Klaiiiulli llailu. In- ulr ut llm Information bureau uioiikIH forth tlm newa Hint the per on In iliarxu "thought It waa In the southern part of tho atnte," but waa otull) iKiiuriuil iu to how It wn lenilmd, whether thu Kuwrnnient vioi jiillilliiK n f.rcnt IrrlKiitlon project i lure, or uuy other Information u ui I lie. After dlllKent linjiilr) n young in. in wn found who bellvted tlm wn in reach ICIamnlli Kail wa lo taku the lnge nt Ager nnd dago It all!) mile to thv count) rat ut Klamalli count). ThU building wu erected for thu ,iurpo.i of fiirnUliliig rellublu Infor .imtlon nboul ewr tcctloti of the itnte, mid I being mulntalned for i lie benefit of tho commonwealth na a holo. Tlint wn thu theory on which llm mone) wa appropriated, but the inllur) of It I eaally proven If an) effort I made to gather Information u bout any but a few favored portion of Oregon. Tlm king bee lu tho Oregon build lug I JnckMiu county Incidentally and Medford In particular. It I an cay mntlur to find out all )ou want lu know about It It literature I placed In )our hnnd a oon na )ou hoo In tight. On thu beautiful pic ture of Crater lake I Ihu legend that It I located "neur Medford." Klamath Fall, thu nalurul galuwu), I nuter mentioned. I'oor old Klam ath Kiill. located sixty mile oft the rnllroail, I an unknown quantity around thu Oregon building. To tho mnn In rlmrgo of tho Mod ford exhibit I duo Ihu credit ot be lli K tho beat booster thu county ha there, lie know where Klamath county U, and what thu go eminent I doing; how to roach hero, and gave unbiased Information about thU aec tlon. He had no knock ready for It, but naturally believed that Jack- aon county waa tho bot place In the atato. That Medford ha captured every thing around the Oregon building itauda to Ita credit. It la thero to booat (or tho atato aa u whole and (or Jaekaon county In particular. Aa a rcault every train running Into Med ford carries at loa'at oue-thlrd ot the paenger to Medford. It la making hny while tho sun ahlne and la reap ing a golden barveit. Thcto chilly morning an overcoat feela comfortable, and thoie atyllah one at doodrlch Cash Store arc the beat la tows at the moat reasonable prices. Mayor Sanderson and tho city coun cil had a conference with H. V. Gates of tho Light and Water company last night In regard to the water and light situation. No agreement was reached, and Mr. Gates will kave another con (erence with the council tonight. The 11 Merit A 10-eeat eHr fr B eenta. The.oaly genulae all-Hataaa wrapper and long Slier haad-nude cigar ;on tha market, for sal at a trst-claas alfrJdMdt... ..,vt, -JaT r- v- ! .'!' KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1909. (iTV llltKVITIKH Chicken- broilers and trycra at thn Monarch. t II. I). Konter of Medford la In tho city. Kxclualvu agency llannan allocs, K K K Htore. ) C. N, Mvyors, tho rancher, Is In tho city today. Try tho now Davenport lunch room near Hum's hardware store. J. X. Htllea or Merrill I registered at tho l.'lvormore. t f H-1t. ngnto dlihsans, 37c each, at Tho cal next Saturday afternoon. J. J. Htlmaon of liakuvlow la regis tered at tho Mvermore.' Shoe for cblldien' Scuffera; mado on thu famous Edacator laat. The beat thou In tbo Market for good wear. At Goodrich IRash Store. J. J. Rtlinaoa of Kakavlvew Is reg Utored at tho I.lvcrnwre. Comb honey, the most tempting of meets, nt Monarch Mercantile Co. J. W. Donnelly, A. D. Hudspeth, Prank Dobklns, all of Paisley, are In tho city. Hot cakes and pure Wisconsin maple syrup nt Davcnport'a lunch room. Dr. W. S. Johnson" and wife came In front Itonnnin yesterday. They weru accompanied by Mr. HoUton of Morrlatown, Tenn., who la on her wa) homo, after spending the summei with the doctor, who Is her brother. tlrollera and fr)ers for picnic or Sunday dinner at Monarch Mercantile Co. I'hone 10G1. It. K. McCulley, the sheepman of Uikovlew, arrived In the city laat night. He loft thla morning for Ijikovlew. I have some new things on sale In the window this week. Meltattaa. Mr. Stuccy Hemingway of Yalnox. arrived In Iho illy last night and left thin morning. Jor Seattle, where shn will ntlcnd tho fair. Try a jug of our prepared "As You l.lko It" Horseradish. You will use no other. Monarch Mercantile Co.- W. II. Mason arlved In tho city laxt night from Lakovlew, whero he ha a grading contract with tho Ore gun Valley l.and company. If )ou want something really fine got a link of that Imported Salamr Mtisago at the Monarch Mercantile Co. Phono 1051. A. !.. Yatca and son ot Pacific 0 rove. Cnl and J. J. Yates of Sac Francisco are paying thla aectlon a vlvlt. They will look over the coun try nnd may locate here. They are friends of C. N. Meyer. Conklln's self-filling pons are the best. Iteasens: They don't leak; the) are easily filled; tho points are the oost. I am willing to Ml them wltL tho prlvllogo of returning. , MclUttan. J. Mj Plaits ot the Squaro Deal re turned from a trip to Erlckson d Peterson' camp No. 2 thla morning. Ho reports considerable activity In railroad matterstbore, and that the work of taking out a 34-foot cut has commenced near the Hanks ranch. This cut Is almost solid rock, and will require blasting from tha start. You had better bring that umbrella now, 'cause this good weather Is not going to last always. I have a new stock of covers. McHattan. The Crater Lake company Is now busy constructing a new dining room and lobby, which are to be located on the rln, where the lake 'is nrst reached. Tha. buildings will be 30x40 teat la slse. and constructed In rustle fashion, with pole rafters. Five car penters leave In tho morning to work on this Job, which It is thought will take a month to complete. "Why, Mrs. Smith, did you send, to Portland tor your aoy'e auUT" No, I didn't. Just want to OoodrleVs Cash Starai and you etttkt to tea thyavar- aaatt, Itf," w BALLINGER MAY COME HKCItKTAItY OK INTKItlOIt MAV VIHIT TIIIH I'ltOJKCT IS NOW WITH THE PRESIDENT Henatc Committee Will Also Come Here to Confer With Directors of Wafer I'arra Aaaorlallo Thero Is still a possibility of Secre tary of the Interior Dalllnger coming to Klamath Falls to Inspect tho Klam ath project. It was bis Intention to do so prior to hla return to Washing ton, but the Dalllnger-Plncbot contro versy had reached a point where hla presence In Washington was noces sary, and he cancelled all of bla west orn engagements. In doing so, how ever, ho had In mind a return to tbo Pacific coast, provided he was sus tained In his position by tho presi dent. This having been-dono he Is now on his way west In company with tbo president, and will probably re main with tho, party until It reaches Portland, when ho will visit the pro jects as heretofore planned. The senate committee has also bad a change of heart, and It win visit Ibis project some time during the latter part nf October or the first weeks In November. They will then confer wjth the directors of the Water Users' association and listen to all itatcme'nts relative to the needs and complaints of tho people here. Tbo syes of the members of the committee have been opened since the tour of In spection started, and It Is quite likely that many change In the reclamation ict will be recommended at the next meeting ot congress. Among .these lll be Included a provision for the co-operatlvo work between, the serv ice and tho Water Users' associations and possibly a large bond issue that lll aid In rushing to completion all projects now unfinished. There Is 3no thing, however, that tho commit tee Is solid on, and that is refusing to consider any proposition thst has for its object the repayment to the government of a less amount than the actual cost of construction. Every penny will have to be repaid, and all jfforts looking to a different conclu- lon will bo turned down without con- ilderatlon. One ot the aenators Is quoted as having said: "The member of the committee have been aurprlsed with tho work lone by the reclamation service. We have heard and Investigated many complaints. Much of what has been lubmlttod has been in such a form aa to preclude consideration, but wher ever the statement have been'backed jp with tangible evidence we have gono Into the matter thoroughly. The result has generally favored the serv ice. It Is true that there have been mistakes made, but It Is the opinion of the committee that these have been no greater than would have occurred la undertakings of similar magnitude under private control. The result so far baa been eminently satisfactory, and with a few minor changes there Is no reason why the reclamation act should not stand as It Is until the work for which-It was created la com pleted." AT THR IRIS Don't forget, some patron ot the Iris theater will bo presented with a olid gold watch next Monday night at 8:30 o'clock, so save your'coupona. An entire change of dims at thU popular playhouse toalght, and while all deserve prate, on ot them, 'Tk Sret of tht Lockat dasarm an da) .mention. It la tha oblatory C a woman's uasueeeastul atruggm wltki taa,wod ! an port herself and child after leaving tbo homo of a rich, but cranky, hus band; her pawning tho child to a pawnbroker; her death without being Identified; tho strange circumstances that lead up to tho restoration of the child through the locket. It is a fascinating story; full of powerful scones and situations, and has been adequately told in the pictorial pan tomlne. AT THE OPERA HOME No. 24 still retains the lead, with No. 3 and No. 2 following In tbo order named. , "The Foundling," a dramatic story of life on the stage, will be one of the feature of a delightful entertainment tonight. A comedy reel, "Instruction by Correspondence," shows the various adventure of a young man following the Instructions of a correspondence school In an attempt to get rich quick. "The Adventures of Flflno" Is a thoroughly delightful story of a pret ty school girl who, dressed as a boy, escapes from tbo dormitory at night In order to avoid a marriage with a young man ahe haa never met. A story of unusual appeal, "A Child ot Sea," tells in a series of very effect I vo scenes the romance of a maid left an orphan by the death of her father and mother In a wreck at sea. Two very amusing comedy skits. '$5,000 Reward" and "The Omnibus Taxlcab," complete what is really a very delightful entertainment. If you want your picnic lunch bas ket full ot delicious things, stop at the Monarch and get Salome aausage a Sao- Imported aansaga Tilkv nook, full cream cheese. Helns llcklea and relishes and n doten other food things to complete your lunch. LIVESTOCK NOTES O. T. McKendree shipped eight cars ot lambs to Oakland and Gerber Broa. at Sacramento yesterday. A. T. Langell shipped eight cars of cattle, which were purchased by Messrs. Glbben and Panby for the Tacoma market. Lewis Gerber'a herd ot 400 head left Van Brimmers yesterday for Mt. Hebron. Edwin Foulke company of Gaselle are at Merrill with 700 head ot mixed cattle, bound tor Gaselle. WANTED Four carpenters to go to Crater lake tomorrow morning; $3.50 a day and hoard. M.G. WILKINS. "Where did you get that hat?" "Why at Goodrich's, ot course. Where else could one get thoae nobby styles?" eMaoMMOMOMooeeeMaMMMoeeMaeeaeaeeee4) Let Us Fill i i Your Inscriptions Wheat a asaa aays, let ane Sx year aemw. yoenre get to snare auan fore yea kave Man e K. Taat that yoa slvoald he toM hew eaaahle wo are of deang M. How that every Htweertatioa we haadie'le amed te the Mew we teat every artiel in ear naMaWa vgajanjaji gjnnjsnjnjBBj ajasnjuj sja, ananuganjsnnnjBnHjjajv ajBmBnnjgajnnnnjanjj annnnjnjgrnjnjnjganjnjgjp gaja enan"Bra"BW4t"SSanjn . to aawane yemr sam-piiaa m amy way. f . w We kave satahllslisd etw.nhllalr ,nt rejri gtNaaxtjaa.JsanjIr? la havlac hoea leeated (here for gee. rem ami ggW'gmre agat i 9 IaHMsWyeaHe- Star DriUa " imlMmm:'M 109 m . .. i i. . i . ...ir" wi. . i v ..... . . r- .a a T'! ' 1 Pmci Cbwts Kas I LAND DRAWI AT LAKEVIE WILL BRING LARGE OTMgSI Of SETTLER TO LAKE HUSHING WORK ON MTOKS On-get Valley Load CsmpaayWrnl. Reclaim Abet etttv Aetfw of Load Judge Henry L. Beaaoa roturaod- from Lakovlew last alght, where ho has been for some time past en kmd aess matters connected wltn tha re cent tend drawing held thero hy tho Oregon Valley Land company. Judge Benson, In speaklag of tho drawing, stated: "Tho land drawing has created a boom In Lake eonaty, nnd a legitimate boom; too. It weald not surprise mo nt all to so l.eee people come to Lake coanty neat spring and settle thero. Tho -fruit and grain products exhibited at the fair In Lakevlew made a great lav presslon on the visitors, aad many eC them will return after seeing far themselves the showing made hy Lake county. Tho display aude waa one of the finest I ever looked at. " 1 saw apricots there from Gooes Lake vailey that were aa Sao aa any aver produced In California; immeaae peaches that were grown right In Lakevlew, aad all aorta of predasa of the very highest order. "That man RehSeld. who published the articles censuring the Oregon Vat ley Land company, mast have been rat erlag from a mental delusion. Hla acflona In Lakevlew different fromwaat he raaartad hare. r, ., "The Oregon Valley Land nmeany ta making spleadM prograa on their ditches, and are doing lrst-claaa work. Three dama will he construe ed. one at Drewa creek eaayoe. ese at Cottonwood aad one at Taomaa creek, the waters ot which will Irri gate about 50,000 acres In Goose lake valley. Then there will be located another reservoir la the Caawaaeaa country to Irrigate, the Undo there' The company haa a foree ot between n 300 aad 400 men at work on the ditches aad are working night aad day, aad the way they move dttt' ta ' a caution. "The buataeas men el Lakovlew are la full aympathy with this land move meat, nnd the majority of them are contract holders." "That must he aa expeaaive drees you are wearing." "No. Indeed., It only cost 26 eenta a yard at Good rich's Cash Store." ' water of let ate meant yew , oaaaeie el ewang; a geeai jea ne; reasaaaWs. aw,- store hifirs jwaaangj tt an 1 i m. ,,A"A'tl ?v . A. , s. r i --.'r,. WCv' jSp"1 WwsVamVsV''v vJBmml niVf. fl - A , 4 , V '.!. i e -. ' K ".I fe. .2 v :; ' Vi, '.; ira 1 W r l- -v A it tt i-a . 151 m S.K ii . W' 1, . I 5feT..a1 m:v a'-. & MUiXiiiM"MlMlMH? ' I 9 rV&i WW'"- I I I Tlnnmawal 4 1 l ' V J, r-M sr"u.-t .f hif&& if , W ? .1 t '& wX ,'. ,A.ir. " .'v.'V I'.i . -. " . i.. J.?.T-. . v ,.iM -a. . ' ,,-v-' M.:tifflttmM fiu ' haa TOHBmawannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni: