a - Tv1n WpWMIlU-Hl vMtfM 1 J laKfe ' -m - i- v wife """"f AVwHly r.,ia !3md Klamath Pall' Pirat and Beat Dally. ..MIT f ,- r yr JT Tiiiku Yrar. No. OHO WILL CALL AN ELECTION Til M( 110(11. HO.tlllt I'.tMHKM Ml HOMTIOS I.AHT NH1IIT . TO W.CI0C ON SCHOOL SIIL Ml.il l IU. fhnartt IU. llerN Hon.le.1 )) Mont llrua., anil IKli) la IM Ii ItaNH. ' ,l n meeting ul the Imanl of ill. ' itctora of Khool' tlWtrlrt No, In.l nlllil iraolutlun waa paurd author- UlltK Clcfk J, W, fllrlilena III mil Ml election it'll OttnbVr Hill of the ifo- erty huldera lo decide on a him I Qim allu. Tito alto In tm voted upon U totaled lilt blofka II Mtul 17, .v ,. mlitx ailitlllon, mi Ilia r.l lij in Unk liver. Tim taml for llin'm IhmJ vu ! In he ilutialKil Ii)' MiMirn llr.,. ' In taa Ihe voters rliimae Ii) lnlr l.al l4 lliln allr. To I lint end Ihuy mi drpoillect In the Klamath t.'ouu'i) lank a dd lo this iruerl), lilr'i I. U ( turned over to llir board of ill lectors free of rhnrxQ prnvldlnic Hit llr la aolcctrtl at Ihu election The calling of tfila election U on 1. , (wililuu reroitiniendlnR I (in MiMiri llr, algn i by.MO voter, ami on t a. Irltrr received from Altoriie) lrinra ,, CrmrorcJ. under dale of July I ait, IJ0, In which, among other thlnga. It atatrd. In refvrrlnx in ir.n rlriilm UM Juno &ih: "In no opinion, I In dUirlrl la Jut bIhhiI In lhi anif h lllon It would be If no voli wlialici had bn lalipn'aad'nb rlitilon rallrd, and I would advli thai Hit toard anlar Into aom nuriwrnrnl and Ihrn rail an tlrcllun tu voio iiMn Ihc ajtrrmnl. If II U dlrakl.' lo laki hai U lranl In mar leltrr a tti Moora alia, which U offornl ai a Klfl, and umimmrnileit by lit) otn, lot a ilrnl Ih mad and dallvvrnl to Ihr truiU-M fur Mid tile. TIip lranar lion llien would t rallnrtl at an rliv lion tirouarly rallrd fur Itial uuuhmm'. , and I thlnk'you will Mean a alto In lhat manntr whlrh I ho hw will hold alld and Ik Ullo bo hrld rimnI. am ,ilw odrra of lha dUlrlrt will mil Ih laying IhMnaltM llabtu'ln any man ner byncft nreMfdlunV' . iU-r TntM .hilly Maralmmt an ovrrroni fpcki Mafartahl, and-tliMo atylUI onca.at Qwirtch Cain Store are Ihr beat la lifa ai Moai rannabl lirleaa. rT r IMIMMIilltHIIMMHIIMtMIMMIIMIHIMm I ' a aaalk I I AwawiV :: lak 'al F ' ' aBaaaaaaaaaal '" ' ' aataBaBaBaBaH ' ' aBaBaBaBaBaBaBH i"' 'iaBVai K. . . " aB-BaB A at . ' r(. at. & L'ti U "' E' rV ' ' ,.. I .... imm 't ri , IffiT -r.. iT; il. v $w Aft. ' TTrR'j "i ' B 4 JIVT " .aHaapji i aapaHB f BBV!alVat'l!,ffBBH.aflhr I A T laK 9 WL,'-M mts t,iTsv,r."rS 'IWWlW rthtatta'ihmka:!iHiai.ar:ra ' .' A "";Tr fe T5oTT ??- z5" 7: ' ' tu durlaa the aM aammar. ', hiil f Ii mr rt"T "" "- .U TIIK un.HA imm hi: A. reaolt of Hit. votlriK In Hi., bnl.y ninie.i t ,,1,(1,1 S, J4 m.w tin h lend of n lliiln ,,.... ii., lini.drnl, with N 2j, ,.f0lll ,,,, N)J . 3 'r.l ....... .....,u . ii.... III" I'lrllilea lonliiht ,, I llfltlLiit furttln i. ...I .. ill i. . " " "in iiiumiu ntnniiK ,1'llu-r InluealltiK umI.JmU i. ilriimiillr n.-. .i,.i,,K n, ,, ,.;,... "f ""' "ii'l II"' Indiana, win, a(. , ,.. , . . VH -- (lll17wi Tin m l mi 0I1I prov.Tli whlrh rntvi ' u pin ami pkk Ii up, all lhat day you'll hatit koih lurk " , itfllilfn. I) fiinii) film, himi.vi.r, ihuwa lhat tl,l Ii not aln)a I In- mn A lomhlnij ulnry of ol, lliitrh llfo U lol.l In JIH.- V.I.nK." when Urn louutry aiiulre, iINkuUmI an an iht lililiillrnnl, IhliTVclir. on bfluU if lil )oiiiik li'lmtil Mho U In lovr llli 1 ln ilitiiKhirr of tin, otir-'r 'I'oOa on Dm llraln" Imt.a Ihu i-f. ! 01 Iimi miiih ilanrliiK on n ratht-r 'flvoliiiu )oiiuk limit Thru Hhti lll Im. tun i.l Iht IntermtltiK nilna. m ii'll, niul ni'o noiiita ntiil linulr li:N WAN1i:ii TIiiim. or four Ki) mi'ii wanii-i) b) 1 Im IDdraiilli Hon.. ami lirlrk Co WnKi. f : to AT THK HUH If )ou ko lo iIik lrl lonlKht and rr Tin- Hlili'l.onnl I'olillim f t.-.l" ou lll Im able lo uppri-ilalit tin kuik) olkf I hat l bulnit told on a loral dor. or lio went In hnthlnit In Crntri ki nnil Rot Into a (uncle with hla imrliiK nppnri'l nl a rrlllral numienl. I iK-i'in Die ilorlor wniiIihI lo boaat tal hr had ln-cn balhlnR In (ho fa mint lake, hut when lie not In hr tallied It wan Iimi tool In hu romfort llile ami divided to Uun hla clothea, Join of hla brlta and Imrktea and itrlnva i (n a tannic, however, ami 1 (Mint with n run pie of Imllri In It low Into alRlit. lie tiHik In the water Kaln. but the Iciiiptrnlnir waa Ion near Ihu freeiliiK l)lnl 11 nil hu ei. ibllxeil to make n mtoiiiI ilaah for lil.l 'Inthia The luilka, liieiin while, hud eveleil n (It IiIkIam upon the Inti-real HR arene, .nnil well, a movliiK I'lc uru marhlRp ahuuld , bno In-vu up here, and )on would have had louil lalent aiH'nrhiK In Ihu l"t !i" ' Mtlh. "Thu Old Colo I'olleilnr" la 11 line :olorei film whhh Irnrea thn I1HI111) )f the roller.lor'a rolna na they ins from hand to hand In tnrlnua rutin- 'rli-a. However, after honrdliiK hla trwmirea for )eam, Ihu old man net a You'reNext I Thcrt'MMMtklBl : akoiiowlBltituid ; Overcoat! that : akca the mtn : wao cart Mftt ip and take notice." ; laary nun w acll : a anlt brinia hla : friend aronnd. You're Next I Seethe FaU Styles j f v K STORE ht KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1900. n auitdun aurprUo wln-n, on awakun iiik irniii ma iiriain, ho opvna thu ihcat and a nroiii of lovuly women, immonlOliiK Ihu Olffurcnt plrcm, ap ponr, and a Koldvn rain (Kiura ovvr 11m aiiotiiiiiT, botokunln- thai gold anil woiiiimi am mi clou-ly allied that lhiy arv twin hliaalnxa. MTV IIIIKVITIKH Chkkena hrollvra and fryora at tlm Monarch. Ueo, llawklna of Mkvvlow It regla- tcrvd at thu Ukealde. Kiclualro aRenry llannan ahoca, KKK Blore. Thu new front ahowcaao wnlch waa plar.d In the Portland tflore yeater day U a work of art, coutaUag aa tt doa of a marble base, heavy French oiiii-Klana, Inlaid pariuctte floor and nickel trlmmlnxi. Tr thu new Davenport lunch room mar llurn'a hardware atore. I l-'it. aaale dlahpana, 37c each, at Thu Q Deal neit Haturday afternoon Hhoea for chlldirn rVnffera; made in the fuiuoua Kdurator laat. The 'teat ahew In the market for Reed ear. At (liMxIrlch Caih Store. An Individual who aald ho hailed rom liorrla ataKnen-d Into the court hoiiae laat nlRht and to aa aatontihed crowd made the remarkablo atato tietit. "Thin town la ao dry, I want n lni n pair of rubber bciotal" Colnli honey, the moat temptlac of "l, at Mon.-rch Mtrraotlle Co. Hot takes and . pura Wlscoaala naidn syrup at Davenport's luach rooin, (I K. YoitiiK of the list river Rar rountry Is In the city today. Ha hroiiRht In a waRonload of Ktaauth rounty watrrmulona. Mr. YounR atalea these melons were Rrowa oa new Kround which had Junt been' cleared of taReliruah and turned over, without any attention whatever. Sev eral real estate men have some on ex hibition. Ilrollera and fryers far picnic or Sumla) dinner at Monarch Mercantile Co. I'lione I0M, I have somu new thlncs on sale In Ihu window Ihls week. Mcllattan. Fred Noel, William Houston and K. M. Ilubb returned laat night frost a two weeks' oiitlnR In the Dlue can yon country. M. II. Wampter accom panied thu parly as guide. They re port that clRht deer fell victims to their deadly aim. An Immense Jilack hear was badly wounded by Mr. Noel, but It Rot away. Ullllo Houston Rot a five-pointer on the trip. It you want something really flae Ket a link of that Imported Sahtme sausaRo at tho Monarch Mercantile Co. I'hono 1051. "That must bo an expensive dreaa you are wearing." "No, Indeed. It only cost 35 cents a yard at Good rich's Cash Blore." J, II. C. damnum, proprietor of the Iris theater, left thla morning for (tedding. Cal., on a business trip. Tho El Merlto A 10-cent cigar for 5 cents. Tho only genuine all-Havana, wrapper and long Slier haa'd-mada cigar on the market. ,Kor sale at all nrat-claea cigar stands. The Baptist Aid will meet at the home of Mra. Lewla on Thursday at S p. m. All ladles Interested in tke, Baptist work are cordially Invited. You had better bring that umbrella bow. 'cause thla good weather la aot going lo last alwaya. I have a new stock of covers. McHattaa. The city council will have a oa. fertace today with H. V. Oaten of tha. Light and Water company la regard to the light aa4 water eUuatioa aa'K mi aiieta. H la to he honed "that aoweanleable arraaaaawat aaa ha arrival 'at haraea tha OeneH!aa; Mr. dauaai tlwVaarjtoiaaw l prevsmeatala ttJaaHr aa aeewiat a thai uagla'aaa baaa af a;aartaaa aa. 5".' ton mo LETTER TO THE INDIANS a HUrattViaOH CHAM. L. UAVW OK THE RHCKXT FKT1TION SIPT. WILSON EXONCRATEO f Oood Advlea 1 I Many BojaeU Are HaaeVel aa,aae aVatnratleai Peav 8uperlata4eat II. O. Wilson of the Klamath KeaWvatlon haa been fatly exonerated of all charges made la tho petition that esnanated from the Kirk Bergeant-BroM aad Barclay factiona last spring, aa4 addressed to the Hon. Secretary of rlst faterlor. which peti tion also calM for hla removal o; transfer. Thcfollowlng letter from Chas. I.. Davla. .aaaervlaor, addreaacd to the ladlaaa.iWho made a persoaal oxamlnatioa ef 'the complalata men tioned In thoKptltiea. covers the ground completely, aad If the advice Riven herein is followed by the la Jlans, the gain wHI be theirs. Klamath Agency, Ore., Aug. 14. 1101. To the Indians of the Klamath Reser Reser vateon: My Krlends Daring the early spring of thla year a petition waa got ten up by a portLa of the tribe, ask ing for the trnnster or removal of 8u pcrintendeat Wlkjoa. which ' petition contained certain eotacdalate. Thla petition, the letters of eatatla mem bers of the tribe to the Hon. lary of the Interior, aaawer to theae tetters by tha Ilea. Commlssioaer of Indian Afaira. aadjlettera from other aartlee.av basefaen to me for la vestlgatlon. a The members of the tribe getting up this petition have demanded n pablic Investigation, which I decline to permit, and for that, and maybe other reasons, they have declined to Jlscusa the petition and complaints with me. I have, however, carefully Investigated all questions raised, and my report will be aent to the Com missioner of Indian Alain... Tho man In charge of thla petition allowed it to bo published, thus send ing broadcast over the country the complalata before the government had any chaace to laveatlgate, or be fore Superintendent Wilson had any opiiortunlty lo nnawer. Such course cannot bo Just lied, and the net shows Jlsrespcct of the complainants for the government and Ita oflcers. When complalata are made lo the government against any of Its oa rers or employes, It la the right ol the Rovernment to make Inquiry or Investigation In such manner aa may seem most wise, and the Indians, nor nny one else, haa a right to demand or dictate bow such shall be done. The refusal of the complainants to discuss theae matters uuleea I con ceded their demands, la another ex ample of disrespect to tho govern ment, aad the behavior of a few In dividuate in charge of tho afalr waa each aa I have never beaare met with. I desire to say oa behalf of the very targe ptajorlty of tha ladlans with whom I conferred that I waa treated with tha name courtesy aad high re gard that Indiana usually extead to the government .aaa IU oaUers. In, my Jodgaaeat the eomplalata set forth .did .aot Justify calling to gether tha Meaaa (or public dlscua aloa,,a4 J tally eoavtaoed the petltle:,oa.s refreaeat tha aaaU- meat eT1aw-r1b at larae, nor 414 tho elgaers reareaeat' aearly a, ma jority af tha aduR male members. It waa further very aaaaraat If a labile 4Uiaaa)aa" waa caajayiUa. (aaata af Wlf W HUWaa wajjM 1 ff- efaliX dlana being brought together by a few discontented ones. ny reason of the things set 'forth above, and that the Indiana not iden tified with the petition may be In formed of the facta and of my action, this letter Is addressed to you. It la doe to Indiana that some eaprea slon be given as to what la found to be the facta In connection, with soma of the complalata. The flrat complalat set out Is "that the Reservatloa aa a whole haa been going downward, creating trouble among the Indians." It la due the ladlaaa aa a whole to aay that I Bad awe worh going on among them, aarMealarly la the matter of home haHdlag, Improvements to' farms, parting fp feed for winter, etc., then nny reservation I aow know where sueh uadertaklags mast be ao ex clusively tha product of Indian tabor Another complaint la that law and order to net being enforced. It la remarked by some of the complain nnta, aad a few workers who have been amoag yon bat a short time, that some years ago the Indiana were compelled to build houses, attoad church each Saaday, obtain permis sion before leaving the reservation, He, and oa failure to do no punishment-followed maybe la form of taahlags. Whether sack waa oge time true matters aot now; bat all reaaoa- able people would readily admit each INDIANS galley two :. at oe practlcaa can aot bo JuetlBed today, aad to attempt It would mean a step aaakward la preparlag the Indians to aeaame the desired station amoag Uatr white neighbors we hope some day yoa will attain. That there will bo aome drlaklng, quarrellag aad BghUng aad other oteaaoa la the aaaa-fresn tfcf' tribal life aad mlliuryanrveijlaaoea to that of com ing under the taws, civil and crlm Innl, of the State, we must all ex pect; and such Is trud of every other Indian tribe in similar status. This must be controlled aa best the gov ernment can with IU limited powers and facilities. Whether such la done lere to the aattafactloa of all, I tad conditions-better than with most ather tribes la the Coast States. The complalata Intimate that Su perintendent Wilson haa cc-operaio.1 la the exchange or disposition of tribal lands to the ead that thn la- Jlans have aot received Justice. It ,li presumed that thla refers to tho nchaage of the landa with the Call ?orn la and Oregon. Land compaay, re covering to the Indiana the road create landa within the reservation The record, shows Superintendent Wllsoa claimed a much larger Indem nity than waa allowed by congrei, but that congress declined to nllow you tho full claim made. This was aot the fault of the Superintendent. Neither waa It due to him that tha annuity shares heretofore paid to heirs of deceased members were cut og the last payment. This la In ac cord with a rale of the departiaeat, aad tha same haa been done oa many other reeervatieas, ataay membera-of the tribe, in no way coaaected wkh the petltlea, have asked about tha money received from permtU iesaed to white men tor grating privileges on the reservatloa. The Impreaaloa aeeau to have been that the moaey ahould be paid over to the ladtaaa aeTaome of tho other tribal faada. All these moaeys are aaat to Waahlagtoa to tha credit of tho tribe, aad a porlkfn haabeea aaad to avakq pureaaaea for the'trlaa or raaorvaUoa, aad tha remaiader la atlll hero. Tha aommtealoaer haa 'a right to aaa such moaeye for tho beaeBt of tha tribe laetead of paytag It to.jroa la oaah. If. tho trine daalre.iar lataadoat Wilaaa ,wlll reader ''yaa a .tB.wt at waa tarn 4 kja kaa AAaUaBWaBigBgl aTCaajgoBjtBBwgfaaagf anm waaaagM aara ewnaar wavga;wByajwai aad aaad. aa4 he au get.Wamv' lagtaai a aalamsat .what viaaMt Tr-,'E----- taathe wi ha .eaao to.aju etuh . - m., - r wfey- 'Jaaawato.!' y'l ' K ' JtS-i 1 ' ' r "i ;Wjffi,foiftTn awaiaBBaBaaaawawaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaMaawaMlfcaggai?, J atatementa for every Individual who may ask It, but for the tribe. For the benefit of all the tribe the following Information nnd advice la effered: No one member, nor several mem bers working together, bava a right to represent to Wnthlngtor or to the public tbnt they nre acting for the tribe until they have been dulr au thorised to do ao la eouacll before the Superintendent or aome govern ment official aeat here to confer with yon; nnd, la eonaoqueaco, tho peti tion sent to Waahlagtoa could aot bo recognised aa being a tribal request. Whea a few members get offeaded or dlssatlsBed. they should aot attempt to speak for the tribe, aad all mem bers havlag ao complalat to make should refuse to let tkelr aamoa be used. Aay member may present his owa grievance, but he ahould do ao for himself oaly. The Indiana ahould keep oa build ing bouses, haras aad fencing their lands as they are bow dolag. uatll your homes are aa good aa those of the white people o the reservatloa You should also keep your cattle aad your beet horses uatll yoa have targe berda of stock Just aa good as those of any other people of the State. Some of you now have flne stock, aad others can have the aame. You should keep the schools filled witt pupils and have la your homes for your chlldrea to mad good hooka aad papers that you may knew for yoar selvea what la going oa. That your chlldrea, may grow up strong they ahoald bo kept away from the alch; especially peraoaa hav Ing consumption aad old aoree; aad oaly grown people ahould take care of .the etabj jsjd.tha dead., or- etay - in rooms wita tha sick on dead. If yoa waat to ho happy aad do well, have aa little aa possible to do with those who quarrel or aay had things of their aeigbbora. You have a right to be proud of the work you are doing, but there ahould be more friendly relations aad leas quarrellag on the reservation. Very respectfully, CHAS. L. DAVIS. Supervisor! . The Portiaad Store Is attar tha Ilea prise betag oferod by 'three morchauu of Portland nnd "the Portland Store." If yoq waat year plcalo luach bas ket full of delicious Ullage, atop at the Monarch aad get Salame aaaaage a flne Imported aaaaage Tilla mook tall cream cheese. Helas pickles aad reliahea aad a doaea other good thlaga to complete your lunch. "Where did you get that hatr" Why at Goodrich's, of course. Where else could oaa get those aobby styles?" LetUsFlU i Your Prescriptions Whea a i aaya, let ase ax yHir watch or 1st aaa palat-foaru .V got WhaMafa fclas aagahls at watsg a aaoi jo'ha.f him o tt. Thats reaaoaahle. " '1 , boaae. yoa're fere yoa have .Whea weaakyoatoletaaaatap that yoa shoaU a Mfs Mw esjpftMe we Ave ec sews K , i How that every prsswlgtlia wo haaato W flflj Wn-nnnf Ml f"Jr MOT) OTVMVI pnH-S aa4 that. aaa hat a tharaaghlr awna-edi jhammi seat :la aawaeif to aaawo year atiimiaiiia u aay par, iws aaww McaommNw aw aatanj aa am year presengsaMeaa-.-' , la havlag hooa lesatsg hero for Ave yoaaa aa4 ,flMi aamaa aai h 1 '- j - ' t " vv t,v "-A'' t . . f Att ' u? t w k.Twlrw 'Bia vSf 2iill.Il. wmm WvmWW rlittrl , -v5Tf fllllllMIIIMIMilMimi '."Si . ll . S.VC f- V'ft&' TO ESTABLI! POWER SITE! oovBBWfMiirr itvu onto on pnonntTT von rawosn WW AMMJSN AMkENY .MHX 6 Probable 1-M ' to The Reeiam-Uoa Servloo la lag oa the estabUsaaseat of . sites oa Ltak river la thla att) thla program lo earried throaglyaao ptaat la to be located oa timMoeea' canal, on the west eMe of Llak rtvhr, oppoalto A. L. LeavUt'a ptaao oa Ooa- .x The other ptaat la ta ho, located oa the southern aorUoa of A. . L. Leavltt's lot oa Conger avoaaa.' The goverameat haa secured flroai Judge Laavitt a aiaety-4ay ootloa oa 6 feet oa Conger avoaao raaatag to the river, where thla lead haa a treat' " age of 74 feet. Tho price agiisl upoa la tho ootloa for thla lead la 13,000. It la tha lateatloa at tho -.ieclamatloB Service to pat ap haaa wme graalte power hoaaa oa Loavr , Ufa land, aad the power Ukea NBBb" the watera-of the Aakeay dIUa., "9- rnmanlav lafnn uilaa ana tB ttSi ! : ""-" ...-.-. -w- -AB& paper by Attoraoy Wiley of mpti lamatloa Service thte moratag. (iN, While ao laformaUoa could be uiaod aa to what use would bo of thla power by tho Service, It Is probable yw plaata will ho need to pump watorto taw'hlgh'plsUSrBlea above that praeeat dltekrbetweea hare aad Oieae. aid ako for the parp'sss of pumping water oat of tho rnarser lands nfter being dyhed. Tho ptaat ob Judge Leavltt's load will doaht- lesa be need aa aa auxiliary to tho one directly across the river. If the feregolag arraagemeata are carried oat tho Aakeay dKaa asea- aco wilt have bee solved, for thla ditch from Wflsoa's bars oa "Onager avenue oa oast would doubt lose bo abaadoaed by tab goverameat. "Why, Mrs. Smith, did yoa aaai U Portiaad for year bey'e aattt" No, 1 dlda't. Just weat to Goodriea'a Caah Store; aad yoa ought to aee the over- -j coats, too." ' - A SNAP A largo draft team, wagon aad bar- v aeaa for sale; mast be aold before Oe- toberlst. i OBOROB BIBHN. Try a Jug of our prepared "Aa Toa j Uka It" Horseradish. Toa.wlll aaa i .. . ... ii u uiawr. jaoasrea aaerauiuie we. year riiirlitiias at la U BoM to tho ,laar.aj - . - -. H. W is saeev;' y ii tv4?j lk V fAaaWtnL'. t1 m ??bbv.'; a aBwawaV1' ' fm k,i 1 pi TlF-c ,.j fi J ti- 4 uk&i j." m j Hi- & Y4 r rz j " ?A y-,i r f :$" H J J 7 - ft ' '7 M f': . i.wT j..T L . . ..