The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 22, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath Halls' Pint
knd Best Daily.
I ' A. fflyi... -ill
t -
I thid Ykah. No. 005
. T "sr
w. tSf 5
afl !'
Tr' --
hiiiitino CKKTKII
t, Mterl1. Harare MNil Male HriH
M Vrli I'larre Prvitn Till
iKUMilh Call I fel hemming n
-Ml''lnK renter, Tirnurrnw
tliK I In' ip will bo tllapalrhed
this station special t ml 11 ol
'.u car n( llveslnrk, consist.
iaf tscntr car of rattle, eight car
et sheep, Ttirtn. carloads of
I Sftd unc carload of horse, The
lire brine (hipped In Hit. fatten
sIsr mnipany or Tnromn. and
bought In IliU section rrrrnll)
1 Mr. I'aulr), representative nf the
1I01 ruinpany. Tha sheep are
I skipped by Mr. MrKendree In
1 Franrlaco firm. Tho mule are
shipped lit Matt llroa , Vulii
dr, Cl anil I lie carload n
U being lllpM-d by j k
1 lo California,
asM IIh of Yolo county. Cal
if ahlitnt thu lhrr carloads
Ink-, are now buyer in (lilt cc-
IIHHhrre of IhiNMt tnulra were
by them from J. V. Wells
I My, Ore Th others were pur
(nun oulalde parties In the
llwllun. The mule oro driven
sight by Hprall Wells nf Uly.
sre moatly two-yrar-olds, anil
:WIU says they arc ihn brt
or iwivjrcar-olda thai evrr
tout of ihlacounly.
morltiK of this alock b) a
I train la much aiiiirotlatiMl by
talflrtnrn, thn mock rrartira
totlnatlou much qnlrkrr than
1 hlppml by local truln.
IWbrrn did you not that hat?"
' at (liHidrlch'a, of courao. Where
toulil one m( ihoao nobby
KI Mcrlto A lO-ccnl cigar for
m: Thv only nulnv all-Havana
r arid long nilr handmade
r.on (ho market. Vnr Mlv at all
tlau rliar ataada.
. at Mon.-rch Mercantile Co. ' very plentiful.
It' J
For ttJla-Block Clothing
Art llutimkir of III) U rrgUluriil
at thn l.lvi'rnicitii
UI1I1 kiimirolliir ami frjfra nt
Itm Moimnli.
Allen A Hon am pipnrlnt! Hi own
n blnrkmnllli uliop oppoalln ,n Krn(
The lliipilnl ,, Wl liii.fl nl the
lioiiiu nf Mm l..w. on lliumday nt
1 l in All Inillm liiteriMed In tln
lUptltl work are lontlnlly lnu-l
Ollln llownril l In Hie rlly from
III) ll n (nriiKil) n relii-iit of
thin illy
H"l. asnlK illahpnin, 37c mrh, nt
The Q Ik-Hi nutt Knlnnln) nfli-rtioon
In nkliiK of tlit nop oiillook In
llio.c mitliiiit m ulninl 'Tin' wopi
all IhrmiKli UiikkII nl..y nml I lie
Hntul Hollow i nunt ry look ki,i
Home rnnrlii'tn dih rutlltiK the mtnlnl
lop of i).. fur kuIii, m l DO RIM.ll.
ami olhrra are i tilllim It for huy "
Try the ni-wr lnv.'n.irt liuirh riMim
mar Iliiin' hariUare More
Work oil I lie urn '(li Iirit iIi'mi
U proKriMlmc In Dint iit.npf. The
bate atone are of California Rrniillii
nml (he ruhhle ork of ttit. ninlri
walla of ilii. biillitliiK la nmile of rot k
wblrli niine from near llrrtr. 'al
JTlie Krniilti for Ihlt IhiIIiIIiik It ol..
trained at llix-klln, Cat Tin- rontrntt
brtnern the Kranlle ami Hip nibble
work It klrlklnR ami pri-nenta a wty
fllip appearance
Kirltiali BRciir) llatinan atioo.
K K K Klore
If )on want cum thliiR realty fine a link of that Imported Halnmr
tauaane at tho Monarch Mercantile
Co. I'honn lOSt,
V. J, Darroih, foreman of the An
keny ranch. I In the city today. He
reporla that the leld of barley and
oat on thl ranch thla )rr will Im
between IS.U0O nnd SO.00O tmalwla,
or nu aterniie nf about KO biiihel lo
the acre. Mr Darroih aalil he a
iMirn and rnlanl In Indiana, but never
aw an)thltiR In that country t lint
would compare with the crop mined
till )nr on the Aukeny ranch. A
crop of 3, SOU Ion of hay hn nUo
bren hnrtealed on thU rnnch.
"That muat be an rxpenalvu dre
you are wrarlnR." "No, Indeed. It
only coil :5 rent a )ard at Hood
rich' Cash Store."
A Borlely of Daiilth clentlU
formed to develop thu rennurco t
Greenland, ha dUcovvred In that
I land rich depoult of Rrnphlte, nubeii
to, mica nnd copper, Iho latt belni?
abostoirliltiuid '
Overcoat! that :
akca tie sen :
who caa utt ip j
and take" :
laery nan we aell :
a ealt bflnga aia ;
friends aroud.
You're Next !
lli:(lt'I.ATI(l KI.KCIIIUAI, Will.
IN(. IX 111 iUUXilH,
If Vital Inlinal lo I'mirrty Ounim;
Hi IHIiik Veteil (Jiit-Mlon.
Onlliiiiurc In Full.
Tho ordinance calulillahlnK thu of
tlcn of electrical Inapeclor nnd
tubllaliliiK ruli und riKiilatloiiH con
cirnhiK thu liiatallnllou, operntlon
and maintenance of electrlinl wlrlrm
npparatu In hiilldlliK In till city
mii aluiu'd b) Mu)or Hiindvron thla
moriiliiK. nml will bu In force thirty
da) from thu ilntu thereof.
'I hi ordlnnnco I of iinuiiinl Into.-.
et to tho properly oftiicr of till
city, nml iliflnltfly aottlc tho nie
Hon of ilitlrlcnl Inalnllalloii n far na
Klnmnlli I'alla la comcrm-d
1li ordlmiucu rend n follow-
An ordlnnuc.i to tatnhllah the offlcu of
..(..kl.ll I...... -.-.- i . M ..
.Kin inn iiiai(iiir in aim lor mil
City of Klamath Kail. Oricon; lo
rei'.iilnte and di'dlio the dillle of
autli niniiT nml lo extnbllah rule
ami reKUlatlon loiicerulnR thu ln
tallatlon. operation nnd tunlnle
mince of ili-ctrknl wlrliiR npparat
ii , IIiIiir pennltle for thu viola
tion of tlin protUlon of thl ordi
nance nnd repenlliiR nil law In
ronrllrt heruwlth.
The fit) of Klamath Kail ordain
a folio; 1 Th, ,ifT1n it m1....II
InapeMor In and for the City of Klam
nth Kalla, tlreRon. I hereby created,
and aflld oltlce hall Im tilled by np
IMilntment by the Ma)or by nnd with
ine coimeni in ine council, nnu nm
Inapector vhnll hold oltlco until hi
uccror i appointed and uallfled,
Mi. I i.n. Ii.i r.ilf..i..t lit tli.i tl.,.ir t,.'
and ltii thu ronavnt of the council nt
mi) time tor rnuuru to properly per
form hi diitle n (inscribed In thl
fi.illnniini nr nn. firillntihi'ii r..iiilntB
InR electric wire or npparatu which
may lierentler tie aiinpteii. nam enx
Irlrul Inapector almll bu u toniietcnt
ulerlrli Ian. well ered 111 thu rule
nnd reiulrement of the Natlonnl
i:iii trlcnl Code. Hi nro namiliilliR til
diitle mid the authority conferred by
thin ordinance thu electrical Inapector
klinll Ink., tin. until iiminlll mlltllntiu
lered to other city official, and nhnll
Rive a iHimi to mo city or Kiamatn
Lll In lli. lumnt mini nf fllii hull
Iml dollar for the fnlthful uerform-
unro of hi diitle.
Heel Ion :. Ktery corporation, co
partnership, uMoclntlon or Indhldunl
nwulriR or operntltiK n llnu of wire
out Ktreet. alio) or bulldlnRH In
Ihlx rlly vhnll no only wire Hint ure
Mi.ltHl.t.. Mini BtriitiL. falmtt tftlltnblv
nnd .ifely nttnch them to (troiiR nnd
nrtirli.iii iiiuiortM and Imiilata them
nfiill point of attachment; ihnll re-
tiioi all wire uunnuoneu ior uo;
nnd If wire are other than wire do-
di..n,..t in rnrrv nn tlirlrle llirht or
power current, nhntl mllnhly Iniulate
oury wlru.whoro It enter a building!
ahull ultnrli to It ai auunuio nnu con iwilniH In lli ii plrtult ralcu-
i-,.,..,.. i'. ....... . ... -...
Inted lo prevent dancer from flro and
near Hie pinru oi eniernm iiiu uunu
Iiik. nn nppllnnco calculated to pre
vent nt nil lime n current of dec
..tit.. ,.r unh Intnniiliv nr volume, a
to bu rai-Mblo of liijurlnR electrical
InHtrumenta or raualnR flro front en-
lerlni; lliu iiuiiuiuk uy mean oi ucu
vim hmnnil tho uolnt at which auch
appliance I attached.
nee. a.- II nnau oo uninwiut wi
any porion or ieron, firm or cor
porntlou lo Introduce any electric
lllhtlng or iKiwer wire, circuit or ap-
...,, iinHnr inv nwnlnar or In anv
bulldlnR or portion thereof within the
corporate limit of tho city of Klam
tt.t. it.!!.. iintaB thn anniri nhall have
boon Inatallod In accoidance with tho
rule und requirement auoinou
therefor by thu National Board of
a.,1... 1TM.l.rvtltnii rnr tha lntlltlofl
of electrlo wiring nnd npparntu. no
foro any aucn eiecirio wirma nan
commonced In any building or atruc
turo or In any addition thereto or tin-
.. ... ivnlno In anlil pltv. a writ
ten permit therefor ahall be obtained
from ine electrical maiwvwr ui
city authorlilng the peraon, trm or
mbmamiIiui tl,Arlti Annlvlnaf to do
nd perform aald electrlo wiring, antt
BO aucn eiecirio wirtua nan w w
raenced at aforeaald until Mid PrMt
I... nhlalHIbf) fttlATMlfAr! & If
litis IITOII tf.w-.w .nw.w.w, -T ?T
any peraon, Arm or coraoratloa ekatl
commence aaia eiocino wina .
out first obtaining eal perwlt ta
aforeaald and shall have completed
the same without notifying tat elec
trical Inspector, no connection shall
M maoe or current aiiura ur .
la by any person, Arm or corporalloa
kullillBB nr hulldlan or
to any part thereof, aad If such eoa-
awi.,wai4. .- w w-..w. --
la by any parse. Irm or oorporatlo
i.V-.T7aJi hanfaar antalaaal tka Bar.
M.T...MM tU. TfUBHS HTr fR.arr'JHtL ...
salt of the electrical laspettorrwah
parsoa, rm or ewiamiwa) aw ??"
tag rtalUtpoa eomtletle. taeftaf h.
i ore ine ponco Judgo, be punUhed aa
provided In section 10 of thla ordl
Bee. i, Any person, firm or cor
poration navinK obtained a permit
mm mo uieurirni invpccior to com
iiiencn wiu elect ric wiring or any
bulldlnR or Htructurc or any addition
then In, or having obtained thu per
mit of tho elect r leal Inspector to In
trod mo nny electric lights or power
wire In nny building or structuro or
In nny addition thereto, or under any
nwiilng within thu city, must keep
nuld work of wiring open nt all times
from tho (ornmencemcnl of such wir
ing until completion, for free Inspec
tion uy inu eiecirirni inspector; and
nny punon, firm or corporation vio
lating the provisions of thla section.
upon conviction thereof before the
IHiiice jiingc, mall be punished aa In
Heciion iu or mis ordinance.
Section &. After any electric wir
ing hnll hnvn been completed la any
building, structure, or addition there
to, or under nny awning, for which a
permit nn been gltcn by the electric
nl Inapector, tho person, firm or cor
poration to whom said permit was
Klven mint Immediately notify tho
riricai inijiecior or tno completion
of tho work nnd keep thu same open
for freo linpertlon by the electrical
Inapector until tho name sbajll have
been examined and approved. It
Nholl bo thu duty of Iho electrical In
spector, upon receiving notice or the
completion of nny electric wiring for
which n iiernilt tin been obtained, to
at once inKct such wiring sad If the
aanie has been dono and performed In
accordance with tho rules sad re
quirement of tho National Beard of
Klre Underwriters ho must lsiue a
certificate lo such effect and deliver
thu same to tho fierson, firm, or cor
poration performing ssld wiring, and
a duplicate of such certificate, to the
leron, firm or corporation owning
the structure wherein such) wiring
wn done, but If auch wiring, be not
done nnd performed according to aald
rule nnd requirements, ha shall
withhold aald certificate until the de
fect In such wiring are remedied.
8ec. 6. All changes, alterations,
eslenalon or repairs made In electric
Installation Installed previous to the
adoption of this ordinance shall be
dono In accordance with tho herein
before mentioned rule of the said
National lionrd of Flro Underwriters.
Sec. ?. That aald electrical In
spector shall receive as full aad com
plete compensation for his set ti ens aa
electrical Inspector the suss of 111,
iu iiuyiuiu ii? mo vii ui aMaBfH I -. b ,,
Kail as olbac.aaJe.rlea are s.-aiiPJjH?r-
net. k. ii snan ne ineauty or ine
electrical Inspector to enforce the
provisions of this ordsnec. making
written complaint to the police Judge
of all violations thereof, who sball
thereupon Issue a warrant for the ar
rest of tho ierson or persons so of
fending. See. 9. Tho electrical Inspector
shall decide all questions not pro
vided for In thl ordinance pertain
ing to electrical wiring, operation nnd
maintenance of electrical apparatus.
See. 10. All electrical signs shall
bo erected on permit of the electrical
Inspector, and with tho consent of the
common council, and not othorwlse.
See. 11. Any person, firm nr cor
poration who shall vlolato any of the
provisions of this ordinance abalt l
deemed bullty of n misdemeanor nrd,
uprn conviction thereof befoio the
liollce Judge, shall be phnlshed by a
fine of not exceeding 160 or by lea
tirlsonment In the city Jail not exceed
ing twenty-five days, or by both such
flno and Imprisonment.
Clt) of Klamath Falls.
County of Klamath, s.
Stnto of Oregon,
I, A. I.. U'avltt. police Judge of the
city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, here
by certify nnd attest the foregoing to
bo a properly enrolled copy of an or
dinance adopted by the common
mn n ell at Its regular meeting on
Mouduy, thu 20th day of September,
A. I.. I.KAV1TT. Police Judge,
Presented to the Mayor and by him
approved this 22d day of September,
F. T. SANDErtSON. Mayor,
Shoes for chlldtcn Scuffers; mide
on the famous Educator last. The
best shoo In the market for good
wear. At doodrlch Cash Store.
Alex. Davis, the cattlemaa of the
Klamath Marsh country, has sold
about 400 head of cattle to the Cas
tens Packing company of Tacoma
Wash. Ho will drive the cattle to
Ashland, and ship from there. Mr.
Davis says the opening up of the
northern markets to this section has
been a bonansa to cattlemen. "Com
petition Is the life of trade," and this
saying has sure been made good this
year as far aa the cattle business Is
concerned, made possible by the ad
vent et buyers from tha northern
The best oa earth
shoe. K K K Wore.
Is a Hennas
URN WANTlD-Thraa ir four good
sm waaUd by m Hydraulle
ttoaa aad Brisk Co. Wages. 11.50.
vv, , t
J ,V
HherlsT lUrae Conftdciit of Locattag
Hang aad FlaUtilag Tbetr
' IH'predatioa.
"Horse thieves are getting busy
again In this section," says SherIC
Barnes. The Sheriff has been re
ceiving numerous complaints lately
of stolen stock. Tho last report was
received from Henry Smohr of Swan
Lake valley, who reports that there
was stolen from him a two-year-old
very dark Iron-gray horse, branded
IIS on the right stile; has a small
white spot In the forehead; weight of
the horse between 1,100 and 1,100
Mr. Smohr has offered I reward of
ISO for tho capture and conviction of
the thief. Sheriff Barnes, In speak
ing of this matter this morning,
stated: "It looks now aa If we would
havo another heavy term of court on
account of the numerous complaints
reaching this office about stolen
stock. Every case that haa been re
ported la being Investigated very
closely, and we will round the thieves
up If It takes us all winter to do It
Slnco the last term of court this ne
farious business haa ceased, but It
Is aprlaglng up again within the last
few months and there Is qolte a gang
TU' teeri'r-woYir sir ' sMere;!
but It Is apparent that he haa a
straight tip on something which will
make mighty Interesting reading one
of these daya.
Conklln'a self-filling pens are the
best. Reasens: They don't leak; they
ire easily filled; the points are the
est. I am willing to sell them with
he privilege of returning.
Four-qt. agate Berlin sauce pans,
with tin covers, 25c each, nest Batur
lay afternoon at The D Deal.
Broilers and fryers for picnic or
Sunday dinner at Monarch Mercantile
Co. Phone 1051.
Last night's set of pictures at the
Iris were unusually fine, and that Is
saying something more than a mere
pleasantry, because the Iris pictures
are always fine. The melodrama en
titled "Won on the Desert" told a
pretty love story la connection with
a thrilling Sght between American
bluejackets and a band of Sahara
outlaws, when the fair heroins was
taken from their rude grasp aad re
turned to the arms of her sweet
heart. "The Cola Collector's Dream"
waa a beautifully colored Urn. Tho
old coin collector falls asleep, when
the colas relate their history aad
travels In various lands. "The Side
board Folding Bed" Is a s!de-sp!ltter
all right. ' "Room Mates" Is a good
picture, and Is full of amusing tricks
aad pranks. "Raised in the Country"
Is a picture which shows the wonder
ful effects of growth In a country ea
vlroameat. A couple seal their child
to tho country while they .go to la
rope. Three years later they return
aad the child has grows Into giant
proportions. Electricity la called to
aid them la uadotag the wonderful
work of nature, aad laally tha chUd
la brought down to spaaklag atae
lavs your ticket eoHpoas thla week.
Another watsh Is to bo gtveaaway
seat lfotsar nlght-n aaUd 0M
eta thla tse. ''Mr.QuuMUs aaa af-
ford to give this watch, and ha Is go
ing to take as much pleasure la pre
senting It to one of his patrons as
though he had a garden where he
grew them himself. Keep your cou
pons and attend the show Monday.
Three tboaaand feet of aew no
tion pictures at the Opera House to
night, Including among other Inter
esting features a delightful comedy.
"The Road to the Heart." A black
eyed Mexican maid, without tha con
seat of her father, wads her sweet
heart, and the father later Is forced
to relent after some terrible exper
iences la amateur housekeeplag.
Then a laughable series showlag the
several vain attempts of a tramp .to
get food and a bed by being arrested
for some petty offense daring tha re
cent hard times.
The baby contest still holds the In
terest of the patrons of .the Opera
House. No. 3 leads by 17 votes, with
No. 29 second and No. 24 three votes
. A large draft team, wagon aad har
ness for sale; must be sold before Oc
tober 1st. QEORQE B1EHN.
Try a Jug of our prepared "As Ton
Llko It" Horseradish. You will use
no other, Monarch Mercantile Co.
Two sons of toll from the railroad
camps appeared before Police Jndge
Leavltt this morning aad charged
with being guilty of having partaksa
of more than one per cent of some
thing. One Murphy waa toed 111,
who, la explanation to tho Jadge,
said he was. simply celebrating hie
lattdarrast;SBajgit M-ssssvImN
right for a maa to ho toed oa euch
a count. The other offender tried to
beg off, and said he would leave town.
The Judge said, "Well, you can leave
town all right, but this city mount
your loss to the extent of 115." which
was produced.
W. O. Applegate of Klamath Agen
cy was registered at the Llvermore
Mayor Sanderson will begin the
construction of the cross-walks la the
morning. It Is the Mayor's Intention
to construct these crossings of suffi
cient width that pedestrians can walk
across them abreast Instead of the
old sheep-trail fashion.
It you wsnt your ptcnle lunch bas
ket full of delicious tklags, stop at
the Monarch aad get Salame aaaaags
a One Imported sausage-Tilla-mook
full cream cheese, Hslas
pickles sad relishes and a dosen other
good things to complete your lunch.
Let Us Fill
Warn a saaa, says, let ass ta jroav watch or let aso
bowse, yew'tre get U aelawe Man capable at dssag a sjoot JoaThs.
t ore yea have bias a R. Thais reassashlt.
Whew we ask yosi to let aw pat a yoaw psssiilpUQaa tt ta aalaeal
that yosi ahoaM ha teM how eapabls are are f aasR R.'
Haw thsUoverjr irisislgMsa wo laaadao Is satai tho ltosf. V
Haw wo toot ovety aiHtsto ta asatatssw halaw fmshat R a atatt
' ' - -..-- ikiilia
' i , . . -- :
; aavmg ,- taeatsa mto
9TM,f gfMaf
Lstasaalysars ,
i , i ' t. ;.
.aV- V .( SBBSBBBkak. .T.'l i - "
1WB4m - t- ' t4jB
ziiRT tirnsi
, SSSWf, pai I
j'eV J
i :u&
Or MaaRffHTMntY
kMsd) Masd WMasssst
Henderson Bras, have tha
ath tMesa" near the Wlai
oa the'Upper lake, where she win hsj
caulked before betag plaeed la ths
watar. Tho aaavtajr at tha larssa
dredger from the lower to the spyer
lake haa bees accompllshsd wRhswt ,
damage of any kind to the Qssea. -
Many difficult problems wars atetv
sad overcome la traasferrlag the
mammoth dredge overland a dletaae
of about three miles over a reeky,
filll road. First, the Queea had te
dredge her wsy oat to a point where)
solid ground could be reached to take
her from the water. Thea several
hoases had to be moved to seenre a
right of wsy for the dredger U got
across a certain potat, sal after bar
qaeeashlp had passed; tha aavtraetscs
replaced the houses la their peeUleas.
Much delay resulted la seeartag hard
wood for rollers. Laurel weed waa
tret tried, bat tha weight of the htg
dredger crashed the list sets used
and Mr. Henderson teallr ebtalaed
aa eaessdlagly hard weed whteh he
foaad growing near Wasd. Cat.
Tha aadertaklag haa been aaa re
auirlag great sissatlve ahHRy aad
lagirtiaii U ilsrtsr ami
deraoa Bros.' have set lacked either.
Tha Irm Is oss widely kaewa w ths
moving line, their headquarters s
lag la Oakland. Cat.
Knight rank will he conferred at
the convention to be held tonight. AH
members of the order are requested
to be In attendance.
J. J. Parker. Welle-Pargo
haa gone to Portland oa a visit. Mr.
Dixon, geaeral relief ageat at tha
company, la aetlag aa ageat daring
his absence.
These chilly moralaga aa overcoat
feela comfortable, aad those stylish
ones at Goodrich Cash Store are tha
beat ta towa at tha meet rasasaahla
X have some aew thlaga oa sate la
the wladow this week.
Ta -asj mi
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