,37 I :'$M .iLM WSrVV r-' I : n - riaitf i -.. &" Klamath Fall' First nnd Btat Dally. V HHL- 'Z-WKiJ'i , Vfc T.JEi'- ChAdwdwlM 'y TlMan RM'h ZJ KLft, h$ tbcnm Hrfalil. ' . :; i w "-" " I y: Tiiihii Year. No. 901 AN EXPERT OPINION WHAT A WKI.WOHTUli MAN iiiiMtrt of ii. II. giixrinv f SOI IE IHKOUOH HlHi: 111 SI Tmumki'. I'owrr Hllr, iMi-lupiiieiil ' mill Olhrf I'kIiiI All I'iiiiiiiI In 'anr of KUhmIIi Couiilrt, Ir Unr or urn ihi miiiwii ini'ii in it n Mali' "ho "1J lll-d" U l linn atll.it df railroad rondllit na In (tin north ot ui anil hu lint made mirtoi nil mrr lir! roiiiilr" ! now In llrla ill) I'oi Tinnl ri'iMin it ii.iiiiii it Mllhlirlit. nk litt U well known In Ii Hi th lllll ami Hanltiian amp in mi hlff ! todny III K lllliutll roulx Mill would Inlii, If Iik should drti-nnliie lo tiiillil n road throuKh in California (rum (tin Columbia ilvrr. k Mill "I bnvi hnil saveral roitferenre allh both th Hill anil llntrlninn en finer r, ami (rum lhr ronveranilun (til in) personal knotted:" n( tlir country. II Ii my liiiirrliin If tlit o-rallt-d lllll foul U Imlll, wrm ilnwn through I Mo uuuilry. Tim frMin for llil Is apparent (nun n itinrc al Ilia mapl In llio nliurKjit loair mil, nnd ha prarllrally alt tlir liBtiuRo immediately adjacent In It Tbp Oregon Trunk lluo u now flicur Idk on llio mnslrurllnn o( llir mail between llm Columbia thrr mid Odell, using Oilrll as a terminal point, which throws tho linn Iimi far r't (ur Id route via lakavlew In bti run slilvrrd, The toil to south of Odell Ii nnl bring flguml mi nt nil At llm present Univ. This, howrtrr, lll In an easy matter to work out Inter, (or It I my opinion tl nt a KrAilo of !- than imp per tent tan b obtained (mm Odell ihrniich hero m Tule lake, ami (rum lliirn on to California It Is in easy matter. A good linn, of easy (trade, roulil tie roittr urled from Itrdtnnnd la Albert Inke, tJirotiKli to 1-skvWuw, and then on south to Cal- e 09 OC 9 0 ' lTHOROUGHBREDf nv5 Everything that it new and I I np to date in Hats Caps Is now ! I on oispiay i uic aaiui4 laa'aaaa M BHMi .-aV WV W K Kit STX)RE " ' l no moat Important (en. turns i,( iiillrunil .,,.,. i lr.....i.. '' ll'fll Mil . lltflllllkl II .....!.. .4 . . I " ' "J II WOllllI III'd'H. Hut.' o llm. mo mil,., ,lllKMi Wlll,, Inku Dm ,,m, ,11,,.,, y UVN) fri)M ((y lirliiiliml loniiuK,,, uny ,,, "I'lemllil vsnlr ihihit iilti,. tint lire nllnlilii on On, r,n ,,mM , ())Il, ml ) Iroin frnler lake, i,m. f lliemenli Molldi r of llio nrld All. other frniiitn iik,i(1i loimiriuiitm n llli" flom lleiliiiiiinl ,i Allien lako in Ukni- I lie farl Unit i riu would trntermi nlmiit JJ6 mile of Imiteu ili.vri Mhlrh U ulilioul wnier, roiiMMiniii) iiiii.irodmilti 'lliln n mrliiii. ontle On llm oilier hand. thi itiiiiiMi line from lln). mond tu (Midi Hould him rlmv lo Hie dendli Hiwer le liiMileil nt Hill lintii fnlla, imn full nnd ITIncle (nil" It Mould liUu mim thrniiKli tin. KfentMl ) ui pd,,, Ui,.r ,.( the fulled Hlnlm u nl.u w,. known Hint lietueeii lliilnnd nnd O.ti'll Ihefe l nil lliililrim.. itepotlt of piimlri' nlone whlrh will diiiihllemi lie iu.iI In the near future for l lie hulld I iik of kr-rrt ra nnd other hulld Iiir Tin. iiinterlAl l fireproof. Ilr-hi, i-By to handle, caa) of detelopuient. and nluioti at tint door of tin. mil. road llm tiiniisucf from thin one produrt. when ll It iterelopi-.l, will lie ellieihllir: llilllieiite The territory nliniK the line of the propoiied road to Odell la nUo rlrh In nKrlciilttirnl retoiiriea. with plenty of wnler nt hand to make It productive. Comlne outh from Odell the One Kon Trunk lluo would douhllcM pn over the WllllnuiKon mnmli. whlrh ran ! n claimed nnd made tery pro ducthe. At lo Juit what lde of the lake the Oregon Trunk line propoc to "omit ihroiiKh on I am unahlu tu tlatu. t mlitht any, hotier, that thero l plenty of riHim on the weal aide of the Inke for two fonda. Taken alto Keihir It lookri lo me n If Klniimth I'alla, with It lornllou nnd iurriund IliK retourrea will lie one of thu main Simla Hint the Orison Trunk I renrh. InK out for " Hot rjkea nnd pure WImiiiiMii mnplo rup nt l).uciiMirfn lunih room. i KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1909. FACTS ON FARM LANDS i.xi.rrnvK nniviiTTiiK oath. IX(. l.T. ALL SEC I IONS INTERESTED l.irrjr Comnieriliil Hotly nm Deteui. imnl AkMirlal Ion In I lie nt Aakiil (or InforitMlloii. i:r lominenlnl hody uml duvil opment naaocliitlnu nnd ri'inituhlij mud ilvnlur In thu went will ho uakud to (urulalied rillahlo Informailon ahiiut iinllnhlu farm Inndri In It lion to ttiu namtiiblid dclenntea tu the Nulloiinl Kami l.iiml toiiKria lo he In Id In ChlciiKo In I lie latter part of S'liVtMlitr. In thin ny iinrommnnly complete Inforimiilori will w ne.Mirnf, cotrrlnt; the Innila Hint nru open (or acttlo mi'iit, either throuKh purchapo or liuiiii-kUnilliiK, logelhir with nccurntu atntriuenta ua to thu poaalhllltle In tnrlnua (nrmltiK linen In thu nrioui atntea. The extcutlte committee of the roiiKH-n la kiiIhk after fuctn In IhU ay hinuao ll wants real (acts. It Mill Kather data that will bo of enor iiioiu aluv nnd which could bo gath ered In no other way. Having gnth vred this Information the congroki lll delo moans (or placing It be fore thu farm-secklttK public. ll Is planned tu lmo each locnlltj where there Is ntallablo (arm land repreaented nt the congress. I'lans Imvojiecn worked out to such an oi .en! that thu tery great success of the coiigreas Is niiurcd. Tho co-opcrn-lion of moat of the state executives liaa been secured. .Many govvrnors of ilnles nru upon tho ndtlsory commit' teo of the congress, federal offlclals iltu nru participating In the mou- mvnt. It Is not tho plan to mako an ei hlblt of the products of various ro Klons. Tho Idea Is definitely to reach and Inform tho millions as to the fnrm homo building opportunities ol theseitlous In which tho various commercial and promotion oncinlta tloiiM nro Interested rather than lo mnko n display of products of tho (iw score thousand K'oplo who Krsomilly will ho nblo lo attend tho congress Tho congress means to promote it deal re (or (arm- llfo and lucreaso the momentum of n movement toward the (arm now felt over) where In Aiuerlcu. Tho tost of participation, to com tnercli'l bodies, will be nothhu cx ecpt tho expenses o( such delegntes as n. uy bo choson to ropresont (ho (arm land Interests ot various sec lions, Tho sessions of tho congress will oxtend throughout an cntlro week. I,nnd owners and dealer are also inkod lo pnrtlclpato Id tho work cf (ho congress. Tho reputable dealers In farm land of the country are In a position to (urntsh deflnlto Informix tlnu with reference to the land ot niy locality, and the publicity arising Iroin tho proceedings ot tho congress will bo of Immonso advantage to thu land owner and doalor In tho develop ment and Increaso ot tho homceook Ing and homobulldlng spirit. AT THE OI'KRA HOVBK As a reault o( the voting last night No. S la now first, with No, 10 second and No. 14 (bird. As Interesting draaaa. "Through Jealousy," will be trat on the pro gram tonight, then an anuatng atrial aaowlng "Profeeaor Wlee's Brain arum" tad Ita eteet oa variot): ft' aoaa aad aalajal. A Batl(il osaiady, "The Raid to the Heart." la the atory X a dark eyed SoMUk awM who .woda hw lover ngnlnst the will of hor (athcr, nnd tho final abject surrender of tho father after several horrlblo weeks of experimental housekeeping. An other humorous (llm shows thu vari ous vii In attempts of a hungry tramp to get arrested and so fed during the recent hard times. Then a powerful drnuin, "Tho Two Cousins," one tho uncle's favorite, the other, crnlty and deceltdil, and tho final will of the rich uncle, Tho elder cousin and a professor of hypnotism plan to force the favorite to poison tho uncle, then lestKylng against her, win the estate. Now songs and music nnd the babies. THE PRESENT POPULATION Kli.tMATIIFAM4l KHTINATKH TO HAVK AVMO VVM'l.V. BASED ON SCHOOL CENSUS Approximately 4ttO I'uplU' Attend ' Public Hrhool Condition of Hie Hchool Fund. "Klamath Kails at tho present time has a population of 3,500 people, bnscd on the present school enumera tion," stated Professor Dunbar, prin cipal of tho public school, this morn ing. Tho public school of any town Is a pretty good Index as to Its growth and prosperity. At the present time thero aro 380 pupils In attendance at tho public achool, with three addi tional rooms In uso outsldo of the public school building, and still they come. It'll ajnarvelthe way In vlilcli Klamath Falls Is growing. It will have a population of S.000 be foro lots of peoplo will realise It. The condition of the public school In this city was never In better condition, financially, as will bo shown by tho financial statement of funds of this Institution, which Is submitted here with: IJIirnry fund Amount received, fCR paid out, 143.74; balanca on hand, I24.2C. Music fund Received, $10.85; paid out, H; balance on band, 13.85. raprr fund Received, 118.63; paid out, 112.15; balance, $6.47. Athletic fund Received, $14; paid out, 16; deficit, 12. Itlrtl fund Received, 198.75; paid out, f4.85; balance 13.00. Ink fund Received, $9.86; paid out, $0.70; balance, $3.15. It will bo seen that In only ono of tho accounts has thore been a de ficiency, namely in tho athletic ac count, of $2. As a whole a surplus Is shown of $38.63, which Is Indeed n creditable showing. FROM HOITH DAKOTA CtiMKft J. a. YYHKKIiER He Has Invested In Ind In This Country, and It la Too Uile toHcareHlmOai. J. Q. Wheeler of Aberdeen, 8. O., Is visiting this city. Mr. Wheeler has Invested In land In this country, and Is well pleased with his purchase. He came to tho city some time since, and said the thing that Impressed him most with this place was the fact of Its site when 63 miles ol a railroad, for In his country It Is hard to tad such a town even on ,tbe railroad, With this condition confronting him, be made up his mind that there must be aaaaathlng back ot this plaoo to support 'It. Attar Investigating the situation thoroughly he purchased a traet ot land near this city. "That matt U aa expensive drees you, ara wearing," "No. ladeed. It only aoM IS eeata a yard at Oood rleVa Cash aKor." Otsnh Uoaey, shaawat taphattac sweets, at Mmr MamaUla CH EX-MAYOR OF PORTLAND I'AHHKH THItOl'OII TIIIH CITY O.V A CAMI'IXO TIIII REGULAR OLD '49 STYLE Mr. Harry Lane and Family- Enjoying Tlieir Hammer Vacation In An Unique Manner. Ex-mayor Harry Lane of Portland passed through this city Monday, ac companied by his wife and daughter. Surrounded, by camp equipage, In cluding pots, pans and kettles, with tho usual camp Arc, near Bennetts livery stable, Mr. Lane was inter viewed as to his purpose In visiting this country. He stated; "Myself nnd family wanted to see this country, nnd took tho old way for It, with two horses, a covered wagon and tent. Wo camo In via Crater lako to view that wondrous spot, which wo did. I consider It one of tho wonder spots of the world. After leaving Crater lake we passed through the Fort Klamath country, nnd was very much Impressed with Its beauty and wonderful resources. Klamath Falls Is a wonderful place, considering the fact that a railroad has but Just practically reached you, and with Ita location and vast re sources surrounding It, thero Is no doubt as to its future It Is bound to be a city of Importance." Mr. Lane, after looking over the city yesterday morning, left la the afternoon. He will go to Lakevlnw, and then north to Bllver-Xake-.aad through tho Deschutes country to Portland. C1TY BREVITIES Dorn To A. T. Mckeson and wife, this morning, a son; weight 8 pounds. Jos. Hesslg of Beswlck, Cal., Is In tho city. Try a Jug ot our prepared "As You Llko It" Horseradish. You will use no other. Monarch Mercantile Co. Shoes for children Bcuffers; msde on tho famous Educator last. The best shoe In the market for good wear. At Goodrich Cash Store. It ou want something really fine get a link of that Imported Salame sausago at tho Monarch Mercantile .Co. Phone 1051. Kirk White left yesterday morning for Portland, whero ho will attend the Portland academy tho coming season. Broilers and fryers for picnic or Sunday dinner at Monarch Mercantile Co. Phono 1051. Chas. Lambert, the stage man of Bonanta, was In the city yesterday. He loft this morning for home. Tho El Merlto A 10-cent cigar for 5 cents. The only genuine all-Havana wrapper and long filter hand-made cigar on the market. For sale at all first-class clgsr stands. C. W. Eberleln and wife left this morning for Ban Francisco, Cal. They will return In a week. Doable Shift. A practical Joker recently made his first trip to Niagara Falls, aad a guide that he hired waa trying to Impress him with their magnitude. "Grandl" suggested tho guide. The visitor did not seem Impressed. "Millions of gallons a minute," ex plained the guide. "How many la a day?" asked the tourist. 'Oh, billions and Wiltons." said; Ua guide. The other looked aeraaa aad down and up, aa If gauging Ua lew, aad them turned away dlalatertattdly. "Rubs alt night, tee, I ssppoat, he remarked aoaaaalaatly. The feMe, avr reeevmdr , HAVK YOUR VFXJETADLK HKKI How A. 8. MorUnd Would Make m Hhcccm la the Track Garden i ThU Vicinity. A. 8. Morland of this city gives some very good suggestions In re gard to raising vegetables In this county. Ho states: "Save your seeds from the products grown here, and It will be found that tho growth therefrom will mature quicker and thero will soon dovelop a generation of local planta that are Inured to the conditions here." This will offset to a great extent somo of the difficulties that are met now by planting seeds which aro de veloped under entirely different con dltlons than prevail here. AT THE IRIS No. 91466, held by R. F. Roybeck. wa-i tho lucky ticket nt 'bo Ills last night, winning the lady's witch. It was tho fourth ticket drawn, 90726, 90981 and 90839 having been drawn from tho box, but tho holders were not present and tho drawing contin ued until a coupon holder was pres ent. Next Monday night another watcb of exactly the same kind will be drawn for under the same rules at tho same time 8:30. The high grade of the entertain ment continues, and tonight there will be an entire change of Alms, con sisting of some unusually Interesting ones, llo sure to attend and save your coupons, for next week you may be the lucky one. ' W. O. Applegate ot Klamath Agen cy la registered at the Llvermore. Coaklln'a self-fllllng pens are the best. Reasens: They don't teak; they ire easily filled; the points are the oest. I am willing to sell them with the privilege ot returning. McHattan. L. E. Walker, son of County Com missioner Albert Walker, Is regls- "Whoro did you get that bat?" "Why at Goodrich's, of course. Where elso could one get those nobby styles?" tered at the Llvermore. Art Hamaker ot Bly Is registered at the Llvermore. It you want your picnic lunch bas ket full of dellclousthlngs, stop at the Monarch and set Salame sausage a fine Imported sausage Tilla mook ' full cream cheese. Helm pickles nnd relishes and a dosen other good things to complete your lunch. ASXAP A large draft team, wagon and har ness for sale; must be sold before Oc tober 1st. GEORGE BIEHN. Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions When man aajrs, let ase ffx your Bouse, jroa-ve get f emtTo ntaa fore yon nave Mat aw K. Thais When we ask yon to let us put up your pceecriptloM k Is taateswi X.Y;-H; that to skoaM be told (sow caMblo we are of ateaasf it, ' ' "" r, How that every nreecripUon wo now we teas every ancte u one mm kt mm m - - to handle yew prsaerlpUesvin any We have establlshsd aw aMUtf, to In having been leented here far snore every year. Let wa ant ysws m. - v Mam-UMm ws?sfejtlK TaagMeal--- 4v . awsWiSjFBjsBwas-.w JBaawtTsswjannjBnnk ?fJlVv 'T to Ji r, "T" J' . fl.-i -WllL' V . . ..jVi-, . 9i9f9Vwmm f v i-' pm: ' .!' -itf . ZE.m ,M Z. Hi riucal, ,iubp ill -va; I'.-1 "' H 5.'ll IASU.4H MEETING OF CITY COUNC CITY FATHERM HOLD AX IMFO TACT MEETING THE MEETING IN DETAIL Various Oitll nances Wen Intrastates! and Rend Cenceratnff Iassnevi , meat of the CHy. SBnu1- a A regular meeting of the cRy eena- '' ...... ... .... i following members were present Mayor Sanderson, Couaellatea Cas- tel, Hanks, Summers, Wlllits, WH klns, Police Judge Leavltt, City At torney Drake and City Marshal' Car ter. The minutes of the' previous meet ing wero read and approved, aad hills allowed read. A sidewalk was ordered construct ed on Seventh street, running easterly along Oak street In front of lot J to ' connect with the sidewalk now. built In front of lot 4, block 95. The ordinance ' heretofore intro duced establishing the office of elec trical inspector waa adopted. This ordinance authorises the mayo. to ap point an electrical Inspector who shall Inspect aad pass upon all tho elec trical wirelng done hereafter 4n this city. - '" An ordinance eetabHshlag grades and repealing former ordinances on that subject was introduced and passed to second reading. Aa ordinance to amead ordlaaasatT declaring what shall coastl t at aul-? nances waa Introduced aad.paased to second reading. An emergency declared oa this ordinance, aad R wus duly t'dntfed. An ordinance providing for and fixing the width of sidewalk and curb line on Klumatu avenue was passed to second reading. - . Dr. R. R. Hamilton waa elected aa health officer for the city by the eom mlttee on health. Police Jndge Leavltt waa emBteywd to codify the ordtaaaeea for the atty, provision for which waa made by a recent ordinance. Hla compeasatlon fordoing this work will be $118. The countll then adjonraed until September gOU. These chilly mornings an overcoat feels comfortable, aad those stylish ones at Goodrich Cash Store are the best la town at the most reasoaable prices. I bsve some new things on sale la, the window this week. McHattan. watch or let.ase paint yew, , eaanale of nlng a geasi Ja no- j reasonable. cu was neia urn nigm at waicn ir.e - handle la anted to the Isetw.l-, aaace aereee paaeaag at aB;afnaai,'j; - -' - - fa mMmmmmim&' ' t way. ,- o -p-P; Ml yaw awtitrlpMjani .ttjeesy ffve rear nsst antsa spstwe.stM.'- iiwrR?i' Jl'W! " m . .-n-rijr.t' . ,t . -. T nnaaam : "- u- i m. u rm k. t&Jt ..xi' ' - j v. . ."& V "51 :r- t ; 1 .n M ..' i T -i ' X r. iM V . i VK - I M v. iM -., Vsl .' v. -i.J . s"i 'Al ,.f- .? f-Jf! MB "" ii -, vt&j r-A if " I I'n i jy SV . m IIMMMIIMIiMHM IMII " "T; . :jrv.r i ca A . '. & ll o-47 f.-VTb, - 'J .rv ...'jf Ji !7 &.Vtit jftv'tiaf iv "K. K A ,jfm ' .fiJ--i, ,.M