The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 20, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath Ffllln' Wn
and Bent Daily.
Our Asfttrtkerg
Th BMtiJUtulti.
Third Yuan. No. WW
T .J
r,;.8,, ", '
' , kM " JKJ"T f JT -- smmSMB
: '
Kfc-. I'l
W'-y,. '1
. - -. -TE. , , . . t.
, Tkrsr-iJi
' Wj
Idoak SUED
Itamk wni' hi: iiimiiii ' an.
Ikuk Hy llrr lluabanil link
rrvixriy Amounting ' Mil
llmi Dollar. ,
Tilt V'rt ' 'n wll'l ol n letter
tnl by l". " '' IMmk' ,,t"'''1 "'
tAniM". '!,. H'P. II. l!"'-. lu
ll rlll'I'liiK from Did tlnti Prnn-
bto Kismlimr, under ilatn u( August
Mk, tt !" Hipping from the
Lit Am"Im II'"1'. ' Mrpl. II
fo Itllcr nml flipping reml n foi
ls ttio IMIlur ill Tim Herald: In-
!aJ i)i(ii will nml xiitin very Itit.r
ilu 'or )"r ll'r. mid mini'
irt can be bail nflnr "''I'1- "ot''
m III ! nml my rhrk fur one
Nitar, for wMrh I wli In pay for
1r paper Id tin f III III inn for (Mil
in (rum ilnln rnhml. Itrspwt-
Mllll. II, I'. DOAK.
11TJ rVarrf at,. !. Angele. Cal "
H l alio ! Mf. IMi.i
I niarxlnal nolo mi una of llir
no llml Ilu) tlaleiimut In Ilu-
I'linrlito Kinmliior made ty Mr
k In On' rfTi-ct that "Thorn I n
f behind IliU that mi il
paper tuny rutrr" U true, Iml
itnlca I hi' tatemeiil llml nn op-
loo tin licit performed upon In r
e article from (tin Examiner
cel mhiiii Unit' ago In this city.
a as, follews:
ho iiiarttloiu tlnry uf a nflrrn
bunKnluw nl Kliiliialli Ijikr,
hrr Kavlil IVrry iMiak. irr-
I ( ttio I'an Ainffknii
Hiny. a wiallliy lm Anxvlc
1 man nml tinmidlor nml n irutii
it rlllirn, U mIi to Imvit rttnli-
an "alTlnliy." rntttK li HkIiI
ntay hn frlnnila of Mr- J''11
May IKmk. 23t: Hcnrtl atrwl. rt-
to date. in Hati Capi is now i
display at the
i'iif. IIik loiiti'iitn nt llm iiiiporii for
ilhnini Unit nhii luwl Jimt iU-i.
Tint i luirittn iiKiilimt llm liiinkiir urn
lliil hn imiicIiuii.'.I a miiKiilnci'iit iitii
n( triinriy. t tilili U now kmiwn no
linnk'a llniiili," nml Unit m cl up
In miinptniiii t)ti a uiimiiti nut IiIh
lfn. Imt Iiii Iiiim Iir.m kmiwn In llml
vlrlnlly nn 'Mm, llonk." Tim wf., ,(..
rlnt.i. Unit It l. ,,y Mltliln dm ,t
li'H iIn)h Umt Htm l.nrn.-.l of tliln a(.
tint ton.
"Il wan niliiK lila Hum nwny
Iriiin liimif. iri-niimlily on lnulnitm,"
lu .nlil. "Now Imvti finiiiil ntluT
"rin-r.t U n IraKiily liflilml IliU
ra Hint mi iiim puprra limy ruv.
T," imlil Mr. Iiak In.t i-vciiiik,
"Tlii'in lina lifon nn operation pi-f
feu niiil on my !(; IIhto tut tic.'ii
n riiiutltliiii of iiprtiiiuni'iii - onu Hint
lotilil ..rluim (:lvi tl. to IkIi l
Ion nml In-llift niul mni(nn. Hln
l ii iti'.ir oiimnti. I rnnnot tilmin lirr
ii tut r llm rlrriiiimlnnrin for hIirI nln
linn iIiiiik. It r. iiuiliiH only to mini
tier. In imtlify I, it ri-nton, ullny Iut
inplrliin. lit arroril Inr aiirh rati' n
may Im tifrnnr)i nml tlii-n llm runt
tT will ITIll "
ArroritliiK In IIik ilhoiro milt, mi
fur n llm farta kit.' olitnlnaliln fruin
filinl. Mm lNi.iV. ni.i'iln Unit li.-r
hiittintnl IriiiiKlit II. i' Ori'Kon propTl)
Hi-pti'tulHT 3, I90C, nml Uhti', In tlic
IOi.000 r.lnti-. r.tnlill.lir.l ntliittiiT
woman, A Ulllo liuirii tlinn u i-nr
acn Ilu I'lelili'i'ii'iixim numinrr liotni
ai tnilll, not far from n lunim of K,
II, llarrlmnn,
Hn' nrtlrln piitillilmt Intrr In Urn
IJil AiiKi'U' 1 lines la n follow;
In JimIkp JamiV ronrt )i'lrrilny llm
illvorc.i iirtlon liroiiKlit liy Jrnnln May
loak aitalnit llavlit I'rrry loak on an
ordiT to allow mu riy llm buiband
alioulil tiol mnkii Inr an nllownnro of
$J0U a iimiitti fur itippnrt iliirlm: Urn
pmti-nry of lln trial, ll.&UO for Iut
prrparallnn of llm rnnc, ami from
ir.ino in S, Out) atttirimy fi'in. wrnt
iivit mi" rik by nKriH'tni'iil,
It la tin- unitoraUmllliR Umt u prop
erly M-lltrmi'nt Mill li mnilu brtween
tlm roiili, Tim nlU'Knllnn n en I nut
oak la nilnlti-ry. rommlttol with n
that Is new and f
VMMiiiui not niimi'il In tlm putltlon, nt
llm Klmiintli l.nkn ri'iKTvntlon of tlm
ili'fimilnnt In Klnmnlli (oiinly, Oro
In l0K. It la nlli-Ki'il Hint Douk built
n flfli'i'ii-rootii IiiiiikiiIow for tlm lie
niuiinoilntlon of lila "afflnlly,"
Tlm ptopnrty of Doak lit catltnatcil
by lila ulfu In Iut roiiiplnlnt nn not
li'M tlinn l,0UU,000. It cotialata of
I.HIi.r.7 nrru of Inml In Klnmnlli
count); nmiiKmicau iiiIiim nml Iron
inlima In Hlinatn ceunty: controlling
Inturiat In Hit- Douk Blii-i-t Molnl
Worka, HIkIiIIi nml Irwin atrcili, Han
rrnmlaro; irlntlinl owni-r of tbo
I'nn-AiniTlniii Conatructlon roruMiiy,
IiiiIIiIIiik ii llnu of railway from Han
(l)Tonlmo, UirouKti Oainra nml 1'hl
npnn In llm lliinlnmiilnti front lor, In
Urn republic of Mexico; cnnlrollliiK
Inteii-M In llm Cull,nrlno load tulr,:
tuoperiy In llnntn C'lnrn country. HI
Loiila nml Clilinuo, nml Urn control
line iiipltnl utock of Urn I'ncldc 'J.iiikI
Hlcrl lompmiy In Ban Krnnclaco,
Mra. Douk nllecm Hint tin- only
liipiTly aim lina la tlm home. No.
'.K7 Krarff atrwt, tbla rlly, nin! mo
tliirra of the rnpltat utock of llm I'mi-
Anierlrati Conatrtirtlon rompnny,
ii!lli f too n abnre.
Mr. Doak baa written to one of lila
frlemla here n) ItiK be eJpecta to la
in Klnmnlh Knlla about the flrnt of
l..Ki:VIKV la.VIl Dlt.WVINU
It wna expeteil Unit the l.akcvlew
Inml ilrnwlni; woubl he flnlabnl lail
Haturilny iiIkIiI. There wert three
1,000-nrre trnctd aolil riir 1100 each,
otm fnllhiK to n Montana man, ono to
a Kniiuia laily, nml one to n Netiraa.
knn, A Clo.ucre tract nlao fell to n
rralilrnt of Kearney, Neb,, wbllo the
llerforil ranch lumae, barna, out
bulhlliica auil twu.wloiluillla, valued
nt about fS.OOO nml located In the
Chewnurnn valley, fell to n Kullcr
Ion, (nl man.
The ilriiwInR for tlm latly'a watch
to be kIvvii In the holder of the lucky
coupon ticket take plncc tonlsht nt
8:20 nt tlm Irla. Ilu there with
all ynur toupoui (nml n rabblt'i foot)
when tlm drawing taken place. The
wntrh Roea lo mmc onu In the the
ater. You will have to conm rmly If
)ou do not wlah to atand Mr. -mi
mini foela n pride In tbo nooilueim of
tbla nlco little watch. The lucky lady
who Kola to wrnr It will bavo a tlnio-
keeper ot which alio will feel proud
New picture tonliclit, nml .1 KoJ
time for everybody.
Jnck Thoau young widow have
nn ndvnntUKo over you alnglo glrU,
becauab they know nil about men.
Madge Yea. and becauao tho only
men who know nil about them aro
Men's Woolen Bulla from $10 up,
nt Goodrich' Caih Store.
Women's tnllor-niade outing hati
nt 1 nt (loodrlch'a Caah Store.
Special lino of boy' clothing at the
right price at Goodrich' Caah Store.
If you wnnt lomothlng really fine
got n link ot that Imported 8Ume
Miitago at tho Monarch Mercantile
Co, Phono 1051,
All now and un-to-dnto good l
Qoodrlch' Caah Store. A One now
tock Just arrived,
Largo line ot wall paper, new do-
Igm, at aoodrlch'a Cain wore.
nroller and fryera for plcnlo or
Sunday dinner at Monarch Mercantile
Co, Phone 1051.
If you want your plcnlo. lunch bas
ket full of delicious thloga. atop at
the Monarch and get Salae eausage
a line Imported lauaage Tilla
mook full create cheese, Helai
pickle tad rellahea aad a dots othe
good thlaga to compute your luaca
MJonater Convcnlloji In Clilraco To
lie Aildnineil lljr I'romlncnt Men
From All Hecllom of Vnlon
Tho National farm Land congress
to bo held In Chicago In tho latter
part of November In tho expression
of n now trend of American life.
That trend I toward tho farm, and
Investment In land, and thero are
three claaac of men Interested,
Tbo man who lives In a'filg city,
hangs to a (trap to and from hi
work, nnd who I dependent upon an
other for his employment and In
come, Is looking, to tho farm as n
means of emancipation. Ho want to
live In the open nnd to mnko a decent
living nnd to bo hi own boo. Ho hns
een tho solution of hr problem In
tho farm.
The man who hns money to Invest
nml who Im nindo false Investment
In various line Is looking to land ns
tho safest of all Investment and to
farm land ns tho safest of land in
vestments. .
Tho man who has land to sell, who
Is Interested In the development of
the country, who want to see arid or
Irrlgablo or dry-farming land or re
claimed land made Into productive
farm home, I Interested In placing
hi land beforo the pubjlc.
All or these men, nndtbere are
hundreds ot thousand of them, arc
thinking and talking land, and It I
becauao llila I so that tho great land
movement of the day ha como about
and Is dally growing Into ono ot the
moat Important facts ot American so
cial and financial life.
Tho National Farm Land congress
proposes to bring thd homo seeker
and tho land owner together upon a
rational basis.
Tho land agent ha often over
rated his facts. Tho homesooker has
not had all of tho facts concerning all
of the nvallablo farm land sections
placed beforo him. Ilut tho National
Farm I.Hnd congress proposes to col
lect tho truo facts of farm land possi
bilities throughout tho wholo country
and to plnco exact Information beforo
tho men who want It.
Tho Idea back of the National
Farm I-and congress has won Instant
recognition throughout the country.
Tho necessity of Just such a gather
ing ot facta has pointed the Import
ance of tho National Farm Land eon
gress. And tho result has boon an
Interest surprising In Its extent.
Tho West Is particularly interested
In this land congress. It has prob
ably more to offer tho horaesecker
than any other section of the country.
It wants young mon, strong men
men ot musclo and determination to
colonise Us undeveloped places.
To such mon It Is a land ot prom
Iso. It promises golden fields ot
grain. It holds out pictures ot or
chards and groves sot with budding
fruit trees. It offers the dairyman
rich pastures aad good tuurkels. T.
him who would look down the long
rows ot green vlnoyards the West
holds out her hand. And In the cen
ter ot each picture Is the farmer's
home, with his happy wife and his
sturdy children, bora to Indepen
dence, reared la the sunshine.
The West will tell the world the
story ot its opportunities through the
Nstionat farm Land eengress, aid
thousands will Aad. the stories ot
their dreams at last come true.
That tha Ntkat.fam liaid
grew will give .jrgflHtHtjsw
to the. farm development movement
all over tho country I fully recog
nised by tho officers and members of
tho National Dry Farming congress,
tho National Irrigation congress and
other similar organisations having
for their purposo tbo propagation and
promulgation of Improved scientific
method for getting maximum re
turn from soil cultivation undor
various conditions, as well as the ap
plication of now farming methods.
Tho enormous scope of tho Nation
al Farm Land congress, In which
every ststo In tho union will partici
pate, Insures for Its deliberations
moro attention than ever has been
paid to any such event, and these sev
eral organizations, whose activities
aro largely confined to restricted di
visions of tho country, will avail
themselves of tho opportunity to
bring beforo tho entire world tho
matters In which they severally and
tho pcoplo of- tho wholo country aro
deoply Interested.
Tho program committee of tho
National Farm Land congress In turn
fully appreciates tho Importance of
placing before tho Intending farm
land settler nnd developer tho vatu
ablo Information that these bodies
hnvo at their command. Their educa
tive valuo Is Incalculable, and a con
spicuous placo In the program will
bo reserved for addresses by repre
sentatives from theso organisations.
Tho board ot governors of the Na
tional Dry Forming congress, which
meets at Billings, Mont., October 26,
27 and 28, 1909, hn already taken
action by Instructing tho national
secrctary-treaiurcr, John T. Burns,
to accept a position on the advisory
commlttco ot the National Farm
Land congress, and has expressed the
pleasure ot Its congress that be
should act on that committee and
lake whatover actlvo part may be re
quired of him In connection with the
monster meeting In Chicago.
Men's pants at Goodrich's Cash
Store for f 1 up.
I havo some new things on sale In
tho window this week.
Try a Jug ot our prepared "As You
Like It" Horseradish. You will use
no other. Monarch Mercantile Co.
Tho El Merlto A 10-cont cigar for
3 cents. The only genuine all-Havana
wrapper and long Oiler hand-made
cigar on the market. For sale at all
first-class cigar stands.,
Conklln's self-filling pons are the
best. Reasens: They don't leak; they
are easily Ollod; the points are the
best. I am willing to sell them with
tho prlvllego of returning. g
Comb honey, the most tempting ot
sweets, at Monarch Mercantile Co.
"The Story ot Psyche," a beautiful
colored series telling a tale ot ancient
Greece, ot the love of Cupid for a
mortal maid and the terrible Jealousy
of Venus, will be the first film to
night. Then "A Pair ot White
Glove," which prove a sufficient clew
for the detectives and to convict an
Innocent person ot murder. "In Sore
Straits," a beautiful scenic series
showing beggar and rich man on
equal terms, and finally a laughable
comedy "Walking On His Toes,"
showing an amusing old farmer and
his experience in a hotel. New songs
and muslo and the babies. Be sure
and vote.1 Baby No, 29 leads. by IS
vote; No. 3 Is second, and No, 84
third. '
Mayor Sanderson Is busy these
days with the schoolroom proposl
tlea. H states there are about lit
mora avaUa la the puWle aehool taw
year that Ihtrt waa mat, aad to a.
ceaakedaU thi oddlUoaal MttWrJa
keeping tho trustees busy. Already
two rooms havo been rented from the
high school, and now the Janitor In
the public school has got to vacate his
room to mako way for more pupils.
With no schoolhouse site decided
on, and the way this city Is growing,
It looks like the children will bave"(o
bo accommodated In a font pavilion
next summer.
Lakeside Inn Mrs.- M. E. Child,
Klamath Agency; W. E. Strong, Port
land; D. M. QrlfBth, Eagle Ridge; F.
H. Mehlborg, Bozeman, Mont.; W. D.
Qllmore, Pasadena, Cal.; It. P. Laa
dl. Albany; C, H. Musgrove, Boise,
Idaho; H. L. Aldredgo, Bonanza; R.
B. Itnlph, flan Francisco; R. Warnock
and wife, Salinas, Cat.
Llvermoro M. Hermann, San
Francisco; II, II, Lockwood, Half
Moon Bay, Cal.; A. Patterson, Sacra
mento; J. B. Stuckler, Romona, Kas.;
A. C. Schman, Boston, Mass.; O. N.
Ford, Portland; T. D. nnd W. T.
Skinner, Bonanza.
A flno report of IbcMerrlll section
was received by this office on Satur
day through Joo Devlin, who Is work
ing a header and six men In the grain
fields about Merrill. Mr. Devlin says
ho has the .contract to cut 500 acres
ot wheat for Guy Merrill, and that
tho yield will run fully sixty bushels
to the acre.
His Credit Still Good.
Knlckcr Has Jones anything for a
rainy day?
Bocker Yes, he has saved a friend
to borrow an umbrella, from. New
York Times.
It Makes a DMtereare.
"What did you say last night when
Jack asked you to marry him?"
'"I shook my head."
"Sideways or up and down?"
Boston Transcript.
He (caught looking at the girl at
next. table)' She reminds ma ot you,
She Then why not stare at me,
Instead? Illustrated Bits.
The smallest complete watch In the
world Is one-flfth of an Inch In diam
eter, owned by a resident of Moscow.
The man who made It for the last
empress of Braxll permanently Im
paired his eyesight.
A large draft team, wagon and har
ness for sale; must be sold before Oc
tober 1st. GEOROE BIEHN.
Let Us Fill
Your Prescriptions
Wheat a bmu says, let me fix yew watch or let m patet year Z
hoase, yoa've got to believe him capable of flats sjoadl J a.
fore yoa have him do U. Thata reasonable.
Wheat we ask yosi to let as pat hb yea wserliteM to smtws
that yoa should he toM how capable we are e;eia M.
How that every areseriptioa'we
Mow we test every article 1st oar
a4 that MMketa theroaghly
to haasle year pr sasrtoHaa t aay way.
We have oswhllahed ear ahllsty to ama jwar
U havlag haest teMttee here Hr five years ;
Let as fist years-
5"iv "1 s5af',.'fi. iSSI
t'tmm' - 1'as'' -- 'SBaiAll
. L-l I.
' . .... . f. .' '.'VL-t,v
Had The Robbers' Ready to! Do Thaw
Wheat the Faasesw Detectives! V
Made Their Aayearaaee.
In the Oregonlaa 6t last Saturday
appeared an article giving a report
made by tho Plnkertons la which ref
erence Is made to the bank robbery
which took place In Klamath Falls on
January 16th last, a follews:
"Another bank robbery which at
tracted considerable local attention
at tho tlmo occurred on January 16tb.
when two masked men entered and
robbed tho Klsmath County bank at
Klamath Fall. The Plnkertons lo
cated tho robbers thrco days later
nnd secured tho bulk of tho $3,500
booty taken. Riley Pflevcr and John
Hall both pleaded guilty to tho crime
and aro now serving tlmo."
To every citizen of Klamath Fall
who was hero at tho Umo, this Is a
hugo Joko. Both tho bank robbers
referred to were captured bjr the
Sheriff's offlco tflthln three hoar aft
er tho crime was committed, and '
were sentenced to the penitentiary or
the same day that Plnkerton's repre
sentative arrived here.
A Danish government commission
has reported sustaining tho claims ot
two Copenhagen brothers that they.'
v. - "- - - -.---".VJ '
H.aipviimm'fl iw j.wwf,i,
Is possible for a person at one ead
of a wire to see what Is going' on at
tho other In Its natural colors, with
out the aid of photography.
It has been successfully demon
strated that flowers. If frosea before
they havo fully opened, may be trans
ported long distances la safety,
thawed and made to attain th'elr tall
' British agricultural colleges have
succeeded In growing from sprouts
potatoes In which both the yield and'
quality have been lucreased aad the
disease-resisting powers strength
ened. To enable hotel patrons to ascer
tain the time a telephone system has
been devised, connected with a mas
ter clock, which sounds the hours,
Quarters and minutes when a batton
on any receiver Is pressed.
haasBe la fisted ts the 1
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