4tfnHffBW'liiwwimlwiiWmiOTaiwMAm'ii . IfcAlL. M 1 ".f& E? srjk v- w-r. v..sbjhS afeK'&!i "?$ Jj!&' - . elato. Klunmili Fall' First and Beat Daily. Tumi Vkah. No. Wlli KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1909. r3A.,:, 'I fc . saV BSSSBih hv-K 1 fc ' mi 1L M Our Adrtrttoari Ott -'Mf.,, I Th BartjSwltt. v A PUCB 6 CbMsI, V-'J Ifo putting ECLAMATION IN OREGON KM si'll-vr u. tmi; two ni. I'tiiir.tNT mhmmi-m , IS MILL Dlt SIAIL . linn iiiiiirnt I'lrtll llral, Iti.mi.r the IImUIimciI ImiiiI Mi- In the Fitrmrr ill 'mI. Thr fultuwIiiK eitlturlul rotiiliit'lll (iitiililiililrnlloii arn Ink in (tiini it Jtmiiml nnil mo lutrreillni: l. hi. n( iit atniiil taken mi nn vwr- lliltiK ubjitt? Tt rr.rn nf Irrigation ha l--ti etfo, li U n mtw nr.fiity Hint I to Mltullr Mlil lilt-It III lTlV IllK liMiit Inrlt ((inn I In' mil. At tl' Mio I lllUhn) nriroKti till wild In illt iltiE Irrigation nppenr to i iIh Mln lands, nml make lln-tu K&ouiir iriliirtU It U it nw flutluti In khIiik tn I tin nll (ill Milk, lit nirr (or plixlurtUlt) iUnl uthrrwlan barren U n vain- tlrtion In nKrlrutliirltts nn err) U of lain! It l mi tiiMiriHtit n In Mrlriilturnl etulrAtur nl Jmt il nf the world' prnKrri Hut ili Krtal nw fur It tit bo vlgur rtimiltHgiHl Thr Iruilrlitilp of tguirrntnrnt In It It-half U mm nf i brtl.-t and lit ttllll.- In lib ny Kiiiriilnrtl vxi" rnfitKi-il k leadership that uir!' ' ItUlnl lit, for It U a 'nrtUlor w!lh- s rmiT rnilrntnr l guirni and nun In which li mil lm l) flutter the nikti'iiil. i.l.'l Ijnnnliilr tittiilllloli n( I'.o miiIi', ; l ImlriMl holier for itinhriiiiU'rii 1 itnjtr Irrliutlnn lit fur pi- rrltnl In tin It. Im entile ll.r tine ! on airing ll.i ntliiiiiii-t In farmer without a iiinflt, tln nllirr levies n toll 1111 Hurl IMl imtraviir, when, a Hut drift opuUtlnn (ruin thn farm shows. Itttlluro liiintil lt released frnm slhto tolls, In I fin t'lnl t tint turn find profit enough on lliu land idur them in remain nn Mint 1 fur It " I point thereof tho following rum- kllnn fmm A. Kin WlUmi: Inlvrni In Ilm rvflnuintlon nit'". K90C 0 Now Here 11 Stylet at the excluiife agency, " Yon cn't Btter the Best" futiil 'llii. Miinnr, 1,1 tl,.. ,i,.,r i, r"'iiln. in ,'xvu id,, iniijiir iiuriiiMi of Hit- 11 lniiuitii.il fiiml utikii,,. fri ((tntinniiil niili.irli'i rr ilm l.,.n. fli nf Hi., mlil or mui.iil.l lun.u wlililn null Mm., in trriliiii) 'ilii' lltUInn nf HM. (lMl Iltliiini) nn inilliuliiiii) n,,, riimllillli) ' 1, li in milium.. Willi mrtliin n ,,. intiiiiiiii irrlKiitiuii ln iiiiiupi Jun,. IT. IUU2 C, t., n,,, nuili Ony nf Intl.-. I!ri!i. tin. ii.,,., ifoin t, nl... n( Knveriiiiuiil luinl In Dii-unn im.iiiiiii.i t is.iTi.iinsaj (mi.. nlf nf llil.. r f I.OS7.3 trt Irt uluiulil 'hi p'hi.i. In (Iickoii Tin. niliuil milium nf iiinniiy i.-ii..-.l in iiw ;nii U n follow Oaiuntli mii.i l2.liiV.iMiu inatlllit imijiit l.lsA.nflir Tnlnl 3 2!ir..ilH0 In nlliir minU. ut lliu iinrnt llmr ' are nt.nit T!:.3I4 Iri Tin. ,, mtiiiKiil nt WnililiiRiiin m-i'ina to fi'l tlinl Oii-iinn lll i.KmIikk nil tnorp unit) fur llil. (nml Wlill.- Hit. Imii,!. K nf H.t rullruuiU lulu l.'uiivrii Ori in ! IIIiik miviriinii.nt Intut t-r) ail. tl... niniiiitit nf tin. f ti Til will tt'r KM-nllv 1 nlnrK.'.l li'(u,i. 'jr nine nf 1 1,.- iuih uliu Ut., n Or.' nn llilnk II oiil.l nut t... nut nf .nrt ir tin. Ki1t.r11111.M1l tu npi'iul fs.uoii.. On In Hit tinln In Irrlcntlun prnj it. Itu-r tlilnk 1 1111 1 llipronii. piii- nf 'iu)nl I tint nn- iurllinlilu nml mll.lt. In Oit-Kuti Tin' r.'iiili't nl It pap.T 1 .111 iliatt tlnlr imn mil lliiluni nn In Hit' h. .Illuii Hint I) re nin U In In rrtatluu tn HiU ftunl " Tin. hIhui. pK'tcnu tin. Important mint llml tlii Inlit' full puttlon nf lli fuml trt-ntitl l.y tin. mtlo nf pub ic InniN U fur frnm IhIiik rnii(ri), t tul Hint fiilnrn kaIi' iIiiiIiik tlm nir t'tii lt-ii')riir ptrlixl h larKt'ly In ri'uin (lm tnlt'i lliti'tprmli'il lal anro Mr Wll.nii prr'lillil''lit nf Hit' fin In utiKKi'ulH tint t'lpt'Cliillun n mien pnw.-vit nml tlm Dii'iimi ftunl In rcui' Hio ili'i.irtmi'iit utmulil mnkr irinnci ini'iiH In rtpi'iut Ori'Knn'ii lt (nl iHiitlun In nppiuw.l prnjirlit nf rrrtniiinllnii In II.U lnti. Tint rnll rnnil ili'i)tupnii'iit nu In pruRrrm ninVm It .ilrtiiul) Imixirlunt fur Hit Icpiirtimiit nut tu lnu klclit ut tin Ort'Kun 1111111111111 It I pnitiiililu Mm' Hut OriRiiu ililrgnllitii will lio nlcrl nml Hint nil Hit' ini'tiilii'm llii'ri'iif wll liiuM iiputi ilKUlupint'lit nf Orruui thr IMIlnrnf III Jimrimll I tw ri'rlaiiiiilluii In tlm limit or tlm iniini in n fitw nliMtrvnllnim nn lu Oru .rrtnti'.lo) tlio lnv Hiniuuli Inml 1 ...... annanShoes Hintn Shoei embody everything that i best in modern footwear. See the new KK STORE man Shoes, Walkover Shoes, Np-a-Tan Shoes . tiTV ititr.vni I'ur frckli llini', rnll nt (li'orKu III1I111V Mfii'ii Wimli'ii HtillN frnm $10 tip. nt Ouoilrlili'n Cimli Hloru, liitn't futr.'i tlm iiilllliH'ry upi'iiliiK hi I'iMii), Hn.t. I" ut thu HIIIIm )r (lllllllt Co, Julin Hlmitt In In Hut city toilny. ilii) Hitlit nn lil u u mill whlio Jnp cupnj nml mini I'm nt Q Dm) next Hnturiluy iflt-r. Ki'it Hlmtuw illNplny. Julin Hliipmil In In thu iy tmlny nn liimliii'Hn. Hpi Inl lliii nf I.iiiT IuHiIuk at Hip rlulit ptlti'H nt (Inuilrlrli'H Ciiuli Htori A turn' J.'.r.O plnnu, matt xllnlilly InniiiKi-il, fur Imlf prlr..; 11 1 no liar Cilim In other plmiun, nt VlrKll's fur ulitirii ktunt. Miijnr (. i: WnroVi ami vtlfo nml .Iiukk Miivm nml wlfu lenvu In Hit iiurulni; fm Ho. liuiiKt'liuiil uu Crtnl Crt tk A mint uilllkltit lltiu nf rrt'licll pnittru IiiiIn will tm on illnpliiy nt Itiink A Hi Iiik lilcr'n, I'rlilny nml Hnl iriliiy, Ki'pt. ITtli nml I.MIi. V Mnrrlitt nf IMutomlii, WiihIi., pnl.l llil iiillr.t n tlill 1I1U iiKiriilii;: mnl Kntn 11 i'i liilrri'ktliiK talk iiliinit tin Hiiuml (Mint rj nml tin tu tu r.- Mr Miiirli.' airhiil liut nlulit jii a liiulncm trip nml vxpttta tu tt-ni In tin ninrnliii;. All nvw nml iip-lu-ilatti kihxIi nl (iiiinlrlrli'it (,'uih Hluri'. A lluu nv it or k Jut nrrlviil. Tliu flr( ilt'lhrry of ruliirnt lilockK fur ttiv Jnroli4 lilurk Him Hindu liy tlic ll)ilinullr Hlutii mid llrlrk company todny. Tint lilnrkn utlrncli'd lillicli fnv ornlilit roimui'nt hy liiillilum mid run tmrlnri Mr C V. HiNxtrlrli at tin- Cut Hlurc link nddrd tn tlio urlKlunl gro cer) ktork it 10,1100 atork of lii'iv ouda, t'liilirnrlni; rlutliliiK. Iiixita mid ilini'k. I111K, Initlrit' and Kvnta' fi.r ildiliiKii, trillik,' KindTlrii, wnll n- IcW and Ki'itrrnl tnt'rrllmidliio, Tlir ruli' of Hut til or i' Ih raali, and K''1 ;ouiIh nl tlu limi'kt ptHillilt prlrex. Arultt Walker nn lirimulit up from .Merrill Init nlnlit nnd lodtted In the "omit) Jnll, where lie Hill Mirvo u Jnll leiitenre of fifty dn)H. Ho run ilctitl of putty larceny before the Jiih lint of the penrn nt Merrill mid lined 1100. In default of pn)mcnt tin Han lenlented to mo lift)' da) a III jnll, It la claimed ho entered u hotel In Merrill mid xlolo u Htiinll pocket pis tol mid K'liiHi (lothliiR, Mr. (Ilnio. IIvIiik tnenty mile north nf Hlltcr I.nke, nna In lovvti tlilH week cettltiR luppllca. Ho ex preaaed hlmaelf an totally aurprlaod at Hio low prlccti In Klmnnth Knits, n rompured hIHi Hio Sncrnmouto umll order Iioiiho ratnloRuea. 0110 of which ho had In hU pocket whllo here. Ho will return Intor for hi winter ii pile. Wo want nil the. bachelor, pln Mem, mnrilcd incu'wlth their wlvea, Hvnlnn with their Hwectheart nml bo)n nml Klrla In visit tho formal oponltiB of Tho Voruo Millinery to nlKli.t, tomorrow nml tho noxt ilny. Tho Inrgoat tock of puttorn hnt of (ho Inteat crontlon nnU Imported nov uIIIuh oer itUpluyetl In Klamath Full will bo on exhibition. Watch Monday' window tor vchool girl Hpeclaltle. Located In old Uoiton hoo More tand. Mr. H. M. Orutt nor, iroprletre. Open ovoulng. Thero I ulte a car ihortpgo on tho railroad at p'reaent, and a n result tho hecp nnd cattle men who havo itock to hl aro aomowhnt tip In tho nlr. O, T. McKondroe has eight car of sheep ready to ship out aud tho Caitena Packing company havo about ten cara of cattle ready to go and no cara. The wires are being kept hot,' and the situation will doubtless be relieved as soon as It'ls possible to get stock cars here. OLD-TIMER COMES BACK M,U. (HAH K. HHAItrt Itm'KNH TO TIIIH HIXTIO.V OX VACATION HIS riRST VISIT SINCE rS6 InrprlM'it nl Hit, Vnt lliiprntPttM.'llts lltn C'tuiiiirjr AlttnyN UMikrft OihmI l II lm. Major CliiiM. K. Heart, who I con iifYti'il with tho land department of tho Huiilhern Pacific rompniiy, 1 pay Iiik thin rlly n llt on hi vacation. .Miijnr Hear Aral vlalted thl coun try In 1 SOU, whon he. In company with n party nf miner from I'locho, Ncv, made n trip through Klamstl' lliikln. In apeaklni; nf that trip, he mid: "When our parly panted HirotiRh hero In 1SCD It was a vvr) tparAi'ly kcttted inmmunlty, and there were nut more than half a dox- on houai-a ainttered n round uvur tho country. I remember dlatlnctly of ih linllrtriM lirlriRlnK our party acrosi 'he rler In their diiRout, and wr hud In aw lm our hnrae. Thl coun try looked Reed tu me then. My trl liere now la a ret elation to rae at -umpnrid with what I Haw here Is I sen. Kver)thlnR in tho country har "limiRed except Hut ttcenlr beaut) whlrh mirrounds It. I cnnaldvr lh view of Ml. Shantn from tlila vallc) la the moat beautiful ono I over saw, tiperlnlly .it aiinrUt- or along wher the uenliiR HkIiI I fnllliiR. To m) IlkliiR, li I far more striking that "Tlila city I nnturnlty very "favor ihly located, and now that tho rail road I an em 11 red fact )ou will have to hnt nddltlonal hotela to occommo late all Hio people who arc bound tc "ome hero tor recreation and pleas ure. Thl country has so many dl veralfled opportunities for outdoor iport that great numbers of "lo'urUtt. from all over the country will come hero nnd doubt Ions many of them will remain permanently.. Old Damo Na uru tins latlahcd many resources, nnd )ou have got to Ret In and de velop Hi em, anil tho moat scientific farmer and workman I gelne: to bt tho winner. Tho farmers of this sec tion w 111 have to make u study of soil conditions and learn about tho kind of crops best adapted for profitable culture In this place. "The Indiana wo encountered In thli country In 1S09 were very kind tnd nccommodatlnR. extending man) :nurtoslt. The had their peculiar Itle. however, which had to bo re jected. That remind mo of an Incl lent Hint occurred somewhere In this nclRhhnrhood. Wejn'ero camped out ono nlRht, nml I heard a rattlesnake In' tho Krasa near by. Immediately 1 roI a stick and was Rolng to kill It, when an Indian stepped up uud said: "Thl I my snake mlka lllsbe," mennliiK "thl I my hill"). I did not kill tho snake." IflO KAI.L OPKMNtl Friday, Sept. 17, 1900. Wo Invite tho ladles to our opoulng ot ladles' and mlsse' hats and tailored suits Stilt Dry Ooods Co. Tho W. C T. U, mot at the home ot Mrs. Goo. McDonald and tho reg ular business was transacted. Tho stato dues were ordered paid for thlr-ty-ono members In good standing. It was decldod that tho Loyal Temper ance Legion would moot once In two weeks, next Sunday at'the Iris the ator nt 2 o'clock, and every alternate Sunday after that. Tho W, C. T. U will meet at the home ot Mra. Henry a rimes Sept. !th at 3 o'clock. Brollora and fryers for plcnto or Sunday dinner at Monarch Mercantile Co, Phone 1051, LOCAfj IfltlKFH Men' pants at Goodrich's Cash Htoro for $1 up. I havo some now things on salo In the window this wcok. Mcllnttnn. Mis Alice I.)Ho of llonanxa hah occupied tho position of school teach er for tho 8trotts district, near Cres cent. Try a Jiir of our prepared "As You Mko It" Horseradish. You will use no other. Monarch Mercantile Co. Tho El Mcrlto A I0-ccnt cigar for & cent. Tho only genuine all-Havana wrapper and long filler hand-made clRnr on tho market. For salo at all first-class cigar stand. A new lodging house Is soon to lie oiened over tho Cash Grocery, fl icly furnished with new furnlshlt.R throughout. C. F. Goodrich Is the proprietor. Conklln's self-filling pens nre the best. Reasens: They don't leak; they iro easily filled: thu point arc the ocst. I nm willing to sell them with :ho prlvllcgo of returning. Mcllnttan. Ilonatizn parties nro raising a kick because the old llarpold dam has been boarded up, making It Impos ilble for Hie fish to get over. This, It s claimed, shuts off the fishing of Donanta and Hint country, and the fish warden Is being sought to see if uime relict cannot be obtained. Comb honey, tho most tempting of iweets, at Monarch Mercantile Co. If )ou want our picnic lunch bas 'cet full ot delicious things, stop at ho Monarch and get 8alame sausage a fine Imported sausage Tills nook full cream cheese, Helnx ?lcklcs and rtllshes and a doten other ood things to complete )our lunch. Dr. J. Van Denburgh, who baa been spending his vacation In this city, left for his homo In San Fran isco this morning. Tho Doctor was delighted with our climate, which ha itates ha materially benefited him. '14 will doubtless return next summer for his outing. It I easy to understand why cer aln motion pictures are expensive, f )ou but stop nnd think of tho won lerful canoeing skill exhibited In the ild chase ot Iho Indian lovers In 'The Broken Lute" which was run jff at the Iris last night. Down .brough a rushing rapids came a .lumber of canoes manned by painted .vnrrlors who could have been no less than tho most expert canoeists, per haps college men, who drovo their jlrch bark canoe at fearful speed hrough rapids that would have iwampcd ordinary boatmen. It was thrilling, Indeed, nnd waa fitly ended by tho torture of tho Indian lover, who won hi eagjo feather. and his bride. "The New Cop" provored much laughter, as It showed up the bad breaks a now man made in the performance ot police duty with cir cumstances and the fates Kgaijit him. "The Gold Nugget" introduced an exciting cowboy chaso and fin ished with tho common form ot neck tie for thieves In mining camp. No one is losing a coupon ot the Iris theater thl week, for a lucky star may deliver a beautlfu gold watch Into your hand besides the pleasure you have had In seeing a flno aet ot pictures. Be sure to go noxt Monday night, when tho watch will be given away. A series of ibe finest motlou pic ture et seen In Klamath Falls will be shown tonight. "A Romance ot Old Mexico," the delightful story of the love ot a maid and a matador. "Caught at Last,' an amusing series of pranks played by a little boy while putting circumstantial evidence to th tast. "In the Sultau'e Power," a stirring story ot love and, adveatuse An American girl, wedded to a Ttirk lab pasha, attempts to-return to her old sweetheart. "Ills Wife's Mother" Is an amusing comedy in which a man works a novel scheme to shorten the visit ot his mother-in-law. "The Prus sian Spy" is an exceptionally fine film. A talo of tho Franco-Prussian war. A young French girl rejects a fellow countryman on account of her lovo for a young Prussian officer. Her sweetheart is woucJed and escapes to her apartments, where she secretes him In tho closet. Tho reJectedNultor finds out ho Is there and, tacking a paper on tho closet door, announce his Intention of trying a new revol ver ho has just purchased. Sunday night the program will he changed again, and will Include among others, a beautiful colored . a series, "Tho Story of Psvihe," a tale of ancient Greece, in which the mor tal gods on high Olympus play an Im portant part. Tboso who are familiar with ancient mythology probably re member the story ot Cupid and Psyche olid will bo doubly Interested In Its presentation here. Don't forget the baby contest.. Large line of wall papers, new de signs, at Goodrich's Cash Store. 8ERVICK AT THE CHURCHES. Services will be ueld in the several churches ot Klamath Falls Sunday as follews: Christian Church The Christian or Disciple church trill lio'd their regular 'ervlces In tho Methodist church on Lord's Day at lornoon at 3 o'clock. A cordial Invi tation Is extended to all who wish to attend this service. Christian Hcieace Charch Christian Science services will be held in the Murdoch building, Sun day at 11 a. m. Subject ot lecture: "Matter." Presbyterian Church 10:00 Sunday school. Classes for all and all Invited. . 11:00 Morning worship. Theme, "Wall Street Sagacity." This Is a sermon for business men. 6:30 Christian Endeavor prayer meeting. Lessons from "Pilgrim's Progress." 7:30 Evening worship. Subject, "Tho Soil In tho Road," or "The Kind of a Man on Whom tho Word of God Has No Effect." Every one Invited. Strangers are especially welcome. GEO. T. PRATT, Pastor. Women'a tailor-made outing hata at fl nt Goodrlch'a Cash Store. It )ou want aomethlng really Sue get a link ot that Imported Salame tauugo at the Monarch Mercantile Co. Phone 10G1. ,, Let Us Fill 1 : Your Prescriptions Wfceu'a nasi says, let me Sx row. watch or let we psOat yew house, you've got to believe him capable nf doing gee4 Job he fore you have him do It. Thats reasonable. When we ask you to let s nut tis jrowr prescrhkUoaa K la aatswei tkat nu aliftMtil 1m tnld haw raatUa wra mm at datmm St. ' How that every prescription we How we test every article la oar and that none hnt m thorwgUr to handle row preecriptlesi 1st any way. We have established ear abUMy to Stt year preifrlptisssi In having been located here far M1IM VM Tfkr .. yeasw"""" BgSmBMrsMrsr&Bwc-JALkL.'i . i rsaaanaaBaaRSBsssnSHa4 - , -jy f'Vvrn' Qtur 1nid QfAsWl . -,.. --. ., I lti)swllifp TAFT AND THE TARIFF WILL DIHCIHH THE QIIBHTION OX HM JOURJJKY PEOPLE BOVNO TO "KNOCK. If Nltwly Milllosi People Kach Wretit a Tariff Bill. There WotiM Be TImC Many Difrrrat BNt. Speaking editorially of President Taft's journey and the subjects he will discuss, the San Francisco Chronicle gives the following opin ions Interestingly expressed.' "It Is stated, apparently by author ity, that In his public addresses on his coming Journey the president wjll frankly discuss tho tariff law recently enacted by congress. Especially will he do that, It Is claimed. In the Mis slsalppl valley states. In which agita tors bavo stirred up so much trouble. It will certainly be proper for htm to give attention, to that subject, but we predict that those who expect from him any expression of disagreement with the majority of hla party will find themselves mistaken. "If the eighty or ninety mllllonsof ., Inhabitants of the United State were all equipped by intellect and expert- ence to write a tat IS act, nnd aver ono ot. them should do so wltboutcon- suiting with others, there would he x eighty or ninety millions ot dlfereaf tariff bills. No two persons, equally ' ' competent, would make the annse A t schedule. It is not only probable.' --, t-'sHffi therefore, but morally certain, that ' the president personally would like to see some changes la the taw, but that he will make such person il views prominent, or In way discredit the law which he signed, may be set down as Impossible He will sustain the law and counsel surcease from agitation. "As a matter of fact, tarlt" knock ing, except by direct representative.! ot importing middlemen. Is but one phase of the journalistic sensational ism and muckraking of the day No -consumer has demanded reduction.! nor will any consumer beaelt In the slightest degree by such reductions as were made. Even In the free hides, as to which so much fuss waa made, no consumer Is likely to gala or lose. Tho removal of the duty has been promptly followed by corresponding Increase of price la foreign exporting markets and the prices of bides wilt remain aa they were. A protective tarlS bill will enable an Infant In- (ConHaned e Foarih Fag.) handle la anted to she letter.' i store before ntoelag tt ha atesk, oeallncd nstarnanelst la aHewed Sve years and satin i i .f l( t fi mf: T 4) -,- !- T- . 1.1 it ? . a &S 5W or.,?V- (W;'i!i7. m&fX W.C V n ; -. . TW " .-.- - - - - . fMM MIIMt Ml! ',""' A v A ir ?-,, r-J X 5Ufc'V .. Ml -A. H1 fl J'$k -Jr JAv1' ,