M -, Tf,,.,,, Has.-,. h l' i A ' 'fifiV-i, ii H , 1 t $f; .1 I iv Kbmnth KalU' Pint ml Beat Dally. dird Ykab. No. Ml I0RE RAIL ROAD DOPE L-KMTOIIV COM KM IIV 'I III! WAV or ii:iriiii, KIAMAIII IS lilt COIN I r. !'"( r VMl tlxi "Hint" mill Mskr HniiM' t'nlmlrtlliiii iiml Itniuirli. j, I'. I'mliT uC 1'urter llrn mil runlUHtots, who Nrtompnulel , Cttntli-s II Care), ihtef inninel lie lllll lino, mi liU trip (loin ti lu Meilfonl t-inMly, prarlln.ll) Html In Mmlf'iril Unit the liiiiln lot Hill'' tnltri'uit would l.o built lis KUii'Slh, at will l seen by the llioslst lliterrlow ""Br lnfi'fi'iifo only, J I'. I'orler o( ltt llrtt . wlm hate Ilm mtitrnrt kolMlni. Hin eUcmtlnit of II,.' : lm) I.Atertl, Dillilll that Ilm ) III be eltfllu'ett utrr lulu Mid nll) mill connect there tk Ike nisln line n( Ilm runil whlrli Irra U nl irrnint lonttrtirllnrt ilh Central Oregon. White Mr tt ilix-a not stato illircily that sk m Ilm tax', ln tiiniln Ilm iv 41, Willi ii laugh, Ilml 1.1 inltiM nl would liariil)' pay (or shipping Ik turmary equipment (ii llr tfWrtlllll. "Mr, I'orler, arrompj.nli.1 by ilir Charte II. Carey of l'ortt.n. I J, (I Howard, nrrUnl at Crnlei i Humlay jiooii, wlirm thoy wrri' : by Harry If. Ulcks, wlm nrrotu- llirm to Medford, arriving day afternoon. Tim party U'(l oil Immediately (or Haloin, whrri I'urler ha entered one of hli i toie nt iho state (nlr. I'Ur I'orler has charge of ilm field tk for I'orlcr llrothers nml has led irsllrnml war (or hi firm In One kl Ort'Kon. At present they hnve m J, 100 turn nl work on llil ix Jon of ilm Oregon Trunk lino. I Cart')' U Iho attorney who re. illy won (or them Ilm (weeping ile on which no them mirli gnut intnga out Ilm llarrlman force I mt an etui to Ilm trouble In Con- Oregon which waa rniil.1l. lead-, I to bloodshed. Tint party tod The tor Friday morning In n iwiw.'rful l-bnnn jxiwir machlni', Inunwl CO ! HannanShoes Now Here Htnan Shoei embody everything that 1 1 belt in modern footwear. See the new Fall Stylet tt the excliulfe agency, K K K STORE Hanan Sboei, Walkover Shoes, r,t .;MaR-aTTan Shoaa "You cw't Better the Beat" IQbe (Vnlnil Oniton m Pi Kiiiiiuuli i,i "' ' Mulfoi.i ,y ny , ,, I,,,,,, Wi. tiuiui to ruth tlm oik of xiwtiillmc tin. ,in(. nl1 ;,Mln n. Mr I'lirhT "Ilm r m , In Ilm Iiiii.U of II. N iinmlall, who lnu Ihcii h, our firm lor n niimlxtr '( )iiim nml U mm of our mot iru.liMl li'ii.lcrii tin took nn lm. iMillmil .nrt iIiiiIiik tlm trouhhiioiiiu il) In lie IWdniti., iini)oi, will lmi. lull ilmrK" of Ilm rklimnlon i( ilm I'muir nml Cnitcni, 'I'oiti-i llro, iHiii,) mllrnaiU V l"l IIKIk alli'iitlon to who oHim tie in. hut I linllnvt. Hun Ilm n( din tit'iit ilmi. nut i,ii.t.,i,., , I'Afint nml l.'noli'rn limit, IIk.iicI, hi. iim nriiili mi liitirm lainr. I (ntilint Until niitlii'iitlrnll) Hint thi roml will l. hum or n Kriut.T ill. innri' tl.nn nur lontrncl nt tlm iii-pi,i Hum mlli lor. hut look nl It (nun ttiU tlm il olnl What olijirt Mould thrrn h.. In hiilhlliiK ii roml only from Mislforil to llultp rnlln" 'Mr I'mtir wai aiVuit r.itnritltiK III" "In of Him (onlrart. Wan not Ik iiiIIpi a mnnll rmittnit for n nmi tin lMif I'ufit r llron I o fool with, fn ilMlly at th-y hml Hulr ImmU (nil In Central OriKon " TiiriiT llio tnVn ioiirc(t (or uvrry itlitniiii. (rum mm tnlln up Nethltir: U loo InrKi or too munll for thi'iu to hmi'tln If tlii'M) U tuone) In It, hut I will .-!) that nt lh irt'eut tlim nt.' ury hui ami an- not look lux (or tinall roaiU.' "Mr. Potter wan then Indirinptl lint rulnlii inttlr rr HilnklnK of Int-'itliii: In rertaln llmticr near tin Kith Ijiki' am, am) wura only awall Ins the roiilriiiAllon of lint (act that tlm roml Man to ho nxtemli'il Into the Klanulh tallcy. ""Tell them to huy the llmber.' wn hli reply "Mr. PortiT hoMi'il n crvnt Inter' I In llmrountry l)lnc hetMii-n Meil foril ami ('inter lake, nml nikt-il In mimerahlit "iictloti rrRiinlliiK It ro uiiirre nml iollilllli'. lie at moil enthu-lnillc over (Vntrnl Ore roii ami ilale.l thnt there roiihl he nc ilouhl hut thai the I'nrllc m..l Ka' rn Miiiiht iroe a talunlue re.lvr to mi) line to which 'It inlKhl mnnect. At the preni'iil tlmo I'orler llro. hne men wiitter.il ntcintc Ihe country from Tint llnlle to Meilfonl, Not one hrenk aiiiirnr1 In tho chnln. KiiKln eerliiK mrll- nro huy, RrnilliiK " iiniler wny, 11ml inoro men nro con ntnnlly helnK nihlnl to their (orce. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1909. "Mr I'orler iteillmil to ninkii u mntemciii ri'KiinlliiK Urn utory wIiIlIi riinritly iipiienrul In Dm Ori-Konluii an to llio imiln Unit ruritiliiK IhroiiKli Meilfonl In Cre-rent City nml down Ilm niimt u miiii' Hinted thnt ho miu hiilhlliiK roml wlioro he wan tolil to huili! them, nml Hint lm ilhl not know where Ilm oullit. K tliero wn to lm nu outlet, would run. "Tlm elimilloii of r'h Inku iuhk I kiiiuo 6,000 fiat, which lueiiu ion- uhlernhlii of n Krndo, nml rewnrilliiK tlm fuulhllli) of iiiittliiK n roml over It Mr. I'orler wn mint iluhlou, If Ilml tcrnile miu to do nu thu main line. " 'Wn nro liiiily IiiiIIiIIuk In Oregon nt.y.-r' iieent time," ujntlnuvd Mr. I'orter "Whither wo will hulld Into ''nllfiiiiilu or nut I a iieiitlim which I rnnmit iinmer. I do hvlluve, howl er. thnt mi i in of railroad hullitlmc It nt lm nd In Oregon, nml (or thnt nntli r thiiiUKhoiit the entire Noith eil. Tinimroutliiental line mmit he (e.l, nml OifKon (uriiliheft n ureal field (or the roiiktriictlun of Mich roml Where lhp.f road are to lm liulll nml when, they are to connect I n mutter that tlm future nlon run litlde' "Thl wn Mr. I'orler' lrl trip to the rim of Crnter hike, although he amrt thrriiiKli Inn! )eur hy Arnnl r,....i VV'l.ll.t iililliil.lai.lln nl...... ,1... ..!' 1. ,l.tv .HMl.t.lH.III, Ulf.fl.i ...II Inku a n conic attraction, ha looked it II prolmhly differently than any nlher man who ha titer itood upon It blink. He Immediately began to .Isiiro out how many time n railroad ould have to encircle II preclpltou idle In order to reach tlm water on a Moapvr-ient crude. Four complete, ;lrclr mi hi verdict, 'and,' ha con- ll...t.ul 'II Unilliln. l.a. n,,lla tlalB.lal- '. . lo do than to hulld down the De-1 :l,ules with the llarrlman forces roll-1 Ing lock down on uu.' " Mcdford Trlb u tie. You hnd better bring that umbrella -low, Vnuse this good weather Is nut oliig to Inst alwii). I Iiiimi a new ttock of co.ers. Mrllattan. 111(1 Kll.ti OPI.MNC. rVldny, Sept. 17, 1909. Wo Invito , he Indie to our opening of ladle iml misses' hat and tullored ult. -Stilts Dry (lood Co. Kor fresh lime, call at Ucorgo illehn'a. Prcd Hturr o( Weed I registered at tho l.lvermore. The sIIIh were laid today on tho foundation of tho new Jacobs block'. Work on tho While building I go ing on rapidly, workmen now being uiiKUKi'd on tho Interior finishing. J. II. und T. A. Cnrleton arrived fioui .Mi'd.ord'limt ulKht. Thoy led Hi In morning (or llend In their unto. Will tl, Steel, iiiperlntendont of tho Crnter lJko national pork, nr-' rlvinl on the train last night from Medford. Ilu left this morning for Crater lake. Today haB been a great day for tho ladles tho day of ilai when they saw tho now it) to hat for fall wear. All tho millinery store In town hold their formal openings and woro buiy entertaining thefr frlondi with tho wonderful creation In art. Thora seems to bo nn ominous si lonco In regard to tho couuty fair thnt Klamath county la not going to hold, llowover, every day aoea Auo bunch of grain added to tho ex hlblti In the varloua real estate win- Inura and fruit la In OVldODCO OB oyery hand. A shipment of cattle to be made di rect to tho new Portland uulon itock yarda which opened Wednesday ot tbla week passed through thla city laat night. They art owned by AL tnraa parties, and are being driven through to Ashland, (rona whteh noUt they will ha ahlppsd. Thar warn ll I I ... ..... kMMAk WHOSE OLD NORTH POLE? I'l'AltY'COOK CONTItOVKIIHV (HtOWIXO M WH4T A MISS IT IS MAKING NeunK-ni lUngt Tluinnche M Hither Wile of Xorth Pole ,. Kilorfr. . Tho lie direct I beginning t6UrwvW ",Kr'mar "' ln" no pinned between rival pnrtliu.ni .of .Commander Hobert K. Peary and Dr. Irederlck A. Cook a to which OM I of tlieno uiplorer reached tho north pole. i Tho New York World aiki: "Tht ,-ltieitlon lued lu he: What Ilea abmt tho north pole? Now It Ii: Who Ilea about It? With Cook and Peary la, iho Held of nuthorahlp, African hunt ing Ktorlo may not get better than third place In tho Hit of tho ill beet leller. I Vary mtut ho ready with hi (ait. In tho latter stage of the .controversy natlto testimony will not weigh heavily against uch iclvntlflc proofs ns n mnn who tin been to the ... a . ,1. I lo,e Mini iimiriniienii ui iireviuuu ihould hu nhlo to cite. The whole world will await with Impatience ! Cook's detailed story of hi Jouraey, i hi log and map, hi account of Ice, -weathir condition and possible Isl ands, hli astronomical observation. If ho doe not prove hi case hla place In history will still be MMnul ono of tho most audacious and mem torablo lniiolora In the annal ot .... .. science. If ho doc prove It, many apologies hesldca Peary'a will be hlr due." Thu Louisville Courier-Journal ob 'jects to Peary calling Cook a liar nml think that although .Peary re port that ho Is In good health, It If I plain from hi utterances .that hi "return with a sharp and persistent pnln In hi midst." 'Also, "Command- I eary nas sacrincvu iu u.m.n consmeramo proportion oi ui. wi In telegraphing thnt Cook Is a Mar " inKor. 11 wouia wui msi I mnn Intrepid enough to reach the mirth nolo nilnht bo large-minded 'enough to refrain from clubbing the other fellow pending development! which must establish iiosltlvo proof. Dr. Cook may ho n fraud, but up to now ho has carried himself like a sportsmau und gentleman, which Is more than can bo said for Peary." Forthcoming lectures on tho north polo will liavo great financial value according to tho Chicago llecord Herald, which soi thnt Dr. Cook "ex pecti to mako 1G0O.O00 lecturing on hi dash In tho polo, and that Peary .irobnlily expect to mako twlco thnt sum telling how Cook didn't dash:" Tho llrooklyn (N. J) Kaglo, pub lished at tho homo of both rival ex plorer, take Dr. Cook'a part, but nsk that In tho meantlmo Judgment bo suspended. " "Tho frlondi of Dr. Cook," the Kaglo conllnuci,. "will contrast his conduct with that of Commandor Penry, greatly Jo tho detriment of tho latter. Thoy will comparo Dr. Cook t reception ot Peary'a newa with Peary'a reception ot tho Cook report, and from theio premises argue that Cook U generous and that Peary la Jealous. That conclusion may he Juit to Cook, while grotesquely unjust to hla rival." "Tho burden roata on Dr. Cook, not on those who have Imitated to aocept hla etory," aJIrtaa taa New York Tribune. "The ttaUenany which those who kaow him wall ner eonearalag hla character and taa etatemeati which have been nude by Mr. Brad ley about the adHWtay ot.Dr, OeeVg preparaUoas are atreai argaateato lit favor at ballerina that taa Braaklya rfald. kfl Lai' ciplorer really dlicovored the polo." (The Philadelphia North American I on the foncu, and obaenm that "a llttlo reflection will convince moat people that whatever credit rom with the achievement of tho fnrthcjt north mtwt ho to Ur. Cook and to Com inaadiT Peary allko a If tho other 1m nover laid claim to having reached the polo." Peary hat found a itronx dofender la tho tendon Pall Mall Oaietto, and ft think that "to far a Peary la con- MrtM there la no qucitlon whatever M 11 Bi-rnrarv nf hla latnincntii. Tho i.VeMraJ. explorer I bolleved on hla 2 - aii' . "..., t-a t. ... Merely aucceoded In aetting the c crown of comptctcnesa to tho Ionic ani patient work of hla life. In tho meanwhile Dr. Cook, In hla lecture latt night, did nor upport hi itory with any proof whatever." The tendon Kvenlng Standard lata that we are en "tho beginning of dliputo which may become histor ic.'' A London dlipatch aaya: "Cook krhow claised hero with Do Rouge- Milt, Vhoio namo becamo aynony Mm with coloital faking." Varlom Gorman ncwipatieri at tribute tho douhti ratted In England taMvy of tho United Btatei or to a Hicral spirit of unwllllngneii to ad alt that persona of any other na tionality are capable of performing Jlfllcult and aplendld fcati. Moit of the Parla newipapcra agree that Or. Cook haa paiaod Into the background alnce Peary entered upon the acenj, and aome declare that Peary'a appearance will mean that Cook will be doubted more than ever. f IfOKT FOKOBT THK KXCVKIOf The Presbyterian excursion tomor row promises to be a success la every vay. The boat will leave the land ng at 8:30. The busea and atreet car vlll leave the city at 8 o'clock; round .rip on the bui, 40c. , Wo want all tho bachelors, ipln iters, married men with their wives, iwalns with their iwecthcarta and boys and gtrla to visit the formal ipcnlng ot The Vogue Millinery to itght, tomorrow and the noxt day. Tho largest itock of pattern hats ot ho latest creation and Imported nov )Hles ever displayed In Klamath ?alls will be on exhibition. Watch Monday's window for school girl ipcclaltles. Located In old Boston ihoo store stand. Mrs. D. M. Orutt ter. proprietress. Open' evenings. AT THK OPKHA HOl'SK Last night No. i polled the great est number of votes In the baby con ceit. An especially flno entertain ncnt tonight, Including "The Presa Clang." a atlrrlng romance ot colonial lays, and "Faded Flowers," showing Qrandma as, In her thoughti, ahe irlfti back to her youth again. The especial attraction tonight la a Dim d'art by Patlle Frerei, 'tThe Hunters Qrlef," written by the fa mous French author, Jules Bandeau and acted by an exceptlonal(company from the Odeon theater In Paris. The itory told la atlrrlng and beautiful, aud this dim alone Is well worth the price ot admission. "The Western Hero," a beautiful colored film abowiug life at an army post In our glorious West. The In diana capture a young Ueutenan and the old acout fearlessly follows on their trail, hoping to free hla friend. "Broke Again," la a feeling with which many are well acquainted. The amusing scheme through wbleh a young atudent anally geta hla rich uncle to nay his bills, would make any one laugh. t t ATTsutnua f .-.aas- SaaBS-a. Yeuag nun. yon .lkte lady'a fat watck aUto.MW a wKa. the watesv yon stay van a a - -'-. . 4r Vi ani with the wife yon will mako a homo of you own all for ten cents. That Ii, If you get the right coupou and tho right girl. Anyway, you will sco a fine show tonight, for there are over 4,000 feet of new films to bo run off the reel, Including a now Illus trated long. "A Nugget of Gold" Ii n thrilling drama and Is so finely por trayed that It scorai tho real Thing, and stirs one'i Interest from first to a last. A young miner wlna a sweet grl and later find a nugget of gold, which aroiuca tho cupidity of a for mcr lover, who plota to rob th fortunate possessor of hli prise. There follows a chose and lynching bee. Two comedies, "Which Is Which?" and "Tho New Cop," fur nish tho good humor for the program, tho latter especially proving a tickler. A pull with the ward boss gets a fel low on tho "force," and hli over zcaloui desire to dlitlngulsh himself docs the rest and finally landi him oft tho forco Inglorlouily. Tho entire program is good. Droller and fryers tor picnic or Sunday dinner at Monarch Mercantile Co. Phone 1051,' Mr. aud Mri. Tom Rlchardion of Poo valley were In the city today. Try a Jug ot our prepared "As You Llko It" Horseradish. You will use no other. Monarch Mercantile Co. I have some new things oq sale In the window this week. McHattan. . The Bulletin man came over from Bonanxa today, looking happy and feeling good. ' Mcllattan'a mammoth Jewelry tock will bo open to the public till S o'clock p. m. for a while. , , If you want something really ine get a link ot that Imported Salaaae sausage at the Monarch Mercantile Co. Phone 1051. The El Merlto A 10-cent cigar for 5 centi. Tho only genuine nil-Havana wrapper and long tiller band-made cigar on the market. For aate at all first-class cigar standi. Now lulti died: Thomas Coppln of Hornbrook, CaJ., va. B. E. Lyons and C. O. Morgan, trustee. .Richard Shore Smith, attorney for plaintiff. Conkltn'a self-filling pena are the best. Reasens: They don't leak: they are easily filled; the polnta are the best. I am willing to aell them with the privilege of returning. McHattan. Comb honey, the most tempting of swoeti, at Monarch Mercantile Co. If you want your picnic lunch bas ket full ot delicious things, stop at the Monarch and get Salame sausage a fine Imported sausage Tilla mook full cream cheese, Helns plcklea and relishes and a doxen other good things to complete your lunch. Let Us Fill i Your Prescriptions When a mas aaya, let sae ax year, watck or let me paint year bona, yoa'vo got to believe blaa capable tt etotaf a gi4Jebae fore yoa have blaa do H. Xhata reasonable. M'hea we ask yo to let as put aft year isrMcrifttoBs U I nataral that yoa staoaM be toM bow capable we are of OetetT .' Mew that every freacriailea we 'handle la asledL to the letter. How we teat every article la ear store hilir aaaeaaa; M Ita ataak aatt that aeaa bat a tberaaabty to baadle year afeeortstles la any way. , - s t rf We have ntahMehee. ear ability ta H yaa;aeaeei4aaee-ia)felyQ la bavlag beea leeatea tore far Bra yeaaa as aseaa altera aa4',: -. i f wsj wB.pejtT fveaii Ui aa m yaawa Star Prual $Rr;1fr& ,Z&tJ sc I MMI ,-lV 'V v. Vassal A'' Ta-i , imf - Hiwt 5rft, .. ;fjaBL -assaaa, ( ' niK, j 4S.aSASSaaaaal Bmr'- Our AdTwftJa-ara Owt 9 The Bt Jtawults. ,fMtk lM . -J ,:.. - -ijl. : PmcB 6 Carn BOTH ROADS AT WORK HILL AMI IIAItniMAN INTtKMYt AIIK DOTH IIL'MV . " SECURING THE RIGHT OF WAY Harriman People rWm to Be Otthsg tfn Worst of It In the Coarta at Pre-at-at. Tho following special dlipatch to the Journal from Madras gives Infor mation regarding the railroad situa tion In that neighborheod: MADRA8, Sept. 16. The Oregon Trunk people nro very buiy In this vi cinity at present. Chief Engineer Kylfc and Itlght-or-Way Agent Clark hav ing spent tho past week between this place and Bend. Right-of-way Is be ing secured between Madras and Red mond, only contracts for which woro taken by tho Centra. Oregon people, after the lino was itirrcycd last win ter. Tho construction forco on both Ides of Crookxd river Is being In creased every few days by men wjio are sent In from the outside and by others who are seeking work from this portion ot the state. The activity ot the Harriman later- esta la no less marked In this vicinity than that of the Hill people, they. having about ten construction camps between Madras and the month ot Trout creek. Every day two to fivo loads ot lumber pass through the town to be used for bunk bouses, etc. ThV OnmtrJnMnsEJtejz Irnrtlnn rrnara In thla vie a a a. a . U V'"-1 worn ncing coannca 10 piace wuiiu there Is conflict with the Harrisaaa people. One Harriman construction'' crow Js located two miles north of town, whero there aro some heavy (Hli, and blasting Ii 'heard- at all hours of the day Although the Harriman peo ple seem to be getting tho worst of it In the decision! of the courts and the land offlce, there Is no letup In their construction work, and wher ever possible they are securing' houses from ranchers along their sur vey which will be used for oBcei, winter quarters and warehouses. O. A. Stearns waa displaying thlr mornlng some very fine samples of , Bartlett pears which were .grown In his garden on the West SIdo. Tho largest of the pears weighed 1314 ounces, and the' average weight of each ono waa 12 2-5 ounces. F,or fresh Blohn'a. lime, call at Qeorgit ?g?MMi saalWei astareaariet a,aMewis ? .Ti? irli-Jr.&ll S-tZ. KJT .'rfJ ws: t f I l fr !' - r- - m " "&iTi.Vn JH 1 ---Kiy ''isyA5-,t- " ' aft" jests..! PSasssaii f& j . i -tf-v'l j H wSd - 'J ji i . . V ti -M-il . ' "rW ' i-l 3 y -IS ? 1" , J ,' A' ""'4SJ -I , . .1.1 y. . -i V " J-'Vi v. ' 1 4 Mvil.llllllllU.llllll M.IHM !" t -V' f i t , iv rf. . f J Xf i V,, :m 1 .1" I t. a -r V" A r III ". 11 4