yffffijtyy 7frt ,", -gattfas iinniyfwwwy 'fftS'Lir T,A. . feTHta.'. VA.- . t 'wtx. r - -wr T,un iSw;v: TM " i j Ai. T-V 't i tf.?is.JB-l i Klainntli PalU' Writ and Beit Daily. id Ykak. No. 0C0 KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1909. '-?snH BjsS ' ' ; v SJrfttfu. lie ' v sesMeMMeeM The Btimmmto 4Tfe-;: pntinn REVISE LAND LAWS i ok piiwiih:st mwh on. IT I ll MKXT CONMIIKNM 4V1LS fOK IN F OHM AIIOS lliMMftill hrrlriinl Hit- law mill W'unlA Lrlli III I'nutw uf Falnr Work. in iiallliigir return in Wash. tin will prepare for anbmU- la KHiisri-n a statement n( dinr III lli national rrr llan art, tho various public Unci IDJ IctWUHoll affrCtlng ItldUll lit (ur Hii iurH of find)" Sa nh-tnllon uf ril.ttim n t rrii'Ur alwiil apti'rnl ik In Hi" NVi't ilurlmc Hki urn. f.tni) Hki u-coniini'iiiUlliiiia tirti ktllliut'inll will Im IinhxI HHin III t iiUcrtnllun In llir ftrlil Uk ull.rr 'trtlrl Wrali'fn nifn, ir) lUlllnnvr li Iihik Iii ittsfol Hint llio unit Um nwl I rlilim. At Coiiiiiilaalmirr u( (erml Unit ofllra ho rfruiaiiitiit It tnmlK'r uf rhknif. liut - 1 u( ili Inloflor hU rcoiiiiiiii'ii- lll Im mnro piln nml 41; iiiurti unurclinalr, rktl Iho awrtUr)' rpcuiiiiiivtiiln. fM-tlflrally will Im rannut ol llwrhrtl, but, In a nvnetal -, II i W ul.l ttial ho will iwiiiinni'ml IrtUUllon nrrraurx to UalUo 'Mrr;ln oat f lit wt-callwl t(lt I'iiIIcIp. If U a (art rrr- HinI Prraldral llouaotrlt Jcl In raanjr laitaum rrfartl- I ( llin law ur In lh abaoliru of jr. Ho Iticirijutttily wat ho convinced lli Juitlro anil wUJom u( lilt hiI 1 that liu altowrd no olulaclot tu HU rotraa. , Trtlilxnt Tad, while aa firm a Im r In tlm runiurvatloa iwllry a liU (ircdrrcMur, haa not Ix-n Ml tu irorMMl unlawtully, ana lairinlxTn uf hli rablaot who havo I lu ilo wlih quMlluea of contvrva. uriTil with hla ataml. Whr I law U defltlaat aad ataada In tha of rarrylDi (nrwinl iho conacr on inurement. I'rtaldtnl Tatt tu havo It amcnilfit and nrw ennctod. And II la. uHin rkc- MMtMMMOMIMIMMW HannanShoes Now Here HaMH IhoM embody CTcrylhlni that i ii bMt la nodtra footwear. See tne new FiU gtrlea at the exdutlfc agency, RKK 4 . fc t . Huiui gboM, tflnr) llitlllitK'-r Hint In. i..,,, for , "naming ju,i wllU ,.Kih,on should l.o limited tu inrniilt n( in. iiiniiiiutiliii: i.khII) Wlllt wiTor.l . i inn nun rmiiral touaortiitlonlaU WOlllll IlllllllUkf, Hill, ur without tnliilur iiiilliurll) An ii inullir of lad iiuixriiK Im m-n-r i:tun tnuili mtIiiii nmnliiuni Hull In tin- iilmllnti of tonaurtiitltiii, It mold nutor liu IMcm-.iimI Hut n. trouble Ilml hitvi. it- ...t , liu iHlJiiiifiiniKtit of tlm ... . Inn will n in lniirin iiu)ii iiuili Hi'imlo iitnl Hiiiiik M. inHiriiiiii nl limiting wrll-prepaird li-tfl.tnllnii whlili Mi anuttliiu unit nt tin- run rvnlluii imminent V Tlmt iniiM'itulliiti l,n Iiitiiiiii' u fltid Knti'iniiiiiilnl I'tillr) will no liingnl Im O.U. allium) riincrcu nliin.i , ,B) ,, ,,, ,, t,or ,, , hT H( rn mi Hie fill, He ilniimlu, rmiKira alouo run di (ermine dilute Iiii-IIiimU fur umlrullliiK tulunble mint Ml icHiill mi puhllc InmU, iiml In oIIIIiir llir... prnhli'ina runcrot probably lll en further ttinn It linn lirlnri' III liKUIntliiK with reference In tin' iiiiitml nml tun tif limber im Hii public domain, ptilnll) within foiel rraertei One nf l ..n lima' !!. m rrtilclmnt iiiaiti. uf tin llixiMixli ailnilnlxt ra tion MB lllBt It K-Mlllttl'll Iihi iniicli IrKUUHiiti 1 1) iliiarlnirnlal rrttnln Hun mill lin.l Iihi little ii'Kanl (ur the IxKlaUHun ut runicrma Tlio jimi'tit mlinlnlalrnllmt lina n tiruluiiml ri I'cH fur I In' U It la lirufrelliii: on IIik naaiiiiiituii Hmt llio cti-cullii' liralirli la inrri'ty lu rnfurrc tlin law aa II riiula l, nut In rrmlo new law Ii)- ti-sulallnii. Tlmt )tr la nm ivtlvtl lu tounrtaa. Uul titro It la fuiiilil Hint Hip law la ilrflrliril. ur nit-ila rtirirrtlun, I lie ircn'iit mlinln litmllun, Inati-ail ul liiaklni? Iluac clmtiKi- !' riKuUtlon, iruHi to ni'll liifliUMKO niin ruiiKli'M to linvi' tlm rlinnKm innJo In tin' iiihiiikt run ti'iuplalcil ti tlin iiinatlliitlou, Tlmt will tin ilutiv wltli riKnril In niicallmia of turcalr). IrrlKnilnu ntnl nltiiT re-mnrr.-a (if llio Wial. Kur lnatmin, Hutu la nu Inw uiilliurliltiK Hu tcri-ur- nf liu- Inlerlor t lm uTtlfl. rale In taiiitnt tu nvtlltm mIio ht fiirtu ruiutrnrtlon mk "ii Kimrn mcnl IrrUallim tiroji'ctn. Tliot tin' laaunnru ur mirli rcrtinr.tli'ii U rUlit mill Jut U not iiui'itloni'il. Hi-rrvlnry HulllnKiT I rinlncfi Hint tlm li'lii In ii kmh one, iTlinin mIHi iihiI inrnllipim, Imt do wnnln It nulhorUwl STORE YfiSkoitr Btoei, I Ii)' Uw 'IIhiii, iiituln, Ilium U no law iiiitliurliliiK Hi" forrMry nt-rvlco tu lniioaii a cIiiiiku for KrnzlliK prlvl li'tiiH within tlio forvat ri-avrvia; It Im iti ulrntili) Hun loimri'KH kIiiiII Ii.kU liiln on HiU iiii'allon ii a well im on tlio i mil Ion uf IUIiiik ii iliurKo (or Hio nan of Muli'r iiuMfra iiml ollii-r ri moiimck Mllliln n h wi'll n n without (ur eal rcavrtca Ami mo on Hiroimli Hiu mIioIu did itur Tlio nlm uf HiU ml inlnlatrnllon la In Kit from roiiKrcm audi mitliorlt) ii In iiMi'nury foi (nri)liiK forMiiril tlic lluoaovclt iun ai'rwillon policy, Imt turoru tlmt ol lr) rim liu uffi'Clliri'ly proinoti'd ilm law uiliat liu tlimiKi'il I'nalili'iit Tnft will iiiulrulnku no inuill tnak mIii n liu'cmli'iivorN lu r,it front iiiiiKri'aa anrli IckUIiiIIoii im ho li'i'liu iiKinanr) to IckoIIhj Hiu con UTUitlon pollry of IiIh iri'iliTi-aaur l'ri'ili'iit Itooat'ti'lt fulli'il. but Mr tihia Tnlt will li morn mirroKaful. I'liiri' waa iimcli atiltiKonlaui lu tlio lliMi.i'ti'lt ricoiiiliR'iiilatloiiM licdtiuo tin re a fi'nr Hint In- wnntnl too I.) ur ti I'rmlili'tit Tnlt will iinili'rtnki no Irnl, iiml lint InK in'rauntlvu wny ma) aiirriMil mIiito Itooai-M'lt Irnl, nnil linu n ii'raunili way about ilin, inn) micK'.'il wluro llminuvclt fnllnl Ilo will bo nliti'il In hit ef fort b) public opinion, which has be--nine tlmroiiKhly nround aa n rcault f Hut ronltuterny between Kecrutnry InlllnKer nml Koreitvr I'lnrhut. Kaat irn ai'iiatora nml rcpreaentallvea who 'inte hlttifilo ahuwn llttlo lntoret In lii'c irolili'iu, brruuio they are not llrertly nffecteil, nre likely tu taku hold uf the tueallon next aeaslnn and lend hearty u-oieratlon to the men from the Weal who will lead Iho flftht for tlio adoption or the prenMeut's recuinmrndaHnni. Atlnrhlnit Hie nttiuat Importance lo thla ilaaa uf leKUIallon, I'realdent Tnft la muluiia to hate lull nnd re liable Infuriuntlnn upon whkh tu bane liU rtiiiiiHiii'iidiitlona tu ConilieHH. It win for thlit rinaon Hint ho Kent Sec relar UiillliiKir lulu Iho Weal, for In him ho hud u mini fumlllur with weat prn roiiilltlona mid the ueeda of tho iietlon, u well na a mnn who In In no u'tiao nn exlrumlat. lleliiR broad minded uud unbluaed and a west erner, the ireldi-nl knew tio could oxpcrl finlil IlnlllliKer mnru reliable reporU mid recommeiidutlona than from nny other member of hiu admin l.lrntlon. Olliern, uf tuurne. will be ronaulted. and Kecietnry IlallliiKor reuiiiimciidiitloiia limy he udded tu or aiibl raited frum. u Iho jirealdent hluuoK ahnll determine, hut In the main tho recommviidutlona which ho will aubiiilt lo tho iireiildunt will meet with hU Imlomement and will, b him, bo mndo In Iho viirloim law af- (erlliiK Hiu uhu nnd control of tho public domain. IMMPKlTMKhTIMiH Theru will bo kuhio1 ineellnR con ducted every evonliw t tho tabor- nnclo, curlier Main and Eighth atreetH. Sorvlcea at 3:30 and 7:31 p. m. All aro cordially Invited to at. tond thoao nervlcci. Proachlnt by Itev. W. K. Ooodo of Medford, Ore. j. ii, nuowN. For froli Dlohn'a. Ilmo, call at Qeorgo Mr. J. B. Bhaok h kindly con- touted to awume tbo management of tho Vogue Mllllnory atore In the old Boiton atore block, during Mr. B. M. Druttner'a tllneaa. Mre. unoog naa bad an eitentlvo experience in the largo cltloa In thla line, which ae counta for the very aatlafactory and up-to-date manner In which thla atore la being handled. I an going to have a window tale. i need none arful bad. Mop and nee the good dlwlayed. It yon awj It; t.Matad. aoma In. N tranM U LAKEVIEW DRAWING KI.AMATII CITIZH.V ATTKNIH AND HIVMt IT A (i(N)ll WOIII) GOOD THING FOR THE STATE Allrmtcd RHween 1,400 nml II.WHI I'eoide at Hie Drawing and All Ne-nM-l Welt ItrdamL Col, M, I,. Alllaon. who left here on Iho filh lu attend thu Lakevlow land drnwlnic, returned yesterday. The Colonel wiim very much Impressed with Uikevlcw and the surrounding country, nliu tho coplo there, of whom he xak In tho highest terms, m will bo seen from the following In Icrtluw had with him: "I left hero on the 8th for Lake view, (or Hiu purposo of eeelng for niaelf Just what tho conditions were oter there, and must say I waa very acreeably surprised, both with tho country and the people. I never met a belter class of pcoplo than In Lke- lew, nnd the creditable manner In which they have handled a crowd of between 1,100 and. 2,000 visitors thero during this land drawing. Is a marvel. Private cllltens bare thrown open their homea and with the aid of lent equipment this Immense crowd has been handled without hardships to anybody, and without a hitch. "Itetween 1.400 and 2,000 neople attended this drawing, among whom were hankers, farmers, railroad clerka, nUtrgadageats tajpet. a plo from most all the watts r.r me. Noticeable among tho visitors wore railroad men In great numbers, such as slutlon agents and general offl.ti men, who doubtless were In growler evidence from the fact that helm railroad emplo)es they were enabled tu Ret passes or reduced transporta tion, which In Itself ia anlte an Item. "Thero wcro'about 14,000 con tracts sold through the middle west, which were practically all represent l at tho drawing In Lakevlew. Among all of tho contract hollers present I never heard n word of dis tention ur complaint. On the con trary, all present seemed to bo well alUned and delighted with the ton- J.tlons and surroundings. "As to the number of actual set Hers among tho arrivals, of courso, Hint Is Impossible 'to state, but nc doubt there will bo a good many. I noticed quite a few wealthy farmer (rum Kansas and Nebraska then), and they doubtless aro bulng thlt land ns a speculation for their chil dren, as on account of their eg) they vould hardly think of changing their irsldenco at this late time In life. Then, again, there was a conslderabl) element of speculators, who were buying on the future. It la my. Idea th'oy will not loso on their specula tion, for, In addition to the ten acres of land, they get a good lot In Xko vlew. Now, It the railroad goee to Ukevlew these lota will doubtless be worth the prlco they paid for tho Inud, so It la not a bad gamble, after nil. "To sum tbo whole situation up, It looks to ne llko this land deal of the Oregon Valley Land company was a mighty good thing for Lake county, nnd also for Klamath jcounty and the .lata of Oregon aa wH. The vaiue of the advertising tale eta" win get uy these neople n fawning bono nnd apreadlng the news of the possibili ties of our great state la Incaleuiaoie. "Lake county has one of the most creditable ahowlagn of her resources MMhtWUoa there la the way of grain, frnlU.-hair and frames I taw. They have building Mil Ivo manner. This display alone has attracted great attention from the visitors, as It gives them an Idea of tho possibilities In that section, An other original advertising feature thoy havo In operation Is a slgn'snd a snuggery coxlnees In the little placed conspicuously, reading aa fol fel fol eows: 'Anybody desiring a box oLthls exhibit upon leaving their postoAce address will bo forwarded a box free of expense' It Is remarkable the number of boxes that have been"for warded. "A report has been In circulation to tho effect that there waa work for nobody In Lake county. This Is not a fact. Every man In Lakevlew can get work that wants work, and this has been tho condition all summer. The company has had a largo force at work constructing canal1:, and thoy havo had a hard time to keep labpr.7 From what I saw of the construction of the canals, tho work was exoil- lont.' 4 CITY niUKFH Mrs. II. I). Mills of Medford Is In tbo city. Six blue and white Jap cups and saucers for $1.00 Saturday afternoon at D Deal. ,, Newt Shook of Ashland Is vlsltfag i this city. ' Up-to-date tailored aulta In all the leading shades at Stilts DryOoode Co, M. E. Qlbblns of Lakevlew Is In tho city. v Souvenir spoons of Crater lake, tbe high school and Klamath Falls. A At McHattaa's. II. II. Carpenter sad wife of Dims- mulr are In tha city. Don't forget the nllllnery opening on Friday, Sept. IT at the Stilts Dry Goods Co. -- "' - , L. V. Shook of Tipton, la.. Is, reg istered st tbe Lakeside. Sale on blue and white Jap 'cups and saucers at D Deal next Saturday utter. Seo window display. , F. W. patton of Ashland' Is'-rogis-tered at the Lakeside. - ' A new $550 piano, case slightly damaged, for halt price; also' bar gains In other pianos, at Virgil's fur niture atore. deo. L. Hoxle, the septic tank ex pert, arrived last night. The Portland Store, belonging to K. Sugarman, waa closed today da ac count of being the Jewish New Year. You should never go any place without a Thermos bottle, as they aro a Joy forever. At MeHattaa's. N. 8. Merrill, who has' been attend Ing the Water Users' convention at Salt Lake City, returned last evening and left this morning for home, A most exquisite line of French pattern beta will be on display at Bunk A Schneider's, Friday and Sat urday. Sept. 17th O. W. White and Dclioll and wife will leave shortly on a trip to Belllngham, Wash. Claude Chastaln will act as cashier of the First National bank during Mr. Del sell's absence. Mr. aoodrlcn, of tbe Cash Orocery, returned last evening from s two week's trip. He Is putting In n gen eral line of goods In addition to gro ceries, consignments arriving about every day. The Farmers' Implement and Sup ply House announce to the public that from and after thla date they will carry a full stock, of hhy. grain nnd ground feeds In their warehouse, located at the corner of Sixth and Klamath avenue. Free delivery to say part of the city. There will surely be a crowded house at the Iris theater next Monday Biht whan the lady 'a' goidwateh la drawn for, IeryaevhMis1i tiled ae.far this weeg. aw u J"w- belag snugly tftrof . her Is drawn andrtta' Wmm.M o. nsnd. another U drawi; Him Oa Wet la gite. tfWea$ audience. It Is a pretty watch, and a good one. There Is nothing cheap In the Iris way except the price of ad mission; that's cheap because there'e a world of good pictures, good service place that Is homelike and comfort able when contrasted with the dime show of tbe big cities. W At the Opera House tonight nn amusing aeries of transformation scenes In beautiful colore abowlng the adventures of a chef and a basket of magic eggs will be the trst fllaa. Then a good hearty laugh for all la "An Obliging Friend," In which a hypnotist attends a ball, mesmerises the guest snd elopes with the daugh ter. "A Profitable Marriage," ia which n young man, In order to ob tain a bequest of $20,000, secures n wife through n matrimonial agent. A stirring tale of colonial days shows how tho "Press Clang." who would force tho colonists Into the English service, aro outwitted by a wee slip of a girl. Old memories are one of the bles sings of our declining years, and In "Faded Flowers" one watches' grand ma as the years fade again and ahe Is young again In her thoughts. An ex ceptional program throughout, with new songs and music. .NEW YEAR FOR JEWISH PEOPLE Once more the earth baa revolved around the aun for the Hebrew peo ple and yesterday ushered la tbe be ginning of a new year the year of SC70. New Year'a day began last night at 6 o'clock, and will extend with feasting and rejoicing until o'clock tonight. All day has been ob served as a holiday aad according to lhe""usual custom, Hebrew pieces of business were closed sad all work re frained from. The orthodox Jews go a step-farther and celebrate the fol lowing day aa well, and hold services both days. The Jewish New Year or Rosh Has hanah Is one of the most Joyful holt da)a of, their year, uaherlng In aa It does the season of penitence. All the Joyousncss of the people la given full play that day. Then for ten days they observe a season of penitence, which prepares them for "Yom Klppur," ths most solemn day of ths entire Jew ish calendar. That Is made a day of most rigid, faatlng and past sins are considered and repented of, and everyone Is expected to forgive bis neighbor for sny 111 doing of the past year. It la also made memorial day for the dead, and se'rvlcea are held all day long, beginning In tbe even ing and continuing through the morn ing of the next day. For fresh Blebn's. lime, call at Oeorge Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions "Whoa a nana says, let ne aut year watch or let no saint year house, you've got to belters Mas eaashle of aolag a feoa Jo be fore roa have Una do R. lasts reneeanhle. When weaskyoatoletasautaa k. ---" k tnM haw that yoa aaouM bo told kow capable wo are af How that every nrssecintloa ws How we test ereey arMets ta our stare bolero plarsaa; R tu sloes; -sad that aaaa hat a ahitsnghlr asssaMsi nharnnahw'la uMewaia Wo have MealUlaiMA IMaf AsMMIaf XI a a- s a a a-j ev HI WiXNugl efVV gMMwl HiW ."CtaTT-? .IMustUyoues- A Star Drii Store , 9 -J "ZS '. - s. t-ilV.. - A 2 .? "1 t t. . - "FATHER OF SEPTIC TANKS' WILL ADDRMM CITY COCKClai TOXiaHT ON THAT SOUMV CITY ErWNCER Of FUESNO Cottatnaetedl tbo System la taw Gnat. 'rOTMCKya4HHMPNeelM jTlaiha nasaanaaniSksn UlflK sVWfsrTjav Oeorge L. Hoxle of Frees Ca!., who arrived In this city last night. Is considered ths leading expert em wr ite tsnk construction la ths UnMod States; In fact, be Is termed "ths father of septle tanks." Mr. Keats Is visiting this city nnd Incidentally while here will look over ths situa tion on the Hot Springs nnd Mater prise tracts ss to the drainage there of. Thla gentleman for a number of years was city engineer of the city of Fresno, nnd upon his re-election tho city of Fresno voted $175,000 for ths Installation of sewers nnd septic tank system, with the result ns shown la ths following letter of rseonnaoada- tlen: Fresno, Csl., April 7, lie. To Whom It Msy Cencern: This to to certify that Oeo. L. Hoxle has bees for years 'past tho city engineer of the city of Ft same. That at the tine of the apaoiatnont of Mr. Hosts to" this poalttoa tho sky of Fresno waa permsnesUy enjowed from using its outfall newer, for tho reason thst a nuisance had boss pewv sn to exist nt ths outfall and thereof. Upon MrrHexie's plans ths erty rotsd s bond Issue of $175,000. M( This money was need to lay a par allel 24-lnch line of main outfall aewer; also to lay a main lino through the city: to purchase SIS acres of land to be used as a sewer fsrm, snd to Install thereon a septle tsnk according to Mr. Hoxle'a own Ideas and designs. , The work planned waa carried to completion (by contract) within his eetlmsted cost, snd the system has been In perfect working condition for fifteen months, nnd from all appear snees will continue so Indetnltsiy. Without doubt It will psy Interest on the expenditure la so far as tho tun la concerned, In excess of tha rats psld on the bonds. Mr. B. E. Cronklte assisted Mr. Hoxle la the cspsclty of deputy city engineer In csrrylng out ths plana herein referred to, And we, the undersigned, ths hon orable mayor snd members of ths (Continued on Feorta Page.) your prsssrlsSlsas.k Is aatatal ' -- m aun at alataaat it- auussse Is SUed to .ixr ttt uW M. - mMiK J 4.1 tj"W 1 ? Mm ' . i " VVAS.--, i 4V Vf i ass -totejkv&KttiSb. - jt"-' 'iiiSrW . i mm K ? Bi"JLjtl Li M i- '9 iHk - . 1 ."'tv M if 0 f "5 -V .3l9;'i,i -KW; ?. v& ' .1 .t 1 iM , f-l ill 3i o w .a L.3"' tie&i "7i tia ,,.i A-V' ? j ,i- $i fi "': Vl ,' ' & vt. -., -- .rv S yrJ -i?rf . ,fS !?." .l ' 3W .Lth i -Tcin't Better the Bit WfTWtW - kow Ua t, (set IlUd up witt IWrJpre4iwU.an arrange wr fsrUsUo at ste r-j . At MaWMM-e, . TlT..I. . -'ffji,! .' . . - .-..X &,&&, ,t IIMIIII I'm ? I"", ' r 1 ,.a s. V 'ITIAV "4i s . fi' vV . 51JU..i , . f t "C1 i H .- . '"ltTi : '. . ,, vv ' ' J.V'1 J c V . .'.. vfTOkBI An '