frrtftfev1 ' afrA...-gT fci- -jfrl Ef r&. -. u v 3W J". Hj, -5Hf I i'1 Y&. , flttrfWftifj iM ki: FanV Wrat and Ueit Daily. Ik -rWiV -"i fttltlllM Italia. U4UMiitM 1 ?&x.. ' - rate- J AIM avsapx MOT. S;. w "VSTv ' ItWoYMit. No. WW 'cam vww ILL'S MEN AT THE FORT ItVllli:. ANIMiKK OF Till. nttT:it iiiiotiikim n. KLAMAIH SATURDAY Wf Hrfnml OuralloSI In iM.-nM flttr.Vrn Mill HiNUl MiHV IUIIomiI Xrwa. Cliii, II I'aroy. chief mini. f tfc IHII l'""-. ! Mr. I'urlrr ilrn f I'ortrr llro., Hill nm. , (ttltr.1 In Ft. Klamath Hal- ltl l auto (nun IIiii They .ta)ri utoriilal.t ami ; to I'ralrr lake nn llimdar, Iliy loitnl at Aratit'a Hun I tlfkt and left Monday inorntua IIMIord. i!k of the rrt)lrirn rfn aou rscetalird by reliable man, ikttthuilty fur Ilia above slnl- II as. (lie lulrntlun (if lodge r ss4 Mr. I'urlrr l conm on i la KUmalh Falls, tint upon I rwaanllnl, Ihr) chained Ml'lr to M l In nl o aa nut In V. latltstlim tarfe-are uf iIii-m) urnllfin.-n In esttlaa ronltriiia ltir theon It. trrn drill by IliU iaM. IMW in Invade tho Klain. ilr; ami dUpule ewy Inrli ill la't Irrrllurjr lire. Tho Hip 4frd. t,llr apparently made to obwnallnn, holds aenii'tlilna: J i...... ..... " " mm" '" "'" "'itilni. int., fur ,,,, . n,Ml ,,u "Ml.., ...i.tru ''': ''fill.. Mi..,,..,,,,, W.,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, holdlnga mill II,.. W..U... ........ . ... " ""i'iiiir.1. ' -HI KM I.U .!,,.. , , (iril "l"rl" fi ir II... t.rN.l. i m..i rr. Unm.l.u, . ..nill, , , ,, "i I.I. .Irnto or I),,, ii,m,. ,,,,., Hial llll.....Iltlj iM, ,.,,, tlu roiinlr) .,-, i,,, ,l"t.rl, ,, , , i.iiixmmrii..i,iMM , Ullm, i.r alH.m -j.nijo ,,,,,( ,,,. U, ,.-. ...... ii. aitrciit of nm I" till, (minify, H,r ,. KUMATH FALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1909. FnciS "UNCLE DAN" COMES AGAIN WIII1M AMITIIKU I.STi:ilrTI.fl i.i.Triiu in) tim: i:iuioii "11 I OLKS BACK HOME KNEW" I Link. Till, ruuiilrjr Would Knllrn III- Olil .ll.lmr. If TlM-jr Knrw I. .lk,.. OIIMiuM,t j,..Nl .m:u- niNst l.sliic II. H Mill-r. IMI...I Him,. ,,, "i..rnl at ..l...l,.1,n jial Hl r rii.lliailiiK ut MrKnuin rlu-r .ull. "" fl.l of i:n.n.'. da, an- n,iiii....l'il.. . . . & . ' " ' lil ll rtxiui-al tlic Hll ll..arliiiri,i I,.. !. lln ,(. llllon of .. , n,.U r,.Un, riit. rliatiKx I. otl ain.iint of Mr Mlllrr". ., U ,,rjl Utxn ( rotr, Kfrall) ,,,r , lM, , ()1 III" McKrliilri Ihr, ,.,r .. i.i- .. .... ,n" i'.iin.ii iii Hi,- ni-ar In tur AT Till: llll-i An rnilin rlmnj:,, of r..nrniii id nlslil al tln il, ilnniir All turn lilrtiirni ,n put on VOTIMi mintim'is iiiiihi: AT III'IIIIA Nn 3 Mil.., lliu lAfKi.t iituiilirr ol llraarv. It ran rraJlly U.' la.l nlitl.t. Il.ouijl, No. 9 I lliat HID navlnc lualu h titl. munly, would uat Ur out fmlora; a Mniront otrr Mlilrh rout lb sn I at Ju.t (una, wnuld lap llir Ip( the ItoKui. (r alloy ami Mk Imtiirn.o tunnaio Inrdlcnt Mo. Kaln, tho HID urr)ora ruine (arlhvr aouth aa yt-t ahl. 37. which la alniut 41 onh of Kt. Klamath, and tho ta iloubtlraa looked ovor tho ' fmm tim point lo Kl. Klam- I U morn thaa likely lha alalc " lr KnglBtra Wakald Kllfan to tho ffvcl that Hill I Put on a aroat furra of m.'n (run thla mala 11m thro'irh HcUlatoIr will 1m fMlllrd. till aluail, lli-.lilc. Urn Imlilr,, nil MHrlally liilnr.HiiK i nlvrlnlnniciil III 1. Kl-n a ni lllu.ituli.t tutnK linw anil minn niu inntlou plr lllf.'., A rrlr. .l.oHlnc anvornl niiiu.InK kiirlif lillInK ln.w lo p-o hi... ami lniliii: tin. a II I. .Ion.' In iintri. ami In ll( In tin kllilicn In lliu linn nml In llio ui'p.r Kullcr) at lliu tliratiT. "Ilvfnti ami AfliT,' ihi-lr iiinrrlaKo tln illni'iriKe in tin way a Kir I In at Iht Inter nti.l her hii.l.nii.l A rurliiiu r.'il .liewlni: "An Aiiluninllo Moiiki" an.l til, aimuliiK Irlrk, No on 'till full to UiikIi at the miiii.liiK a.U.Miturt-n ol Ihr iiunK Iml)' mIiii rum nny from lirr liu.liaml to ki'p n irinlriiin with hr InriT n. loM In "Tho Ail- vanlaxr of Avlallou" or nt I In1 mrrr) c'iiiiiubaolmiruliali)ll(r rha.ii In "An ITnlnvlt.-.t (iur.i " MIIHMMMMMIMlimiH -- a"aOTaw HawaaVSa'HlT ft .waaaaaajaaw Hvaw L , , . i i , i i , i , .1 , ii ianan Shoes Now Here Hinm thott embody CTerythlnt that i bertliModtntfoptwMr. See-thenewi Strlit af the tzcludTe agency, K K STORE tan Shots, Walkover Shoei, f , Nap-a-Tan Shoea rToc'tBttortheBit" lnr Mr. IMIter: I nvn ou print nl lmt I viiiitii nliout mlnic aaked to liHp K I up n (nlr; ami I went to tho iih-WIhk lli.i Im.lii..., men hrld, hop- Iiik I'd K.I put on minni commit ! In ilo .oIiiiIIiIiik; I (iniKlind twin, in.l iioIm.,1) pnlil miy nttvntlun, u I At .1111 nml krpt my mouth aliut. Hut )iiii l,ii I'll b thi-ri! to kH a couplo of prii,. Mlii'u Hiu fair come "It I illiln'l Krt hii.isKi'd ami 'pruiiK In tim .lioulilt-rN ImlillnK lo linmllca up (ami I liflil 'cm UP I.hhI nml mroiiK, I It'll )ou) In lliu jlnrk land l,nrk Kn.t lllioiit Rtttlni! Im on him to ral.o tliln(;, worth al.liiR I'll JiihI mnkit mimi of lln-m Viler. Kolnu iirouml ii)Iiik mithliiK III Kro hvre Civpt ratllc nml liny) ook mlKlit tthvii fi,r dmc t't h.-r.1 l'v avi'ti whiiln ,rml loaiU if I l.o. it In olhrr plaira; they tl.ln't (ittu nn, n hit wlim I rouu In li'fo In huy. I ju.t liMikrd around ind il 1,1 n 'I wiy much, hut I ruom I no kihhI land n well ni an) body I 'mi tell Inc. I I, ml to IlKiirr around n hlle, lonitir than I would If I'd went inmrk up to a real t-.tate man In tho llr.1 I, Into. Hut doKKiinv my huttona If half hu folk, hark hiiiuo knew what thla ruunlry l ttn- M he out hero thicker ihnn lllra. Why, when I flr.t went lo lima that rountry wftjn't "under the Huh " We roine mlKhty cloito to he lm; under ualrr In tho rounty where I . tiled. It wn pretty much awamp l.rnlrl. a little hit of rolllliR pnilrle I ii ii, I mid a wholo lot of awamp. Wo tin, I front nml mud and aumiuer Iroulh nml curly front, nml hard win lent but ni) didn't haro any knock ci, In llione da). r'olkii hadn't Kt tho touil.t Iiiik itronK that they trolleil eerywhero ami then k row led becaiie they routiln'l have California ilea, hnppliiK off Ihulr atocklnK In the dead uf winter. Wo got fixed for winter bunked around the houao with, er ah, well I ruom I'd better any "hnrnjnnl ferlllUer," and wo cine red up roaebuahoa and mulched tho fruit tree good and deep and diinii lull plowliiK till tho freeio sot in. Then wo thawed out pretty care fully In tho aprlnx when the warm dii, Ural come, along, and wo didn't atnrt In mnko Rardon In oarneat until Juno for the tender thlnga. Hut, to hrnr these aaloon-corner croaker talk )ou'd think we ought to hnvo Florida oraugea grow here, and If they don't thla ain't no fruit country. We'll get fruit hero and plenty of It when we havo aomc farmers In here who know how to ralio fruit. Now I don't claim to kuow It all, but I aaw aoiuothliiR tho first spring I was up here that set my tooth on odgo, and I'd got out ol the buggy thon and thero and give (ho follor a bawling out l( Ma hadn't took hold of me. Wo was going out In the country and we paasod a placo where an old fellow was out In bis orchard with a hand saw a-sawlng away, and thero was n big pile of trlmmln' brush that he'd sawed of those trees, some ot the Hubs as big through aa my wrist. Thuro ho was, aaw'ln' and aawln. and thu blossoms falling whlto all over Mh ahouldors, for" tho troca was In full bloom I 1 Jmt felt llko Rotting out of the rig and prunln' him with .... m.u, nu uiaer nay Ma aaya to me, Henry, do you tfockon Micro's any fruit on that faier'a trees wo saw cuttln' 'em In bloom?" I said there might he, hut ifwouldn't look for 'em at the fair tail fall. Quesa I'd better stop now and do me miming. uncle DAN. IT BEGINS TOMORROW WITH JOUIIXKV TllltOUGII THK COUXTIIV UMAKAI.LKI.KI AIMS TO KEEP PROMISES MAillA CIIArrKIt, O. K. s. All omcera and membcra aro urged to ho preacnt Tutwday evonlng, Bep- iwmucr mn. VHIng members are cordially Invited to attend. Dy order of Worthy Matron. I.UI.U 8TIIAW, Secretary. Ilantian alines fcmbody everything tnat s beat In jmodorn footwear. "Ilutche,," trousers aro warranted; 1.00 or n ncwpalr If they rip. If J ou want the beat It will nny ton t.i the lines. Will Vlalt Thirty-Two State aa4 Teiw ritorlea, and Cover 1S,7M MUcs. I I SELLS FIRST NATIONAL MUST TIUMT ANI HAVIXOH MMO CIIANNNH IIAMm Facta about tho teur: Trip begins Uotton, September IB, 10 a. m. Trip ends Washington, November 10, 8:3C p. m. Days to bo consumed, C7 Miles to travel, 12,7C. Rlatca to bo traversed, 32. Territories to bo traversed, 2. linllway lines to bo used, 23. Steamships to bo used, 2. Number of stops, 69. K.tlmated coat of tour, $15,000. Appropriation for tour, 125,000 City; through Idaho, Montana and Washington, whero several stops will be mado, the party reaching Seattle on tho evening of Wednesday, Sep tember 20th, and remaining la the Exposition city until Friday after noon, when the trip of thirty miles to Tacoma will be made by special boat. Portland will be the scene of activity on Saturday, October 2d, and Son' day evening tho party will loavo for Sacramento. San Francisco will be reached Tuesday forenoon, and tho day and night will be spent there. IMPORTANT TIMBER DEAL RUMORED THAT WKTRRMAUHRR CO. TAKflB OVER WKKO CO. 40,000 ACRES UNCUT TIMtCR No ChaaMjo ta HajlHlngj Vpftr lake If AHeajetl Dead b WANTS TO GET IN Orslr for Cllrsmafclai Oaawes Mm to Travel 14,000 MUcs. J.W. SIEMENS TAKES CHARGE IVlilriil While's III Health la Re mmi for t haiujr In KnaarUI Inatlsntlons. .TOO LATH TO OLAMUTVr WANTBD Women, 1,600 of them, at dinette's, to come la and" pick out furniture d Uke It home, no m to make room fo bring la tho turn (1. W. White, president of tho First National nnnk'BaV aild-Mi hoMlngs- lii Mint Institution to J. W Siemens and nx.oclatcx. and the First Trust and Savings bank has been acquired by Geo. It. I.lndley and associates or Meilfonl. Mr. Whlto will loavo for Portland In the morning. J. W. Siemens has been elected president of the First National bauk. Ilo will also retain his position aa cashier of tho First Trust and Sav liiK bank. W. A. Dvliell, tho popu lur cashier of tho First National, will retain his present position. Mr. White rollrea from the bank ing business on account ot III health. Copt. J. W. Siemens when asked In regard to tho transaction, said: "It Is true that Mr. Whlto has sold his la- tercsts In tho First National bank and tho First Trust and Savings bank to" myself and associates." It Is with rcgrot that we learn of Mr. White's physical condition which forces blm to retire from the bank ing hualneas, as It will be a great loss lo this community. Mr. White Is and has been ono of the most ardent be lievers In the future of Klamath Fulls and that belief has been evidenced by tho number ot first-class buildings which ho has erected here. Ills loss In a business way to this community Is commensurated to some extent by the solcctlon of Capt. J. W. Siemens to tako the holm In his stead. Captain Slomons, who Is ono of the old resi dents of this county, Is known to us ml, Ills character and reputatlor. In this community Is of the hlghrV. or der and needs no commendation. The success which has attonded his man agement ot tho First Trust and Sav ings bank will doubtless follow him in his new position, and tho directors of the First National certainly made a wise choice la their selection ot Capt. J. W, Blemoni aa president. For fresh Bleha's. lime, call at Ooorgo I asa golBg to have a wjadow sale. I need money arful bad. aXoo tad aoo tk twdidlatUysd. It maral wotod, coaso la. No trouble , skew yea taa food. President Taft Is about to start on his 12,750-mlle swing around the cir cle. Tuesday night tho president will break bread with the Boston Cham ber of Commerce and have something to say as a foreword to the messages later to be delivered to the country along tho route of his long Journey. Wednesday morning he will dash for the Middle West, and will arrive In Chicago tho next forenoon, ready to begin the real activities that are scheduled to follow months of plan ning. At different points between thi Oroat Lakes and the Paclflc Coast speeches will be madefla which spe cific mstters are to be discussed In more or less detail matters regard' Ing which tho president desires to talk to tho people, face to pace. The president Is not setting out on a Journey ot 11,564 miles by rail and 1,195 miles by water for the pure fun of the thing. As chief magis trate ot tho nation, Mr. Taft sees an official duty In getting among the people who called blm to serve them In that high place. He will see them by tho million. It violates no confidence to say that he regards the Journey upon which he Is about to start with an emotion akin to that which In the case of some persons ot a different temperament would be denominated trepidation. Ilo Is going from a section of the country where the sentiment Is large ly "lot well enough alone" plump Into tho progressive West, where sits the present balance ot political pow er where the people aro alive to re form Issues, and there is a 'mighty sight ot Independence of thought, which later may develop Into Inde pendence of action that will cause the rest of the country to take larger no tice than heretofore. To give account of his stewardship during tho important halt year since' he was Inaugurated, to meet tho peo ple who aro Inquiring "How about this tariff revision?" to make It clear to those who cast tho votes that de termined the last election, that the man who appeared before them a year ago aa a candidate Is tho same man who now wears tho title ot pres ident, and that fulfillment of prom ises Is the highest aim of tho admin Istratlon which ho has organised here, again, In another form, lo tho object of tho awing around tho circle. It Is with full realisation ot the serious situation that confronts hu party In some ot tho Western States with respeet to tho eongrsssioaal 'election, bow only a year away, that the president goes to nioot tho raak and ilo, ot voters. '. ",- jTae nroaldoafa Wnerery will tako isa utrwwsja vm arss-msar. sraarmar; It means something to George Pat ton, a marine engineer, to claim citi zenship in tho United States so much, In fact, that bo has traveled 14,000 miles and has paid 1,200 In gold to get his first papers, and to get them In Philadelphia. Not only this, but, to get tho pa pers, he has stood the discomfort and danger of shipwreck In the Mediter ranean. With his first step toward naturalisation taken, he will begin to retrace hla way 14,000 miles to Ma nila. Patton Is an Englishman, born In Newcastle-oa-Tyne. For the last three years he has been employed by the United States bureau of naviga tion at Manila as chief engineer. Be fore that he was la the employ ot the government, having been for three years assistant engineer of the United States collier Justin, when that ship was under the command of Captain Samuel Hughes, now assistant cap tain of the Port of Philadelphia. Patton has loag wanted to become a United SUfa.aitlssa. W.Jast at pruaent thero la an extra iBceaUra for his Journey. There Is pending a measure which will giro to those In the government employ In such posi tion In the Philippines for a long term of years a pension, based on tho salary drawn by thorn at tho time of their retirement. Determined to be In line for this, Patton made ar rangements to come to Philadelphia to be naturalised. It was his desire to come by way ot Newcastle-oa-Tyne, where his fam ily now Is. Coming through the Med iterranean on the steamship Alicante, ho was shipwrecked, losing nine days among gypsies on the south coast of Spain. His trip from Manila took -61 days, and he will now return to New cast le-on-fy no to be Joined by bis two daughters, who will go to Manila with him. Granted seven months' leave ot absence, he has been com pelled, because of delays, to apply for two months-additional leave. i A very Important deal Is nnder consideration whereby Ike Weer- hauser Timber company will Uke over the controlling Interest Is the Weed Lumber company. The Long- Bell, Lumber company at the presoat time holds the largest Interest a (he Weed company, nnd If satisfactory arrangements are made tho Wejfr hauser people will likely get the con trolling Interest. Thero Is a tract .of about 40,000 acres of uncut timber in tbls holding, also tho largo manu facturing plant now located at Weed. Cal. George 8. Long, tho western representative of the Weyerhanaer company, who waa In this city re-, cently, and his head, cruiser, a Mr. Markham, looked this tlmbe" over before coming here. Jack Kimball, the Weyerbauser representative lu this section, Is reported to be In the Weed country on n cruising trip with bis men, looking thla timber over. One of the leading timbermen of'thkr county, when asked aa to whether the Weyerhanaer company, should It take kold of the Weed plant, would cause any change In their program or build ing a mill on the Upper Uke, stated: - "i don't think that tho absorpttosvr of the yirtmWrnmvtmtby'VhiT4''-' Weyerhausera would make any differ ence la thla regard at all. Their hold ings In this country are so Immense that It would Justify the erection ot an Immense sawmill plant on tho Up per lake. With all the splendid mill sites available so close at head to their holdings, It would never ray them to haul the logs to Weed to be. manufactured. It Is my opinion, also, that the Weyerbauser company baa some understanding with the Hill peope as to their Intention ct enter ing this country, and they am going to get la on the ground floor before he gets here, as with two railroad to handle his timber, stumpage will go out of sight." Lumbermen nil over this section are alive to the railroad situation aa It exists In this section today, and It Is more than likely that .wme very Important timber deals will bo con summated here within thirty days. ' IHIli MIHIHMI lcv us rui Your Prescriptions warns a Bsaa aaya, let nse fix yew watch or let aae pats yotur hoKse, jroaftro got to aeelere hias oapahls.of etehsg a josal Job he. A " " sua w n, a aaia rrasrsaaoie. When, woaakyom to-let no pat yew preseripttosu H la natneal that yew, shooM he toM hew capable we are of eMag R. '" Mow that every pwsertoUsB we hade Is aUtei to the' letter, i Mow wo tost every article let. ear store betsre pmstagR ,.,,, piasaiapiiiaB m, any way. fmy(v si smve osiBBiaMiia owr aatettg to flU i. b.a- : , r ll -:.. -' z ..- ,- " - si -atrorar awe years aa K . " I 'J Zi145tMM,f ' ' -- u .-,J - V - i w - . ' T - XetnaaRynass K . ' s ' -ft -,. tlir'"; .: Star Drtiri Start Ii . -,1-' ""nrvatsaVsnT BBsTaktsnaaV SBflo'rliiBX3kBBBnBBBBl TOsS' 'w att; J n vl )! i irl 11 M i i.. M i '& r ' : y JY?" m : iyvs. . -t? tffimteifm IIMMMHMII IHIMIIM V , 13 '..:..v.,c . -. M 'VJ K . . r H- V V J 'k ' .,.'3?W. tig A it -" .'I-.' rsftSSvJ. i- i .T. bar llth, MagaaoAttat Sal