The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 13, 1909, Image 1

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J, - tw Ty
-.. f'r Vk
KUinath Pslla' Firm
mtd Hot Dally.
''dHk1 ' lM rC BfJaaaam
- vftaam ''.'V, '? jiv Lfafjaaa
' Tl Bdt'lHMlto. . m
Pbiob s Cam . J
Tkibu Ykar. No. U67
glLrtt ittrf'Hl Aafclna rr i:-
mlin of TInm ol rayittriil
ml Other OMMKra,
J, (I, HiKf'tiM" ami . w. Mumii.
k drlrrnt saileelaii by III" IhihhI
(alrrclur of th Water Maura'
jIIhb lii allumi i iii ronvtuwiin in
tltr nior In Mull lW City, ro-
ttttd ll i'uriliii. Mr. HtotviiMiii
ill itlfllH by a leprraoiilnllva
! til OlHT tail owning It III HlM
ita arroluplUtir.t by lb" omtrii'
i. atl atalrd nil follew:
"l(r;rtittlTn from Im Mk In I-
idem proj.fla In tlm WmI wt-ru
fftMCt l llm mnirnlliiii, lilrh na
ill lb Wllaon'a hotel, Hall 1-aVi-
ltf, Tim Uiretlng WAV rmir.l l) lllr
tlir u.cfn iif We irticnca.rBon
toJi, and Fulton II. Hm wbi
4 irtxirry chairman of tlm
strike, with Frank l. Hfnjrr at
mtir) Their U nti feiturailoii of
l atrr uh'ii of llm iiirerunt itn'
n, il Him iiiMilnn nf forming'
I (IMH-Ullull mill Ik hrlllhl lwfotr
! mlntancu itf ttii rmiil'illiiru
! up ti tin ciiinnilllwi U Hint
sirr UMim o I ha proJctU old
ritttt to ty tho citlu(ril ni
l th rrrtanmilon nKlnpjr. Iiihih1
IU trtunl nut, anil nli ttiat ll.c
of t tin iiaynii-ntii Ik ntiMi'lnl
on ten to twenty yram. Tim no-
anrnilatliim vro liiailc to lirncflt
II t'llK ami arc ltiiMirUnl tr-
Lm n( the many Mk itoJkU fcji-
I"TIiop tirtiivnl anil Iho iroiH-t
J rrprrwutml ere: J. (I. Htnvon
i tail N, 8. Merrill. Klamath: I). It.
bill ami II. (). Htoaart, Nurth
ll; frank H. Iloayor. Urlaml.
J. H. Mcllcth, J. M. Crror ami
L l.)tvl, Hlrawlwrry Vallvy; C. A.
tldcr, (Unli-n City, Kan.; I..
mn, Milk Itlvtr; a. M. Thuwai,
" "
WlllUinii, N. i . f K)irili,.Cmt, c A. Hi),
furil Tiiiitmi. W II. ()tt niul J. T
Tnlilii, I'liiiiiniinliKrii
"'llm i -) ntliiiiM iitMii wiru n
AiiiiIniik lln lnlrnl uf Hit. Inn,,
urntilii ..iitiiux f iii Inli-rlur ami
tlm I'lillixl Hlatcn tKtinti) loiniiillli
IIH IlllKBtlllll III ,l tllllll.lh.Tt on
llm m (nil iiimlllluiia c,iln; In tin.
Kilittiiiilluii of iho tutiiMiii Knivru
iiikiiI r. Imnnllfiii pmjtiii. , ,rriii
ll liifc. Hiik ttio wotki nml IkuiIiik
coiliiulnla h) '-rMial liiii'lltiK v.(li
llin ftvltlrn Intrrmti-il,
Tlli-lrfuin, Hif. Hi.-rlallri' (if
llm ftilnliiK iiiiir llm Klamnlli,
NiiiIIi I'lattii Vallr.). Htinvulii-rty Val
ley, (I1.1.I..11 City. Milk IIUiT, Willi.,
ton, Triifkivfuiiiiiii, OtlamLHiiit,
llilfunl Tii'iilon, l'inuiiiinliT- Vul
If). In inr.itliiK nciiilitit In Kail
liko City. till. Mil itay of K'iti'inlnT,
IVO, phtmiiI Hiimiii 1 1 r r. 1 1 K Iii-imId iif
lln hhiii ioiiIiiiIiiI Mltli llm fnricu
I11K ifojtl
'i' luartllr finlnri' ltn nilninn-
lliili law nint KiHrrlnt, I In' lii-iirfl'lnl
I'll I'l f (0111 tlm ri'ilntiiiillon fuiiil an
iliillnl In aulil uttlmi C.
'I'liltil --Tluil llm i-iiKliKMira of ri'c
liiniiitlnii iirnjiiln Im required to
iiiuki) a iiiti'iiivnl qiiarli-rly of thu
niiiiiiiiil i.ininkil iiml fur wluil pur
iihi rimtlli Wo ri'iuiiuiifml that thu
li-nliliffiiH ti'Kttktloii 11a IiiiioiiviI by
iTtloti D of thu IrrlKMIon net bo ru
mod il.
I'lllli Ihnt thu oinriitliiii of the
hoiiii-ati'iiil law hu ri'Morcil, no that
IHm I pKKif tuny hu inmlu lllivr hy
tiiiiiiiiiitntliin or hy in'ttlomuiit, ami
wlirii mi 111.11I11 imtciiU ahnll hu liaucd
thiri'tor, Htiliit to thu KimTiimunt
lli'ii for (oimtriiitluii cliHrKcu.
Klith -Hint thu co-opcrallvo plun
of (iiii.lriutlDii, na hvrvtofore In op
'intloti, hu i'Knllti-il niul opcratcij un
1I1T nuirrnini'iit iivnUloii.
HuKiiilli Wo hv to BUhmlt to
your hoiiorahlu hixly that tlioau rue
otniiii'iiilntloiia nru humtl on actual
iipirkiid', ami hy turn who nru no
lunl iili r iinvra mul owner of land
iiiIki-I to thu Rovi'riiinciit for thu
in)imnit of loiialriidloii thiirKi'. ami
tin r-for mi I rurt (hat tliono will bo
Kin 11 it 110 ioiilili'ratlon.
llm fun'XoliiK ri'ioliillum were
n-iulla ohlnlnvit from ihn mlniiiutli.11 ! iin vtlthout any friction whatever,
of llm nrlit lamia h) I In- Riitcriiliinit
Mhi'lrna. llm infinlu hu ai " l""-' ""ni'iunm uiuiikih im V'"r
M'plnl Itn- koii rmiii'iil noiillloii to
lomtrurt InlKalliiR )liin iinlcr
Ihn art of ronfii-aa of Jumi 17, IHu:
1II1I i A..11111I11K It. Hi th' In a a a liiamlnlnry III lla pinll
alona ant loiirlmlm In t nl.-iiic-dt
Alii). liclana, ti'llliR ilpoil tin' nit
ami atalrini'lila inailr li) Hu- KOli'rn
liii'lit i-iiKlnola na llm iiliu nf our
Information on hal ri' to ri-
Ainl, lmriai, ri'l)lnK upon th
law, ami r.llinalia lurnl.tnil 11a hy
tlm Kovprilinrlit I'liKlui'rra. luliill
tartly littirt totitrana for wati-r nml
iliMlnr.l our I a tul ainl liuiiii-a for tho
(a) 1111 nt tht'trof,
Ainl, w henna, nlli'r linn- roritintta
hail hen arruriil, taM-. on tlm rati
maliil in. I of tin' I'liKlnii". tlm rT
talliallon la haa Im.-h ii Intrrprt'ti'it
that Iho actual iihI In.tioil of tlm
tllliai-il nut of niliitrurllnn I
tharitil nualii.t tlm html
Anil, wlmria. thnii imiia on tit'
laml ainl hnmm wvio uluii mi thv
tlllinlm) mat furnlahiil hy the Kot
nrniui'iit rmtlmra:
Ami. whrrcna. ftloii t of thu ri'
Imitation Inw axrinii tt-itt thi' M
rhalKt-a ahnll l! ili-li'lliilmil with n
vlnw of M'turnlnK In tlm nflainatlon
fuml llm tolltnali-il nnt of ron.triir
Hon. nml thai mil):
Tlmrnforr. ho It roaiilvnl, Hint llm
i-alliiialil roal uf itoil on which
lhr lllira aiTii urnl l' lhu
niiiiiiiiil Hu' n'tHcra nml wnti-r iiai'ta
liimlil Im ri'iiulrcil to
W.t hK (iiillmr to rnoiiuniml llm
followlliK Chnlici'a 111 tlm riiluliliiiiou
Klfal Thnt thu llliif of in)limnl
for niiiatrurlloii charcia im i,nuiii
f,..m irn in iwrnly imiitifiita, or In tlmrrof Ihnt llm water un r l
Klvrn llm u" ot waur mr mm' or
nvn )iar wllhoiit rhnrKi'. or n form
of crnilnnli-'l in)ini'lit hu mlopti'il In
rnalili- lhu acttlcm to Kit lh'
unilrr riiinntluii nml on n im)liiK hn
all ami mnklnK It olhli' for Ilium
Hi nirri Hiclr ohllKnlluiia,
Kocoiut -That thu llrat rlniiau of
Mi-linn No. 6 of llm IrrliiMllim net hu
Inli'riirrliil a mnmiuiury urni op 1
alliiK ami nininiunnncu nuns"
CwiigrvM Mi-ana to (lltf! NoruVtf la
furnutlixi to I'roplu liravlng the
Cilia rfor the Farw.
1 eta IhviKmI aomo rillrf.
Ill aH.akliiK of Ihla auction aa rum
piucil with otlicr auctlona of lhu conn
lr throned which hu Iiml tmaaud on
hla trip, Mr Htutunaou atutiil
"Tlaru la 110 illacounl on Klamnth
louuty. In traulliiK throiiKh Call
fornln I ilhlu't aie nny cropa, outklJu
of fruit. Ihnt 11111M iiimparu with our
priiitiirta lion- Uur alfulfn ami Brain
nre nwuy nhmil of cii)thlnK I u
1:1 ) untlru trip. Thu fruit crop around
Halt Uiko City wca hudl) ilaniuitud by
1111 i-nrl) froat. The fruit Induatry In
Oil riiiinlr) la hi hind In Ita develop
merit, na coinpnrid with other ikc
tlona, hut I look fur a nipld ndtanre-ni'-nt
In thla tltiu na thu country act
Ilea up: which, with It wonderful 10
aourua, la un aaaured fact."
B.1I11 on blue and white Jap cupa
nml untiren nt Q l-. et Saturday
nflur Hio window dlaplay.
Tor freah
Ilinu, cnll nt HeorKo
All otnreia nml mvmbera arc tiriil
In hu picionl Tiicadny uvvnlnK. 8ep'
lowlier 14th. VlaltluK niemberii nru
cordlully Imltwl l" nltuml. y order
of Worthy Matron.
I.lll.ll 8TKAW, Secretary.
The National farm iJind CongrMa
which will convonavat ChlcaRO In No-vi-mber
U attractlag wldo-apread at
tention, and Interest Oov. Ocnaon
of this Htato. Tit object of thla con
tention la to Kucure reliable Informa
tion from different localltlca as to
fnrmlnK conditions which Is to bo dis
tributed among homo seekers In the
Knit. The following article, taken
from the San Franclaco Kismlner,
seta forth Iho object of this conven
tion and the Information desired:
Covet nors of States, United States
Renntors, Representatives In Con'
cri-aa and men high In the dimmer
clnl and transportation circles ot the
rountr) are enthusiastically backing
the Nntlonal Land Congress to be
held In Chicago In Korcmbcr.
Thla Interest Is aroused by the fad
Dial thu coming congress Is typical
of a new movement In American life
n motement toward tho farm,
toward farm life and agricultural
Thu convention ha tho promotion
tif Iho farming movement as Its ob
ject. Hut It Is going to promote In a
uuw way. It wlll.encourage the de
velopment of farms and farm home
Souwnlr Moons of Crater lake
thu high school and Klamath Kails.
At Mcllattan's.
Fall and Winter
Ready for your inspection
Suits and Overcoats mode to
your exact Indlvlaual require
ments by America's foremost
by plnilng before the home seeker
ex.irt Information about farming con
ditions. The farm land movement Is how
on. It Is one ot tho strongest fea
tures of American life today. All
over the Kaatcrn States men arc keek
ing Investments In Western farm
land. Ilomcseekers arc coming West,
turning their attention to the mil
lion's of acres of Westorn farm land
awaiting development Into prosper
ous homo sites.
Hut there have been failures
among colonists. These failures,
though not numerous, havo been
caused by Ignorance of conditions.
No man should fall to secure a com
petence, should fall ot success upon
farming land, If ho understands
farming conditions before he become
n farmer.
Tho National Farm Land Con
gress means to prevent such failures,
to reduce tho already small propor
tion of failures to tho minimum. It
means to do 'this by placing before
tho prospective colonist the exact
conditions ho must meet when bo be
come a farmer.
Hero I what tho man contemplat
log migration to any point for the
purposo of winning fortune from the
soil wants to know and nust know
These are the thing tbe National
Farm Land congress mean to luve
tlgnto and upon which the prospec
tive farmer I to be Infermed:
First, he will want to know what
are hi chance tor the creation ot
profitable business la any line ot ag
riculture; and, second, the condition
under which he will 1U while build
ing hi fortuie or competency.
All information bearing oa t
two point I ot rt Importance.
The klnda ot farming most prolt-
ably dono Is any locality.
How and from who ahall he V
euro hi laad, IU coat aad term of
What public land. It any, arc ta
to had. aad how gotteaT
Character ot aoll aad ethaate, aad
oadtttoaa M nkteM,
Labor and transportation condi
tions. Avcrago profit and degree of cer
tainty with which he may expect
those profits year after year.
Social condition which will sur
round himself and family, and the
kind of people with whom they will
come In contact.
School and church facilities.
In short, what aro the problems he
must work out In any given locality?
To secure this Information It Is
planned to bring 1,000 delegate to
gether at the coming congress. Only
men who can give accurate Informa
tion about tho farm lands In their
States are to be delegate.
Hundreds of men throughout the
country, realising the Importance of
tho land movement and of tbe Farm
Land congress, are Intcrestlng'them
sclvcs In Its success.
Governor Frank Benson of, Oregon
Is ono of these, realising the flnmense
advantage to his State of tbe public
ity that will be given the proceedings
of tho congress. The Hearst news
papers and magazines are Interested
In this congress. Smaller newspapers
evorywhero are watching eagerly for
the facts to be developed. Magastnes
will give tbe results publicity. Mil
lions of men will read of tbe oppor
tunities presented by the farm land
of the country, and especially those
of the great West.
If tbero ever was a chance for
Klamath county to take advantage of
a golden opportunity, It Is In this con
vention. With counties acre of
iplendld soil awaiting only tbe devel
oping hand, which can be obtained
for a mere pittance, Klamath county
can furnish Information to this con
vention that would cause a sensation.
Reliable' laformatlen-abowt MlaesaU
county and Its resources, furnished la
the proper form to this congress,
would solve the problem of populat
ing this section. It behooves us to
get In communication with Governor
Denton at once.
crnoon, Rev. Father O'Malley ofl elat
ing. A large concourse of admiring
friends followed the remain to their
last resting place la I. O. O. F. cem
There were many beautiful ioral
tributes betokening the love and ea
toem la which thla exemplary life
waa held.
The sympathy of the community I
extended to the Borrowing husband
and relative la their bereavement.
Lakeview Herald.
A large audience applauded the
final performance of "Patsy," the
clever comedian aad alack wire
walker. The voting last night was
well divided, though No. 2 still
maintains the lead. A comedy reel
bowing the '"Advantages of Avia
tion," la which a young lady leave
her home In an aeroplane through
the window to keep rendeivous with
her lover, despite the protest of her
husband. "An Uninvited Quest" with
tbe police close at bis heel, break
unexpectedly Into a masquerade ball.
An extra attraction, a series en
titled "Washington and the British
Flag," will be shown tonight. Then
Tbe Faithful Old Horse" and a won
derful fllm showing the manufactur
ing of steel rail. A new Illustrated
songs and new music.
Tbe reason E. W. Qlllette can't
como after those mattresses to do
over is because ot a carload of furni
ture that had to be unloaded today,
but ho will send for them a soon aa
hi city. The pro-
That grim reaper, Death, haa again
visited our little city, and with his
sickle keen cut down another Sower
that we are loth to spare.
The home of our big-hearted
neighbor and genial cltlien, Dan
Malloy, waa made one ot Borrow
Saturday afternoon, when hla kind
and loving helpmate, Lena Malloy,
waa stricken down In death. She
had been ill but a few short day,
and no one feared the wont, even up
to the very last, aa she had'aot been
confined to her bed until Saturday.
Her death was caused by aa abscea
in the throat, originating from a
slight attack of quinsy.
Mrs. Malloy was reared la Klam
ath Fall, where her mother, Mr.
Heldrlck. now reside. A few year
prior to her marriage, about even
year ago, she mored to Lakeview,
where she haa since rcHatd.
Not only will this wt aad lov
able character be missed by her many
friend aad neighbor, hut by a lit
tle boy and itrl who are aadly de
prived ot a mother' tender love.
Lena Malloy waa bora la Klamath
Fall 18 year ago, where her pareats
were among the pioneer ot the state.
Beside her huabaad. Dan Malloy,
aad two children, Blair aad xata-
leea. aged mpeetlTelir ita aa oaa
aad oae-halt year, tomwa her
low, the leave a awthajr, two a.
n aad two atotere. A , j
The taaeral teak ataee-.froat the
family reaideaee at'liiaMoaday att-
A ladles' gold watch I to be given
away at the trie theater Monday, Sep
tember J 0th, to the one holding the
lucky number. Coupons given every
night with each admission tick'
Tbe watch la oa exhibition la the win
dow of Winter's Jewelry atore,
Tonight there will he a aew aerie
OtVCCatTeW raWejear
ever shown 1a thu
peaslty of Americans to laugh at fun
ny things Is encouraged by one Sim,
especially "Bea'a Kid," In which a
hroung baby become the property ot
a bunch of cowboys aad their under
standing of baby way prove Inade
quate to the emergency. They call
for the assistance ot the Judge ofthe
court, aad It the distracted mother
had aot arrived la time the poor kid
would have had a rough time ot It.
Another baby gets loat la a feMlag
bed, aad compromises aa unsuspect
ing man. There's faa galore la the
funny films and that's what knocks
off the day' grouches aad send us
home lighter hearted. But there'
sad thing, too, aad fine historical
Instruction la other pictures some
thlnc to please everybody. There is
to be aa exhibition of good boxing
for three rounds tonight, which you
cannot fall to enjoy. Admlssloa tea
cent as usual.
Rowte to CaUfenUa Via Klamath I
the Katatal Oa, as W
Uawsoahiediy Be Ftllwii. i
Jams J. Hill I tolas to balld a
mala lla down Into Klamath coaaty,
aad is going to put between i.oeo
and f.OOO men at work constructing
the same as ooa aa they caa to taken
care of," Is the remark mad by En
gineers Wakefield aad Mllllcaa.'who
are In charge of Hill' surveying
corps between Bead aad Odell, to
Charles Graves ot Crescent, who Is la
the city today. Mr. Grave la la the
city to confer with the coaaty oaUials
la regard to gettlag the coaaty court
to make an appropriation tor repair
ing and bulldiag roads la tk aorth
ern end of the county.
When asked aa to what the rail
road sltuatloa waa around Creseeat,
he said : "Hill ha two corps of Mr
veyors betweea Bead aad Creseeat.
Eagtaeer Hllllcaa Is la chart of the
Creseeat ead of the survey, aad Ha
glaeer Wakefield ta la charge of the
Bead end. The two crews are com
posed of about tweaty mea each. En
gineer Mllllcaa Informed me that ta
three weeks' time he would eom
meace the work of actual Iocatloa ot
the line and would rush the survey
through Just aa fast as possible. He,
with hi party, I aow located la
township ST range , whtoh la ahoat
41 mile aerth eT KiaaBSrth.saBi
working towards Bead. Tbe survey
or make no pretensions at hiding
their Identity, and state openly that
they are Hill's men. They also stato
that It Is Hill's Intention to put be
tween 5,000 and f ,000 mea at work
oa thla line, which will to a .main
line. Just as soon as arrangements
caa be made for their care. It Is my
opinion, from what I have heard aad
the personal knowledge I hav of the
country, that Hill' mala lla will fol-
(Ceataiawdl Foawtli rasje.) -
I am gotag to hav a wtadow sal.
I need money arful had. Stop aad sea
the good displayed. If you are la
terested, com In. No trouble to
show you the goods.
At' McHattaa's.
A new 550 piano, case slightly
damaged, for half price; also bar
gain In other pianos, at Virgil's fur
niture atore.
1 It IS Tried and tested 1
watt tm ato tartar C
Our Olive Oil
get hf am
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