MUM v:t jf .!- 'T W tMk Klamath Fill In' Klrat aikI Bent Dally. W Vkak. No. Will KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1909. : : im. Mm x- ;7lnhnnHX , ' t tB sag pw , j w . &u ; a if" vi ., $ i pmob s iKp1v Mm ptfftiitQ H anfl' ILL STOP A MINUTE llW M IIAIIHIMAX IIO.MM kV VHIH MARK (I!' IIKMI'MT N0SOK THE DUD tlllll ml Mill II Vrry gul.l. Willi Only I'ntttlljr awl ImIIuiaIk t'rlrniW IVrarMl, I4Dil titMlllg Ml I o'rllKk I! II ilniau body will lm lnirlol In family Initial plot ol Hid Utile ItrtifAlil ul Anion, lioililn Hit lie ul I tin nrtt-l'oni iif tint llnrrl- l,ollioJ, Tl t'frt Mill Im u Ild futieial aervlrp nt Catiln Ar . ruiiilurtnl li) llin I Iff. ,1 uiiit- iullil.raa, mill llicil ItiD tiruceaalon Imiii fur Oin ctiiirrh nnl The rrl pally will ruiialat nt Mr Irlman, two miih, Averly and Ho- llarrlman, and lhrH daughtera, llolwtt U Herry ninl Urn l ! r ami tarui llarrlman, attended i lik Inlliimlo frlenda. Itie lima n( Harrlman' drain waa Ihr.l mi Wall atrerl, Jual aa Hu lk nrlianro had rloaed un Tliuri- . llli rvdrnri of itifp f i-cllnit uml Ilia ilrflaratlon I hat tha rareer kno uf i tin world's Rttatrat tltian- I irr liail rumn tu a cloao. 'ul n( rcapcrl to their lain rlilcf. I. Ilarrlntan, all trains n Ilia rn- llarrlman a)iitm will bo atopped eno mtnuli) liunorruw ImIwivii io 13:31 p. m. In addition IhU all tlio railroad im"c- of the rni till be closed for the Jay. i ntnrn hr will Im ohb only fur ItAlo nf tlckila In ihn mnrnlng. 0lol..r IVlliZSil" nn nrrniiKvil In Inn llni.r, imli n,,r f wliUtt rc. if h Hem i 16 (nt ,y 16 fwt, ,i, Mlllllll. Ill , tM.,1K (,,, fM,( III lillli Tin, work Mim iloiin l) IlKKlliK llxmliim iKil Inrhra , li'l'tll Mini tllllliK llimil Willi IIiiil, lili li hIiiim. u, ,,nr ,. w( nKalnat tin. ttnoii of (In. ii,t. l tliu fmrtity uf tlin niuunanil of tho naval iralnlnic atntlnn, tlu mlit.m which hnvp In charm thu lola ft ttltrat, comnioinnratltiK llin ur of Ban KrancUco lay ly Nula la 1701, hat conilrurtct mi lluona Uland, Han KranrUro , ht la probab'y Ibe Urfoil aljcn rrtrlil. Thv aim, wnlcli hat nil on tha aloplng hllU of tho nil, la 1,100 fwt Ionic, by 136 f.'it Tha words "I'orlola Kfllval. TIIV Hill. Mt..Mt I'OII HIKKIMT l,'Bfii IIiiimim IaihIIiii; i,,.r) lluliiln) ami Tlnir ,! nt 6 uVlmk P in fur KukIo I'uIiiI, Wllllnui.oti rliT, AKi'iir) ImiiliiiK nml Wiiil bflilKi' I'nlKl.l iii uti) iarl uf lhi WimmI ltlir valli-y ami Cralvr lakf 'lirtna tntltfariur) Ctali-r Ukf Vavlciillnn Ciimiinii). A.I'.AMl.VM, TliifK will Im n alatc.l romiiiunlrn Hun in-tt Miiiula) lilxlit, thn I3lh A full Rlterilnnix nf iiii'inlnTa mul via Hula ilialtiil l) ont.T of llin W M O II CIATI.H, K.Tnlnr m:iiii i: at tiii: tiunciii-x. Krlrra will bo mil) In thn ainvral cliiinliia of Klamath Kalla Kumlay aa follutaa (frarr tlrllimllal i:ilari,ial UlUrtll (0 0U- Hillnlay iftKHil, Claaaca fur all ari I'ari'iila mnl rlilblrrn rur Jlnll) Intliitl II M MornliiK oiiulilp Hubjfct, 'TIlK Nair Vlalun " C J0i;.tuli ,raitiu. HntiJi'Ct. "CunnirtlnR Willi Hie Iviiirri. of I'm. ?r." 30 l,ralo mnl innci'llitlc T lrc, Hubjrrt, "Tbc ConuTaloii of u Hlicrlff" I'lciio liullrn the chntiKn In the llmu uf tho nitiliiK aorrlrtii, Tlio l.raKUp from 7:00 to 630 anil llin other from S;00 tu 7:30. Thla la tho rioting acnlro uf thi confrnr year. J. W. I'llICK, I'attor, lili-nl Wlff," tho aiTon.l acrmrin In tin aiTlca on homo diillcM, M, M. III.RD80K, pattor. Clirl.lUii Hrli-nr (liurdi .iiriatinn Hrh-ncu nrlcit will be hvlil In thn Murdoch bullillnic, Hun day nt 1 1 a. m. Hubjuct of locturv; "Huliatmi(i " llH-nt will bit bi-Run a acrlva of iiiiKtliiKa on tho flrtt linl'a day In Oitubi.r They haru tccurcd thn aer- bet of mi DVaiiKvllat nnd alnitor. nnnounci-menta will bn mado of the inceiiiiK from time tu time. (Iiunli of Marnil HraH llicru will he no aervlcet at Iho Cnthollr rhiirrh tomorrow, due to Iho nhx'iiru from the rlty of tho patlor, llcv J J. (.'unnliiKhnm. ALMOST A KNOCKOUT IH TIIK PIKMKCTIOJf, OK TJIK IIKH. CllfTM IMII.IIOAII MAP I'n-aliylerlan (Iiunli- to (JO lllhli, arhool Thla It the tltiiu In enter the iichool for a )ear'a Inairurtloii In the moat lmKirlant of nil thlliKa. I ou MornlnK wurahlp. Riiljitt, "lllteatment Opportllliltlea," ft 30C'hrlatlnn Kndeavnr pracr mcttliiK The )oiinR people aro rat- lylmc fur the winter 'a work. , 30 KwnlnK worahlp. Bubjert, llnw Old Art ThouT" Note the chnnxe nf tho tlnio of the evuiilnx erlrea tu one-half hour earlier than the milliner achedulo. Ite Henry I.. Nave, I). I)., the field repreaentatlvu nf Albany Col leite, la with ut and will tpeak both innrnlnK and vvenlnit un the toplra nnnuunred abute. Dr. Navu It a plenalnic and IntereatlnK tiH-akcr, and nu mie ran afford Io mlaa hearlnic him while tin la with tin. OKO. T. I'UATT. I'attor. Clirlatlan hurrlt The Clirlatlan or Dliclpln churrh vill ho', their 'ervlre In im Mithudlat rhiirrh un Uird'a Day af ternoon nt 3 u'rluck. A rordlal Invl latlun It etlended tu all wlui with Io attend Hilt aervlre. IU4lat ( hurrli lOiOO riunda) tchoul. IliOO I'renclilnR by tha patlor. Hubjirt, "The llellqter'i HerllnrJ " (I;30- Vuiiik pui,ile'i meetlni' 7.30 -I'm urliliiK. Theme. "Tl.ti N'OTICK OF IMI-OirXDINO NOT1CK It hereby liven that tha underilKned, puundmaater of the City of Klamath Kalla, Orcson, did un thla 'Hi day uf September, 1909, nt the hour ol 9 a. m., tako up and Impound In tho xund uf aald city the followliiK drarrlbed animal: One diiu-culiired or bucktkln mare, black main and tall, left e)o out, branded oarlock aldowa)i on left hip; had a aniall bell on when taken up. OUCAH U. CARTER,. Tound Matter. Illankcla, blanketa, blankets! All kinds of thorn, at the Portland Store. 4444 44.44.t iw Ba fff. 'JRmi lalKiiiB a-aasHB- I .aVHSHHBBBBB BIEBs!4bbIII aiLaaa&SiaaaiiiB aalBiiaBBBllB "aaaaaaaaaKSaBaaaa aaaaaaV 'IhiiiLV LLI HbiLh "' .-BaaaaaaW WIV ".aaaV ' 'H .a' i.aK:E.I i. rf- 1 MM FaU and Winter WOOLENS Ready for your inspection Suits and Overcoat! mode to your exact Indiviaual require ments by America's foremost tailors. . LAND OFFICE O DECIDES lUlllnr-r Iliilra Adtttwly to H. I. ItlKht of War OviV (tecoMd Dt- vUlun Into CewaVal Oitrom. The report published by this paper recently aa to the presence of Hill's surveyors at Crescent (formerly Otkll) la confirmed y the following statement that 1 1 Ill's surveyors are puihlriK forward Imo the country itouth of Uend. It also goes to show, by a glanco at the map, that Klamath Kails Is doubtless lie point Hill Is aiming to reach oajfhls route south Into California. Tw route through this section to San Francisco Is the natural one, both aa a matter of dis tance and tonnage The statement made to this paper recently by (ieorga S. Long, western manager of Iho Weyerbaustr Timber company, to tho effect that the Upper Klamath lake In the future would doubtless bo ono of the greatest lumber centers In the West, goes a' long way to show why Hill would aaturally seek as outlet through thhi section. WASHINGTON.' Sept. 9. The geaoral land oMca Baa rejected Ut have beea given right of Over the entire second division K R R STORE Deschutes Railroad compaay's nap, covering section (our of Its road up the Deschutes river, fcecaaaa et a eoav fllct with tho Oregon Trunk Uae, whose map of thla section has hern was baaed oBnthe gronnd that through this section It Is not necea isry for both companies to build on tho samo side of tho river, both hav ing admitted In their testimony that a railroad could bo built on either bank. This decision can be appealed to tho Secretary of the Interior or tha llarrlman company can lie new maps covering the right of way on the op- potlte side of the Deschutes. The llarrlman maps of sections I and 6 nro still- to be passed upon by the land oBee. Telegraph'lc advices received from Washington this week' by Carey ft Kerr at Portland, attorneya for tha Oregon Trunk railroad, atata that Secretary Balllnger has ruled ad versely In the matter ot tha llarrl man application for right ot way over tho second division ot the hard- fought routo Into Central Oregon. Tho decision cites that the Interior department Is without Jurisdiction la granting tho application, Inasmuch as It has already passed upon and ap proved tho right ot way application or tho Hill line over tha contested ground, a distance ot sixty miles from Sherars bridge to Madras, Crook county. Secretary Balllnger's ruling Is the stllfest body Jolt tho Harrlman peo ple havo received In the calorie battle In courts and along tha Deachutea canyon since Porter brothers first be gan active operations the trst week In July. Tha decision borders close to a knockout blow to tha llarrlman line, and Is more far-reaching In Its bearing than Is Indicated on tha sur face, Unless tho Harrlman people, as a last recourse, eaa show to the todaral court In Portland that the Deachutea canyon Is a dalle under tha dttalttoa applied by tho federal statutes, the Hill people must bo loft aloaa to hold nnataputsd right ot way over thla strategy soetloa ot tho line. For tho Harrlman people to natfertako to show that a deals extata.ta tao.eaa-' yon la praotUally aa ImposotM awn. I liar at tho koarlag Just atoned Mow 1 mm4 rta a at mm uWka I jaw aeaa, ubimc mm set forth to the court that tho Dm- chutos canyon Is not n defile and that there is plenty of room In which to build two roads.. In consequence of this showing the llarrlman people, on the strength ot their own testl mony, must take the opposite side of the' canyon If they continue construc tion Into Central Oregon Tho decision gives an ndded stimu lus to the construction work. Hill now has right of way granted for the entire distance from the mouth of the Deschutes to Madras, leaving Harrl man to work on only seventeen mllea from the mouth of Trout creek to Madras over ground which Is abso lutely uncontested. The Hill line Into Madras from tho Deschutes takes' a different and easier route than tho llarrlman Trout creek line. Over the first section np the Des chutes from Its mouth both Hill and Harrlman way, of sixty miles, Harrlman has been put off the field. Tha acquisition last week of the Central Oregon railway rights of way and surveys from Madras Into Bend also gives tha Hill tine advantage In Its race for the Cal ifornia goal Contractors In The Dalles yester day were In conference with Porter brothers relative to the letting of n contract for eight mllea ot line from Celllo. where the Hill line will the Columbia, to Free bridge, a Ing on tha Deachutea three mllea south ot Ita conlueace with tha Co lumbia. It Is expected that this con tract will be let before the end of tho week. Announcement In tha dispatches from Seattle that John F. Stevens bad beea made president ot the Ore gon Trunk la taken aa irrefutable nbstaatlatlon ot tho statement that HlTlra line would tu prejoelod tram the Columbia Into California. Stevena Is not tho man who would sit At the head of a aagebrush rail road, and Mr. Kerr said: "I don't know what the exact plana ot tho Oregon Trunk are, and 1 don't know aj the oflclals ot that Una know exactly, but It Isn't reasonable to suppose that a Hill Una will be built south from the Columbia aad top at the first sagebrush obstruc tion In Central Oregon." 8urveors have already been pushed Into the territory far south of Bend, the latter point forty-five mllea south of Madras, to. gain control ot the passes west of the Paulina moun tains, where the country la more or leu cut up by Uva beds. vlted Quest," who breaks Into a mas querade bait with the police cloaa at his heels, and a series ot dramatic motion pictures descriptive of tha war of Independence, entitled "Wash ington and the British Flag." AT THK IRIS VOTING AT THK OPERA HOl'SE 4a4 sJMaatu la wWsfcR was aJaarlV Last night No. 18 was tha favorite, tor a close second, with 3 aad IT tied for third place. A large number ot those present did not vote. The management desires that all who come should vote, and In this way the real favorite of all will be the one to win the prise. "The Carnlvaf at Nice," a' scenic reproduction ot the Mardl Qraa as celebrated In Southern France, and "A Bruised Heart," a story ot a hus band spurned, told In a dramatic series ot beautifully colored films, are the first on the program tonight. "A Rude Hostess" entartalna a gentleman burglar la her npartmoata until the police arrive. "Schnelder'a Antl-Nolse Crusade" waa directed principally against his little nephew, who Instated upon blowing a trom bone .aad making other disturbing sounds while Schneider Is vainly at tempting to compose a toast to beau tiful woman. "Tho Oyatsrmaa's Gold," a Urtlllag dramatic romaaso; "Mary Jaao Visits Her Country Cou- ela," and Patsy's- claver vaudeville net complete a delightful oatertaia stent. ' f v Sunday Blat iksrs wlllbo two ism ootaody films. "Tas taw. UieV o Aviation" and 'TM'wnln- The usual full house greeted the program at the Iris last night. It la astonishing how thoroughly well tha public understands that a abow at tho little playhouse on Sixth street will net disappoint them (or a pleasant evening's enteitalnmdaJjVTha pic tures last night were of the samo high ctaaa that. Mr. Gammon always puts on. nnd In the vnrlety of sub jects jbere , was something to please everyone. Comedy nnd tragedy, nnd history and drama all combined to make a flrst-class entertainment. The program to be given tonight will bo amply worth the ten cents admis sion fee that always prevails. WILSON AT SPOKANE v. WILL BE OVER Of OaVMIAM AT XATHf AL APPLE SMOW THE SECOND ANMM ANA WU VtBk Variama Pawta'ol If you want some nice npples, eat Ing or cooking, we have them Rogue rivers. The Monarch Mer cantlle Co. Phone 1051. A marriage license waa Issued thla morning by County Clerk DeLap to Eugene Isaacs and Miss 'Ida Hook, both of Ft. Klamath. Later the cou ple, who aro descendants of tho first Inhabitants, presented themselves to Justice Miller, who performed tha marriage service. The statutory fee allowed oflclals for tha Berries u $5, which looked rather large to the ap plicant. Tha bridegroom stated, "I am from Missouri'; show me," which waa done, nnd the ceremony consum mated. It Is not learned whether tho Judge followed the usual custom of kissing the bride. We have alee, extra select Rogue riTtc.nautlataara now. Ton can af ford to buy them at tha price. The Moaarch Mercantile Co. Phone 1051. All summer fabrics reduced to close out. Beautiful patterns still on bnnd only a few at Stilts'. Everyone who admires tho stately trees of the old New England towns and who doss not? will bo grati fied to kaow that tree planting m be ing carried on systematically on the Massachusetts roads. The report ot Mr. E. W. Breed, forester ot the State Highway Commtsaloa, shows that during tha year ending Novem ber 30th. 1908. 1,184 new trees were planted nnd 744 old trees were re placed. During tbe preceding five years. 13,113 trees had been distrib uted among fifty-five town. Tha coat la 1908 of new trees averaged $1.39 each, and tha average cost ot maintenance waa twenty cents per tree. ., t SPOKANE, Wash., Sent It). James Wilson, secretary of the de partment of agriculture, has bee In vited to com to Spokane to attend the second national appl snow, which will bo formally opened tho morning of November 16th by Presi dent Taft pressiag n button la the White House. Mr. Wilson will ho tho guest of ofldals of the National Ap ple Show, Inc., tha Spokano Cnambsr of Commerce aad tho Iowa Society of Spokane during hie stay la thw.cKy, aad It Is expected ho will afterward risk various parts of the IstassJ Bss plre before retnrnug to Washington. The trst show In Spokane, la 1908, coaUlaed exhibits from thirty-two states and territories, also entries from tho provinces of aVKtahiOstnat bkt aad Ontario aad several foreign countries. Tho aaeesss ot. tho- venv ture was somewhat naaspsctss. asm slderlag Ma character aad seosaa, ami , before the close of the first day R wan v determined to mack It aa annual at- ' fair. That the people snvre K. hearty support to rideneed by the fast that C more than 13S.SS0 person vtaHsi the exposkioa daring tho ate days.. The eompetiUea la all alsssistat the fortheomlBg oanooltloa) Is ewea le" all the world, aad prise aad prasBt- ama of SIMM are aoreeAdviaa already to handladtcite teatrleVv""' wRl be made aot oaly from moat of tbe apple districts of the, UaKed States nnd Canada, but alas from elgn countries. Including England, Germany, France aad tho orieatTlt Is expected to have more tha !, 000 apples arranged la novel aad at tractive displays. ' 7 lift The saw mill of C. 8. A R. S. Mooes. on the west side of tho river, wl make Its flaal run for this eomenelng Monday, August 30. Thdf have about 1.000.0M fact of aheeas fir aad plan logs oa head, which will keep them busy unUl October I. All order, for lumber should be placed at an early date. Special ai ders for fir will bo give prompt at KwGk ir " Blaakets. blankets, blankets! AH kinds of thorn, at tha Portland Store. i It Is Tried and Tested I 1 Wo not tako the ajMatgV djWfegf. uhaBaSh faamaanlanaV ana Wmmrnjj ajtmaj- ajsmmy BmjanjrfjBmj njnjj Our Olive Offi Wt('eahaaalemTk4Bhatwe' ' ' y$j awstr Wo asosMmf . .r A- &J&9&-W. ff P H. i, .SPi it-t i'S ,Wa awaa)lfnaff awar a-iifcr-1-. 0.faivW.,,J as asm wants tar assdasa. r i ' ?VJk lF . 4-J- anlaBa. V. . " i. i . t . itfVj "X O , -qgggV ft St Star Drug I mwuhzr .va LV 5U JJ- ii-t- rH yi'm mMk"?M t 9Tm " 1l a .. .. aUkJT.-lHSrTfift': ilMIIIMHHMl .. X'' x W Wt -. J&fri - . K If'" && " .,Ti M ;3 tV ", .J ft w v; - C? 4. . - -ft kI "yvi a&5 V,T. 'Al vs KJ Y y 1 ll 5S U , . - W.l y&a " ym 'v-vi tmz- -S.. ! r.vp 5' i ffl wr- :' .iJi V' ,t CL. BfT3r Jf 1". . - -- tM .i- JDhi r i. v -. , , r-