ir'tin'Mty 1'K.W :ASaCV 1.1 IP. ai, -Lkjj. '.' KMktlV.v. 'iMl (M';1 itvsy: t2; .avwr.," v k 0 irlftX ' 'X3 . fe ifcftl is, , J. h eft V vw ' AW rwrt ffaltV ..-oi Klamath Halle' Pirat and Bttt Dally. 7eVTV . .t V ftl. . fc Our. AdvtctlMn Get ..- TM MM KMMM. ' v-t, K i', :. i vii'Vi.,i','Aij ....,...,..w1.-j Ik PKttitm Lai . ? Tiiiki) Yka. No. D-W -ft 3. DOESN'T LIKE THE OUTLOOK t.T. IIIIMr'IKMI HAH OMNIUM ON mki:vi:w mti.vruv WRONG IMPRESSION IS GIVEN Orrg. Vnlley "' t'oiMi t'uine. In (ur HmriMg by IVumlnriii Man Who latr-atlnalra. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, 1909. PmcsI Catm 1 1 ...!: i. ... .... , rz : zuZn ' AM ! ",,,y - ar "' ) oll of thU loncm. , lll.'J im i ii,.,,., ,, . ,., K. T. Koltltctil. attorney unit r HliKr man of Uufhrie. Ohl ko rnilr passed through Im i on II r to l-akevlew to make Nit In vetlliatlon of Ihnl M-ctl.ii, nf iIik wastry which U WW Mil iiil ni Ik mark! by the Oregon Vallr) Ual mmi-any, rvturasd Ut night iprakltlg of the lllelhud mipu)rdluid .InniM i, ,., l)r,tI) (t ((l kjr IhU company in iiiiH of tl.U i;.ii In .ai , k,1(1 , ( , Usd, Mr. lUlifUld lat.-d (iiIIumi: .UfiriiiK U nidi,.. f .-, m iiti. """ i in lU.u.,H, ,., ,, '' ' "'' ' "r tl ,i ,, ii.i ...... ... ... . . .... H.I.I. Iilld.ii , for I'MiniMMlni Mm.t .i,,, ll(IKlrt, rim ul.ot,. niu iiiily i, fw ,,, ,, '"""I" lll'Mi. "I.I.I. Uu, I,,.,.., ".I liy ll.l. i.,,,,,,,,,, u,,r (,ri ... l Wih , ,,,.,, , ,,,,, llirimi f ,, Wmi ,,, Ht. l.l.l. II I. ."..-. I., ,,( ,,, Inul ui...r nlrr. mi.1 II,.. t,.fr ,,,. '"I III llllll II . Milul,,,,,,,, ,, lr lniii. , rt , ,,,,,, ..' In my i.,i, , lll(Vl.r ,(1) I mlKlii s.l.l Umi ,,, 'Wh nix, U,.,, u, fw,. .,f)i Mll'.ii I. I...I lin.nly fr riM,,x ""I' r U II nr..-..n.. f KM.wi.iK (,r rruii. or i.iii.... i., -.'-Oil) ll,rr .. ,n tali,., .,1 i. " " IHV "11 ll iiiii u( ll.o mud Klynlr liiuili mrr ix-rswlifttml on Um Ainrrl. ui puMIr, Mtid II U mix llilonlliiti In lulu I'.uilinil fur I lie i.uriHMn of con mMIdi llli lh llnllril HUIn Dlilrlrl Allot 0J RUil II mmIIiii Li U rukctrn enjulnrj (rum runllnulm at.) fillkrr III. IhU Initio for urh II k The lllcrluir. that l.aa l-ru HI out by IhU ril.lnr fu f Mbrtpt'X'iiUtloiit, atiil Ihn fuirKuliu tUtfhimt o( mine It tMrtl on lml I mw fnun iioiMt Imrratliailuu on It itiminl. )'ur IniUHco, In il, Own Vallrx Neva, wlilrh (ml(. UM Juno In Kanaaa Clly l.y I foncrrn, II Hair; Ttin rainfall Ita.KatUrn Urmm la ll ilUirlbuiml. fiitla Ii n In tho aulumn. alwui llm ll.r rain boatn. ramalna In iiound ilurlug lha iwrlmt of ITMim rrltiuiaii (uiuallr In Ihr m of mow), nialurM anl rliwm ltk the ilrrrradai rainfall of rarl) Uk and tuinmrr, ami la liarrclnl July in October, tho drl(l part ! ;ar." Thla la not Iriic. a iila ! town! In llm aprlnx. and Ihry nut liarvninl lharv ti, ai llio Ja Ii not rlK.. Thla uimn rlrnitar In: 'I' am brRlnalng In real. Ihr wiinilrrful MMaillltlM In ill M farmlnir, and llial nu am-llon a Union offvra a aafar r aurrr art for ihla Imtiuiry d.n . ibouMnila of acre UvMw drot to ihn raUlnn of I oibtr rrrrala havo bn kmhImI lu id and inradowr raawr, and Iho lK nf rain.., hwp and hue tiai, ' auay rair, taken the plaro of ' train farmlDR In whulo or In K will Im noted that IhU a cfiablr .1. To any .,0 .... tialilnl nltl, ,' , u,,,, ,l(, ,,,,. nliV mi ! iiw-iallnn I. awn.... III lOIKlllt.'ll,, Mil) Mr tM ,, .iili. of UkKtlrw and UK ro.iiil- In Bi-ni-rnl aru In nu ). r-u.nltU-fur ati) of . fi.nitoiiiK rondliloiK. II Ii ltii.) ... ,!, f lt,. roiii.aii), lu l.lirlltir;.. nlo at,, foitiiit in ,.,. drnro atiiund Ukrilrw Tint .-ii,. of lk.ilr and Ukr- rotiiit)-, on n inallrr of frl, air mil nltli.-. a. to Ihr kind of llliutuif tlal Im. Iiwn milt out Ii) t ti Is roinifii, and Ii-ii lr llaly ai al.ii. r, ,. niit.-irv onlatlona i) um ,r a iH-td-rtl) urUlr.. a. Mar, tl... drul llm,. he mw Ihrm. Tin- .i of Uki'Vl.., at a Kliulr, an. of flnl-rlaii r.nili.. and If Ihr) did hut und.T aland Ihr had "(T.rl U.At Ihla dalc ahln M-hriiiK m III lmi. on llm future of Orrgon, the) Mould tl iii In a Ihn))' and toi II. fur I am ..ire (rum what I mm- of lliriu they are not of that kind "AllolhiT dlicrarrftll fratlllii III romirrllun mi t til r U.altrr U the -Irrlluii of the aurlluntnT, mIiu, ( rtudlliK tu the flrit lltrrature M'lil out. a to he M'lrrlrd hy the loulmrl holdrr. hut ll hum a.ara fnun a rontrnuilluii wl.lih I hud with Mr. Martin thai I lie ii.uiinny him or raiiRed fur nil of IhU, and they will aKlnt Ihr nm I Inner theiuwlvi't, or, In .ul II In I.U own MiiriU, 'We have In hate n n. mi whu iitidrrntantU tne Im.lnrM, we hate the limn nlrrndy hrre.' ThU mnti U Clmrlin A, Miller of llnrr. Ku.. mIi.i U oiik of the Iim.U of the roiiipntiy, nnd tlie boon! Inn of IhU limn fur Ihe I'lnre by the It will nUo hi, .I'lllt.d Hint nil of llm money pnld In on IhU Innd In delimit fit m Knnn Mty, nut Lnki'Vluw, dim duiihileM to tin. (nit ihni ,t.o,,,j W, r ,(.,. the itiuund Mill mnke u ilemmid fur the return of i,..r luiird-enriied iikmi. ") Mller luokllii; Ihe allmilloii (,v,.r, Oil" nf lln-lr folder any ahuui win (limine n fnllow; "Mild, balmy, hiiillhfnl, luli!uinllm:. fr.o from nut Uilii. Whitem mud, nlwii) tinnier- al, khiI In atiiiiimr, il.nnnt In win ter, etc., etc.' a u IhU f.i.tiire I nn my thm durltiK my rvrunt trip there (III. Mirk, one Illumine waier win found frimn in n pnll whlrli wa lll um. "11 In my Inientioti t notify nil of my Im Ilntcly to Bend wartilni: In nil piulmlili. Invenlorn In thla m heme to lny nt huiue. Onu Ihuiiaand diillnra .ml, orft-red and all etienaii of Itiaprrilun If tundl tluiia ar mil .. kuu.I na reprenenled In Ihe lllir.itnre nf Ihla concern. am Ihe holder of two rontrnct. and am eultiK to lay rlnlni to Ihe $1,000, hut the e.irmeti ur my trip will be hnrne by mvlf, n I roel I nn. will repaid U I rnn mive kuui), worthy ko de thrlr home nnd money by lny IliK nwny inul keepliiK nut of till theme." CRATER LAKE ROAD CASE .MTK.W, FIIOM TIIK IIKC'ltKK OK JI'IKIK U.XhUiWAY TILED IN SUPREME COURT t Alli-KiiUon I Thnl Ail of Hie f-gUla lure Iteunnllng lit AiniiHa Hon I I'lininatllMlliiMal. Tor n cup of rorTeo that mnkr life wurlh IIiIiik. i nine in ihe Oregon lluu.e. lo Oron la Kvneral, which Inluke Cuiiiily K.nmln.r" In their U- IVIrr O, ApplrKnte, Slain land agent, and II. I'. June, U. S. aittlnl ai;rut of Ihe iivneral land offlcc, ar- rlted laal ereiili.K from Saliin to look lip kuiuu mnlti-ra wherein tho' title nie in... Mini lii'luren iho Hinlo and ('lilted Klate. Ilolh theae Ki'iitlcincn hate lu-en hero la-fore, llioiili nut for kevrrnl j.nrx, nnd they tlud Improve menu lu and iibuut Klnmnlh r'alU an far Kreater limn they expected. Iluth nro guile, well liifunncil In re Kurd to tho iinlural reH.iirri-n of Ihe Klamnlh llatln nnd nntlrlpate rapid devrlupmutit from Ihla lime on. The nw mill or C. S. & II. 8. Monro on the wtat able of I lie river, will make II 11 mil run for Ihla arumm roiuenrliiR Monday, Aiiki.mI 30. They hne about 1,000,000 reel of choice fir and pine Ik on hnnd, which nlll keep Ihem liuny until October ). All order for lumber ahoub! bo plated ut nn early date. Special or- dn for fir will be kIvoh prompt nl- tentlon lie nt "The I'orlland Store-" tonight at 10 p, m. Knur prlicH. "aMajTaawi j Newest Creations in Ladies' and Children's Fall and Winter Coats Some Swell Styles See East Window ; ii i A K.K.X STORE '.lv"'- - i.a)iajaaaaM The brief of the appellant In the rna of J, K. fh'uraVN. UevrKu A. Hteel n treuiurvr and V. W. Ik-naon n acrretary of attic, commonlr known as tho Crater Lake road case, nn upprnl from Ihe decree of Judge Wllllnni (liilloway, haa been filed In Iho Miiprtmii court. The brlof Ii very uimprelii-nalve. fllllnrt alty-two panel printed iiiniter, and la full of quota Hon lo Miutuln the polnta of author Ulct. and nrKUineiita of, the appellant Tim allegation that the act of tho l.-Klalatlvo nuRvinbly making tbo 1100,000 appropriation I tinconitl- tutlonnl for Iho reaaon that. It U In vlulntlun of iccllon ncven of Article II of the ronatltutlon In that It at- teiupt lo create a debt nicalnit the Lite fur more than IGO.00O, U al iened to ho nothing f anoro than u nuked alienation of a conclualvo law. A alalinu-ut of reKndeat'a conduc tion or Intvrprvtatlon of tho act of the leRlilature complained of aad nothing more. Pacta, It Ii Hated, not loncliuion of law, mint be pleaded The accond act upon which the r- tpondent prcdlcnto their right for re lief U -WMgrMaliTg aet.ta n--onMltutlonal becauao icctlon 23 of arllrlo 4 of tho ronitltutfnn provide that the leglilatlve aasembly cannot liniui aM-clul or local lawa for laying, opening nnd 'working on' highway. Appellant allege that tho, complaint of tho ri'HKndcnt doe notvtoto facta whvro wild net I imcunatltutlonnl and void or where It contravene tho con stitution. Tho brief Klate that by tho terms ot Ihn urt thl rond I to bo a itate rond from tho Pacific ocean to the Idaho boundary via Crater lako, and Ihe fact that a portion of It passe through Jackson and Klamath county doe not cuungo II character from a state road to a local road or niako It a local or special law. Thero I absolutely nothing In tho constitution, statos tho appellants, prohibiting tho legbilutlvo assembly hum appropriating monoyfor tho construction of a state road and the :me of Allen vs. Illrsh Is cited to sus tain tho contention, as aro numerous other cases out of Oregon. Reforonco Is tuado'to tho case ot Mar.well vs. Tillamook In which It was held the act of appropriating 110,000 to aid Tillamook In the construction of a wagon road was void for tho reason that It applied to and operated In the county of Tillamook entirely and bad no forco or effect In any other portion of tho state. '"It aeemi therefore to be the sottled doctrine ot thla state that the legislative assembly nay ap propriate money to aid In the con struction of n road which doea not onerato wholly within one county, and which Is not limited to;a particu lar county for a special purpose. "Our constitution has no. provision In prohibiting the legislature from passing a law granting aid for the purpose ot Internal Improvements, nor haa It a provision requiring all law to be general and uniform la their operation!" Attention la called to the (act that the respondents ( Introduced no evi dence, while the' appellaata Intro duce testimony showing that' thla aet of the legislature waa a leaeral ap plication to the entire state at Ore gon, aad that the elate road. men tioned la said aet it eoaatraatedru contemplated therein will be n benefit to Iho whole, pcoplo of thla state and aid In tho development of tho entire statu. Parts of tho testimony of wit-nosai-s I given, and this tetitlmony stands uncontradicted and conclusive ly shows that the act o'f'tho legUhitlvc axacmbly U a general law of general application nnd wilt result In lasting benefit fo tho people of tho cntlro state. ' Tho brief I signed by William P. Ixrd Jr.. Colvlg A Iteames, W. W, Cotton, William O. Kenton, L. It. Webster nnd James K. Fenton, attor neys for tho -appellant. AT THK IltlM TO.MGHT The "lilack Aristocrats" will mako their last appearance In Klamath Falls tonight. Everyone should see them In their side-splitting comedies. They bavo scored a hit and won tho opinion of theatergoers that they are the most talented artists In their lino ever seen here. Besides thorn, there will be four films of pictures. "The Son's Itcturn," "Tho Daughter of Krln," "Saul and David" and the beautiful colored film "The Bohemian fllrl." "Hunting Hippopotamus on tho niver Nile" will be repeated. unfold tho scenes and Incidents of His early life, portraying It so plainly, so bcnutlfully, that the smallest child shall known and understand this beautiful story. Tho price of admission to-night and Sunday will be 10 cenU for chil dren and 2S cents for adults, as this Is on extra high-priced film and only put on at great expense. Tonight Is the best time to enter your child's photo In the baby con- tost, as there are but a few more days In which your baby can be, ca tered In competition for the beautiful prises offered by Mr. Heltkemper Jr. Remember there Is' absolutely no ex pense and all have an equal chance, as the audience are the Judges, each casting a vote for bis or her favorite. I'AKHION rMV at OPKIU IIOl'HK TOXICJHT AXI HI XDAV XIOHT Tho Paadon Play, a wonderful pre sentation of the life of our Savior Christ, Is enacted every tenth year by the peasant of the village of Ober ramergau In Bavaria In fullfllment of a vow made In gratitude to Ood for tho cessation lot a terrible plague which devastated the country In 1(63. In presenting this version of Ue Obernrmennin play-It' ta the In tention to glvo as near an exact repro duction of the original as possible, and the highest point In the art of life-motion photography has been reached. You have but to ask some one who has witnessed tbo play, and It is confidently assumed that, you surely will be advised by them to go nnd see It yourself, for In no other way, short of a personal visit to Ba varia at the-tlmo ot this stupendous enactment, on so lasting n realisa tion ot tho crucifixion of Christ be gained. Clearly and distinctly doea It HEKVICK AT THK CHUKCMBB. Services will be held In the several churches of Klamath Falls Sunday as follew: timer Methodist Kpiscofwl Charrh 10:00 Sunday school. Classea for all ages. Parents and children cor dially Invited. 11:00 Morning worship. At this service tho general rules of the church will be read and commented on. 7:00 Epworth League. Subject, "Relief In Sorrow." Leader, Mr. Ed win l. Forker. ' 8:00 This will be tho last of the union services. Rev. R. E. Dunlap, district superintendent, will preach. On Monday the fourth quarterly conference will be held In the vestry at 8 o'clock. J. W. PRICE, Pastor. WHO WILL CONTEST IT MMTIIICT ATTORNEY MtTLKKY HAVM HK IH TOO POOK BINGE HERMANN MtOtU DO Hawlrr Political PoaJUosi le Anjr. tills Ifet Bright It Right Mam HhosjM Come Ont. FS!!S:TA!JRO!fti A Suuaer Ketort oa UuuUi Lake X That m Oanraaand la America ; Tills Is a apurtiax -rupoKftloe ! X for men of wealth it U wot ' Z an ' Vneqaallrd trout Hah lag Jnaw ' f o November. . Deer hanltng on the premise . Angwst 1 to November 1. , Duck shooting aaprrior to any in ism mate over of ncrra of wild celery nam rire Hepteiuber t to Fekra- ; mwj fllMMM mnul - akAAlUaa I I K cm the place October IS to ! 1 November 18. I Heat alanine place w comtty ' ' for a bear hswt. . Crater lake antonsobOe road wkU ram throach the place ' ' for a mile aad a quarter. ' Navlcable water to the proper. ty, nskMirpasaed drinkMg wsv ! ter and power tp develop the . I MerebotUMS) land nnd aWsar dest land than nay place em the lake. Thousands of pine nnd Mr treea ! nnd thousands of smshing Bapshst Chnrch !: LargeBlble class, for men: Mr. DeLap leader. 11:00 Morning service. Subject, "What Baptists Stand For." Union meeting In the M. E. church at 8 p. ra. Rev. Mr. Dunlap will preach the sermon. Young people "I have not yet. made up my mind whether to contest with Congressman Hawley the nomination for reprsesn tatlve from this district," asJd Dis trict Attorney B. P. Walkey, whose- candidacy was recently announced in a Portland paper. "I have been urged by many friends to .make the race, for thero U great dissatisfaction with Mr. Hawlcy's course. If I were, a wealthy man. I could answer osThand, but being' poor, I do not know na I can afford to run. But 'Barkis Is ' wlllln'." The only other probable candidate against Mr. Hawley at thla time la W. K. Newell, president of the state board ot horticulture, nnd n former member of the lower house of the Oregon assembly. Mr. Hawley has managed to antagonise the state grange, and It Is evident that they will largely support anyone who makes the race. , Congressman Hawley Is reported to have met with a frost nt Coos Bay, where he made' a speech at the de velopment congress. After telling about tho tariff and glories ot Orssjsn. he waa naked what be had donah deepen the harbor at- Coos Bay, aad his reply was not Tory satisfying. Bone one told what Blnger Hermann bad done In congress nnd Mr. Her mann received nn ovation. Should Mr. Hermann decide to con test the nomination with Mr. Hawley will meet at 7 p. m. In the M. E. church. Tho Methodist young people the Utter would have hard salllag. will lead the meeting.' JMedford Tribune. , M. M. BLEDSOE, pastor. Indies' and children's fall and win ter coats now on display itKKK Some stunning styles. Christian Chnrch The ChrUtlan or Disciple chnrch store, will lio'd ervlcee In tun Methodist church on Lord's Day af ternoon nt 3 o'clock. A cordial Invl-1 Cedar screen doors. I ::. wRh tatloa Is extended to all who wish to 'binges, screws, handle, hooka nad AT COST FOR ONE nttend thla service. Christian Science Church Cbristlsn Science services will be held In tho Murdoch building, Bun- day at 11 a. m. Subject of lecture: Christ Jesus." Church of Barred Heart- Mass dally at 7:30; Sundays nt 10:30 a. m. eyes, all complete, for 11.85. Adjustable window screens. 14, to 37 Inches, 50 cents each. Come at once or be too late only have a lew left. Klamath Builders' Supply House, corner Seventh nnd Main sU. C. W. Harlow, proprietor. Be at "The Portland Store" tonight at 10 p. m. Four prises. sues. More varieties of wild Sowers nnd natural nraases aad vetches than any place hs the ' county. ' If yaw develop this property as it cam be developed tsuw Is. aa reoon m ine eoaary tan , ran compare with R. ' Vn a .lt.l n.l A I .scribe Mi let aa show yea. ; w'e bare beea aaswd'am ; ajsamjaaai IWeww vHaw Mp tjajspJSJm aasW , , p hare a arka at waieh :yaa , , , may aka Hi-betaw Wwlsa, w wkM mwa k. ; f ; amaaaamaamsmaaBBssaaaaaamaamanammsasmmmmm , L ' ' ' V j. o. pnuta: $m& ' " . 1 i'e ' Vlata.AaUaJ ar'AsaasjaT.a ".'X r . . . ': . i1! r; " '.t ' ' r . t ' " - " v 1 It Is Tried and Tested! 1 Wa do aet take the maaafactarsra word far the parity at 1' Our Olive Oil We teat each aad every let that wa ge by the mast npatorsd Wa are sdrama; away a Iausm wwh Oawa.OM -,- ' ?i: '. 1, ii.- I't- !TT .'f-..f -T - T1, "J Star Drug Store ii1' '."; it rV.lWL iA lt " ,-.": rrtrr, i Jaaaamaam; VVwmswsTMfaB " saFVffamWaffMf JXJJT V ASiV-t . -V ?Y3'B i .hj.""- ,y.',i . .-'-.... s iri-:--'. . ...trit-jm Sfty.&li.ST --r'- - e?. . i ,w.n..,iw ,T' it n j, , ----ajtjgiaaajgmgama ,i,,Ui - -aBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1 7' r '.- ST r$'i "lrV . '"i ; V M J.l 12 ll . 1 Si. .Wl M V7I Jil T M 1 - JJ0 t ( 'ii i .; " tf 4" jiiv-s ' -"jv.i.- a:o W-i!;- -0i -Vi v VU AT "-f .-" .