The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 27, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath Fall; Flrat
and Beat Daily.
"V -a
our AdMrtttm uac
9 Tha asaaM KMHHL .V "ST
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tHiKD Vkar. No. 043
""" "",l"' In Hi,,'
i")ioii id,,, :
DAV CUnAIc' An"""""",,,u '" " i""ti tim,!,, ,,J
dUA anuuiv3 ,'" -i.m ..i .,,iuK,, ,r , , i
& ""1 '""" ni. .i..i,i,,),,.. f ,i,
;") ,Mf...,,) ,, Mi,,.r , ...M
I'lilll. MIM.I III.' tie in,,.,,, ,,.,, f)f
lll I I AlM.,,11, ,U fr m
""- ' '""' M i.mmI.ii. ,iyl,.
","1 """if 'i n. ai.,1 ni .ii,.ilr t
(imiiBi atrtlilot,- in ,
liKllllnlli I.. .1,.. ... .
. . . I - " .., ihii
Ht Ailtamagnw ,mwn,m n iirmg ihiiiughuiil ,.
(Mhrr I'UmU ami Mkr Till nijp ' ... .
PftlCB fClrfT
found in
fn, tittle
Wll.l, HOOX III: K.WiF.U
Mirny ,,f ll- luillilineiiU Heturvd by
Ileney Will lie roMilt Other
Will It,- Drought to' Trial
III' loa.l IlKlllll
tValrr ir luifculry tm Ca.
quit.. Pllon.hrl, . nintl,irrt,lf..
,of hook, 11,1. lull ,! H),,,,.. ..,,
Ill ml.l anoth.r link In , ,m
that H .tfe1Klh,n tf,e limine,, ,..
far r Hi,, ill)
'Ml,,' III lie III,' lllljt-lllw I'llilll l,f Hi,.
I nllriiriiiii Sirlini ii, Win,
Will lie Hum tit t'oinc.
Wild tnpatlly til 40,000 Imii
aVeest a day this city starts IU muci
latti rnlrr of tha box-Making In.
atrr l' I'atllle ron.l. Th n,,M,MH,n
Ureal .-wim",,! niniwi7 is inn ,. ,. .
ft. ronipanr in engage eiriuaivriy ,B U
H A It. H Moore
Id nl tint rhrr, will
final imii (oi t,. ,,
KtlllcliilliK Motldal. Alioi.l .in ii,.
...,,.. -.,-....... .L.. .. - '
","1""" " ""' "" '"" ,",w' "'" tin" alHiut I UUU.UCNI lrtl ,,, ,,,,.
,UI I. IU- Miu.1 raM,M. ,,n II.. nr .,, )(in ,,., n ,ii(iii wid
mU Tl,. i...t.ln,l ., of w, krr1 ,. uty )ln (K.(brr
ik tvrk Ulitl iiAttnrfi. and IIim i.Iah, , a..
V ' ' "' All niilil iir IiiiiiIht l,.,t. I...
Url l n mil) ,aiV HmtUiI i,r
111 orlrJ riillrrlx bjr elpftrlrllr
U'bfti tirailr Iwit ),at ail Ilia
ILoif Ukn r,uii,ny lattr to man.
ifittuiv Un tliiMih Ihp wlw-artm In
kka city ariiMik Ihvlr hpJ ami will-
l; tntunlrrrril tlio Information
tl Un tliiHikt rmltl not U tiianu-
ittirH In Ihlt tlty In nitnM-iltln
Hh other ,Urr. The th rnt
I aulrtlr. ami II a mhid rn Dial
bcbp aai tuln Ihem. Thrn II
lair known thai a rartury a in
tKtftl, ,lotriilr4 iclunlrrly to
t auaufarturv of Imii ahtMiki. TliU
drrnirj h uttuiMt folly. Hut
i ! ! thanglai. and thon whi.
i aothlnx Iml 4laMtr In th nn.
tklac ha rowa to bc ninrlif
i tkat Ihi-fr are otlirr Imi hfaitt
lalt ul4 wurlit aalite from thrlr
Oaljf toti ilne ihimka lit U oinn-
1rrJ hte. They III U mar
throughout the fruit iiarklmt
Krltti nl California, and am m.
lu I'lay an lmN,rtant part. In
1 ir that It now Mm wagni In
tioldrn Hlale belwren llw IriKl
Ike lnJrK-niJrnl nianufartiirrm.
, " Ihl. tlty It on thff main Ihi,'
III U In an eirellvnl jhwIIIoh for
I Hl'fljf of boi lumber, at Hip al
nllnilM tuiiy la tbla tret Ion
wilftlly tmloutbed. Thla III
but ono thlag-that Klamath
U III Ir- thu tenter of I bo Urn-
Mn.try of the Paclfle roait.
valve of thla a evident when It
reauwliered ih Qrtt North tin
"lany will employ cloao In
' ami boy in Ihclr iilatil, It
rvaulre no ureal amount nl ttf
o fonnlnro any tketlc that It
Uke many turb eaiahllib-
,l for nr lll tw gwu pioinii m.
ri'i'i.-it hki: votes.
Work ! iirocmilmc atnm on l',.
tain Wltkttrom'i nr harKK.
Mir mill U acalii riiiinlliR n(tr i
l"IO-ial) liti-akilnta ii.
TIip Ixtt factory old Imii o(ht.
tlona Dili ,rk
Ii M llrimih l In ion from
KKl,' III, Up It-notl
Cnl'ln Ati'i Nii.Iit tin4 iIoumI a
ronliart wild lli Iiiik likt l.tiintxr
roiniany to nil :.0u0.0nu of iImiIkt.
ami lll lakn a irt of llmlirrjarkt
n P in r)tal tomnrro in lirieln work
on miii.'
Captain John Toll in of I he Win,
lita lina roiitrarli',1 ltli lh llornrl
hhi,.' lo tmimfrr n larK lot of ,m
from Dear l'ooli,-l Alkn' 0arr In til
ilork at llit laiolllii!
K'llwm icor,U for S-,lrmt,.T now
on aln ai Winter' Jwrlry tot,- i:si: issii:n
0. C. TlllntHiii In l.nlti lllik. ImiIIi
of M, rrlll
Klamalli'a Ktrlunhi' .Slioc Slot,'
offim for thU ii'k.n rlill,lrn'
Imh- Hie WtlxtiT rliiMil lim, anil
tint Kiltirntor nl rrlurMl prlca, Our
afork alMi.iiiiitulnn Ihm' for nn)' pur
mi,', Iikk'T", i-rulM'r, ilrlu-m
wiitklliKint'ira mill Die b't of tr'n
tbm-i. No awcnl-kliop or prlton kIiiich.
Tbla la the lur' Hint lnlro,iu,-.l kooiI
abora In Klnliiitlli nullity In tl"'
Wll.on Imllilliit!, Kant Kml
C K. of tim Hum Km if
ilwo National ,mi ninl Win. Ilcrit,
on of tin, IwotltiK biialiii-H turn of
nan iramlMi,, rt-ttir mil limt nlclit
Iioiii ii wn.k'a llliln trip lo Wllllmn.
mil ninl Spline rr.ika,
Mr. .Mdiiioali U an anlvnt iporta
'"' pi'i-lally In tlif Hh,, f roil ami
iM',1, ninl I. wry ftithtinlnntic over
tl' innKiilnoiit Ktrruiim of water
hlcli bo lini Jimt vl.ltcl. To iihv
Mi oh ii lutiKuaKc, lie ald:
"In till my iMvi'U ovrr Hilt rouit
I ha,, iicvrr run nrroaa audi Mcnl
trout Itcatna mi iIuti', ami wbi-n
lln-,t plarM nro Improvi-il m Hint
loiiruia inn i, properly neenmmo-
ilalcl thu union will l, awnrmlni;
ultb Cnlllorr.lit irtnntn who nro
looklnK for Jutt inch plar.-a "
In iiH'ukliia: of tin, tipper lake conn.
tr lie ilat.-il. "Ii U n woinlir that
Mr. Ilariliimu IcmkIcI In Hint itoitloii,
for tint,' U mi plur,' on car III wbcro
aii)thltiK Ilko It urn Ik found, ami If
tin m'otl red kml unlet, ua the pa-
(i-ra atnle, )ou run ilcpeml on ll
that liu h be HeiirlliiK hU way back
bete very bottly, for nunliweru can
be fltnl there two mnilltlomi under
mole bcnutlful mirroutiillncN,"
When lobl of the report Hint
Hill' enKlmera were heuilltiK thla
Huy he al,l: "1'ioni ulnit I have Keen
of )nur icaoiitrca hero In tin, wny of
tliiiber nlnti,'. It aii'tna tram;,' Unit
the rallroaila luive not foiiml their
way in .here before, nml with the
aat nKrlculttiriil rioiirreM I mil toll
)on poaaeaa, ll atrlkea me tbere la
retetiu,' i'IioiikIi Iii this aertlnn to
warrant Hie bullilltiK of aevernl rail
ton, U "
Mr. Mrlntoab nml Mr. IterK b'tt for
San I'riiurUro tbla inornlnn, nml ex-
pieancl their Intention of rrtnrnlni;
nett Huiiitner on iinoiber oiiIIiik.
ItlainlHHnl of iiintiy of tim rcmaln
lnKlmllitiii,..nta broiiubt by Krnncln
Joaepb Hi'iiry will tnku pinto In the
fall tenii of tb United Htulm court,
openliii; In October. It la even poind,
hie that tbv Indictment uitulrmt llln
Kit Hermann, cx-conimlaaloner Ken
inil of thu land ofllcv, and ex-repre-
nentatlve from the flrat oni?retlonal
dlatrlct, may bo dlamlaai-d. In abort
'bo Indication! nro that Cortland baa
irobabty aecn the Inst of thu OreKon
inmi rraml rnaea which
on now
have .been
for n number of
I'nd Noel va. Ilonaiua I in pro ve-
meiit loiiipnii)', it rorporntiou, mm
I'rmirlH J. Ilowne. Suit to enforce
aperllli' performnm-e, llorrla k Irwin
atlnmen for plaintiff.
or new ptlr for every
Dutchess Trousers
Are Guaranteed
New, Nobby Fall Patterns, Peg-Top and
and Regular Style,
$1.50 to $8.00 Pair
xluaire Agency for Dutchess Trousers
Whether or not Hermann will bo
tried ile pi.' n da on Attorney General
Wlrkerahnm. The tuntter It now In
bla banda, nml he con dlapoae of It na
ho aeea fit. Mr. Ileney. on hit ar
rival In I'ortlnml, announced that ho
would not proaecute Hermann, and
did not know whether Hermann
would br placed on trial. Hcney ex
plained. Hint he would bo too occu
pied with other matter to devoto
bla attention to the cx-eonKrcman,
who la under Indictment for aliened
attempt to defrnud the Kovernment
of public lamia.
Tbla la the flrat positive, naaurance
i rum Hcney Hint be vclll not busy
blmaelf further with tho case of Her
mann. A few weeks aKO ho expressed
blmaelf as undecided aa to hit course.
but since bla liuntlrtK and flthlnic trip
no nppear to iiavo reached a con
clusion, mid this conclusion It that
his presenro It more necessary In San
Krnnrlaco than In Oregon prodding
If Ileney does not protccutc Her
mann, and ho says ho will not, then
there Is nothing further to -brim;
leney to this state. There It a largo
mid choice tissurtmcnt of Indictments
out ii ci.llectlon of citizens, fill
brought nl out by Honey when bo was
spcrlnl prosecutor In tho land fraud
rnses, but. tho only Indictment In
which Ileney took especial Interest
was that of Hermann. Alto, thu Her
mann ruso It the only Important ono
In tho lot, and If Hcney It not tuffl
clently Interested to try Ihlt partic
ular rase, then bo will not return to
attend to tho others.
United States Dltsrlrt Attorney
John MrCourt bat been examining
tho import In thu various cases which
bnvo been hanging flrofor to many
years, nnd ho says that ho wanta lo
clear tho docket of thorn at tho fall
term Just nt fast at ho can do to.
A tViiolhlr Une on Kvery (iraib- and
Curvature Can lb liraliil Almig
Hie Klanuitl, lllver.
A Kentletnan who hat'hnd a largo
experience In railroad matters, and
who la well posted on tho present out
look for further railroad, building
Into this country, commenting upon
tho article In yestcrdny't Herald as to
tho coming of Hill's engineers Into
this section, stated:
"1 have been looking for Just tomo
such newt na contained In yesterday's
paper for some time, nnd this verifies
the statement mtdo-by Colonel, llola-
bird (oina time since that 'railroads
thrto days aro built on the lino of
leaat reslatnnco,' nnd n glnnco nt tho
map of Oregon nnd California will
show thaC a lino from fiend down
through thlt country will fulfill that
requirement to tho letter. It would
not surprise me In tho least to toe
Hill's road running down tho western
tldo of Upper lake, being thereby en
abled to tap the. immense, body of ttm
her there, a groat deal of which be-J
long to the Weycrhaiiscr
"It It common knowledge
the rlvor tbv Weyorhauser's control
the situation by tho Klmiiuth Lake
railroad. It Is also known that Im
mense electric power Is nvallablo all
tho wny down tho Klamath rlvcr from
hero to tho roast, which It being
figured on In connection with operat
ing a Una down that stream, and It
would bo n very feasible matter for
Mr. Hill to use thlt route to tho coast.
thereby opening up an Immense tim
ber nnd mining country, nt well at
connecting with tho Santa Pe at
Kureku, thereby securing an entrance
Into San Kranclsco."
in r avuk ur I
Kntlrc Mork Will Ht Hold aajd Com.
ny Will Itrtlrr From
If Not. Omnty Fair WIN He HrM
Ttil eVar Haalar Met AH
Ily mutual agreement of tho par
ties Interested, the Ilrlck Store Com
pany hat gone Into the hnndt of a
receiver and' closed Itt. doort today.
Arthur Bhlrpsor hat boon appointed
receiver and ho It now engaged In
arranging for the tale of the mer
chandise. He' estimates that there
It merchandise to the value of about
123,000 In stock. Ho proposes to
dlsposo of this, together with the
flxturet, at wholesale and retail and
now bat a force of employes engaged
In marking tho goods.
Tho Iirlck Store ta boon known to
thlt community almost at fnr back
at the memory of tho oldest oldtlmcr
can reach. Four years ago E. It
Tlmborl Heames decided that h had served
hit time In the mercantile business
and would retire. Whon ho bad
Jame J. Hill and Mr. Weycrhaiiscr, , .. . . ...
I IUl,Uail, UlllHIH'U UI .111 111,, 1IIITK.
arc ncllng in concert on several largo i l . .. . . . . . .
'""'having left but a few oddt and endt,
ventures. It would be a very easyU j . .
' "'lhe entered Into a new arrangement
matter for Mr. Hill to locate a lino whercb. 0 bcca)Ie n ,
on ho western tldo of tho lake. forwUh Mr an Mn Van slckle, Mr,;
he. has umplo data to work from In ', .,,.,., .
the thatio of flelil note.r thn Wavm. I .
batiaer Timber company, which show
every creek, road, mountain and
grndo In all or their vast holdings.
At lo an outlet for tho Hill road,
thould It como down on tho western
The meeting of tht bnilatt jms at
the city, held last night at the eonti'
house, when the quettloa of holdfast
an Inter-ttate fair waa coaaldfrM,
settled beyond all doubt aboat thu
holding of a fair thla fall. Whether
It will bo Inter-state In character or
not rcmalnt to be,teea, for 'a com
mittee hat been appointed to coafer
with the fair association aad a resort
of the conference wll) be made aaxt
Monday. It waa evId.Bt, kowerer,
that the buslneta men ure' ready and
willing to ttand back of the holding
of a county fair, and the tplrlt of tka
meeting Indicated that an effort will
be made to make It the biggest la
tbo history of the conaty.
Skepticism seemt to prerall tkat H
Ii too late now to undertake to hold
an Inter-state air. the time being too
short to Interest the people la the ad
Joining counties. While thU may lw
true of tome of the mora dbrtaat
communities. It It not true of Lake
county and Modoc and Btsklyoa coam
tloa In California. They art) right at
our door. A large atteadaac Will be
uaturnlly expected .from them If oaly
the county fair la held', while If they
can be Interested In coming here
with exhibits tho number atteadlag
wilt be greatly Increased. Month of
this city It a vatt territory naturally
tributary to Klamath Fall. All
their Interests are more closely Idea-
lluy Dutchess Ouarantccd Troutort,
$1,00 for every Hip.
K. K. K. 8TOIIB.
Mrs. K. K. Klrkendall Hat a Narrow
A aerlout runaway accident oc
curred on tho Altaiuont road last
evening, between tho Methane -place
and Alt'amont. In which Mrs. E. E.
Klrkondall auttalncd a broken arm
nnd other Injuries more or lesa so-
voro. Mr, Klrkendall was driving
home with hit family when the Iron
which faitcnt tho tongue to the main
body of the wagon broke, letting tht
tongue drop, frightening the horses
and thoy became unmanageable. Mrs.
Klrkendall was thrown from the va
hlcle. She waa, taken to tht Amorl?
can hotel, where she Is under tha care
of Or. Hamilton, who report the haa
no serloua Injuries outaMa of tha
broken arm, The two chllflraa had
a miraculous escape, for they wara
found under the seat unharmed, Oaa
ot tha horses had to bo shot oa ae
eeaat of tha laJuilet 1 raeaJfad, Mr,
Klrktadall waa uahurt.
tbo valued employees of tho ostab-
llsbment, and It wai through hit de
sire to tee her started well on the
road to prosperity that ho consented j,flc1 w'tn ,nl city lhaa with their
I to become nominally active again In own tounty teat, and It any encour
th mr-nniitn iiinua Thn rf. ngemont li'clven all that trade will
sldo of tho lake. It should bo taken. ,. , . ,,.. r hBM. gravltato to Klamath Falls.
Into consideration that tho Klamath . . , ... , ... ',
. . " wcro too Kreat jor .jjf,, yan sickle. .
...rr . o, ,..o ouueit rrom tnu nnd . . hcnI,h MV wnv und , MT oit, BKAT UP; HEV IN
luumir, niucil 11 us noi oocn KOUUIM1 ... . ... .. .
, train, ana wnen it oecamo eviacnt
up, nnu mm ror quite n dlttanco on
A suraer Resort
oa KlamUi Like
I nM " Vlim ' " Acric Z
Tills la a MMirflair i,r.n.lil.i.i
T for men of weallli i l not
X a farm.
I'nequalled trout flailing Juno i
10 .Miveimier.
Ikn-r liuiitlng .hi (ho premise!
August 1 to November 1.
liuck shooting tuprrlor to nny
In Ilio State over thouaanibi
of krrva r wild celery nml
' rice Heptember 1 to Febru
ary I.
tlrouttt and pheaanut sliooting
on tho 4nce October IS tn
Novrmber IS. .
Ileal atarlliiR place In county
for u bear hunt.
Crater lake automobile road
will run through Hie plaro
for a tulle and a quarter.
Navigable water to the proper
ty, unsurpassed drutklng wa
ter ami power to develop tin"
More bottom land aud ftae gar
den lawl than any place on
tho lako.
X. Thouaauda of pbie and Mr trees X
and thoutaudt of quaking Z
More varieties ot wild flowers
and natural groatr and
vetches than any place In the
If you develop this nronwty aa
H can he devrtoped there la
ho resort In .the cenntytnat
can compare .wiiu k.
Z No amount of talking wHl de ' t let na tnow yen.
x Wo have been atTarat more
X thau twlen what. M eaat, ksat '
f have, a nrlea at hkh van, ,
. --.- . m '
t .HH WBMh
mar take Kt
S wewWkf-fiH.
j. o. raict
t 'riLi5ttiiMWJ
-U iWva
t W. T.'tnfJDJrS
tlva "Hraa. ,''' fm.1i
tome time ago that the could no
longer continue. In the active partici
pation In the management of the
ttoro it was decided to diipose'of the
entire stock.
Since tbo decision bat been reached
tho only dotlre remaining It the one
of closing It out at quickly aa poss'l
ble.'and It waa thlt with that prompt
ed the appointment of a receiver. The
store will be re-opened In tho near
future, whon every effort, will be put
forth to wind up tho business lsTRe
thortott posslblo time.
Fred Myers waa arretted this morn
ing on a charge of gambling, and re
manded to jail In lieu of ISO bail.
Myers claims that he waa beaten oat
of 13 In a poker game, over which
an altercation arose; In which ha was.
beaten up. Tho case will be 'heard'
before Mayor Sanderson toalght a
7 oVlock, who It officiating aa police
judge during the absence of Recorder
Four prizes ot money gtvea awar
at. the Portland 8tore Saturday. Aug.
28th., 10 p. m. tbarp.
t "" mil
1 It Is Tried and Tested I
Wo do not take the manufacturers'
word for the parity of
Our Olive Oil
We lest each and' every let that wr
get hy the most approved
We are giving away a
iOectrle Bund Iuwt with Olive OH
mrWaWjW faaanvsvwsa it
Aw at
v !
ir .
-j vV
' A, '
v -til
: - '
Y ..-..
' -..X:A
- ' JV w
Star Drug Store
; r-i',rji sfvv-w
,i unam cmuAM nwat imaaifjiT .... '
'.r t .a . .."" .r'.l.. V . ?. . ' '' . ,'
,.-j.v-i,.,vi.- -
M lia.-'..'. 'V-.ri,.
rrf - - - ,... . . ,-. - - .. -
-.. ' S 1 ' K-TSWHTTO-
r : ,..'. iA. "ri.t sxyVMiits-- ;. ;-v
" t' X" ' '-'Ti. ... rtry , ;.t . . f, .- '.W'fLVl. . -. J .Jt-c.iC."M - ? Jtt 3
' . s , iyL.lM &Wk-Kf)g-J. Vr,r" ''?S' '?' ;-.!MSfe
l . mm M$mmz j??.r?m
4, ti V" j-Vm a , .j , I taaHatt'j via - ' i -1SS . X ..A. )lMluaBaVJfaBafanBBnidaaBQElBnBnK
"'-;,. ,. .. . ...... .-.., i . .nn"--.f"-iinnriMMaw
.- S,v: .
, tl
; iflMnnmiiliafi'- rViifi,
lkra Ajj
k tvaji