".jfi-v'-V-' 1 iL('H e-'Vi.i,(.;"j If- . t''&tr3i7t (f-i-T Ca J -) 1 .., jV 5 . f rtald. AAAAAAAAAA Ktamath'FaliV Writ ptetiitti T - Ji, '' T . C- end ucn uauy,4. ? i v v. -, -. a. U.V l -t 1 -. J ' M ' Our., a. Tattle , ... tu.l ,- - ifr . - - ik 1 anl' 1 4ancBSw. iltliiR" Ykak," No. 1)44 , """ " - - 1 ; ' KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 26, 1909. HILLS SlRVEY(JRO(ilD IB PmcbS Carta JWHHMA'.SM WI.V'l IIOMWTtUM If ttowtOtK-Ml WAN V ItnUUm llnlil Ailuxl JinMiMir tttkniH uf MimnI I'm I III lrUlr Uh f CnHIimIImw. J. c rum lTt" u'aii)- IrUmla of MM Walum frrodi lll Ih plraaNi lo lvjrii I tint iW tunlnx m4 again! her home. 4m). ahldi b brought by Hie mir. gftttirnt.uiHiii rompUlht of a aiwdal affOl, ! bcclt jef Ideal Itt IllT ffttllf 3 I hi- (')llitlltjunrr llf Hip tll'lirml a Offlri'. 'f aumnr In lb ca rurr. h Jut, reell nolle fro UM jcimiiilnlimar olTlro that tho ili of Ihr lixal iiRIrvi at IjUo mw, I ri'irrM-tt mut final rfttMrntn Stailll In bo lurn, Jftkl riK l of iimrn limn or ttlnary- Irrl, B"thn ilrvltlim rlrarl) ana f lti i.iiiti'tttlim u( lift nltiirni') tf gw.1 fa I III In thn limllrr nf or. I r4eirt iiiiii y VMrlutia iamttnrrt, In uf urmlcr Iiiimi4 ?t ihn I lie mrm m(lrr nf tnlil. of V.rV of r4llltllnn nf Dm lam! Mlu f'rrnrli lixik Ihlt honmlcail Mt'KiVnikirt ri)l 1-mf -vn jfivml gq4 lia lll"1!.!! Irr aflual Jmliii, lilU( all lief Iwrlif rffrcfa nlul laMrtom lwMktMlcii itbvr liit lll mrnl lljn. ti it alltitiUMli aim M Uuihi (xrerariarpiiTof -htHtl lii ibiij- umnci. .rirr rtu nil bali k"4 ,b ,)) ri. bn at her hunir anil ahn liaa al- m at boaia tmnnt 4ara hi a. trry luunlh uf thnlartaa. Ilul rirr'tr;r,lariiil n-an ani;iir tiji.4ArMii, la, it.UMMLUbarf ra,f..r Mini Uii.l ilmluK. ih ari ili. 4 tot rf HJB'Mnt(r.i nui ru aaia ia awMinii aainnrii S illhr'rW iflil'iliavn liwn Leave Bend This Morning to Survey Along East Fork Deschutes TO STRIKE NEARlEAD OF UPPER LAKE IHTIIJi U)VKM HM 5ATIVK LAKH WHI IfiWCMv aVaav M M lawlHMIaa f WlnJ CarBafy r- ' 'tontiTlanillika tKMirh lH lrt.rvVf- rr. yi'f nni pruof, wblrii alio madn a irarT tat hrl4 up Mrauaa uf liniMhlOi ;IS n hajun bjr tt hrnimtnl, Bin aha M')M MM a rilnrttbDrmlM(.iiat1tlt l r.,ifii II Wa irM" brro "ijfUl" 'tli Alf IniJJfr" Tim nmirat WMblUcrly ""V lr ihr iibt bbcul' whu hiSi ""' '"""''"uf ,fif r' fr Ajr.r,l,.,y lbtailiir!ivV fur i knat-Mrn.i cfalmaat. 1? H .. .. tfr ofjkVt if. ikfiki lami " mai!il ranalial(Mi aUlmani. Kit laAr dtliiiuisiMxiHillr ho. KMfonat u,v twaaVat4( tack 7iwajU)ii of ihv land, and wrard t.'";lnrwaH-itliar tldanroa r'.i . . - . . t. . .i .j i L-VW '"J'Wigi7ui.o6d M.i aranmni aiinmra in havn Vtlnbl lo many; (Harr dream- n nail in iho Juilmieni and Hon. ot ba wltmwV .11 or Whom. for H'o loirjfinmr.af wrll'ta fill I lit. rlaliiitthl. (tuiMiM In tin. ift.il llial llii I.iiiiii ili.nl Mat tier iiiltinl Imiiif. nn.l I:t mil) lining, iliirlni: nil llm linn. In iuiilmi. aiul On' kiiii iiiUalmiiT ImliU thai ilif mint in nil t-H-. glNh f.ilili. rini: litis lliiKf Iki data lilli' i Hoillli ami linllid tlie tii'Kiii In lil Iiiiiiii' ltl suju) llm UUik ArUluttnta" ln tliu nl Hie tr la IliU r.'k. Tlie nyRtu tiilr nl Ha l-l. full uf mi Iml) and llrli liima, It In aid In tbi' a'llicv of Hilt lilctirlun niiiii vtiiMi itrti. malic nlilllly In irnilrrlni; rliainil.T afU li ix'lall nin. "Tlio Kiihbii. ni-r ItUcr" ilcurk .1 UTxI.r rtmril In lb htaila ul lt.cauaii.uco lJ.t nUbt thlln Ibo ' IUI.lt" miiik mailn n iti rl4I hit " . Tin' Hi" I UK ilituir ir nil flno Mailal, ntlil i'to (Hit on ltli tbi) niPininiMva in runanj irnruin.-, Tliclt Uu tiaiiiiiuin lualala llili n tx'lnr. a .tlnii. r-i ii I 1 1 nf n Hiinlar flajliniiio lliat lit JinlKiiKut n Ihia Kilnl, will a on nil ollirr matin In lb buw lino, la, ijihmI U intern Ixotnl JoiiM It llm rrovxliil hoiura iiIkIiII)' nl lb III. JPNHIIIT ,T TIIK ti:ii. nm SK If 'Tli" "Myali-rloMrf Mr. IV bum n yn -ilimiK ninny nave RiicaM -nfi., bait rrinllHt. niinln ilillRliti-d a lutifi' niMliiiro Inat lilnlit by till tlftu-r kltiRlriR nmi ninny iiiiiihihikui'. Tenlchl bo will alriK an aniiiilnie ronn ao'liK. 'Tin- l-'ortiim-TfllInK Mnn," and irll n atrliiK f yraa wuicii win lirliiK n UiirIi lo llm lta or mo nn- dfat ili'illu blliiM'lf Ttlio lK ItaltfllVK" flmla tlie thtiita lio bn lincrUonrd n ucnllby uM Kfiitltiiiau with I he Inltnt of 'x lorlhiK 1 2,0in Oollara front lilt' o- lorn llioy KHln art lilni fuv. Irn'tt a beautiful roliiri'il film abiiwliw l.ui'ld Some One Talked Too Soon and Orders Are Sent-to Put Surveyors in Field v WILL FOLLOW 0D S. P. ROUTE nmi tho khh tin ilnci for munklmt with ill luat four ciaru, rciiinrllltiK lui't Ami nwictlit'tirtn In Bomuwlint tin. anmi' iiuiuiu'r ttmt I'ltrk Aw In "A MliUummor NIrIiI'h Prcnm" wlih- out rnualnK tin- nmuliiK miulillu Hint S!inkmn'ari' J(i)oiia Utile fairy itovH. "Tlie l.ot lli'lri-aa" nmi thu ninini InK ihaJ In tcarch of hi-r. and "Ku- lliir'a dlui'" nmi thu prunka two joiiiiKilira play with It. WIh'Ii joit t'onio luntKlit n you will limit form )onr lmli)'a iliotn uiul riiiir U In tho rontott a tt com- I'i'tltor for tlie It'niillfiil prUi il natr.l by Mr. Ilclikpniprr Jrl Originally Made by Engineer Graham Some Years Ago NOIES LOST IN 'fRISCO FIRE Mnor S.inil('roti otntoH thnt ,ttio I'ulillo Srbool llimnl liaa di-rldtil that If tin' lunvnilll H-iiik' will erect n arhool liullilltiK on the Upper Inku the hoard will, provldo n trurhcr and the mieinnry fitrnlture. which prnpo attlun will iloiibtlea he accepted. n with the roniltiK on of winter It would Im ii luiriUhlp n the yniniRer 'pnplla to he rompi'lled to nttend our public mlionl on n count of the dlatunre nmi the Inck of tnuuiporlntlon.fnclllllea tit Ibo pieiient lime. 'Kav -h JjV W ' L'taTiBi: $1.00 &AM,"' RIP j emy' lBik. . . 7V " .kn k. A,. A !. . - - , - , Tl-r . w- r - 1 " ' " --" Dutchess Trousers Are Guaranteed 5-Mv f ,... w cw, Nobby Fall; Pitterus, Peg-Top and and Regular Style, $1.50 to $8.00 Pair Tttf Km" "V "TT TT I'A-ViIW A l MJM (ST01f Eh h ' z W" T f flr j. ,. n Mf! . T tW Trousers Not Certain to Enter This City from the North, . feasible Route Has Beea Located From the Fast. "Jim" Hills surveyor are headed for klamnth Falls. That the word thnt hits readied tbi city and It It this Information thu't lias thrown con Bternatlou Into tho ranks of the local etiKlneera of tho Southern Pacific rep resentatives here. Already a crow of surveyors aro headed for tho north urn, end of tho county for the purpose of hendltiR off tho Hill men. This fact U, dculiid by, Engineers Hoey and Church, but. the Information comea front rollablo sources. Klvo days nRo Tho Herald waa la receipt of confidential InforniatloB to tho f cct that Hill surveyors would atari south from Bend this morning; A party has already gono' ahead for tho 'purpose of reconnolUrlng . the main forco to follow In a 'few days; This crew Is to bo under Mm personal supervision ot the chief englaoer of tho Hill company and thtwork waa to bo rushed with all possible speedy Absolute secrecy was to the mala talued until the survey ha been ruk pastOdsll.' ' ? ' ' i Borooone talked, howevej, aad Jtli llarrlnmn people wore apprised of the contemplated move. Orden were b suod to placo men In the tsd at oaw and be preiutred to cover 'thej tracai ot (he Hill' men. Thta'aaaf am. and no surprise need be manlfeeted K hss beea commenced In oertals at ttw UrstFilo1rrawrorX!n; y There (s'm eertslaty Mwt HUI coming Into ihte city tress. Mwiert. east. The survey now under way Is to ascertain It a better route can be secured through the Odell country than has already been surveyed. from Dcnd and running between East lake and the Pauline mountains. Tho route thst the Hill men will follow will be along the Deschutes river, following the east fork and passing west bf - the Walker range. This Is the most feasible route Into this county and has already been sur veyed by the Southern PaclBe. This T IMMMMMMMMMMMM f FE-SteAHBO!!!!.! A tsUaUMr lasort oa Ifliiiath Lake tmm PruimiiiI la AawtiM Tills Is a apoHtax frutaMdllua Z ror mra oc wmiih 1 1. h not T V'pequalled trout Ibbkag Jane to November. Deer hiwtlsic oa the law teas Aaamst 1 lo Novrsaher 1. Dark ahoottag eaarrior to an I UK CX4IC IHR of acrca ol wsM rice BepWwfcer 1 to anr t. Groaae aaeV pheasant aaootlag oa me piaca wcieacr la to November IB. Beet atactlac alaca la coaaty f aw aa aiaaaa aaaaaa. Crater lake aat wiU taa Utroack Use alaca X for a aUle aasl a smarter. Z buno water to tke arspst ty, aasarpaisfd eMaUag wa Z NavlgaMe water to ty, aasarwusri 4 ter and power to devetea tke More X p8rty. fMere bottom laasl aaa aave gar tea laaJ tkaa aajr niaco aa aiaoasoaas or asae aaa aw ireea aaa laoaaaaas or More rartetles of wIM and aataral graseea aa vetckeo tkaa any alaca la the If yoaaeretea this atsaistg- aa It eaa fco aVTtlsasd aketo is f mm vsHgtr aaa aav wmmmtwf vmwm i eaa cswpare wHs it. Ko amsaat af talksag wtM . ' " aiinaatti let aa taVaar m;- -! Wekava beea'e aaSaaWna iSWJPV .PWaarjsa ftava a arte at wksok aa Ml BlMSVi MWlvf) 9 ." J. 0. "--'at V V&i aJ., .i At mWiB survey was made by Engineer Gra ham and ended at Naylox. Tke notes were forwarded to San Francisco and wero destroyed at the time of tke earthquake. Whether Graham kaa a copy of them Is not definitely known, although It Is believed thst be has. Tho crew that starts north to keep tab on the Hill men will pick up Ora ham'a work and get their maps In shspe for Immediate Sling, provided It is found necessary to do so. Definite Information as to the work of the Hill engineers will not reach this city for perhaps two weeks, whea It Is not at all unlikely tkat crews ot men will-aa pUeod in the SeM.aaetk, of Odell ostensibly for the pnrpose of beginning work on the Oregon East ern, but actually to hold on to the Strategic points of entrance to Klam ath county. Buy Dutchess Guaranteed Trousers, 11.00 for every Rip. K. K. K. STORE. The following people have re turned from the huckleberry patch, where they have been for some time past: Chas. Low and family, Mrs. W. B. Barnes and family, Faaale Virgil. Nina, Noel and Iva Fox, Chas. Askia aad family ot Los Angeles. Mrs. Askln is a, sister ot Mrs. Soule of this city. Tke Low boys report tkat huckleberries are very scarce this yr.tr, aad tkat It keeps a person busy to pick two gallons la a day, aad It is necessary to go back two or three miles for them. Judge Thomss Drake returned from Oakland last night, where he haa been visiting his family for some time past. Edison records for August now on sale at Winter's Jewelry Store. Dr. George Martla, eaa af tke lead ing deatlsu of Berlin, Oenaaay, la la . the city oa a visit to kle eretkera. Ales Jr. aad William. Dr. Martla of Berlin ia one Oregoa hoy wko kaa ' made his mark abroad ia kls aretes slon, aad althoagk ke woald aat ad mit It, it is kaowa tkat ke eoaasf among his patrons a goodly Barnesr' -, of the titled people ia Oermaay. "Ia speaking of this dty, ke stated tkat It had beea Ire years slaee ka kad . vUltcd here, and during tkat Usse tMa place kad grown beyond aaytklag ka could Imagine. While the Doctor kaa been prosperous abroad, ke still kaa the love of his aatlre metker eeaatry at heart, aad doubtless lateads tkat' his children will be taspired wKk tke. same feeling, for ke kaa made ar rangements to place one of kls keys la n private school at LawreacevBle, " N. J., so that he will grew aa Amor Icaalsed. Dr. Martin will return to Oakland la tke morning, wkere ke will 'be. rejoined by his family aad make a tour of tke Bast' be tore re turnlag to Germany. Ha will ant aa tke 37th of September. If Dr. William Martla, wke to aaw up oa Crystal Creek, should retara home, as his whiskers np HaaMar to tkose or kls brother George aad, change clothes with kirn, ke eoald sja oa to Berlin aad maalpalate tke Ban- nafnr'i aanlana wlthnat klaa Unmwtmm tnae sHobbi aaf' sSrthtawm''abas'-4' f?"1"' - semblance betweea tke twO'brakera.rr; ATM FAIR THAT I? Tke meetlag to be held toalgktat tke courthouse to discass the preao sitloa of holding aa lateretate fair la this city during October, as eatHaad In a petition addressed to this paper, signed by nil the prominent baslaass men In th.j city, from nil ladleatioas will l4 largely atteaded by tke hast aa .nen nnd all per bobs kaviac she welfare of tke city at heart. Tke rsv spoBse to this call by the baataasa mea ot tkls city should be a kearty oae oa tke part ot tke reeldaata. far through the medium of a fair of tats nature more good will eonse to tke couatry. both la trade aad la the set tlement of tke laads, tkaa eaa.be aa eorapllshed la any other nunnef. A fair of this kind will show tke world our woaderful resources aad posslMI Itles. Such a display Is being eagerly waited for by outsiders, wko waat to be sbown before dsnatteiy deeidlag on locating here. The object of tkls meeting Is Indeed a wortky oae, aad Tke Herald will la every manaer aaa-' slble use its utmost eadsavors la tke turtherance of this project. . I It Is Tried and Tested! ii Wo drnw ward far aba nawtty af Our Olive Oil We teat et ka- tas Wa are I 0QwTJ mmmmm W9 awafa' !-l4 v j' -, -w(ji.ifi jj '' A'VN .'T-.STrtf.'' . v; '.t ;. 'V'J.T- .ISM.l.Ai l. 15 T.fAw Ifflt r tm.u-4 J, X 'fit's T Star Dnifl Stofi ,M r -. v. . tf.itVJk.tf k'-". ' JI-i ImM-'SZZ ThaT Bore IV i-siXtht-ifW..i'. '-J -,. .4-ilT""i.-i- n-i-tk .ii; : ,&& Vx. &... r'vl-bjil' (!.; xiJLi yg&r:-;i 'M f i M 1 m i fa J' "tfl ,f i i . i- M t t V ' . l i- ' 3jt.' ' 1 it J" ti m ,-ej M Hi, .'' rv J" IIW. Tivft' ' 7,1: v:-' - , ; v.. -T "w. iyt jw "iwwp'WH jsipfij-!iP rmimmmmm .-..,v.- '. WL tw f . . T..r:M"rtu & !' !, n 2?-" 1 y ,- .ft Htri -JT i "v-ljis. f , S: - iA . . .N - M2JM ,i