w " a rv'ff & Wi J rWt .; IfcflW . A4- A .:! 5!8 'V kUmath PalU' Pint and Beit ustiy. as, Our Oct &tf TIwjBdwt V? lie pntitia 1 IbsI' Ud Year. No. W3 ING AFTER COUNTY FAIR '" """J ' '"""! II III tin, .rw, "'H"llllK Itlflll ' " 111'',,""l',1,, '"-110 N ,,. """' "!'"' "'""'"'Ml.Utl,,,,,,,,,, M"","M"".'iifiiiiniii.iui I'""""" ""rll-lll., ,,..,, Ill , llllllt II I. il . .. bi-MU Ul-V TAUI! II iu ...... ... i". UMliuai. ""' ' "" " "" iw. in turn Hi. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 25, 1909. pmob.s Cm i TIIK MOVKMKKT PC MEINOO IS AIH)llfl) tr rHl AruMmt. furttUMng OWurtUMlly fr Hip Ki. rMiiM uf Opintuna. (If rt )lrnillr mimo toward sing dir the holding f fnlr Ititn till HflCllllMllt. Will) 11 It Intiuunrrtl )paaritay llial llm of llm blilnrs men (alliM iirluiia I'trlilng was. a (Wild rrl lulu action III mi) ill I hilar llcnd"! to Ihi prraeiit, Iiut wlm lrit aaray by pretlolta I'liKKKO' Aa a leant! a allp a prllitttt line tlm following! juu mil l no i;iiitiinT of Mimiririi In ! t hargn uf lln Ifbralliui ilmliiK fair ttpt-k? r iln )iiu anl tlm lair hrM lonMaln alirtt nr llm (air uuh.WT 1 111111 lit )iiu Miiilrltnili'? iuriMi of ihU lli l in hint a rhatitv In etptraa )uiir l tin tin' iiuiiiliiii n( i tn fair 'InJImtn lieic )uu ili-alm H In aniuunl uu anl in om it r, llili ! a inallrr fur I tin kt mm In uWIiIg (ln'iii- II It I Mr Inter rl. Tim allot, li fur publication, till spprar In llm lucal iwprra k day following Ihvlr tnlleo Thla liirttiixi adoptrd (or purfow uf avoiding kicking largmnvnt, If ton anl in ln. "Inn u: u not. aite lip a ml return It, a utery. till U armunlitl (of ami thu iiilliin ptihllahnl, run all.. T In llm Clmi,,,pr uf (nn.m.r... ..I. in mi,.. M1,(l , ,,( uii)r ""-MiHImiMlurawiriilliiafci,,,. '"l'l nf llm iii, ..,. , """" in.iiti.i i. .iiimi.m , li "ill UimlltMi.,!. mi) ,,,,,. "ll nit fniunlil un Dlmi.f U.n i..ai,i fur Hit. ilWUuliy In railing (,i,u fur u ..MimtliiM I. llm .'"rln.llnu .IriiiniMltiK fur innm.y fur otiu. mm.. t ,rr i, ,,.,!, In.. ,., tin, H, ,,,lr inV " '""' "i M wii.i kiiiik i,i Dm miiir itrmim n, ,,,IK , ny .'.III IIIM M(t ,,. , ((), illy liai ninll nml lmu, w ,,,! Ill "I Ills U llm nnn l,ln.. ,.,., .... Illrlliatil. .KlIlM K,t ,rv , ,, IHlili nln-n.l tin in u m , any CUllallin.nl ; kl.,,,,1,1 KM ,,(-lfi-, mil un i.iitll. ..t.iii, uf ili9 rl.nritil.'r IS RULING A LEGAL ONE w:m.ith iiMitim ,i'rn.iMi:. mi:m i'i,.s ivi iii:ri.hii:n 1 1 111 KAL COURT 10 DECIDE TWO ROADS TO THIS CITY llinl lliuw fiiMlnc aiuiiinl tin. ))( n kiiIhk tu Hint mil) n mr.lUI i. niliil. m.iii, rrrlaln A mm Imtl tn. nun itpr.MK.) liiiiinHi "ni a.lmll lliat M.i lia( miiiii tlinrii l.ifii illt hint In our triatniilil nf nr. in ibuiiik fiin.U fur illrt.-ruit (tllliKi. l.ut it , a l.n , ,(, fnr, Hint m lia.l Kultrii lrn uf m many uf t lit in I hi Hi vp, liuvxurr. tlmt tlm fall iiiikM fu t- In lit. ami .u nul lliliiV lliMn i a liiiilniii man oho ilmt nut ililnk like).!' TtiU U a .iiitiiin that h nut l mrt llli ilw.nirti)r tliiuitili tlmt will nut liiran Hint tin- ml H1I11K Hint iuiii.ii nluiiK nut . .lt( )ic-l uul lulu tin trtii l'a.llti J J Kaliin Ima jutt i. rll lilt iirv iir latinrli Mar garita" flulil tlm Mlrtilcun Hlrrt Hunt minfanr Tlm launrli It rlchtiTii (rr loiiK. four an 'I a half fitt hi am, with a alt hiip-ipr I'liclnf. ianii.) lup. , nml rainhn uf rnrrjlni: rumfnruhl) ruiitli-ii pnooiiK.ia Mir poiI l lMitn mllri r hiiltr lliiil..a lhi launrli, tlin raptalu lm t.lui ru. Ihoata uf .IIRili'lll In-a uhlcll rati ho rn iar.l nroun.l l llm,,M"r,, K"nahl' talm t n.il). til.lt ill Hi rll) thla aft'r-,,": "' ,,U ".'' ,',,i"'"u" '" '! xr tiiar i in .iiarKarna win no liwl fur llm AaliK r hliklllia In I lie I'pl'cf takn ami ran Imi iharlrrH nl rraMitinhtii tnl'-n itH.n uppllcntlnii In Caplaln llnlilii Kit limy tm mtlwln! Ii. r,rhMi Ihpy will tm lalntlaliM m Infiiriuailun Ihrrmn run- III Imt UtthlUlirtl In llm lurnl I whIi.mI u( KalhvrltiK Infui ma- rll a aarrrtalnlliK llm : rrh M.ann la willing tn run- U iinlqim a n.l orlalnal. I.lk.- Mn that It nnw, H U itm In y. Thn rtiivrlrnrn of Ihiuw ire iaaaH around a ailrrlii- Itaa Imon audi m In ililrr irow cniailag In It Main, nt lirvvenllM thfl unlollUiMl priiplns tu ihu (mnl ami taklim r Undar lha atatrm thnt I sllowwl ihU year thrr will im ln nnr iiiHirt unity fur i-nli-r-"Plaint. The illn will rm hoiul. Iiht hitaitifi man ami hu lll day in rnnildor what artluit Im in lake. Ho a It nul ac M.li: . i) II K TIIII A M HinV.- Mint lfi uf lli'ii.l, Orr , Mr Vnll uf Kiallln ami I' llulx'rlMin of ruillnml arrltrd In IhU rll) Ul nlithl U niitu (rum IIcikI, hmliiK inn.lrt Ihu run uf'aliuut I do tullra In a ilrt). Tlm nrt) will lnlt Crntir laku lixfuro ii-timilnc: Mr. Drake li Ihu um-r uf tlm IuhiiiIIo nf llclnl, and ha iiIIiit larm Inl.'rmta In thai tlilnliy, llm part) will lako I l.i' all iiiiiit Wlui'iim In lhi tuurnliiK, liikliiB Ihclr niitn nliimnl tlm ho.tt In AKi'lirj LiimllliK. ln to llm) "III Ill hark nml iiititluim tin Ir trip to Crater lako. Ni ItulliiK MiMImk Willi Kin iiuuua Phi.Ii.,ii l i:iiir)in. n M t. , U (ii in ml I'n 1 1 urr. AMIvo Ktrtpn inn htiK mkvu hv liiih. r .'iiliyiinii In thin nml iiiljiilii iK kliitntu lot In tho fi ik-rul tourta 'hu llitht uf lliv lutiiinUaluiivr of tlm (n. ml land nnhr tu luipuiu u nail? if fiiihllc llinhtr Imnl li) ihu "up. irli.ii..iii ' prm .'. iu a (omlltloii tinadnii to fci.iiirln,TT7tli-io triuta uf tlm ihiirtutir Itiilluiii.l Hutiif linn nun C.iiiiiuIiuiIuui r I), illicit pro. miilKalisI an ur.l.r riiiilrltiK ciitry fimii to III.- un lliulivr land uiiikT a in ru.iiliitiuii uf Dm iti-parttiivnt, In intil uf lliruiiKlt tlm nit uf CoiiKroitn 4iiimi d Jiint' 3, I S7S, nn Iuti loforc t'ndir iIik mm order uf thliiK It hi lame mimnr) for nu upplliant to mill., an mlliiintii uf llm iiinullty uf Ijinllni; lliuli.r on tin ilulin ditilrod, iorilitr HIi lit nrlit) mid nlui' iIhihiI win llw.1 iiifurdlnKl)'. unlma I in iiliMiiii'iit npprnUiim.nl h' llm Kutrriiuiiinl dt'iiiutittrnlcd thnt tlu- rlnliiint.ta tatlmntca utri mIIiiiU'Hht inu luu In audi ftrnt tlm npprolao nti'tii hy tlm ap.s:lnl ac.'iiU of llm fi'tioral land nllli.' w.ih nrcvpti'd, hlrh liml t'tidi'iir) tu Inirtnio tlii ptlro uf limber ,'iuidi out of nil pro tM.rilutia, nml hni r.'ullii In wry ft rlnliiu In Im; I1I..I tindiT Ihu ih'w rcR ulutlun In fnit. It hat licon admlttrd h) hfnd ultlrlaU of Ihu t;i-ncral land offliH thai a rt'lallul) luilKiilfliittit lunula r of audi intrlt Imi bicu inudo IIiIimikIiiiiiI 111., pithlli' land ktatiii of I In. i nt Ire ioiintr liiii.ui' .Ni'h ItulliiK, On ila uihi-r Iniiiil, thitko necking 1 1 in . r limdi m to him hvett I ik ij.lt .1 li) a (oniumii linpiili In Ikiiou' (In mm riKulnllun, rrnnltliiK In la rue niitnhi i a of t ulrlta hvlni: iniulc iiinliT tlm old law Culm Mint with Ihu flllitK uf null talma, tlm ruiiimUiduiiiT of llm Kn.'ral land ullli'o hita tnxarlnhl) laitkid tlnlr rt'Jtttlun or Kiikpoiikhin piiulliu; llm uulioum of proci'odliiKi lit tin ftdi-rnl iniirl to d. Icrnilnu tlm uillilll) of til rulltiK. Somt.i1 ptmu- limit 1 1 hiiI ntlurn.), n Midi iih ulli rrn iiiuru or li'ia fniulllnr with Hip I.iuk kiimtiiIid: tlm illipilll(in of tlm puhlle duinnln, lnuo rontendt'd from tlm uttirt thai L'omniUtluncr IK'nnctt ptrcrdisl hl It'gnl authority In tnnk Iiik llio order rciiilrlnn llm Bale of Hitther Iniiilu nt (heir npruUed wiltin lluti, It helm: pultitid ojtt thai there hns tu.iT been mi) coiiKri'imlunUt uti.Ktnii'iil unuiilim the rlKht to make nu audi riilliiK, hut un tlm rontrnry. Hint the ttrl uf Juno .1. 1S7S, llm onl) Iiim rdiilltiK to tlm dlapoKiil of limber M. llltAKK Ol' IIKMf MAKI-M OI'IIMIhTK: ritllKKTIO.V HILL IS COMING SOUTH HOLD INTER STATE FAIR TIIK COMT OV IKKIGATION A.VKIIV HMAMi MATTKK AM. Hilt MKKTIXd HKIXO tilt- Ct'iaTKI) TODAV BUSINESS MEN INTERESTED Will r.rl.ilnly Knlrr Klaiiuilli Kail. Wnulil InduitV Adjoin Injc Cottntlra lu Calirortiut and Orrjtoa Nataral litarallon for II. A call (or a meeting to bo held to morrow night at the courthouse li being circulated today, (he purpoae of the meeting being to devise waya and miana (or the holding of an Inter nt nlo fair In ffilit city during October. Tltu Idea la nn original one, and la 'oiiiii.iik ItiMila Make llrlglit I 'nl ii re fur Cinlral Oregon. "Klniimlh Knllx and Klamath rouiity will aoon cumu Into lla own; In fnit. It Ima already commenced to aeruru poaHeaalon now," aald A. M. Drnku of llvnil. Ore., at Ibc lakeside today. Mr. Drnku lx onu rf tho largn Iniid ouiiira In Ciook county, and It! hern on bin Ilmt trip to Klamath appealing lth force to every peraon Knlla. "Wo of llcnd can pympathUu'to whom the call I presented for aTg- full) llh you. Wo are allll going' nature. Tho object Is lo have an In Comparison With the KXaraa MaoV Poaaible fnaVr tae Oor rmaaTnt IVoJject. HiroiiKh hnt thla town and county lint experlvnii'd for Ihu past thirty uf fort) ).im ImiilliiK our freight In on whci'lH and walling (or a railroad llio road that has bee predicted titer) )iur for llmu without memory, Willi us tlm day Is dnunlcg. and uu Imi aomu itufureaeen obatnclo arises e will enjoy thu raptures of railroad loiittinlencu before tor) long. "We are lonflduutly expecting not only thu llurrlmun lino to reach our city, but nUo thu Hill line, and when Hie) rotiiu they will find us waiting for them with a brass band. There Is little iisu In trying to build up a gnat coutitr) without railroads, they aru us necessary lo the soil as la (hu water. When our tiny conies we are going lo plum before tho people uf thu world u toitutry unsurpassed li) an) on llio I'nrlflc coital. When I m) thla It Is not with a dew to dlapnraglug Klamath Inter-alnto fair lo be participated In by Klamath, Lake, Jackson, Joseph ine, Malheur ant) Harney counties In Oregon and 8lskl)ou and Modoc coun- lies In California. At first glance this might seem chimerical, but If a'moment'a consid eration Is given to the proposition the force of the movement strikes In and soon the feasibility of tho whole affair becomes apparent. Coming Into Klamath county today are hundreds of homeaeekera. It U the railroad terminal for a vast terri tory; a section that la crying out for settlers and about which homeseekars nro continually seeking Information. Klamath Falls la the natural gateway for these people, and If a meana of furnishing them with a practical demonstration of what can be done In these counties there la no doubt county. We ! ,,ul "l ,clut a i.lM aalatbi be (Continued on ruurlli 1'ngi'.) I $1.00 BW ptlr for every RIP Dutchess Trousers Are Guaranteed few, Nobby Fall Patterns, Peg-Top and and Regular Style, $1.50 to $8.00 Pair K. K. K. STORE e Agency for Dutchess Trousers i admit that )ou lioo n section here that la underfill, but I am not going tu an) It la better thou Uend. "i:ter)onu hero teems lo be Inter eatid In Ihu rullroad fight that Is In jroKteas north of us, and t am asked on all sldis If I think that Hill is coming kouth, I firmly believe he Is coining to llcnd. and 1 Just ns firmly bellewi that hu l lomlug to Klamath ntls. I hate, of lourse, no definite liifurmntluu lo Unit effect, but take a limp, study It, und see for yourself. till) Is u great loter of lumber truffle. Hu l cloiily Identified with many if Ihu great timber syndicates, par ticularly llm Wo)erhuuacrs. Theru Is unr) thine down hero lo Induce him tu come, und hu gunorally goes where theru Is tralllc. Thnt It h I say that Klamath Falls will soon come Into Its own. It will noon throw oft? Its swaddling clot Inn and awake some due morning to find Itself blossoming out Into n full-Hedged city. "Itnllroails make a country; they make, n people; they open up tho re louties of tho seetlons they pene truto. Folowlng such there can be but one result prosperity for every one Identified with the places affect- e I. Tho fuluro of Oregon was never brighter and it Is all due to the pros pects of two railroads competing lines." Hues. "There Is one thing that I would like to call to the Attention of your county .officials without appearing to meddle In matters of a local nature the repairing of the road between Fort Klamath and Odell. Thla high way can be placed in splendid condi tion by expending a comparatively small amount." Induced to make an exhibit. If It Is started this year a greater effort can bo made next. The meeting should bo attended, whether anything comes of It or not. Thla city la facing the future, and nothing abould be over looked that will add to Its prestige and Influence. Four prlxes of money given away lit the Portland 8tore Saturday, Aug. :sth 10 p. m. sharp. Stilt a nice selection of shirtwaists at Stilts' dry goods store. They are going fast, and you'll bare to hurry. f?J. S!?!?r AW 0$! ASuMcrlMart on UsUMth Lake X TIM to PawrimH la Thla la snorilag itviatMdlloa Z lor men oi wraitn it m nut 9 . Vneqiullcd trout fUttksc Jato X tak aTnauMtsMBVaaa Sam wwawve,e tDeer hantlng o the tirfwlaaa Z August 1 to November 1. X lhirk abootlaur anperior to aay T Its the Male over Ihonaaneai Z CITY llltKVITIsH Dr. Truax of llonania arrived la his Iloo runabout this afternoon to meet his wife, who returned from a ttlp to California yesterday. Buy butchess Ouaranteed Trouaera, 11.00 for overy Rip. K. K. K. STORE. A bunch of oats brought la frost Poe valley by Joe Prove meuvrta seven feet. Tbey were grown on cry land, and can be aeon at the rati tato once ofMaapn ft Slough, Mr. Dulaaey of 'the Moaarth Mer cantile company li oa the ack llet. ' Mrs. 0. W. Kherlela arrf.Ttat la Ut city last night from Sa1rraaU), C. W, Bberleln. her haataad. wHI rejoin her here the latter ea4 at.tha week. Mr, ibtrleta to laUwaUH la lite atiiw noaurwa fmm m. i, of acrea of MrkM Hre 8cBteatbcr 1 ary i. II. 8. Orlgaby, one of the old real dents of this county, and the owner of a ranch near the (Jap, made the following statement thla morning, which Is well worth considering by all prospective settlers in thla county, and will also go a long way to dispel the fear entertained by some people as to shouldering the coat of Irriga tion which Is to be Insulted by the government In this country. " "The cost of Irrigation under the government Irrigation project will be a very small matter, la my opialoa, aa the sure and steady crop made possible by such Irrigation la so great that It will aot be felt. Aa aa Illus tration I cite the following; Oa my Lost River ranch last year I bad eigh teen acres In hay, fifteen acres of which were below the ditch and three acres above, which latter derived a great deal of benefit from the seep age of the ditch. On thla tract of land 1 cut elgbty-flve tons of bay, which I could hare sold for $10 per ton In the stack, or f 850. The coat Iter acre for Irrigation Installation and maintenance Is f 3.7S, or for tea )ears 137.50. Therefore the total cost of Irrigation and maintenance on this fifteen acres would be S5CI.50. Consequently my Brat year'a crop paid for my water right and left a balance of $287.50, which will pay for the putting of these crops up. Aa another illustration I will say that la February of thla year I made a aale of forty acres of laad uader the ditch to parties at $40 aa acre. If grain Is worth I He per pound this fall the crop of grata growlag oa this laad will be worth $30 per acre. "It is my belief that the farmers of this country should get together at once and say to the government. 'Let us have water, and let aa have it quick,' aa our land here to too val uable to be lying Idle whea tho gov ernment stands ready to assist aa la making It one of the moat fertile regions on the coast, If aot la the world. "The above statement la made on the basis of actual results obtalaed, and can be verified. It la my honest opinion that land can be secured la this valley, located below the ditch, for $40 an aero which, with Intelli gent .handling, will pay for Itself la flro year. Irrigation and all." V CRATER LAKE AUTO RECORD JOY KinMtA" FIJID HUW AVJaV' JU7K VOR VOOUSH WOtVst KTWEEN MOrOUt AND IAKC Packard, WMh WIN Try for Howe! tteeoral aTmaBaaBfsma, flaaaBBBBaSaaa A astxeaaaaaaA aVaaasal Edgar Hafer kaa sueeeedsd la tereatlag the aatoatoMto m manufacturing tt Packard earn . aead a ltlO model of the Pakaf "10" to Medford to try far aa ' record to Crater lake. The teat will he made at the ead of thla weak, a aew ear belag shipped then for that purpoae. The car will be drlvea by 1 Tom Fitch, oae of tho meat esaert- eaced mechanics la the employ of tho compaay, and he will bo aceomnaato by Frank C. Rlggs aad A. C, SasRh of Portlaad, who haadle tho Packard oa the eoaat. The car will carry sevea pasesagera oa the teat ma. The Packard baa loag 'enjoyed a aoloadM reaatatl for apeed aad durability, bat of lata reports have beea drealatoi that the ' Packard cannot ataad rough eoaatry. la order to show what eaa ho aoao by the car. the trip to to be made aad a aew record tried for. The race will advertise tho lake tot many ways, aad will bo of maoh biaa St to Soatbera Oroajoa. for aT K to aaccsaafal la making a reiird Ha trif will bo used for adverttoiag antra aasa, A try for a reeot wilt atoo bo saaMto betweca Medford aad PortkMd m tho ear. ' KJOIO MARRIAGK UCKX8E F. C. Bidred to Mrs. Jeaale B. Damm, both of Boaaasa. The mar riage will tahe place next Saturday at Bonanaa, the Rev. Mr. Seller om-dating. Sadie B. the city. Colmaa of Ashland to la Aa old unused alghtlatch which sprung Itaelf Into working order noma time last night shut out the em ployees of the Star drug atore this morning for a while. The detect was finally remedied aad work weat oa as usual. , ; Grouse aad tiMaaaat ehooting ot the place October IS to November IS. , lies starting place ha coaaty ' for a hear boat. ' Crater lake aatoanokile road wtU ram through the aaaee ' for a mile aad) a smarter. ; Navigable water to tho jaTsan . ty, uataarnatsed eVlsuUag wa. ' ter aad power to aevclee) tho , Morebottom laad aad Sao ajar dew lead tbaa uur atace oa , the lake. fjTfcAMaaUUBBBBsal Asf athBaasuta aaVMaal aaW taUaBaaaal at SS VVBaaajastxraamj. ajpa; ajprnjajfj ffjgaaaj BfJaT xvaBBJ aad thoaaaads of ejushlaf . asnens. ",T ' More rartotlea of wild aowera ! aad aataral gaaaaa aad vetrhce tbaa aay alaee la tho ' E coaaty. If yoa dcvelea thto araasrty aa it eaa i bo deYslaasd tboro to ; www aWrJajT HI wMsal VwfawBfliy VMjBv ( eaa cwaaaare wiea at. We amoaat of taU aermo ttt lot aa We bare bona a Hum twtoo what It MV9 II BHC9 9m way take, M h wo wtMkotyJt. ptw. Z V- i J.G. "at aaoa'rf Yiwti Mtlni HP. V. awaafVC 'mmimIK? IH$HIMI$$MI$llllijl :i4 Frank Netooa kaa atetoboi maklag, hay. ' f Frank Downing weat to thoatoaa talaa for aa oatlag aad broke bto wa gon aad had to aead It la for Mantra. Ed Euhaaka aad Mr. Davie are re pairing the achoolbouae. aattlag oa a new roof aad balldlag a aoreh. They are also bulldlag a belfry, ta which will be Installed a largo bell, aad all will be oraameated wKb two coots of palat. la addkloa to thla a Sew foua datloa will bo pat uader tho koaao aad a woodhoBM wHI atoo bo'bjaMt. " Catcall 1'. K Reader baa" gone i the mouatelaa to look after tho tta her tree. He expects to be goao two meatha. ' Tho past week has beea eatramily hot 1 OS degrees la tho shade. Charley Marsrsw to hauUac saw logs for the Moors Bros. ' "" Hemosa to baullag logs for. Harry WalL t Harry Will's mother has goao b Uke la tho World's Fair. . iv Bay Dutchesa auaraatssd Troaaers, $1.00 foi every Rip. a f KicK,arroaU.f j It la Tried and Teated t ifitf -X hi Weetoaaattakol WWal fwT taW I Our Olive Oil! w W'm aasfasaat alaaftaflBaV BBaaaVaf sWMwaamV aVawi BmVsBJt fBawh wfjffj VVjrwtBl tVBsVaa fJTaraj nBl BBjBJBjBJ mjaj get by wtab taWkMjtM Sjj auajiiLj ,V a - w a iwtx iraih?:t'! i . ' i v ' irV,V al vfw .i vs-v-iwWAwi,'' K y - VtvV ,r.SC 1 vdji -nST" iL T ". ?:m ., uvv. w '.. Mm ' ,.V J?V' "Barak r " v Mte . V V ..T Wl ' &. 'TgflB t vM .: A xtaam' " i' ftC aafafJal "' l'"af ' faaaaat' A----- - JM.it Sryr'ro tZ ' v A vy.v-tiar r'J.Hj'.'i.J- "i. .w1" ,..,t avJE J ....---. ....-..-- ...U J-... '-" s wwmmmnmmm . w. 's'"f ?' M7jci4- 'Hw4kW t- Mi -V ' ,7. js. . M., fSiV Ha . -Jfl I bJ? uf ty f fi I jZZZm 391 '"il rtl "1 i t - . -1VC-1 4 v sCrr ii v V i t'r A - .W '. -1 ; ili a'K,..-. f'T": ir-T X t & i W ' taJ"j . " Jrf llr.w' . , '.;.',-! -. - , . ?w2BM'rajtri!SBBaaasaaaaUBBBH ,, o" . t wai 'jrMtyAJRaar'TK WBBaaBajaaBBftaBBBBBBi " ' h ' . srs4"trrW'ATBBBBBaBmBaasl , r , . j. k f v ' 'iX ffilBsaWllaWlffllaM