The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 23, 1909, Image 1

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    ; "m
Klamnlli Fall' Writ
t ami Uet Dally.
Our AdvertiMn Oct
The Best Ketults.
Tiliuii Ykam. No, Oil
Pricb 6 Cents.
(iti:ii .xmioiinv
Ill KM."
(inn ml Ortt-iilt f l.rlli'seai Hie I'm' nf
lkp I.n mum wiwlil lie linngi-r-i.h
hi llralll. til t'liiiiininill).
One (il Ihe liwal tla
lima Hint lim itiliiti In tlila muni)
dm In iiinmrr It iiiiht u gin-al In
Iki. tltj lln la vll. I It.,
ho, villi liU wk, la tlaltlni; tlila
Ktllnn lln' (It-heral taaa Hut rlrt
Medical nfflrrr Hlllimaalili.-,l by llnv-
irtnr DftinlMiii ntOliln for at nice In
Ibo rlill war. tin April I'-. H6I. slum
liltli lllnr. up In 19(13, when lip waa
trllird with the lank u( lidrallrr
rrnrrsl. lit hut IippIi In tin. rtinllliu
iiu Miltlcp lit lil" Itiillilir. hnldllii;
Hip l.ll..-.t pnallliilia within l Klfl
m.-.llral officer
After senlng ihinugh ll.f titll
if ll.p l!tnrrl ItMik I'll I In several
(lmllan wars Al I ho In in Un mil nt
Hie Hi'unlili war ne ititrf auigi-tm
nt ihr armies In Hit. flelJ and aertp.1
tiu It. turf o( (lenpral Mile In Hip
tUntUctt rampalsn In Culm lln liail
ctrtc of tlm nllr ruii.tltlima In
I'urlii lllrn unit was llirii ai
chief intillral Inaprrlnr nf llu atiny
Hit rf(i (an )rra In Hip I'hlllp
I'lhn a rlilcf aurgrtin nl Dial .lit I
Inn III" was mIiii brad nl thn med
Irsl itrpartmcnt, I' H A . Ill Washing
Inn fur aetni years, anil tiaa been irtit
aliroail twlrtt by tlila (titer iniiPiit In I'm sanitary incaaurrs of fur
ilxn r.ninlrlra
In view nl hi taat rHilincf In
matters pertaining III aaiillaHnn, lln
lli'iii'tal aa naked Hlial would Iii
llm t fleet n( the iuiiiilnK nl Hi" "
n nf Hut city Into .nke Cwatllia,
n. in rrply tlifiriii aalil
In my opinion II wnulil l.p a crnip hatp neter In lorn brt-n optni-il I In
nilatnku tu follow any aurh inuitr, tu. - (Imkiiii la to Ih 11 grtnt Unl.' of
fur Hid n-aaoii that alum Hip Mini' of man) proplp. law ilM.n an. I 1011
tl.p Hpanlah war tlila mutiny haa HiiiipiI pmapprlt) "
Klpn Ibe lunllt-r of aaiilliitlnil trry, -
inri-fiil altrntlnii, ami If thn ri'pnrl Mr nml Mr. Henry I'arrlah of
aliniilil c 11 Hint ..,. waa In.liii! Mirrlll letuimil In Hit Ir linim In)
11111111111 Into tlila lakit II wnubl batti !
n hail effect on llm Ilileu.llliK m'l
Ih'ra In your ill), for people lln"'
.In) a will not locntit whert' Dphohl
ami other ttlai-nxi Kvrina are allnweil
in propaitalit In Ihelr Immeillnlt' via In
Hv. uhiri. w,...i.i .i.., I.n the
r It If tho fiirecnluK romlltlnn was mornlnn. .Iiiiriiie.1 with the henullea
n.lhereil In, jof Klamnlli iniinl)
"Another fenliire Hint shimM !' '
taken Into iiinalilerntlnu I. II... fail I! " Henry h-au tniuorrow Mr
that II U not iilnne llm urni ini.'l!l' ri'M-rXiillon. when, he will be t"
lo )iiur (Hy here, hut nlso In the, I''l for son " l eMen.llii
town, IipIow , on IhU liter, o. - H .iru') on lownahlp s.ib.ll
wlilr ll may be ealahllahe.l there liitaT. lslsiu
I Gome to Ui for Your
Fall Suit and Overcoat
w fc, -fjjijH
K. K. K. Store
I Klamath Falls -
nn I.. Ilium, hIIImI
' (hi mi Imli lliilii'
I'miii tin . .- I. r .- ii, ih,. i
IH ll.llm limit. in I Hlnllil t ,n,
Unit tin-liialnllnllnn nf a. pin imika In
Kllllllltlnll Kill, iir piHi. ..mi
am- ).(. in miiiiIiI . IiIkIiI) lulvianMi
iii:i,ii; i.n uiiiii.n Mini i. n
m:i, i it f .it i,m:
.Uilililln.i I lnMI,. II. inin. I mm n
lil llinnicli iiiigi.ii
"iliitli liupn . .1,
' Nn wnmlt r Hi. Iiiillaim nl On Run
wnu. IhiiiiIIIiiI ami fnnlnillr IrKmnla
nlmiil I'rali i lake. Inr It la Mnml.-ilul
riiinicli i.i anuki- Him linuKlnatlnii nf
finii d man a mlhil In llila aiitill
Vllllklll,ll I'lirlalli- l.tilllifll In I'ntt
taml liniii a t tip IIjiiiukIi IVnltiil Oip
(iin ami tin. Klamatti inutilr)
I'alli-il I.) tin- mluli.nary lit ! nf id null lh an liblalmti haa Ihvu
making an ili-oilr.l tmu nf ih In
ilnr .if lln cmi lln Hi.- tli in Hit-
i'rattr lakr r.tuntr lit wrct h) antn
miitlli' limn Mtnlfnul iiihI frtnriinl
tliarimtl itu iiin xoiiilpfful trfnory
anil Hit' KffJl Mifalblllllia nf ihr vnt
llliri llilnliali M hit tl b (nuriirypil
I am I'll atirr) aalil Ihr null-
i.lalnii llml Itio on una irnvl,ii
liy Hif p;lilatur Inr Hi rnndriir-
Inn nf Hit' I'raii r lakn mail liaa Ufii
i. rl.l ui in Hit rnuria In my ml nil
ht rtiin(iflltin ul that rtiflil ttnuM hu
a limit i-n.rrful nilrrltlaimrnl fur Hip
tali' Tratrr lakt la nnr of Hip KrK.ll
iniiilpra nl nalurp 'Hip auriniinillna
nullity It munlirlul onil autillinn I
ibi nnl thfip fur h fr huura In
In- raily iniirrnriR. hut after tlio ilmri
(llniip I l.ail, IHi Hip tun Jmt tu-
iK airnaa thp takr. la aaitnrl liltic I
III llPlrr fntRrl
' Hi.' maila In lln- nullnnal I'.uk nn
iihkI, ami innalilrrlnK Hut riniichiit-u
if tin- iininlr) I lit- maila liaillnK In
lip lakt am icinhI. hut If a mail mm
tinatrurtiil lliilii Miilfnnl II nulil In'
t II.Iiik fin Drt'ifun."
Thf niili-il liatvli-r la nlan pnthiiil
litlr nur llii fulillit iHinallillltlta nf
hi' rrntral tiillini nf thp atutit anil
ill nf iiukiiii In K mrnl
"I am miiilnii'il," In' anM. ' that
Ihkiiii la In Ik' tin.' nf lhi cnatial
latpa In Hip unliin Tin' wnilil kliiia
ut 111 t It- uf Ort-Kim, nl Ita tnrli-il ri-
Miiim-a, nf lla intt liurlna in iiimiiT
nml rlrh latnl nallliiK ili'ii'lnpini'iit
My' trip hu tijn.-.l my i')i. in. till')'
AKiimpanleil by Mra XV. V.'ll
of lllahmi. C11I . ami Mra. C i: Mar
1I111 nf IVmoer. Cnl . who Inn i. been
iltlHliK Ihem for the pnat two necks,
they tnnk a tllp nn thn Tpper lake
Hiimlny. Meailiiini-a Vamlrll ami Mur-
ill 11 reliiruiil In llieir
linllli'it ( li Ih
We will moke
them to your
exact measure
and up
Stylish, per
fect fitting
clothing made
by America's
foremost tall
na illa.-tia.' p. nn
Iliimilili lln- n
Malum r
(il I lOMf I AKI. I UMIII K mill
Mi'iiim AiiiiiijiI Slil.nit-iit nf lliri-.-lliiiiilnil
I iiili.n.l, nf llini- in Up
I "it In (iillfnriihi I'riill 'I rmli'.
lint' nf thn IntKi-at iiuiit'rna nn llm
i-titul. tlm Tnllfiinilii Trull Ciintipra'
aaattt Intltin, with InmliiuurUra nl Han
Cranium, Ini irin llrall) lakt'ii inpr!iif
tliu tnannK' mint nf llm Lulu: Ijikii
1 .... t'. . ...iii,ii , ...iii 11. nil inin 1 1 lit.' 1
., ...
.in lb. TPm. nf Hmlr npi'rall.iua ,,n
I- I'HM-r lakt nl KhlpplriKlnri will h
It a.ilr with liur.i-L Major T I!.
Annli'ii ami I'rctl Millmin linvo ic
1 1 rt I from Hit nrthn muiinKPiiii'iit I
.f 11,1. ctimimu). ami ll r- n per.-.n. , , r ,,,,, n, ,)nu , , m()Jl ,,,.
i.'l nf tin, inmp.iny will In, a fnl- unl huppt'nnKa In tho hlatory of
ntta llniiiip . anliiill, pn-alilrnl ami Klamath Kalla, for, first nf all, It Is
irraaurer. II H (IrlKaby. Icp preal- "'" "1i"""K point of n payroll )-
.1. ami W O Union, r'"' ,l,l1h ,''U "' ".
. . 'nti'I then nsnln. It meiina tint oifiilnR
I ( lark... ninniuier of Ih- bin ,,p of ll o I'ppcr iako country to other
lipartuipnt nf tho Tallforuln 1'rull tiinniifniturcr, and It all beliiK con
annira' nund.iiliin. la tint man who Hkuoii to our city, wo will reap the
il 1 1 la ileal II rnuKh, nml be I lis np-
'iiltitttl Tharli-s Mcdownn nn M.iperlif
ml.'iil of the box factory. Mr.
laiki, who left yealenluy lunrnlliK
n Kan PrniKluti. In an Inter. lew
iltli a repr.fpntntt.o of this pner,
Tit. California I'rult Canners' n-
uirlatlnn haa pridlinlty taken over
I inaiinK'-mt'iit of tliu linK l.ako
uiiihiT cnutpnni, anil wo will IipkIii
nt once on the Imprnteiiivnt of this
All merchants are requested to attend the
meeting at the courthouse tonight, as business
of importance will be under consideration.
Men 1111111- XVIII lleilile Tiii.IkI.I XVIult
In lln In the XX'n) uf i:nlerliilii
meiillliiriiiu IL.rgiiln XX'erl.
, meeting nf the merrhnnts of the
rll) will be held this ou'iilng In the
rnilllhoUM', nt whldi will bo decided
uiatltrs of the iiliuiiitt Importance to
the Illinium Interests of tho riiiumun
II) Three auhJettH will lie under
iiiiiHldernllon -ll.u holding of a roun-
1) talr, what other form of enter
tuiuiiietit will lie on the prngrnni and
ll.irKi.ln Week. Iliuh one of these
iiiiJuIk Is filled with intermit llal
In eer) men hunt lu the city, nnd
tho meeting should hnu 11 full at
lendniue. A cnninsa tins been mnde
of mmt of the houses on Main street,
mid ewi) nun seen has slgnltled his
intention of attending, nnil (he Indl
c.illiinn 1.10 thul it will ho the most
Intgely attended meeting of Ita kind
oxer held In the city.
The liiiporlniiro of tho becuring of
the uiitslili. triiilo for this city was
ileniiniHl rated Inst week, whim ono in
dltldiial from Uiku county upent with
Iho iiierihnnU of Iho city about II2B.
It ttns 11 ensh propiisltlon. This Is
only ono of ninny other i.nea of more
or leas, njid If n proper
effiiil Is mnilo hundreds of other pur
eliuseiH will 101111. every (all nnd
Captain J. J, Itnhm has Just ro-
reltod his now power launch "Mar
Kiirlln" from tho Michigan Steel llont
company. Tho lnuncli U eighteen feet
long, four nnd 11 half feet henm, with
n lx liorHo-power engine, canopy top,
nnd inpnhlo of ciurylng comfortably
foul teen passengers. Her speed Is
twelve miles per hour, llesldes the
launch, tho cnplnln hns twvlvo row
boats of different alzea which ran ho
secured nt rensonnblo rntea hy apply
ing ul his now uoiilhuufcti on tlio Up
per Inkn. Tho Mnrgnrltn will bo
used for (ho pnssenger liuslness In tho
lliuior lnko nnd can bo clmrteied nt
leiihouubli) intea upon nppllcntlon to
Captain Itnhm.
iniilinrly Wo will liullit lui'lvo or
fiitirt'-t'ii mlilllliiiiul hniikia lit tnko
i nn- nf tlm i'iiii())ipn inn! il.t Ir fnin
IIIih, iiml iiuiro un the or cnnloti rij
iiilri'. Thcrn will ho I'tiiiiliiyuit In
tin hox fiidiiry iihoiit Hlxly mon nml
nl Hip anw mill iihniit thirty, which
mi una iiillo u in mil fur ytiur city.
It In nur ik-alro In r.lilp nut nhiiut .100
inilniiila of liiinhvr n yinr, nml thin
la' iMiinll.l.j hy llm larKO iiiipply
tlip Cnllfiiriilii rrult Caniiira unancln-
thill nlnni', na tln-y will Inkn tho n
Hi.' nuipiit. Tlil Inltpr iiinrvrn nlilpx
uit oti'iy ji-nr nhiiut 5,000 cnrlnnda
of inniKil frulln, o you inn JiiJku
Hint It lakca aonio hnxi-a tu aupply
lln Ir ili'tiinmla. Tlila city can cun
Kriiliitiiiri ItRi'ir on tlila company en
1 111: tho flolil here, a It will iluubt
lc hi- nn opi'uliiK wcrtKo whldi olher
lari;,' iiiucirni will takn inlvnntaco
hy rttnlillililni: nlmllnr iilantu nil
M'''"'nt lo "ur 'Hy ' U'l" Upper
C. I:. Wnrilfn, who n Intortlnwcil
, r,.Ka, , , nj()V() trnn,aconi
.uti'il: "Tho Callfnrnla Krull (.'an
nnr- aaarjclatlnn lina prnctlcully token
out llm management of tho I.ontt
likc I.uimIiit (iimpany, nml Mr. Mel-
hnau nnil Inwitf hnn r rnn.
hanert. It it tliu Intention of the
company to put up ndillllonat houses
for the employees, nnil (hey nro also
takltiK up llm matter of tho erection
of n new school houso there. This
latter matter Is now being taken up
with tlm town board, and will bo
leilded upon this afternoon."
Pour prlii-a of money Riven away I
nl the Portland Store Saturday. Auk.
ISth., 10 p. in. sharp.
l 8. Seofleld. ngrlciilturist in There Is plenty of mosquito net
hnrgo of the Western Farm Kxtcn- ting nl tho K K K Store,
ilnn nnd Intestlgatlon In Iho Bureau
if I'lant Industry, and Dr. I.. J.
Irtggs, who Is In charge of Iho patho
logical laboratory of Washington, I).
'., left jesterdny morning. They will
etiirn direct to XX'ushlngton. Theso
gentlemen were hero Investigating
ho conditions of the marsh lands.
Or, (Irnvea of Chicago arrived hero
Saturday otenlng on a visit to his
jinthcr, Dr. Urates, tho well-known 1
Jatcopnth. Tho Chicago physician Is,
1 practitioner of Iho old school. They
eft yesterday for Crater lako and.
mints lu (ho northern part of (ho
oun(y, expecting (o return Wednes
luy. four prizes of money given away
ul l lie Portland Store Saturday, Aug.
2Sth., 10 p. 111. sharp.
"Tho Troublesome Satchel" shows
tho Inughahlu udvenlurea of un un
fortunate old gentleman who pur
chases ut nn auction of unclaimed
property ft handbag containing a bur
glar's kit.
Another exceptionally fine film,
"l.nily Helen's Kscnpado," deals with
the novel oxperlcin'cs of ft )oung so
ciety leader who, bored with tho mo
notony of her existence, hires out as
11 domestic.
"Tho I.lttlo Shepherd," n dramatic
comedy of unusual Interest, tolls of
tho life of 11 little boy as a shecpherd
cr lu Iho mountains nnd tho sorrow
mused when Iho owner accuses htm
tinvlng stolon ono of tho lambs that
was his charge.
Don't forget when you como to
nlght to bring n photo of your child
nnd enter It In tho contest.
Kmbroldcilcs, flno, hnndsomo pat
terns, 15 nnd 8 l-3c nt Stills', for a
fotv days more.
IVXTi: OK I'ltOJIXT IH viavku in
If It N Ailnplnl Work Will rrort-eill
If llijeittil Dm 1'roject Will lxo
Hie Money Apprnprialttl.
Tho fate of tho Klamath project Is
again In tho balance, and It Is up to
the people to decldo whether it shall
awlnc for or against tho rapid com
pletion of the works. Supervising
KnKlneer Hopson stated very clearly
tlm rondltiotui under which ork
stall proceed Theso conditions arc
embodied In tho report of tho special
(ommlttco appointed by tho associa
tion, which report was Indorsed by
tho directors of that corporation Tho
members of Hint committee arc reas
onable, sensible, fair-minded men.
They are deeply Interested In the wcl
faro of this county. Their Interests
nro identical " Ith tho Interests of
every landowner of (ho project, nnd
(heir nctlon on tho questions nt Issue
was taken only after the most careful
Thn emotion that confronts the
landowners of tho project Is: Shnll
they ndopt tho report of that com
mltteo? If It Is ndopled, then all
questions of difference between the
Koternment and tho landowners aro
settle.). If It Is not adopted, then
matters will remain as they are, the
money appropriated for this nrolect
'will bo returned to the reclamation
fund and distributed among other
projects nnd (ho complcdon of the
Klamath project Indefinitely post-
fone.1. It Is wlih tho people of the
for ale August Qnly
on Klamath Lake
That is Unsurpassed In America
Tills is t kHllilll HihisIuii
for men of neallli H It not
11 farm. '
Viuiualletl trout flailing June
In .M.teinlier.
IHt-r liui.ll.ig on Hie prvmlam
August 1 to XntenilK'r I.
Dutk kIiim.Hiik auH-rlnr to any
In tlio Klnle oter tliousanils
of acres of wild celery and
lire KepleiulH-r 1 (o Febru
ary 1.
Gruuao nnd 4irasnnt slioollng
on ll.e place October IB lo
Notenitier 1.1.
Ileal starting place lu couutjr
for n bear hunt.
Crater lake automobile road
will run through (lie place
for a mile and n quarter.
Xntlgulile water to Hie proier
ty, unsurWHkeI drinking wa
ter and potter to develop Hie
alore bottom land and lino gar
den land than any place on
the lake.
Thousands of pine and fir trees
mill thousands of quaking
More varieties of wild flowers
and natural graasra nnd
vetches than any place In the
county. -
If you develop this property as
It ran bo developed there Is
no resort lu tlm county that
rnn romparo with It.
Xo amount of talking will de
scribe It) let us show yon.
Wo liave been offered nioro
than twice what it cost, but
linvo a price at which you
may tako lt below which,
wo will keep It.
at office
Buena Vista Addition
Conger Avenue, or
At Shlve llros. & Co.'a 8tore.
e wi ethi r tho government shall
go ahead or not. Conditions havo
materially changed In tho last few
months, and with that chango has
come a disposition on (ho part of tho
government to let tho pcoplo of tho
vnrlous projects decldo many quea
(lona (hat heretofore wcro not left
to their Judgment.
Considering tho composition of tho
commlttco, (ho action of (ho board of
directors of tho association, the ma
terial welfare of each Individual land
owner and (ho prospcrKy of (ho coun
ty In general, (hero seems (o bo only
one (hlng to do for the landowners
(o accept the. findings of Ita commit
tee and meet tho conditions therein
laid tlorn,
Tho question of tho construction
if tho upper project will not bo de
Lied until the government has com
Irted Its present work. It has been
ound advisablo to locato another
anal fifty feet lower than tho first
no. Most of tho residents of the
upper project aro laboring under tho
mpresslon that this new canal Is the
nly one that will be constructed,
fi Is li a mistake. Iioth the old and
tho new ono will bo built. Tho gov
ernment believes that by constructing
tho second canal tho cost of the en
(Iro project will bo considerably less
than 1 only the high lino cannl was
constructed, and havo It of sufficient
size lo furnish water for all tho land.
Under the new plan it will bo only of
a slzo sufficient to cover the land be
tween It and (ho canal now being sur
veyed. Under (he present regime tho
government has only In mind econ
omy and speed. If tho landowners
will give their assistance (hero will be
a transformation hero (hat will meet
(ho desires of the most exacting and
Iho futuro will sco removed all the'
causes of complaint heretofore ex
Klamath county received some
more free advertising In the east last
week, when the Xew Haven Union
of New Haven, Conn., printed a three
column plcturo 6f the catch of fish In
Link river. Tho publication of this
picture nnd the accompanying article
nro duo to tho chain letter sent out
by Col. Allison recently. The Union
"George J.'Ilassett of tho John R.
tJassctt & Co. hardware dealers. Is
the recipient of a letter from Col. M.
L. Allison of Klamath Falls, Ore.
"Tho letter states that a party of
Ihreo men whipped the Klamath river
for a dlstanro of three-quarters of a
mllo with ordinary fishing tackle,
(heir labors being rewarded with 103
pounds of trout. The largest fish
weighed SV4 pounds. The nbovo
plcturo shows the effect of five hours
angling had on the members of the
"Mr. Dassctt received tho letter
after 11 had traveled twlco across the
continent. In his letter to tho colonel
ho evinces his doubt, as Is most
natural, that tho fish were caught
with a fly. Ho says, how-over, that bo
Is willing to be shown It his trans
portation Is provided for."
SHU a nlro selection of shirtwaists
at Stills' dry goods store. They are
going fast, and you'll have to hurry.
It Is Tried and Tested !
We do not lake the manttfacturers'
word for tho purity of
Our Olive Oil
We test each and every lot that we
get by tho most approved methods.
Wo are giving away ten-dollar
Electric Stand Lamp with OUvo Oil
Bee our window for particulars.
Star Drug Store
r.rsi: ciieasi koh sunburn
Meeting Will lie Held Here the Last
of the Week, When Definite
Anion Will lie Taken.
D. 8t" George Ilisliop, president ot
the Fair association, enmo down from
his boathouso Saturday for the pui
peso of calling a rr.',lluR o (he Vanl
of illrcctors, (he oblect being fr et a
da(o for tho holdlni; ot Iho fair.
When seen by a reptocr ntatlvo of ihJ
paper Mr. lilahon stated:
"I came down for the purpojn ct
c, a mcctlnf,' if theboard of 'Jl
rirtors of tho Fair nrsoclst'on, nt
t-liicli tho propmi'lou of hoHlii.t a
fair this fall was t b) discussed. Tint
I find to bo Itrpoiilbli, owing lo 'h
fact that a number of tho directors
are out of tho city. I will return hers
again tho last of this week, when
definite action will bo taken, and at
which time I will have a statement to
make to the public."
"Will the association hold a fair
this fall?" Mr. Dlshop was asked.
"I presume It will. It will prob
ably be held tho first week In October.
This Is a matter, however, which tM
board must act on. 1 am not pre
pared at this tlmo to make any state
ment further than that we will hold
a meeting tho last of tho week, at
which time the public will be fully ad
vised ot tho action taken." Contin
uing Mr. Bishop said:
"1 had a conference with the pres
ident ot tho Chamber ot Commerce,
and am perfectly willing to co-oper
ate with that organisation In any mat
ter that will promote the welfare ot
tho community. It In connection
with (ho fair other forms of enter
tainment aro desired by the city. It Is
a matter that can bo easily arranged.
Tbero Is nothing In tho way of ths
Chamber of Commerce and Fair as
sociation co-operating harmoniously
In this matter."
At the meeting of tho merchants
this evening the fair question will bt
ono ot tho subjects considered. Tbt ,
sentiment of the business men seems
to bo that the fair must not be held
at the fair grounds. They are will
ing to assist liberally In Its promo
tion If It is held In the city. Other
wise It Is doubtful It their contribu
tions will be sufficient to meet the
demands of tho occasion. Mr. Bishop
would not commit himself as to
whether tho association Intended to
hold tho fair In tho city or the
grounds. Ho admitted that there
was no grandstand, but Intimated
that one might be erected In time for
the holding of the fair. He preferred
to let the cntlro matter rest until
tho board ot directors had acted on It.
Have If