'.if , ftr U i . I if - - - . Miii w g I." r Swf m is VI P. H. MURPHY KtRt'CTlltAIi MtKHKIlVKIl Damp Proofing or CrIUra Frit and Grarrl Rooflnc MASTIC WALKS FLOOIM Fifty Hcalgna of Roofing With Baldwin . Hardware Co. LrTME5JafiLRTl I Architect 2 A Ofllcr nt W. T. Shho'a Ural. X T ilciicr. i ISrfcrrnccat J Merino ntiltdlne. cost I1G.00O 2 Z llaaklna' old front made J 4"M"v"S"e-e-" Merino Building, cost $1C,000 llaaklna' old front made new ............. .......... tl.SOO K. 1!. llrovrn, residence..!:. 300 T. W. llrooka. residence..:, SO0 and others, all of Mcdford, On-. Phoenix Public School-111.000 X for 1 Jtglo Point, (Mown. Spring Crrrk rraorta, .Igrnrjr nml Ft. Klamath, take the .Launch Curlew Willi li Icatra llurna YlaM boat hollar at N a. in. itally, carrying imaariigrr, null anil cntrw. Ilua Irate hotel at 7::0 n. lit. Itrlurn S i. in. Kcuilon on Sunday. Call Phone HTt for further hi. forma I Ion Srr- t s I CHILDEKS BKUTWSKS BRIEF MENTION. Are Prepared do all Kinds to of BUILDING Chimneys and Flues a Speclulty; Built on Short Notice 500,000 Brick on Hand Kmbroldcry lo now on nt Stilt.' Illinm Hubert of Poo valley la In the city. John lluna.es It In from Antelope valley to-day. Any uhlrtwalM In tho window (joea for 3S rcntiat Stllta' atoro tfcli wool; S, 12. leenblce of Pino Oroc N In the rlty to-day. II. 11. llohertH of l.nkoiliw I pa). Ins ihla clt) n llt. Jara of money Riven nwny at the Portland Store. K. II. Lotto, tho mining man from Pluali. U In the rlty. J J. W. McCoy of Kort Klamath l In the city on huslnea. Kor Rood homo rooking, come to (the Oregon House. Menla 35 cent. 'nnd left till morning for home. Mr Nclf U ex-ma) or of Inna.ia Clt. I J II. Nt'ft and wife of Kansa Clt) returned from Spring creek last nlRht I There It ilciity of moiitlto ml tlnR nt tho K K K Store. GROCERIES Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Tour Orders Solicited Chastain, Langell & Co Phone 771 Free Delivery 112. U. Iloiifon, (onaulliug engineer, 17. S. It. S., arrived In the city laat , nlRht. J Smoked rIaiimi und auto r ir.glM for blight I.ik ulid windy ilavw. At Mclln'tau'a V I). Mamllvld, J. P. Slebo nml 1. Kxerctt of San Francisco and Chan. JW. Tutllo of Colua. Cal.. left thin morning on a Miking trip to Spring creek. I Leo S. Ilohlnann hna aold to A. A. I.Mehnffey 1 S3 acre of marah land 'aonth of Midland. Mr. .Mcbaffey U nn employee of the Southern Parlfle company. Jars of money Riven nwny at tlio Portland Store. V. II. Croaa of llonnnia It rcla tereit nt lito l.lveimoro. P. W. Collin nud C 12. Cox of llo nnnia nro In tho iltj. II. O. Wllaon, superintendent of the Klamath ARvney, nml family nu In the city, en route to the homo of J. Frank Adsma, whom they will IU A. V. Hell of San Frainlsio la pa). InR n Malt to J. P. Kimball of thU ell. .Mr. Hell Ij n parlner'of J W Karris, who U tho nou-ln-law of Clan Sprecklo. - C. I!. Saundom and wife of lied l.nd, Cal.. and MIm Lottie Wood of San KrnnrlKti nro mnkltiR a tour of the ettuntr) In their Pranklln auto They will llt Crater lake before re. turnltiR. John Shook of llonnnia returned from Aidilnnd )eterday. It wn Mr Shook'a Intention to ro to the hnekle berry patch, but upon rcceMiiR word from his wire, who In there. Hint her rle were ery wane, he loncluded not to ro. 1112.11. KSMTK TIMM'KIIS i X "IRIS" THEATER Not a Cheap "Stick" in the House MYTH ST.. XI2.UI .MAIN Hut orry piece of Fnrnltun In till utorp U In Itwlf a work of art; urn near crfcct an the trot of ma terial ami uorkmantlilp can nuke. Ktrry punlinrr lias Hie MtUfar Hon of know InR that lie liaa Hie Ixkt Hint money and Ulienrrllrd ow portunlHe for buylnR can obtain, and lux furniture Hint will he a credit to any homo. llrinR your fumlturc orders here and liau- the nuprcme kjtlfurlliui of know InR lh.it no one any plire linn uny bi'ttrr. The Best Equipped Motion Picture Theater In Southern Oregon noons OPKN AT 7::in AllMltSIO.V III CI2.VTS DOLBEER, A THE FURNITURE MAN 1 1 1 I "A Colo $$ "An Kle 1 1 ! "A ITIw T T l ? Today's Program Pf Vf WWWW WWW WW WW WW WW WW HHMH4 w A w i:; Colonial Soldier." lectrlc Ilatliry." fli'iit of tho Wlldornini; Father Jaciiles Minion to the IroijuoU." "Chinatown Slavery." Wlllloa Fall From Oracc " "Stolen Plana, or Iho Hoy DdciHve." Mardl Ore In Havana." 'Advcnturea of a KeR." Pierre Comlm t ux to C C Tlllot aon. SW'H iec-2. t 10 a, r 10 e. V in.. ia.s:.o. Chna. 12. Worden to l.unn C Smith, lota 3. t, S nnd C In blk : In Fair view add. to K. P., IfiOO l.unn C. Smith ct lr to Martha A Craddoek. lota 3, I, & and 0 III blk 2 In Fnlnlow add. to K I. K.O00 K. l. MrDonnld it in to Nannie K. Lnrer. itn 3, I and 3 In blk I In Opportunity ndd. to K P. !1! 12. 1). .McDonald it ux to Allen M Ucey. Iota I. I, 3. 9 nnd 10 In blk T Opportunity ndd. to K F . IS00 John (I. Pntteraon to J 12 Whit talrh, 30 fefet frontnRe on Front .tri-ot In town of Merrill. 1 1. Hit Klamath development Co, to Wm I. AlbrlRhl. 84 of SVi, of M-e III. nml N4 of NW'H of arc 31. In tp 39 a. r 9 e. $100. J. L. Sp.irretnwn to Win. Ilnaartt i-t nl, Ni of SK'i ec 7 and WW of SW5 of aee !. tp 39 a. r IS e. $2,900. K. I). McDonald et ux to Flora A. Larkln. lota t nnd S In blk C In 0 (ortunlty ndd. In K. P.. 1100. Win. II. Wehli et ux to F. T. IIIr clna. NKU ec 19. tp 3S a. r 10 e. tl.OOil. Jno. F. Wllaon to It. P Ijitbrop. Iota I. 2, 3. 4 nnd I of blk 74 of I Klamath Falla field, to K P.. 111). Will W. Ilaldwln el ux to I S Voorhcoi, lot 0 of blk C In K. F . f 10 (i. W. White et ux to J. A Maddnx. part of lot 4 3 and I In blk 17 of K I. I to. (loo. II. Mcrrjmnn to A S Moor land, lot 7 and 30 frt off from the until end of lot 1 In llilena VUtn add. to K. P.. 110. J. T. Totten t ux to F II. four lade, Iota 2.., 2C and 27 In blk 41 n Iluena Vlita add. to K. F, 110 REMEMBER! Our Summer Clearance Sale Ends Saturday, Aug. 28th At which time we will give away two jars of money as first and second prizes. Also, we will have two other cash prizes, making in all four prizes to be given away. Between now and the end of this great sale come in and take advantage of our many bargains in all departments in order to enable you to participate in this prize contest. You not only save money on the goods bought, but may receive enough in a prize to pay for all you need this fall and winter. Remember, at 10 o'clock p. m. sharp, Saturday, August zom. c I it I ! ????? IlLIME ? What ? H :: For Sale by Dr. Amos C. Gravel A, H. . OslCOPtTII. KlaiiMtli Pall., ilrr, Poitnmro Hide , Second ! Uillfci Phonn 1011 'X-'K-44 Snail 1 t: T.W.STEPHENS if Improved Frictlonlm we ( i? EAT? 4444$64 -444 Ask VAN RIPER BROS. The Grocers phone mi I House Moving J All tmrl. allriulril In pli'iupll; anil rfi(t ufrly iiarjnll. EMPIRE Crcuni Scpjiraior , i ED JACOBSON itblllUlll I'llll. Notice THE BIG STORE . Every now and then some one -gets lost end comes into our store and asks where they arc at. After they get their bearings we show hem through our stock of Furniture and Kitchen Hardware and give them prices that seem to agree with them first-rate. They always promise to come back and see us some time. We don't try to cut any splurge just plug along, tell the truth, and be satisfied with what we can get. Don't forget the place. VIRGIL & SON Cor. 4th ane Klamath. Phone 736 tiii: IHI.V TOX (!UOCi:ilV, A llttlo ttoro with the beat In Hip ernevry lino clean, new, freah, and prices rcaionablo. Ono trial will cnnrlnco )ou that It li tho tdaro to trade T-IOtf rtiKru).. in N'OTIf'i: Of KhTTI.KMIIVT n.VAIi.lCCOL'.N'T or D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falla. Cl'-n-i, '.,.'.',',,$,, I'llono lli-alilrnro 33. Otncu u Dr. J. E.Taylor, I PlltSlll.tN .(Ml hllKiCOV, 1l"1U Pn.l.illln- llullilni;. l.lclil V.u a, r-MllJ draw ,M.ulilr ItilUt'h- FiALDWIN HAKDWARI1 COMPANY (all nml liiii'.lluile v- NOTICi: la hiTthy given that Alex Martin Jr., ndinlnlatrntor of tho ea tato of Kodnoy B. Ilowtn, dcrcaai-d, Ima llleil with tho County Court nl Klamnth County, OrcKon, for aettlo ment hla final account In tho mliiitn I m ration of tho auld catnto; and that .Monday, AiiRtiat 30th. nt Z'OO i. m at tho (ourtlioimo In an Id (ounty ami Htnto la tho time, and lucu fixed for tho hear Ink of nny nnd all nhjtrllona to anld final account and tho aettli ment thereof, and nny ihtihm Inter (Sled tuny niipear nnd file exrcjitlnna to said account and uinteat to Hiime. AI.KX MAIITIN JU., Admlnlatrntor of tho Katato of Hod- noy H. Ilowon, Deexnaed. 8-2 8-2 S XOTICK FOII ITIIUCATIOX I Not t.'oal IjiihI, Deiiartmcnt of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Olllro at I.nkovlow, OreKon, AiiKutt 10, 1909, N'OTIC'IJ la hnrehy Riven Hint Ji.lm II. Collinrn of Oleno, OrcKun, who, on Dccifinlior G. 1907. liiudo lloitn.i.ii.ii,i Atiiillcallon 3910. Horlnl mr.n'i r,,ri Hi; V, of SW'Vt. KJ4 of BWM, SWA of HR14, Section II, Townahlp 391 Bouth, llnnwo 10 Kaat, Wlllametto! llllirlltlnil lllia flln.l m.ll.... .. 1 . . .. I "- " ..... iwkii.u ui IIUUI1- tlon to maku Klnnl Commiitntloii Proof, to oatalillah claim in n,,. i...i nhovo ileacrlhcd, heforo C. II. MuLap, County Clerk, at Klamath Falls. Orc- Kon, on tho 20th rtny of October. 1909. Claimant nnmen aa witnoaacH: John Blado of Olono, Oregon. Herbert Tipton of Oleno, Oregon, l.co Wrlghtmeyer of Oleno, Ore. eon. A. T. Wllaon of Olono, Oregon. AltTHUn W. ORTON, 8-19 0-30 Itcglrtur. Heinz' Pure Foods to Please the Best Free Delivery Anywhere in Klamath Falls Did You Visit It? Last week we invited the peo ple of Klamath Falls to visit our Ptore and see for themselves Its cleanliness, the efficient staff of clerks and the completeness of the stock. IF NOT, COME THIS WEEK For It Is really to your pdvantafle to know what so many know alreodvthatjr pnY tn trade at the " " MONARCH MERCANTILE COMPANY PHONE 1051 WEKEEP WHAT PEOPLE NFFD rn bat Fruits to Preserve and Jars to Hold Them Our Clerks Aim to riease -a " ., ,- J -4 tiff