"(V s-ZTMmmt-Tir jwm ,. vM 'gwanrMsaresgaana TmxsrpTnrr: tf- scskrrasajyMfUTC "iwi'i i.u w i rwi ,. j n .' jhJI SUMM flsr.ril , CLEARANCE SALE 1 BOSTON STORE- I -" - Although the Sale Brought a Great Many People to Our Store and Lots of Goods Were Moved at Prices Which Tempted the Most Conservative Buyer, We Still Have an Abundant of Excellent Values Which Should Appeal to All: MKN'SHIGIITOPSIIOKS lll.iclt .111(1 'I '.u I Nt-piLir $HUI atiito f..i Ivt'Ktilnr 6 50 nlurv (ir KcKtiliii $5 IX) v.iluo (.r MliN'S IIKAVY WORKING SHOICS $5.00 i.ilur for $4 (X) value fur SJ.50 value for $.MX) value fur MEN'S DRESS SHOES S51X) .Uw for $-1 50 allien for S-MX) value f"r Till-: KNOX SHOE FOR MEN Regular value. ?o(X); fur WOMEN'S SHOES $-150 ami $5.00 x.ilttrt f..r $100 allies fnr $. 50 value for $.'50 ami $.UX x.tltie for WOMEN'S OXFORDS In lilnclt, Tnu, Oxblootl ami Chocolate Regular $1 mi .iliir- f..i Regular $. 5') .i!m f..r SG.15 $4.05 $3,50 $3.50 $2.18 $2.29 $!.18 S50 S3 50 $2.48 $-1.95 $3.50 S2.18 $2.25 $1.48 $2.29 $1.98 RiKiilar S.1 ixj values for ReKular J 50 . lines for CHILDREN'S OXFORDS Regular ?' ) for . . . Regular $'()') for Regular $1 -'5 for SANDALS Regular $1 00 values for Regular $1 50 values for . BOYS' SHOES Regular $3 50 for . . . Regular $.100 for Regular $' 50 for . Regular ?J00 for MEN'S VORKING SHIRTS Regular 50c ami rt)c values for Regular $1 (X) values for BOYS' OVERALLS Just received, sixes from 3 to 10. MEN'S STRAW HATS Half Price WASH GOODS Half Price DRESS PERCALES T.vvelve Yards for $1.00 $1.-18 $1.29 $1.48 $1.29 .. 98c 18c .98c .$2.48 .$1.98 -S1.48 .$1.29 .39c 48c SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Wc have just received a line of WOMEN'S FALL SUITS in many beautiful styles and colors. Only a limited quantity, so those who are interested in a Fall Suit &hould see these at once.. ALL PRICED LESS THAN REGULAR VALUES. MEN'S CLOTHING At less than cost of production. Sale prices $3.95, $6.95, $8.95 and $11.95 Men's Summery Light Underwear, 37Jc; just one half regular price CHILDREN'S INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS Three in lox , 25c BOYS' CLOTHING Half Price $2.25 up to $8.00 MEN'S S1LK-FINISHED SHIRTS Regular ?S0 to $3.00 for . $1.48 WOMEN'S SUPERIOR BLACK LISLE GLOVES Regular 50c value for 35c WOMENS PARASOLS Half Price WOMEN'S SIIIRrWAISTS At Immense Reductions N'vv priced frim $1.29 up to S6.95 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:---Just received a line of women's fall suits in many beautiful styles and colors only a limited quantity so those who are interested in a fall suit should see these at once. All priced less than regular values. Choice Garden Lands FOR RENT A few plots of choice land for tfurden; Potatoes, Cabbage, Celery or other truck, under .Irrigation and convenient FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE Fifth Slreet nenr Main Has some Lot Bargains for you Wood Four Foot Dry Slab Wood $3.50 a Cord HUTCHINS & FAUGHT BICYCLES For an up-to-date' wheel not a Rambler, on sale at The Gun Store Touts and Guns for sale or for rent Wo carry a full lino of SioYtiii Goods THE GUN STORE J. U. CIIAMUEKS rttonc 303 opposite Air. Hotel A Hold-Up? t Well, I Guess Not ! Of course, we make a profit on our goods We are in business for that purpose but the steady stream of customers coming to our new store in the Mang Block, Sixth St, enables us to turn our money so fast that a very reasonable profit is all we want. Furniture can be sold on close margin, as well as other, goods, and that's the way we sell it. When you want anything in the Furniture line come to us, and see what fair treatment we give you. Good Furniture at Fair Prices W. GILLETTE & CO., J THE SAFFRON PLANT. It li Among th Vary Olddt of tht VcgiMbl Product.. Tin- parlluiliir nni'Irn of irn'U tint In fnuii lime luiim-iiMii'il Ik-vii tiiltl. tuliil fur It ilrlitl MUiiu. u prodint Uu.nn timlir the mime of iKIr.in. I i'i-ikim mini HliMi N wild from Hill; tu Kiir.lMiui Suffroii m.i) I"' rn Lmiitl iiiiii'in: tin nrj ulilt-rt of vg liililf prodiiit. Mm; nlluiliil to In tin Hour of Solomon miKiiu ollii'r iu' uf IjImiiiuii 'I In in me i n'in t I'lnldian or (ini'L mul ii lint linl hy Tliiiiiirimtii of ISrcKii nlwnit MO II C. iiml lli.it It na n '!! 4;miii nml .iilinlntl tluurr In Unite 0011 uftiTuaril I hIiomii by S.ln lr. lll lllflltllllll till- "triK'IM lf (TIlllllMI I mm" In lil "fiillpm t Column." Tin- word MilTroii mcum In W n iir niiluii of I In- Arable mime nl xiili.ifn inn." mul lln priKlmi lllf nut Urt linporliil Inln Kuk'l.iinl iim ii i"il r (oiiilliiu nt. Mm: "l ii" il m ii nilnr or il.M- for flll.K mul other fiilirli'H of tlio r.iHirrn l.iinin. At ii IiiIit iliti'. pxnrlly nlifii N not l.iiimn, tin- liliuit Itsi'lf .n iiiltUntnl In KiiuIiiihI. uiori i'npo lull) In :hix. In lili'li, county tl niimo of SifTron Wiililcn ri'iiiilii4 In t'lilenr of llio fact Airiln. i liiixe In Lmiilon Hif fion lilll. which formerly un n xlt liirlnilitl In the lilxhop of Kly'n cnnlrn r.l lIollHirn. iwir rmnotis for Iih r:t fron IhiIk iih well ii" for II KtmutiiT 1 1 i-M Toihiy. houi'MT. unffroii l but llllle usetl.-l.oinlon Chroiilile. SUGAR AND CANDY. QntUfy tht Crcvlngt of th Chlldr.n Fcr 8w.tt. i!lilMii.ii mm en! Ion much micur. ii ml they nmy iil tny ton Ioiib lu their Ultima), or in tin" ciwk niien they ko In Hnlmnihi);. or pt tiiiimil or li henil.Khe from plil.vlm: Iimi Iiiiik III I he huh. or hilled l t.ln.vln ton Iiiiik In the open air. hut U that nny koiiiiiI leiison hy they hltouhl l'ileprlel of Kueels. miulluhl ImiIik nml fresh air ii r ilN-omai;cil from lutliilKliiK In Iheiiit All Hint h needed, snys Or. Womln lluti hliiMiii In Siinesx MiikMilne. li ti little rominon hi-iisi legulatlon mul Ju illelnili KiiiierxMon, not pnihlhltlmi or Jenuiuliitlon. Mo-t of the extrunnll nary irmliiB for pure mimr nml inn ilv. nhleh In miiimhmpiI to lo.nl the ii e rate i hlM t lnelliihly "foiimler lillllMlr II nil to III" nwii Bneei iii tinil ii Imv nf itinili. Im ilue tn a Htute of artiml.il nml iihnoiuinl Kiicnr ntnr Mitloii. luixluieil hy un luxulllelent iiiiiiiunt of this luvaliuilile foiKl In IU retiulnr diet, Chllilien nlm nre isUmi plenty of miliar mi Ihelr muh, hreinl nml hut tir nml piiililhiKH. n regular alUiwanee of inl.e mil plenty of Ktteet fiult lire utmost free tuun IhH imw for rniiily, tliU emleiie tu PW IheiiKPhen to h.ii felt, nml nut tiKimlly l' trimtril with Imtli the eaiiily x mid the miliar 1 huw I CENTRAL CAFE Open Day id Nigrtl Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. W WW WWW WWWW WW ww IFOR SALE Z WKLL 1MIMIOVED KAItM of tiUO acrv, 10 mile Southuott of Klamath Falls. Will sell at a whole or In part. Term. i part down, the balance In de t forrcd payment. J Apply to t R. A. EMMITT at the l'ot tftlv. "JC8T WE WHAT - i NKVER 7 UK Ik-ttor Kqulpicl Tluin Ecr l'8E A DOt.TOK i SUBOTI. OKt iKUV TUTS I UNDERWOOD I I PHARMACY CltlS.SI.KK & HT1LT8 IILDQ. I'ltK- OUR 8C JITIOXH -. STOCK CCC ,ut Rj.,,1 , CutonitT 18 NKW UTKLV ANI KILLED FRESH iiBHiiBnaBHHnaHBHavjavaHBiHHiHHBiiiHBiHBBasaHBHavflsiiiflaM The Herald for News Good Red Cedar Shingles $2 00 1A 4VV 3E Thousand Building Materials of all Kinds and Prices Our Prices, are the Lowest, Quality Considered We can Furnish Everything Tou Need in a Building ard the Best to Be Found in the Market The Big Basin Lumber Co. C. . Evans, Manager, Weed, Gal. S. P. White", Gen'l Agent V 1 ti i i l S 'S ..ti s 'yl ijt, '( '' j m NV ft I. r - -. mt. fa , s - "-..J',.: . x.?.Z- --M