The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 21, 1909, Image 1

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    " t ' ft-
Klrtinnth Knlln' I'lrat
.mil UcHt Dnlly.
Our AdvcrtiMra Ott
Th Beat Rcaultt.
p tw it
"S? ,
Tiimi) Ykah. No, tUO
iitiii.m.t.iiI. m mriii i m:i:kh i:iih:mt
11,000 COS IK AC IS SOU)
K. T. IMillrlil nf OkUlt a Wttnl. In
knu If All Orrg.m Wiley liml
I iiiiuny ftalil ! Triii.
i: T llrliflilil, mi rt-iirwaprpr-lain
of llulhrln, Okla , who fur Ihr
iit Irti Jrma haa broil ronni-rlnl
,llh Ihr Oklahoma OddMlnw mil
, tr (llcnm I la sic U In llm i!l) in
mute In (.aknvlnw, (Irn, whrru In
till look Ihr country uvrr In li, In
IrinU nf liuriilx-r nf r.n.llait l.i.M
tn In hla i--ll(n who liulil nipimiit
from llti Oirjnti Vatlry tninl rum
fin' fur land In l.akr ruutilv Ir
i-rklns nf niiint)-, Mr llehu.'.t
"Till art Hun offrts far errat.r In
ifinrnlt In riilrri, frum what I
Uip irrn nf II, limn Oklahoma rv.i
kij In nfXt-r Tim ritmtlvn mm nf
)ior munly i a 4iwr In llarlf. mid
Ike p.iblllllra mi, Krrnt III llil r
lion nwlng In jfuiir uil rt-.uir.-a
At In Klamath Falls, I am grrH
Ukra with HiU plcr, ami linvn in
ooott but that Iii-ip a rr( fu
Ui In ilor for Ilili tlly, at u l.
II Ihr nrrraaary allrlbut.-a, audi
Irr .cr, tlmbr-r, tncalli.ii ami n
rlcallnral rriurim In ii ililnr
(kit tit) It lucking, Ihuuitli, mil thai
lichleprldr, whirl, iluuliilrta
Ike adunt of Ihn tallrnait will mini
lime all rl-jlu. Vuur main ilnr
ikouM hn .arri ami Ihr anU kep
In condition, ., will 1. prr.onltiU
In Ihr nrl number uf lumUta iln
III tltlt Dili rlly rarli yrar ftmii niu
n Thr fltil mm Rill u
fl'r l grnrrally n laatlnK mr, ami
llti a llliln work ami ram thl rll
"""'I " inailn very altrailltr
Oil" Ihllit- li.i,, , ,,r
ttioilKfi. mi llml U . ,r
rrnluii. I. II , i,,,,,)!,,,, B,
"r nf ltlniMt.ll, I'nli. r Uliiimiil,
Ml Ilil.nWd l.u.l . .IuiIi.iiImii
In-lng Hi. lail n.uii win. Kiu aduitlt. I
in l In- m ll.i. lummy ,, ohli
In. Inn
III iil.lrr In Kl , m r 7iu l"7Tf TITTn
r,,,, ' I'l C nf llinr III Khlrh In
l" mi l.o Hit win ii wn nil.. am,) ptlc-a
nf Jala nf money. , award ,
l""'l ! niilll HtilunLr, Aiikuii
JMI1 II" lu.'Iiil.. r, nl III ., dork , n,
tl.f. !!. mi ha ml
mi: I'oitri.AMi hioiii:.
Nrll In Ihr iKiitiiitlri'
"i) I .ilir.iiiiln mill OiiKi.n u
iiiml Ijiu In Mini lini ,,.
lu.l l.tti I jut I Ion.
KN I'llWIKri), Aiikuii III
Ml. r i.l..rlnK , ,. ritllfin i.f tin, I CM 1 1 II .tl'HtOI'ltl.Vno.V KOIl
nrw .Iln. I prlmiirr ln In Him Krnit- .,.u ,,...,..
Ian. l.. ii it,., fur miinlr. nllli.a m-rc iiuiiilniiti i thla wirk. -
:::i:'::r:::tl:,z cosdhions mlst or met
ll f thai rnlir.imla wiml.l llml tnuai.
Hi niuk.. .....n.l iiimmlminla of tlm,ii ,.lnM. Il.irt of Com.
HCMIMls IIIM ill' tiim;
I! It llraim a ami family nn.l (ln
ial (In, ami villi' i.liinir.l
rum fixlal rrik lait IiIkIiI, wlirin
ln-r ham Imwii on an oiiilni: (. n
ral llliriiliaf la mi) iiiui Ii III.
frl.J Willi thr I.CIIM n Ihr Tporr
akr mi. I tialr-a that II irmlmlt Mm
rr in ... h nf Ihr fainuua Ukr Tnhor
n ('atlf.iuila
Mlllll: I'll Ml MM,
A .rof.-i..r nl a w, known ''iii:l
rrllni; mllrcr U)a Hat hill for or
atlnnal Iniioialluna In the ap.llrn
Inn of Irnmlnc. aiiih aa thr follow
ill!. h woiil.l fin. I II haul In Jinlm-In-
rllt.1t of hla lltrfulnraa
llila iinrillon a nik.-.l uxin nn
lamliiallon uir ' What ncm
. nul.l ).iii laki In ilclrrinlnlnK Ihr
rlKht of a liull.llne mint; an anrrolJ
an. in. lit '
Tlir nnawrr wat 'I would towir
In- liarnniittr l a ulrlni; ami
ilr Ihr llllll! "
Tl. Mrllmkr) Inn. r-lao.1 mat
r.i la laklnic Ihr Irn.l of all othi ra
n nialrilal n. .foiinlrui-lliin. Ihry
trn nral, hamlMinir. ami itiirahtr aa
rll You ran awaa Krl Iln in lit thr
tit Hlorr. Vlmll A H-.n.
Aw. you kl.l' I l.u a watrli for
I 0 whal'a a rua-Tln run
At .Mrllattan'a
I niu mil Willi, ly fnnilllar will,
ihr .Hi. .1 i.riniar) ln of Cnllfornlii,
iml.r whlih ihr miiiilniillotia of Kan
l-m-nliio' inmll.ljlrt wiro inn.I.i
riira,n, hut fiom what nlim-rvntlnna
I hair Ink. n of thr o. tntlon of (he
law. In-lk-,,. Callfnrnln Ii Klat.1
'urr will ir i, mii-aalt) of .liani;
nu I'orlli.iia of It In hiiih- ri-ai. da.
I'mlrr Ihr Callforiilit law. aa I tinilcr
lan.l II, thin, la mi ihick In lirutrnl
nlira fiom t. Klil.Tlint In ii pnriy fr
in. n.iMi.- of nomlniiilni; n wink
a'l.ll.lal, in unr fart) mi tl nppin.
ns I'tirly ramllilnlr will hntr no Iron
ilr In liratlnc Mm In Ihr ilcrtlon.
Uy rinrrlrntr. thr rlllirn of Cn.
foinln will Ihr m-irat) of thr
inirb.linnit In atop thla Thu Orr.
on illrrrt irlmnr law ahiiulil ho thraamr may.
Nrllhrr Ian na It nt i.rm
nl lea n ihrrk In irrrnl thla mou
rn Ihr iait of luilltltlaiia. I ln,lo.,
hrrr almiilil hi., otlirr ihrrk
dan alm-il) liatltiR Milrra make nn
.m.lntlt thai It la Intuition to aurh im.l audi n part) nl the
lit Hun follow Iiik it-cltttatlon."
Ciiurnor ll.-naon la n nathp of
I'alKiirnl.-i nml hr haa hv.-n In ('alitor
itlit for thri.r wrka WalllnR hla roln
llia uml frlomla nt S.ui Joir, which la
Ma ul.l li.nir llu la nnnnip.inli.1 Ii)
hli wlf
1h i;otrnor Inlimla to n-mnln In
(an rrniiiUro fur avd'tnl .In) a In-fori
rlnniliif to Uri'
iiilllir Inilnikiil Ii) (lie Itlri rlora,
1-niJiH t Will IJrt tin Mom-?.
KupirtlaliiK KnRlnrcr II. . Hop
on li In thu rliy for thu purposo of
aarrrlnlnlnK what thu wntir merit or
thr Klamath project nrr Koine to tin
thai A I. Duvla, thlif inclnccrof tlio attain, her. I.lttlo Wnnila la more
rrrltimntlon nervier, will alt thla wlnaomo nml charmlnR than orcr,
,.mjc-(l ut nhout thu Hitim tltur. .tlrcitaoil In licr nlchtlo, a candlo In her
"Willi nfrrtneo to tlio vatahllali hand, itho alnca "When IJreama Como
iiii'tit of it land olDcti hrnncli at Klnm.'Truc" Hho Is, lc)ond all nucatlnn.
nth I'nlla, I think aoincthlni; of the itho feature nf their net, tlio moit
kind would ho ixidlent. It la noc- . underfill chlld-nctreaa ercr icen In
eaanry, with thu grcnt amount of tiiia
Incaa In roiuitcUon with tho Klamath
projitl lo h trnniuttteil through tlio
land olllto, nml needle contlilcruhle
npunao la Incurred hy tlio aettlera In
during to trnnauct tho ordinary rou-
llno of hiialncra with an distant nn of
n - If u hrnncli nf tho lacd oftUo
could ho fatnhllahdl nl Klamath Kall
or If mmo i-iivrrnmont nfflclnl nt
Klamath I'nlla rould hn rmpowercl to
trnnauct tho land huslneaa here, thcro
la nn qucallun na to tho aatlng of
limn nnd money that would ho cf-
Xocti-il. TM inultcr la. of course
purely within the Jurisdiction of thr
lam ofTIte, hul I liellcte tho qucatlor
jliinit dimpl)lnR with iho conditions ' r'l"! '"" Prrsciitatlon to tho Sec
laid duwn hy tho Koirrimient tiiimo rtlarjr . ,l, lnlftior tnr hla consld
time dkii lie hrlnga ll n atlfnctory ' .
m. tint tin, Klamath project ha. ,.,.,, Am,.lxoIXO lm.u.vnKI
u.l nuariUd lo It a suhttantlnl iiimi visit
w ninitructlon work. Thla appro! .
rUllnii, however, Ii only tenlntltr, . im to K-nlllc on l!.iiui-t of Srr
lla prriiiam-nry depcndlnK urnn what irlnrj for Confiniiir iti-RnnlluK
To our 3St rlilrktn din
nrr nl ihr Atui-rlrnn holt I .IIiiIiir
mom ,i' mannKi-mrui
aaicraiiiiii would like In luakti la UilliK rlritn and ilplo-.lntr
Ike l.nktlntl Of tour rna.ta with n ,.M .... I...I...I..,!..- X lllt..
Mi all
t"p iradr of Callfurnla rrudr oil rhif of Murmur-'
" alia) Ihn dual, which wiiut.l Iln-
l'ioo lirond drarrlptlnn thtlr pri-i A H II (TIMJ CAI'I r.l,
mt ilnaty lomlliln-i."
In apiakliiK nf Iho OirRiui Vnllrv Mr nnd Mra II. C Onklr) left thla
l-H'l roiupany'n ronlriirta In Id h 'mnrulni: for Ihelr linmr In l.oa ,n
-wplr t, ,, .C,m llt atalrd iK,-r Thr) linvt hii'ii hirr lor tln
hrrn nrr nlmiit 11,0(1 1200-ri.n i pntl few wnka lalllng frKmU mid
"aria of tho Orrnoii Valley l-tint i..nth. a Mr. Oak Ivy lo'iil of
rompany held hy people In Oklahuma, iho m.t'rlnl linrnttni nt rompnii)
Kan.ui nml Nrhrnakn, nnd II la my a vl-tlt hrrn lnul the tffctt nf In
loli'iitlnii to prociKd to l.nkr riiuiily inaalnt; hla liilert-st In lln Kl ninth
K'l liH.k Hint a.-rlloii iiit Thla mm rouiitr), nnd hn hinted hefurn Inix-
rny una lundr ai.nin very kIukIhk In Iiik Hint It would not hn unlikely Hint
dutiiiienla to iroap-rlltn arlllrrn ,4 tompniiy would luukii aomti Huh
fork mat, nml It la my Inlintlon tniainiitlnl Invratmenla In thla rounly.
fl ni)aelf just what tl mil-
llwna nrr over thrrn nnd mnkn n rr' llnrn la plenty of mii.ullii nrl
I"! nn tho an mo In Intrroaleil p.-trtli a. ting nl Ihr K K K Hlnre.
HhlrlwiiUla, .l.ilnl) laiu mid rm
.rold.r) Irlmmed, for S ruila nt
tlllta' dry Koods aloro this week.
rtlon at nil ho taken hy tho lindown
ra under Iho projert.
If tho water uteri adopt tho report
indorsed hy lie directors of tho us
otlntliin. Hero will bo nothing In tho
a) of aecurliig ever) dollar appro
rlate.1 for thla project.
Mr. Ilopion It full of enthusiasm
or tho pushing of work here. Ho la
Irons of seeing the Klamath prnj
Vlall In Crater l-ikr
Bouthcrn Oregon.
Thu new motion picture to-night
will Include an exceedingly funny
film, "Thcro Ii No Kool Mko an Old
Kool." Thla, of course, la self-cvl-
dent, hut the film inoro than proves
It na Jim will ngrco when you sco tho
comical actions of tho susceptible old
iiarrled mnn shown therein; how ho
follows. In search of adventure, his
wife, whom ho does not recognlto In
cr new dress. Como and laugb, for
ho prngrnmmo throughout Is except
ional, and don't forgot to bring your
ah) 'a photo with you.
AT Tilt. HUH
m:iii'i: at tiii: cmitciius.
! Gome to Ui for Tour
Fall Suit and Overcoat
We will make
them to your
exact measure
and up
Stylish, per
fect fitting
clothing made
by America's
foremost tailors.
K. K. K. Store
f iK--t------B .
.------------flllflsifUr "s-----l------------k
vjt k v 5
lBr lf'
Klamath Falls
KrrtUrs will ho nt 1.1 In Iho suvcrnl
'hurt hi a of Klamath KalU Sunday n
ILiplM t liurtli
10 00 Huiiilay school. Clnss, nil
II.UO-.Miiriilng serWce. Subject
How I ('.line to lie it ll.ipllit nnd
Wh) I llavu Ittmnlned it lliptlat."
I'lilou strvlte In tho Pri'slilerlaii
Voiiiik propla'a lucetlng nt
n'cliick. Ihn )oung pttiplo of the
Mt'thodUt rhiirrli will hnto rhnrgu nf
the m rtlte.
I'nnthltiK In llm I'rcali)terlnn
i linn hi.) Iter I'rltoof the Melhudlst
M. .M. III.KDSOi:, pastor.
ClirMlim Clinrtli
'Ihn Christian or IIUclpIo churrl
v ill ho'd their regul ir erlrt'H In tu.
Mi tlioillxt thurili on l.iiril'a Day nf
lermiou nt 3 o'clock. A cordial iml
tntlon la etlemled tn all who wish tt
attend this service.
OiiMhui Slimier tlturtli
Chrlsll.ui Sclmico services will bt
held lu the Murdiitli building, Sim
iln) ut 11 a. in. Subject of ledum.
t 'lint ill nf Km ml Heart
Miisii dally at 7:30; Sundas at
10-30 n. m.
firm i' MellimlM Klt nuil Clittrcli
10:00 -Sunday school. Classen for
nil ages, riirentii nml children cor
dially Invited.
1 1:00 Morning worship, Willi sor
mou! sunjeci, "A i.o8ou in iirnvoniy
VnliH'H." Solu by Miss Kluru Muston,
Mlsa Mno Curnnw ncroinimnUt.
Thu evening services, Includlut-
Ihoso of tho l.engue, will bo held In
Iho l'reali)teiian church,
J. V. lMIICi:, Tastor.
rrt'Kli)li'rlitii CTiurtli
Union meeting of nil Iho diuretic
will bo held In tho church In tho even
ing, llov, Mr. l'llco of tho Mothodlsl
cluirelt will piencli tlio sermon
Ills subject will bo "Character."
If ou wrint to get up nnd can't
I'vo got n clock Hint will mnko )ou
go Bomo to stay In bed rotnrv
uluriua. At Mcllr.Unn'u.
Will 0. Steel ravied through Med
ford Wednesday evening en route to
Senttlo from Crnter lake, being called
there by n tammunlcatlun from Sec
relnry Ilulllnger requesting a con
ferenro to nrrnngo for tho cabinet
official's visit to Medford, Crater lako
nnd Klamath Falls. Mr. Steel will
olio attend a reunion of tho Steel
! forge ahead as It Ins never gonol family tn ho held August Sid nt tho
rtnd before, and If ho iccrlrej the l.xpoaltlnn graundt.
uinurngrment mat ho has the right' Aildltlonal accommodations In the
o expect, thcro will be such progress lino of tents and bedding have been
i, uilu hero thai It will not bo long recclrod at both Steel's camp and
mill the prnjtcl Is completed. j Froipcct, nnd there Is no difficulty In
Mr. Ilopson was seen by a reprc securing ample accommodations,
.illative of this paper nt the offices At thr meeting of tho Commercial
if the reclamation cervlro and In the dub 1 eld Wednesday evening the
ourso of his remarks said: president was Instructed. to npiolnt
"In n gci.crnl wny, I tan say we commlttoes on reception and cntcr-
vnvo n very substantial, allottment, tal'imtnt of tho Ilnlllnger party at
-vhlcli Is purely n tentative nllott Medford. Medford Tribune.
nent. It Is fixed on n purely tentn
Ivn basis, with tho provision that tho I'lne embroideries reduced to IS
arlous requirements which wero re and S 13 cents at Stilts.'
entl) demanded shall bo tompllcd
llh. If those demnnda are nut rum Ol'KltA llot'SK
lied with thu nllottmcnts will bo
tlllze.l nt soma other place. Otlitr I-nt night the Ilnxolls wero excep
rnjefts have been cut down tn prac- tlonally lino In their comedy skit,
Irnlly n maintenance nml nperntlnn "Annnbelle's Sketch." This amusing
als. mixing whit Ii la tho great Yuma act they will repent to-night. Miss
Tiijcct In Cnllfornlii, tu I think tl.o Daisy Husell Inking the part of the
.lamath project Is very fortunntu In Jnung actress rehearsing her part
dug able tu secure a touslderablo and Mr. Arthur (hat of tho Irishman
.bare uf tho funds. Tho purposo of vvho steps up out of tho audience tn
iy visit horn Is lo make Inquiry as to
vhat has becn-douo by tho Water
'sera' ntsotlittlon In signing up tho Inuils and the b) uf tho as
nclntlon. Thcro nro a number of
nailer which I have tu attend to In
his ii III co tho next day ur two, and
tfter I nm expecting to visit
' lake, Ttilo lako nnd Merrill.
"Mr, Scofleld, In rhnrgo nf Iho bu
fun uf plant Industry fur tlio Agrl
iiltinnl Department, has been exam
nlug the ninrfh lauds nt tho expert
ueiitul farm near Ad). Ho lias ox
.rlt'iiced consldernblo surprbio nt tlio
nrgo nmouiit uf suits found In tho
nan.!, lands, tho salts being mostly
arbonatos, or so-called "black al
nil." Tho exlstenco of theso salts
ro likely tu bu n very serious men
ire lu thu successful cultivation uf
ho mnisli lands, unless tlio most
itreful precautions nro observed ,n
ho reclamation work, Hy careless
'mulling, largo bodies uf theso lands J
mild bo readily ruined. It will bo X
leressary tu su arrange tho works
hat n continuous deflnllo passage of
v ater shall bo provided. Tho Agrl
-ultiirnl Department U planning to a
'imsldcrnblu extent facts nnd oxperl
licnts tu determine tho cheapest and
iiost effective, way of handling this
ixtremely difficult problem,
"It wns reported n fow weeks ngo
hnt tho senate commltteo had aban
loned their proposed trip to tlio
vlaniatli project, but I Imvo heard
nthlng nfllrlally lu that effect, so nm
oping they w 111 bo nlilo to como nut
ero eomo time In September. I am
Isn hoping that tho Secretary of tho
ntorlor will bo nblo to visit this
inject about that time. I visited
lie, Umatilla project with him and
o then staled ll'iit nftcr attending
l.o Irrigation congrc3s nt Spokane ho
as planning to visit the Ynklma
ountr) In Washington nnd thereafter
toiild probably roturn lo Portland
mil visit Iho Klamath, Orland and
imiulo other Boutbern projects dur
ing Soptoiubor. It Is ,)osslblo also
tjtit trulit saw a full bouse at tho
Iris Heater and this popular tittle
playhouse Is now firmly established
I tho affections of tho plcttiro-lovlng
public Manager Gammon has found
It neceuary to enlarge Its seating ca
pacity b) adding a hundred more
el airs, which will bo put In as soon
as H.ey arrive. Tho Innovation of
producing pictures In a lighted room
las attracted many peoplo who can
i-arcely believe such a thing possible,
but when trey enter the place and
ico tho picture.) on the screen as per
ret as thojo shown In darkened
ooms tl cy becomo enthusiastic. Mr.
.amnion I ai worked long and earn
itly on his Invention, and Klamath
'alia patrors t-avo tho satlsftcllon of
n Ing tlcy havp witnessed tho first
rnctlcal use oTthls newest Idea In
'ho moving picture business. None
1 mild fall to visit the Iris and see
nr themselves.
Tho film, "Father Joques Among
tho Iroquois Indians," Is a religious
plrturo of high Inspirations and Is
handled masterfully and reverently
In Its execution. Tbe "Mardl Gras In
Havana" carries
Southland, and
music Is heard as the splendid floats
and bands move along tho streets.
To-night's bill will Include the
ro nbova films, together with a num
ber of others scarce less Interesting.
A Meeting Hliould lie IleM Iraatc-
ntely and a Plan Ikfclded oat By
Ihe naslneM Mem.
Tho merchants of the city must act
at onco It they are going to have a
celebration during Bargain Week
that will be commensurate with the
Importance of tho occasion. Two
questions must be decided by tho
mere! ants themselves: First, do you
..ant tho Chamber of Commerce to
lako cbargo of'tho cebbratlonj Sec
ond, do you want a county fair;
hcro do you want It held, and what
otter attractions' do you desire? The
Chamber of Commerce stands ready
to help tho merchants In this work,
but It Is not going lo do so It tie mer
chants do not desire It. It will en
tall a great deal of labor and extra
effort, but It win bo done If tbe mer
el ants slow sufficient Interest lo
their own business to gt together
and decide tho question.
It Is suggested that a meeting of
tto merchants bo held Monday even
ing and a deflnlto program decided
up. Tbe Chamber of Commerce
ihould be formally requested to take
charge of tbe celebration. The Fair
association should also be asked to
announce a date for the holding of
the fair, during Bargain Week If pos
sible. Tl Is Is the merchants' busi
ness, and If the Chamber of Com
merce takes charge It will be because
one away to tho of a desire to forward tho Interests of
almost tho band tho whole city while co-oner.tlnr
with the merchants.
Monday should be the last day to
pass without action being taken. It
will not tako the Chamber long to
make known Its position If the busi
ness men or the city make their re
quest for Its services.
For a cup of coffee that makes llfo
rorth living, come to tho Oregon
For Sa,e"Au9ust 0nty i
A Summer Resort
on Klamath Lake
That Is Unturpaucd In America
'Hits la n Hirlllu li.poi-IHiiii
fur linn of vti-Jltli ll la not
a f n nn.
I'lit-fliiallrd trout lulling June
In Xutrint-rr.
Herr hunting mi tlm promises
August I tn .Viitenibrr 1.
Duck kliootliiB suK'rlor to any
In llu Klitlt- over thousands
uf acres of ulltl celery and
rlrn September 1 to Febru
ary 1,
(,'n.ini- nnd pheasant shooting
on tlio place October 13 tu
.November 13.
Heat starting place In county
fur ii hear hunt.
Crater lake automobile rund
will run through the place z
r . .inn- itnu n iuiiru-r.
Navigable water In the prtK-r-ly,
uusuriwKaed drinking wa
ter mid Mier tu develop the
Mon bottom land nnd line gar
den bind Hum any place on
Hit lake.
Tlimiftumls nf pine and Ilr trees
and tlinusniida of quaking
Mum v urlel lei. nf wild Unworn
nnd natural graham and
volt lies Hutu any place In the
If )uu develop this pmMrty aa
It t nn be developed then I.
in rektirt in Hie rouiity that
tnu miniuiro with It.
Xo iiiiimii.l uf talking will .de
scribe Hi let u. show you..
Wo linte been offered more
than twin what II cost, but
bit vo a price at wblrli jnu
may take It) below- whlih,
we will keep It.
at office
Buena Vista Addition
Conger Avenue, nr
At Rlilvr Urns. X Co.' Rlnro.
Captain J. J. Italim has Just re
cited his new power launch "Mar-
arlta" from the Michigan Steel Boat
-ortipany. Thejaunch Is eighteen feet
'ong. four and a half feet beam, with
v six horse-power engine, canopy top,
vnd capatlo of carrying comfortably
'ourteen passengers. Her speed Is
Tho street car met with an acci
dent this morning that nearly sent It
lo the scrap heap, though It was Dot
sufficient to place It beyond repair.
One of tbe trucks broke down, tying
street car traffic tor all day. The old
machine Is getting weary of Its duties
and, overcome by Its anxletv to get
'nclve miles per hour. Besides the, nut cf buslnew. It has begur. serlea
'nunch, the captain has twelve row- (f bucking contests all Its own.
mats of different sixes which can be ' -
tecured at reasonable rates by apply- COMING FROM GERMANY
Ing at his now boathouse on the Up- -
ner lake. Tho Margarita will bo Alex Martin Sr. and his son, George
ised for the passenger business In tho Martin, nnd family of Berlin, Ger
Upper lako and ran be chartered at many, will arrive In the city to-night,
-ensonablo rates upon application to Mr. Martin Is an Oregon boy, having
Captain Itahm. boon born In Jackson county, and the
I fact that ho haa the patronage of roy-
Jars of money given away at the ally In that country speaks well for
Portland Store. ' his high ability as a dentist.
I It Is Tried and Tested !
We do not take the manafactaj-ers'
. word (or the parity of
Our Olive Oil
We test each and every lot that we
get by the most approved methods.
We are giving away ten-dollar
Electric Stand Lamp with OUve Oil
Sec our window for particulars.
Star Drug Store
"They Have It"
, n
' ' .1
.-.-; ta
,J. A-