The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 19, 1909, Image 2

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.Mivf3n''i '
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Issued Dally, Except Sunday, ly the
W. O. SMITH, Editor
Dally, by mall, one year
Dalljr, by mill, tli months. . ,
Dally, by mall, three months
Dally, by mall, one month
Dally, delivered by carrier, one week
n A T K S:
MOON WAS UNDER A CLOUD. , T,h ,'' """ , ,,.
It Is related that I lie ht nlr Ml
An at h. Thl In th. loon had II origin III n petticoat.
I Eariltr Day. ..Mini' Mntitgoltlcr hiil washed her
Ksrly In the season uf IKW-7. P''''t. Intending Iii wear II to a
I said J. M. Ilarron, the xelentti actor. ! K.n'"1 r ttail the next daj mid Ining
je wore In Petersburg. V11.. at M . U oter n chitting iloh to ilr.t I lie hot
i Phoenix hall. The business was such ' "lr '"l ''" " '" mi.l Honied
Hint nightly lung runs of title erven 1 "I1 l"1" "'" n,r 'n"' '"- '" n"
. tents could ! civil from the tage. Minieiil. enlleil her husband l sen
III Ihw sued old time the utllltr "'" '' '" """ '!"
(Concluded From Flint race.)
line, to which -vh 111 ho drawn range
atoek beforo final shipment, mid
many of the farm will continue to
put their product into lltcstock
Dry farming otfera the greatest
possibilities of all avenue of dcvcl
Vpment. It Is this that Mr. Stevens
cmphaslres. Soil Is rich: there Is
aomo rainfall, ami Intelligent applica
tion of proven methods will brine
forth marvelous cereal crops from
Central Oregon lands. There lire
measureless acres, like those In Was
co and Sherman counties, alone the
line of the Columbia Southern and
Ureal Sunt hern, whore wheat erows
without any care and no dry farmlne
applications. These lands will be
made to Increase from 15 bushels tier
aero for spring and 30 bushel tier
aero fur fall sown until they reach
the high avcraeea of portion of
Eastern Washington.
Oregon will be amaied at her own United State Ijind Oltlce. Ijtketicw.
neglected districts. Italtways are otl Oregon. August 6, 190lf.
last assured, unless the exigencies of j XOTICK Is hereby given that town
tho great player forcon compromise,, ship plat surveyed under Cou'rtct
so that Oregon may now turn full ( No. 732. for Section 7, IS, 15 .'.0
energy upon development of the , and 31. Township 37 South, Itnngo 7
thereon, under the prntlslons of the
net of June 3, 1S7S, and acts amend
ulory, known ns the "Timber and
Stone l-a." at such Mtliio as might
he fixed by appraisement, ami that,
pursuant to such application, the la ml
and tlmm. r thereon have been ap
praised, June 11, 1909, the limber es
timated 515 board feet at $0.7.". per
M. and the land 1190.80; that said
applicant will offer final proof In suit
port of his application and sworn
statement on the 21st day of October,
1909, before It. M. Itlchnrdson,
United States Commissioner, at
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
Issues, by filing a corroborated affi
davit In this office, alleging facts
which would defeat tho entry.
S-IC. 10-1S Itcglstcr. .
j.uu lenple did not get more than J'.tm 11
,50 week. the lending people rcccltcd due
puis on tin next good house. We hail
11 the utility contingent 11 Ute named
Moon, mid n bright .Moon he was, but
lie so l.txy liU shadow would not
follow Mm. lie was often late. The
tnr was Charles Cotildool;. mid those
1I1I timers who can )rl sit up on mi
ten keel may rciuciulcr that O. O.
couhl do cuss iwetry In four colon
when riled, eien If It wore not In
his contract.
We were rehearsing 'The Willow
Copse." and .Moon's cue eniue. but no
Moon shoni' up The call boy started
with n shout. ".Mr .Moon!"
The prompter culled. "Mr Jlwnr
Tli tee 1'tes away up stage Joined In,
"Mr. Mihiii, tlil Is juti; stage Is wait
log." No Moon.
Cnuldock began to pace from tor
mentor doors to U -4 I!. No Moon
I Inully Couldock tattled out:
"Where Is that M0.111-lh.1t utility
Idiot? Always late nnil doesn't know
bis cues when he hears them."
No Moon yet. It appeared that Mis
tress Moon had presented the old mnu
with n fine daushlrr-a new Moon.
The fattier Moon went out In cele
brate with the Imjs mid later on mis
tihcelharruwei! home a full Moon.
New York Telegraph.
Idea nnil was not long In producing
the hot nil billooii
country opened, getting the farmer.
advertising to tho world the new
land of agricultural wonders, and
giving to the railway builder a profit
able tonnage for his lines.
xotick von rinucAiiti.v
Department of the Interior, IT. P.
Land Offlco at Lakcvlew, Oregon,
August 7, 1909.
NOTICE Is hereby glten that
James D. Huhphry. whoso postofllce
address Is Klamath Fall, Oregon,
did, on tho 23d day of April, 1901:.
fllo In thli office sworn statement cnl
application, No. 01 S3 7, to purchase
tho WH of SEW. Section 23. Town
ship 37 South, llange 9 East, Wil
lamette meridian, and the timber
East, Willamette meridian: Seit'ons
1 to 3C, Inclusive. Township :tr
South', Itango 2? East, Willamette
meridian; Sections 1 to 3C, Inclusive.
Township 31 South, ltatige 28 East
Willamette meridian, and supple
mental plat of segregation surrey of
Section i, S, 1C. 21, 28 and 32.
Township 31 South, llange 7 4 Ea(.
Willamette meridian, will be filet' In
till office on September ISth, 1909
On and after said date nil of old
lands will be subject to selections.
entry or filing on, If said lam's are
not otherwise reserved or appro
priated. AllTHUIt W. OUTON.
Helping the Town . . .
11 banking your money In a bank In your own commun
ity you Increase tle community's nmer to do business. If
aabaUntial farmer want to borrow money there U more to
loan them. If you lunk )orr money awny from home it I
loaned to other farmer, merclianta and manufacturer. Help
your home people. Money hidden at home hclpa no one.
1'l.tced In a lumk It la put to work In ways that help all.
First National Bank !
of Klamath Falls
la a Rood bank to put your money In safe and reliable.
A Savings Account . . .
" la a rainy day fund, a life Insurance policy, a hk benefit, a
funeral benefit, and an old age pension. There I no forfeiture
clause la the passbook, and It 1 under the owner' control at
M tinea. It will tide him over dekneu; It will care for lila
temHy when be mut go; It will see him through old age, and
' bury bin wbea be dice. It la a simple business proposition.
BrgHi early, aad keep It up, and, like nuinua In the desert, it
wkl aapply blM aa be Journey.
Htm If the time to oien an account with the
. f
First Trnst and Savings Bank
Rufalnstiln's Wsy as a Tcachir With
His Pupils.
"Once I a l.lxt rhipsesly
pretty ladly After a few moments
he said. The nay .ton planl this
piece would la nil rl.-ht for niiutle or
uiamnii.' Then, rlslug mid mining
toward me. he would Kl.r, '.Vow let us
tee how we pljy kiicIi tlilnjs' Then
I would U'gtn nil mer ngilu. but li.inl
ly had I pl.iyiil n few iniiiouros w lieu
lie would Interrupt and iy:
"'Did you mart! I thoiuht I hiiln't
heard right.'
"'Ves. master. I certainly illd.' I
would reply.
"'Oh.' he would say vaguely, 'I did
not notice.'
"'Ilutv dnyuu men 11 7 I would nk
"'I inenti this.' he would iin-oer:
'llefore jour Ilugeni touch the kejsyou
must Iiegln the plccw mentnlly-tliat
Is. ;oci must bate i.ettled In ;uitr 111I111I
the teiriM,, Hie uiauiier of touch nud.
almre all. the nttnik of. the tint notes
before jour actual playing begins.'
"On another oviasluu I nskisl him
for the Angering of a rather complex
"'I'lay it with jour nose.' he re
plied, 'but make It suiiiid well.'
"Once Ituhlusjelii mild;
"'Do you know why pt.inn pljylng
Is so illIk-uli llec-.iu.e It Is- prone to
Iw either iilTis-iisI or else uitllcted with
mannerisms. 1111U when these two pit
falls tire luckily atotjlisl then It Is
liable to In dry! The truth lies I
tweeii those three mischiefs.' " "llof.
Iiuuu's I'I.iiim I'lnjer."
Swttts Art Crtst Osby Savsrs.
The yuiiiig. uuillisl uiiiiimii uiilmal
bas 11 llklnir for sugar lust as It has
for suullght.- fur fresh nlr. Tor piny,
fpr iriddllug In the surf nnil plunging
In the stream or for fl when It Is
hungry uud lii-i when It Is tired
nud. subject, of course, to reasonable
llmltiitluiis. us whulesouie as any of
the others. This Is precisely what our
specialists In children's diseases mid"
broad minded family pliysleLms hatv
been urging for decades pant, nud It
would he nafe to say that, next to the
banishment of starch) food, gruels
mid eip from the uursery mid the
substitution of pure, sweet milk, few
things hate done more to Increase tho
vigor mid hnpplnc of modern rlill
drcn nnil to cut down our disgraceful
Infant mortality than the free mid In
tPlllgeut use In the uursery of sweet
fruits, presort es. sugar, tudy uud but-tcrm-nlch.-
Woods Hutchinson In uue-
cess Magazine.
Unrfquittd Lovt.
I'lrst Otllie Itoy-.Me liss Is awful
cranky lately I wonder what makes
hint "11 bird on 11 fellow. Second t'f
the llo.t-IMt's easj. When it lu-tn's
h.ihl 011 11 fellow It's 11 sign he's soft
011 11 girl.- I.lppliuott's.
Not Hit Fault.
The P el 1'iels lire tiorn. I10I made
I'll.- li'il I I ito- I wmnri lilimln;
en Pili ti Tiaii'.eilpi
C-tti-'j Don to Fsets.
"I Inti' pm"
"I'te I11MI1I Ih.ll Is-fete"
"I tiiTslilp ton midly."
".i,e I. ill, "
"I rrmiot tit i without jour lute."
"tlct Home new MttirT "
"Will .ton m.iiry iiioi"
"Well. now. I hire's noine class IC
that "-liiillminiHilN News.
'i in: mix kln tmoniuv.
A little stole wl'h the best In lh
gtucer) line clean, new, fresh, mid
prices rcasouahlo. t)no trial will
ru n I tint joit that It l Hie place I"
Irade. '0,,
M'Ct I A I. .NOT II 1:
NOTIl'i: -From the lllli until the
2Jd the Kl.u11.1th .Messenger Serv
ice will he open fur business from
S n. lit. to 9 p. lit.
I'Olt S.U.i: Ileal IMate.
Il.W'i: 11 few lots to glte iimiij lu
Oppnrtunlt) uildltlnn on the Upper
lake to parties wishing to build
aoiiio. Iletter hurry and get one nf
iheso they are absolutely free. See
il.e owner, K. II. MurDiinnld.
i'OU SAl.i: A new biingnlow, with
S rooms and bath: lino location on
hillside nenr High School, lmulro ut
lleiuld olllif.
FOIt SAl.i: Ml r.ires, i'.O acres In
irup; 3 horse, wnron, set of hnr
uoss, 2 cows, 223 ihhkcns; C-room
jungalow, furiilslied, I miles fiom
town; $100 per ncrea; insy terms.
II. K. Pointer, lilainath Fulls.
Ntlllli: OF lllsstll.fUDN or
The public Is herein iiot!ted
the pnitiietslilp II 1 m of Morgan
WlikHlintii has been disunited. .Mr
Mm gait hating dlsposul of nil his In
leriMt therein In A W'lfcsirniii. who
tlllcoiilluiiutii operate the stcaiiiboat
l.'agle mid other partnership pior
tics fiirmcrl) owned nud operated hi
Morgan A. WUkstrnin
Ntlllti: Itlll'AIIOS.
U. S. Uud OHIro nl UKdilew,
Oregon, April 2H, 1909
NOTIl'K Is hereby glten ttiut J
HANIIII. JOHNS! ON, of Klamath
Fulls. Oregon, who, 1111 Nov 27, X
I90, tuailo Timber nnd SI11110 tlmiru j
Statement No. 0Si'.7, for NS . J
Scition 17. Tiiwtulilp 33 S. llange
;. 1:.. win
McrMlan, ba tiled ?
iiotlci) of Intention to make Pliul J
Proof, to establlHh claim to tho land
1I1010 described, before Count) Clerk
Itlam.ith I
la) of August. 1909,
Claimant names us witnesses
Frank M. Upp. of Klamath Falls,
Oregon; Henry Offenbarber, n Kla-
iiiath Falls. Oregon; Altlu J Swift.
of Klamath Falls. Oregon; John
Vtiscl, of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
Lester Klrkpatrlrk, of Klamath
falls. Oregon; John J Puttier, of
Piikcgaui.i, Oregon.
S'I5 llegtster.
County, nt his oRlrn at J
Falls, Oregon, on tho I9lh
Cold Storage
White Enamel
$21 to $24.50
Reliable galvan
ized Food
yir, imhii. M;
VfJfL tmmmm tM- talM ta fcfc to Vu)
lt ""w 4m mm mm ilT
iiivY hM yxs
Hj M IWU WffM Urt BWf 'jT
1 jL HBMxasiassiBsa Mlt W (snwHaHi VI
fe XOBER rs & ffl
m hanks m
Mil let: or Mrrtf.cMFsr
WANTKIl A lady to do plain sew
ing. Apply to -Mm. Iik. Klamath
:"alls 1 1 011 Works.
AOKNTS wanted In eter) town for
the Hteel Ailjusliihlo llmuelemi
llorso Collnis. No pads, hmnes,
.trap; inn ho ustd with uny kind of
ti.g attachment Will not gall horse
or wear out. Will not (orioilo or rust.
Price tG.OU 'nch. Ask our dealer.
Wrltn for literature. Address Nelson
Wilier Company, cxiluslte distrib
utor Puclllc Coast Klntm, Albany, Ore.
Till; Oregon Nursery Company of
Miinin, Oregon, tho largest and
best-known nursery iiiuipany In the
,-torinwert, -u npeulngH for two or
tlirco sliuiiy mid reliable rnlesmen
lor Houlhcrn Oregon and Northern
Cnlirornlu; territories. Full Informa
tion upon reipiest. Address Oregon
Nursery Co., Kulcm, Oregon.
WANTKD-(Ilrl for lolephono op
erutor; 0110 with experience In the
woik preferred. Apply at Klamath
Fulls olllio.
NOTK'i: Is liiletu Kit "ii that Al.x
Maitln Jr., mlmlnlstralnr of the -1
Into of limine) S ltu.i. dist-uneil. 1
has llletl with the County Cimtl nl t
Klauuilh CollhtJ. tliignn, tor settle-,
mint hU Html tmouut In the admin
titration of the said cstuti . and that
.Miiiulnt, August 3'lth. at 2 Oil 11 111 !
at tho lourthiiiiso In said count) and
tlialu Is the lime and plain lUed tor
1I11 hearing ut any and nil objections
111 tuni mini ncfount anil the settle
ment tlteriof. mill nut lier.nrl lnl..r.
ested ma npptar and ni etreptlons'
to said iircoutit and contest to same !
Administrator of tho Kitate of Ito.l-1
lie) H. lluwin, Dm used
k-2 S-2S
MIKItll'F'S SM.i:
I'Olt N.U.i: Mlstclhiiicoiis.
FOIt HAI.i: Cooking I in go, good as
new. lniiilro .Model hakery
Dst Csk With Cofft. Icing.
une-nnir cup of butter creamed,
one nnd om-thlrd cup of brown sugar,
added and lieut together, two eggs At ell
beaten, one-half tcuspoonful cinnamon,
om-b.ilf teiisNHinful nulineg. one and
one-half teiisfmaiifiils baking powder,
one-half cup sweet milk, one and Ibreo
riunrter cups sifted Hour. three-iiuir-ler
nip dates, Htones removed. Cut
up tine mid reserve a Utile of tho Hour
to Khnke oter them.
Iclng.-Two til blesBoou fills strona.
strained coffee ami the same quantify
11 iiiu wniie or an egg siirreil together.
Thicken with powdered sugar until
stiff enough to spread. Allow the cake
to cool liefore It Is Iccd.-flostou Post.
Origin ef th Word Acsdsmy.
Acudemiii was 11 wealthy (Jreelt of
Athens who llird scleral hundred
year before ,lhe blrlli of Christ.
Among his iMisHcHNlnn was a beautiful
grove, ttheie, young men used 10 eon.
gri'ffiile and listen in Hie teachings of
wise men, such a Plato mid Hoc-rates
This ilet eloped Into the school of mod
ern times, mid these modem schools
lake their tiuino "uendemy" from Hie
old Oreck, Acadenius. The real mean
ing of 1 he word academy Is a school
Whereas. Judgment was rcmlereu
and enleted on (list 2AII1 day of April.
1909, In an net tin In I'.. Jut
Court for O'e Priei-ct .f Inijti",
Klamath C-ninly, tlialu 01 urcgon,
Iwiom A. I,. .Miller, Jnstlro of the
Pe.. fi 1 . Id 1 ini-ii . .- .,.
W Ki-( , hilMUT, r-'l I F Miilll.
tun, ilelemlunl. In Invor of,
nnd ileftimlnni C1.1 Uu .n , 1
t;3t.iil,-l'.titl(illiira tlij) wiih Inter-iS
est thereon nt the rntn of Kit tC) jier v
v.umi iur 11 11 11 11 111 iriilll Hie i'l.tli i,-iy nf
April, 1909, and thu further sum of
inirieen mm Tweut)-tlvo One-linn-ilrndth
dollars (J13 25) ro.l and
disbursements; uud whereas a ttnii
rcrlpl of said Jmlgmcnt nnd priii ced
ing I'tiil before snld Justice of Iho
pe.uu lu S.l Id iiihn hns been ln In
tho olllio of thu County t'lerle of
Klamath County. Oreeon. nn.t u 1,1,1,
said Judgment was duly dnikcled In
tho Judgment dm kit of the Circuit
Court of tho Stain of flreeon r,.e 11,.,
County of Klamath, on tho nth day
f .May, 1909, nnd tho sum of Haven-1
j-,.,u ..,111.111, 111., wiiit interest
thiinon at Iho rulo of lx (f.) lir
cent per nniiiim from thu 2Clh day of
April. 1909, mid Thlrtien and Twen-
ij'inn uno-nuiiiirei II lis do nr
Choice Garden
A few plots of choice land for ttarden; Potatoes,
Cabbarfc, Celery or other truck, under
irrigation und convenient
CAPT. 0. C. API'LEGATK Flflh Street near Min
nas same Lot Uarrtalns for you,.e . .s44.s4s)tst
FOIt BALK -At a baignlu; a No. fi
Oliver typewriter, with l.'-lnili
'ilt-rlur In fi rul -.fti uti im.tllli.Mi .
-" .-i-iMn sj(ittlWII. U .,...,. . .. """
1110 mmhlno for 175. Call nt O. K. ",,-" ,":. "'.I ""'!?""":" "'.
1 i.u . i..T. 1 iiii-iniiij nun
.,' ... '.' " xicuiiiiii issueil by
"tTmT- !",(lt'r,k:,f "'" ;lr",lt (-"''' "f Hi"
!"". Hlalo of Oregon for thu Connie ,.f
iiiiiiit!. 1. .. . . &
l'""1!-!.!!?:.7 .."'! "-'-. il-' mn.i7U-: .0 ',,.1 ,r",,,:.,,I',"S":!t
1 nuKiinn; tupuiiiy 01 wilgilim, sv,- ,,,,.,, i ..... : ' J-"'l.
000; all In No. 1 condition. Merrill "vr",,I1I V,.',, " , "' ", """,, "" ."' "I0
fion. Pmkslahle, Merrill, Or.,. ,w.,1':",,;!:!,,r:!r"?llt1;,llf'; '
-.. K Ifll111.ll, .....I 11. - .. ' !
Transfer olllio imd eo II.
FOU "hAI.K Freight outfit.
plele, ronslstlr.K of 8 horses mid
China and Glassware
Don't ynu mint some nlre Dinner Ware, I'amy Dishes,
I'liitc., rs, Jnrilluler,-.. Ilrnniiii ols, ClMiiiUr Kris, Wlcr
CiHilers, I'n eers things useful nnil orniiiniiilHl for oiir Imaie
nnil InbleV We inrry .uili iKnullful t lilnn ns Hip llaillsad
In plain nnil gold rl I. K our etlen.lio dl.pljy. The
largest slmk In the ill) ami nl suili prices.
....,, s4)st
..a ss4ssssaiVrim
FOU 8AI.K Itallroad ticket, first
(lass, to I.os Angeles or Kan Diego,
C'al, Address P. O. box 2S, l.uko-tlow,
Till: Houthern Pacific has now on
'unlu round trip tickets to' Seattle.
good for sixty day, with privilege of
stopover at uny point on routu for
iZb.Ti.. Tho linn limit on tlicno
ticket expires October 3 let.
OUDKU jour Iro from O. K. 'Irunsfcr
FIIIINIHIIIOI) room und apartment
ut thu Iluldwiu.
CKMKNT Impoited coment Just ra
celvod: carload AIIhoii coment lu
iron barrels. Iluldwiu Hurdwuru Co.
to i:.ciiANii;,
TO KXCHANGK California for Oio-
gon; 100 acre deeded and. tltlo
porfett, no mortgage; fruit, grain and
Krupos. For acrcugu (it or near Klam
ath Falls, if. D. Sibley, 1, O. box HI,
Bun Ilernordlno, Cal
Klumiilh mid Hlnlo or iir, .,'.,, ......
not being iible, after diligent search
nnd Inquiry, to find miy pcrrnnnl
priiperty heloiiL-Ini? i in o..,, ..
lu unld iniiiity, out of whlili In ntu.
fy mild Jmlgment or miy part thereof
I line,, l,,.rl...l .1.. ... .
. ....... .,,.,, ,,,, ,,, iijiiowini; do-
ticilh.d ifiil piiipeily of tho ilefoud.
Hl-M of Hettlou 21, NWV, of NW".
Hon JK, 'lowushlp rt7 Houlli, itmu-u
1J l.nt of Wlllmnetti, luorlillm, In
Nlltlcn III thnrermi. I.....I... ..1
thnt by vim.., of ( oxi'cittli.ii
1 ".' ",",.M,!""l."y.', "".' 3n"' 'I" "f An.
1. Vi' .. ' "'" ,M"lr " ' oek
fiont of Iho i.iiirlliotiHo door In Klnm.
..... ...,,., wi.-koii, sen nt pub c mi.-.
Ion to tho highest Mi r for u,sl,'
hanil, tin, nlmvo doscilhed tent proii.
orty, or so much thereof us may 1U
fuv.7ofyn" w""i' ""m J"".Kmo"t "
tuviir or II. W. KeoHtn 11 ml ngiilust
J. K. Hll iVIIII. tOLM-llu.i- ,vlll, .,11 ... ?.
anibillabuiBomoniB Hint luivo or may
Daled nt Klatnnlli Fulls, Oieiron
Oils SOU. day of JuIjjijou. ' fc""'
a. .- .W' " l'AUNI.8,
7-30 W. Klanmt'' County.
Ki us ttioviiif;: Ht! arc picp.irvil lor worK
1 fiiniiiii;, ilr.-iyinij ;, fnrwanliiiej, Is ntT
Kdialilc and prompi service wo.ihy youR
Alleiition? Day or NIkIu. We're not a com A
Nimilter phones, office 871 ami K7A ilu- harN
Say: BaKJjagc anil Pianos' are spccialliiS
Freiifht onlers linmlletl (iiicl;ly. No MiifF
EHi)e.l with the only piano truck huiE
Rt-asonalilc rates, on KO(i(H storctl. HetteR
Gill or phone us before placing orders, G
S ' v