Tfc" ,1,'NR - , f t KI.1111111I1 FiIIh I'lrtit t ntiil Hcsl Dally. , una Our Advert! Oct The Bett Results. T1111111 Vi:aii. No. IMS 3 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19, 1909. Prick 6 Cents. II Ctt 1. ; lefalil Wl STEVENS' OPINION i.Miiiii id m iToiir 1 in M.i (ii iiiiiii.vMi, in: huh SlIS OKI A I I'OSSIIIIIIIII.S Dll) ! 'H'I"U """ for Colli, II) lulu Vtlilili lie ! 'Illuming Optilng Urilge. 1 Orrguil Is n Html (nun- ID. mii J11I111 I' rllriina lit lb'tan.1 hotel lnl evening "Ttial irglun u nrli In llmliri. Ihratuck ami curu ' tho letter will mainly tdlatir Ik 'tin lr fanning IIIDtbod 1(4i'i .q'ii.ii Ymi knuw what itial ). Ii.ii why iritnl that which Ui '' aird hi uflriiT Ihrt la ll.rfii an iliif u III lliHrl n I III Ihr . ' I'.ifllmiil." Ill ''iiii Irriiia, rlrh In llilr until l diiaila nml hmi ltli iiimiU- '' tful ehclueer itifrrrwl In ()... lainil mii.ib Mr Ht Vtn nl big Ihltlga. fur lir ha. trn il'int I. ik work fur Mr Kilr tYsiial Oi-xmi In til. 17. ' la u big joutji:- i arcs lii ll Ida p.,, .ol llir (.rr.ctil III tlii lorxlX frflrhea ('( in ami lie 1 11 la lUll'i aBOIBat Hpukan. ..r Hnlae. railroads hasten In lai an.,hi-r Yakima valley, and Ifcr Oi-1 .11 I lolil a llfli-d (rum lloo. nun buahela In lO.liOU.OOO hi tuorn a iror A Hun arlnlr.1 abuvn nil nltirr en H'" f great engineering Na Una lonalructlon uf thu i-u.tllt rr.lritir n undrrtnkin In ImvUa Him niMixiirlililil imi iinlr what Oirgon naa an'ii fur yrais. nlnl h IhlOka II llllO III lepval. ,V, Vrw It, llri'iimi l'ri,lr If Dirjni, t,a( seen ln thlnaa to limn iai Ida pnipln in mi Inns" ltni.-.,. ninl If )imr people I.avr ll ilmitil as In ilovsluplllents III lllr t.M.i rrgiuu nrnl thu south, lii IIimii wan llul,. while nni i (,, m lirluilil anmilhlriK In nlollmi llirlll." Mnl J illrini. Wtiul la ltu na of ihciiutna; dntnlta inm A good till a a. U, built nl nine lulu Ihe rrsinn Vim w ,w, n ,,t Ii.t nr miiipii- Tim milk ny will ln ili- Inllwni inill.i 11 1 fm,, B , Hl, III lli.i .,t ,,( , ,,, I ' I1I111I II, 'III H',l II II: H'll. K l(, ( Ml IWlM's UK, ( (ii JihIlc li.iirui iiliiini im ....... .i.... 1 - -. i, ' 1. 11 Imi iiiiklii.ttit ' 11 !.......... .... ... ..,,,, ,1 . . . r " 'i" A11B11111111 nun 11 '"I" II la lII.IM lu.11,1 im. nun u. ,1 mi. Tin Ui in. Iinllfl. 1 nml it,.. r ,,,,, hv f , mm 1 H..II 1, ,i,M ,( !,!, mil a. nlti. it'.rnul f,. , t. ,,j illii'iui.l. ., Niitiii,a i, Uy A,, ll i-f aial.l,. a, ii1(l.. , iff I.-. I In , ,, tlli r III, n u( Ih.. t al"M' la Uk" i. null M'UliinihK m lili raiDiiu, i,, M'lll in ll,,. m.,,11, .....,, 'mil) la nml,., 1 ,., u I'lal.ail i.l lliaiiiluua I, ,ll l.r.a.l. f, , , f , , t af" all iM.-al.. ma.ialilra .,..1 fr ti ll in Ha,ill,-l I, ,.,. ,, I rnrn (luiailii. ui II,.. Hnaki i !-.., Ilit, alnM. la u,ari l ih trral In I he Ukr anil lilanmlh,. Iluliifall A,..,iir !,,, ,4m, t llniai.' la nn If ui inly , r,..nt Inraii alia .iiall,. aiimni. r and win-l-r lakltin ll,., hr.ath i,f rl. or hial. hll- lln. 1'aa.adi. lanar la lh.. ,K .(.. il.i faililr N,.nh. f4it niiil.iiir,. ii ii,., IM.M i.i laaa utrr I.. I'. ntral Orrfna llaln fall taiim finm a lia,.- I Ju and In lmli llui H.rrr la iuniiaiaili l lllll .if ihla m.i .,,. ,,0 rM . Iuu.m aild In Mi.. ,.-...i, ,a, ,, ailrntiflr farinlni Tin, lllui- inoun lain. Mii..,ai.. if,,. , l( ,n ,,., h,.. i,f It.,- mum, i-ff ir,,n irralna l iM.lh II,. mil an1 Ihr ml lln lhn'tn ali..a of Ihi-a n.iuatalaa la a iiiainhiua (rain ill" in. I abra M-nn) Id rallaaia. mil. a I atr Uvn iin.iral along lh.. II or f IIik O It A, in t'inalllla. fhli.n and Ilak.r rnumlra on Ihr i.aalvrn Iih uf I kr aalitr ranar wq ma wrai la n,t 1'' rango, lllntj numrrniia a.ndld airratua. rlnr f wklih la I ho tawbiiiH. T, ll. aoulnaral ari- found lh. .Irram. ami a)altna uf lakra inarklns lki' and Klamaln tunnilr. and r.iiarlnB lu wnw nirni lain llarnvr. Abun dant Una lug xal.r la (uun.l inrougb ml IM rrgmn fur Irrigation, nml llir lalnfall la auljli Irmly hrai) lu oiiru ml utiMiriunlllM fur itarnga baalna, aurh tu ili gnvi rnmi-nt rorlanioilim ai.ik uauall) ntnalriiria Orrguu baa ,'HlU Inl.i Ihr grnrral land fund alum inarlni.nt uf Ilia r.-rlainallun ton inurv than J . Buror ilar uiiiiirruiia big pruji-rla will be fuuiiil ihiiiiichuul Malhrur. Ilnrnr), IjtVv, Klanuili. t'riaik, Waani and Slii-riunn unlli-a Ail. .In, i li,..lilllili- Arii-alan iMiaalblllllra In a,Nllim uf tVnlral Ori-gon nu b) PROFESSOR A BENEDICT iMKir. i iiah. ,. iidw.mii or i in: iiKiii h nodi, wens I AKIS A ItltlDL S KANSAS .MiLIuk I'MillliiMi- I'm- uf Ilia Sinn- ni.r ',n ul Ion nml SirliiK ii Kur- iiIm- mi rW.-uila llrrv, I'Mif. I.'lma. A. Ilnwaril, vtliu It rniincdid with thu fnrully uf mir riiii:H hi niui:i) m:au ii:.o l-ITV lllti:ITfKH 'I lii Judg,. imia. with ii lanillr. I,,. i.x.,i, prutiubly , "'ill hind,, la uf haili-i nIT uf iibuul lln hi n a. Inn uiitaidura, am Ii lit Itnli' 1 1 Ciiiinlii. aaya h will lt II "III I 'in alii) huahi'la lu thu nin W Mi:ii IN hlsMtlll' .N,d Cuun.'ll), nliu wa i'mdii)id mi ih.- II H (IrlKnh) rnmli ni'ar iln ila, u. plaiid iindi-r nrii-i.t by Hln-tirr llarnim Ihla niurtiliiK mi it l,. a.iili adili. fiuin Shrltt lluwiinl 'if Hl.kl)u i mint) Hi, will hi, di ialn,, until ihla .'Vi'iilnn. olirn HIht 10 llnwaid will iirrltrn lu inko ihiiritu f lh nrlMini-r Tin, uffrnao nlli-cl la II,.' lari.'ti) uf a lmra fruiii n I'ur ' I'lnli Mliuul, linu Jolnt'd Ihti runku nf iiikii. au lltlng un thu litninnlli rhcrjlliii In nclkU. n will hu aocti fiom Inlnw Il,wrk. ,,!, fuinlnlnK (ll,ilni; wliltli was tiikin ftuiu Iho "I)i'iiiurr.illr Mitniii Kr" uf Cuti'ka, Kna wlilrli nu duuht Linn A ti ill rnon of Konu nrrlrid In C. N. Mi'cr, t ho rancher, la In thu ih" city ihla mornlni;. lib report city. tlml ll,.- fnr.t flrcH In 1,1. nclRhl.or- chBrcl orlon( tho caa,eman, , lioml nru nil out, but failcrly toward . .. ,y .IBIIlllllil II KlliU I1VIII UI BIIIIIKO ia Hfi'ti, liidlcutlni; heavy fires In Unit Unction. cook iioini: iiikm;i I Thi-ro Is plenty of mus'iulto net- tliiK at the K K K Store. Henry Funk nml J. I'. Hmllh of Lnkuvlew nru retsUtertii at tho Amcrt lean. Colonel M. G. Wllklna left this murnlni; for Seattle un a brief visit to his family. Cheater Sargent and Howard Shcp- Tlm rook ho ll ho In eninii No. 2 of Krlrkiuui U 1'ctiTkon, Southern I'n-' 1 1 tic eontraetors, located tlircu miles noith of town on tho proponed Na tron brnnch, burned at 2:30 a. in. to-day. Tlin fire originated In thu aril lift for Spring crock on a fishing (unk stove. Tho loss will probably trip this morning, reatli t.'.H0. Thu cook und helper KOt 8AI.K One 16-loot launcn had ii narrow esrnpo from the tlamca. wlln 4.a,.,,. ,notor. Inqulro of Ivan i iti:i(iirr orrici: Agent Thiimpsun of Iho Southern I'nclflr eotiipuny Is ery busy these days transferrins; Iho freight from llui old location to the new freight If ! aanl lu grt up nml ron't. I am a iluck Hint lll uinku you an sunn, lu stay In hod--rul;iry ' wl" '" surpriao in ins tunny - irinua i,nuae. Tho frelaht hindnunriera alarnia At Jli'llnltnn's hern: will be kept hero until Hie new depot III W IIMIV I'H-I I'lti: OINICvr -ono of Iho pretlli-st and mutt In- Is finished, which It Is ospected will I . -. - ..... a. a mri-atliig .iiits of tho Jear was Hint "" "'""" ' "l ' " fr- In ii.ikiiik ut ihu irnmc here. Mr. Thompsun said: Kliimath Tails Is fast reaching I'll lurea of Ihr pretty h.ihlrs uf Klamath Culls are hi-lug hnndi'd In lallt at Ihr bus ulllcn uf the uprra huilai' I) lit 1 1. iiulK'd !) the popular wito oni Hum- ilillllid tu tho prlies. nf the mnrrliige nf .Mlsa Curn Do Kun- tiilgnr Khuw of Curekn to Mr. i llrlng ihr phuluuf your prel- I'liiirlia .Miner Howard of Klamath the point In thu miller of tonnage urn- lie or am- inlty no ml uf I'nlls, Orrgun, Wednesday evening, nml passenger tralflc where It will August llth. at S o'clock. Thu we.1- l",v" '" u recknned with by these ling incurred nt the huinu uf tho '"ll'I towns, tuch ns Medford. Ibrldos parents, ilr. and Mrs. Priil- "rants I'nss nnd tho like. Already Mi. O llalveraoo. inolher uf Mrs ,,..,. l vllr.i. ti ...... .. atirimsa Aahlnnil In leai than car- lam. h Ha-ansrn. lift fur her linimi In nllll wa, -u It tic-stso.l by nbnut fifty rel- ,"1"1 "ll'"uents; alco Iteddlng and uihi'i nml liitlmalu friends. ."rants rass, ami when these mills "Hhnrlly befnro thu teremnny Mr. Kvt lm "Herntlon on tho Upper lako i:. K. r, asrlslniit Instruitor of ,,,0 ' u' " " In ur class miHlr nt linker 1'nlverslty, sung 'lle-,at '" a ' tonnage." Invrd It Is Muni.' Mrs. Ijintt of j ,lr- Thomp.i.ri expects that within Memphis. Tenn.. da)ed thu wedding "ic ""l fcw Jn eMhlnR will be nln,,h ! strnlghteniil out lu thu new wnre- U. Angilra this mnrnlug. Mrs. Hal vi-rson was an taKni with this roun 'r ihal ll la lici- IntPiiilun to returii 'n lh. apilnc alul lettlu hen permn- irnll). Thrro Is plenty uf muiiilto net ling nl thr K K K Kture. Tli. .i, la snliielhlng r.llml) aintrn lloaa hi Mr Kliitena' l)i- uf turning br nhloat giiduglata studying the ( OrrKiiu, It Is In ki-rplug with furuiallun At the hriul uf Hiiiiiiiiit Iho hour Tin-1'iitlnln la lining ii, i, lko n Iremrmlous spring, running iini'llii. I'lrnillnxa nml nl Anna rtirr. hunks I nun the hillside, hati 1'uiiri'd fm Hi fur years wllh mi siiggeatliiK nu liiiuu-nso lu'ti'sliiu leiuli. WUhiitil winning nml frum ,sirntiiui undir the sviul-nrld iiiuutry 'lilurl.T whnlly iinrapetli'd, luiuea i ! Hio liulth. With the Cntr.ides lllld frllif nnd tho nrlunl. I nil wink of Mine liiutiiitnln nn either side, the "iH'nlng iho gn-nteat umletelnpi'd ' fnriiiaHim dlppliiK light. tiiellliiK nsluii uf Ihu llnllcit Htnli-s la ut 'aiiuwa, nuiiiiruiis deep muiiiitulii "'ul What Is Iho use of talking liik.-s nnd lilgh pinks gl lug Ihu IiIbIi im' WrlghiiiT Imlualrlul rleiiii-nta pr.-iiiu rvai-rnlra. im rivisiin inn he Ihnu wurds nru In pla). t'linstriir- 'niUnni'iil In r.nlni.n niteal.iii dewl llmi nf Irauipuilnllun lines Is iissuriil upnieiil. urealir dlapnlih tint n Hie messagn I'uwer iiliiiiimls Hiniiigliout iisl niiiiuiiiiilliK th gniul notts. nml Hie h-kIumh thai nl" sunn In Ini npened Hlnlr I. ailddvilly rnllnl In Iho dill) M'IK Hie Hrtiliille Her the hihI 'f di'teliiplng n renllii lo wnirnnl Ihu bllllles surpass nit Kiislern nml t'en- I Gome to Us for Your Fall Suit and Overcoat Wc will make them to your exact measure from $13.50 and up Stylish, per feet fitting clothlmj made by America's foremost tailors. K. K. K. Store I'lnr eiuuiuMcrlcn reduced lo ind s 1-3 cents nt Klllta.' Hi Tl... Hi-ldinc r,,rw!' una l.,l " n man's freight can be I by Master Chester Howard of Kurekn "mnu ,n ,no "arK- " " "d ""fa Klamath Falls Oregon rnl Orrgnu n iiilnin,n(K fur n gen--ration lu .State liglueer l-wla aaya t lint this tnnrU'loiii' ilrram inn he inlido In detelup 1, 100. iiOO hiiraapiiHer. Thu lluw uf thr river It uniform throughout Hie .car. the drarrul Is inpld nml regu lar, and fur lln lulloa It Is In n ran tun whero the lust nf liuriiesslng en rgy wiiuld ho ns low us fur tiny h).lrn electric plants yet built. This dream, whin Industry warrant, will lim-ume II tremelidiiilt priidiirer nf vmuIiIi. glilng lu the teemltig um- mutinies nf CVnlnil Oregun power fur Irrlgalluu. mnuiifnrliirlng, light ing mid nil uther roqulri' incuts Water pnwer Is innreded te ho the great future Industrial fiutnr The Hotxhutos will he mum Hum DOC mines. Velluw pine timber fur 300 miles. and ii heavy stiiiid uf sugar pluu If Klamath, Crunk nml Lake uffer nt' liiiiiiedlnti) inltuuy tounar.e nml In line iho lunest mi-t fur biillillug inn- teil.its fur the hurdeH uf farmers sun in niter Unit leglun when assured n mnrkit fur thilr pimliuts. All uf tin lailiiu slnpe uf tlin Casrado tiiuiiu talus Is iiiiinlleil with pine. At lleml the furent naches the Deschutes, nni' tu the suiitli 11 eriKMM the stream nnd extends euMmiid lu the Pauline mimutiilu rango fur miles, rrmn Hii Culumhla In Muilne iniitity there Is r ulld bell uf yellow pine of uirylnr wl.llli. wllh ll will limine bllllnus nl feel nf liiniher. The ueingu slanil per nun will I un iibuul 10.000 feet. and the demand fur pine, grows will every year. I.lctink lllg Tiumage l.ltestuck has been Iho leading In- ilusliy, nml will tuiiUuiu' one of tin Kieiit toniiiig" piniliieeis uf tho (ii- lui". In Hi" lial Hm ceuirai uiegur man had lull one luiiiuierilal liieniir of getting liny produil In market. (Iiass and farm luniliuls weio ion tu llveslmk nnd then tho fattened tint- llllll WHS IlllltlO 111 IH-lir lia mi ai'Hin lu tho rnllrwny beforo slaughter. I'heiP will bo millions of acres ol iiinito IiiihI In Cenluil nml Smitheni Oiegmi; finest teserves uro nuinei-- iiiih, nml giuxliiK will cunstltuto u peiniiiiuMit Miiitro uf feed for the hliuk ImliiMry. This putt ut tin Statu Is sum In lieciimu ono uf the must liupoitillit hecf leuteis of Un West. In piesent developed eoiidl Huns Oiitai'ln, Klamath Knits nnd oilier new railway points glow tlimi- HlllldS 01 IIII1H Ol llllllllll lu leeu me boot nnd iiiuttoii Hint Is ililvon tlieie niimiiilly foi shipment, ltlch fpeillng eeiiteis will Hulng up along tho now Hon It wns Impossible to handle the freight with anything llko a system. A new two-story section house Is being erected on tho enst side of the trucks which wilt contain every mod ern convenience for tho usu of the section foreman and crew. and little Kntherlne Combs of Suv 9ry, who untied (ho ribbons, which wero linn stretched lo form an alslo. N'ett catllu llttlu Uillllcll I.lpp uf I .a llnrpe, beautifully dressed In white, bearing the ring un a pink sntln cmlilon; then thu brldu and her fa- .her. They wvru met nt tho altar by ho groom. Itev. A. M. Spnngler uf Shlrlwaltts, dainty laco and cm- thu Congregat lonnl church performed broidery trimmed, for 9S cenlt nt l. ceremony .using thu l.'plicopal Stilts' dry goods ttoro Hilt week. lug service. Mr. Shnw gave his laughter avvny. Tho brldo.wus beau-1 M. II, Jub nnd wife of San Fran- Ifully gowned In whlto satin with u ctsco, who arrived on' tho train last ill miii a wreath uf orange blossoms, evening, left tills morning for Crater "Ml. and Mrs. Howard will bo nt lake. .lome nfier September "til lu Klain- . lilt I'nlls. Oregon." Wo aro r,.nt nt 10 ,,, w)l Mr. Iliiwanl.U well nml favorably rrrl,,. come down nnd seo us. Port- nnwn In this eummiinlty, whero ho ,na store. neU door to I'ottofflco. lias been lonuetted with tho high .eliuiit faculty fur somo lime past, and 11 is wllh plensiitu Hut wo ox .end (ho wish (hat happiness and .rusperity may bo theirs forever. Aw, you kid! I hnvo a wntcli for I . r. i what's a cuss tu run. At McJInttnn's. .'IIVMCAI, IIIIUXTOIt 1-Olt IIHill hCIIOOli I'rof. J. T. lluti her, principal uf ho high chuul, states that thu prosit-! Is of the btliool went never better or ii good season than they aro now. lo piedlels nn .-mnllment of ISO lu .turt tiff the open I iik of school. Tho irofeisui- Is very anxious to ninko nr uiigements fot several students who lesliu lu tnku udvnutagu uf our ex client high school course und wishes u llud places whero their boattl und oom can lie earned by; working out Mo of school hours. Ho also desires moiii nnd board for others.. Any .lorstui interested in this will kindly ipply tu thu piofcssor. Mr. 1'iiuek of I'psllnnU, Midi., has nccepled the loaltlon as physical director uf tho school niitl will also hnvo charge of ho normal Iralnlng coiirso. Tho ml Ittlun ut a. physli-nl director Is ono if tho hint moves ever undortnken by tho faculty ut tho high school, us It not only promotes tho physical cun lltlon of tho students but Implants t spit It of devotion for our homo In dilutions. May It not bo long until .vo hear tho "Iiah. rah, rah!" of 100 tiling Ihtuals In honor uf tho brick itiiietum on thu hill. 1'or u cup uf toffco thut makes life X voi Hi llilng, conio to tho Oregon louao. T a 1 for alc August Qnly A Summer Resort on Klamath. Lake That Is Unsurpassed In America Tills Is it sHirlliu iiiHislliun fur men uf vu-.tlili i la nut ii farm, I'nciiinlleit I mut IMiIng Juno to Nut ember. Deer hunting un the premises August 1 to Xovemtier 1. Dutk luMilliig suH-rlnr to any In Hie State over lliuusninls uf ncres uf ulld i-lery nnd rice KepteiulH-r 1 to Febru ary I. (Iruiise nnd ihensaiit shunting on Hie place October 13 tu November 13. Heat starting place In county fur u lit-iir hunt. Crater lake nutnniuMIe road will run through tho fdaco for n mile nnd a quarter. Nuvigiihle water to the prtiH-r-ly, unsiiriuisstHl drinking wa ter and power tu develop the irtH-rty. Mori' Imttnui land and flue gar den land Hum any plnco ou ' tho lake. ThousniiiU of pine and Ur treeis nnd thousands of quukluic iisik-iis. .Mum varieties of ulld (lowers mid natural grasses and vetches than any place lu tho county. If you develop this property aa It ran ho developed them la no resort In tho county that rail eniiiuim wllh It. No nuiuuiit of talking will do-at-ribo It! let ua ahovv you. Wo have Ihh-ii offered mom than tvvleo what It coat, hut luive a prlco at which you limy taku It lielow which, wo will keep It. (Coutlnued on Second I'age.) Knmk 8argent U.novv n full-lloilgcd tulglit of tho grip, having entered ho employ ut A. 1). Miller, who Is ho local roproaenlntlvo of various Poilluml houses In this section, J. G. PIERCE at ofllco Buena Vista Addition Conger Avenue, or W. T. SHIVE At Shlvo Itroa. Cc'a Store. Daniels, nr phono C41. William Klnckus and Hans Stoehs- ler nf Yonna valley are In tho city nml report crops at nrst-clis In their section. Mrs. I. K. Hannon, Miss Hemic nml Klchard Hannon left this morn ing for n trip to tho huckleberry patch and Crater lako. On nccount of tho demand for bus iness, Mrs. White has decided to re main a few dnys longer with hair Wind at Mrs. Fields' parlors. Phone C35. Holly Siemens got his first buck up on Cherry creek recently, and last night his father, Captain Siemens, received ono of tho hams In proof thereof. Ivan Daniels has tendered hit ret- POLITICAL ASPIRANTS OCKKIlN'ATOMAfi IIONOIW MAY NOT OO IlKGUINU LAKE COUNTY HAS DESIGNS Judge llrnaon Ilrellnea to Be Cava dldatp Ik-raose Family la Rep. rraented on the Blnte. Already tho hum of tho political bee Is In the air and candidate fcr tho various State offices aro very modestly making luigesUoh through their friends. Several well known men havo their wires working In this community and frequent men tion Is being made of Dr. Withy combe of tho. Agricultural College nf Cb'rvallls, Mr. Bailey of the Dairy and Food Commission and Judge Dlmralck of.Orcgon City. It It also rumored that the Democrats rony have a candidate for gubernatorial honors from this section In no leas a person than Dr. Daly of Lakevlew, who, by the way, would be no sine cure In a game of this kind. He hat hosts of friends all over the State, nnd If tho ten thousand new settler In Ijiko county materialise through the efforts of the Oregon Valley Land what may Ignatlon at cathler to the Klamath Falls Light and Water company. It company, who can tell Is reported that ho will cngago In, happen? business In Grants Pass. Judge Henry h. Benson say he Is Captain Calkins has recovered i out of the running, for be hm his from tho sprained ankle ho received hands full of business here, and then, recently and took out tho mall and again, bis brother, Frank, will doubt paseenger launch Curlew on her trip lest bo a candidate for re-election aa on tho Upper lako this morning. Secretary of State. It Is up to Klam- Ono of tho now features In tho 'th county to produco a candidal electrical lino It tho oscillating fan.'0"" bl n'sh honor. It Is on the which distributes the air no It seems mP now ' Mtwa.nt of the rail road. If It should happen that a Republican from this section who was free from all political en- llgo a gentle spring tcphyr. If you don't bollevo It, see O. II. Gate un der ono of tbeso fans theso hot days. K. II. Lawrence, tho cigar manu facturer, returned last night from an oxtended trip through the Northwest, visiting the Seattle fair, Portland, and nlso participated In tho land drawing nt Spokane. Ho was not among the lucky ones. L. II. Hoy, the Silver Lake sheep man, arrived In the city (hi other day wllh 13,000 pounds wool, which will complete his shipments for this year. He will return with a load of sugar and salt for tho Sliver Lake merchants. One of the most urgent needs of tho County High School Is places for students to securo board and room. Citizens of KlamaUi Falls should co- tanglcments should receive the nom ination It would do more to reunite the Republican party In Oregon than could be accomplished In half a down political conventions. . Try our 35c Sunday chicken din ner at tho American hotel dining room. New management. Every thing clean and up-to-date. Meals 3Sc up. Polndexter ft Hlnes, former chef of Llvermoro. Plucked at Sacranealo. Samuel Dunn of Bonania, Ore, was relieved of a wallet containing $80 shortly after midnight last night whllo boarding the Oregon Express at the Southern Pacific depot He re- operate to solve this problem. Many ported the robbery to the police and students aro coming from different although a quick response was made, parts of tho counfy If they can find 1 the officers could find no trace of the n suitable placo to stay. Somo of thief. Dunn said he was Jostled by theso pupils deslro to work for their I a stranger while climbing aboard th board and room. People who could1 car. and when ho took his seat dla- fumlsh a homo for students where they may cither pay or work for such accommodations should phono Mr. Ilutcher, who will bo in his ofllco from 9 a. m. to 12 this week. covered that ho bad been robbed. Sacramento Bee. Jars of money given away at th Portland Store. I It Is Tried and Tested ! We do not take Iho manufacturers' word for the purity of Our Olive Oil Wo teat each and every lot. that we get by tho moat approved methods. Wo are giving away a ten-dollar Electric Stand Lamp with Olive Oil pureluues. See our window for particular. Star Drug Store "They Have If i'f- noSK CI.RAM FOB SUNBURN '. a 4 .1 i ftfv !"' i'V A:sm V !.-" M. v- ?'?'.,n v .,- .,.