The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 18, 1909, Image 2

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Issued Dally, Except Sunday, by tli.
W. O. SMITH, Editor
Mir, by mall, one year 15.00
Daily, by nail, its raonlhi 2. SO
Dally, by mall, threo month. l,:s
Dally, by mall, ono month SO
Dally, delivered by carrier, one week SO
Little Things as Aids In Solving
Problems In Crime.
MJTKi: KOIt imiMlWllON
Department of tho Interior, U. 8
Land Office at Ikevlcw, Oregon,
August 13. 10.
NOTICE li hereby given that John
C. Beach, whose postofflco address I
Klamath Fall.. Oregon, did, on the
lth day of March, 1909, file In this
oflce Sworn Statement and Applica
tion No. 01703, to purchase the
tion 6, Town.hlp 33 South, Range 9
Bait, Willamette meridian, and the
timber thereon, under the proTl.lon.
of the act ot June 3, 1878, and act
amendatory, known aa the "Timber
and 8tone Law," at inch value a.
might bo Aied by appraisement, and
that, ponnant to tuch application,
the land and timber thereon hare
been appralaed, June H, 1909, the
timber ntlmated 335 M. board feet
at $1.50 per M. and tho land 114.50;
that .aid applicant will offer final
proof In aupport ot hi. application
and .worn .tatement on tho 32d day
of October, 1909, before R. M. Rich
ardaon, U. 8. Commissioner, at Klam
ath Fall., Oregon.
Any penon I. at liberty to protest
thla purchaae before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
laauea, by filing a corroborated affi
davit la thl. office, alleging fact.
which wonld defeat the entry.
9-19 10-21 Register.
Department ot the Interior, U. f,
Land Oflce at Lakevler, Oregon,
August 7. 1909.
NOTICE Is hereby given th:it
Jamea B. Huhphry, whose postofflce
addrea la Klamath Fall.. Oregon,
did, on the 23d day or April, ltd:,
file In tbla office .worn statement r.n-1
application. No. 01827, to purchase
the WH of SEW. Section 23, Town
hip 37 South, Range Ea.t, Wil
lamette meridian, and the timber
thereon, tinder the provisions of the
act of June 3, 1STS. and ncu amend.
ntory, known as the "Timber and
Stone Law," at audi value as might
be fixed by appraisement, and that
pursuant to such application, tho land
and timber thereon have been ap
praised, June It, 1909, the tlmbir es
timated SIS board feet at 10.7.". per
M, and tho land $190. SO; that said
applicant will offer final proof In sup
port of his application and .worn
statement on the 21st day of October,
1909. before R. XI. It'chardson.
United States Commissioner, at
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any person Is at llbert) to protest
thl. purchase before entry, ur Initiate
n contest at any time before patent
Issue., by filing a corroborate.! affi
davit In this office, alleging tarts
which would defeat the entry.
S-tC. 10-1S Register.
United States I-and Office, l-nkevlew,
Oregon, August G, 1909.
NOTICK Is hereby gicn that '.mm-
ship plats surve)ed under Con' net
No. 732. fur Sections 7. IS. 1? .10
and 31. Township 37 South, Ilnngo 7
Kast, Willamette meridian; Sections
1 to 3C, Inclusive. Township J."
South, Range 28 Kast. Willamette
meridian: Sections 1 t'o 3C, Inclusive.
Township 34 South, Range 28 Ecst
Willamette meridian, and supple
mental plat of segregation survey of
Section. 4. 9. 1C, 21, 28 and 32,
Township 31 South, Range 7 '4 Eatt.
Willamette meridian, will be flic' in
thl. office on September lSlh, 1909
On and after said date all of iId
land, will be subject to selections.
entry or filing on, It .aid lam't lire
not otherwise reserved or appro
I Helping the Town
Djr baakhtg jroar awry In a bank In your own commun
ity yon laoraae the community. wrr to do bailors. If
harantlal Carmen want Co borrow money there I. mure to
loan iheta. li yow tank jroi-r ruoai-jr away from borne It la
loaned to other farmers, merchant, and mannfactnrcrs. Help
yonr home people. Money hidden at home help no one.
Flared In a bank It la pat to work In way. that help all. .
j First National Bank I
of Klamath Falla
I. a good bank to pat yoar money In aafe and reliable.
i A Savings Account
la mlay day fond, a life Insurance policy, a aic'k benefit, a
fnaeral benefit, and an old age pension. There la no forfeiture,
ctaaae la the paaabook, and It la under tlte owner 'a control at'
al tawte. It will tide him over alckneaat It will cars for lit
awaway when he must go; It will aee him through old age, and
1 hear Uaa whea ha dice. It la a almple bualncaa propoaltlon.
aatajhs warty, aad keep R up, and, like manna In Hie deaert, It
M awffly Ma. aa be Joameya.
Mtm ! taw thaw (o open aa account with the'
FIrft Trait and .Savings Bank !
wi.Mr-fS .. t
"In All My Esptrlenc.," Says Pellet
Sirgt.nt Cuff. On. .1 Wllkl. Col
lins' Creations. - Hsv Nsvsr Ytt
Mat 8uch a Thing as a Trlflt."
If j ou nfc some London publishers
they n III tell jou Hint no luvk tolls so
writ n a ileteetlie stnr) 11. ul H"o
ple still Uiul n fascination In the
schlcremcnts of Allnn Poe's
t lupin. Hnltorl iu'h l-ecnei mid Tnb.iret
nut the rcilnuhtnhle Sergeant Cuff of
Wllh'e Collins.
Thee men were the forerunner, of
Sherlock Holmes, iiml their feats of trucking were nn remarkable
n thoe nrhlcicd b.i the famous ilmr
nctrr crcatiil by Sir Arthur I'nimn
Ilojle I'crlnpt the lent known Is
Cuff, who tlKurt-tt In "Tin. Moonstone."
Cuff looked for 'clews In trlfle-i. In
restituting n smear on n newly p.ilnt
ed door, he nun told by the Miporlu
tenileut who had the case In bind that
It was made by the of the
women sertnnts. The superintendent
.aid petticoat, were trltle-t.
"In all inv cxiierlenre along the
dirtiest way. of this dirty little world."
replied Cuff. "I have nerer met such
a thing n n trttle yet. We umt see
the petllctvit that made the smear, nml
we inut knon for certain lh.1t the
paint wn net."
l.ceoci. the lieau Ideal of the Trent h
detective, nns mint to eiplalu hl ile
duclloiis to nxNtnlils, Jut n Sherlock
Holmes (IM in hl friend Watson. In
the story of "File No. 1 13" a safe In
tieeii roblied There l a semlrli on
the door of the safe which cvim to
hare Ih-cii ulade hj the ke -llpplnc
from the lock, Itut U-eic esplaltieil
that the paint was hard and that the
scratch could not lnve lieen made by
the trembllm: hand of the thief letting
the key slip.
He therefore had an Iron liox made.
painted with gni-u niulsli. tike the
safe. As I.ocoi' Insertiil the key he
asked the nsMstnut to emleator to pre
vent him using the key Jul as be n
alvut to Insert It In the hick The in
sNlant iltd so, nnd the key held by
Lecocn,. pllllrd aside from the lotk
sllpiH-d along the door nnd traced iin
It ii diagonal scratch from top to bot
tom, the rtart reproduction of Hie one
shown In n photograph of the safe.
Thus It vcn prnp tint two ieron
were present at the robbery one
wished to take the money mid the
other to preient Its lielng taken.
In the play Mirrlrx-k Holmes, the
deteetlre, with the nld of an neeom
pllrc. raises an alarm of tire at the
bouse of the tarrabees, during the ei
cltement of whUh he Is able to lines
tlg.ite the mjstery of the purloined
A somen tint slirjitar Incident occurs
n liliar Allan IW -'I he Cnrloliic.)
letter." nhen lluplu, baring obliilinsl
entrance to the house of u iiilulxir
of the stnte who had purloined -a let
ter of great linortance from a lady,
wlsheil In lake It from Us lildlru- pl.o'v
a t.rd rai k oit'r the iniinlelpl.i e-
and subsilliite n fnesliiille. While
Unpin was talking to the mluNier
there irn. a sudden report of u pl-lol
beneath Ihe w Ilidow.'follomil hy finr
fill smuui and loud" shouting Tin
minister rushed to lue nludow. .ml
while bis attention was thus dlsirai led
Dupln took the real letter mid sulistl
luled the false one which he had pre
pared. Needles to say, the dlterslon
had been created by Dupln's assist
ant.. Although "The Adienlurc. of Hher
lock llolmci" somewh.t orershadow
tho stories of other delecllres wbleh
nppeured In the Strand Mugmtliie, one
should not forget to mention Martin
Hewitt, Investigator, nnd Hick Don
ovan.' '
llotb these deleclltc. worked alone
and were past muster. In Ihe art of
Holrliig robbery mj.lcrles. murder,
and the crime, of secret ocletlen.
And the ulue of noting Irllles, pir
tlcularly In delectlte work. Is striking
ly Illustrated In "The Case of Mr Fog-
go it." The hitter bad been murdered
In his chamber, which won situated at
tho top of the building In which Hen.
lit bad an office. Hewitt mis the first
one on the wenc. The door was lock
ed, and when he got Inside the room
he found 1'oggatt I) lug ntross the ta
ble, shot dead. There wus n sheer
drop of fifty feel outside the mIiiiIouh.
How had the murderer got In. and
bow hnd he escaiied?
On the sideboard were the freshly
blitcu remains of mi apple. Hvyvllt
noticed that It hud been bitten by n
person who hnd lost two teeth, ono
at the top. u ud one below. Ho also
saw that the dead man had an excel
lent net of raise teeth, tilth none
missing, lie obsened, too, ihnt no ac
tive joung inn n could, by standing on
the window sill, draw blinscjf on tho
roof und thus escape. Thus Hew lit
come, to look for a tall, athletic look.
Ing young nuiii with tno teeth miss
ing. If find. Iilui. obtain, by n ruse
auolher apple which lie ha. bitten,
compares the 0 and ultimately ob
tain Hie startling 'story of.tbe mur
der from the murderer himself after
the coroner. Jury hnd returned a 'ver
dict of "uccldcutnl death." - l-ondon
T T-S it 7
Ths Fos sod tht Hen,
A I'ov. lining i n pi Into mi out
luuii hMikid up mid down for souie
thing In eiit mid nt ln-t splisl ii Hen
-.III lnu upon ii ponh n high Unit he
roilld b,l lio meiiliH mine In hi r lie
Iherefoie hml ieour.e In nil old
"iraliiaeiu "IN-nr eoiiiln" he .tld to
Her 'lion ibi 311111I111 I hi'iiid lit tt .U'll
Mere III mid kepi lit houie I could
not re-t. therefore. Mil I had come to
oe ynii I'nty lit tue feel Jour pnle
llidiiil, ,oti do not liok Hell ill nil "
He mis itiniiliig 011 In this liipodrut
inniitier when the lieu answered hlui
Irnui the risiiti "Triilj. dear lleiiiinl.
ion me In the rlchl I mis eldnni In
more dinger tlinii 1 11111 now I'm)
netie hi) eoiulug ilown I mil sure
I h mid 1. Itch ill) dentil" 'Ihe I'ox,
It'illug htui-elf folh-il llllite oIT tllnt
irliil tils link elfewln-re -Aeop
Stlf Cvldcnt.
Due of Hip il liuers of II little klli.Al
slip l that Its Mii"iir ruM) ell
lilies at lis inn tullli' IxiiohlliiP.
d h,l Isi'll llld IxMnws ln-r 1 llilnt
lifts oil llio.e nlm lilltle her leilit
A -niii 1 Hid iiiiili-rvrmtiiiito """ said
in Id- leiiihir Hut he fenriil he had
rather 11 loiileiupl for I'lato
"I iiiii nfni'd, Mr Johnon." ni'lleil
the leiiiher. " )olir iollti'Ulit has
nut Invti brill b) fnmllhirlty." Youth's
I hi: hon 'io tiitmintv,
A lllllii storo llh thn best III the
griHcry lino ilinu. ne. fresh, nnd
prlies rciuonnblo. Onn ttlnl will
iniivliuo )tm that II Is tho pluce Hi
irmli' ' l0"
NOTU'K Prom tho ISlh until the
22d Hip Kliimath .Messenger Sen
ile will be upon for business from
!i a 111 to 9 p. m
rim sam: iteni i:.tuio.
IIAVi; n few lots In glto uwn) In
Opportunity addition on the I'ppcr
,nke to parties wishing tu build
nomes. Iletter hurry and get one of
.ht.p they nre absolutely frei'. Si-e
.ho owner, I:. I) Donald
.'OR 8AI.K A new liungutiiw, with
." riHims and bulb; lino location on
illlildo near High .School. Inipiliu nt
let aid olllie.
.'Oil 8AI.K HO lures. CO iirroj In
crop; 3 horses, wagon, sit of bar
less, 2 rows, 22. chickens, t-rooin
liingnlow, furnished, 4 miles from
own; $100 t iirroa; in) firms
I. i:. l'olutar. Kl.imnth Calls.
11K1.F r..vri:i.
.VANTCH A l.uly to do plain tow
Ing. Appl) to Mix. I'eik, Klamath
'alls Irou Work..
U'.KNTri wanted III erery town for
the Steel Ailjiistnblo Hameliss
Inrso Collnis. No pads, ha mm.
traps; inn tw used ltli nuy kind of
ug attacnmunls. Will not gull horse
ir wiar oul. Will not rorrodo or rust
'iMco $C0U each. Ask ) our dealer
Vrlto for llleraturp. Address Nelson
A'ltter C'impnn), eiclusUn dlslrlb
Itors l,nrincCo.istS(ate.,Alhnn).t)re
rilK Oregon Nursiry Company of
Salem, Oregon, the largest and
icst-knowu nursery company In the
N'orthwcst, has openings fur two or
brio .uady nnd rellablo galcsmcn
or Southein Ongon nnd Northern
'allforntn territories. Full Informn
Ion upon ropiest. Address Oregon
Nursery Co., Salun, Oiegou.
Mlllt 11 tl' Msstll.l IIIN OF
'I hp pnldle Is herebi notitl. d it n'
Ihe piiitiioishlp llrm of M n-n
Wlikstrom has hem dlssoti.d Mi
Morgan Inning dlspnmd of H ' ' "
terest tin li III to A ikimui !
wlllinullnueto operiilo II11 si. ainls ni
ll.iglo mid other pniliierslilp inmnr
lies fnriui'll) ouiied and opunnd '!
Morgmi .k Wlcksirom
Mlllti: 11)11 I't
II S 1-ntid lllllrn nt l.iketlew.
Oregon. April 26. I9
NOriCi: Is herihy given that, J01INSION, ot Klamath
Hulls. Oregon, who, on Nov 27.
IDOs, inadii Timber and Stone Sworn
Statement Nu 0T.7, fur N -Us.
HeitSoii 17, Tnniishlp 32 S, lliing"
.M II. Will Meridian, hns tiled
notice' of Intintlun In makii I'lnal
I'riHif, to establish ihilm to the Und
ihtivo ilesirlhid, beforn fount) Clerk
Klamath County, at his olttro at
Klamath I'nlls, Oregon, on Urn 191b
In) of August, 1909
Claimant names us witnesses
Prnnk M. Upp, of Klamath Falls,
Jregon; Henry Offenharher, ot KIa
until Falls, Oregon; AUln J Swift,
if Klamath Falls, Oregon, John
Siisel, of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Lester Klrkpalrlrk, of Klamath
Fulls, Oregon; John J I'urbrr, till
I'okignma, Oregon.
'IS ItcKlster.
Cold Storage i
"fATl$ Pnomal Vh
vviuic juiiiaiiiui
: $21 to $24.50
I Reliable julvon-
ized Food
: Chamber
1 Qy
f " 'j
1 it 1. II H faTTajn I
m vtffi nt-j iiti 1. .i
r& cm ) fi x rL
AaI tsiatt iiiii ,'
ilV tat !fj
(f, sll III. TMI Mill '
iNJ lsisss,SMtMnm (W
Vj aj MM SPSS MM M . toM j
(TjM 0 swwsswi Kn
Illy svh, m M Ci K
Minti: tie M,in,i:Mi:sr
NOTICi: Is hell Ii) gUeu that Alrt
Mnrllu Jr. niliiiliilsiiutnr of Ihe t-s-nlo
of limine) S llnni-n. iti-ri-iitcd,
hns lllid with the Count) I'niirt nt
Klamiith Count) . On gun, fur setile-mi-nt
his Ilnnl uriouul tu tin- admin
titration of the said 1 stale, nnd thai
Monday, August 30th. st 2 Co p 111
at the rotitllinusii In said count) and
Stnte Is Ihe tluu und iilnre fliiil for
iho Inuring of nn) and nil ohjulloiis
to said final arcount and Iho settle
ment thereof, und an person Inler
sled may app.'nr und tile eirepllons
In said ncmiiiil and rnnli-st In sume
Administrator of the K.tutc of Itod
In-) S lloii, lleienseil
!i-: ti-2S
hiintn i-h sn.i:
A'ANTHII- Olrl for leleplumu op
erator; 0110 with experlenco In tin
vnrk preferred. Apply at Klnmatb
'alii olllce.
Choice Garden
A few plots or choice land for garden; Potatoes,
Cabbage, Celery or other truck, under
irrigation and convenient
CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE Fifth Street near Mill
Has same Lot Hantalns for you
Whenas. Iiiditment wn retnl..ri
and entered on tlm 2Glh day of April
1!09. In an ncliiin In the Jiutic
Court for tlm I'retlerl of I lnvl 1
Kla'iinth tiiunli. Hint., r tu. n.,n ,
befino A I). .Miller. Jiisin.- 01 1.. i-
.'.- fi.i n.ilil pmlmt. between II " '
wi,,.,d..f:.,';;..rn';.,n;,,,',i'i:;: ,' ,;;:;" . hi
rolt HAM-MImiIUiiious.
'OH HAM: Conking range, good as
now. fii'iulro .MimIcI bakery
'OH HAI.B At n bargain; uNo. r.
Oliver typewriter, with lB-lncI
arrkr, In first-class condition; n
Jl 10 mnchlnu for $7C. Call at O. K
Transfer oftlro and tco It.
KOIt "hAI.H Freight outfit, win
ploto, ronslstlr.g of 8 horses mid
hurneiis, strctchirs nnd tliulns, 2 No.
I wngoiis; uipuilty of wugons, 30,
000; nil in No. 1 condition. .Merrill
& Hon. I'nrk stable, .Merrill, Ore.
I'Oll HAI.K- Itnllnmd tliket, llrst
c tana, to I.oh Augeldi or Hnn lllego,
Cat. AddresH I', O. Iiox 2.1, l.nla-vlew
TIIH Huuthcrn I'urlfio baa now on
sain round trip ticket, to Hvnttlo,
good for sixty days, with prlvllegu of
stopover nt uny point en roiitu fur
$28.7r. Thn llnnl limit on these
ticket, explro October' 3 1 tt.
OltDHIt jour ko fiiini t). li. 'iiaiihfer
rURNIHIIIH) rooms and npnrtlnonts
111 tno imiiiwin.
CKMKNT Imported cometit just ru
eclved; turjoad Allseu cement In
Iron barrels, lluldwln llnrdwuro Co,
TO KXCHANUK California for Oro-
gon: mo acre deeded and. title
perfect, no mortgugo; fruit, grain nnd
grapes. For acreage at or near Klnm.
ath Falls. II. D. Blbloy, P. O. box G47.
j San Bernardino, Cal
mid luulnst ilileiijiu.i fi
oiii -iwe i iluira ( JT .1 1 ,t 1 . 1, r
est Hi noil lit the rnto of SU (G) pr
cent pi r nniium from the 2Mb day 10
April, IS09, and tho furflior sum or
Thirteen nnd Twinly-riiu Ouv-hiiii
dreilth. dollars ($13 25) toils and
disbursement; nnd whenns u trim
sirlpt of said Juilgmetit nml (iroci fil
ings had beforo said Justlio of Ihe
peiirn in nam 1111,1 tins been Wed In
Iho nfilto of tho Count) ftrlc of
Klamath C(.uiity, Ort-gcm, and whlih
suld Judgment was duly docketed In
Iho Judgment dockit of tho Circuit
Court of thn Htnto of Oregon for Ihe
County of Kluiunlli, on tlm 12th day
of liny, 1B09, nnd tho sum of Hoh-ii-
i).lVo dollar,! (7C), with Inloreatl
....J...MI iu inn rino in m (c) .1(,r
tent per iinniim from tho 2fih day uf
April, IIMI3, and Tlilrliin mid Twen
A..-., """''inilri'dlli dollars
($I3.2C) co!s mid illsbiirsemeul. of
s.ild action la now dun then on; nnd
by virtue of mi exitullon Issued by
thn Clerk of Iho Clieuli Court of tho
Statu of Oregon for tho County of
Ivhimnth, on wild Judgment, com.
iiinuillng mo in satisfy Mild J.dg.
mint, Interest und cost, nut of tho
porsnnnl pnipeity ,,f .nld j. Hulll
tan, ami for want Hut. ..r 11,, .....
of tho re nl iirooirie i.,.i, 1
suld J, i:, Hulllwin. In .aid iVmniir ,,r
Mmiinlh nml Slnln of Or....,,., .....1
not In In ti nhle. ntler .1111 1 J. 1.
nnd Imiiiiry, to Hnd any porsnnnl
Properly belonging to J. j. Hulllvmi
In tub loiinty, nut of which to sulls.
fy raid Judgment nrnny part tlimiof,
I hnvo levied iiiou tho following dcJ
wrlliid imil pioporly of iho ilufund-
.111 j, 1.. niiiiivun, o-w t; HIIll of
HH'. of Section "I. v 10 ",' :,'''
of Hotllcin 27, HJ4 of NIJH 'f i ,'
W"r; TVwi',1.,!',1" " """"' '"'"ko
1.1 l.-ist of Wl till mr.t 1,. 1, V..
Oreem. " "" "
Nolle ci Is Ihereforii hereby give,,
Hint by vlituo of kiiIiI o..rn,. 1
will, on Monday, tho 30th el ,y of An
KiiM. tttoD, nt il,,, hour of 2yo'ok
In tlm nfUrnooii of said day, at tl0
nil, v". 'I,"t""r"'" ''"or In Klam.
nib Kills, Oicgiiii, mil m ,H1,(. ,
Zt'",.1"" '"''Idderiorcn.i In
liiitnl, tho nliovii clurrrlhicl real pioii
'rty. or so mud, ti.,lf UH ,' ,
nioiimirv li.,. t . . '""J. V"
favor V.r II u. 1 """ J""KI l '"
no 11 ' W' ,u,m' id iignlimt
J. I'. Kll Villi. l01!lll,n .ulll. ..,..:
nnUrrthh.,r.oi..Bt. that havo or Zy
Dated nt Klnmi.ll. l.-n.. n
.Ha 30th .lay of j,;,;, ?& "rrK""'
a, . W. II. HAUNCH.
30 g-'sHJ ' K,tt"m"' bounty.
China and Glassware
Hoii't piu Ha ,, (, (rr Ware, $'nry llldies,
riali'., luiiiblrrs, Jnrdluli re, Ornaments, t lianibrr Hrls, M.lrf
Coolers, rriid-r thing. 11,1 ml nml oniauientul for your liw
nml lahln? We mrry sioli InomIUuI (Iiiii. , Hie HailUwl
In plain and gold rlminc.l. K,,, r mImi.Ii- ill.pUy. The
largest .tixk In the city anil nt such b,u prr-.
'tfWHWmmt. X-wa4wMM
wwmmmms6 n
Ki'cp us iiioviiit;; ue arc prepared for woijK
Tcnmliijf, ilra)inK ami forwarding. Is 110T
Keliahlc ami prompt service worthy youR
Attention? Day or Night. We're not a rum A
Nimil'er phone, office 871 and 873 the barN
Say: Barrage and Pianos are special! kS
Frui;ht orders liandled quickly. No MufF
Equippd with the only piano truck liorE
Reasonable rales on goods stored. Uetli-R
Cill or phone us before placinir orders, C
. ' 5