The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 18, 1909, Image 1

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    ' '
a .v.;
Klanuitli Fnlb' Vim
nml UcNt Dully.
9 2U-I-I
Our Advertiser Owt
The Best Results.
TiniiK Ykah. No. 1.I7
Pbicb 6 Cents.
ii n i
miii. mi: hi.t u. iii:m its
in iiiNiior
M'unli! I''"' "iip n( llm .Mnl
rr. Unit if Well l'mlllliln
I'mlmr. nf I In- 1'itlr,
The all Important qileatlun l.ifoir
t).r liualneaa MHII In-iln) la llm in'..
on Mill nlll tm I -I I tlm limply
lt I'rrildenl llshiii nf the I'nli
iHlatloll la mil i.f llin ill), nl.-l b
tinllMR "I III" li'inlnra lll imlT.
i I.I until Hi n Inn., al wlilili nr.i
lb italn lll l atimilliitnil III lull
arrlloti villi I Li' hnlitlnt ( Hi' ('t
Ii belli llwiiaa. I iillnr I! tr
Ui drill In ll'ii ill" IT mi the lull .i I tut Inllir iarn la Ii-cldl-U
litem I. It (illlIC In lllril lt,
Ifnrll niMrliiii, liu It It c'ulunil
tUt llm IikiiiI'.h I thi' iiriiiimti mil
Ih ilimrlll'i-'i In Ii entniiuli Nil ii.
ipufhlhK lli, iiiiku II lliipiarilcul,..
In hiilil tlm i.Ur llmrc lula )in
Tli iiiii.i utt'iiia In l.i
Ibsl llm Mill" IIHIITJ lllllll.l j l.ll
lune.1 thla )mr n, w,n ailupli'l Urn
irnl a anllatiln plain In which In In.
Oil I tin cililblla In tills ny liu
lliltota In llin ell) ji.i'iM ! K-. In
the bualm-ia imiliT il Itir tnw.i. l.i
Mini I hi' ripnlta.. 1 f k'l line In ll' f Hi
(imintli oulil mi. It tlliil mil lit
lie jiiiiriiiT. nml nlvrf) l.i. in u.'irl,
Ih l lot ma nf In
be xhnl .Inline I lift I l. irk Ii liu.
Irrn allKKraliil llin I form nf lull
Inla lm ellmlnaln-l, iiirli na Ii irw
IiiIiik ami Mmtri-I ... in., unit tin
mint-) iianallx app.iiirliii-, fur Hill
ruti lw iletotitl n Mini,, fin in nt
rnlritalnmrnt of llin gurats
Anuthrr Mm thai lika turn ad
tanci.l anil one Hint lina netnr turn
lrll l.,i . ih,. I,,, , line l a liii
public amlliin Nn iharKn la In be
nude ami in r) inn. la in lm luilled
(ilillnfi whati'trr lm
lliii.ln.t B .,,tll,, ,
Ihla ..ill,,,, . ,, ,.,,, ,,,!
alainlMnl. nml ,, ...... ,. m,t run l. .l,,,,,, :ll(l)t(ir
'"' '"'" ' ' l.l X.llil.1, limn
It" H la in l.i. rniiml II,.,,. ,, nn,
lln.' n( iiKilnl.lii kiiioii mi).,
"' "" Hi' lilimiilil In IhU n(.
nit' nt I'lilnli,.-., h,,, J,,.
Illl" li,-la l.nialillia mi.t .,.,.,.-.. ,,.., I
" V" H.HI
"Ii- IHUKiilfti.hl lli. nntiitnllx fiila
laliluaMn ,Hi,i t. .,, f
lil ulliiila. uiul In- itil ,,.
Winn Ih,. iiiiinlr Inlr la li.-M ,,
ll. In. M ilniiM,,.,, , , ,,, lll(l
or il..- m II as u ,tir.- Mliimr
lln- Mi lliiikr) Inn, f. nil, .
lna la laklnic lln. ,., ,,(
III llmlnUI aihI liiliatriulliui. Id,.)
in nml, liamlMiiiin. ami ituinMn na
-ll Vim can nl)a K'l lln-iu nt M-
llli: Hlllln, Vllgll L Hull
llll.l. Il.tH V.SV. ON I'AriKIC AMI
I'ntlliiiiil Ti-litrni'a lrl HUlr-
iihiiI. ,tf Xiih utw Oul f
in iii in nn: Mii
I. lliMin in) nl IUhI) ,.f Unlit Til
illlillll, Hill IC ll Kula, Will It-
I Mil fi.r 'i, nrr I'iiimm,-.
Ulillrnliili 1 llii''ir'. rim luitn of
(Ilia In tin- nl. I (in inn laK'' n.l'l
pan) liiillillnii nn UVal Mnlu aln-i-l,
III niM anullii'r link In Hit' il.aln nl
Klaiiialh I'alla' kiiiIiik Imliiatilia
Illl llm iihiiIiie nf I liil r lir iuk'-
niltl I'laiit liHaliil mar I'lutrr
C I ii K. tahlili la alx nr i-khl iulli-
i-l nl lln- In ait nl Hitiri-r in-ik A
tmlli.ll .liclni. haa In i ii laki-li up In
hlr mill Imallnn, htrli inn lm iiu-il
tut nH-ialliiK lln- mitt until llin nif
.nr) ati-r hiit ran In- ilrvilniiil
'.li'-ln. al uhlrh limn I hi' mill lll tic
rim Ii) nli-r .Mr llrrtii I lali-il Ihnl
i ii i- Ink,. lial Imiii illiiiirri-l In
that an Hun, hlrh It ralli-il I'lmia-
iiiiii lakn. ' ntlrr n iliiiiaiiiuii l-ni
"JiiIiii- J IHU haa ai-ut the man
lm tiKanla nn llm Krlali-.l location
Hut Inlialrurlliiii rnxlnnnr III I he
ur. Into Ori'Kiin tu liMik I ho lonn-ni'Kli-rti-il
Inrrltni) mi-r llli a rlvw,
lii')nml any iluiihl, of di-clillnn upon
lln- fi-nalulllty ot throolnn railroad
llni-a thmiicli llm rlrh ami unJuvel-
iin-. i iniin Thla man la John K
Hli'ti'iia" Kitltialtn iulillralluu In
Kti-nhiK Ti-iRraiii, July II, 1909.
In nn ulDrlal atalmicnt toluo
lii-li-. Ii) hluiM-ir, John K. Klnrrna,
iM'raunal nml innfliti-ntlal, repri'M-n-
intltn nl Jamiti J. Mill, iiiter(lay aft-
I'iniMin ailiiillliil Itla on ronncctlon
lth nml lila nimmuir'a flnnnrlal hack
Iiik uf llm Ori'noii Trunk line. Ilr
llii-rihy fniiflrmiil In alnioat crrr)
Ii mil hnl tlm Ti'lcicram haa
rlnlmiil nir tlniv July II, whto
Kli'iina' pri-m-nrv In Oregon wai Ural
niiiiiiiiiii-1 In lluau mliimni. Thli
ni'taapjpi-r flrat lilriitlflt'il llm tiiya
lirluua John r Haiiipwin whu had
tpi-nt Miiun Ihrnv vnk throuuli On.
tint, Kniitlnintrrn and Hunt hern
Ori'Kiin na John r Hli-vnna, and
atutiil mucn than a month anil that
Hli'tma ua almily out In that coun
lr) liHikltiK (or a fnaalhlu route b)
impliiynd when he wa flgurlna; on
luilliilnn down the north dank of thn
Columbia, although It can be aald
without fear of denial that not only
Hloveua but thd Orenon Trunk law-
) well haVe been trying ever
,lnc the TelMrkm exploited BUTtna'
priiience here, to iriuade Hill to
rom out Into the open and admit hl
connection with the antl-llarrlman
road. Kor reaaona beat known to
hlmielf, Hill haa withheld auch an-
, nouncement until now, right on the
eve of the tint (real legal aklrmlah
In the federal couita. The natural
Inference la that thla audden change
of mind wai brought about In a large
meaaure by the atory In Saturday'!
Telegram, where certain vital dis
crepancies In the Oregon Trunk mapi
and lla doubtful legal alandlng were
called attention to Theae discrep
ancy am purely technical, but have.
it la aald, Important bearing on the
A Fair Comparlaoa Made by Coa
M-rvallve ntlsesi That Shows I'p
Till C'lljr and Coantr Well.
reurvatlon there were (00 or 700
good claims and 100,000 people reg
istered." Mr. Straw stated that travel waa
very heavy and the tralna were rilled
with homeseeken, but that a good
runny of them were of the claaa that
rode all the way out from the east In
a chair car without changing their
On leaving here Mr. Straw waa
suffering from an abaceaa In his bead,
from which be baa entirely recov
James Straw, one ot our well
known old residents, returned home
last evening from a trip to Portland.
Coos Uay, Seattle. Yakima valley.
question or the legality of every re- Spokane and Coeur d'Alene.
lulled right claimed by the Oregon I .... a. . t .. u ..
Tninw it ... ... .i. ... "It aeemi good to get back home,"
Trunk. At any rate, the Harrlman I . ,
people attach so much Importance to Md Mr B,r,, ,or ,ter 'uln
this legal loophole that tbey will ,n various placea above mentioned
make It the baala of their attack on 'and noting pretty carefully the con
Mill In thu federal courts, and fight anions prevailing on the ouUlde, I
ii uui tin uiai une ir iney nave to
arry It to the supreme court of the
tin, I.mIm Ii. ..-II
lil Hat II fill, 11... -...ii, ., T.. lilh ' I" "" lliUhlMiiiilmil
II la Jl rnannnlr uf lllioill
lrnl)-ni' nine, ttlilrli llm) linin
I ml aurii')iil. nml If tlm walir IniliU
ml In llm lakn tlila ainami llm) 'lll
iillllfn ll In coiinictloii villi their
mill (nr Hiinr imrpo"" nml nlau fur
IrtlKntlon Tlm itnll)' nit uf llm mill
will im from lo.ooii to I .'..ihiii nt
v till llm tl.irllun ntiKlim, whlill will
lm liniilril Into Itila rll)' nml Klilppi'il
fintii Inn'.
In HakliiK nl llm lltulicr III Hint
.ret Inn, ll -una atutiil llinl ll nf n
wry fltm iuiillly nml Hint llmro wns
rnnalili-rnlili' Innli KrimliiR llnri'. II
la thilr luli'iilliin In miiniifnilurv llm
luich, ulili It ll la iliilmril miikea very
lino ItMliln llulalilnK IiiiiiIkt. uiul lll
mil i link nr warp. iiImi lintltiK n wry
linn Kinln. I.nrrli U nlau ixtiUHhib'
Dun of tlm llm. . i liiil,, iriirlf iiM-il In IMiiklliK liuller lioxi-H, nn no-
lina In tlm runnly U In lm fiiniid In , t tint uf Iu'Iiik inlntlisa. II l
lit illy nl llm lioiiii'itf II Nnwnlinui piiit'il t tint the mill will lm In opera
Mr Ni-mii lm m ma nlwn)a Imin mi in-.llmi within lhi next two ww-ka.
Via cli hflnrmmii ain In lm iln
V'l to tlm aiifllon. Thla wiiiiM lm
J til meet Willi aurif-aa llmm a
nut a fmiui-r In thn muni) who lina
nut tomithliiK lm wiiiiM lm cla.l tu
"ffrr fur Mln at nu nuitlnii, nml lm
"until llknwlan Imin Ilia wnnlln-r i')n
ml fur whwnlntvr was nnVrn! fur
' ll la nriitii-il thai llin mnli-ilnl
oillarn of Hio faiim-r aliniiM lm lima
looked nfler lln wimlil dnrlm lmni-
nt Irnni a fair ut which lit) mnl In
teresta widi pinvlili-il for, and llm
tier rnaulis wmilil prom fur moin
Mtlsfatlory than If Itla Hum wern ili
"tliil In wnlrlilng huisn rnn-a or
annm nlhor fuini of sport.
a ii.m:i.iiiii:v
eteeetteoe )
I Gome to Us for Tour
Fall Suit and Overcoat
We will make
them to your
exact measure
and up
Stylish, per
feet fitting
clothing made
by America's
foremost tailors.
K. K. K. Store
Klamath Falls - -
which Jim Hill could break Into Call
furiila ami get a Llg slice of the liar-
rliitan iimlon.
Sletena illacuaand the determina
tion uf Hill In litilld Into Central Ore
Kim frnnkl), ami wllh some of that
ri-Miluti-nma which characterized hlra
wlmn Im miu nn tlm lathmua and re-
fuai-il In lei ItiMineielt tell llllil how
In ilk llm Mk dllch. Hut when It
come to fcellnis the great engineer
nml iiinalrurllru railroad genius nn
llm project of Invasion of California,
Im li.-ioini-a evasive. However, his
nllllmln nn till subject I not so
much In thn point a thn three In
dlapulntiln fnrl;
guiili- ComilMirullie Karta
Klrl N. W. Helhel. location en
lilueer of tlm North Hank, and onl)
Intel)' location expert on the Oregon
Trunk, lias taken up the tusk of run
nliiK sum-) fur this road south from
Mnilrn nml Inward iJikcvlew. He
will probably hao crew In the Held
In n Miy few dn). A construction
eiiitlueiT, Helhel haa been aucceeded
by (lenriso A. K)le. aaalstanl chief en
Klueer of lit" I'nclfle Coast extension
uf Hio MIlMntikci'. This leave lletli
el'ii hand freo to project Iho IHU
linn tu Iho Mirlous rich section
which urn to lie tapped on the way to
Han Krunciscii.
Second Oregon Trunk people are
lu-diir eiiilenorltiK to round up engi
neer uud iir c) or for thl work In
Third John V. Steven and Tree
Ident V. I. Williamson of the Oregon
Trunk hnvo been In extended confer
ence with John II. Allen of New
York, owner of Iho Pacific Kastorn
railway, ut the Portland hotel to-day,
uud It I reasonably certain that IHU
will tuke over thl road projected be
tween Medford mid Crater lake In
i ho near fiituio. Thl doe not give
a direct outlet Into California, but It
will tup ii bountiful empire, in Bouin
western Oregon at one end and af
ford easy ucce. luto a portion of
Control Oregon, which haa almost
unlimited posalbllltle In the devel
opment of varloiu Industrie. Hill'
acquirement of thl property would
make It euay enough to connect It
with tho road which the Porter Broi.
nro now building !' tho Deichute
can) on.
CullfornlM the Ooal
It all Indicate that Iho Invasion of
thn Hnrrlmun preserve In Central
OieKon I only one step toward
HIU'b ultimata goal the great Cali
fornia treumiie-house ot traffic.
In waiting until the pretont time
tn'ciiHt off hi mask, Jame J. Hill
linH simply followed tho name policy
United Stale.
Kurerd Into Hie Open
With thl situation confronting
him, It I conjectured that IHU felt
that he would be In better shape to
wage successful warfare If he ad
mitted financial responsibility for the
lie this as It may, IHU' man Ste
vens Is not at all worried, nor are
the Jllll lawyer, for they contend
that they will build a railroad Into
-ciilral Oregon even If they rave to
Imi nut every bit of preliminary
work atit-ady done and atart light
out from tho beginning.
"Wo'rc going to tulld Into Central
Oregon," declared Mr. Steven, wllh
much emphasis thl morning, "iii.d
wi nu.'t care a map for ih euit
That Irn't worrying u In thd slight
est. We have not all the wtoaey
aeetVl, and why jhould e worry?
;.ir any legal oottacln, I hate no
cause for anxiety; our lawyers are
paid to meet any auch exigencies,
xnd I have every conBdence that they
will be equal to tho emergency."
If the Oregon Trunk people can
t;et sufficient equipment to keep 10,
300 men busy thvy will fling such an
irniy of constructlonlsta Into the
field. "The work," aald Mr. Stevens,
'will be prosecuted Just aa rapidly
a labor and proper equipment ran
found no town of this alxe, or aome
oven larger, that could compare with
it in business. The merchant In
town similar to our are complain
ing continuously about dull time
and poor trade, and upon going
around among the merchant here
they itate that wblle business I not
at It highest point, still they are per
fectly well satisfied.
"You aee more people In Klamath
Falls on the street than yon do In
any of the towna on the ontalde of
the same site, and If Klamath Falls
was bunched up like the moat of
those town are we would bare a
crowd on the streets all the time.
"Crop In the Willamette valley
do not look good on account of the
cold, late spring, but In the Palouae
and Yakima valley crop took
Why la our clearance gate like a
magnifying glaaaT Because It make
your quarters appear aa large aa dol
lars usually are. Portland Store,
next to Postofle.
Interest Is arowfaaf fas the Oreat
TtaoV-Gettlag Movement Many
Naggesllons RerHved.
We are right at the bottom with
price. Come dowa and see ns. Port
land store, nut door to Postofle.
Calls for Entire Room aad the.InsUI-
iatioa of Three. Haadrrd
AtVUthNaal Dotes.
Mr. Straw attended the land draw
Ing la Spokane, but failed to get i
claim, although be aald one man who
registered from this county, whose
name he did not know, drew a claim
In the Coeur d'Alene drawing, the
number of the ticket being 1.365.
In speaking of the chances one bad
for drawing a claim, Mr. Straw said:
"It was too long a shot to get any
thing. For Instance, In the Flathead
country there were 2S0 good claims
and 89,000 people registered; In the
lm assembled, and there will be no 8pokane reservation there were 30 or
let-up In activity until the road is
turned mcr to tho operating depart
ment." Doth Stevens and President Wil
liamson deny that connections will be
made with the North Bank by brldg-
'ng the Columbia. But, at the same
time, the name engineers now en-
taged on the Oregon Trunk only a
ihort time ago completed a survey
'or such a bridge, made all the nec
essary soundings and borings for
tuch a structure, but there Is no hur
ry about thla; tho brldgo can be built
iny Hmo and It will not be necea
ury to light llarrlman every Inch of
the way; approval of tho government
inglneera will remove any legal ob
stacle, and the O. R. N. can't atop
the IHU people from croaalng Its
main line to hook up the Central
Oregon line with Iho bridge across
tho river.
"I shall spend more or less ot my
time In Portland looking out for our
interests In this project," said Mr.
Stevens, "though my permanent head
quarters will still remain In Chlca
to." lie closed his Interview with the
itatement that there wasn't a richer
?mplro under tho sun awaiting rail
road development than Central Ore
on, and with the declaration that he
lldn't think he had ever made a bet
ter investment In hla life.
3G jcood claim and 100,000 people
registered, and In the Coeur d'Alene
Captain J. J. Rahm baa Juat re
ceived his new power launch "Mar
garita" from the Michigan 8teel Boat
company. The launch Is eighteen feet
long, four and a half feet beam, with
a six horse-power engine, canopy top,
and capable ot carrying comfortably
fourteen passengers. Her speed Is
twelve miles per hour. Besides the
launch, the captain has twelve row
boats of different sixes which can be
secured at reasonable rates by apply
ing at his new boathouse on the Up
per lake. The Margarita will be
used for the passenger business In the
Upper lake and can be chartered at
reasonable rates upon application to
Captain Rahm.
F?.r S!sr A"f 0$: I
Asuuwr juson
ob Klamath Lake
X Tim to Vmmrpnui U Attica
Tills Is a sportla -roioJilua Z
for nie of wraith i I not
a farm.
I'nequalled troat fkitutg Jute
lo November.
Deer baaUag on the premises
Asuraat 1 to November 1.
Dark shooUag saperior to any
a. .w. a.... .. . . w
m wot ommw uirr umvaausaai
of acres of wild celery aad
rice September 1 to Febra.
ary I.
Oroase aad pheasant aboottac
oa the place October IS to
Norratber 10.
Brat startta place la coaaty
for a bear haat.
Crater lake aatomoolle road
wUI raa taroacn the place
for a aUle aad a smarter.
Navigable water to toe proper
ty, aaaarpassed driakum wa. f
ter aad power to develop tar Z
More bottom land aad ame car
dea laad thaa aay place oa
the lake.
Thousands of ptae aad Mr trees
uid thoasaads of qaaklag
More varieties of wild ftoweta
aad aatara graasm aad
retches thaa aay place la the
If yoa develop th
H raa be developed there la
ao resort la the coeaty that
raa compare with H.
No amoaat of talUag wUI de
scribe It i let aa show yoa.
We hare beea offered am
thaa twice what It coat, bat
have a price at which yoa
may take lt below which,
we will keep It.
at oBce
I Baeia Vitta Addltioa i
wafer aimimf vr
W. t. imvi
At Bhlre Bros. Oo.'a Store.
The question of the location of the
postomce Is practically settled so far
aa the government aad H. F. Mur
doch are concerned. When the rep
resentative of the government was
here some time ago be submitted to
Mr. Murdoch a proposition for thr
renting ot accommodations In hla
building. Thla embodied the condi
tions that' the enUre room be devoted
to the use of the postoflee, .and that
there be installed about three hun
dred boxes.
The plans for the new equipment
have been received, and When the of
fice Is rearranged lr will be one of
the most convenient In the State. A
private office I to be provided for
the postmaster and the general ar
rangement of the Interior will be en
tirely changed.
The lease Is made out for a term
of ten years. It la not likely that a
change will be made during that per
iod, as the government makes It a
rule to change the location of the
rxslofflce only oa two conditions
when the quarters get too small or
It erects Its own building. Klther
contingency is not likely to arUe
rlUrlng the term ot the lease. Tho
growth ot the business of tho post-
office Is such as to warrant the pre
diction that next year will seo the
beginning ot the free delivery 'sys
tem. This will do away with tbe ne
.emit) ot larger quarters, as It will
relieve the office ot a great deal ot
business that wilt be transacted by
the carriers. The erection ot a gov
ernment building Is only a remote
possibility, as It Is one of the hard
est things to get through congress.
Tbe Bargain Week catalogue Is
filled. It will be a thirty-two paged
book, slxe six by nine Inches, and
every page will carry to the people of
Lake and Klamath counties a list of
the offerings of the merchants of this
city that will bring here hundreds ot
purchasers, many of whom hare
never been here before and most of
whom will In future make Klamath
Falls a headquarter for their trad
The question of holding a Week
of Bargains hinged on whether
enough of the merchant would be
represented In the catalogue to Jus
tify Its Issuance. .Now that this has
been done, the next step will bo to
get ready for a proper observrnre of
the occasion. In addition to the
county fair will be held some other
form of entertainment. It has been
suggested that the Chamber of Com
merce take charge of this part of the
program, and those ot the directors
of the organisation who have been
seen have expressed themselves as
willing to assume the task. If the
directors at thslr meeting to-morrow
night wilt officially adopt the matter
It will mean Its complete success and
at the same time assure the hearty
co-operation of the business men.
Many suggestions have already
been received, and they are deserv
ing of the-earefnKssaiHissllsa nf -.
those having the celebration la
charge. One ot the most unique aad
at tbe aame time practical, la the
holding of what shall be known aa
"Mask Day." during which everyone
In the city, residents aa well as visi
tors, will mask. This would un
doubtedly be a popular part of the ;
program. Other Ideas have been ad
vanced and ahould bo submitted to
the consideration of the managers,
who will select tbe best of all tbe
suggestions and Incorporate them In
the program.
Mr. Gammon, tbe genial proprietor
ot tbe Iris Theater, has signified bis
Intention to give matinee perform
ances at his playhouse during the
Week of Bargains beginning October
4 th to assist In entertaining the peo
ple when tbey are not spending mon-s
ey with the enterprising merchants
behind this new move to bring trade
to the city. Doing a step further,
Mr. Oammon has offered to give one
free matinee to work Into whatever
program may be arranged for that
week It a carnival or fair Is held.
Jars ot money given away at the
Portland Store.
i It Is Tried and Tested !
We do aot take the asaaafactarera'
word for she parity of
Our Olive Oil
We teat each aad every lot that we
get by the most approved asethods.
We are giving away a tea dnHar
Electric Stead Isuap with OUve OH
See oar window for partkalars.
Star Drug Store
They Have It"
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