The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 17, 1909, Image 1

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    "r-jpr - V 'ffB"!
tint i no
Our Advertisers Gtt " (il
Clamath Falls' First
I and Beit Dally.
The Best Results. ?A"r1
V iv'."
Yeak. No. U30
p '
V . -. -
fvi !
Now lUlscd on Fifty
i Tluut In Whole County
(Thirty Vrar Ago.
Oerbcr, (ho Klamath county
cr ami wholesale biilclicr
lntii, started 37G head of
i from Horsefly and t.angoll
i Friday lor tho Sacramento
Mr. Oerbcr states that rat-
illy are In flno condition
nMmn of tlio year, anil
I lock raisers will lie
Ing within Ihu mm two
r which limn beef ratlin
II In thu pasture fur the,
a i'i nit to tint number of
would ho likely In hi'
of this section between
"Otorrli IGth, which general
rtliaflko season (or f.-d rattle,
afeMkat Im believed Hutu will
'MtsMsV ahlpM im lii former
MNltjss all
sWsJFM'ke a
I mi hi opinion that
hilt Iticrceso In the
lambs ah I mud.
m Jfi r-
tJtl.SSjfcVfce Just thirty year ni'it
- .w '. ...
Mr. tiiTIirr, "alnce I
Klamath county. Only
coming up (rum Mcr-
oro alfalfa, oats, wheat,
potatoes grow on fifty
as grown In the entire
I first ramo here. In
;tho vast amount of oj-
bark')', oata nml polo-
now raised, ami which
1 fifty times over tin-
there am two other
t I wish lu call to thu'nf
II tlinsu under thu Irrl
Theso aru dairying
of hoR-a. Tlivau ahuuld
ohm. If tho readers
could sen In cold print
nionoy that la annual-
hams, baron and lard
Btato of Oregon alono
aatounded. It would
Kor year thu
la county raised cat-
for Ihl purposo theru
than tho llercfords,
Dovonshlres. Kor
a, howover. a dlffer-
bo brought In. Klther
Jersey, or a croaa bo-
ilatoln and Jaraay or
Id bo eniul'iyud, Tiu-so
hoe Slaughter
;. K. K. Store
lath Falls
produco th (i bint result, nml where
scientific, up-todatu methods aru
umplo)ed, enormous iroflta aru real
licil. Thousand of dollars uru an
nually m'lit east fur Ihu product of
tho iiihldlu went ilnlry farm. Thl
should nut bu no, No butter dulry
(oiintry ran bu fuuml nuywlicru on
thu lilobu thuu rlKht hero In Klnin
nth. It U far superior to any other
section on thu count, Whenever u
ilnliy expert lm touiu liuru ho has
been surprised with what ho found,
and was frvu lit liU predictions that
at nu far dlntanl ilatu this cuuntiy
would bu noted throughout Ihu coast
fur It dairying.
"Aa for thu hog Iml iiitt r , too iiiuih
rannot bu auld. A liluh.grudu class
of hiiKa ahuuld bu Imported. Kviry
(aru should bu exercised to keep tho
county friu from hog diseases. None
aru to bu found hurt' now, and with
ordinary taru nonu will net u foot
hold. Tho methods of hoi; raising
navo been revolutionized. Thu old
wallow has been relegated to thu
n-ur, and thu old Idi'U that thu Iiok
was iiiitliliiK luoru than a snti'UKT
has Ihiii ikii'U falsi'. TIiuhk two
iiraitlri's aru what cost thu furmcrs
if thu I'liltid Stntus mllll.ina of dot-
tut. Ihu Iiok la u cliun iinlmnl. IJn
lanltary surruundlriKs (day hnvu.
with llii'iu, fur tliuy arr irodurlltn ol
i ho iIIm'Uscs that lapldly kill thi'.i
jff t'lidur Ihu tondltlons irit iiIIIiik
iii'rii thu farmers of thu county inn
man fortunes out of this Induili),
.irmlded they ni'ply modern metli.
ids and londiiit llnlr work on biii1!-
ni'ss principles.
"I uni MilUnuil In my own
that In u short thuu liny of Ihu land
under Ihu Irrigation s) stem--tin'
snitvbiusli land a It la now raltiil
will maku a farmer rich. It will not
!) necessary for lilmtu hni'
Oillnlri-d acre. I lellele thill
with ICO acres or less ho will roon
luu ncqiilred a romfortablu nun
mncy. Theru arc thoumnds of nrres
audi land In Yonna, l.anKi'11 nml
l'no vallt1) land that Is thu fllien
thai man uwr traveled oirr wait
liu only thu magic touch of wnter,"
Thu Mcltoskey Inner-laced mat
tress li taking tho lead of all others
In material and construction, They
aro neat, handsome, and durnblu us
well. You ran alwaya get them at thu
IIIr Store, Virgil Bon.
Why la our clearance sale like a
magnifying glass? Ilecuuso It makes
your quarters appear aa largo a dol
lar usually aro. Portland Store,
next to I'ostomee.
Jar of money given iiway at tho
Portland Store.
100 pair Mrn'a and Iji
(lies' (o $1.00 Hhora
and Oxford at
$1.00 .
00 pair Mliiaea' and Hoys'
$1,75 lo fil.00 Hlioc
'M palm Children1 SI.IM
lo SLTS Hlim-a and Hllpiwr
50 cts.
Now 1 the time to
Shoe the Boys and
Girls for School.
- - - Oregon
IIIkIi I'rlri'n Askl for rniM-rly imi
IjiIi Knuit, Xr-Hhil for InsUl-
till Inn of Hrillc Kyslem.
Thu City Council mt last night.
Present, K. T. Sanderson, mayor:
t.'oiitirlluion Wllklm, Obunchaln,
Hanks, Wllllts, Hummers and Caatol.
Owing to thu nbsento of Itccordor
l.eavllt, who Is In Mono lounly, Cal
visiting his atrk mother, Councilman
Castil luted as recorder pro teni.
Thu follow lug business was tran
sacted: IIuIIiIIiik permlla worn Issued ns
follows: li. Qulllltcli, Jack llorton,!
W. II, Clink mid Paul J. Ilrulten-!
iteln. Thu nppllratlon for a bultdliiK
permit of J. M. llvuns waa denied, i
Councilmnn Wilkin was appoint-,
d ns n committee of one to confer,
llh Knglnevr Patch of thu reclama-.
Ion M'rilru (onrernlnK tl.u nliate
iieiit of Ihu iiulsnnru caused by tho
Ankeny ditch lu III prcifnt condition.
Mu) or Sanderson submitted thu
follow Ing options si cured on prop
erty adjoining Lake Kwaunn to hu
isi'd for rlt) purtKis.- Krom A. I..
Leavltt. A. Martin Jr. aud P. II.
.Mills for all of block SS In Klamath
addition; prlio fl.UOO. From C. T.
Oilier for oil that portion of lot t,
lectlou 32, llng west of tho eastern
iHiundnry of Pay no alley and south
nf Klumatli street, containing n
(rontngu of S20 feet and a depth of
ICO feet; prlru G,C(J0, J, C. ltutenle, j
Sti fret front $2, lot), IOC feet front
:,&uu. A letter wa riTelvivl from
Alex Martin Br. at Oakland, Cal of-'
ferine block 72 to thu city for 3,
Tho mission of Messrs. Sanderson
nnd Wilkin I one that may bo pro
ductive of soino results. Mr. Patch
I anxious a thu city la to nbato tho
troubio from tho Ankeny cauul. Un
der It present condition It la n
sour cu of annoyanco to thu entire
city. Whether It will bo safo to turn
on the full head of water and clean
It out remain to be aeon. When the
flow wa Increased this aummer ao
many leak mado their appcurancu
that tho amount of water was re
duced to tho minimum, with tho re
sult that tho canal throughout It en
tire length liaa becomo overgrown
with weed.
At n former meeting of tho Coun
cil Mesar. Sandcraon, Wllllt and
Hank wcro appointed a committee
lo luspect tho city reservoir. The
usual complaints had been mado
about what could bo found there,
nnd a demand for an examination
had coino from many cltlion. There
wa absolutely no foundation for
these complaint. A careful examina
tion wai made, and It wa fouud that
every precaution had been taken to
safeguard against tho contamination
of tho water. Inside wa icrupuloui-
ly clean, and a pin could easily bo
neon lu tho bottom of the reservoir,
notwithstanding that but compara
tively llttlo light I admitted through
tho opening. Mayor Sanderson stated
Hint the report of Health Officer Yen
ny, who wai hero about two years
ago, that this city had one of tho best
proected aourcos ot aupply lu tho
State, U as true to-day us it was
V. M, Hollo and wlto returned
from ltocky point last night, where,
they havo boon for tho past week.
till Is, don't loso your watch. New
and Bocuro safety fobs
At Mcllattan's.
I'iismiI i:inuiliuitioiis Kurrcssfulljr
Thu following peruana wore sue
((ssful In passing tho examination
for county certificates which wo
held here Inst week! First grade,
llestora Trench; second uracil', Helen
Wakefield, C. C. Crnlg and Ircrwi
Daun; primary, Miss Morella Shire
of Portland, Oro.
A. W. Rhur of Kcno I In tho city
to-day on business. Ho report that
O. P. Harvey of Granja Pass will be
gin about Ilia 1st of 'September on
the construction of a new sawmill at
Cordon Springs, between Worden
and Calor,
Thu mill is to liars a capacity of
about 20,000 feet a day and will glvu
employment to about thirty men and
light or ten teams, Mr. Harvey soma
linn) slnco purchased tho timber
dulms of J, Padgett, Charllo Nelson,
II, W. Tower and Mr, dordon, and
tho timber aupply for tho mill will
bu taken from theao claims. It Is
understood (hat the entire cut of this
mill wllf be taken from theso claims.
It Is undcrnli.od that tho entire cut of
this mill baa been contracted for box
stock. Thu mill Is located only n
nillu from thu main line ot the Cali
fornia Northeastern railroad and
doubtless u spur wilt be run up to
the mill fur taking the output out.
ItKSt'lIK OK (JIN (1,111 KHOOT.
Tim Crater Ijiko Gun Club held Its
weekly trap shoot last Sunday at It
new hrou lids on the Altamont road,
with thu following results:
Posslblo :s
Hampton ,r......2 1
McDonald 23
Cads ;i
Ankeny ,1C
Itobertitou 12
Tlio ticket and freight oltlro of tho
Houtheru Pnrlflr has been moved to
thu north end of (ho freight deiot,
wheru It will remain until tho com
pletion of thu new passenger depot
which is now being erected.
lllg shoe slaughter this week at
K K K Store.
for ale--Aiugust Qnly
A Summer Resort
on Klamath Lake
Thai Is UstvpoiMd la Aacrlca
Till I a sporllHtf I'rupufdllori
for men of wealth 1( N not
a farm.
Viicqualled trout lulling Juno
to Notciiiucr.
Ikvr hunting imi the preiiiiMss
August 1 to November 1.
Duck sliootlng superior to aur
lu Hie Htale over thousands
of acres of wild celery and
tiro September 1 to Kebru-
ary 1.
tiruuae snid dieaant shooting I
. miv nmv uovwr aw iw
November IS.
Ilest starting place in county T
ror a near num.
Crater Uke automobile road
alii run through the place
for a mile and a quarter.
Nailimblo water ta th twotiera
ty, unsurpassed drinking wa S
ler ana power to develop the
More iMiltoni land and line gar
den land titan any place on
l no lane.
Thousand of pine and Or trees Z
ami inousanu or quatung
Mom varieties of wild flower
anil natural grasses and
vetches than any place In the
If you develop Oil. property aa
It ran bo uevelopea there la T
no resort in tho county that
ran compare with It.
No amount of talking will de
scribe Hi let us show you. X
wo navo been onrerea more
than twice what It cost, but
liavo a lu-lre at which you Z
nuiy take It; U'low which,
we will eep ii.
at offlco
Buena Vista Addition i
Conger Avenue, or
W. T. SHJV1 i
At Slilve' Bros. A Oo.'s Store,
iia.mi now in tiik hanirh ok
iah:al 1'Kopi.k
J. A. Maddux and I). M. Ortfntli Are
K1e (cd lo Kill Varanrle Hade
by tlrla;nalloas.
The First National Dank an
nounces a change In thu directorship
of their Institution. George P. Llnd
ley and W. I. Vawtcr of Medford,
realising that their other vast homo
Interests required their personal at
tention, have disposed of their stock
In thu First National and J. A. Mad
dox of this place and O. M. Orlfflth
of Kaglo Kidgo have been elected as
their successors to Oil the vacancy,
Mrs. Fred lllchn and A. C. Deals
have also purchased Mock In this In
stitution, consequently from now on
this bank will bo strlltly lomposcd of
local people.
The foregoing chnngo In directors
applies also to the First Trust and
Savings Hank, which Is under tho
sanid management as tho First Na
tional, Cashier Delicti stated that It was
qhlto probable that tho capital stock
would be materially Increased In tho
near future, owing to tho rapidly In
creasing business which has devel
oped. Mr, J, A. Maddox, who has been
elected ono of tho directors of this
bank, ramo boro first about two years
ago on a visit to Mr. Dclxcll, and
through the latter was appointed ono
, of the judgea at tho county fair. The
.exhibit Mr. Maddox saw there made
'such a great Impression upon him hu mado up his mind that
, Klamath county was worth Investi
gating, which he did, with tho results
as aforesaid.
In addition to bis Investment In
tho bank Mr. Maddox has purchased
from G. W. Wblto an undivided one
half Interest In the property next to
tho First National Bank on Main
street, on which Is being erected a
new brick block, the description ot
tho property being as follows: Thirty-five
feet off tho easterly side otjot
4 and 40 feet off the northerly end
of said lot 4 and 4S feet oft tho west
erly part ot lot 3 In block 17 ot tbo
original town ot Klamath Falls In
tho city ot Klamath Falls. Mr. Mad
dox will hereafter direct the con
struction ot the building which Is
now being erected en this property.
WA81IINQTON, August H. Ap
pointment of Robert J. Hendricks ot
Salem as -census supervisor ot the
First Oregon district and State Sen
ator 8eneca C. Deach as supervisor
ot tho Second district, announced at
noverly last night. Is a decided vic
tory for Representatives Hawley and
Ellis, who- respectively recommended
the appointees.
Senator Bourno undertook to pro;
vail upon tho President to tako this
patronago from the congressmen and
give It to him, and failing in that, ob
jected as strongly as ho could to tho
appointment ot Mr. Beach, who, ho
said, was obnoxious to him. He did
not favor Mr. Hendricks either, as
Mr. Hondrlcks In hta paper has
printed editorials critical ot tho new
order ot things In Oregon polltlci,
and at this Mr. Bourne took offense.
It Is understood that Mr. Hon
drlcks and Mr, Beach wero appointed
because tho Indorsements filed by
Messrs. Hawley and Ellis .showed
them' compotent men and further
more, because the director ot the
census and secretary ot commerce
and tabor aro opposed to allowing
senators lo control these appoint
ments. Messrs. Hendricks and Beach are
now given recess appointments and
take office, Immediately and their
nominations will bo sent to the sen
ate In December. Mr. Bourno may
then undcrtako to prevent confirma
tion, particularly of Mr. Beach, But
unless he can sccuro actual rejection
of tho nomination he cannot keep Mr.
Beach out of oKcc. Ills present re
cess appointment, In tho event he
falls of confirmation through non
action of tho senate, will carry him
through to the close ot the next ses
sion of congress when ho can bu re
appointed. The same is truo ot Mr,
Jowililne County Caves Have Hern
Source of Danger.
OIIANTS PASS, Ore., August 14.
Ever slnco 1ST4, when KlIJa Dav
idson discovered tho Jescphlno coun
ty caves, there has been a tendency
on the part of tho public to outer
theso natural wonders without a
guide, Thrco years after the caves
were known to bo of such magnitude,
F. M. Nlckcrson ot Kerb)-, Ore., with
tbo assistance of others, mado a par
tial survey ot tour floor levels and
Installed laddcra whoro needed at
many of the difficult passageways.
These caves have never been fully
explored to this day, and It Is said
that they extend in and through the
mountain flvo or six miles from the
main entrance. Onco Inside there
may bo found every variety ot lime!
deposits. Within tho dark caverns
may be heard the music of running
wuti.r from an unknown source. A
strong brcexo that chills Is constant
ly In motion. The caves are situated
In Cavo mountain, a peak that vaults
Into tbo sky a dlstanco of 6,000 feet,
and the opening through which tour
ists may enter 1 found at an eleva
tion of 4,000 feet.
In 1S97 the caves were withdrawn
from public lands and by late proc
lamation Issued by the President tho
mountain and a mite square bos been
set asldo as a public park. Thcro Is, a
strong movement on foot since the
accidental killing of Frank Ellis Jo
hare the government prohibit tour
ists and visitor from entering tho
caves without oOclal guides. It has
been suggested that the government
appropriate money and placo Iron
gates over the opening and that they
bo securely locked.
Jars ot money given away at the
Portland Store.
I It Is Tried and Tested !
We do not take the manufacturers' .
word' for the purity ot
Our Olive Oil
Wo, test cacli and every lot that we
get by the most approved methods.
Wo aro giving away a ten-dollar
Electric Stand lamp with Ollvo Oil
8ev our window for particulars.-
Star Drug Store!
. -
Engineer llory Is Hushing Matters
at Natron and Ileport Has It
tixitrnrt Will Soon He Irt.
Engineer Hoey Is In Portland for
tho purposo ot hurrying matters on
that end of tho Klamath Falls-Natron
line. Ho has been pounding tbo
contractors to get busy, and tho re
sult ot his labors Is shown In the fol
lowing announcement that appeared
In Sunday's Oiegonlau:
"Men and equipment to-day will bo
forwarded by tho McCabe Construc
tion company ot this city to Natron,
wheru actual construction o;l will
begin at onco on tho Klamath Falls
Natron extension ot thirty-four miles
for tbo Oregon and Eastern railroad,
a Harrlman property. Tbo contract
for this mllcago was recently award
ed to'tho Utah Construction com
pany, which has sublet a part of tho
work to the Portland Crm ot con
tractors. "The subcontract taken by tho Mc
Cabo company Includes two tunnels.
ono 2,000 feet long and tho other 600
feet long, together with about four
miles ot grading. Thl company
only recently completed seven mites
of grading. Including a 1,400-foot
tunnel, for the Pacific Railway and
Navigation company, which Is build
Ing a railroad to Tillamook,"
Within a short time. It Is pre
dicted, orders will bo Issued for tho
letting ot tho contract for tho bal
ance ot the lino nnd rushing the lino
to completion. This will bo In con
nection with similar orders along tho
Deschutes road, as well as to ono to
Ontario, all ot which aro for the pur
poso ot placing the entlro Interior
section of tho State In touch with
tbo Harrlman system. If this Is dono
it wilt mean that within two years
this city will be enjoying the sensa
tion ot seeing through trains from
Frisco to Portland.
The W. C. T. U. will meet on Wed
nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at tho
home ot Mrs. I'rlco. AH' tho mem
bers aro irgcd to be present and nl!
others aro welcome
Pres3 Supt.
Hare It"
mm. m
T ?'
i" t