The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 14, 1909, Image 1

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'4 .$
m. -
,T I
iinatlt Falls' First
Our Adverttoers Ott
The BM RMiiha.
ml lictit Dally.
iYkaii. No. im
' Jl
At niMPAMlin HV A
mt Hm liiinrporuliira of Hie
Mil lilui .North I 'nim
AlluriK, Cn.
ill)' Hut tenter nf Inti-nat In
Id IlKlit lluit aim ted In Hm
icniinii U working Its wny
I, lilui ti) the I'lul nl tlila
kovluw Mill Im minuting
on nf llm Hint.- Tliln will
wtuu In llm ptraeiiri' In Hint
IC. H, IVh, general traffic
tin H.mHIi. ru I'm llli'. and
liiiorpornltira nl the lino
E ' iir.iitjiaitil In Inillil nurlli
.rj"'T"-" H"ll
nl I'npltiitMa
Mil nil a arl)'it about lwen
'.skSltnllala lll arrive hern
M'tMtt( till imitilli nr llm llml
rMk'kl tWtrmber, tin. I will proceed
LgsWlgsT III nun ililles Thi nir-
NMt l('tNr trip linn lint been no
lWfct It U believed in have
4 wNk the now lullrnail Hint lli
ItrrtaMui Hitcrit going m build
! LglMfttrw. Iliirrlniiiii uiti'iilii huvtt
OK MMy wgnged lii buying up llm
sgj f wgy between Altiirus ntul
ity wit) ( I'M! river mil-
M tli" moat Irnnlliln riiilti'i)
'Ike poealon of llm On
ml touipmiy TliU cor
bud M'tcrul offer In
tin') Iinvn lii'iMi declined.
t n to wliii Hut pros.
inter wero would In'
In prcauiiu-d Hint they
tnllvea n( Hill ami llnr-
llli llm iiiiiiIiik nl Mr.
party milieu tin report
ul agreement has been
li llm ttintriulliiK (nr.
st)al Mr Hill U in with-
Ifce llilil II Man fur llm
s)t for ring rertnlit toiirm-
xilman llml lllll tnrti'il
w Hint liu tins MTiiri'it
tier Im la ready In pull
(Inn iluinmiilril win
Ic urrn.oumeiils friini
ii Prmiclacn. Utile
out, U given In Hilt
II It proves lu liu true
Kt will)' surprised, fur
Warrimiiii nor Mr. lllll
neas for l he fun tl.iy
fwnnla mimi'lliliiK from
If Im gets It Im will
not not, Hun Im will
rmiuot ilcsrrlhn Ilils
It la llkii attempting In
lllili'liiicaa 01 me
mil Store, next to Post,
M ft
rf Ss?
i4mm.' In
woiriiii.vuioN in iikiik.
I), II. Wort liliiKt'in, founder nf tint
Kliiniiilli I'n I In i:irKK, nrrlvi'il In llm
illy dial evening, It la four years
slum Mr Worlhliigtiiu wn In Klnin
ntli Ciilla, tuiil u lilli liu iipi'rti'il
iiiiiuy t Iiiiiikcs, Im wu nut prepared
for llm xri'iit liuimforiiiiillnii tlmt Iiuh
tnki'ti plant In Hint time ClKliti'di
)i'iira iikh llm pulillaliliu; nf n iiowb
inin'r wn not iiitnuili'il wllli luxury.
It wna u uiHit nf aimtrli crnvi'l, ami
rrrutili luiril. Thla Mr. WnrtliliiKtnu
ilhl it nl 1 1 Im tlri'il nf llm t fink . ami
IiIiIiIIiik mlli'ii In hla frlmiila Im liliil
lilmai'K t'lial, wIiitii Hutu wu n ureal
r tlvlil for llm pi'tit-up I'niTKV mnl
nlilllty of n mil ii of lila inllliur. lu
lila liircwi'll nililrraa to Ma atiliarrlli
ora Im prrilldi'il Klmnntli Pnlla'
fuliiii' No iimrit nnliibln forrraal
iii i'Vit iipii'iirril In tyi'c. (or within
Ihn pi'ilml iliwlKlintiil hna niiim to
pnaa Ihn KM lit ilcW'lopuiiTit liu fori-
Mr WorthliiKlon la i-illtor Ami puh
IUIiit of llm lli'lolt Dally New, mm
of the li'iiillni: iii'wapnpura of Wlarnn-
In. liu la poat'nnalcr of thu rlty and
mm of II." liinlira lu Hit' iiiovt'iiu'iit
Hint la umkliiK llftolt u crt'iit uimilcl
pnllty lln will rt'tiinln Int" for n
wti'k or It'll iln) a Ilia old frli'lida
urn Klinl to avii him, mul hit hna
iitiriuly li'toiim populnr with ihowt
Mini Iiiiu laki'ii up llii'lr rt'alili'ncu
limit Im It'll Ilia niilim la not im
fmnlllnr In iitnrly fvi-ryonit In Hm
"Ity, fur Im hua Irft ht'tiliul lilui u
reputation u hclni; Hm hoat iiuh a
nprr man tliut rur llvnl lu Klniuntli
Knlla. nml Hut hi-at prtHif of Hm tor
ri'ltllr of Hit' allltl'Ult'lll la till' RIIC
r' ut hua follnwi-il hla I'tforla In u
uiritiT Hi M
Hcuviri: at Tin: ciiuitrniM.
HiTilua will he lii'hl In llm aovornl
cliiittlna of Klmnntli Pnlla Humlny nn
ILipiUi t'liun li
li): no - Humlny chtHit, Clnaaor
for nil
1 1 : oo MnrnltiR X'rvlco. Hiihjcrt,
1 he ItlKhlmiia ( I ) Who Are ItlRht.
nouaT C) Their Character; (3) What
I hey Are Like, HI Their (Srnwtli."
r.t, l'nlm it;, 12.
If )ou aro ii atrmiKvr In the rlty
mnl lime tin plant to wontlilp, )ou
III llml n hiiiiiellkii rhurrli anil n
(tirillnl weltome.
I'ntoii meet I n R of nil Hie churthea
will lie hi'M In the rhurrli lu the men
Inc. Hi'. Mr. I'rlreiif the Melhmlliit
thiirrh will print Ii the irinnii.
'Ciiine thou with ua ami we will tin
thee Komi." ('nine early If )ini want
ii kikiiI aenl
M. M III.CIlSOi:. intiir.
havk in: o.viiV iti:i'iti:Hi:.NTF:ii
i:ahti:iiv capitamhth
Clirlallmi (liurrli
Tim I'hrlttlnn or DUrlple churrli
v lit hi.''! llielr rt' -erlce In tin
Mt'thoillat ihiirrh on'a Day nf
titrnoou ul 3 ii'ilnck. A rnrdlal Invl
talloii Ii eatvndeil In all who with tn
nttenil thla aervlre.
Clirlllan Hiletue (Tuirrli
C'lirliillaii Krlenre Kcrvlrea will bo
ht'lil lu llm Munlotli liullillnc. Bun
lay nt II n. in. Huhjert of lecture:
fliurtli of Kntreil Henri
Milan dully nt ":.10; Huniln)a at
10.30 ii, in.
A Complete Line of
-Fall Hats
and Gaps
in the Latest Shapes;
the Newest Shades.
A Complete Slock of
ioes, Clothing and
.K.K. Store
lath Falls - - Oregon!
Ilellete, Dimeter, Tlmt (Viilral Ore-
lt' Will lleOM-iitil l'i anil Will
I'lirnloli Ampin Tntfllr.
' I hnvn no connrdliiii with lllll,
Putter llroa., or liny rnllrnnil con
Kt ruction Kthvmu wlmtaoever. I rec
reaent enatern rnpltnllata who ron
H'liiplnlo Inveitment In Oregon farm
Iiik mnl llmlicr Inmla. Two-llilrtla of
ull Hm money I have In Hm world la
tied up Imllnr Invent tnenta. My trip
HiroiiKli Cent ml Oreiton wna In thla
(unlit rtlon, nml no other."
When John P. HtevenB, engineer of
niillonnl reputation, from Chicago,
I, ml with thtie fuw hrluf entenrea
Ihiia lliinlly rloaroil nwoy the myalery
aurrounillni: hla name, he leaned
hark lu lila rhnlr In Hie lohhy of thn
Hotel Portland nml realgncdly,
though (oiirtiiiualy, prepared It) give
nnawrr lo nrloua queillnna an Inter-
fewer from The Journal had In mind
to auk III in.
Hut with thla lucid prettentntlon of
Mr. Htctcni' life and plana, querlra
neoflied rather futile. Hut Im con
tinued iiddeiily and In a confidential
lone: "Do )uu know, I have no Infor
mation about Hie work being done In
Dearhiitei other than I hate read In
the newapapera. Hut I'll tell you,
I'm J it at na Intcteated In railroad con
struction Into Iho central part of tha
Stale aa any other Inventor would he.
Hi ea any one think that I, or the In
tereata I lepresent, would ho Juatltlod
lu going down there and lui)lng C.000
ntrea of mgu bruah Innd mid 5,000
nrrea of Hniher land without Hie aa
tiirancv of tronaporlallon fatllllleaT
lnM'clel Interior Oregon
"I did gn tin nn Investigating tour
of Interior Oregon, hut I did an he-
cniiae I had never hecn there before.
I wanted lu ee wlint It wna like."
"Well, what did ou think of It
from nn lnetor'a atnnilpolnt?" Hie
'ineatlon wna promptly pill,
"Some of It," responded Mr. Ste
en, "la very, very good, and annic
la na hml."
"Hut doen the country Justify de
velopment enterprise, nml tho faith
wo have lu the returns Hint will be
made when railroads bring Iho poo
.ill' nml the money?"
"Indeed It does," iho engineer an
twered emphatically. "I put my
lodgment tin It Hint (hero la land
which will pay splendidly In return
for development. Of rouno there
are other parts which mnke no prom
ise at all nml look hopetes.i. Such
Plnres nro to be found almnal any
liiteMnii'tiU .Might lie Made
Mr. Stevens went on lo say that he
hnd neither for Iho Interests ho rep
resented nor himself iiinilo any In
vestments In Oregon properties, nor
did ho know of nny about to bo made
In the northern states, ho said, and
In Washington, Investments hnd al
ready been made. What ho will do
about Oregon investments will bo de
termined absolutely by advices from
the cust which ho has yet lo receive
It was reported several weeks ago
Hint John K. Stevens, famous engi
neer, whoso services are continuously
engaged by James J. lllll and alwa
In the midst of construction schemes
ns mysterious iih they wero big, had
been living Incog lu Portland getting
ready to bent llarrlman to tho pre
serves of central and southern Ore
gon, and meanwhile go on to San
"Pooh," said Mr. Stovens, calmly,
In answer to a question as Involved
as Iho statement. "And my only rea
son for secrecy, It you must roll It
that, Is tho fact'that l'vo boon both
ered to death by energetic glonnora of
Information for tho newspapers over
slnro I was known to havo boon con
nected with tho Panama canal, Every
(lino I would romo to any plnco tho
ropoiters would look mo up, and I
told over nnd over everything I know
Opllinlntlr Pretllitlon of Judge llool.
Init Itegnnllng Kluiiuitli Tails.
M, T. Doollng, buperlor Judgu of
Can llenlto iimnty, Oil., who returned
yesterday from u trip to Crystal
(.reek, Ii morn than ever Impressed
with Hm piiaalh'llllcs of this section,
mid tapulnlly w.tli thla city. In an
Interview this afternoon ho Hinted:
"This totmtry Is blessed with Ideal
conditions, namely Innd nnd water,
mid It Is my belief that your city In
Im licit eight years should have a
population anywhere from 10,000 to
I r,, 01)0, mid within twenty years a
snug 111 t lo city of to, 000 cople
iliould ho resting hem among Hm
foothills. Of course, this statement
Is not bused on what you have now,
but iiMin what could nnd should bo
Hioiupllahed, For Instnnce, the Up
per marsh should bo reclaimed, and
cut up Into small holdings, Immense
saw; mill plants will doubtless be
erected, all of which will bo arteries
leading to this city and building It
up, and the last, hut not least, will he
tint great tourist travel which this
set Hon la hound lo get the benefit of.
Southern California has hecn built
up by tourists on account of the Ideal
winter dlmnto there, nnd something
ilioutd he done whereby this tourist
travel would wend Its wny to this per
fect summer cllmo. Tim fulfillment
of thn foregoing possibilities Is the
bants for my prediction, nnd also the
fact that this town has within tho last
few years Increased from a straggling
village of 100 tn a population now
of 3,000, most of which came here on
i irospirt beforo Hm assuranco of a
railroad main line entering this coun
try or tho completion of the govern
ment work here. This section Is now
assured of both, henro the foregoing
Marcus A. Hull, treasurer of the
Wm, It. Statts Co., Pasadena, Cal
heavy dealers In real estate, stocks
and bonds, who accompanied Mr.
Doollng on his trip, In speaking of
this section, said: "1 am greatly
llalllnger Will AImi lie Pressed Into
Her Ire, nml Hie Combination
May IjiiiiI Iho lrlie.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Tho efforts to havo a dcflnlto date
set for tho coming of Prealdont Taft
arn still being put forth, but no word
has as yet been received from the
chief exccutlvo of tho nation. The
Commercial Club of Mcdford arc
puihlng tho tight with alt the vigor
of that virile organization, and every
member feels confident of success.
Croat reliance Is being placed on the
Influence of Senator Itourne, who has
become a closo buddy of tho Presi
dent, ll llanre Placed on lUlllnger
Secretary nulllngcr Is being relied
upon to urge on tho President the
practicability and wisdom of visiting
tho lako. It would only chango his
schedule tho matter of a few hours,
and It Is the belief of tho Mcdford
boosters that when this fact Is prop
erly presented to Mr. Taft that he
win uireci mat tno chango bo made.
Another factor tha' will probably
piny an Important part In Influencing
the President will bo Mr. llarrlman.
Hit will bo hero this fall, and during
tho time that Mr. Taft will bo making
his western trip.
May lie lUrriiiian's Guest
If llarrlman would appeal to the
President to como this way It would
havo a ndghty Influence, and rtepi
rhruld bo taken to get Mr. H.irrlatan
to mako tho request. It has been an
uirprlsod In the magnificent area of neiincca tnai me program ns ai
eultlvatnblo land Hint lies at jour "dy been arranged, and that tho
lour here. It was my Idea beforo President and Mr. llarrlman will
vliltlng your settlon that this coun- 'P'"1' a short time together at Pell
try consisted of nothing but n series can bay. Whether this Is true or not
of mountain ranges, nnd Instead nf remains to be seen, as It Is a matter
that 1 found good land nnd homes for ,nat will not bo made public until
countless numbers. I Iho meeting takes place.
"Klamnth Kalis has a good future
before It. but this city Is lacking In XUl' '" our ''caranco salo like a
ono very Important feature, nnd that ""Knlf)lng glass? Hecauso It makes
Is "civic pride." This city should get ollr garters appear as largo as dol-
to work at once nnd havo Main street lan ,,,un"' aro- Portland Store,
paved and made presentable, along next ,0 I'osloraco.
with Iho other Improvements you !
urn contemplating, as tho future pros-1 mmttt
verts of this city warrant It."
X for jaie ugusi Qniy
A Summer Resort
on Klamath Lake
That It Unsurpassed In Aacrlca
Tills Is M sMirtlii)i I't-upOAltlun
for men of cllli i is mil
a farm.
I'nctiiiallcd trout fUliutg June
lo November.
Deer hunting on the premises
August 1 to November 1.
Duck shooting superior lo any T
in me stale over thousands
of acres of wild celery and
rice September t lo Febru
ary t.
Arouse and hrasant shooting
on me innrc uciobrr is lo
November IS.
Heat starling place in county
tor a ueavr num.
Crater lako automobile road
will run through the place
for a mile and Quarter.
Navigable water to Ihe proper-
iy, unsurpassra urtnaing wa
ler and power lo develop the
More, bottom land and fine gar- T
ileu land than any place on X
I lie lane.
Thousands of pine and fir trees
and thousands of quaking X
Mure varieties of wlkl flower
and natural graaaea and
vett lies than any place In the
If you develop thla property a
it 'ran be developed there la
no resort in ine county mat
ran romitare with It.
X, No amount of talking will de- X
We have been offered more
tlian twice what It coat, bat
liavo a price at which you
may lake It) below which,
wo will keep It.
at office
1 Buena VMa Addition
Conger Avenue, or
W. T. SfflVE
At Shlve Broa. Co.'a Store,
Itelntlvo to tho notice which ap
peared In Iho Kvenlug Herald of Aug-
iso 13th In regard lo tho Alaska owl
which Ii on exhibition In this city. It;
Is only doing Justice to the public to
ny that tho owl la not of tho Alaska
(pedes, but Is a common bnrn awl
frequently found In this section,
Alaska owls aro never found In this
lection. Donart & Son, taxidermists,
linvo made a specialty of bird lite,
and report that owls of the species
of tho ono on exhibition aro found In
many sections of tho Pacific coast.
Tho bird Is much smaller than the
Alaska owl.
W. II. flriibb of Thrall. Cul., has
been spending several weeks vlslllni;
with relatives In Iho vicinity of Ah
Innd nnd recuperating from n recent
severe Illness. Mr. Gmbb Is ouii of
thu early pioneers of this section of
Iho Hoguo Itlver valley and later was
ono of tho early settlers of Klamath
county, being for many years prom
inently Identified with stage -nnd
freight team transportation to that
region which has now Itself been In
vaded by tho Iron horso. Mr.
Grubb's present homo Is n farm at
tho junction of Fall creek with tho
Klamath river twelvo miles abovo
Thrall where the Siskiyou Electric
company has Its power plant. Ash'
land Tidings. .
Mrs. 8. II. Whlto will be at Mrs.
Klelda' beauty parlors with a full
lino of hair goods of hor own manu
facture, from tho best quality of
humnu hair at prices as reasonablo as
tho factory mado goods. Sho makes
'i specialty of making switches and
miff a from combings. Hair bought
and exchanged.
Mrs. II. Hudson and daughter of
Montagus aro paying this section a
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gates returned
last evening from Hlllsboro, Seattle,
Portland and Newport, whero they
havo been visiting for the past sev
eral weeks.
A. J, Swift, Henry Offcnbachcr and
Dan Johnson left this morning on a
pleasure and hunting trip combined.
Tho party will visit Crater lako and
then go after bear In tho mountains
Miss Annie Applcgato, eldest
Jaugnler of O. C. Applcgato, returned
homo last evening after visiting the
Chautauqua at Ashland. Mist Apple
Mto will take the examination hero
oday for a state certificate.
Geo. McDonald, Dert Wltherow and
lfe, Fred Houston and wife and C.
M. Ramsby and wlfo returned this
nfte.'nor-n from their fishing and
hunting trip. They killed six deer
.iiid one bear. The flihlng was tph-n
did. nnd the party hat, a time that
w.u the most enjoyable of their tlvej.
The Oregon Harness company, on
account of their growing bualneu,
has found It necessary to add another
room to their establishment on Weit
Main street, and with the arrival of
tho goods now ordered this entcrprli
Ing company will carry one of the
largest stocks in Southern Oregon.
Hiram Murdoch, who Is conect! with
this company, states that It Is the In
tention of his company to carry
the best goods that can be purchased,
and by paying spot cash for his stock
customers patronising this company
wll be able 10 get the best for the
least money.
"A Marriage of Convenience,"
forced against his will upon a younn
artist, and the consequent wreckage
of three happy Uvea; then, "A Tax on
Bachelors" you should tee the com
ical attempts of the old maids to cor
ral tho bachelors when an act la
passed forcing them to either accept
the first offer of marriage or pay a
heavy fine.
An interesting departure from the
conventional Is to be found In "Plain
Mame," where the heroine Is, to say
the least, not beautiful, but where
she shows a young dude, who baa
discarded her tor a cborua girl, that
sho Is perfectly capable of living
without him.
You all know Dllllkln! Come and
see him bring Joy to the Grouch fam
ily by merely smiling serenely
through all In cleverly acted skit
entitled "Grin and Win." Songs and
pictures changed every night.
To-morrow night "The Baby's
Shoes," a clerglcal heart atory; and
also, by special request, Wilbur
Wright's aeroplane exhibition will be
given extra.
Uox of money given away at tbo
Portland store Saturday night.
First National Bank vs. K. P. and
Mrs. Jessie A. Morgan. Action at law
to recover money. F. II. Mills at
torney tor plaintiff.
Secretary of the Interior Has to He
Caught for an Interview Over
t lie. Telephone.
SPOKANE, Wash., Augnst 11.
Beforo he left to Join the senate com
mittee on Irrigation which ia touring
the Northwest, Secretary Balllnger
last night refused to grant an audi
enco to a reporter sent to Interview
him regarding tho attitude of tbo de
partment of the Interior toward tba
water power trust In Montana.
Efforts were mado throughout the
day to see him, but the secretary re
fused to treat with hla would-be ln
terrogator except through the me
dium of a private secretary.
Finally Balllnger camo to a tele
phone and the following conversation
Says "Dope" la All Wrong
"That dope you put out-Is all
wrong and false," said Balllnger.
"I have tho records of the Bote
man land offlco and maps and certain
statements of Collins, which I would
like lo submit to you," aatd the re
porter. "I'll have no conference with you,"
replied the secretary; "you have mis
stated the case."
"I can prove to you by tho records
that the power trust grabbed Mon
tana lands," was tho reply.
"Then you havo misconstrued what
has happened," retorted Balllnger.
"I will not see you until It la
straightened out."
"You're the only one who can
straighten It out, Mr. Secretary."
Balllnger'a reply waa to hang up
his receiver and terminate the long
distance Interview.
Balllnger Explains In Type
Secretary Balllnger last night gave
to the Spokesman-Revlow state
ment ot his side of the case. He said:
"I have information from Wash
ington that the public records show
that no power sites or dam sites wore
taken up during tho tlmo that 1,000,
000 acres of land were opened for
entry In April. Even It tbo land
available for power sites waa entered
It could not proceed to patent, be
cause of a provision In the order
throwing it open to entry.
"The department ot the Interior is
making aa substantial progress as it
did under Secretary Garfield, only It
Is not advertising Itself."
Pardee Points Out Ileal Issne
To this statement former Governor
Pardee of California made trie fol
lowing reply:
"It la not a question of how much
(Continued on Second Page.)
j It Is Tried and Tested I
We do not take the manufacturers'
word for tbe.purlty of
Our Olive Oil
We test each and every lot that we
get by the most approved methods.
Wo are giving away ten-dollar
Electric Stand Lamp with Olive Oil
See our window for partlcuUrs.
Star Drug Store
"They Have It"
o ' ,
ft i f