A.. I fit 9 . b. IteJk 3 ' II !j si MARSH LANDS 50 Flit, CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER.; ABEL ADY OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL MTITS GREATEST BARGAINS AT SZSPEKACREJVNDj 1'HONE 30 EASY in TH EVENING HERALD ImmiI Dailr Etccpt 8unday, by the HERALD PUBLISHING GOMPANT W. O. SMITH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mir, ky-aall. om year I &.00 Mir. br "til. six month! 2.50 Mir, br nail. thrae month 1.55 Mir. br "HI. om Booth &0 Mir. aaHrarad br carrier, on week CO .KLAMATH FALLS. FRIDAY. AUGUST 13. 1909. THK Ti'nKIRH M.SS.CltK8 Starr TM br Aatertraa -W Who Waa WMaVM of the Hceaee of Hlaaghlcr. Tht lollolag U a recent Spokane dispatch to the Woman's National Dally: Mr. Edith C. Grosrenor of Spo- oae of the few American to-rltnees'tbeceremoay ac- eoataaalac the girding on of the aaredltary' word of the Turkish rul- era aad aa bowed to and amlled uaoa br the new saltan of Turkey, HamldKffeadl the ntth. had iur vltred perilous nights when her life depended upon the slaying of a tin gle Ckrlatlan, baa returned home Croat a toar fraught with Incidents aad exetteatent. Mra. aroarenor was In the party which pushed through the lines 'against the wishes of the American eeaaal at Coostantlaople and visited tasvaeeaea of the terrible bloodshed the day after scores of Christians and had It, chanced that a tingle Christian had been killed we would have liven In tho renter of the run Diet, which broke out at other place on leas provocation. It was In this period that many of the Christiana and Unites left tho city and In the dead of the night stole away. "The most beautiful sight on our entire trip waa at the coronation ceremony In the Turkish land, at tho girding on of the sword handed down for generations by the Turkish rulers when llamld V. waa mado sultan. Of course we were not admitted to the Immediate serrlce, but we saw all that other Kuroieant or Christians were allowed to sec. Klfendl him self was especially courteous to the Christians, and afforded them a fine vantage point from which to witness bis Brst procession to his morning selamllch the morning of tH cere mony. "Old and haggard as tho few ruler li l. bowed and smiled up-Mi thli group of Christians, surrounded by ter.rnl columns of soldle.-.t 'Pie splendor was magnificent. Kvery available carriage was pressed Into service and tho royal procession came as near to the splendor of such or. currenccs In days of Roman suprcni- acv as could noaslblr be Imaclned. been massacred. In telling Of Rnslsnri ham nnlhlns- so Imuoslnc as the excitement In Constantinople she aaJd: "Wadld aot aaa the real battles, Om vraaatata revoHs, We arrived la Constantinople against the wishes of oar coaaul tho day following, and war la the revottiag district for acv .al weeks. la Daasaacus we ei perteaeed the most perilous days, al though we were strongly protected by the governor or the city, who threatened at one time to turn the guns of the citadel upon the Moham medan quarter of the city should a single Christian be killed. "That night waa a perilous one. oriental coronation ceremony, and after the bloodshed of tho few tenths before this service on that bright May morning was far too splendid for the mind to put Into words. "We were treated with respect while In all of these places, and, al though we were warned by the con sul that any harm which befet us would be entirely at our own risk we had little trouble going from place to place. There were cities where the Inhabitants and members of the old Turks, looked at us with scorn and hatred, but who dared not lift their haad against as for fear not only of their own rulers, but of any MIIIIHHIMMMMMMMMMM'iMIMI.'IMMMMMM i Helping the Town M 1 la a kwaktfck reaw awa taw Waaler's power I i to boarew awry taatw la I roar atoaer away U to It la Help Wared hi a ITirst National Bank J of Klamath lalar 3 at hoaas helps ax M la pwt to work la ways that help all. ( imsslblo nr which Might ho declari'd by tho United Stilton. "At the timet)! Hie gtoiitest datigol I do not bollevo there- worn 20" Christian foreigner In Hie. oiillre turnup of elites lioililitoit h) Iho rein- IlllllllllstS." Mrs, llrosvonor was In the pari) which visited the Ylldlt palace, iiml the village harems, rrouiionll) the) wore entertained by the women of tho various village sheik ami ufler leaving Dnmnsctis felt little feiir of their lives. THK f.MINKtilK IIKIIO ItMl An Kxi'lrtitnlliin n! the Hiiihininciit Kihihii lly Tlinl Till.' Him to Hot II. In April, 1901, Andrew Carnegie created a fund ! 15,000,000 fur the benefit of the dependents of thine losing their lives In hemic effort In save their fellow men, or for the he roes themselves If Injured mil) Pro vision was also made for nieiluU to bo given In ciimmeiiiiirntliiii of he roic arts. The endowment known ns "The llcio l-'nml" was placed In the liniuls of a eommlsstun composed o! twont) one persons, residents o! I'lttshiirg. Pa., o! which Chnrles I,. Til) lor Is president and K M Wlltnot secre tary and manager o! the fluid. In his letter to the Hern I'nnil com mlsslun Mr. Carnegie outlined the general scheme, of the fund thus; "To plate those folliiwlng peat of ill voca tions who hate been Injur iil In liernlr effort losavtiuiuan life In somewhat better positions H-euiilarlly than be fore, until able to work again. In case of death, the widow und chil dren or other dependents nre to he provided for until she remarries mid the children until they reach a self- supporting age. For exceptional children exceptional 'grants may b made for exceptional education Orants of sums of money may nln be made to heroes or homines as the commission thinks advisable earh case to be judged on lis taerlla," The fund applies only to arts per formed within the United Stnte. o! America, the Dominion ! Canada, the colony o! Newfoundland find Hit waters thereof, and such acts must have been performed on in nfler April IS, 1901. Tbo commission has awtnlcd f? medals: I. I.r'imc. 35 silver jnd " gold. In a Idlllou to the mHi'Is mon ey has bjon shell for dhnhb-niei I benefits and seclal purposes .and fur tho dependents of (heroes w ho lost their lives, amounting to $53,750. Tho commission has also awarded fCI,tC2 for relic! of sufferers from disaster; at Ilrocton, Mass., 10,ono, and for tho California earthquake 154. 4C!!, with the addition of large sums expended on recent disasters DURABLE INK. Th Stertl of Its Mtmilteturt 3tmt to Havs Otin Lott. The Ink luaiiufiutuiir Ins mid" gre.lt strides In hit lleM He hi- lt dined ninny colored tluhl Ihit eeui well adapted In nidlmir) "0 "ut how long will this Ink hll wlllimil fadlugT Did )ou eier pick up n It'lbr writ tell leu or llflotli )car ago l d nolo how lunch or II Is lllogllle I iko IV Ink has faded! Some pr-il-m l " mollis not n oeiilnr) old are pi nod Inlay In air tight uises, m I lull Hie Ink will not ado nil) more iHlnrs hue boon mplid In ordtr to retain the e act ihlmgrapliy of Hie original niiium fading Ink Is one of the thing- In n tilth the nmlelils did Hot belli to Mane of the iimllacial inaiiuxilpK lilt nnd set en hundred )oar old life their letters riirmtil r ink uiai i black nod bright it on the da) iihui llrt wrllleii Who ha the se.nl f lid lul H of makliu durable Ink' II I iiuollwr one of the lost arts Hint I irth.i of Inicstlgatlun 'Iho niKhnt hid fctxr malrllals In work with nnd Its fai li ttle for lilsimlery let. but we mul Rcknowtlgo that Hit re are seine thing In whl.h Hie) fuelled u -World Tisla). Hon ill on retiuesl nrser) l1" Halnu, ,ite Dirgtin Diikoii Hl WAMHIl Hlrl for It lephmi' ni einlor. one wild eloil"in; l "' wink piof.ne.1 ppli al Miiiuath I'lllls nlllie I'OII 1.i: lltt ll.iiietuis I'Oll rt.M.I! Irfttl) s gelllle dlltllis horse. Willi sunet linUl" H K Hlnhle KOIl SVI.i: Al it bargain a No fin....- lkiiM.illi.r Willi 1 t It. t I. artier. In llrsl tiss iniidlllmi a MID litnililno for T fall ni K Trannfor otllie and sie II I'OII HVI.i: Irelgbl tuitin t I plile. inlislslltg of H loi'trt Mariioas slntiliti aim tuains . It nilKiOIS. llllullllt of MIIKi'll 0011, nil Ill Mi I ttinunii n wm" jj Son Park stable. Minlll Ore alld So 30 WALL STREET WAYS. I A Savings Account l imaajr day fast, a Ilia laaaraace pollcj, a sick beaeflt, a raaswaj a eat, aad aa old aae peaaloa. There la ao forfeltare aha paasbnnk, aad It la aader the owner's control at . Jt'ejfls atdo awa aver atakaaast It wlal ear for Ma laaaawjvaatgoi M wlU aaahlai Uwoagat alwaaw, aad i a liiai ha dies. It la a alatsle baalaeaa propoalUoa. i it ap, aad, Hfca aaaaaa la the desert, It hlaaaa he JJoaraeja. to opea aa accoaat with the Maaraii The dtlheds ! a Brllllaat Optrstor Many Years Age. One of Hie most brlllbint nM.Mturli f Wall 'street In Hie rurly sixties of the last tentury was Wulter Welluian Morse, though he was by tiimpirliui with some of the gruy hnlntl market veterans valy a mere boy, Uliu Just thirty years of age. The publie ion AdenM-be enjoyed made II HMsible for blm to realise profits In any stis-k. Puch was Hie Influence bis Indorse ment would carry that after lie bud accumulated stk at bis prlres be could tell his dally callers that Hie stock was due l go up. and liuim-dl ately there would be enough profes sions! and public buying of-1 he stool, to send It up, thus enabling Morse to onload at n profit. An example of Morse's ipularlly was illustrated In a scene ni company, ing the opening of suImk rlptlous for stock lu a toaf mining inuiiuiiy or ganized by hlin. The dsy Hiv subserlih llou book was opened is-ople flocked to the offlce and fought Willi each other In their efforts In enter nnd get their names recorded. One man nhn had subscribed for a large amount of lul stock, after getting away from the crowd, came back und, .walking up to Mr. Morse, said, "I say, Mr, Morse, was that gnu) or coal stock I sub scribed orr-Moodys Magatlne. Joy of a Yswn, Whrli life sceni no re than tnitnlly lutlpld-aiiil mii li moon nW ilo come In clou the limit hopeful of II thore I a sudden pleasant ui..itti lu the yaw ii of Ike terrier oil the riis lfle the tire. "Alt. )ou, t'-.. Hud thing u little Isirlng. old follow'" wc 1) In oiirselles. A tlog JillrlK nobl). tiuk lug mi attempt at illgulliig It with politely uplifted iw All ilillmnl seem to enjoy n jann eMept in in. We once saw Hie hie limouled hip. pstaiuii ut the r" lift hluiMlf slow ly from hi murky m.h I and )awu II was a great seot.iile, trouioii'tiiut. Ilo merle The emu eiilmlnl l.rrdoni of the whole creation strniril epreoil In that glgJtitle r.iP I'or n few f i tlnalcd Innuielits susl, hid, railing, people, nil nMiml merged III "lie n Inssal innuhl. It nut wniidorfitl Oh we thought n we lame nnay In Is able In yaw 11 like (hit when life le coine tisi silly! Pall Mull Hurdle Ct Out cf Doors. Trudeau's ehs'le eviwrlineiil -.lnt a In the right dlnviloii Afiir Ims ulatlns n tiuoiNr of rabbits with ttt berrulosls be confined a liuiutn-r of them Indoor and turinil Ihr other outdoors. The latter all n-nirrttl. while Hie former all died. This eor linetit shows tint n rabbit 111 log iiti Us natural food and un.hr n natural rnvlnmmrnt I prisif against tiiUrcti loslt. There Is nliundanl reauui to ! Ilrve Hilt equally I rue- of nun. In other minis, iiilori'Ulols . not u iico essary evil of human life, but I n mil. ural t-nnsctpicnco of erroiirout habits nnd drrture from natural coiidllhms. Man It iialumlty nil outdoor animal A mole Hies n healthy life In a bur phi A man must Ilio In I lie fn.li air ami the sunshine, Mod Ira I Ueeord Ths Brigand). 'the n-ord lrl;niid" Is ib-rlml from a imr.lou of the urufor worn by ante rr. Ilugllsli 'ind foreign, iiurleully callnl Hie'hrlxumlliio." This coiil. oil of mi liproti of leather philcd our, scale fashion, with t li (it plis-i-M of slrel. From the Irngularltlm of lie light nrinod mill who wore tho.e iefeiies Hie name of brigand Ix-ame In imirie nf I hue Infamous. WANT ADS. Hilt H.W.K Ileal Estate, IIAVK n few lots to glvo'nwa) In Opportunity nddlllun on thu Upper lake to parties wishing In build homos. Heller hurry and gel one of Iheso they nrii absnlutoly freo. Boo thn owner, K. I). JIuellonaM, KOIl HAl.K A now bungalow, with x rooms nnd bath; flno location on filllslilH near High Hchool. Inquire at Herald office. misi'i:i.um:hs. Till! Southern Pin Hit' but now nu sate round trip tickets In rtoatlle. goo.l for sixty d)s with ptlvllegu of stopnur nl an) isdnt en mule for lis "5. 'Iho Html limit ou Hiesti III kits expllos Oiliihor 3lt OIIIHIlt )nur lie frni'i 'I I! "hansler iiiuipaii) KI'llMHIIKI) iiHimt nnd apailmnitt at the llaldwlu I'l'MHM' luiported remeiit Jml re iiIUhI, rnrlonil Allu'ti rotiit tit In Iron h.inels llaldwlu Hardware t'n to i:tii.Miiu rt) KXCIIANHK California for t)it guu, K.O nnos diolt-d land, title porfctt, nn morlgago, fruit, ginln and grupts Pur arrtuge at or near l.litu .lib Palls II I) Hlbley. P O l.oi 1.17, San lloriiardlnn, I'al REFRIGERATORS Cold Slorarte vB' s-isa a laS"" J WHliCXiiiauici j Food i Chamber j $21 to $24.50 -" - Reliable tnlvon- t ized Food i Chamber 4Jt $17 $21 ROBERTS & HANK HARDWARE MERCHANTS "j SW'vlTSsM y&r'rzf'sY I 5 VA its tin nun mii vJ f) WHITE MOUNTAIN fi t IKIil.l k Jl i TY, tti nit tmc iiiiiii W fa T y s m . m CW m t m msu aws sun. mi W Ij ffi ROBERTS 6nl Thanks noik i oi m:i-ii.i:mi:m' iinai, audi r or NOTIt'l! I henb) glten Hint .Met Martin Jr . a.linliil.trnlor nf Hie es tate nf limine) H llnwren. df'eeaacd. ha filed with the Count) I'niirl at Klatuiilli Count). On gnu, for settle ment his llnal uirniinl lu the adnilu titration nf the said estate, mil that .Morula). Auguit 3uth, at 2 00 p in nl the loiirthiiii... In said inunly und Htuto Hie lime and plarn fltivl for Hie hearing nf nuy and till nhjet lions In said flnnl nrroiint and Hit' sctlliw ment therenf, and any eroti Inter estisl inn) appear and file eireptluiis to said arroiint and mutest In saiiio AI.HX MAIITIN JH, Administrator of the Htiatn of Hod- ney H llnwen, Ik-coated sin:i:iri-h sn.i: POIl HAI.K H acres. Bo iirreii In crop; .1 hornet, wagon, set nf bur- nous, 2 cows, 22& thickens; fi-ioom bungalow, fornlHhfd. I miles from town; lioo per inrea; i-nsy terms II. K. I'olntur, Klatnnth Palls. . ':'- i firit IfeMtvMid Sci ifigi Bank i trft"iSfsyv" y -' I trading the artistic life," says the philosopher of folly, "consists In buy ing old candlesticks when you need new shoe."-CleTland Lesdcr. Lalrd-Weel, Donald. I met the mln. later In London, lie teems to be bene fiting by the change Donald-Hae art we, sir; sac are wel-Ixindou Mall. Mett Anything. Club Doctor (Willi view to dlacnotlti And uoir, my man. what do you annxT ratient (cbeerrullyi-Oli-er-well, doctor, I'll teste that to ou-nystaader. Nor Cats en Rteord. ilrooks."'nkid niiera. ''do yon know what will cure n nartJ" "I tiner heard ut a wart being tick," said Brooks, without looking up from his writing. MWT AWl r'OII.M). LOST Tun leather handbag tiinlnln- Itirf piirso with iniiuey, u pnalnfllni key and other ut tides. Kinder please t ut urn to this odlcu. HKI.P WANTED. A0KNT8 wanted In every Inwn for tho Hteel AdJiiKluhlo llamelcss llorso Collars. No puds, humex, ulrups; inn ho used with any kind nl tug utlaaiinunts. Will nut gall horso li winr out Will not (orrodo or rust. Prlio IU.0O each. Ask tion- ,l....l,. rno inr iiicrnturo nuvt-r uouipuny. ei limlvo dlsirlli. ulors I'atlllct'oatt Hlales, Albany.Oni. T'LKi 0ftK"n N'irstry r!oiiipanyor Halorn, Oregon, Iho largest and beat-known nursery company In tho Northwest, has openings for two nr three slrady and rullablo salesmen for Southern Oregon and Northern California territories. Pull Informa- Whereat. Judgment was rendered and er.tered on Iho 2Clh day nf , rll I l'.)o:i, In an action lu the Jus Ire I Court fur thn Prorlnrl nf l.lnl v.n ' Klamath Count). Hiuii- if Oi.-r.-n. bciore U J.lll , o ro ,. tin j e f. r said pretlnrl. holweiu II W Kohsoo plalntlrr. and J P Hi III ' tun, duiotidiiiit, in Into. , ii,iu.tin .nu Lgain i Li.i'tti.uiu iur il -j'i. nf St ,t Hi. Mln iT5t i'i 'n ..r st thi-nm nt the rate of tll t) Hr tent per nuniiui Imiil Hut :oih ib nf April, IHO;, and Ihu further sum nf Thlrlei n and Twenl).lvo Onn-liuti-ilreillhs dollars (113 22) rn.ts and dltliursomtints, nnd whereat n trail irrlpt of tuild judgment nnd prnreud lugs had hefnru said Justice of thn poarn In said into has bteu filed In Iho iiltlco of Ihn County Clerk of Kl.imnlh (.'unity, Oregon, and which said Judgment was duly docketed lu Ihu Judgment ducket of thu Circuit Court uf Him Ktalo of Oregon for Ihu Ciiuiily of 'Klamath, on thn 13th day of .May, 1909, and Iho sum nf Htivun- ty.tlvo dollars ($;r), with Intercut tlnireon nt thn rnlo of nla (C) per cent per iitinum Imiu the 2iltli day of April, 1909. nnd Thirteen and Turn. ty-llvn Oni-huridrcdlhs ilnllnrs (Il3,2r) main nnd disbursements n! said action In now dun Ihennn; nnd by virtue of nn exiciilluu Issued by Ihn Clerk of thu Circuit Court nf thn Hlnlu of Oregon for I hit C ily nf Kiamnui, on n.ilil Judgment, nun. liinnilliii. inn I,. .Mil.iu ai.i i.,.. ."" " ""'I-.; ni'i jsiik-i mint, lnti.ri.ut fiiwl f.iulu ...., ... i...i pursunul properly nf snld J. I! Hulll vun, and for wnnl Ihennf, then nut uf tho rial property belonging n snld J. I!. Hiillhan, in snld Ciiuiily nf i.oiiiimii nun rnuiu nr on gun, mid not being nhle. nfler iIIIIl-i nl n.,.r. I, nnd Inniilrv. tn nml nnv ,....-., i I. ---,. .... ,..,.fii.t, properly hcliiugliig In J I!, Kulllvmi in nam (utility, nut nf whlih to sails. ly emu jitiigment or nny part lliercof, i I havn levied uooti Hu, ruti.iu i.... .i.. ' wrlluil reul ptnperly of thu defend-1 ant J, I!, Hulllvnn, tn-wlt: HCU oft m.vi ui minim 21, fiWVt (if NWW nf Hedlon 27, i:i4 nf HIJIJ or Hoc I Hon 28, Township 37 Mouth, lliingu, 13 Last nf Wllhuuello meridian In I wri-Kmi. otl(l is Iherefiirn hereby given tlinl by vliluu nf rnld ikociiIIiiu win. on .noiioay, inn ,ioili day nf Au gust, 1909. at Ihu hour of ' i.M,.,.l, III thn nfleruiinn of snld duv. m 11,,. iruiii in urn loiiroiousn iinur lu KIiiiii nth Palls, Oregon, sell nt public mte linn to thu hlghcij bidder for lush lu hmid, tho nbovti desrrlhod renl nmo. Address NolHon 1 rtr, nr so tnodi I lien of ns may lm Kiosnurjr 10 saiisiy Bald Juilgiuiuit In f,"V.,r "'" W Kmhimi nnd ngnlnst J' '"."'J'llvaiii Ingilher wllh nil insls und dlsbursvinenlH thut hnvo or may accrue.. Dated nt Klamntli Palls, Oregon. IhltSOIh day of July, 19091 W. II. HAUNCH, Sheriff of Klamndi County 7-30 8-28 Choice Garden Lands FOR RENT A few plots of choice land for tfarden; foul Cabbage, Celery or other truck, under Irrigation and convenient FRANK IRA WHI CAPT. O. C. APPLKGATE Nflh Street Bflf? Has mme Lot Dardaltts for you ?. -- ! China and Glassw! Don't you want eoinn litre Dlnaer Ware, VanT ' Plates, Tumblers, Jsrdlnlorrs, Omameuts, Cliambrr Kelt, I CiMilrrs, Kreen-rslliliigs useful anil oninioeiital fur )oa' anil table? We tnrry smli Uaullful Cliloa Hie In plain anil gold rlitiimil. Met' our rtleiisltp dlspla;. largest slock In Hm rlly ami at suili Inn prices. 1 GEO. R. HURN HARI DEAt --... vv v.aa . . .aan-4.. O. K. TRANSFER C It'cp us inoviii,'; wc arc prepared for wwl TcniiiiiK, tlr.'iyitiir ami forwardiiur. U nol Reliable and prompt service worth)' '"cl Attention? Day or Night. We're not a coffi Numl'iT phones, odicc 871 and 873 the bi'l S-'ty: Baggage and Pianos are .spcctalliJ Freilit orders handled quickly. No I'M Equipped with the only piano truck l''l Reasonable rates on eoods stored. IW"I C'dl or photic us before plnciiiK ordert' O. K. TRANSFER C -Tui !l a 4 A K H'.1.